' flwwunHSA1; 2g3JSg2S 52 KUMHSMMMWiHllMMMM MMpiMriMMMa !! .iiililinimwwiEliiibltwyuj9Mjianpjw cgar&wugjf 'nw The Ootisb Mail. The Coast Mail. DKVOTKD TO Alii. ZjIVITI ZSOT733S. THE KM all 1'1'llt IHUt I) KVIJRY SATURDAY .MOltXINU i WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHART, Mmshflold, Coo Co., Or. Terms, hi Aihnuri. On o year ,$ fit) Hi v mouths - ifid 'TIllOll llinllth .... 1 ()() oiTimi. i'Ai'i:n or roos CO. COAS nn "l tiik iXTi:iti:sT.s ok rolth i:hx oiir.tiox alway.s rOKKMOST. o MA T 'I'lUllllCN lirM. Ii .'iu- (ll'INIONH DIMoilt.VIH HlllPI M) m:j It In well known Unit a fmv of the mot a uimciupuloiu organ of llio Dohioeinlie pnity have engaged in un itsuiill upon lln ehtuneter of (Sou Oiiitlolil. Ovei and nmiinst those no Hot tho opinions of loading Donioeiats.l HOIMU of which have licon given niiico Uuii. Garfield has boon iinniinntod for tlm Piesldency, mid others bofoio (lint oecuired Uiu field hold to-day tlio honoiod position of being tlio only poor inun niiioiiK tlio' political loHilors. Don Pinll. I lo would not do a disponent net for lil own snko or it own auko. Ilonry Wnloison. I will tell you whom I think tho Republicans kIioiiM nominate, and whom I consider their stiongcsl man , ho ii a tine man, a man of principle, all hnituai man, and would make a good Piosidout for a nil. Personally, I coimldei iiiui tho IhmI man you could nominate, J refer to James A. ihuliold.of Ohio. (T. A. Hendricks, I Donuicralic enndidato for Vico l'roi- donl in 1870. Ortko Amen nwonm that (Jnrllold jjol ton idiaron, mid (Jarlleld xwciim that he did not do anything ol tho liiud. There w at a great deal of talk mid no proof iigninil him ) and 1 nut QOinntiUud to uy that Uariicld et out bettor tli anvono olno, and on tlio whole thero m not KtifHclcnlevi (lonoo to fasten corruption at his door, i Senator Thurnian of Ohio, Ho lives economically ; tho piescnt Iki'iiiocruilt' improvement on his house at Mn- jOovernment That in Indiana has torwhich limy cost fJJOOO involve ho" won in spite of the lavish evpen tlio most considerable. cxjKiiiditures iditnro of monev by the Democratic Ills neighbors nro aware of No, no With (Jen. (JarlloWs political oieod I tun utterly at variance; bul this does lint counsel me to no iinconshlorud nwiniilt upon that caiuliihtto's private honor. Hon II. II. 1'ayno, of Ohio, Daumyratfc Candida to for 1'rosiden tin nomination. 1 Mrvod four years in Congress with Hon. Uarflold, I know him well, and 1 honor him for his honesty, his integ lily, lii ftlitlity, his brendlh of knowl tdgoand Jii upright eliBraetpr. Con growinnn It. Milton8poer, from Penn eylvunin. I k.iow James A. (!m field by Wing with him in the lower hotiwj of Con grot for years, mid I know thero is no KopuWican in that jwiy abler than ho. I soo that the newpRcrs are umkliig charges against his character ; htlt my friends, I cannot say they are in any wie true, f Congressman William Springer, from Illinois. I know (leu. Oai Held poisonally, Iihvs been on the ume committee with him, and ho is n gentleman of good morals, is social, ckvor, and has grout Intellect. iitollelmilly he ha no superior in the House. Ho U il hom1 man, ha a mind of inexhaus tible losoiirces, and 1 have not n word to sy to deli act from his integrity CoiiglOMinnn Win. II. I'eltoii, from 5u0t't1. A to thu ciedit mobilior mutters with which lien, (larfield has boon olmrgod, 1 beliovo hu is altogether in nocent of them. It will not do for tlm Democratic, ptuty to throw mud at lion. liar.. eld. becuuso if they do thoy will elocl him. I Hon. Ale.sauder 1 1. Stephens. Youi expressed dote -mlnntion that Oun, (larfield ahull be dofondod nninst nil unjust assaults upon his personal eharactoi, is equally pleasant loading foi me, for I havo been his duvoted fiiend foi many years, and I am resolved that I will novir Miove that ho does not deseive the alfeclion I havo lwitowcd on