m The Coast Mail. SATURDAY, - Al'OUST 11, 1SS0 ANNUAL EXHIBIT Of the Financial Affairs of Cnns' County for the iear ending duly , lut, JtiSO : State Tax, 1870, Expenses on Stnto money, Total, Schools liy tax, 1871), Schools by Stnto fund, Expense on fund, Examaniiiatiun of touchers, Expense of School Supt., Tolnl, - Circuit Court : tttirynicn, Witnesses, ... Iliiiliffe, Attorneys, $ 02SS SO 150 00 CKWJ50 avssni mid :w 1111 21 4(X): 0 50 3S0C 44 1KW SO Ml 20 123 00 40 00 Total, Juttfccs Courts : Empire City, -Marsh licld, -Coos City, -Conledo, -Sumner, -Coqnillo City, -Coqnillo, -llnndolph, ... Total, - County Officers : Sheriir, .... Treasurer, -County Judge, -County Clerk, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Assessor, . - - . Commissioners, Superintendent of Schools, District Attorney, Total, Prisoners : Hoarding, -Medicine and sundries, 102S 00 010 SO 392 Si 3105 - 3 00 39 SO - 37 45 GG10 - 300 1195 74 1357 10 300 00 01X100 ii, 703 00 107 (X) 300 00 237 50 404-135 151 25 12 02 Total, - Paupers : Board and clothing, JIcdicincsA medical treatment Jurial, - - - - -Assistance to indigent persons 103 27 1192 OS 522 50 1100 40 00 Total, -.--Insane, .... Inquests : Ffty, Archer, - - - - Scott, Green, .... "Chinaman, . Total, .... County Court : Juryman, . Uaiiills Total, . Courthouse ami Jail : Jtepairing and cleaning jail, IMerchandise, Total, .... Iloads and Bridges : Gravel Ford Bridge, Supervisors, Plank and spikes, New roads, Total, .... Printing, .... Stationery, ... Fuel, - Interest, ... Due schools, - - - Surplus tax sales, Taxes remitted. ... 17C6 IS 137 00 55 10 - 131 50 59 75 . 75 S5 09 55 391 75 33 40 12 00 50 40 24 00 29 99 . 53 99 03 75 51100 1S4 01 95 00 S54 3G 137 70 80 20 c.i -. 145S 22 1352 74 590 89 142 SO Outstanding warrant, July 1 80 05S5 43 Outstandinj: warrants July 1 79 8S70 40 Issued to July 1 1SS0, 1140.! ft'! 20.'S.T1 41 Redeemed since July 1 1S79 1374S 00 U3S") 4.'J 20::i 4:5 Issued July, 1SS0, Total, - Resources and lleceipts : Aint in treasury July, 1871), 44IJ5 '.'0 I5G042 71 2700 'Jo Poll tax bv Assessor, 1870, 480 00 Taxes collated for '7!f 21420 7.'5 1 " " ' '78 1S71 OS " " " '77 10 02 " " " T(! 11 7(1 1 " " " '73 SS.'iO I Total K5S.50 70 Delinquent list, '79 1482 1 " " '78 OMI23 Total 2408 00 i Trial Fees, - - - - 120 00 Kincs, 142 2.-) Licenses, - 05S o0 Surplus tax sales, - 420 47 fitato school fund, - - - lO-'W ::i) Inquests, ----- a.) (K) 2724 oh :!174 18- Total, Total liahilitics to date, Resources, - Indehtedness, - RECAPITULATION. On hand last report, 2700 2o Iteu'd from all bources,2i5o7o !i7 ."50012 71 :tl74t IK 4208 .'