w , . wp Ujwt?; atmfi " WitF yiJ7'""r'"t:i;'' - r.-T . .... ..- - ....-.. - . -. i 1 1 ' - -w- , . The Coast Mail. The Coast Mail. TIE3. JbJ COAST riMii ikiihii MAIL. DHVQTKI) TO jTVXjJJ IiIVH ZSSVZ1I9. 12 WHY SATURDAY MORNING uv WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHART, Miimhllold, Coos Co., ()i. thi: inturusts of south ern ohkoon always foremost. Terms, hi Alliance. One j our - Six months -Tlueo mouth ft! m 1 fill 1 (XI OITM'IAI, I'AITIt Of COOS CO. Wouldn't lo IIcciiiiho Nlio llml it lli'iiti. " Hlio wiih ut ono of the Union school- Iiouhch Imlf an lionr bofnio school opciifd. Sho luiil "liimla" with her She was u titll woman, foity yearn old with u jaw showing gioat dolotinina- tion, iinil "Linda" was sixteen, i at 1km hIiv.uiuI piotty good looking Tlio inothui said who hiuln'l Ikcii in (he oil long, mid il wuh hoi duty to got ' I. inda" educated. When tlio touch- oi came, tlio iiiotlmi holilly i l c 1 1 1 i t o I - "You Know enough to touch, do jiiiiv" "I thiol. I do," lopllod-tho teacher, blushing deeply. "And nu Foid coinititont to govern Iho scholars, do j on?" "Yes'in." "Do vou pound 'oin with a foriulo oi lick 'oin with a whip?" "Wo seldom icsoil to punishment hoie,"ioplicd (lie cinlmi las-ed tcachoi. "Thul'H bettor jet," continued the inolhoi "I know if l.iuda wai to i'onio homo all pounded up, I'd fool ,, . like killing huiiiii ono I suppose oit aro of icxpcctahlo chaiaotoi, aim ou'" "WIin ahem wh " staminoicd tho teaeher, growing white and thou 10(1. "I opoct you aio,"coiitiuu(d tho su.oiiiitomlanlof II counties in that woman "IN well oiiough to know state, and coilaiu ollhials in .Maij who 0111 ohildion aio 11-oeiatiiig with j.,,,,1 i luil,i. ,.,doi-oniont of the Now, then, do ou allow tho bo.s and gills to sii lilgothoi?" "No, in i'iiiii," That's right. Thoy never u-ul to when I was voting, and I ilon't think ( I. inda is auv hotter than I am. An olhi'i thing do you allow any wink 1 UK" "Any what?" exclaimed the pu- led toucher. "Do .vim allow a boy to wink at a girl' asked tho woman. ' Whj.iio!" "I was afiaid vou did. Linda is as fdiv asa hiid, mid if sho should come 1 liome some night and loll 1110 that who had been winked al, I don't know what I'd do Now, another . thing do vou have a beau?" 1 "Whv why " was the slaininoicd lenlv . I "I think vou do resuin.d the, woman, ovoiely. "I know just how it works. When vou should bo ex-' pluming what an aiehipelago is, von j uro thinking of jour Uichaid, mid J muii inin. I ix unv inivnll'" I -Iliil. iimtlitiii- "' t ion. Comu l.iiida, we'll go to some other schoolhoiuo." And thoy jogged. Ili'i'iul Tut Coal .lllur i;Iom1oii, A I.oudon dispatch of Iho IU li sa.vs: Atori.blojoll.orv explosion oecurred at " oeloel. tins morning al eanam pit, in Diiiham eounty.on tho Ninth sea, live miles fiom Sundoiland. At the time of tho explosion 1350 men weio iu the pit, and fiom that time up to 11 o'clock all ell'oitH to reach thorn piovcd unavailing. Communication has, howovoi, since boon opened with a gioup of 1H mini, who aio safe. M'ho gtoatest oxoitoinont piovails in ll... .......Iil..l lli-wul llllll UI1H f I 111 1 ll ibll.rw...WW.M - ol 1 1 1(1 1 cit ol tlio impiisoucu aim i toiin.l niwl iruiii.il iiii Hlatightoiod Illinois, suriotind tho mouth of tho pit with loud cries. Mi. titration, losidont iowei, was soon on tho spot when it was found that all tlueo shafts of tho iniiio weio lock ed, tho cases being fastened in thoni, .Stratum, with a ropo around his body, deseondod to tho main scam mid hoaid tho men talking, ho thought about lit). Thoy mo consul oied safe. Thoio is no ipiisoii as jot to boliovo the pit isoit fiio, but it is feated tho hulk of tho men have been killed. A dispatch from Senlumi collioiy this evening announces that 10 nion who woio winking in tho two nppoi HCiiniri of conl have been found eafo and well. Homo of thorn volunteoiod mid aio helping to icsoiio thoir com i ailos who aio seventy fathoms lower The bottoms of both shafts aio still Mocked up with dolnis. Up to seven o'clock a total of 57 men had boon lescued, tho majoiity