him. lfhowoiild tin iy tho pnnciples which legulato hid piivnlo life into his public eon duot, ho would make the. best Chief MiijjUtmto wo over had. l-Indge nluok, In the midst of tlio oiKunied car nivul ufcoiruption which liaa laien goiugonnow somanj weary nuil.a, anil years at Wttsmngi is u...j , satisfactory to catch a glimpse now . . a If mid then of honesty for honesty's sake, and without consideinlion of paily. (icii (iailleld.uf Ohio, isnRe puhfionn of Republicans; but it is his simplo due, which wo gladly pay him, in nilmli thai ho has done moro than iinv othor sinttle inemborof his puily)illll,wi.f ,,.. i'mn uiosneioiis and (lining tho luto session of CouBiess, i hIwuv Hint It is not mnossiulo loi a man to net with a Oougroasioiiul ma jority, nnd yet to keep hi U lenpuot nnd i aspect of lionest moil. Now Yuilc Woild. May ikllli. IS7-'. Ilisstnv IIkuiii.ui CiiWKllvedehild- l.ii nl n..,,fi.,n Ohio, until ho UHSO-'i " " "" .. lihthio twins The joilul futhoi I III "la band of music and niaiehe.l ! thiough Hmwllag. bimnm i banner J"' Ml... I, wi, ---I ih. wo.d vmiw uld. Then his young wife o VOL II. "I'oiiii: oti.ri iti,ir.t vot i:itsoi tbii; i ;io,v tlMlM'SH Ol'lllC Klllll,i (1 llolllll 'llllltllll-C. NlW Yoiik, Od 10 The Itepubli mil Niilioiuil Committee ha issued the following To tho Republican Volei of the Union Tliu elections of Tiu'mlny lam clenily hnw Hint with continued eul ond aysloiiialio olfoil the Ropub- lican tiiuniph in iSovoniber will ho conipleto and ovui w lii-lmiiiK- Dm pluinlity in Ohio U nboul 22,001), be ing a gain of i000 oor tho exception- al plurality of H7i, whllo tho elee - lion of 10 of "0 Congressmen give the Republican n gain of sit meinlms. Oui iluialit in Indiana icai lion about !000, being a gain of 'JI.OliO on the Demociatic pluiality in 1870. In the Legislature wo bine a majority of II in eontiasl with the Donioeialic ma jority of 'JO in thu last I.ogislatuio, Ihun giving un a .Senator. Of l.'S Con gsdtariounl disliloU oight lnuo boon can ied, making a gain of two mom- born. The iciitll in each .State, and. PHjK!ciaIly in Ohio, h a conchmio au- "Horoftlio people lo the falfo and J malignant mwuults upon the pownuil i clmrnrU'r of our candidate foi I're-ii- dent, which thun far have been the principal wnnpoiis of our opponents, ami huvo been intloccMilly and s'liauio-j Iwwly itpeated in addresses this (lav puhliheil by their stunned and de moralized national committee. Ihil'i these victories a'o the result of a sdoii- tnnoous hikI i-utliiisiwttr uprisiflK of the ptMjple in favor of political prluci plos, enltghteiu'd legislation and good rnuniunic lor v ico I'resiuotit, who wns nominated solely for that pur pose, and by eastern emissaries, who in 1x70 vainly attempted to purchase tho Presidency, and havo recently traversed that State shouting agninst nnd at the same moment perpetrating frauds made possible by tho looesl election laws existing in any State in I the I'nlon. and which wore mini iselv I retained in force by thu Demociatic judicial outrage It is appniout fiom those results, if Itepuhlioans do not whix exertions that every l.orlheiu State will ehooso nepiiljlicnn Piosl dontial electors, wliileuotiniprobnbly some southern States will givo theh vote for (Jiirtlehl nnd Aithur. Of h members necessary to make the next House of Hepiesentativcf, tho lto- Hon. Clinton A. While, a friend publicans have already gained 10iUand colleague of Yalliiudighniu'-. dui Oregon, Yennpnl, Ohio an'd Indiana, j ing tho Win, and an as-ooiato with and the full lesult is reasonably eei. j him in the House of Kcpie-eutalives, tain. Six Senators nocessnrv to make j whcic ho was his lieutenant in lead- the Senate with the Vice I'jcnidcnt licpiiblican, will probably bo secured from the States of Ohio and Indiana, already gained, and fiom Penn-ylva-uin, Xew Yoik, Xew Jersey and Con necticut, lo elect ; thus, with the in niiguintion of Oailleld and Aithur, till branches of tho (loveinniont are likely to ho Keptihlicau ouco inoie. 