The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 11, 1880, Image 3

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Tlio Const; Moil.
Hoskiiuwi IjANdOkhch, Aug. -1, 1880
'J'o Am. Whom it May
I licroby give notion that 1 lmvo cIuh
igimtcd tliu Coast Mail nfl tho paper
in which I hIiiiII hcu-uiiftci jiiI)Hh1i nil
pro-oinption mid liomcHtoutl notices,
uiul upplientioiiH for lniniug paluiita
for lumln lying near Miirtiliflulil,
Coos county, Oregon.
Wm. K. Hknjamin, ItcgiHlur.
Explanatory. Mr. C. Howe, of tho
Dora Nursery, was in town Thursday
of thin weok. lie wishes (o inform
his former patrons thai in conse
quence) of tho washing away of tho
bridges and tho destruction of tho
road botweon tho liay and his place
ho was tumble to fill order for fruit
tro received last year, hut ho would
now iiHRiiro Ilium that ho Ioh inado
arrangements to 1111 all orders iih ho
may receive thorn this year "without
Enti:utai.vmi:nt at Myhti.i; Point.
Wo print elsewhere tho programme
of u miiHloal and dramalio perform
ance which !h to ho given at Myrtle)
Point on tho 25th instant, for tho
benefit of tho hand organized at that
place. Wo know of no place in tho
county whoro thoro in better talent
for Mich cxorciboi than at Myrtle
Point, anil the puhlio can depend on
passing n. very plea.iant evening on
that occasion.
Cannkuy at Umi-qwa. Mr. Eriek
from the Columbia who in a largo
owner in tho fishing property at tho
Umpipia arrived at Gardiner Thursday
with !W Chinamen, u foreo of experi
enced canneryiuen to open businoHH
immediately. A schooner from Ah
torla in expected tn arrive noon with
mipplicH for the business. Tin; fish
ore ulreatly running in largo uumhora
and a good seasons work in expected.
Aliuivni) Tho (luiBie Telair ar
rived lust Tm'Hdny, with the following
named passengers: Mrs. Fink, A. M.
Crawford. I). L. Steele ami wife, Mrs.
0. F. I. use and two children, K. 11.
Dcan.Capl. Parker, C. E. Sherwood,
W. N. Smith, C. !'. Doe, 1.. Rogers,
Wesley Connor, II. Ilauguton, wife
and three children, R. llaughton, W.
Illoyd, J. Ilrask, L. Sullivan, ami
Miss Aiuiio and Miss Liado Forty
from Port Orford.
SmuoiiH Accident. A Mr. Arm
lleld, who resides at Sumner, had a
narrow ocapi from a midden death
last week, llo cut down a tree, and
iih it fell tho toj of another that was
broken ofl'eamo down and hit him,
crushing him to the ground, and
bruising him seriously, though it is
thought not dangerously.
TiTi.r.ToSwAMr I. and. The llulUtin
pays; Mr A. W. Stowell has been ap
pointed State commissioner by Gov.
Thayer to act with Gen. It. V. Ankony,
representing tho United States, to de
termine the title to the Hwamp lands
in Oregon. Tho two arbitrator or
agentrt will enter on their duties with
out delay.
ScvAToitiAt, Visit. T. G. Owen Esq.
has received n tolo.gran from Senator
Slater, announcing that ho will bo
lniro today coming by way of Gardi
ner. Wo aro requested to nay that ho
will peak hero this evening and that
all aro requested to attend. Front
Feats will bo reserved for ladies.
Sciiooi.Tax. At the meeting of the
voters of tho district bold last Tues
day evening, it was resolved to levy a
tax on the property of tho district of
ono per cent. The attendance nt tho
meeting was mnall, but the vote in fa
vor of the tax was unanimous.
Tin: Escort received a now propell
er this week.
K. II. I)i:a.v, of tbo firm of Dean it
Co., camo in by tbo Telair.
Tub new boiler for tho stavo facto
ry is expected by the schooner Aurora.
Faun. Jauvih, mail carrier on this
route, went to Roseburg Wednesday.