iu unexhausted condition. Many thousand of peo ple mo ciowdiug mound tho mouth of tho pit. Tho guiding minks iu tho pit woio blown to pieces, and ox ploiois consequently find thoir woik xory dillleult. Thoy will keep at it "11 nihht iu tho hopu of clcmiitg it wiy into tho shaft by moiiiing. So fur thoio is no sifit of Uio, hut il is ovident that thou, must bo u lingo ncoiiiniihition of gas. Onu bundled mid fifty men mo still iu tho pit, "Novel mind anv iixnbiiiatiiins." in- terruiiieii 10 woiiiiin. "I want i.inda , , " . ii,i,. f..,i ii ui,,,, n,,,, ii,.i ; i ' ",,a llll"nl ""' l"u """"" '" ivnu u.f.iiiili.il liv Mr full imti 111 tin. Dig I V 10(1,1111(1 llOlllg HOW lUSl 111 1101 . , . .o-.i ri'i .... 1 liioiiifht mi In know looL'orfv Iilmiios was ae opiod nv .vir. 1 uu 01111 in mo s - n j of July 1 1, I81O. 1 hat statute, under iiiouKiimp 10 know jogori.v , nguios, 1 ,.,,,.,...., ., M ... v ,,., . ... puitie .gives pioiniso of next c.ir ox- . ', .r ,. , , wnt 111:. and soel ouranhv, am f "hl ol ll PU),,"", llml ,l,u ''C- ' ... ' s. ' . . ,- . whojo bonificent ojieiatioiH such 10- Hiiiuih, nun rjn miiiii n, miii " , I if 1 if ,1 f , 1 ,N .1 1 lelhng 101 own wondeifu record." ,. ,. , .. , r ., jou'vogota hoau and aro spoo ' 'lf I rst f in the futuio, and ""'', J,. tIIIlfll0 ,)Iomieto. Mr J S ! llL'f 1,,,s comu to H'u l'njcw of the to tho theatre ono night, a eandypull I ;.'" '-l- "i Ik. I ' J "" I 1 ' fnilod States, WlW opposed at even .1 .. i.... .1 i dionoo to tho Koneial Oovoiliinoiit i "' nelson, pmpoies ui vt.iopiu0 a ao . . , n.mmn.r.it n,.Hv .... ... .... (iHim rn in inn. ' in cmiiiit-iimi.i ne n" " "u"i " "'"' "" 11 t l .1... r 1 . uio nexi, a ooisu-iacu ion nei, nun i ....... . . ,, ,. r,,,.,,!,. ,,f .i, n,,,,,,,, ,.i, ,,,, 1. --i--v - - i soon.vou, mind can't bo on eduea-1 ' ,u 'h' l''o, soon violated her, o, , .1 "J ' ' , " "' 5. ! Cong.ess-Mi. II.,, .,,,1 and Mr - i ..1...1...V " i i uiriiii ixi'i'iniii: mill iiiiiiLiniii uiiiu- Vol. II. MA.RSI-Hni333JL,T), OR, A 'urloiiM lllNlory A lloolt Hint NIiomn llm Whj Thej Tench tint Noiillicni Voii n c lilcit Hom to Nhoot. Chicago Intor-Oceau. 'Phoio niu ultiii .State tights muii or old Ciilhnonists now in Chicago who feel so Hltougly that the will not, al low thoii ohildion to load tho school i hiKloiioM in iiho, hut send .South foi Miioh win histories as hao been pub lished Micro enloilng the situation to Hiiit the piojudicos of tho old enemies of tho Government. Among tho books biought to tho oily foi tho iiho of those children, ho oarofully gttaidod fiom t 10 influoiico of Northern HcntiiiKiit, in a Hohool histoiy of tho United States hy Hlaokbuin and MacPouald, and published hy u Baltiinoio house foi use in uio noiiinciu Mines, this is now in its ninth edition, and tho too i il is biought down to 1877. Yo , ,.r,.,l fmm (ho calaloL-uo of tl h i.-i,,.,. ,lllir ,1,,.,, r 101 11...1 ii. ......, v. ....v ... tr, ..... MIV school history is immeiiHcly popular and in eiy gouoial use south of .Ma son and l)iou'h line, and wo loaru from published lecoiiimondations that Iho Lieutenant (!oornoi, .Senators, House of delegates, Hiiporiutcndaut of public schools in Viigiuia joined Hit hook, its plan, sentimoiil and spiiit. Tho histoiy has boon hofoio tho Southern public for many years, and is now u-ed in the public "schools of Viihiiu ami several other States. n.oro is nothing in the literary woik - nansh.p or in the airangomont to recnmmeiid it. It is simply a section- al histoiy, wiitton in such a way as to encourage sectional picjudico. In the school histoiies usoil in the North, political quostitnis are fiom (ho necessities of the case treated with Iho gruitost faiintss. In tho South- 0111 hislorv thev aro draooid to tho " nn fiont with paitis.iu olliontoiy Tin Kok is wiitton witli tho apparent puipos to make prominent the fact that fiom tho liist thoio was a sting- gh foi masloiy between the North and the South. It is stated that - .'