The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, December 04, 1880, Image 3

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TJiq Coast Mail.
HosKiiUMJ LANnOKncK,Aug.4,1880
To Am. Whom it May Conokhn.
I hereby glvo notlco tlmt I Jmvo dns.
ignatoil (ho Coast Mm ns thu paper
in which I fdmllhenmflor publish nil
pre-emption nud homeatond notices,
nd implications for mining patents
for lands lying near Mnrsliflold,
Coos county, Oregon.
Wm. P. Hknjamin, Register.
ImpertHHt Mocleloit.
Il wcok. Jml(r nn..i.. i-
- ..Bw .'V.IU V 111
Tho Areata sailed Wednosday and
in duo.
Tolls aro taken again on tho Coos
-ay wagon road.
Goo. Ilonnott Eu, of I) andon was in
town thin week.
Tho City election next Tuesday;
bring your candidates.
Tho schooner lniflo takes a cargo
o( lumber from Lobroo's mill.
A. Q. Aiken will soon rpturn to tho
Sixes mines to pass the Hlntcr.
Ono hundred and twenty-seven pu
pils attend tho saliool'ut thU place.
Thou. P. Sheridan Esq., of itosc
burg, In stopping at his placo near
Coos City.
K. l)l)eun fe Co. have just oponod
n flua assortment of crock'ory, glass
nnd China ware.
Tho 8ohoonors Tm Ulroiule mid Iitn
Schnmtr took deck loads at Dean
A. Co', wharf.
Moro rain fell Wednesday and
Thursday of this neck than has fall
en boforo this fall.
- Public school in Ellfiisburg will
commence shortly under the super
vision of Mr. J. F. Murrs.
The schooner Itiy River arrived
Wednesday: she taken coal at New
port and a deck load of lumber at
James Laird was down to Coos City
this week with his wagon, tho bridges
on this end of tho rosd being all
IUoklilT'ii steamer Little Annie has
resumed her trips on tho CmptiHe
river, and is In tho hands of her old
captain, C. K. Kd wards.
Wo woro In error last week in say
ing thuL tttc Ohm liny wagon road
, wan open lor travel with wagons;
there is yet a short distance in tho
canyon to bo repaired.
Tho steamer Mary Taylor has heen
refitted and will ungago in towing on
tho Culutubia bar. Themis ulso talk
of two powerful iron lugs coming
rout Chester, Poiin., to operate In the
name Imsinom.
I.Ist of letters remaining in tho
I'ostofllco lit Marshllold, Coos county,
Or., Deo. 1st 1880: J. C. Drown, Pe
ter Dcriok, Hirum T. Hall, Carrio S.
Jours, Michael Mudegau, Heturped
to A. 8., Annie Peterson, A.J.Pol
lard, Mrs. Howard Thomas, Win. Kay.
Stephen C. Kogors, registered.
A. auuiki, P. M.
Unlfltll Rlnl.. I! I.
OU his dooislonln favor of tho plaintiffs
in tho oaso of tho Coos Day Wr.gon
Road Company against Charles
Crocker, of Ban Francisco, affecting
'"""" "' "" "nu grant nlong tho
road boiwoon hero and Kosoburg
Tho decision of tho Court sustains
tho -vendor's Hon" of the plaintiffs on
all the lands belonging to tho grant
that won formerly convoyed toMlllor,
or tho unpaid balanoo of the prico
aurcml to bo paid for tho wholo grant,
ihisbnlancojwobollovo, bolng about
$70,000. Unless this sum is paid, it
will bo onforcedhy a sale of tho land,
or so much thoroof as may bo noeos-
aary to mako the paymont with costs.
This decision is vurv ImnnWnm '
residents of this county, as It hastens
tho time when tho lauds tlmt im
boon for years tlod up by this contro
versy, will bo open for salo and Im
provement. Unless tho. dofoudant
appoals to tho Supromo Court of tlm
United Stales, parties wishing to so-
uuro tracts of this land may soon
have an opportunity to do no ; should
such appeal bo taken, it may be years
boforo a final decision is reached.
Tko NttprcmoCoHri.
An act was passed by tho lato Leg
islature changing tho timo for hold
ing tho Supremo Court from January
and July as heretofore to March and
October, tho section reading as fol
lows :
Altat a term of tho Supromo Court
shall bo held at tho seat of Govern
moot on tho first Monday of October
and March of each year.