Wm. Piiuuy and J. H. Schrmdor,
from tho Coquillo, wore on tbo Hay
Dean .t Co. aro rebuilding their
largo lumber sheds whioh wore blown
down in tho heavy galo of last Janu
ary. J. M. Sioi.w, JCtuj., started for Salem
Tuesday, by way of Hosoburg, whoro,
wo understand, bo bad an appoint
ment to address tbo Democratic club.
Whbmsy Connou returned from San
Francisco by steamer this weok, and
oxpoctH to tako steps to repair damages
and Htart tbo stavo mill again soon.
Amonu tho passengers arriving by
tho Telfair this week was A. M. Craw
ford Ksq., from Now Yjrk, who will
locate hero for Iiiimiicnh. llo is an at
torney and counsellor at law.
A. Lanii has purchased of Mr.
NiiKburg, a tide land lot across tbo
Btreet from Mark's furniture store, and
bus commenced tho construction of a
livery and feed stable thoio.
Dit. Towiiit, during bis absence in
Han Kianolsco, has left his practice
with Dr. Ohisholiii.if Portland, who
may be found at Dr. Tower's ollleo or
the Blanco hotel, at all hours, ready
to obey all culls day or night.
It-l- Oil III. ClllINO ol'tlll lllll-
plro ;ilj i:xIon1oii.
Wo, the engineers residing at Coos
Hay, having been requested by Wes
ley Conner .t Co,, of Kmpiro City, to
examine and report the cause of the
explosion of tho boiler of tho stavo
factory in Kmpiro City, would report
Hint wo have made such examination
and llud that tho boiler is a tubular
boiler with lire-box four feet four in
elum in length by three feet four in
dies in width, the shell ten leet long
with a diameter of four feet, having
ninety-two tubes two inches in diame
ter. The boiler was built by Donehue
it Co., of San Francisco, in 1802. On
examination of the boiler wo llud that
a new "crown sheet" was put in of on
ly :i-l(! of an inch in thickness where
tho iron should have been 3 8 of an
inch at least for that sized (Ire-box.
We find four rows of braces, for tho
support of the crown sheet, nino
braces in each row lengthways of the
flown sheet, ami that the two outside
rows, eighteen in number, was not
nor had ever been fastened to tho
crown sheet of the boiler. Six of the
crow foots wore defective, leaving hut
twelve good braces to support the
entire crown sheet. Wo llud no indi
cations of the want of water in the
boiler at tho timo of the explosion.
Wo find the repairs done on the boiler
defective throughout, showing a cul
pable and criminal neglect on the
part of tho person or persons who
performed the work.
Respectfully Submitted,
1). 0. Moiiuih,
J). H. Khatino.
I'-Mi'iiir. City, Sept. 1, 1880.
Myuti.i: Point, Sept. '-M, 1880.
En. Mail: Tho Democrats had
their "great uilly" here to-day, two or
thrco of tho old bed-rockers being
Mr. Hazard was introduced as the
leading speaker, lie started out on
the States rights question, and dwelt
on it at length ; was very sorry there
were none but Democrats present ;
thought the amemtnieiits to the con
stitution infamous.
Mr. Hazard did well, and no one
but a shrewd lawyer could have, tin
dor the circumstances, as Well stis
taiued the -position he took. The
Democratic audience cheered him
Mr, Hall followed Mr. Hazard, and
rehashed the Democratic thunder
that has emanated from tho yews for
tin. last few weeks.
The Mvrtlo Point Brass Band was
about the only attraction of the day.
A. so.v.
Muh. Lyons, of Scottsburg, is visit
ing on the Bay.
Cait. Pakkiiu returned from San
Francisco on the (lussie.
Dr. 0 W. Towi:u left for S. F. on
tbo Gusiie yesterday.
Tin: pottolllco at Oak Crook, Doug
las county, has been discontinued.
CikvuitCoukt will be in session
next week, commencing Monday.
Gi:o. S. Hinsdai.i:, of Gardiner, has
gone to San Francisco by way of Port
laud. Mu. Di.mmick'8 family arrived from
Scbttsbiirg and will livo at tho tan
nery. Don't forget that Boichort's lager
beer is just tho thing for this warm
Dit. Ciiisiioi.M, a physician from
Portland, is on tho Bay, and will
probably locato here permanently.
