'A-t-j, fb 'fr- The Ckat MaiK .,1 !,.!. JJAYUR&AY, IJfcfcMBEIt 4, mo. Ir. P. Fishr advertising agent. 21 5(Srob!Ml'oikJge, San Francisco, authorised to rccolve ndverllao Mils for tin! columns of this paper. f KriHthMenttw, Ono of tho shallowest of the ninny unreasonable and groundless charges (hat tlio Democrats wero foolish ettotif h to suppose would help them ttect Ikcir candidate in this year is, thai the Republican parly arc tend ing to Imperialism or monarchy, thnt Grant and his followers wish to givo him succession for life in the ofllco of president of tho United States. The result of tho election shows how lit tlo was tho effect of that stylo of elec tioneering, and there is no probabili ty .hat tho popular strength of the Republican party will bo at any fu ture period diminished by represcn aiions so manifestly unreasonable and false. Thoro is nothing oxprcsscd or im plied In the doctrines of tho Jtepubli can party, that calls for tho exercise by any branch of the Government of power inconsistant with tho spirit of institution1, or infringing upon the reserved rights of tho States or the people. Thcro is nothing in the his tory of tho party during the twenty years that it has held Jhe roins of , Land Orncs, Rosmjcro, Oct. 25 1SS0. government that could ff en remotely Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing- -..-.. ., n..:t :i: t ,..i. -j named settler has flleit notice of his in suggest the possibility of such a greed tcntion ,0 makc finn, pnQf m rf of of power. On the contrary, even tho his claim, and secure final entry thereof extraordinary powers forced upon the 'on the 30th day of Nov. 18S0, before t .sj. i.. ,i. . : t, r n,thc Judge or Glcrk of the Court of Goos President by tho exigencies of thTOUntv, Oregon, ,iz. E. p. Brilcg( War of the Rebellion. Wero VOlUUtart- lirmiptpnil nrmlii-.-ltiiin Xn S.it.v fiir llir ly laid aside at the earliest period con-! ,,, ,!, ,. k..i.i: ,.M tri, autcntmth tho bublic safety. Tho writ of Habeas Corpus was suspended by Abraham Lincoln, and though tho act was denounced by rebels and rebel sympathizers, it was backed by alt loyal men, and none, now pretend to hold that its suspension was caused ormaintaincd for the purpose of ac quiring or perpetuating unusual powers in the general government. General Grant is tho representative of tho Imperial idea in the Demo- vatic mind, and the fact that he consented to allow his iiam'c to go into the contest for a nomination for a third term is poiuted to as a proof of his greed of power. This is tho only specification ever given in sup port of the charge of Imperialism, and the absurdity of the conclusion onlj finds a parallel in the inconsistencies presented by tho record of the Demo cratic party for the post twenty years. The -ballots of intelligent men can never be turned to the Democracy by such transparent faliciea. Stlet IVear XcadTlllo Lieut Got. KoblRsoa killed. A Denver dispatch of the 27th says: A report roaches here to-night from Leadville that a riot is in progress among the miners at Robinson's camp about twenty miles from Leadville, and that Lieutenant tiovcnsr el o Geo. B. Robinson has been shot and killed. A relief party has gone from Leadville. The report is believed td be true, There seems to bo some 'mystery -about the shooting of Leutcnant-Gov- eraur Muuinson ai itooiuson s camp last night. The particular so far as heard are these : There was a dispute about the possession of a mine there and a guard lias been placed to watch it. Last night Gov, Robinson and the manager of the mine