(J oT-. ,.o ,..,. y w- Paid Statu tax o2."8 RO Paid count v orders, 1H74S 00 Paid Inteiest, 14.")S2-' Paid sehiKil siipt eiders 28.'M .111 On hand, count v fund .'illltino On hand, school fund i:5-)2 74 29275 02 ALEX. STAl'PP, County Clerk. NOTICE, Notieo is horohy given that the fo! lowint,' county warrants will he paid on presentation to the County Treas urer at his ollico in Empire Citv Nos. Tw3, Wi51, 5040, .71h2, HTM. ;ii08. rwoo, r7.-., nsia, .r)Si7. os-i-i, 5W j5.S7rt, .ri37a, fisai. .rss:i. m-22, fiyoH, fiyi'y, r.aoi KuiiQ nui7 r.oir; AkfV. rfpn. .'7:,.:i titfft wwy, "' t t , t ' ' f)017, riiwri, fij)01, 5822, .20, fill.-i2, 501.1, ritjO:), .V.)lli, WBH), o2.'!0, 5087, 0172, 0171, 4.'16). Fhhiik HciiLTnui, Troau. Kmi'IIii: Oitv, August 7th, 18S0. Imeiesi on ahove wairantH will nut bo allowed after thiss dato. Ji-' DAVSD EORSE, JR. EMPIUECITY, OK. PKALKIt IX ENERAL P MERCHANBiS ZOrsr-O-oocLs, MENS AMD BOYS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, F.l.CV GOODS AM) HOSIERY, HATS, CATS, BOOTS ANPSHOKS. CLOCKS, WATC 1 1 ES, J KWELR Y, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. Ou fieri, .dmunilion, JTard-ware, Tin-ware, 11 bod and Wlow-ware, Cigars Mobacco U STATIOXEliY, ri:uFCMi:n r ami vatjixt JUIMCIXES. CHOICE Groceries Provisions. Agent for the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, of San Francisco, Cal. 2-n30tf i THE jJQSTGRE MAliSFIELD. Oli. KEXT BOOK TO MAIL OFFICE. LOUIS 3I17XJIOI1. Proprietor. FULL STOCK OF Drugs & Medicines. CONSTANTLY MIST JIJIAXJ) ON HAND. OF VIGAliS l?Precriptions Carefully Com. ! nouiidedbv CompctentPIiwcian . ' : f r o?s:e PIONEER MARKETSji&Uiltr1 ro8,,tar term of fc',i'1 M RSFIELI) JL r'MI'IRE ClTY. II. P. WHITNEY, Pkoi-kiktoh. A pood ru.ly of MUTTON, vrrsyz CANNED IJEEF (ilUK , ET.' . ETC.. PORK, ETC and all kinds (Jf SALTMEATSanhVEGETABLES coiist.inll on hand. Al-o a j;i)d tm k of gh.ooeh.ibs. V E S S E L S L0G0IN8" CAMPS SUPPLIED AT SNOUT XUTICE 1.1-tf ,i-.nirM..roam Sole Proprietor of the Kir9 TT LTTt-n "' T "7J--r $W 51 AXL W3& Yffl H vj T': W m m J,. t$fc ' fSLJm W"i5 - x KLW? 'r.'- " If I a? ifPlANO anAynHQ va jiv. it-ihii riM.ijf, jtn. JViS, Wflgtl.fl ruldotitn oti. - t lb ti '! UMkvltat fl luaproirffntali. Li ri.tAwi t iui.r Miiii.iirKM ba tosd( onr .WUTTBIfBII, Li t.MlU. hum !. i uf-lklrd il I4itxlti. full ftSm cl. lUMtravinM i' a r r m, utuinii trrq irg ibj itr li" ) f-ntiifft. I prr I rf tl'rv ul thrtc( tfttk tk lht-W, lkfUk. r n MvybMti4titriUMi.lm. ir fj or v. jlf M-f ir ; Mil, TTte, a T'ka,iI MWIil, Hfl SM tWMlfWrtl, lMrnwHl iMaHMinri. fry j irvnU. ewd Lau !I Ut I W, 4 I t M lit v Ot! 1 ruknnima in f n irfjf . I imitili Purmr UuJiUilL licrfvOtwci fal llu W. JllIHHtf riH i-rrlT, X0qsllTir ftUt4MlMLl imiuI f il I miio f t I'M tlu I ( il I l tti uulli stk4 tf fuli iWltll fcfcrwf ftMrij IIKQt, Uu Uilrrttl (4bjkayiftlKlailft() tblri(-it.4ai4iiiria irit. P a ttlr U'r -(f lut (wt to II J ltd KKl J l fill' Da t TtUtUtIlLUflUI0l iaull taiutJtffcu4a'JU W(1Ui1 