...... I f... . I...U Ill, I t'u' Constitutional Convention of 17X7, tho stoimiest diseiuston- vveio as to the relative power of tho twoseetions The student is not allowed to lo-o sight of ibis stiuggle, ami at tho tune of the South Carolina nulitication lb. eats iu lsJUthoNotth is mado m j I appear as the cause of the North Cat pledge, Coming down tho coinpiomiso of 1850, tho veiaeious histoiiau savs. "Tho South gained the fugitive slave law. Fvoti this was of little benefit to tho South, as its ptovisious weio olotvcl in tlio .xoi thorn states in (t ven. fow imimcw of Ca,l0UI, it is said : "Ho was the gioat icpro sentaiivoof tho South; and it was the chief aim oj his political life to stioiigthon the powoi of the South iu tho (iovoiniuont, so that she might ho enabled toioM-,t thooucioachmonts of the North upon her tights." Down to tho time of I ho John Hiown laid (ho Ninth had boon, ncioidiug to this chionicle, constantly iu the I lu ...1 ..A t.. " I I IML; I I1UII HIV fUUIUlU It nVH I'f consider litis: "I'ho doctiino taught hy the aboli tionists of tho Ninth biought foith, in tho latter pat t of l5i, their inov itu hloiosttlts. John Ihowu.ii Northein fauatio and a noted ICaus.ts assassin, at iho head of n small body of despot iidoos, took forcible possession of tho United States armory at Harpoi's Fouv " Coming down to tho poi iol of tho war, Abtahaiu Lincoln is desmibod as a sectional candidate for Pioidont, whoso election was, to tho South, a coniinoiicoiiiont of hostilities," ami tho iinpiossion is convoyed that tho Southern people, having boon "for years piovonted by mob violoncofiotn onjoving their constitutional lights in tlio Notth," could do nothing olso than "abandon a tiovoinmont which h'td fallen into (lie hands of thoii avowed enemies." Thoir Uoptosentiitives iu Congiess, iu bidding fat ow oil, "htiilod ft defiance at thoir political oninuios, who had tli iv on them to to thoir lust icsuit of honor." Mr, Iltichanan is dcsciihcd as a "Statu lights Doiuooiat who had always piofosscd to boliovo in the lights of secession," and who mado no attempt to piovont it by foico. Iu tho histoiy of tho warthoio is a oloar puivoisiou of factH in the Con fodoiato intoiost, mid fiequontly h iou olllcois mo lofotiod to coiitumpt uoiuly. Col. FUwuith is spoken of . as "n famous tough and eiious-iidei of Chicago," and his assassin nx ono to bo "tanked among tho p.itriolio mmtvmof hiHlory. (Jon. IJutloi in dcoiihcd as "a lioitHt " Banks is io foricd to iih u political Ooncial, and aiiothor distinguished ooniiuaiider is niontionod an "an ollleei by tho uuiiiu of John Tope." Throughout tho war the groat work of statesmanship that ' cehed n fatal blow, and all ctlort at gon and the Toniloiies between tho the Ooufcdoiiitcs aio tininforinly hiio- dool.d upon tho Uopubliem p.uty. steady piogics and ordcily deolop-, Sien.i Xovnda and the ltocky Monn consful o( opt when overpoweied by At oory stop in thin gigantic under- inent of the great business and com- tains, aro thinlj populated, and hold tlueo or four timoi their nuinbci. i:eu in tho hint engagements of the wai "tho CoufcdoiatoH wcio victori ous" Finally, it is said : "Tho piimai cause of the failuio of the Confedera cy wa that Iho people of tho South were not ttuaiiimntt in theii dibits to oiedit in ISO'); second, the act to pro gain their libel ly In tho history of , vido for the refunding of the public the world 11 unitid people smuggling debt in 1S70; the thiul, the att foi for liberty hao mur been stibjug.t-1 the rciimiitiou of specie payment, tod" passed in 187.". Against eoi one of The italics aio gicn in tho book. The infeienco is plain. If in tho next attempt the .South is united she "will not be subjugated." Ihiough has been said of this school histoiy to show its character and to illustiate the spiiit of lhoe who put it iu the hands of school children Thoj aio still lighting tho battle of the old .South, and they are kt oping alive tho old prejudices foi no good A Wonderful .fvrni-y . 