went to it after dark. Tho guard not recognizing- them and not hearing an answer to who they were, fired, he savs into) the rocks overhead, Gov. Robinson fell shot in four places. He is still liv ing but liis wounds are bclieted to be fatal. The fact that there has been'. trouble between the miners and the manager during the past week, the guard's story and the peculiarity of Robinson's wounds makes the theory ihat it was accidental unsatisfactory. A correspondent writing from He ncr to the East Cregonlan gi-.es the following : A cutting affray occt-rred fit tho Metlock Bros, saloon on last Wednesday, the 14th int., between iFJ. Woods and Jim Barnes, tho form .er getting tho worst of tho game. But he is noiv lying in a critical con dition, but under tho skillful treat ment of Dr. Shipley, is getting along m well as could be expected, bearing' tho infliction of seven wounds the roost- sevcro being in hi back and neck, Both wcro strangers in our community and to cacli other. Barnes was arrested and awaits his trial( until next spring, getting his bwrd for the winter free, while his partner fares bettor at the hotels. . The IiiterOcea,n't Washington speci al says-. Tho HUggestion is delicately given out hero that it might be well few the Government to ' get rid" of Alaska by leasing it of a commercial ewpany. It might be as well not to mtowa slavery under such a guise In tift Seal Fur isles is where it has practically been, done, and tho miser ae Altttcs aro permitted to sell what Hwy have for sale only to tho com mercial company, and suffered to buy w)wt,tly want from that company, ilyono way to bocompletely rob $ &f all fruit of their labor as though tit? Kfe under the slave driver's hefc. .TW kfl Of the remainder pf UwksH territorv signifies the rxten- . Mi lint uicgracrtiui tiaie ui iuuiuk. 0. i& irALMSRtE Payne, Late Commissioner of Patents, Bbnj. F. GturroN'. Story 1). Ladd PATENTS ! PAYNK, GKAPTOX & LADB, Attorneyiat'aic, and Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 412 Fifth Sr Washington, J). C. Practice patent law in all its bran ches, in tho Patent Offico, and the Supremo and Circuit Courts of tho United States. Pamphlets sent freo GILMOJRFS $ Co. C29 F Street Washington D. C. o Make Collections, Negoliato Loans, and attend to nil business confided to them. Land Scrip, Soldier s Addition' al Homestead Rights, and Land Warrants bought and sold. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Rosria'no Land Office. Nov. 22. '80. Notico is hereby given tint tho fol lowing named settlor has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and sccuro final entry thorof on Tuesday, Janua ry 4th, 1881, before tho Judgo or Clerk of tho Court of Coos county, Or., viz : Ilcnrv C. Williams, homestead appli cation No. 2011 for tho SE' of Sec 20 T 29 S, R 12 W and names the follow ing as his witnesses, ix: Albert Barklow', James Mathcna, Daniel Giles and G. A. Brown, all of Myrtle f Point, Coos county, Or. 48 W. Jr. Bkxjamix, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. southeast quarter of s tion ."W, township 24 south, range 12 wet, and namoo the folmvinJ.mi!ilis wiUicW, ut: John Terry. Martin Brecne, Win, M. Nev. and G. Webster ali of Marshfield, Goos countv Orepon. 