Shipped Directfor- S285. Wtf.l UimrEttU Wubiiirmffrr mMHudU rClH rtMftfti (m wtrr Ttfr tsdK : .uni t-! t tUvMr l I fr tbr tlnwt Uiii Mil.luVr t nwr.t iigl.rJrYr. Iowtik 'a A iilr ml wile- iirkiMf, 4 Ult lUftft ttM rINiibr t.a iWfak) bMk tr ILj f-rtcut m i ! ni tri tUvw ) I fr tbr tbwt U) u... i til.li.) w VUl.IU'.f t nm Uwi Ytari. DtflMrfttk ! fr yAU li ilUIr t-tilyiie-iirkiMr, 4 Ult lUftft- .tf ltrUr'llCtflb rtl.WMUJ9rJJ.a4a lWbk) VUl f Lj itvM k 6urrwiM.niiiy trti)riiitrfM4 tu )h k fur 'i (tiut'A, i ii tut ou ibvmN w-M.t.M wluni,! aoif ,b LwluJatja fitHbU & ur 'l,i-ol Uwbiijf M tutu." .V.A',;T:,U.,rkT1:;",i':T!,7l!nr.7Mi;; KINCgflp.,.7i-rtS,2r5T.! lhUt .clicift v&. t.L p4 on i diytlrul u4 wir. riulMllSv vctrdf nwn4. Nmu.u.i H4. No Ultima tnuuia-al laJatll (ha rfrin ti fkllf lrUd ty ibtiU(btMt, t4 tti itTMily kiWC4 Hb U I A ftrv tiiMMiUlNaglkrfitUt)((li. (bi) h. S(l tli IIM1 4i, I I damfv Ma N0trltRaU4 ktvUrtU n ir.Cl ta dU l , Ibf sriM, AllUttuitoifabt. IftJ lUlWf rt4il CtrprU, IBfw srtM, AiKiiU)Moifabu. Ifrd 1111 r Tt 411 I'trprU, (mm J Ml ttvntLvrwfa. h Ihhb til tib)rilsifil.rr u v tt-iM iil wl JiV itrwiitU d'iBfrl4 N lUi wing zusmnjsy$ conn Tlle rt-t -Myrrnrtw7nT-fi2 I Jn quarter and lots lour, live ami six, see. TlTfeRtPJ.pJ aGITASD-!. - u-n, and lot one, section eiKht, town- XLIWrRmFK, P.nrJtr'TT?A" '"'I' eighteen, soiilh, of ramie eleven 1 tJ'ltRJDtJ' UONJl. U.0A. Mfit an,i lmllie8 the following as his .. - m m - --- " xrtnirJir'au'rHntm Tn7yrwiiiTMWBijjprtfi BAY VIEW BREWERY, MAESHFIBLD, OGKLST. WiBi.RcielicrtjProprictor Keeps constantly on hand, and offers for sale n superior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, wholesale m. ketail. my liAius sci pufd witiitue choicest iwaxI'S Oh WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS HKANCH SAU O.NAT EMPIRE CITY. 3iAitsiiru:i.i Drug Store, PU. C. U. GOLDEN, l'uorn. Opposite Xatbury's Store. II A V K C 0 X S T A X T I. Y 0 X 11 A X I) AM. sokts ok Mrniriv u. in eposes, TXIUS8E8, TOII.HT AIITI CLT3S, xii.a..'"U'au:aax.'V SCUOOLIIOOK8, AI SO IIOH K CIGARS axhTOBACCO, and everythin MEDIl VI. ; usually kept in a ii-eLS- m. l'rc.ocriptions carefully Com pounded. .l-3-tf E. A. axderSOX. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, MAIISIIFIELD, OK. HA.i ice and at erj reasonable rates iivvn COM. ivn Wniin CONSTANTLY ON SUJIM0XS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or eon fur the cnuntv of Coos. V V I'lmuln'v; T C Ci-k-rill. .T L. Ilonier, and II. E. Urook", partners a T. t.. Cickriii A i ., ami . u. r-trum loiii-j lmsines as Mrum A. Co. Action to recover monev. I To T. G. Cockrill, J. L." ilonier, II. P.. Brooks and Y. II. btrunf, said defend ants, : In the name of the State of OrcKon vou are herebv suiiimonel and retiuired to appear and answer the complaint of