This act goes into effect by opera
tion of the provision of tho State Con
stitution, on the 20th of January
next, whilo tho regular term of that
Court under tho existing law will
commetieo on tho first Monday in
January. It was intended to put the
coming term over till March, but on
account of an oversight in not hav
ing the act take effect from its ap
proval, it appears to leavo it so that
the regular January term will have
to bo held.
Land Sau. -Thos. P. Sheridan has
eohl 103 acres of tho unimproved por
tion of his placo opposite Coos City
to 11. D. Jones for tho consideration of
$3,000. It ia understood that tho pur
chase is for tho purposo of opening
u now tunnel In tho Southport mine,
nud tho erection of a iunv hunker.
Should this bo tho case it will doublo
the capacity of tho initio, and form
no important addition to tho coal
.hipmctit from tho Day.
Gone to Pir.CKS. -During the storm
and high tide of Wednesday night
and Thursday morning, tho hull of
, tho Ttljair was torn to pioces by tho
" sea. The cabin was towed to Empiro
City. Tho efforts that havo been
tuado to mnvo her have involved con
cddtrablo expense and loss to tho
contractors, and the prospect of recov
ering the machinery is probably i.ow
less encouragclng than over.
Thoro wero upwards of sixtcon bun
"' dred tons of wheat raised this soason
..on tboCoquille.
Btuvo wood to any amount can bo
- had along the Ooqulllo rivor for 7 50
per .thousand.
A friend of ours complains that It
took him fivo days to got from Dan
don to Empire City.
Tto schooners Mom and Cftumpfon
aro lying at tho Uaudou wharf, wait
a chanco to got to sea, l'hoy havo on
board 000 barrels of salmon,
This wcok has brought ths highest
tides of tho season. Tho flow of tho
' tide is evidently not obstructed by tho
oribiyork near tho entrance
A largo bear walked iuto Coaledo
ast Monday night and uuuoxcd a hog
IbolonglngjoMr. Green. A low days
boforo tho follow, or another of his
tribo, walked off with ono of Mr
Grow' hogs, Kill 'em I
Tho bar at tho mouth of tho Co;
quillo Is woreo than over boforo, on
"account of two additional channels
'haying formed on tho North Spit,
thus diminishing the How ol water in
tho Dialnchannil.
IMNllHRiiUhct: Traveler.
A Now York dispatch of tho 20th
ult. suys: There nrrived hero to
day in the ftunmuhip "City of Hrus
hcIs," from Liverpool, Ksoofnlly
Iliptoht, of Honibay, u merchant
prince, brings with him his four
nntivb wives. Those were in chnrgo
of another woman nnd n eunuch.
In addition thero wero porvnnts of
thu male sex, varying in fiizc, height
and ugo. I ho prince says: Each
sonant has certain things to do; no
servant does two things, nnd when
I get tired and weary I make thum
(limine inc. They arc all good mu
sicians. During our trip across
thoy had plenty of opportunity for
practice, and in that timo sonio of
our most solemn feast took placo.
To these wo invited nil of the pas
sengers, nnd they appeared highly
amused. Then I havo my conjurer
my smoke channor, and my women,
who dance boforo mo after dinner.
When tho princo of Wales visited
Bombay soino years ago, I enter
tained him, and on that occasion
my wives snowed tuoir million
dunce. Tho princo says ho is hero
just to sco tho United States.
1-ui In ChliaUh ttport.
Wednesday of last weak at Spokane
Falls, W. T., while Mrs. Lieut. Kiiuio
was absent from home, a gun was dis
charged in the hands of her little boy
which resulted in tho immediate
death of a neighbor's child It seems
that little Do8sio Quiun, aged about
ten years, was staying with Mrs. Kin
xie's children, and endoavorlng to
... -. .. iL.ii.i .1 tial at H aliJk tMnlllAK'd nil.
uiiiusu ilium uuiiii), mo iiiuiuui a -
an...... QI.ii tt'tita unl fnilti,rt von' L'ill I
OUIIVV. fcJIIVI ...j .UV v.u..) iv.j ...
and was reclining on tho bod with a
littlo child; whilo tho bright little
Kinr.10 boy, aged about six years, was
amusing himself and tho rest of tho
children by playing with a Sharp's
riflo. Ho discovered a cartridge
which was not known to bo In tho
houso and playfully put it into tho
gun. In showing Dossio how it would
shoot, ho pointed it at her, probably
resting tho gun on tho pillow. With
out knowing what a frightful thing
ho was doing ho pulled tho triggor,
killing her instantly. The chargo
entered her left 'shoulder and camo
out back of tlw right shouldor
Neighbors, alarmed at tho roport of
tho gun, hurried to tho room and
found tho littlo children endeavoring
toraisotho lifoless child and causo
her to speak onoo more. Tho babe,
with which littlo Dcssio had been 10
elining, was touched by tho burning
Weather up tho Columbia is get
ting vory cold.