43 W.m. F. Bkxj mix, Register. FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estate of Rowley, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Monday, the 3d day of Jannarv, 1SS1 has Iteen ap pointed by Hon. J. If, Nosier, judge of the county court of Coos county, Or., as the dav to hear before said judge at Em pire City, any objections tn bo made to the final settlement of Alvah Rowley, adm nistrator of said estate. All parties in interest are hereby notified to appear before said court at the time and place above mentioned and make any objec tions i any there be to said final settle ment. By order of Hon J. II. Nosier, judge of said court, Alv v Rowley, 44 Adminiotrator. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Roskbuko Land Office, Nov. G, 1SS0. Notice is herein given that the follow ing named settlerhas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on Tuesday, December 1-t, lbSO, before the judge or clerk of the court of Coos 'county, Or., iz: Russell Stephens, i homestead application No. 2535, for the Koutneast quarter oi nortnw cat quarter, northe.-u-t quarter of southwest quarter and lots 2, 3, and 4, section 8. T 26 S, R 12 west, and named the following as his witnesses, viz: Milton Eppen-on, G. Webster, B. F. Ross, and M. Stock, all of Marshfield, Goos countv Or. 40 W. F. BewjamY, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Office, Rosem'eo, Or. Oct 21, 18S0. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Tuesday Nov 30, 1880, before the Judgo or Clerk of the Court of Coos county, viz Peter Wies Homestead Application No. . 2335, for the S of SW-f sec 5, NE ol iNK.secy, and . u oi .", vYj sec 8, T 29 S, R12 W, and names the following as his witnesses. iz : John Barklow, Samuel Barklow, Thos. Barklon and James McNaughton all of Myrtle Point, and Coo county, Oregon. W. F. Be.vj mix, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.- Land Office, Hoseburg, On., Oct. 25th, 1880. Notice is hereby ghen that tho fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on Saturday, Dec. 4th, 1880, before tho judge or clerk of the court of Coos county, Or., mz: Geo. Bennett, homestead appli cation No. 2244, for the 8W of sec. 31, T 28 8, R 14 W, and names tho following as his witnesses, viz : John Low is, Michael Kennedy, Ellen Joyce of Ilandou, and Henry Clem ents, all of Coos county, Or. 44 Wm. F. Benjamix, Register. NOTICE OF SALE. In the County Court for Coos county, Oregon ; In the matter of the administration of the estate of M N Low, deceased, Notice is hereby gi en that by virtue of the power iu me ested as administra tor of tuid estate and of an order issue.. out of the county court of tho county of Coos, State of Oregon, reciting that whereas the personal projK.'rty of said estate is not sufficient to pay the claims agaitiht the same and ordering nnd direct ing that the real property of qid estate to wit: Lots 5, 0, 7 & 8 of bection 1 tow nship 2G south of range 13 w est, Coos county, Oregon to bo sold to pay iaid claims, I willontileaistday of December, 1880, at the court house door in Empire City in Bald county, at one o'clock p m bell all the right, title, and Interest of the said MN Low in and to tho aboc described real property to the highest bidder for cash in hand. Dated the 15th day of Nov. 1880. L N Ixiw Adininbitrntorof the estate ov M N J.0w. hiir Uw j' UH k Vj TIECjE NEW DRUG STORE MAP.SFIELD, OR. (XEXTDOORTO MAIL OFFICE. LOUIS ArUXIiOE, Proprietor. FULL STOCK OF Drugs & Medicines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BEST JtltAXD OF CIOAllS ftSJTrcscriptions Carefully Com, poundedby CompetoutPhysiciau BOOTS & SHOES! A SPECIALTY MADE OF BOOTS AXD SHOES. I would say to the people of Marshfield and surrounding country, that I haw just received a large and well selected stock of BOOTS &SHOES And hae all varieties on hand, inelud ing J. Sulivan's