The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 24, 1880, Image 1

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Th Const; Mail.
The Coast Mail.
:irn .
MatHhllold, Coos Co., Or.
Terms, In Alliance.
Ono year $2 GO
Six inunlhs 1 fit)
Three months 1 00
The Development of our Mines, the
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
rondcoinmunication with tho Interior,
marsh :?t:fl, d, o:r., batueday, july 24, isso. :no. 30.
ir a
ffi . M BJ lm r-'
-JV-JL jzl JL 8 j
Hail IIimIIiiw I'ii ItomiiiKM'.
Sacramento lice, .hunt 1).
On n pullot of raw in a Chinese hut
nt CoiirllitiKl, in this county, Micro
died a young woman aged some twenty-two
yearn whoso maiden iiaino wiih
J Iran u, unit who wmh daughter of a
once prosperous nicrcliant of Chica
go, hit whom) married iiamo wan Mrs.
Jo Sing, she being the wife of a Chi
naman. Homo four years ago she wan
noised wild Hid romantio idea that
tho proper thing wiih to wed Mr. Jo
Sing, a moon-eyed son of tho Orient,
who had become a naturalized Atnori-
t'lin citizen. In defiance of paternal
(hreatH, ami (IcHpito the pleadings of
relatives and friends, this romancc
uruxed Kill left her comfortable homo
and became tho wife of her Chinoso
lover. A fow months ago tho couplo
oamo lo this Sluto aid located at
Coiirtland. Tho young wife, it ap
pears, had, during hor brief career an
Mich, contracted the vice of morphine
taking, and it is supposed that hor
death wan accidental from over-indulgence
in tho use of tho drug, although
it may havo been taken with suicidal
intent. .She is represented as having
been of very prepossessing appearance.
Tho young wife's transition from the
v ry comfortable homo of her family,
where she was surrounded by congen
ial friends ami all the usual blessiugH
of American home life, lo the stilling
hut ol tho .Mongolian, with its mob
of eatleriug, yellow-skinned creatures,
should it would seem, havo boon dis
pelled her silly romance. Perhaps it
did ; but the step which she had taken
had placed mi far beyond tho pale of
lecognitiou by her friends and tela
tives that sho could not rotraco it, ami
all that was left for hor to do was lo
mihmil lo tho punishment which she
had hioiighl upon herself.
Wlirii IIoofhlN ICnrli'il.
The Washington corresponilent of
tho Hutl'iilo (. oniiiii rciitl writes: Jt
was only after some patient inquiry
that 1 could ascertain the facts, which
nro inteiesting. and so far as I know
are yet unpublished. Mouth died, as
will bo remembered, in a barn in
.Maryland, from a wound received fiom !
tho musket of Huston Corbet!. His
body was brought to Washington, and
after having been indcutificd by the
court-martial before which his follow
conspirators woro tried, was dissected
by the surgeon-general of tho army.
Tho brain and heart and some other
parts of tho body were preserved in
alcohol, ami are now on exhibition in
the medical museum of tho surgcot)
general'soHlco. Tho building in which
tho anamination occurred was Ford's
I heater. Tho Government confiscat
ed it, but a'lerward Ford was paid its
full value, and it has since been used
as tho head (punters of tho medical
corps of (ho army. Tho brain and
heaitof nooth are in jars, standing in
a ciixo that is situated very near tho
actual scene of the assassination.
Alter tho surgeon had done with
IJooth's body, it was buried in a giavo
in the arsenal giounds. (July half a
dozen persons know the exact spot,
which was unmarked. In IS7.r I'M
win Uooth.lhoactoi.sont .Mr. Weaver,
tho sexton of Christ's church, llahi
niorc, to Washington, with tho re
quest that tho remains of his brother
might bo taken up ami removed to
the family burial plueo. After some
delay tho request was granted by
President Johnson, who was finally
appealed lo, and Mi. Weaver took tho
body lo I ho cemetery in Hallimoro
and bu'-jed it bosido tho older Booth
and others of tho family. Tho remov
al was conducted with groat sec voy,
and was concealed from Secretary
"Wouldn't you like to havo a how?"