W. G. Wi:nsTi:it, tho "shoot and
boo" man, has gono to Frisco to get a
now stock of boots and shoes.
Cai'T. Cami'IIEM. was somewhat
bruised by the horso ho was riding
last Monday; nothing serious how
ovor. Tin: County Court sotting for the
transaction of county business is in
session. The proceedings will appear
next week.
Tin: steamer llertha last Thursday
broke her cross-head, and will bo laid
up till tho leturn of the Gussie, Tho
people of tho river will sadly miss tho
littlo boat and her jolly crew.
John Kkixy, tho pioncor violinist,
is on tbo Bay. llo gavo a perfor
mance at Kmpiro Tuosday
which is woll spokou of. His perfor
mance hero Friday is too lato to bo
noticed in this issue.
Mu. Ci.ahk, an unfortunato man
who needs all bo is capable of earning,
complains that Bonio of his wood has
been stolon latoly. If tbo ollenco is
repeated tho guilty party will bo pun
ished. Mub, McDonald, widow of Itobort
McDonald, deceased, expresses her
gratitudo for tho many acts of kind
ness received fiom frionds in Kmpiro
City anil elsewhere, toward herself
and her husband, during tho illness
and after tbo death of tho latter.
Mu. D. S. Pai,manti:i:ii, who wont
away from hero some two months
since, has a situation in tho Maro Is
land Navy Yard. Ills wife took pas
sago by tbo Merchant this week to
join her husband,
Hon. Rauiwii Scott, of Obotco,
Joint Bopipsentativo for Coos and
Curry counties, camo from Obctco to
ICinpiro City by steamer and proceed
ed directly to Salum by wuy of Gardi
ner, llo was accompanied by bis
Tilt) Vera CVtix" IMimNter.
Tho Tribune has from Seaman Tal
bot tho following story of tbo wreck
of tbo steamer City of Vera Cruz:
About 00 miles oil' shore wo began to
ship heavy seas, ami water was found
in the hold, As fust as wo could clear
her she filled by iinother sea. Kvery
thing was panic. Life boats wore cut
loose ready for action and all hands
supplied with life preservers. At day
light Sunday boats were lowered and
manned. They no sooner got their
cargo than they wcro overturned and
smashed to atoms against the steam
er, all hands being swept away or their
lives dashed out against the vessel's
side. Boat after boat was dashed to
pieces in the same manner until few
of tho passengers would venture to
leave the steamer. The cahtaiu and
olllcers lost their lives in one of the
boats. Kverything was in perfect
bedlam, people screaming and shriek
ing for help on all sides. The steam
er was broken in two, and after a few
surges she foundered and went down,
carrying with hor all who were on
board. When 1 arose to the surface I
could see now and then pieces of drift
stuff and sometimes ono or two men
or women. Tboy made no effort to
kiivo themselves and were drowned in
my sight. A mother and daughter
were clasped in eaeh others arms dur
ing the gale and they came ashore
that way drowned. From that time
till -I ii tho afternoon 1 could see oc
casionally one or two men as they
rose upon tho crest of a wave. It was
useless to try to hold to anything as
tho sea would tear it from your grasp
and drive you to and fio, fathoms un
der the surface, mid when regaining
you would haVo to grasp something
else. I was compelled to dive or dodge
away from pieces of drift stuff, which
would luvo killed me if I were hit by
them. After four 1 saw no one. The
last time I saw Gon. Torbert alive ho
was aft with Mr. Owen who was saved
with us. I saw Gen. Torbert again
dead at Port Orango where ho came
ashore insensible. A boy found him
and dragged him as fas as he could
and ran for assistance. When they
got back be was dead. Bruises on his
head indicate that he was struck by
drift stuir and stunned. One of our
number swam from the wreck without
the aid of life pio-orvors. He wascn
tirely nude and came ashore first. Ho
was more or less bruised from the
striking and buffeting of seas and
i.'oiivteth Swimming lor I.1I.C1-IJ
The State department has received
from Vice Consul Jeanne, at Nuevo
Larcgno, Mexico, a detailed account
of the circumstances attending the