1!e))ublicaus, however, need Ik' ic minded of remaining daugeis. Dis apHiinti(l DemiH'iatiL'leadcis will not shrink fiom despeiato acts lo pievout full Republican success They lmo mpoyoiit mothei-, wives and (laugh a majority in Ixilh Houses. Congre-s U,IS( 'mi y,nl w,n iK, powuiles-." claims full lHiwcr over the final Presi- dontial count and has sleadilviefu-od tosecunt luncenble and ordeily du cisiotisofa doiiblful result, hot no possible elfoii 1m sjiaieil lo make the Republican majority on llie elecloiial voio so large n!oavcu me perns oi disputed eoiinliug and the 'j"i'ly ' in Hi next House of Representatives j i . . . i i t so doeisive that thcie can In) no con flict In its oiganialion. Ity unieniit ling eei lions such as have oemed tho hiilliant acliievomoiits in Ohio ami Indiana, llio Republican p.uty can defeat tho puiposes of leaction isle, who, in oidoi to gain political power and patronage, aio willing to unsettle the lesults of the wai for the 1'uion, change the financial and tev- .....ii. tuiltcv f llwi I .oi in nniiint. (le- , niim,..t..iirinnov. and iem.ai-1 ()f i.....,,i.i ;,.., , Ma, uiulil of Aug. ii, isu. Ill IT IIMIUIKi in Miniiiim wi. . i will, on theolhoi hand, 111 inly estab lish (hioiighoul tho couutiy a fico and honest ballot, pioleeliou to life mid piopeity, well-paid and contont ed bilHtr, activity in all ngiicultuinl, niiuinfactuiiiiir. meclianical ami com- uiereial puisuils, and will make llio Hwut ful beyond those of any othei iiaiiou I)y older of the committee. M.nisii u.i, ,h:ui:i i Clmi i man. Tin: snmplesof wool sent to tho In-tei-unlional ehlbition of sheen wool ami wool products held in Pliiladob phiu, by .Mr. H. D. Sauhoiii, member of tho eoiuiulllee of co-operation for "' " i ...I .1 .....".!.... f... I.. .11. urojiun, 101 eiveu inn ii pii.w m .-.. Meriuu and long wool. Samples of nieilno weie from I lucks o Mtsis DM Gut In le o Dall s I ';-.' Ml,ma.lKo.1ullliw.ttofl,..U.Ul MARSHFIELD, .IoikjiiIii .Miller in ll'nll Miccl. California!!. Willi Sticct? How did I como nut? Oil! Well, I was shoit of .St. I'lllll nnil long of Pacific Mail. I expected Pacific Mail lo go up unil HI. 1'aul to godown. They did, and I hint twenty ono thousand dolhus. lint thai was ' not ono-igh lo luiild n city with. 1 , hold on Ono day it was ruiuoiod thai tho i mot wan not to had in St. 1'nul after all. ft begun lo shut up1 Pacific Mail began to shoot down It was said tho Chinese had established an 'opposition lino. I iollyou it takes n big iiimi to wit on two benches at a J time. Ten to ono ho will spill him celf between the two jiiht aSHiiioasho nttcmptn it. I cold onie .St. Paul and bought nioio I'm l fie Mail ; but all to no put-po-e. They kept light on. Then I got out of Pacific Mail at tho lowest llguio it touched, and bought W'a b.i"li. I bogan to lloundcr, and got f lightened. I cold mid bought, and bought and Mild. I fieipieutly aw in the pupcis that I was getting lich in Wall I Snoot, and kept on woiking like a boavor Tho ond w.is only a (Hii'cliuii of timo Ono day my luoker took mo by tho ! xlcove, mid led mo like n lamb as f was aside. My fun was over. And i I'topia is indeed I'topia, No one with so litllo money over entered Wall Sticot inidci bettor ad vantages. All men weie kind and good. I think no man thoie ever at tempted to mislead me Dot it is simply impossible to make money thoio, and keep it. l.ol mo mention iiorc that dining my si mouths thcie T paid my biokers in coininissions eleven thousand four hu.idrcd and twenty-five dollai! Theo coiniuis sioih alouo will dovoui any possible profits Of cour-e, it is not a pleaant thing to admit oneself beaten. Itut if thi- I1"11'' history of my voiituus in this 'dangerous land will diminish at all 'hat tired and anioiis aimy ot tape- holdois w Ho waslo