the plaitititr, on file in the aloe entitled court and cause, on or liefore the first .1101111:11, me i. tin iiiiv ii ,-irii., ISM). And the defendants will take no-1 tice that if thev fail to answer said com plaint, the pliiintill will take judgment ' against them for eisht hundred and nine-1 tv one :!1-1(KJ dollar-", with interest at one per cent per month from May 24th, ISM), 'and the to.sts. anddisburseminth of this , action. This iiiunions is published by order of Hon. J. P. Watson, Judge of said court, d ited July loth, ISM). ( (,. WnilSTKII, n"0-")W Attornev for the Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF ItosKiu-i'.n Lwii Okkkk, August 1, 180. Notice is liereliv triven that the fol lowing named settler has died notice of ' his intention to make final prof in sup ' tMirt of his el.iim anil secure final entrv thereof on Wednesday, the 22d day (If Sntiri.mlif.r. lK.sl. !ii tlio T.iinil Ofliee at , Uosehurjr, Or., Samuel G. Lindley, pre- 1 emotion declaratory statement No. :I720, for the southeast otiarter of southeast quark r, northwest quarter of southeast witnesM s, u: ! A Ourtih, I) i. Alun sell, of Florence, Lane county, and I E M ,rns and A J Wilson, of Gardner, Dun' .s c. unity, Oreiron. ud.i'-of "F A Curtis, pre-emption d ' larat r statement No. :J7 17, for lot (I, section thirteen, township eighteen, south, ratine twelve went, and loU six and seven, section eighteen, township eighteen, south, of ranee eleven west, and names the follow in- as his itnesses, U hC Lindley and O L Munsel, of I'lorClicc, l.ane comiiy, alio i i. nor and A J Wilson, of (iardin-r. Doiife'l coiintv, Or. Wji. F. Hknjmiin, ''- Jieibter , MMOT"' " '""', r lore ncc, Lane county, ami 1 J. Morris as FARM FOR SALE! 100 ACHES OF CHOICE LAND at the mouth of illanch -.'-'. . ... a .. . . hi iMirii. near ortii JH'iiu aim lartn Hi IIIL'Il field. Oood house and out lit IJll 1 1(11 f 1 If H 1 iJ,,,.!.,,! fy,M ,lnim,ini.rkH .a..r.H.1 r.,Hi.. , auiii'n u mi iiui.tu.fe" H,"'-;l, ' i inu- uoort voiinu orelianl. utw of tlic best l.iruis in ijixi county. 1 )i place, with stoctc ami iiniilements, w ill he sold verv cheap. fenrror further paiticiilars apply at -.. .. . the oflico of the Co.sr .Mail. ,, I ll I U I All jmrtic-H ii)lfltcl to the late firm of . n, r t..tt. a, ...a. ... -.I.e. aaa.l . l.l1l lit I I el i v v Jull(y aie nueHt(M to can ai the Wanco Hole, ami settle Willi I'orry iv Jioliauil imuieiiiaieiy, nun save cosis. I".JIICV fe IIlll.l.aN'O, TIECE LOCKHART HOTEL 5 Mrx. 11. M. Loel.lt art 1'roprlclre.nn EuiJiiK Citv, Oun. ! (Ml .QHEMIOALg ' &SI1 WIMS toil J? COOS IB-A-IT 9IABKET, M lUKsilt'lFt n. OlihllOS, W. 11. Simpson- .1 P. lloi l o Proprietors. im: :e .A- -if s and provision of all kinds wdd at the lowest liing rates and D11LI Villi HHixl any point dcircd STJ"33!! ES rou VESSELS. LOGGING CAMPS I AND FAMILIES, ALWAYSJFADY. I KBWe keep nothing hut theliest-J I and insure satisfaction. l.v-l-tf SMHa week in our own town. Terms and J", free Addles II II vl 1 1 TT l Co. Portland, Maine. EUGENE O'CONNELL, m m r n in STOVES 8b RANGES,1 I at- -t In pi u d HardwareJoorS, -AM)- I Implements. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND AHMUNITIOH. LldlS & OILS. WOOD A: WILLOWWAKK. rftc.un, Water Pipe and Fittinj,", Gran- ite and Plat, d Wart-. M t l ii un: OF i COPPER & SHEETiRONWARE. TIN .iois mock EXKCITH) WITH DlsI'ATCII. OSarEXTIlAS for Stoc. Plow Moui i and l!i apt is furni-hi il at slmrt notue. B00T& SHOE MAKER M.vitsiiKii.i.n, Oi.n. WILLDO AIiIilUXDS in a thorough manner and use onlv the BEST MATERIAL ftSsf'Sho'ion Finiit Mm t Ponc( Market pp isiti the i A (J- T T?, O W TST , -c- JJXl,v v r a.' jl'stici: or the peace NII Oor2.re37-a,rxcer, MAU-HKiKLn, Oh. Assent for the Pho-mx of Ilarlfoid and Kirdlliilll'u I llt.a I lliullflllllll. I 'j.lllliillllliJ Collections and olh.r laziness plaee.1 in my hands will re(ie prompt .ittention. v2-n"0-tf !( l.ini.M.n. .ri !.. ... Sl'JLMOXS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ortion for the Count of Coo. j II. W. Sanford vs li. II. Luse. Action torero, it money ) Toll. II. Luse said defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, i You lire hcrchy summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintill'on file in the ahove entitled court and cause, on or liefore the first day of the next rejrular term of said court to wit: MONDAY, THE USTH Ill V ill, W h' iri'l ll( I, II I nlil . "; ': - "-i "' 'ii'irnuiim win iuhr num t iiitii ji Iii) fail to appear and answer said com plaint iilaiutill' will take jiidueiueut atr.iinHt him for $7iul with interest thereon at ten per cent, from the 17th ilav of Sejiteinher, ls77 and cotH. Tliw ulltiiiiiimy iu iiiililiyliiwl Iii' ,m1nr ..... '..-.. ,....... .. ... ...... f n,,.. j. v. Watson, .fudire of said court, dated July ;iOlh 1880. j iiUI-Ow Attorney for Pliiliitlir. MMMM&MHhMam TmTfjTlt lflf1r- FARM FOR SALE, 1 SMALL FAHM SITCATED ON 1 l the hank of the Coqnillo Kivor cont.iiuiiiK 28 neren RICH BOTTOM LAND, With lloiiao and Orehurd Can he Uented atu Itiiutoiiuhlullatu. For jmitieularn upiily to JlKKHV bWOHTACKIi.V, Emiiire Oily, Oregon. II US IX KS S CA III) a. C. II. GOLD UN. M.I). physician:&:surgeon M.uisintfi.n, Oiuhion1. C. TOWER, M. 1). PHYSICIAN &SURGE0N M iisiikii:i.I), Oiikuon. W.C. AXCIE1., M. D. PHYSICIAN am. SURGEON Cut n I lie ("It i, Ofii. S. II. HAZARD, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLORAT LAW, Will practice in the unions comix of the state. orKtn: vt i:Mt'titi: city, Ohs. ATTORNEY A COUNSELLOR AT LAW. MAiisiirii:i.n,oiii:Gox. 11. WEBSTER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M xiisurtr-'i n, Oukiiov. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, 0TAKV PI IILIC ril.WEl A.rERv OHM UK CITY, (X.X. Collections and other luisinets placed in mv hands, will receive prompt alien lion.' l-3-tf P. WRIC.1IT, I'. S. Mineral and I'. S. Deputy SUKV E Y O R , Cogrn.u: City, Ocjn. Will attend to the hu-duess of surveying in anv jmrt of the county. Perfect maps of all surxejed lauds, fur uishedat short notice. v.. (;. t; it i x i) it o li ,"" ATTORNEY ki COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ? STinSiS! full V : lilt t :wtf S? tf a week. $12 a day at home easi ly made, (.'ostly outfit free. Address 'fin i: A Co. Augusta, Maine. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Mrt'al of Honor. Economy, Durability find Ilapidlty combined with porfoct work, Are DutineMrthmc TcAturei .f the ctlctraicj Giant Farm ai Warelionse Fans, v MADE BV P. DICKEY, Rnclno, Wis. A. Now having many late improvcmtnti, tliey aif fully rqual It. evcy Bernard , ctcmrf; ail kind, tf tUin, Tea., llir, Cartor lkan. Lorn ami small S. td They gradt Vhe.t jfi'ec.l b, nee liandhnc Sep arate Oal frcm Wheal, i.r.ey and Ke 'thej have very perfect arrangement. rr cleaning Timoihy, Clover, Ha "-etd. On hitil fitai., and all oiher Small seed. Thev th-IT perf rt'y, and c mhine every cjudifxa'ioi r , i t ! t do die. ten vmik in Cat thoitc.t tune. Warehf me, ai we'l I l Milli, ate Urr;ely eon itructed, boil. Iiik r TJ.n ". nine nzej li accom modate the d-manr', aid rihi r a capicity cf from yi to ysi tu.hctt per It ,ur, a rding to ( fc cl mnl. , 'J hey are ihipped, hiied fjreai traniiitaiinn, and "tet up" or "knocked d " for fotwnding I inlard, ai reijurtted. and H all catei put free on board Can cr Steamer. Ordera filled lame day at i -ceied. ) I Milla allppra "knociica uov.n jo i&r nan me l!..t j-U , ml u. V,-n fhru(ni(V(l ' Kt I in ()t( fa. Ot-tv (It 11 VIMItlU ? (1 "! - f craii't DnJ Citcubrs iunpltrl on apphraiion I'ricri will he quo tea tow ana en nigral vim. Conc pcniiercc sol Kit cxl. .... t a " '' , '"7 ! , y a """"'' ' aml' , ;V"r,r '' f,'J'-. A,(lrt,," "" & Co. Portland, .Maine. 1 J:Efe?;?i d W;mf&i& E .B. OEAN & co.iBooTs, Shoes K. U. UKAX, U. WILLCOX AMI C. II aMKIK IIAaNT. ... ....,., " '' u,u'' Ai.w.vvho.v HMi A Fii.i. As-ortnu nt Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE LUMBER MANL'FACTI'UEI) TO OHDEU Ami SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, mid at the THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. NASBURG & HIRST, Fiiont Stiu:i:t, MAiitiirii:i.i, Oun. NEW GOODS HY EVERY STEAM or; keep constantly on hand in our large and commodious stoie, n well selected stock of GENERAL MHANDISE, consitsing of the hesl staple and fancy DRY GOODS. of all kinds, the choicest GROCERIES A N