Nvlgatlon on tho Hudegn rhcrls
practically closed by Ice.
Tho excltomont at Victoria is about
quartz from Takoo rivor, supposed to
bo rich.
Tho total voto of Orogon at tho lato
election was '10,793; Qorfiold'a majori
ty 003.
Thomas, tho DroomfioJd murdorer,
was sentenced o bo hanged by Judgo
Wlngard, of Walla Walla.
Meacham has been released on tljo
chargo of complicity in tho murder of
Jackson, on $0,000 bail.
Sovoral sovcro shocks of earth
quake havo boon folt in Southern
Austria, during tho past month.
Only two counties responded to
Illinium's circular calling testimony
as alleged frauds in New York.
Dr. C. 8. May, of tho Stato Insane
Asylnm of Dauvcrs, Mass , has been
removed for bolng too familiar with
some of tho attendants.
Thoy aro talking of suspending th
writ of Habeas Corput in portions of
Ireland, $o serious aro tho difnoultlos
with tho tenantry.
Tho Ovorland Stago Company havo
just built two fino covered sleighs to
uso on tho Scott Mountain this win
ter. It is thought that tho gold yeild
this year at Cassier will reach $250,000.
Over ICO men will winter at tho
Tho fog horn for tho now Tillamook
rock light housa will soon bo at Astoria
from New York. As soon as recived
thoro it will bo put up and tested.
Gov. Williams, of Indiana, is seri
ously ill of inllama'ion of the bladdor.
Fears aro entertained that he will not
live to complete his term of ollice.
Louiso Wiokiuan, of Chicago, was
derorted by her husband, last Spring
and a few days siuco slio died in a
Chicago outhouso giving birth to a
child, every ono to whom sho had ap
plied for assistance having refused
Peter Lamar, a young lawyer, was
found guilty of robbing tho United
States mail and $90 from McCainmou
of Spokan Falls, and recommended to
the mercy of tho court.
Tho publishers of tho Mercury in
Portland have been indicted by the
grand jury for libel, against ono W.
II. Cowij. Cowio had had his house
burned it), and it appears that the
paper published something reflecting
upon him, which furnishes the basis
for this prosecution.
A soap eating match was a diver
sion nt Springfield, Ohio. Tho
quickest devourer, of n bar of yellow
soap got a prize of ifj. llio winner
preformed tho feat in less than an
hour, but was much longer in the
hands of a physician becnuso tho
ye poisoned him.
An exchange sayh two and three
quarter millions ot salmon eggs havo
been taken tit tho fish hatchery at tho
Clackamas in splendid condition
Tho buildings aro warmer than form
erly, and tho stoves aro up bo as to
prevent a repetition of tho loss of
cues by freezing should tho weather
turn cold. 0or 100,000 young fish
have already been turned into tho
Tho Now York Star says on tho
cornorof Grovo and Ulecker streets
tho Pullman Palaoo Car Company i
erecting a largo live story brick build
ing, to bo used for laundry purposes
Mackey, of South Carol na, says h
owoa his election to a blunder of tho
Domocratto managors. Thoy expoct
cd only a Kepublican majority or 5,000
or 0,000 to falsify and ovorcomo,
whoiaiis tho Kopnbliouns polled over
10,000 which made about 1,000 moio
orMaokoython th cro wero of fraud,
lout ti ssuo ballots placed in tho box
es. Now tho Democrats proposo to
do as thoy havo dono in Ghalmcr's
District throw out enough Kopubll
ran votos to givo tho Democrat a
majority. ifWcrfo n,"dt'
intlio sorvico of their system. It
reported that -00 celestial washermen
aro to bo imported from San Francisco
by tho company. With tho exception
ol an overseer or two, no whito labor
will bo employed on tho promises.