tlion -lioUels, thou i . .... ... .. (lajs, aim nieir -tioiigtu in v.uu wan ing why, I willingly hear tho io proach. And.aftci all, I lost but little, hav ing but lit t lo lo lco. And I learned so nrtich, having so much to le.un. x SMiiun -oij-i!n-nl I Toledo Itlmle. ing the Coiipeihead nialignant-, now ono of tho leading Demociatic spoakeis that aro canvassing the Slate for Hancoik. Ilo ovciflows now with Inv e for "the gallant -oldiorv ," w hum ho adjuic-i to "vole for their gloiiou old coiniade." In tho dark days of IWK1, when tho Koldioin ic.illy needed his -j mpathv and encoui.igement he Miid in a speech al Decatur, 0. : "If this Adininistialion is peimit led to goon, when the soldiers come homo they will strut, mmdrr, rob, aim Two tins later, Augu-t lit, lsttl, ju-t the timo whuii tho Aimy of the Tenneco w.-slowly recoveiing fiom its teniblo bruising in the b.ittlea be foio Atliuta, he said : This AdininUtiation ihiis be put ,,. ,,,,,1 wl,,0,j 0,. ()lir Soutl.oill bl0,h,en c.u.i.e lo whippcnl.- ,.Y(m m,t wi,iraw Xl,nr Ainu fiom their soil, uiiso tho blockade, io stoio to them all the tenitoiy you liavo taken fiom thoiu, pay them all the damage you have done thoin, audi then, and not till then, will you have ponco." S'iicl lo ii 'I'ei'i-Ilile .tlnrdei. A huge monument has been elect ed at Kahoka, Mo .with tho following insoiiption : "The Spencer Family Wl, , llU 1010, n.ni.louMl with an al their homo. Thoii bodies lie beneath thus tomb, their viitues about it." It minks thespot whoie tho live inembois of the Spencer family woio slain, and its dedication, with olaboiate ccieinonies diew together .10,0011 poisons, so gie.it hail boon tho ecitemoiil over tho (nine. The deed was palpably com mitted by , ono man, who killed his victin.s one after anothor as ho camo upon them ; but who ho was has nov erboou nscoitained. Hill Young was hanged by a mob, but a juiy had ac quitted him, and theio wns nothing pun on against him o.copt his bad ehaiaetor. His last would woio : "1 am ns innocent ol this thing as tho unguis;" but tho leadem u .jUmI- "You'io a hnng, anyhow." Ilia vv f oU1,vfwrIOO but tho loiulom of tho lynch- good man to ifo has now OR., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30,4 880. AA.SItV. A Ileiiiocrulii' I'i'iicckhIoii llrolc 'ii ('. CoM'immrX Koadx, ) (wich is in tlio State uv Kuntucky,) Oct, 10, 1880. ) It wiu. deteiinined foi oll'uct ujion tho Injoany olockslnin to hov a p,u ado uv tho Hancock forces in tho CornoiK, with b.innois and toichos. 'i lied a goi goons porcossion ar ranged. It wii. iicddid by a wagon coiilainin c many wiininin c. thor wu. States that geculid, with tlio Coiifodiit Hag a wain over em. Mo lind.i Pogram wu. holdiu tho Coiifod iit Hag, dressed in mourniii, typifyin tho picont condishn uv the South, while Haunt M'Pollor wu drest in white, in the act uv lickin a nigger, -how in wat wc hope will happen when Hancock is finally elected and wo get complete ouutiol of the Gov ernment. I'ollciiii tlii allegoiic.il lopresonta sluin come the citizens uv the Cor ners, two b.v two, hedid by mo, b.irin toiches, with tho Confedrit il.ig a waviu ovei us in fiiiimph. The peice-hun foimod in fiont uv j H.ibcom'i, and it wu a poity silo to I eo Capt M'Pelior wu. on Unicorn's liiinlo .iclin as M.uslial, tho wagon I with tlio wiiniiinu wu in lino, and cveiything wu. reddy for a tiut. 1' it took two hours to get tho pei ccdiun oiganied, the Dinioeiisy wu diy, and peimishn wu. askt to break ranks- lo go in ond git onosiHtanor afoic it moved. I iefoo7cd iirmly, for of the poieoshn hod over got into Itascom's it wood hov look another hour to git em into lino agin, and lln&cout settled ilbv lemarkin that no ono need go in onloss l.o cood show tho money for his drink jKt afore ho got hold uv tho bottle. I give the woid and sully tho per- ceshii moved up tho sticot, to the in -piiin notes uv "Diiu"and the "Ilon