II PROVISIONS. A i,.vitni: STOCK 01' CLOTHING, HATS imtl CARS, ROOTS and SHOES, RITRRERS and Oil, CLOTIIIXtJ. SLIPPERS mill OILCLOTH CROCKERY and CLASS WARE, HARDWARE and TOOLS, Umars r4 and Tobacco, t- Paints, (Mis nuil Varnishes, Choice Wines ami I.liiuirs, TliiHiirc ami Aimiiiiiiltloii. cdri.KllV, 117)0) tnii Wll.l.OW-U'AHU, and Sclool ZEBools AMI STATIONERY, yUIlWIBItllVO O-OODM, JV1VX5 IIOHIUltY Our extensivcsluMV cases are filled i wish the llnest i MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, i PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. N. II. All jomN purchased at our .Store will he deluded free ot charge i at any point on the loute of l lie' tuamer .hrtle. vl-l-tf rows ii.ticitric Mini. ; in ikon mi' tiik ri'M'iiAi. nurri. .Mnrsliil,.I,,o-ii If you want uneasy shave, AkhoiI us harliereerj;ue, .hint c lion iiiu at mv saloon, From morn 'till niehl or husv noon ; I Mv razors' sharp, mv scis-ors, keen, Aly sIiiiiih neat anil towels clean ; And there I think that you will find Each article to suit the mind ; I trim thehairwith skill for e'iits, Of course the price is fifty cents ; Shampooing, too, I do that well, Cie uieit trial, that will tell ; So help mo griiciiiiiri if I make you hol ler, You need not pav a quarter of a dollar J W Cux-.I'niii' P S Hot and cold lialhs alwins ready li istfl tmmmmmcjLammaBmammmmKmmmmamtmmmmmmmtnmmmmam FAMILY Meat Market KOSS & TI.MM HUMAN Woiililiinnouiice to the pul.lio that ineir new uiarKet OPPOSITE Til ECENTItAL HOTEL J is now opiis'kii i ANDTIIEYAItEPItEPAUEDtoSELLi M.I. KINDS OK I IIEEF POKE .v. MEATS of ALLKINDS , P R 0 V I S 1 0 n1 A ND V EGETADLES i VESSELS and LOUCIXV, V A MI'S Sri'l'l.IEl) , tjTPIMCE.S IK)WN TO THE UKIKIL1 M KOCK. W. G TOSTEJl, iii:ai.i:u in Anil I.tiiilur I'IiiiIIiikm. Maiikiiiii iii, On. flMVI! LATELY ItETI'llNEI) ' I fl ola San Francisco uilli a coin- jilele stock of eery lliiiif; inniy Hue . reuuy mane hoois anil sliocs, etc. BEST MATERIAL ONLY USED. COOS HAY ' FURNITURE STORE, ; Constantly on hash MaltrexHCH ,) ltetlnteatln, Chair il LounyrH, PICTl'UES, FUA.MES, MOULDING, TAI1LES, MlltltOHS Ac. 'oniiflii(;.r(Hiiii I'll nil ii ni Mude to Older. C'OFl'IXS imide nt shorlcst notice. SEWING MACHINES Attach.mknth, Ni:i:ii,iw .v. F. .MAHK, Jvl" PlIUI'ltllJTOU the LiGHT-nrarara raw Hoana Tim DEST, LATEST IMPnoVGD n.t moil THOROUGHLY ...n.uu. w 8EWINOtVIACHINEc.riu.uif,. M llio worliiir nii nro umil . r tlio DEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TCMPERCt) nl ur.. ADJUSTABLE. ItiiBntim II rou trie i t:sioi u lint Ilia 1. .11111 1. HI KIliA, IMim tl'o Eaolost Thrcadotl Shuttlo. Tlio IIOIIIIINU nn. WOUND nlttioiit itllNNINCI or UWTUJI1BAIIIWU Um MAUUINJC. it imi n Kii.i'-'.miMi Nrrni.n it IntlilllAI I i i-iiuliliii,' Hio KiikUioi tit. T, WITHOUT TI HflMU II l.ii n I I((5 NI'AUi: lin.lcr llio utiii, H I. .NOlNl.l.rss, ami luin m u m li r I M!i:i.l.IEMCl. lli.lli all dlliir i i.uIihk i i.niil.iiiiil. "Avi"il wnul" I In . tililio wharo v ,ro i.ot i rneii(.J Johnson, Clark & Co. yo UNION SQUARE, N.Y. IMWIWlilllill MBMWia HillWIH l'lHi Ml WILCOi'ftiTE ORGAN CO.. Mcriden, (' i.n. V S.A. - r. ir, .