general escape of prisoners at Laredo,
Texas, and their attempt to escapo to
Mexico. At noon on tho 10th of Au
gust, 17 convicts escaped and plunged
into tho Uio Grande to swim to the
Mexican shore. Tho vice consul was
crossing the river on a ferryboat, and
says that in an instant guards, citi
zens, and all who happened to be in
the vicinity, started in pursuit, every
body who could run seeming to be al
ready armed with carbines or revol
vers. At the bank of tho river the
pursuers halted and fired upon the
swimming fugitives. Meantime a
party of police and citizens on the
Mexican side began firing at the
crowd on tho American shoro with
tho evident intention of aiding tho
fugitives. The Texans, however,
maintxincd their fusilade until all the
prisoners had disappeared or wore re
captured, firing altogether about 200
shots. Twenty or more shots wore re
turned from the bank. Of tho seven
teen prisoners eight wero killed or
drowned, six recaptured, and tbo re
mainder are missing. The vice con
sul savs ho understands that an effort
is to bo made to criminally prosecute
all citizens who fired at tho escaping
prisonors. None of the latter, so far
as known, wcro killed by ollicors, but
all woro virtually murdered by per
sons who had no ofllcial authority. It
was stated that two convicts wero res
cued by Mexicans, which is denied by
I'robulo lroceelluf;M.
The County Court transacted tbo
following probate business this week:
N. Dufrono appointed administrator
of tbo estate of L. S. Dclalando, A.
Uaino, Wjii. VanCamp and J. Hazzill
tppointed appraisers.
W. It. Simpson appointed adniinis
rator of tho estato of Geo. Brooks,
iVm. Pipor, M. P. Pondergrass and
?. J. Lowis appointed appraisers.
Estato of A. 1). Laramor doceasod :
final report of S, B. Sherwood, admin
istrator approved, and administration
Fstato of B. W. Nosier porsonal pro
perty unsold sot apart for support of
io widow and minor children.
Estato of Wm. Archer, Neil Munroo
administrator discharged for tho roa-
son that thoro is no proporty in said
Estato of It. W. Nosier ordor for ci
tation to heirs to show eauso at tho
noxt torm why real estato shall not
Estate of A. V. Ojoda, J. W. Bonnott
administrator discharged, bocause ol
no proporty in said estato.
J. P. Turi'intof this placo roturnod
Thursday from a hasty trip to Port
land i bo reports times good in tho
northern portion of tho Stato.
Once tirve.iihnt'U, now Itepub
lleiiii. Tribune.
S. It, Mason, of Mercer, I'ciin., who
in 1878 was the Greenback candidato
for Governor of Pennsylvania, receiv
ing nearly 100,000 votes, has recently
joined tho Republican parly. A short
time ugo ho was staying at the Fifth
Avenue Hotel, and a Tribune reporter
had a conversation with him.
"What is your opinion in regard to
tho Republican party in Western
Pennsylvania, and what progress is
being made?" was asked.
"I have not been long enough in
the Republican counsels to give you
exact figures, but Western Pennsyl
vania has always been solid for the
Ilcpuolican party, and it will be so
this fall. There is no disaffection in
tho party there at all. All tho mis
understandings of the past aro mado
up ; tho party organization is perfect,
and the campaign will be an earnest
and lively one."
'How about tho Greenback patty
"The party still has its organization
and has put its local ticket in the
field, but its strength has waned
greatly. In our county I do not think
that its wholo vote can exceed 300."
"You of course believed in the
Greenback theory until resumption
was an accomplished fact?"
"Resumption having been accom
plished, the issues on which the Na
tional party fought, were substantially
settled, and that party naturally began
going into a decline. I felt that I no
longer had any business in it then,
and must join another party. The
Democratic party wero dealing alto
gether witli dead issues, and I could
not bo happy there. I had had
enough of the mortuary aspect of
things in the Greenback party, and I
wanted to get among the living again.