1'iof Henry i: Alvoid, Fast Hainp- ton, Mass , has taken special pains to '"'I!1 the claims put foith foi ' l1"' '" iftil cow, "Jeiso.v (iucen," HIN "ml "J"-'"'" ', old, owned at ' i. i . ami is sausooo imu sue jiiodueed duiing the jcar ended last Match, 71! pounds of unsalted bultei. "Had all the milk been used for but ler, and tho usual itiautity of salt bten added, thoio would have been ! -oiifitlfinl.l over NX) pounds of inc.- chautahlo butler from this ono cow '""""' 1''" ' " A de-motion, in -I w l.rfi.i...j. . r 1. .. 1 iimn l ullmilor, ot too appeaianco and tieatmont of this gioat daiiv piio, mentions "extiaoidinaiy devel opment of iiddoi mid milk veins, per fection of coat, beauty of face, and es pecially leni.tikablo eves She is "- - "" - 111 mi 111 iiv 110 uiu.ininiypicfli iicuuiv . .1 . of that bleed but tbeie is soinethingl . . viiy atliaetivo itliout lid, ami she, luisaioallv queenly ah Sho sho.vs gioat sticugth of constitution and "li-iidiiu-s of norve-nothing seems to distuiD her She has seldom io- ping and judi ing a fact, the importance of which will bo inoio icadily ieoogni7cd when it is lomoiubcted that the aveiago viold of butter cows iu this country is, as ct, IcvH than 1 10 pounds a veil. Cmiivcit.n Among tho happiest and proudest possessions of a mini is his ehatactor. It is Ins wiiilth it is a rank of itself. It usually ptoouie's him tho hoiiois, and taiely the je.il otistos of fame l.iko most ttcastiios that aie attained l'ssly eiieun s .nc es than ottisolves, diameter is.i moio felicitous icpiitution than glorv. Tho wise man, theiofoto, despises not tho opinion of tho woild ho esti mates it at its full value ho does not wantonly jeop.udio his tioiisttro of a good name. Ho docs iut tush from vanity, alone, against tho lccotvcd statements ofothcis; he does not ha anlhiscostly jewels with unwoilhv combatants, and for a potty stake Ho icspocts tho legislation of decorum. What is the essence mill tho life of chaiactor? Ptinciplo, iutogiity, in dopoiidenco' or, as ono of tho gioat old wiitcis hath it, "that iubied loyal ty, into Virtue, vvhieh can sorvo her without a livoty." These aio qualities that hang not upon any man's hieath. Thoy must ho foi mod within oui solvos; thoy must bo miulr ouiseliei indissoltiblo and indistiuctib'o as the soul! If, conscious of thoso possess ions, wo trust tiauquilly to tiiuoiiud occasion to louder thorn known, wo may lost iihsiited that our ohaiaotor, sooner or later, will establish itself. Wo cannot moto defeat oui ow n object than by a restless and fovoiod anxiety as to what tho woild will say of us. Thoio is a inoial honesty in a duo le gaid for oLuiaetor which will not shape itself to tho huiuoi.s of tho oiowd. And this, if honesty, is no loss wise. For tho oiowd novyr long osteonts thoso who Hatter it at thoir own expense. Ho who has tho suplo mb8of tho donuigoguo will live to complain of tho liokleuuis of tho mob, ; it's Student. StMisiMiini! for tho Co.vbr M.vn, Only tU.OOpor aiinuiu. SATURDAY, ICcMIIIIIlf loll llllll ilH 0)M)NI'l'lt. From Rltiincs ppe-cili, Hath, Mo. Vo oaino out of tho war with u ileht that was ilibcotn .iKttiyly huge, and with a ouiienoy dangerously dopro eialod. To piovido for tho roduclion of the deltl and tho icstoiatinn of the i ciitroiic to the speiie standanl was. , taking tho Democi.itic nuty, tho nros - out Hiipportcm of (Jon. Hancock, h.no prosonted thenifohos an an obstruc tion mid a hindi.into. The thrco gloat enactinontH that biought a sound ciinency to the people wore, fii-t, tho act to Httcngthen the public tlieso moasiiios the Dcmoeiatic p.uty olb-itd a stern resistance. I believe I am entiioly accurate in saving that iu neither branch of Congicss did any of those gioat and essential incas uies locoivo the suppoit of a Mngic Deinociatic vote. Mossis. Thiitmaii ai.d H.ivard, the leadois of tho Deinociatic party iu 1 Congiess, united in a vigorous onpo - Isition to tlic-o measure. When the, att of 1800, declining that tho United ! States would pay its obligations in the money of the woild, was pending, Mr. Thurm.in and Mr. li.naid both voted foi a imposition to pay oil' tho public debt at tho Lite lopiesonted by its com value at the tunc tho loans wore negotiated, dccl.uing iu the amendment thoy supported that this was