-.. 3221 "Children's Blow Pedals1! Adjusted or removedinslanlly. Invented and Exclusively used by this Company. The most popular Organs o.( the tiny! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. " l'h Wiiooar. L VrhW Orjijiisi XjiJti'notor' i-. tlio EEST untl CKEAPEM' in "th, :uar1: '. ! -0 0 0 K I N 0 OU II K A T I S l - New Excelsior Oil Stove. J at tlio'l hti.i; fur l.lnl.t llu 'trktriili.tf. II "111 llroll. Itmt. and ItaVa I ri r ihnn a I In WttudMu.a. Saud lur ( in ulala AI.I.M.1 U A M I U. C0LEHAK GAB ArPARATUB AND OIL CO.. T SI.na.T Sr I m " It' Thadrrat t'.ltr fur IH'IM-I. llIKaiM U III if llM-larha, I liar ( nilal. I r an I , l.i l ,, , I'. I III) an I all l ' i I" IS l ia.li I , ii i -(I n l. i II Up hi VIj l.l. ,V .li (lIU ij Iw tlf Mediated abbohptioit. . 1'rin.a Ni. I lil i'l. I 1 1 I I ill I .- Il , Iha Aim i 1 1 ll BELTS.U' an I Hiatal lu'l u II la aualn( In lL Klawa ul uitJI' etna UxalM-paU 11.11, 91. Fr.rl mill ;llr IUII.9'1. Tnilli Hill, Vi, mnl liifi.tita 11.11. 'I. Thra llrlia will I i ul u mm. l In' ! "-iaa rn nrlt ul iifim h ul (I h luiam a lull AQEHTS vHlilii ill iviiy ouunt III ll. I'liilcil .Siulm. AiMrB, H:it .MIDICATCD IlKl.T CO. 2.12 llllnula M.. I lih'K". iTPWMIMiHlilllfl aMlMfitarUtw-i it- " HIGHEST HONORS Swssni w I evUt1'1 " kW ffiF I mat1-' ' mm r " WiWtW, Centennial World's Fair, 18761 run SHONINGER ORGANS rsonouaaiD UKaitmot ili it thu BEST INSTRUMENTS. TbrlrcomiarallrAii,ellnrlarrrnnnliid l7 ha Jiiilttna In timir lU'iini I, ucui wUoli tli tslluwIUK Ii an inirurti Th II. tlllOMVOKIl OIKIAN 01) 'fl ilillilt ii a 1:111 neat Iinlriimi'iil" prlo rotul' ring tt, n , i.ou.ihlo tu a lariio cIim f rnrclin(jra,I.Yli)( a c iinMiiallnii cl llie.i ud Uclli, jirwlutin novel ajul ji'tiaaing cn"ri l. outiliiliKman)riloi,iial.lo liiirroronio'i "'J'," liana loniter In dry or i Btnp rllinil, J i'"''" lo ! out of tir.Vr.ell ttia ljirilaMriiia9 thrao-ply.tnit ten. ihar no It la Impoi'lo'" ' J Ihftn tu cither ihrlult, nwull it iillt-" r" ONLY UUUAA.'l AWAJtlllCIJ TJUU HA.MC. Tula atertal utifl Awur.l veaa itrantM d'' "' moat yro cmiijii lllimi of l h '"""' tiafgia ruioo' thu luuat cuui)Ut Jun oral aiinub.i J, tw Hlrli ami prli-co Jnt 'BU, wt.loli jr In fio.irifanco Willi our ruU,tuo 11111' "1" MAN fur tlio hai luunojr. W r prt-parM loiiwtnt tfaw Rw AgnU. tlluatralid CtalP(;mo IJiallaU, poat-iUl, oa plillcaUaa ta B.. SHONINGER ORGAN CO,, 0; to 113 (IIIWTM0T STBBliT, ,.( IUvkk On KmmsfimiiiiMjLi. ..jlA