Seriously, however, I believe in the
principles and poli3y of the Republi
can party. I believe they arc the
wisest and best suited to tho varied
interests of the wholo people of the
country, and that is the reason I have
come to its ranks."
"Will many of tbo Greenbackcrs in
your neighborhood follow your ex
ample?" "They will ; and while my belief is
that the Greenbackcrs, as a general
thing, will settle back into their old
parties, that very fact will result in
large accessions to the Republican
ranks. The National party was made
up from the two parties, each of which
appeared to contribute in proportion
to iti size, and of course in the North
tho Rcpublican'clcment was the great
er. I think that at least three fourths
of that .arty will support ono or the
other of the old parties. This of
course will help the Republicans."
'IVrrlblo llr-Idgo IMwiinter.
A Now York dispatch of recent
date gives the following account of a
terrible accident at the Elbro: The
IlfraUl'a Madrid correspondent cables
the particulars of a bridge catastrophe
at Logrona, a beautiful town on the
right bank of the Elbro. a deep river,
and just oppo-dto a bank picturesque
with vinoyardsand mountain scenery.
Mt. Novoni, with its snowy peak, rises
in tho distance. Tho bridge fell
when the regiment in line was cross
ing it And tho band playing gaily,
when, with an awful crash, the bridge
gavo way, carrying into tho river be
low more than a hundred men and
officers who were on the bridgo at the
Tho panic stricken soldiers on tho
shoro wero unable to rendor any as
sistance to comrades who wero cling
ing to tho debris. Most of tbo sol
diers sank immediately on falling in
to tho rivor below, as they wero all in
marching order, with Remington ri
des and a full supply of cartridges.
Logrona's inhabitants, at tho first in
timation of the sad catastrophe,
crowded by thousands along the river
banks. Many having relatives among
tho victims rent tho air with their
loud cries.
As soon as possible tho authorities
procured boats and dragged the rivor
in search of victims. Search was pro
longed lato into last night. Bodies of
fivo olllcers and sovonty-fivo men
have so far been recovered. Othors,
number not known, aro reported to
havo been found by villagers lowor
down tho river. Tho cngineors who
examined tho pontoon bad previously
pronounced it safo. A cable from
Paris to tho Herald says that a Madrid
dispatch states that tho number of
victims aggregate ninety.
The New York Times, discussing
tho probablo foroign domaiul for
American wheat, says : "It is quito
certain that tho domand for our wheat
from Great Britain will bo less than
last year, othor things being equal.
Tho demand from Franco will bo con
siderably less. Thcro has boon no
timo these last nino years in tho first
country, or for six years in tbo latter,
when tho homo supply was at a cor
responding dato so promising. On
tho other hand our own crop will bo
largor. It docs not follow that wo
cannot disposo ol our surplus, unpre
cedented as it is likely to bo. But it
does follow that wo cannot expect
fanoy pricos for it, and that a cau
tious consorativo course is tbo only
ono whioh can savo us from serious
Col. Joaquin Tcrrassas with 200
mounted volunteers has taken tho
field against Victoria's Indians.
The Bodio mining district shipped
through Wells, Fargo t Go's in Au
gust over three million dollars in bul
lion. Miss Bam, is postmistress of tho
Sitka postofilec, and is only twelvo
years of age, and manages tho wholo
business in a creditable manner it is
I saiu.
Tin: regular army riflo team, under
Col. J. C. Kclton, which is about to
enter tho contest for tho Hilton tro
phy at Creedmoor, arrived at Jersey
A mttlk boy in Jacksonville played
with giant powuer nnd giant powder
played the mischief with him. His
mother never blow him up half so
Chile and Peru havo opened nego
tiations, in consequence of the media
tion of Franco and Italy. It is to be
hoped that peace will bo restored and
the savage warfare ended.
The latest news from Chihuahua is
that Col. Valle has gone south with
all available federal Mexican troops to
intercept revolutionists and suppress
a revolution in the State of Durango.
It is estimated that the coal fields
of India extend over an area of 35,
000 square miles. Some of tho seams
arc 100, 120 and 1C0 feet thick. Mr.