Said the bold young archor as thoy
Niuntertd down the field, ami she
murmured, -'Yes," and tho absorbed
archer said, "What kind of a. how
would you proforV" She quivered a
little as she replied archly, "I think 1
should prefer yew,' and then tho
young man took it in, and although
ho was an arrow-chested youth, ho
Weil to the target and heaved a hull's
Tiiiutv small boyH woro arrested in
Dallas, Texas, for giving a negro niin
fltrol show without a license, tho com
plainant being tho owner of an old
building which thoy had used with
out permission. Thoy wore tried be
fore the mayor, who fiiiil : "1 find
the prisoners guilty, and lino thorn
1 each. The alternative is I day in
jail." Tho consternation among tho
ollondors was very groat, "lint," his
honor added : "J was a hoy onoo my
olf, and wont on thooud in jmt mioh
a porforiimnoo. I will pay tho IIiioh
4'm. (.'in-licltl'M l.eller ol Ac-
Mn.vroit, O., .Inly lit. Uen. (larllold
has forwaided to Senator Hoar of
Massachusetts, the following letter of
acceptance of the nomination tender
ed him by tho Republican National
Mii.VTcm, 0., July 10,1880.
Dear Sir: On tho evening of the
Kth of Juno last I had to receive from
you in tho presence of Iho committee
of which yol were chairman, the olll
cial announcement (hat the Republi
can National Convention at Chicago,
had that day nominated mo as their
candidate for President of the United
States. I accept the nomination with
gratitude for (he confidence it implies
ami with a deep sense of the respon
sibilities it imposes.
I coidially endorse the principles
set forth in tho plalfoi m adopted by
the Convention. On nearly all (ho
subjects of which it treats my opinions
are on record among (ho published
proceedings ol Congress. 1 venture,
however, lo make special mention of
some of the principal topics which
are likely to become subjects of (lis
Without leuowing tho controver-'
sies which have been settled during
(lie hist twenty years, and with no
purpose in which to revive tho pas
sions of the Into civil war, it should bo
said that while Republicans fully rec
ognize and will sticnonsly defend all
rights retained by the people and all
the rights losorvod to the Stales, they
i eject the pernicious doctrine of
Slate snpreinaoy which so long crip
pled (ho unctions of tho national
(ioveininciit and at one time hioiighl
tho union very near to destruction.
They insist that the United Slates is
a nation with ample powers of self
preservation ; that its constitution
and tho laws made in pursuance there
of, are tho supiomo law of the laud;
that the right of the nation to deter
mine the method by which its legis
lature shall be crcalrd, cannot bo sur
rendered without abdicating one of
tho fundamental powers of the Gov
ernment; lliut the national laws re
lating lo the election of representa
tives in ('ongress shall neither bo vio
lated nor evaded ; that every elector
shall bo permitted freely and without
intimidation to cast his lawful vote at
such an election and have it honoiitly
counted, and (hat the potency of his
vote should not ho destroyed by (he
fraudulent vote of any oilier person.
The best thoughts and energies of
our people should bo directed to those
great questions of national well being,
in which all have a common interest.
Such ell'irts will ttooucsl icstoro to
perfect pence those who were lately
in arms against each other; for jus
tice and good will, will outlast passion,
but it is certain that Iho wounds of
war cannot bo completely healed and
the spirit of brothoihood cannot fully
pervade Iho whole country until every
oil' icu, rich or poor, white or black,
is secure in tho free and equal enjoy
ment of every civil and political
right guanteod by Iho constitution
and the laws. Wherever the enjoy
ment of those rights is not assured I
discontent will prevail, immigration '
will cease, and tho social and indus
trial forces will continue to bo dis
turbed by tho migration of laborers
and the ooiircquont diminution of
prosperity. Tho National Govern
incnt should exercihO all its constitu
tional authority to put an end to those
evils; for all the people and all tho
States are member of one body and
no member can sutler without injury
to all. Tho most serious evils, which
now allliet the South, arise from
the fact that there is not such
freedom and toleration of political
opinion and action that the minority
parly can exorcise an cll'cctivo and
wholesome leslraint upon tho party
in power. Without such restraint
parly rule becomes tyrauical and cor
rupt. The prosperity which is made
possible in the South by it's great ad
vantages of soil ami climate, will nev
er bo realized until every voter can
ficoly and safely support any parly
lie pleases.