the just measure of the obligation of the United States; and when the amendment was lojectcd, Mr. TI1111 m.m oll'eieil and Mr. Ikiv.ud voted for an amendment excepting the iiinhuuiii i.,.i.,u it.,... nwirn dm,, half tho public debt, from anv obliga-. '"cinl pohc of China means more purcnase tins .aim or larming pur tion of coin pav.net Had the j.oli- tl"'" "I'l" ' o. Savs our poses generally fell the t.ecs and i ...i V. ai. mm i coi respondent: "The 400.000.000 of bum them to clear the land. In this ...VS h. - 1 (((V HUIIV, lllllll I" V III! Vlll'llll'll III .111. I II II 1 lllllll lllllll tion would have boon dishonoicd and -... hy Vl f b, , . Tho 1 ... . . , , ,, ,. in miiiit win iiiiniilnmnfl liv in Mnnin. ' ' , , ,. , , ciatie n.iitv at that true was more I sweenint: iu its terms and nioip dis.is .":.... , .,. . tious iu its cci tain consequences than any of tho modem Uiccnb.iek hoio SlOS. 1 Die second gieat inc.isuie to wh.eh Thin man, m u-iia!, in the lead Tho piovisiou exempting bonds fiom tax ation was absolutely essential to fund ing the debt at a low late of intuiost Yet Mr. liii.vuid olleied and advocated an amendment stiiking out this io vision fiom tho law, and all the Dcm ociats in Congnv-s voted with him. Mr. Jkivaid ftnthor advocated the substitution of tho old State bank s.v stem for the National hank sjstoin a mcasuio fiaught with moicilosss disaster to tho whole financial mid commcicial community. Happily the Republican p.uty was able to do feat this destiuotivo pioposition, and tho funding act of July 11, 1S70, was placed on the statute book. At the tnno of its passage seven-eighths of the public debt was bc.uing fl per cent, intciest; today sc.ueoly one eighth of tho dobtboais that tate, and no.xt j car, if tho Republican policy is piesotved, all the roiuaiudoi of the sixes will bo funded at I per cent. When the war closed the annual in teiost on tho public debt exceeded f 150,000,000; to day, under tho'finan cial polic.v of tho Republican p.uty, the annual intoicst is less than ?80, 000,000, mid tho ptincipnl of tlio debt has boon i educed mom than fMX),000, 00J. The thiid and ctowning moasiuo of tlio Republican financial policy was tlio act of lh75 foi tho icstiinption ot spoiio piijtnouts, passed by tho Re publican party ov or tho united oppo sition of the Domoeiats, lint a single Domociatio Senator or Reptesentu tivo voting for it, and a jear and a half after its passage tlio Pom ooiatio p.uty, iu National con vention, by a unanimous vote demand ed tho iopoa1 of tho Resumption Act ; and if thoio bo ono piominont Pino ouit in the United States who sop mi nted himself fiom his paity on that Mr. Hav.ird and tho whole Democrat-1 1Itiliitioii have long been found to ic p.utv been us,tained, the ,)Mblc be too many for the territorial limits debt would have been paid oll'at fiom jof tI,c empire, vast as they arc. J.'v tiS to n cents on the dollai ; the na-1 cr-N '"l.l'o P''O of land is cultivat- question, his ninno has escaped my " ''" '! of nations, ohseivation. 1 li.no not singled out I Undor thoso ciicunistaucos, it is Mr.Thunnnu ami Mr. Iliiynul in nny j t fatianyo Hint at tho Roilin con oflbusivosonso, hut simply as tho lead-, foionco last j em, a ptopoition should om of tho Pomocratio p.uty; and havo hoon mado to take soino action tlio iccord shows that ovuiy slop tak- looking to a Utuoponn alliance on for tho uistoraiion of bpceio pay- against tho oucioaohmont8 of tho uiont and tho bettor adjustment of Chinoto. Tlio United Slntew is pto tho National debt ban boon oppocd,' tectod fiom thU piwsihlo iuvtuiuu by SEPTEMBER hindered and obstructed hy both those cniinont Senators, and by all their follow cm; nor is it in the light of to day any exaggeration to nay that if the policy ndvocatcd hy thorn had boon adoited, tho business of the country would still ho in confusion, the National credit would have ro - 1 meicial intercuts of the countrv would I hao been vain and fruitions. If the incaures I bine (piotcd and thcrceoid 1 h.ixorofeiied to correctly depict tho course of the Democratic puty