Oldham believes there aro not less
than 20,000,000 tons of coal in that
St. Albans, Sept. 3. During a Re
publican parade, in which the local
clubs of this city were escorting some
Burlington clubs to tho train, Shay,
ono of the participants in the proces
sion, was struck on tho head with a
largo stone, hurled by some unknown
person in tho crowd. Shay is serious
ly, if not fatally injured.
The Gcrmantown Telegraph knows
a "chicken expert" who grooves his
hen roosts from end to end, and fills
the groove with a mixture of lard and
sulphur in equal parts, by which
means ho keeps his fowls free from
lice. Ho recommends also a little of
the same mixture applied to the neck
and under tho wings of tho fowls.
One of tho most successful farmers
in the country gives the following in
sight into the secret of his success:
"In winter I draw a plan for tho next
year's operations: I spend in time in
grog shops, nor in whining about the
business of farming; I read all I can
and endeavor to get the best ideas."
The difference of the intensity of
two lights is better observed when
they are burning near each other at
the same time, than when they are
exhibited in succession, because, as
Mr. Cbarpenticr notes, the differen
tial sensation of the eye is seven to
eight times stronger in the latter case
than in the former, in which it is not
more than l-100th part.
A new torpedo-boat, built in En
gland for tho Italian Government, is
mainly constructed after the Light
ning typo. Its chief peculiarity is
the arrangements of its two funnels.
They are placed well aft, and can be
lowered so as to discharge the smoke
and sparks on the water, thus greatly
lessening the probability of being dis
covered by a vessel about to bo at
tacked. G. LeBow and G. Noel find the
smoke of tobacco contains dydrocyan
ic acid, an alkaloid as poisonous as
nicotine, and various aromatic princi
ples. Tho alkaloid has a pleasant
odor, but is dangerous to inhale, and
it has proved fatal to animals in doses
of about the twentieth of a drop.
They consider it identical with colli
dine, the existence of which has been
traced in tho products of tho destruct
ive distillation of several organic sub
stances. Gen. "Weaver, tho Greenback can
didato for President, on being inter
viewed, said: There is no fusion on
tho Stato ticket of Maino. If General
Plaisted is elected it will be a Green
back victory without Democratic sig
nificance. I will not givo ray consont
to a division of tho electoral ticket
with tho Democratio party in Maine
or tho Republicans in West Virginia.
I will hold no joint meetings with
Hancock speakers. We Greenbackera
constitute a well defined party.
The telograph announces tho prob
ablo loss of tho steamer San Salvador
with all on board was reported. She
left Truxillo Aug. 7 for Havana, where
alio was due on tho 11th, and has not
since been heard from. Her agents
it Havana tolographed that Ihey fear
she was lost in tho oyclono of tho 9th.
She was an American steamer of 071
tons, built at Wilmington, owned by
London morchauts and engaged in
tho cattle trade.
Wells Fargo's trcasuro box was rob
bed near Sweetwator Nov., and tho Bo
dio stago was attacked by road agonts
near Wallington Stotion, Nov. A
fight ensued between tho messenger
and tho footpads. Miko Tovoy shot
a robbor in tho faco killing him in
stantly, and in turn was shot in tho
arm by another robbor. They drove
the socond man oh" and took Tovoy to
a farm house for treatment. Whllo
they woro away a robber camo back
anil mado tho driver throw down the
box from which ho took J300.
IV lint n Prisoner Itlndo.
Solitude seems to bo tho mother of
ingenuity and invention as tho pro
verb says necessity is. Most peniten
tiaries employ their prisoners in
steady work, and wisely, too, for few
confined men would mako so good use
of lonely cell life as tho convict hero
mentioned did of his scant play time.
There is at prcsont confined in tho
Maino Stato Prison, at Thomastown,
a young French Canadian, who is in
carcerated for the murderof a woman.
During his leisure hours, with noth
ing but a pocket and shoo knife, a filo
and whetstone, this prisoner has man
ufactured a clock which keeps accu
rate timo, and which is a great me
chanical curiosity.
It has a rooster on tho. top who flaps
his wings on the hour being reached.