nio ltloo l-'l.ig," played by a fife and two (hums. Wo neeicd Pollock's -loic, and wu. jist on the pint uv givin him thiec groans, when Joo Riglcr appuaiml. Hedaitediip to I-snkor (Javitt, and whi-pered in hi-oarthet thor wu. a bail uv noo whisky in tho stoio on tap, and that Pollock wood give the Dimocii-iy ciedit for likkor foi jist SO minits. Tho elfoct wiu magikle. Isakei diopt his toioh ji-t wher he stood and lushed into I he -tore Tlio liend llilger hod whispered it loud enuff so that two or throe heeul it, ami it passed down the lino like tolegrafliu. In le-s than a second thei wun't a -oui in the percoshu but mo and the wagon, and what cood I do? I cooilent mnko n peiceshn all alone, witli one wagon full uv wiininin, and I follcied thu last one into tho stoio with pel Imps moie alaoiity- than dig nity. Thor inir a b.irl thcie, and 15a-coni and .loo lliglerwti a diorin out the pie-hits flooid in tin dippeis, and dis" pensin uv it fioely. It l- neodlis to -ay that the peiceshn novel inaiclied agin. It wiu liu-tid. 1 cooilent posibly git the men into line ngin. Ami thou to add to the lioiitli-lin uv- the-e twoeonsiuatoi- Joo Higlei hiieda nigger on a inuloto go in fiont uv the hos-es wich wiu a draw in the wagon with a peck uv oat-, which the ho's-cs -melt, and tho nigger iodo oil' down a by -tieet holdiu out the bask et, and the ho-eos become uncontiol nblo and -t.u ted after them o.it-. The cussid nigger liokcd his inulu into a gallop, tho eager bosses btoko into a i mi, the nigger turned a comer, sud den, the liosso-, foigottin the pie-hus load they wu. a drawiu, tut nod tho comer sudden, aNo, ovor went tho wagon, and that end uv tho porcoshn wiu dumped into a ditch. Uetwit the fico likker and the peck uv oats the linost peecshn over otganied in the Comeis como to gieef. Andw.it mado iC wus, half tho voteis wo wu. goin to sond to In joany got so full that they coodont bo called ovor to Sooowiionvillo in time to tako the ttain for l.ooisville, and thoio is jist that iiumbor of votes lust lo the Domoeiisy uv In jenny. A pari uv out got oil', how ovor, and wo hov piobably sent onull' lo eauy tho State. - V. Rnglish don't send any money into Kentucky, Raseonu is goin to stait a hianch giogeiy at some pint in southern Injeany, till after the Xovoiiiberelocksluiii. Hois nn on-1 toiprisin num. is Rnscom, nnd ho sex of English's monoy won't oomo tOclus of politician indulge in when him ho will go to ICnjjhsh's mojiey. Hois bound to hov his divvy, ahiiio wny. Psritousfii V. Xvsnv, (P M. tlmt vvuannd U to lie.) Mj,-i till. i for tlu Mill IVIicre ilic I.h Wn. w-ns thus freely handled by ntuinp A young man who belonged to an "poakeis. This indicciction was bad etotui'ioi party, visiting Detroit, call-' enough, but when ho adds to it by od at thoCily hall to mnko complaint i the awcrtion that Mr. Shoinian uttor to tho Chief of Police that ho had . d what wa false and what he know been lobbed of his watch. j l" " hi1e, at tho mmc itnu giving "What sort of a watch was it?" ill- his address an an intimation that he (juiicd IhcChiof. "Well, it was kinder old-fashioned, but it kept tho Htuiighlcst time you over saw. i,vory cloeii wiinin lour milosof ourhouo was run by that watch." What was itvoith6" Wol, I'd been offered seven dollars for it." "It isn't such a gieal loss, then?" "It isn't tho money value that hurts me. thouL'h I don't caro to loto seven ' dollars an v more than anv other man. Yousce.it was the only timc-picco we had to inn our prayer meetings by, and when the Deacon lose up and a-ked mo what timo it was, the iniuitl began to haul out that old ticker every other young man drop ped his ho.ul, and every g.il pricked up her cars and asked for mo to beau her homo. It made mo solid all along tho town-lino and put mo ahead al couutiy dances, and I've got to got it hick or go homo and toll the folk- that I came across a blame fool and -old it for a twenty." "And you wouldn't do that?" "I might, you know, but the minit the-old man wanted to give me his nolo for nineteen of it, I'd have to ow n up or shako his impor, and dad's I a, man who backs his notes with a fist ,is big as the top of vour hat!" 