iu the past, what might j 011 ex pect from it in the future? And in the light of this experience, and in the full view of thco facts, I ask all the otcm of Mai. io, art (I of the whole I'nion, so f.ir as my xoicc can loach them, whether they think the fiuan- ! ci.d policy that has pnncd to bril- li.intly successful should now be placed under tho control of men who wore its bitterest opponents, 01 wheth er it had bettor bo kept iu the hands of its fi tends. Among these fiiends none tronger, abler, 11101c zealous or consistent can be found than James A. (iailiuld. Never by won! or deed, l s0 fur as I know, 1ms Oonoial Han- cock over undo any expression on the ouhjoot. His letter of acceptance j, discreetly, or. as I should sjv, in discreetly, silent iu regard to this groat subject, as indeed, it is in lcfer ence to nil niattois of adininistiation that would come up for judgement before States. a President of tho United Tlio 'liiii'Ni SInnIovv. SFOidl A correspondent, w ho has c idcntlv given the Chinese problem seiiou coiisidciation, cxpre-scs the opinion inai me reconi eiiangc in mo com- ' ccl alul kUn i'ioih ire toiceu to live "" thewatois, cultivating iiatehos of -m on mils mil llit lmil- sun uu laua iiui u. it uu.us. Life in China is held of little v.iluo Tho I 1""'1 " lltnl ' 1UUL '" "ll- mtiltitudo are hold as cat tie. to be j "P"-i oi as mo interests oi noiun , oi inon mastois m.iv uieiaie. v natural result of this condition will be i rt struggle for more room. I ho C lu- nosc nave uiscovcreu iii.it. me sun shines and the rain falls on other lands, and that the produce of Iho earth is as good as their own. Why should they lem.un imprisoned in their territory when comp.uatively thinly populated countries aro open to invasion? That tho Chincso Gov ernment has abandoned its poliev of isolation is now evident. Hor people may go where they will. Put whore ever thoy may go, they will lemain subjects of tho Chinese Umpeior and uiiilei his protection. Tho lecont ap pointment of a high dignitary as a kind of supunor Minister to look after the interests ef Chinese iu dif ferent lands, and tho more lccent change of cotnmeicial policy, aio eon cltisivo that tho Kmphc is pioparing to take part in tho afiairs of the woild, and thoio is no leason why it should not take tho tank which its immenso lOsouieos enable it to maintain. Tho populations of tho gieat Fttropean powcis vary between twcnty-livo mil lions and fifty millions. Kusia alone execeds tho latter number. Fiance, Cierniany, Aiistiiit. the United King dom of Cicat Ptitain, excluding de pendencies, contain loss than fifty million. Tho United States has, in lound numbers, foi ty-nino millions. Tho Chincso Umpire has 100,000,000. Inn war thoy could put soldiots in tlio field against thoso nations com bined, at tho into of two to one. They could swiu m over Uiyopoor Amoiic.i, and o oi shadow thoir nativo popula tion by foicc of numhcis. The pop ular idea is that tho Chinese mo not good soldiois. That idea w ill explode when thoy have good officers and good guns, Tho Chincso have a cer tain contempt for life, growing out of thoir condition, which is closely al lied to phjsical coinage. They aic patient, outlining and contented un der tioatinont that would iuspiio a ft eo race like Amoiicaiis to lobel. In a contest, either in poaco or war; these qualities will toll. An oiupiio linger than any live nations in Uu lopo or Amorica is about to demand, ot has illicitly demanded, admittance 35, 1880. jNo. 39. eoriil thousand miles of water, , This is a tolerably good security , against a hostile invasion, but none , at all from a peaceful one. Tho l'a cifio ocean can bo crossed more easily and cheaply than tho same distance 'on land, if a friendly port can bo sc- 1 cured on this side. California, Ore 'out tho most nroinUim: field for Chi- 1 ueo uumigiants. The Wuj the Tree are oIn. Washington Star Persons who have taken tho pains to make the calculation estimate that at the piescnt into of destruction the vast forests of thi- countiy will have disappeared in forty jcars, leaving