Tho Supromo Court of Pennsylva
nia has decided that whore a bill of
lading is attached to a draft as secur
ity for its payment, and is transferred
for a valuablo consideration ; it is an
apporprialion of tho proporly contain
ed in the bill, whbthor it is indorsed
or not. Tho fact that tho draft was
for more than tho proceeds of tho
shipment docs not alter the rule.
The Jsfowin says W. P. Watkind
is engaged with his attorneys ins
Salem, preparing for a trial of tho
case in which the Stato is plaintiff
and himsolf dofoudant. Ho seems to
havo littlo fear of a judgement boing
rendered against him, but rumor says
ho has hedged against tho collection
orsuoli judgmont by.his lato failure
in business. Should this case go in
favor of Watkinds, thoro will proba
bly bo no further proceedings against
Chadwiok and others, who hao boon
charged with tabbing tho Stato.
William Fnwver, says tho Stutr'
wan, an old man about sixty years of
ago, living on tho island bolow Har
risburg, on tho old Ingcam placo, was
instantly killed ono day last week,
whilo digging potatoes in tho Hold
near his hoiibo. Tho wind was blow,
ing strong, and broko off tho top of a
balm trco near whoro ho was at work.
In trying to avoid tho tree it appears
ho ran directly under It, and it struck
him on tho bead, mashing in tho
skull and breaking his neck. Ho wus
a, sober, industrious Icitiron, and loaveB
a WHO limt Six snnm hmicii hi
mourn his ead and untimely end,
Matt KeVked-
On last Saturday night, the 20th
inst., says tho Jacksonville "Sentin
el, tho stago coming north with Joo
Mason as driver, was stopped by a
robbor on tho road hotweon Cotton
wood and Coles, Tho robber de
manded the express jjox nnd regis
tered mail bag. Thero being an up
grado in tho road whoro tho stago
was stopped tho horses commenced
backing, and tho driver told tho
robber that as tho team would't
stand nt this point ho would drivo a
short distance ahead to a flat, to
which proposition tho robber con
sented. Upon reaching tho so-called
flat the driver whipped up his
horses and left tho highwayman in
tho rear. Dut tho robber had secur
ed ono of tho mail bags which lay on
top of tho express bo and contained
nil tho registered packages for
J acksonville and other points. Tho
packages wero mostly of the bulk
order, among them a $100 package
of stamps for ths Jacksonville office.
Tho mail sack was found cut open
and left on the road side : but the
next day when, it wop.ouiid none of
its contents seemed to bo missing.
Tho southern bound stage picked it
up returning it to Yrekn.
says tho Albany Democrat from Mr. II.
II. Hewott that ono day last wcok a
lad about fifteen years of ago, named
Chas. Thompson, becamo unruly at
school at Halsoy, and tho teacher Mr.
II. Gaston, give him hi? choice of
taking a whipping, boing expelled
from school, or doing as ho was bade.
Ho didn't seem to like theso terms,
and wouldn't como to "an amicablo
agreoment upon anv of them. The
teacher undertook then to forcibly
expel him from tho school, and Hi
boy drew a delapidatcd old pistol out
ot his pocket, and in trying to got it
nto working order it went off, and
the ball struck in tho floor at Mr.
Gaston's feet. Tho teacher took the
pistol away from him and put him
out of tho house. He wus afterwards
arrested and tried before Justice
Stewart on tho chargo of an assault
witli n dangerous weapon, and the
Justico thought tho evidence was
sufficient to wanrent him in binding
tho young blood over to aw lit action
of grand jury, which ho did, placing
tho bo'ids at $300. Deputy District
Attorney Hewott, of this cily, prose
cuted, and Jas. M. Thompson, of
Eugene, defended. Wo understand
bail was given immediately. "
A riendlnU Attempt.
Two Portlend hoodlum?, named
Dakopaud Lord, got oyUio-Xi Prail
road train at Ivalama, W- T., the other
day, and on refusing" to pay tho usu
al fare, wero put off. They walked
down tho track some distanco, and
proceeded to pilo a number of ties
directly across tho road, with tho ev
ident purpose of wrecking tho train.
Tho barricade was discovered by the
engineer in time to provent a collision
The desperadoes wero arrested, and
will probably havo long terms in tho
Territorial Penitentiary.
Fatal AttVajr at &oIhc City.
A dispatch of tho 27th says : Geo.
Kennedy, a packer, was stabbed this
morning by a San Francisco hoodlum
named Jimmy Gates. Kennedy will
die. Tho assault was unprovoked.