'I'ci-riMc Mtsile orAtl'iiir in Ire land. A Tl.,1.1;., .Il.nntnl. f flialSMi l.nu . 41 JIIUIIII ll.!'.l.. Kt l..l 4VJ.. ....f tho follow nig At the II.illv dull J.and League meeting ye-teiday the gioat- e-t cciteinent piovaikd dining the necchc0. The Government was de nounced. Some lcportcrs wore de tected on the platfoim and thrown violently on tho giound. Attempts wcio made to lcscuo them, when a gcuci.il riot onucd and the speaker ceased speaking. Xeithcr ho nor the officeis of the meeting made anv so lions effoit to maintain oidor and pre- vent bloodshed. Several shots were fitcd, but none lesulted fatally. Tito coiistabulaiy levelled tho icpoitor and formed a ring around thorn, pio sonting fifteen bayonets., Tho icport ci-continued taking notes. Membei- of tho League present deny that tho assault had been proarianged. V. J- Sinythe, member of Parliament fiom Westmeath, writes about tho Laud League circulating murdeious and blasphemous publications quoting fiom.i pamphlet distributed by thou sands by the League advocating a -clicme to dostioy public buildings in London. Xumerous titled land louls mo llooing their estates in fear of their lives. loi-ia'tly 2n Entitle. An ovch.ingo say-a a melancholy statistical fiend of a Western paper has been compelling incomploto mor tuary statistics of some of tho big bat tlosof the civil war. Kighty soldier-, al! shot above the hips, and all of ono legiment fell dead in ono volley at tho battlo of Getty-sbuig. At Tail i it. i. .1.,,. ., ,,,, ..... . , . ... . . on tlio otnor in a space oi a tew leoi and never move I a limb among them after falling. One shell at Cold Har bor, exploding in the tanks of an Ohio legimont, killed sivtoou soldiers. At savago station, during McClellan' charge, a solid shot liied fiom a Fcd eial piece, at an infantiv column nunching by fonts, killed twenty-one men. At Fredericksburg, ."000 Union soldiers woio killed in less than ton minutes. Xear Yicksbuig, a gunboat tlnew a hiuglo shell at a rebel batteiy, and killed eighteen moil, wounding fifteen others. Micrmiiii mill Blmunloii. S. P. Gall. The coucspoiidoiico between Secio taiy Shoinian nnd Senator Wiulo Hampton shows. Hint tho Sonatoi is a fool and tho Seeiotary is not. Of couisowo do not moan that tho Sen ator is a fool in a strict soiuo of the word, but in tho souse of n man who furnishes a orafty and lelontlesjioppo uout with a club to boat his own biaiiis out. Hamilton's disposition to inako a poisonnl mutter of some I genoral loiuaiks of Sherman connect- ing him with tho ku-Klit gangs i' in uttor inluninony with tho general tone of tho lower walks of Amoiicnn polities. Sheimnn goiieuilued nnd poi-sonaliicd in tho froo way a coitnin they want to make n point with nn nuilieneo. Jtoiluinoiany Hint uump' i ton was a Ku-Klux leader, though his language implied that he was I Hampton lites up as if he weie. the, onlv mm in (Ik I'mud suUs who NO. 44. was personally ieponibIc for wliat ho Raid, ho passed tho bounds of in telligent sanity. Of cour-o .Sherman replied, and then sout tho coriespond- i"co to the I're-s for publication. Ho !"know that it would make votes for his party. Tho cool intimation that ho believed (.orfain statements true, in spite of Hampton's denial of thorn, places him on the "aiiic level in the matter of provocation as Hampton; i hut as ho ho does not propose to hold Hamilton responiblo, nor to bo held ' le-ponsible by Hampton, no sheddin ot blood is likely to follow. It is clear that Wade Hampton should rotiio fiom politics. Ho may be a candid, well-meaning gentleman, but ho is too impulsive and indiscreet to cope with such a