the United States without timber. How to econoniio the forests is the question being discussed, and dillcr pnt suggestions aic made, but none of them are likely to be adopted or cnfoiccd. Ono is, that the owners and operator-of sawmills should les sen tho quantity of lumber thoy arc turning out ; that because of the pres ent plentiful supply of timber, lum ber can be sold at at a verIovv price and it is "being utshed upon the inaikct." At long as the profit can be icali7cd it is useless to talk about curtailing the quantities of lumber being sawed. The men who have in vested in sawmills did so for profit, and they aie not going to suspend operations because the next genera tion may not be able to get lumber It is aio suggested that the Govern ment tin 11 its attention to spving sueUi of the public domain as is cov ered by line old timbcr-pioducing forests. This land can be purchased now at fl 25 cents per acre, and this low price is one of the causes that makes cheap lumber. The men who I , ... , ., , . way millions ot splendid old forest trees that it required many jcars to develop aie annually destioyed; but what else can be done with them? The pioneer who vontuies out on the bottlers to establish a homo is, usual ly, too iemote from inaikct to sell his timber, and ho should soon die of starvation should he leave the trees standing, waiting for the time to como when he would havo facilities for transporting his timber to market. The immigrants who arc coming to our countiy by tho thousands aro seeking land to cultivate. In order to raise crops the timber must fall from the laud. For the Government to take all of its timbered land fiom the inaikct for tho benefit of future generations, would bo to check the extension of agticulturc, fiom which wo deiivo most of our wealth. The only practical way of meeting the dif ficulty of a future deficiency of tim ber seems to bo tho present cultiva tion of now crops of tiees. Such ex periments as havo been tiied in the raising of trees best adapted to the purposes of lumber have been sitccois ful. Under cultivation they grow faster than when loft cutitely to na ture, and a ciop of tices planted by ono genoiation would produce excel lent lumber for the next. Tho iricnrtl t'hliics.o. ThoPoitland Bulletin has tho follow ing; At tho Chineso theatre, at 2 o'clock this morning, tho actors came within an aco of being butcheied by thoir excited countrymen in the au dience. Tho play was concluded an hour anil a half before it should have been, accoiding the assemblage, who also say that they woio cheated by an other picco having been substituted lor that advoitised. They left tho building in a fo.uful stato of ox-oito-mont, 200 strong, brandishing thoir weapons of all kinds and tlucalening tliro vengonco on tho lessees and tioupe. They attempted in a frantic manner to io cuter tho thoatio mid would havo ovei powered Voglesang tho w hito guard, but for tho opportune ttiiival of Olliccrs Hudson and Gillies, who woio obliged to iliavv and cock thoir pistols, in oulor to subduo mid dispoiso the angry mob who would have, if permitted, without a doubt, killod ovoiy actor in tho building. Ai.kxis's washerwoman takes his liundlo of coll.us and socks down to tho Syotlina, and sits on thorn till she gets tho money duo. Sho says sho has "washed for sailois bofoto during war times, and whon thoy .no ouloicd away to bo killed jou lose ovety cout thoy owe yo." Pittsburg Dliputch. Tho lfor says: A now sloop, which was lost on tho passage hoin Tillamook soino four of fivojoats ago, and omno upon thobtmch bolow Point Adam, was, successfully lo-launohod on Sunday last ami biought to this poit iu tow of tho tug Antuiia. Tlip l)peloiimcnt of our Mines, tlio Imnrov cutout of ourlinihor. ntul mil- ! road ooiiiinunication with tho Interior specialities. Io We i:t Too Much. bunion Standard. Tho amount of nourishment whiclr a person needs greatly depends on his constitution, state of health, habiti and work. A pcdontnry man requires less than o io whose duties demand' the exorcise of his muscles, and