Thcro aro also figures showing the
day of the week and month. Under
neath is a glass case, three feet high,
and two feet wide, containing two
hundred and forty-fivo figures of men,
birds avid animal,, etc. These objects
go through various performances, as
small springs aro touched, and a music-box
plays tunes at the same time.
A mouse is made to run out from
its hiding place, and is quickly caught
by a cat. A beggar approaches a man
for money, is impudent, and after a
tussel is knocked down.
A snake glides stealthily over the
floor, and at the door a sentinel stands
with a small tin cup in his hand, who
takes off his hat and politely bows
when coin is dropped into his cup.
Among the objects arc full companies
of infantry and cavalry, which come
out and go through the manual of
arms very finely. The clock is exhi
bited by the prisoner while in his cell,
and many aro the odd dimes he re
ceives from visitors.
The Portland (Me.) Transcript, af
ter relating the above, says : At the
present time another convict in the
same institution is making a very
handsome doll-house, with four rooms
the furniture all being in miniature
style. One set is trimed with red sot
in, and another with blue. It is in
tended as a present for the lady who
has played the prison chapel organ
for several years.
CoBHtractloa of the Canadian
Pacific IC. It.
Canadian advices respecting the
Pacific railroad stato that two syndi
cates are offering for the entire road,
tho Government to complete that
now under contract; the new com
pany to construct about 2000 miles,
including 640 miles from LakcNipiss
ing to Thunder bay ; tho company to
work and maintain the entire road
upon its completion. It is stated
that one offer is for $1000 bonds per
mile and 50,000,000 acres of land. It
is stated that the Rothschilds at first
refused to take $1,000,000 of the stock
of tho company. Baron Englander,
the Parisian banker, is said to bo a
subscriber of $1,000,000. The Barings
are also said to be largely interested.
The Dominion, it would appear, are
to guarantee 4 per cent, on $20,000,
000 and to furnish an unmentSoned
number of million of acres. The
road, wo aie further told, is to be
built throughout from Lake Nipissing
to Puget Sound at once, and that por
tion of the road already constructed
is to bo given to the company.
Swift's Art of Cheerfulness.
Subsidiary to this personal courage
was his hopeful way of looking at the
world. He was always practicing and
inculcating the disposition : "Some
very excellent people," ho said, "tell
you they dare not hope." To me it
seems much more impious to dare to
despair. He had an excellent rule for
the happiness and wisdom of life as
to tho future, not to look too far into
it for the inevitable, though probably
distant, disaster. "Tako short views,
hope for tho best, and trust in God."
Inclined by temperament to antici
pate coming evils for our wit, spite
of his many jests, was a serious man
he resisted the atribilous tendency
and avoided drawing drafts on the
misery of futurity. "Never," he said,
"give way to melancholy; nothing
encroaches moro. I fight against it
vigorously. Ono groat remedy is, to
take short views of life. Are you
happy now? Aro you likely to re
main so till this evening? or noxt
weok? or noxt month? or next year?
Then why destroy present happiness
by a distant misery, which, may nov
er come at all, or you may never live
to see it? for every substantial grief
has twenty shadows, and most of your
own making." It was said of tho
happy nature of Olivor Goldsmith
that 1)0 had a knack at hoping; with
Sidney Smith it was principle.
Cheerfulness he mado an art. Ho
liked household illuminations of a
good English coal fire, "tho right
thing," ho said, "in a dead room ;"
abundance of lights, flowers on his
table, prints and pictures on his walls.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg
says : Grand Duke Nicholas is said to
have embezzled regimontal funds. It
has been bo systematically carried on
that discovery was nearly impossible.
It is also discovered that other Grand
Dukes have been found guilty of liko
Moody, tho Evangelist, will com
mence a season of work in San Fran
oisco and remain thero during tho
Jacksok, Sept. 3. Chas. Strecklor,
a pioneer merchant of this town, com
mitted suicide this morning by hang
ing to abeam in the room in the rear
of his store.
IIalifay, Nova Scotia, Sept. 3. An
unknown man murdered a woman
who accompanied him in a carriago
to Liverpool cou ity. He left her bo.
dy in the wood near tho placo whero
tho crime was committed; he had
built a firo over the remains, expect
ing to destroy the body by reducing
it to allies, but the fire, from somo
cause, becamo extinguished. Tho re
mains wero taken by tho authorities.