boots and shoes, Men's coarse and fine loots, Ladies and miscs fine and coarMS shoos, boys shoes, and baby and children shoes of all variety. I alM) make to order mens boots, nnd have on hand a largo stock of custom made boots. W. G. WEBSTER. -EnwrTx3C-iBi CITY Drug Store, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, PROP, DEALER IX Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, CHOICE CANDIES, Tobacco & Cigars STATIOXERY, FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES.! Pare Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. "Prewjriptions carefuj compounded. Agt. Wclla Fargo .0 o's Express. E. B. DEAN & CO DW'TT T PAY , ' E. B. DEAN, AND wj rnpATT 4 VP XAm T A-rfViJt4l.l A I V'F. have Always on Hand a Assortment Of FCLLI GENERAL MERCHANDIS STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE ;l"u:m::b:hj:r, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, and at tho THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES FAMILY Meat Market ROBS & TIMMERMAN Would announce to tho public that . their new market OPI'OSITE THE CENTRAL HOTEL IS NOW OPENED AND THEY ARE PREPARED to BELL ALU KINDS or BEEF rORK & MEATS of ALL KINDS ALSO . PROVISIONS AND VEGETABLES VESSELS aud LOQafiSQ CAMPS SUPPLIED. KSr.PRWW DOWN TO THE BED.flP 40 ROCTv, wmmfh a.v' jidtimS&mmHKBUuli t. - aawHh'..flsij',. .HMMffifTCTraiiffir ;,itJ&-jk,' .-, u.. f r a EUiENE O'CONNELL, DKALKll IK STOVES RANGES. latest Improved Hardwarejools, -and- Implements. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION. LAMPS Sc OILS. WOOD xt WILLOWWARE, Steam.Wutcr Pino and Fittings. Gran " itc and Plated Wares. . MA2CUFACTUI-F.K3 OF TIN, COPPER & SHEETIRONWARE .ion ivonic EXECUTKD WITH DlSI'ATCII. ay EXTRAS for Stoxes, Plows Mowers and Reapors furnished at short notice. ZGStoSSSairjS s- Sol Troprlelcrf of t A m UB. KINCP!M2fo?.. I4mJi fl.M. (. rlobU (o(h(rIUttatTtnl. EU r-tlTtaUC THtBK KTKISWL W e lc!ii -.W- Wf-1, nw IJWlk. M-vrM4M--lUr4tI ll MUis fall rS m rtwrw4tutftllt-t tvttrt, Wiil cm-i Ufi a4 Ij, tTrt)-tittAft4 ipwvIJkiiffJlrt-l Iktru. Mrk ftik HwiMufrtnt. dlrifr-ur.fct.?f kfc-l tttr Wrt.i---fftr-4 f ktUrrr-H-Mf Um, Ttrek c-l KUw. fc 4 rvr4 -l,l. IM f '-. r-tMtUIatfr (ry rf fn-nU. tftfpi kuwart-a, acr fl. Tt tlWipltVnt M fwfU, n wfcW-fc n; lvprtrftl tkt t u; mf Uoji 14 U pvfcUo ( Uh U iwlrrUe 'PttnuiMOU KMUr Ut fmsta mtii nt. j aj'CALJ.-iaUfrv4wJtt00. Shipped Directfor- 286. W(lRtTTTtlW rbtMt4UMr4'ttt rpyc 44 IttMk4MMatrreMtWMLlbtfcr lllfeli MMvnt.4wrABIIiTlliBrKhifflr rirTtsn. DwtMk rvtttlMM.llllltblrW4kibnkMr,k4 Ufet ! vrfflanCnUKWtWrfliKtiiMMltrlUut NMlmi Zk U Ult byntklrrUIkfUrlt flthMl, iwtli irMkl uiMUUvirHMVI umii UCI4fU IrvigaW Bt " "VIW.IW1I 9M ipnwh IBMTrtl Church, TlnH Chaptl Tk.trtu4ck.lM iijiuninn and l'arlor Oraani, tmmtaA ... ..Ml If 'L. Ha - - - - (M.1HJ..III Ik. memo 1. KklwdMt tfav.lrl.1 .. u. I fallrb.tolkylk.tanlttM.w.t,,, rulitr mlabJ (Ull. ' Jl?rTtraMMulclttttarn.(l7Url' tlt)i i tlftt U. H. K. Tit, t.t4 M lfcr U nt U 4Jf U. .1 ' UnM. IU"!"T-tu. liJalUiWrM.ICvMU. j bMlMUcOifftll. rrnrrMlllk.6,MtlMlrtWf Mfr 1 lMtM4trP7 IB... LnA U CuUfM. Akliui The Merlden Purchailng Oo., 3UCRIDEX, COW. THE LIGHT-RimNING M1W11EI IU BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, tod moil THOROUGHLY conilructtd SEWING MACHINE eTcrlnrtntd. All U wearing aru aro nuule of tl BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED and sre ADJUSTABLE. It lit Uio A VTOVCA TJO TKNHOtfl It Us Uw LAHQMBT MQBBWl I. lit tbt Castest Threaded Shuttle. Tba BOBBUfS ara "WOUND TrIUjout AVKTflMQ or 0JNTHHKAIIKO lb It baa a BEr.r.8KTTlNO SKMBIXt It baa a UT At, tot raeulaUng the leiwUi ot Mitch, WITHOUT T1:JtiNO It baa a ULVtati BFACK uiKler Uie Arm: It U NejMCLMM, ana baa moro iwlnta of KXCJCLLKMCK tfaan all otber macbinea casiblotd. JtVAganU, yynteJ In looalttUn vbero we r not ropraiMntsd. Johnson, Clark & Co. 3? UNION SQUARE, N.Y fyTffwFRnn I .III. , . ,-, aur ii 23Z mtm, w sm ---.X tf-i i tt 1" i mem - nsssm Si3CJIJS. r "j- Hf-Sat-r ! 