a' brain worker needs more than an idler. Hut, unquestionably, the majority of us take moio than we need. Indeed food and woik arc distributed most unequally. The man of leisiiTc is al so a man of means, and accordingly fares sumptuously every day; whiler tho laborer toils for eight hours, antt finds it diffiictilt to get enough lo re pair the waste of his tissues. Yet ni Chinaman or a Bengalee will toil un der a tropical sun, mid a few pice worth of rice or jowiali is sufficient to sustain his strength. A Fro.ich man will not eat half what an En glishman engaged in tho same labor will demand ; and a Spanish laborer, content in ordinary times with a vva tcrmellon and a piece of black bread, will toil in the vinov arils and grovr fat on a dietary of onion poiritlgoand grapes. It is true that Mr. Brasscy, when building the continental r.iilwavs, found that one Unglish navvy was worth a couple of spaio feel foreign ers. But, on the other hand, tho British Columbian and Californian coal diggers, than whom a more mag nificent set of athletes does not exist, live in the remote mountains of tho far vv est, mostly on beans flavored with a few cubes of pork. But tlu-y alo obtain the best of water and the pur est of air, and their out-door life and active exorcise enable them to digest every ounce of their frugal fare Tho English soldier, though better fed than those of any army except the Ameri can, do not get one half the amount of solid nutriment that the idlest of club loungers cousidcis indispensable to his sustenance. An athlete in training is allowed oven less food ; vet he prospers on the limited fare, mid prolongs his life by the icgiment to which ho has been subjected. King Victor Emmanuel was a monarch of the most robust phvsiquc, yet ho ate only one meal .i day: and it is manifestly .tbsurd for any man to requhc thrco more or les weighty meals and an afternoon co) of tea to biipport the exertion of walking to the club, riding an hour in the park, writing a note or two, and dancing a couple of miles around a ball-room. The ancients had their "amethustuoi," or "sober stones," by which thoy regulated their indulgence at table. The moderns have not even this. But the-have their gout and (heir lives to warn them, when it is too late, that nature has been over taxed. Josii Billings. Prudery iz often like the old chcsuut-buir; it duz seem as tho it never would open, but by and by it yields tew the frost, and lets the futit drop out. I ilon't beleavo in tho final salv.i shun ov all men, bckausc there aro so lncnny kases in which i kant'sce how it i. going tew bo made tew pay. I look upon tho Noith Polo nz ono ov them pekuliar spots ov ground; if it aint never found, we sh.int bo nono ov tho wiiss off; and if it . found wo shant bo nono tho bettor ofl. Doth iz an anow shot into a krowd ; the oi.ly reon vvhi it hit another iz bekauzo it missed us. s Ally genius iz like arly cabbage ; it dont apt tevr hod well. Hurry and dispatch aro often con founded, but thoy aro a, unlike az the habits ov tho pissiniio and tho ant. Thcro aint but phovv men vvoak en lift' tew admit their jealousy: oven a disgiaced rooster in a bainyard will git a lectio further ofl' and begin to ciow a new reputashtiii. Cunning, at best, only duz. thedirty woik ov wisdom ; therefore I dospizo it. A Cuic.vao telegram of August 30th says: Tho contracting orco on tlio extension of tho Northern Pacific It.iilio.nl west of the Missouri will comploto tho guiding to tho Yellovv stono eaily in October. Tho Presi dent of tho toad has diiectcd tho Chief Pngineer to tiansfor tho work ing foiee directly across tho located lino of tho Yellowstone division, with intent to leaeh and pass Miles City and Fort Kcogh noxt July. Tin: Ashland Tidings says ; Joseph Scott mid Mi. Millor.of Kdcn picciuct whilo hunting in Iho Cascade moun tains, Miller wounded a buck, ami while following it discovoiotl a move ment in tho biiohos, ho shot hisfiiund Scott tluough tho light shoulder. Though voiy painful tho wi0Hl i not voiy dangerous, hut may lotno tho tho bhouldor a little .tifiuned.