The officers are on the track of tho
Chicago, Sept. G. Tho Havorly-
O'Lcary contest between men and
horses began to-day at noon. Fivo
horses and fifteen men appeared for
the contest. Dobler, who leads tho
bipeds in the race, has a particularly
active nnd admirable step, and kept
up his run pretty well. At midnight
the score stood: Dobler, 6G miles;
Schoch,59; Vint, 55; Fox, 50; Byrno
50; Connolly, 52; Cole, 53; Coleston,
52; Krohne, 50; Crawford, 62; Halo.
45; Jackson, 44; Dolbway, 34: Bur-
qual, 31; Wycher, 15. Score of the
quadrupeds : Speculator, 78 ; Crock
ett, 73 ; Betsy Baker, 65 ; Bothman's
entry, 75 ; Roso of Texas, 69.
O'Leary challenges the owner of
any horse in Chicago to ride against
him 100 miles for $1000, ho riding his
horso Thought.
The difficulties between Turkey
and the powers are culminating and
will soon be wound up.
Owing to a partial failure of tho
wino crop in Europe it is thought
that Crlihrnians will find a good
market in European countries this
Duriko the absence from Salem of
J. J. Murphy and family at the coast,
some one effected ah entrance into
their dwelling and stole over $100
worth of goods.
A certificate has been made out
by the Montana Territorial Fair As
sociation that James L. Roy, of Lewis
and Clark county, in that Territory,
was awarded first premium for tho
best acre of wheat, being 102 bushels
to the acre.
In Marshfield, Sept. 0, 1880, to the
wife of 0. Ralston, a daughter.
For the benefit of the Myrtle Point
Brass Band, to bo given at Myrtle
Point, Oregon, on Saturday evening,
September 5th, 1880.
Selections by
The Temperance Drama, in two acts, en
titled: The Last Loaf:
Mark Ashton,
Jaleb Hanson,
Harry Hanson,
Dick Bustle,
- Capt. Graves
E. Bender
A. W. Border
M. C. Miller
J. S. Radabaugh
Tom Chubbs,
Kate Ashton, Miss Minnie Raneome
Lily Ashton, Miss F. G. Lehnherr
Patty Jones, Miss Amy Lehnherr
Selections by band and orchestra.
Character sketches by A. B. Sabin, of
Port Orford.
Serio-comic song by M. C. Miiler.
Vocal selections and recitations by
members of tho troupe.
part k.
The laughable farce (1 act) entitled
Pat O'Doyle, (pedlar) E. T. Jennings
Mr. Darling, M. C. Miller
Jno. Flanagan, A. W. Border
Emma Darling, . Mis Lizzie Harris
Mrs. Wade, Miss Amy Lehnherr
Mollie, (maid) Miss F. G. Lehnherr
To conclude with a grand ball.
Entertainment to commenco at 7)
o'clock, p. m.
Tickets for entertainment, .50
Children under 12 years, .25
Tickets for ball, $1 per couple.
Midnight supper to be had at the
new Myrtlo Point hotel, (Wm. Border
proprietor) at 50 cents rf ticket each.
Over 20,000 trees, including over 100
varieties, grafted on tho best soodling
Tho celebrated Russian apple for ten
cents. All trees will be sold introduced
prices. Theso trees are raised on bench
land and aro adapted to any soil.
Tho now Grave Seedling apple the
best variety in tho country, and also tho
Rubicon apple.
A grcatjvariety of plums, prunes, pears
currants, early crapes, etc., including
the celebrate Waling Peach Plum
Terms, cosh in advance or on delivery.
I will receive orders for the abovo
named trees and will deliver them early
in tho winter. O. HOWE, Agt.
Dora, Coos county, Or. Sept 8, 1880.
All parties fndebted to tho lato firm of
Ferry A Bailey are requested to call at
the Blanco Hotel and settle with Ferry
& Holland immediately, and savo costs,
Fenny A Holland.