Gates escaped, but was caught this
afternoon about 4 o'clock at a China
houso near Doiso rivor bridge, half a
mile north of town. A largo crowd
gathced around him immediately
and threatened to hang him. It was
hard work for tho officers to escort
him to jail. Thoro is still apprehen
sions that tho mob will break tho jail
open and hang him.
The Popular Vote for Prenldcat
Thoro has been much conjecturo
and various conflicting statements as
to the popular voto. n tho lato Presi
dential eke t ion, but the Chicago
Tribune furnishes tho following statc
of majorities, takon frnm Official
returns from every Stato in- the
Union : Garfield, 1,439',415Hancook,
4,430,qi4 Wcavcr605)729 ( Dow, 0,
G44 ; scattering. Ir73 ; fotnl, 0,102,-
505. Garfield's plurality pvor W.-S
Hancock, 3,401.
Lut-nicK, Nov. 18. Last night the
Custodian of a farm near Newpolls,
from which the tenant had been evict
ed, was shot dead by his fireside.
Tho nephow of an evicted tenant
has bcon identified as tho man who
shot the custodian of the farm near
Ked Hook. N. J., Nov. 12. Wm.
Grovor, aged 50, was shot dead by
his wife, aged 13.
Norwich, Conn. Nov. 27 Last
night Jas. Goodo was mortally Injur
ed and Mrs. Kelly fatally stabbed dur
ing a quarrel between Goodo and J.
Kelly and his wifo.
Chicago, Nov. 20. Tolcgrams from
Colorado say that a snow-slide near
Chalk Creek buried CO laborers on tho
railway. Ono, John Dim, was killed
and nine soverely wounded.
Skt.ina, I tid., Nov. 11. A man shot
himself in the head with a pistol, near
this placo, last evening, because his
wife, who has somo means, would not
agrco to maintain him without labor.
He is not dead yet, but is expected to
livo but a few hours.
CiiattAnoooa, Nov. 10. To-day a
boiler in Capt. O'Neal's saw and grist
mill near Stevenson, Alabama, ex
ploded, killing four men and wound
ing two fatally and two seriously.
Tho mill was destroyed. Tho catas
trophe was caused by the carelessness
of the engineer.
Omaha, Nov. 13. Last Tuesday
night, in Holt county, Neb., a party
of settlers, with a number of tho
"floating population," proceeded to
tho house of Gilespic, a farmer, to
wreak vengeance on him for suspect
ed complicity in extensive cases of
claim-jumping which outsiders had
been carrying on. The party intend
ed to cither tar and feather Galcspic
or ride him on a rail. He made a
deadly defense and fired through the
panels of his door with a shot-gun.
Ono chargo struck a farm laborer
named Keys, penetrating his stomach,
and killing him instantly. Keys was
22 years of ago, unmarried, and had
been a resident of tho frontier a long
time. Galespic, who is said to havo
been a Sheriff at one time, has not
been arrested and probably will not
bo. Tho people exonerate him and
say nothing will be dono with him
Buffaix) Nov. 11. Yesterday
afternoon two girls named Bryant
wero visiting at the residence of
Edward Kclley. They engaged in a
playful scuffle with James Kelley
aged IS years, the event of which
was that Tinnis Bryant, aged 20,
took from a box which happened to
stand on the table a single-barreled
pistol. Sho pointed it at James,
and said in a Eportivo way.
"Your money or your life !" He,
nlso supposing it . was not loaded
said, "Firo away" I She pulled tho
trigger, and the result proved that
it was loaded, the bullet taking ef
fect in the unfortunate man's ab
domen, inflicting a wound from
which ho died last night. Tho
young lady, who is terribly over
como by tho unhappy occurrence,
was arrested, and is now held at po
lico head quarters.
Mrh Tern to -VagYHCMtM.