1 W rywL bhb I NASIUR6 HIRST, Frost Strkkt, Makmifikm), Oo.v. TVTEW O0ODS BY EVERY STEAM X or j keep constantly on hand in our largo and commodious store, n well 'elected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, cousitsing of tho best staple and fancy JDHMT goods of nil kinds, the choicest GROCERIES A x n- PROVISIONS. A I.AIUIE STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS nnd CAPS, BOOTS and SHOKS, RUnnKKS and OIL CLOTHING SLIPPERS nnd OILCLOTH CROCKERY nnd GLASS WARE, HARDWARE and TOOLS, gars and Tobacco, Taints, Oils anil Vnnilshcs, Choice Wine anil M(uon, Tinware and Ammunition. CUTLERY, -WOOD and l'ILL0M'-rAl!i:,aud Scliool ZBoolrs AND STATIONERY, i xxrxt.zvxeixxzrrcir o-oodw, ANDXIOBIBimf I Ourcxtcnsivoshowcascs are filled wish tho finest MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. N. IJ. -All goods purchased nt our Storo will bo dclivorcd freo ot charge at uny point on tho route of tho steamer Myrtle. vM-tf jfOSIEFElft 6fflRS Meet the reiiuIrcmcnlH of tint national medical pliiloxojihy which ut prcKcnt prevails. It Ih a perfectly pure vCBOtnblo 'remedy, embracing tfireo Important ! properties, n 'preventative, n tonic nnil mi nucrutive. it iortnie tno uoiiy n ualiirit dlueiiHe. Invigorates and revitul hen the torjilu ktomaeh and lUer, und elfectrj a most Hiiliitary change in the entire ystcni, when inn morbid eonitjon For ale by all Druggists and DoaUus generally. sVHIlnrflHBBB BAY VIEW Wm. Reiclicrt Prop5r Keeps constantly on hnntl.nntloflotdfor salo n BtiportOrurtlcloof LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WH0LK8ALE ash RETAIL. MY UAH IS SU1 PLIED WITH THE CHOWEST IWAXDS OV WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS BRANCH BAI.CON AT KMl'IRE CITY. DAVID MORSE, JR. EMPIRE CITY, OR. DKA Kit IN GENERAL MERCHANDIS E XDx3r-3-ood.s, MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, GOODS AD HOSIERY, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS AN'DSIIOHS, CLOCKS, WATCHKS,JEWKLnY CK00KKKY, AND GLASS W ABE, (jutlery, Amitnition, Jfard-ivaj'C, Tin-ware, Wood and Willoio-wa,re, Cigars& Tobacco, STA TOXEIt V, PEltFUMEltYttiHl l'A TEXT MEDICIXES. ('HOICK Groceries Provisions. Agent for the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, of San Francisco, Cat. V-'-nM) tf VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD ini Orand Madal of Hooor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect irork, An DmlnfuuMng Tuturtt of lh ctlibrtitJ Giant Fan and. Warehouse Fan?, MADC IV A. P. DICKEY, Raolne, Wis. Kow hivtnc mnv Ute iromoremcmi. llirv t fully )ul t cvciy ilcnund ; cleaning ill kind, of Otin. Pci, lltini. Caitor Ilm, Corn nd Smtlt S'td. Thy endt WhJt ptrfilr by onc hndlm r. Sp. nrv nu Kv vrry perfect srninctnirnti fnr clcaalni tru uiii irotn vrxM. k.r.ry nu kvi i htr ni II Timothy. Ctorcr, FI bctd, Orchard Orn, ind tQ Olhtr Smll rcd 11iy Chiff perfectly, nnd comMr very quiltlication required id ia Oil tctl work in lh ihonett lime. Wtrthmw. wall tt Tarn I"1I, tr Urgcly cnn. tructed, boili IMt requiring rlr rUet to rctoro. modna ih dcminil, nj rI inK a capcliy cf from jo to sx buthtli per lioiir, kccerdis la ilt tf mill, lliey ra ilnpped, Injed tot frccan Iranipormion, and "HI up" cr "knocked down" for forwudint lulled, ti reiueid; end It ill uiei put free txt Loird On or Steamer, Order! filled iam day n Mcclvcd. 