crafty politician as Shor man. The Democrats had a sufficient tak on their hands to beat the com pact Republic in orgini.ition, with out hiving their effort- p iralyed by such Linatics as Wadi Hampton is showing himelf to bo in this cam paign. A 'frnc Slutcmciit ol' the VasiC. In his speech at Phil tdclphia, Mr Ttlaine put the case as follows : My old friend Col. Porney -coins to think that Con. Hancock should have full liberty to let thf i'.els into Pennsylvania in 1SS0, bec.ui-,0 be gal lantly aided in keeping t'n m out in 1M,:;, that Oen. Hancock sh mid have tho right to place all the groat mate rial and industrial interests of l'cnii syhania undci contiol of the South ern Demoeiacy now "because 17 vear ago ho drew hi s.vord to keep the very same men fiom dcpoiling and destioving tho State. Wo Republi cans thing diffeicntly. Wo believe it only tho pait of common piudencc and common wisdom to refuse to put tho Government under tho control of the men who so lately sought its de- j -tnictioii. Those who never rebelled '"S"'ni mo union me suieiy more to be ti listed than those who only cca-ed rebellion when forced thcicto by the strong arm of Government. Tho citi zens who were loyal in tho hour of the nations sorest trial beliovo that thoe who won at GeUvsbuigaro safer depo-itor'es of power than those who lost on that momorablc field. And a- to Gen. Hancock him-eif they only i egret that he has changed sides, and that ho is now leading the ho-t which ho then lcpulsed and sought to destroy. A ICrJootoil oi!iinutioti. Gov. Thayer nominated Geo. U. Douiss, of Ilugono City, as one of the Regents of the State Univeisity, but ho was icjected by the 1'cpublic.tn majority of the Senato, on the giound that as Mayor of lugonc City ho lcfiiscd to extend tho courtesies of the . I t t . !! laietnaiuayoswasa ir.uui ami ne Republican p.my was a lio. The question of Jess confum.ition created a stir in llio Senate. A coi respondent of the Salem Talk says : Senator Siglin and other leading Demociats jumped at this oppoi Utility to defend their party and took occa sion toe:.tol tho cause of tho Southern Democ-a ie confederacy, expressing hope that what they i0,.udedas the right would yet pi ovail. Tho sooos-ion ideas so advanced in defence of tho said Douiss excited tho Union seiiiiment of the Senate and on a final vote, Dortiss was reject ed and the Governor allowed an op pot tuuity to send in another name Domooints of icbellious proclivities talk loudly and b'tteily concerning the insult of the vote, but Republicans stand as liimly as Gi.iiu when refus ing to accept tlio swoi.l of that gieat Domncialiu londor, Gin Lee, at Ap poomatax couit house in lS.i. and as ! Dorriss was promptly .ejected, so will Demoeiacy stand after tho coining Xov ember election. 'I'lio Name III ml. Tho following incident is said to havo ooeuned nl CapaGii.ndonu, Mo. A character noted for freijfi -lting bar joonis was sitting in his uual plnco of iomuI, with several oompanions, about a caul-tublo. Suddenly his wife entered the loom lien ring a coveicd dish, which she depisited on tho ta ble, with tho lomnik, ''Piesuniing, huslmnd, Hint ou woio too busy to como to dinner, I hnvo your," nnd departed The husband invited his friend to slmie his meal and lemov ing the lid from the dish, found only a slip of pijwr u wbiih was written, j hope yuu witt riijuy your umnor. n ) the .inie kind your family has coiponnioniorresi(.eMiJiaycs,onnisigUI1)rcllu,.ing t)ut he hiUln.t 1C late visit. Ilo also look occasion to heart to kill a sleeping man. The oth- at honu Tlio Dovolopment of ourMincs, tlio. Iiiipiovcmcntof oui haibors, and rail roadcomniiiuicatiou with tho Interior specialities. Credit When It In Iue. There has been complaint made that tho Republican press never give tho Democrats credit for any thing. Tho Xew York C'ommrrci'al Adicrtiner gonerously gives them credit for tho following: They predicted that the secession would bo peacablc. They predicted that the State would not respond to President Lin coln's call for militia. They predicted that tho militia would refute to cross the Potomac and invade Virginia. They predicted that money could not be raised to suppoit tho army, and the people filled tho treasury. They predicted that the people would not take the greenback. They predicted that the greenback dollar would be worthless as rags. They predicted that the gra would giow in the streets of Xew York. They predicted that England and Franco would form an alliance with the South to secure cotton. They predicted that a -'poverty "tricken people in the Xorth would compel the Government to terminate tho war." They predicted that Grant could not capture Richmond. Thoy predicted that the war for tho Union would bo a failure. They predicted that the Confeder ates would never be overthrow p. They predicted that tho pcoplo would never consent to emancipation. They predicted that the pcoplo would never ratify the amendments to the constitution. Thoy predicted that the fico negroes would become a iaco of paupers. They predicted that the pcoplo would never peimit black men at tho ballot-box. They picdicted that the war would terminate in a vast standing army and a military dictator. They predicted that the child was unborn who would live to see gold or silver te-toied to tho currency of tho country. They predicted that the interest on the vast public debt could never bo paid. They predicted that . specie pay ments would not be resumed on tho fir.-t of January, 1S79. They predicted that tho resumption of specie payments would bring uni versal disaster and luin upon the bus iness and industries of the country. Iiifliuti .Iiixtit-c. Gra-.s- Valley Union. The minder for which an Indian was shot recently at Muskogee, Indi an tciritoiy, was peculiar. Ho sus pected that his squaw loved another, and told his grievance to an Indian triend who had cause for the same suspicion in legard to Iris own domes tic air.iirs, and together they agreed to kill the offender. They wont to his house after night ; ho was asleep The door was open and ono of the Indians took aim, but lowoicd his ,.r ono took the gun and fired telling his companion to learn how to kill a man. The murderer was punished by licit. g shot thiough the heart. The officer who ancstcd him acted as executioner. His eyesworo bandaged but his hands vvoro left fice. Ho maikcd a place just above his heart on his clothing, and turning to tho odlcor told him to fne. Ilo displayed tho utmost coolness throughout, oven asking that his oyes be unband.iged, as he wanted to look death in the face. The I, to Di'iuocrals '1V11 li 'l'arlll IMNlrlcCN. Day ton Journal. One of the feeblest pleas Democrat ic oiators and organ oratois in a Tm ilf Districts is that Gailicld i.s a Frco Tiader. As ho has voted for every tarill'bill that has hecomo n law be come a law during his 18 years in Congtcss. his lecoul shows hotter for lilin tit in viik n mi .J. nt tin. v .iiiiii. " "'", V ' fir , , V ' ft" tho piesent tariff could bo liulieiously amended we doubt not. There aro no Tin ill' inon who will controvert that imipositiou, but ho is a sound Tai ill man and is u suppoitod by tho 'fai iff men ol the manufacturing States. Mi:. II. IIubi.ky, n well known citi zen of Washington Terutory, living on the Walla Walla oad somo 14 tniles fiom tho oitv, was shot in tlio gioin Fiiday last by ono J nines I.c.iry, nnd died soon afterwards. Leaiy, it appeals, was mossing the much of Raisley, hunting ninbits, and when tho latter oulejeil him off an alterca tion onsuod, during which Leary claims his gun was accidentally dis eluuged, while Mr. Raisley in his dy ing moments assortod that ha dis charged it iutontioually. Justice Ilird bound Leary ovor in tho sum of .K.00 to aw ail the nttioii of the Grand Jim Rio damage