Tho Portland Bulletin gives the fol
lowing account of a shocking acci
dent that occurred in Wcidlcr's mill
in that city, on the 20th ult : A work
man was repairing tho belt which
runs from the main line shaft to- tho
lath machinc,and John Olscn, Swede,
was assisting. Ho had mounted a
pilo ot slabs which enabled him to
support tho belt and keep it off the
shaft while the men were riveting tho
break. Just how it all happened no
ono will never know, but tho employ
es were suddenly conscious of a catas
torpho which is sufficient to fill any
mind with horror, and paralyizo it
for tho timo being with a sickening
senso of its awfulncss. Tho young
man seen whirling with frightful
rapidity in the embrace of tho shaft
by which be had been caught, and in
the next, tho frightened, powerless
men saw his body literally severed in
twain at the abdomen. Tho trunk of
tho body was hurled forward through
tho door into an adjoining room tho
legs dropped to tho floor beneath,
and ono arm, which had been wrench
off, remained fastened to the shaft
whore ttic belt rested upon it. Jbor a
minute or so after, tho accident the
nerves of tho face continued to twitch
and distort tho features as though tho
death agonies wero only then being
suffered, instead of lifo being extinct.
llio iragments ol tiio body were
gathered up by tho workmen and re
moved to tho dwelling occupied by
his two brothors and himself, all of
whom are employed at the mill, and
were engaged at work during the time
of the occurrence, though the brothers
were spared tho awful sight by per
forming duties in another part of the
S ju C E! jE y
MaUrcfiscn d) JletUtemU,
Chairs 0 Zotiiiffcnf
Vrlbn C Cradle,
CoHHtlMflr-reesH FarMltarer
3fade to Order.
COFFIX8 made at shortest notice.
Attachments, Needles fcc.
F. MARK, ,.
lvltf PnorniETOa
C. Howo requests us to announce
that ho will bo on tho Bay noxt week
with fruit trees, to fill his orders.
Persons who have ordered trees aro
requested to be ready to receive and
pay for them.
Thero will bo a Public Examina
tion of Teachers at Marshfield on
Thursday, December 30th 1880.
Teachers interested nro earnestly
requested to attend. ;.
A. B. Ca5h,
School Superintendent."
AH Profcssinial calls requested of
me win dc promptly aiicnuea to
during my absence by my partner,
T. C. Mackey M D., who will always
be found at my Drug store or at
his residence, if not niofessionallv
C. B. Golden.
Tho Cunard Company 'havo con
cluded contracts for tho cuiitructiun
of three powerful sgrow stoamships
for the tratis-AtlaHtio sorvico, tho larg
est of which is to bo built of steel, and
will bo of 7,000 tons with 8,500 indicat
ed hor.o powor, and is to bo called
.ttmimVi. Tho othor two vessel aro
enoli to ho of more than 5,000 tons
and 4,500 horso power, and tiro to bo
called i'ui'oiiiu and Cephulonia. Tho
total stoam tonago now in courso of
construction for tho Cunard Company
amounts to 30,500 tons, with an indi
cated horse-power of 32,400.
It Is considered certain tho com
mittee on tho silo for tho World'
Fair of 1883 have selected Centra
Park. The Commission, which moolsl
January 10, will probably iudor.o tho
action of tho cummiltco. About $50,
000 has been subscribed for up to
date. I ,
The New Yomc rimes opens a sub
scription to a fund for a lifo pension
"to" tho oldest living ox-Prcsidout of
tho United States. Its reasons for
doing this is to provont any ex-President
over coming to absolute want
Thero is $50,000 subscribed already,
and tho Times thinks it can fiud 25
wealthy gentlemen, who will mako
tho fund reach $250,000 or $300,000.
This is to bo invc.tod in good securi
ties and its interest, to bo used us tho
revenue of tho oldest ex-President who
has not accepted someothcr Federal
A flagstaff CO fcot high, is to bo run
up from tho Court Houso dome in
Ogden, Utah, to the elevation of 200
feet, from which four lights, of 3,000
candlo pOwor each, aro guaranteed to
abundantly illuminate a space of ono
milo in diameter. Tho lights aro to
bo in operation before tho first of Jan
That gigantic floating palace, tho
f Livadia made, in passing from Cork
to Gibraltar, upward of 17 miles an
hour, whilo there was a total iibseneo
of any disagrecablo motion, hor
"pitch" being but ono dogrec. This
may lead to a great clinngo in ship
Tho Texas Pacific which will meet
the Southern Pacific at El Paso, is
completed 140 miles west of Fort
Worth. It is exjieoted that the en
tiro lino will bo open to San Francis
coearly noxt year.
Capt. J. I). Ends, tho engineer, has
gono to Mexico to mako a survey of
the Tohauiitopco and to detcrmiuo its,
adaptability for an intor-occau ship
Governor William of Indiana, some
times callcil "Bluo Jeans" Williams is
Wado Hampton says ho regards tho
Prosldonoy as settled, and is opposed
to any contest on technical ground.