1 fljUi limped "kaocltd tJwn" to for Wf tkf Irtlilit clurccd II when (nvniti "tei yp.1 Olio, graphi and Clicu'ari supplied on application. Pricet will U quoted Uw tnd tn literal rnri. Cone pctiienc islliid. VW , VnHHSHHBilHiiiBBBBBBH BREWERY COX' ll,KMKK NHOt ADJOINl.VO TIIK III.ANCO HOTKr. IIiirnlifltld,0(rn. If you want un oniy hIiuvo, ArtgoodiisbiulKTi'vergnve, Just o II on mo nt my saloon, l'roin morn 'till night or Limy noon Myraxoro'dharp, my nolsnors, keen, My mioi Ih neat nnil low vh clrnui ; And thoro I think that yon will find Knoh nrtiulo to suit Uio mind ; 1 trim tho hair Uth skill forgontn, Of counw tho price is llfty conls ; Shampooing, too. I do thnt woll, (Ilvo mint trial, that will toll j So lioIpinoKrnciotisitl mnko you hoN lor, You iieml not pay quarter of mlollar. . J.W.Cox,rr6pr. r. S. Hot nnd cold baths always roady IMStf, ' B00T& SHOE MAKER MAfiIKIKM),0I.V. WItili DO JVXaXa KXIVX)SI or QTJSTOE WOR( in a thorough inniincr and uxo Mily(tliu BEST MATERIAL. rSrShopnn Front Street, opiKwito tho Ponot Market. DOHA JSUJtSERY. tiik lahokst amount of fhuittiu:eh kvku kaiscd coos countv. Over IM.OOO trw-M, inehidlng over 100 varieties, grafted on the ln-t needling stock. The celebrated IltiMlau nppln for trn rents. All trees will lm sold a t reduced prices. These tries are raised on Iwiteh land ami are adapted to rtny soil. Tho new Onuo Seiilling apple tho best variety in the country, and also tho Htiblcou apple, A great variety of plums, prunes, itenrri currants, early imiires, etc., inelmting mo ceieoralo vi nllug 1'encli riiim. Tenns, rash In advance or on deliver' I will receUe onlem for tho aloo nametl trees and will deliver them early in tho winter. O. HUWB, Agt. Dora, Cooa touiity, Or. Sept 8, 1880. n.'17-:hn ESTABLISHED IN 1SS2. L. P. FISHER'S 1 dvertising Jtoom 20 and 21, Merchant' Ex change, California St., .V. -K TVT IJ.-ADVKUTIsTNa 80I.I0ITEI) ll . for all newspapers published on tho Pacific const, tho Sandwich Islands, Polynesia, Mexican Ports, Panama, Val paraiso. Japan, Ohlnn. New Zealand, tho Australian Colonies, tho Eastern BtateM and Knrorie. Files of nearly every now s I taper puoiisiied on too I eot constantly on hand and all odver aecess to them tlsers aro allowed freo during business hours. FOR SALE. The Homo in Umpire City now oc cupied by Frod Sohettor, Tho Jioiiso in Empire City now oc on pied by Col. Lnno. Tho house ami two lots in Marsh field now occupied by 0, V. Tower. Tho abovo property will bo sold cheap. For particulars Inquire of l)n. O. W. Towkh FARM FOR SALE ! ACKES OF CHOICE I.AKD nt tlm mouth of Willaueh slough, near North Iloiul niul Mnrsh ileld (food houso and out buildings. Adajited for dulryliiKor general farm ing. Good young Ofplptrd. One i of Tho mo uiiot piriiis in uw) puiiiivji place, wjiu stocK lUWi iHipiomonis, win ho sold very cheap. , arFor further pnrtiruhirs nptily fit tho olllco of tho Coast Mail, Q .,.......- -777 r---;.- ... nn 1: rff&FK i'' '." ' i'W'ii in mi in., iii !!! . ..... -... '.. J."' 1 3T" -77T-T- " ' c - wa "' -mms 'ff'Tr -,.-.. -,pi jli .MLipijMiiini.w i 1 1 1 i i v.aMMpiawB-mMVPww?"n HI iti 1 1 1 i J I -- - ' "? JJ2..I . ., , ri- . ' ,. jr V. . ,-. -& . 5?1X 'i l , -itf&'"9-j . ' P ft" . M?r w.- . .HsaSj' . 1fi)W...ail.i ii . . .T' &rj?m. ,ym y-- fk.tmnMf. K. - JMLaJ'ite ffifh MmMmmMmmmmmmt