Tho damago to the cotton crop is
estimated at halt a million bales.
Tho undcrsigneJ would inform tho
public that their tannery, about , milo
north of Marshfield, is now in operation,
and that thoy are prepared to purchase
and pay cash for fresh and salted
hides, delivered at the tannery.
Occidental Exchange
Opposite Postoflico, Empiro City, Or
Keeps on hand choico slock of
A barber shop attached to the saloon.
Drug Store,
DR: C. B. GOLDEN, Pnorn.
Opposite A'asburg's Store.
x ---a., si arss ,
oxjX is, x Bxnxrasc asx.-,
soaooxi BOOKS ,
and everything usually kept in a
Prescriptions Carefully Com
pounded, Al-3-ti
SlARSIIFIELn & EiiriRE Crrv.
H. T. WHITNEY, Proprietor.
A good supply of
t nlf--J, ,
and all kinds of
constantly on handi Also a
good stock of
C. B. Golden M d. T. C. Mackoy m. d
Marshfield, -
a.D3 v"
Marshfield, On.
This Institution now afford tho best
faclliti s for education to be found in tho
coast region of southern Oregon. TJie
Academy is graduated into three depart
ments as follows :
The Primary Department,
In which introductory branched arc
Tlic Junior Department,
Embracing orthography, reading, writ
ing, grainmer, geography, history, phys
iology, familiar science, and mental and
practical arithmetic.
Tho Senior Department,
Embraeing Jtook-keepin;;, (single and
doublo entry) botany, chemistry, politi
cal economy, rhetoric, higher arithmetic,
algebra, .geometry, trigonometry and
Pro. F.A.Brookes,
of Sail Francisco,
Is now Into wu, aril will re wain fsr a
The art is easily learned, no machinery
being required to do tho work.
or no pay.
Office hours from 0 lo 12 a. m., and from
3r xxoxa
For TM sad complete lnstractleH, $0.
Prof. Rrookes is now in a position to
give entire satisfaction in painting from
photographs. His work is beautiful and
w ill last. Ho only aska a fair trial from
tho people of Coos Ray.
SSmOfficeat Munroe't Vruj Star?
Instruction in this branch is given 1
when desired.
Board can bo had for from $3 to $4 per
week with private families, and for still j
less when several students club together
and board themselves. I
Terms, !
Primary Department, 55 00 j
Junior " - 7 00
Senior " - lOOOi
U J. T. McCormao. Principal 1
(knkxnkt Work's Fmr, W9!
MeoeweaB BKiKtcoet&T t imm
Tfc TqyitlT toHw t rmiUi hm
Ik J-dgM la ttwlr Kvjtart, Iran wHifc t
toUswlug to na iutot;
ubtkH tout IMrit at
Roskiiuro Land Omen, Nov. 20, '80.
Notico is hereby given that tho fol
lowiniiaiued bottler has filed notico
of his intention to mako final proof
in support of his claim, and secure
tiual entry nn tho 11th day of Janu
ary, 1881, hoforp the Judgo or Clerk
of Coos county, Oregon, via ; V. W.
R. Glenn, homestead entry No. 51S11
for tho SV quarter Seo 25 T 24 SR 11
W, und names tho following as his
witnesses, vu j 8. R. Catheart, Vni,
Folk, Y. II. Carlton and J. It. Buiieh,
of Marshfield, Copa county, Or.
W.'F. Benjamin, Register,
Mto xtB4ttlsz tbua BOHlUt t m lu
at Hn-wf. fcavlag a eoiMa-it ef Staaa
aaa nw, atoaaouia aovai a4 rMaW( an
na Utalag may dmbl Uanateaitatf.
nasa m ia art o c onmu. 1
late act of Offer, tUWrt board kt
a-fir. ) www K aa l la la
w ta ctHwr aarfaK. avail ar aanc
ThU Ifafal aaaAwartwut aU4 aJWr tfe
Bait aTa eompatllloa ol Mw bat tatkwa.
kafwa eaa el Dm auwt galaaH iM
SWaw Mvfea aaa m(m j ti bamd, Wt an
a4MrawlMi oar .! MWT MU
AM IN tt taut BMsay.
ttl M aAjaajt9 4k BTIT-llii & V auJ
WW a yvwyai V I ' ajaw w f Wlf ApWap
Xot . aav.
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