Next in importance lo freedom and
justice is popular education, without
which neither justice or freedom can
ho porinanoiilly maintained. Its in
terest are entrusted to (ho States and
to tho voluntary action of tho people.
Whatever help Iho nation can justly
allbrd should ho generously given lo
aid the Slates in supporting common
schools, hut it woe-Id bo unjust lo our
people and dangerous to our institu
tions (o apply any portion of tho rev
enues of tho nation or of the Slate to
(lie support of sectarian schools. Tho
separation of the Church and State
in ovorvthinif rolatinif to taxation
should lio absolute.
On tho subject of national finance
my view have been so fully and fre
quently expressed that little is needed
in the way of additional statement.
The public debt is now so well secured
and the rate of annual interest has
been no reduced by refunding, that
rigid economy in expenditures and
the faithful application of our surplus
revenues to the payment of tho prin
cipal debt, will gradually but certainly
free the people from its burdens and
close with honor the financial chap
tor of the war. At tho same limo Iho
government can provide for all its or
diuiiry expenditures and discharge its
sacred obligations to tho soldiers of
the Union ami to the widows and or
phans of those who fell in its defence.
Tho resumption of specie payment,
which the Republican party so cour
ageously and successfully accomplish
ed, has removed from the field of con
troversy many questions that long
and seriously disturbed tho ciedit of
tho Government and the business of
the country. Our paper currency is
now as national as our Dag, ami re
sumption has not only made it every
where equal to coin, but has brought
into use our stnie of gold and silver.
The circulating medium is more
abundant than over beforo, and wo
need only lo maintain the equality of
all our dollars to insure to labor ami
capital a measure of value from the
nso of which no one can sudor loss.
The great prosperity which tho coun
try is now enjoying should not be en
dangered by any violent changes or
doiibli'til financial experiments.
In leferonce to our customs laws a
policy should bo pursued which will
bring revenuo to tho treasury, and
will enable the labor ami capital em
ployed in our great industries to com
pete fairly in our own market-' w;th
the labor and capital of foreign na
tions. Wo legislate for tho people of
the United Slates, not for the whole
world, and it is our glory that the
American laboier is mote intelligent
and better paid than his foreign com
petitor. Our country cannot be inde
pendent unless its poop'o with their
abundant natural resources possess the
requisite skill at any time to clothe,
arm and equip themselves for war,
mid in time of peace to produce all
the necessary implements of labor.
It was tho manifest- intention of tho
founders of the Government to pro
vide for the common defense, not by
standing armies alone, hut by raising
among tho people a greater army of
artisans, whoso intelligence ami skill
should powerfully contribute to the
safety and glory of tho nation.
Fortunately for tho interests of
commerce, there is no longer any
formidable opposition to appropria
tions for the improvement of our har
bors and great navigable rivers, pro
vided that the expenditures for that
purpose are strictly limited lo works
of national importance. Tho's
sippi river with its groat tiibutarier, is
of such vital importance lo many
millions of people that Iho safety of
its navigation requires especial con
sideration. In order to secure to the
nation the control of all its waters,
President Jefi'erson negotiated the
purchase of a vast territory extending
from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific
ocean. The wisdom of Congress
should ho invoked to devise some
plan by which tho great river shall
coaso lo bo u terror to lhoo who
dwell upon its banks, and by which
its shipping may wifely carry tho in
dustrial product of twenty-livo mil
lions of people. The interests of ag
riculture, which is the bus's of a'l our
material prosperity, and, in which
7 1-th of our population are engaged,
as well as the interestsof manufactures
and commerce, demand that the facil
ities for (dieap traiisportationsshall be
increased by the u-o of all our great
Tho material interests of this coun
try, traditions of its settlement and
si'iilimcpts of our people, havo led
tho Government to odor the widest
hospitality lo immigrants who seek
our hIioivh for new and happier homes,
willing to share the bunions as well
as benefits of our society, and intend
ing that their posterity shall hecomo
an indistinguishable part of our pop
ulation, Tho recent movement of
tho Chinoso to our Pacific const par
takes but little of tho qualitiosof such
an immigration, either in its purpose
or its results. It is too much like an
importation to bo welcomed without
restriction, too much like an invasion
to lie looked upon without solicitude.
Wo cannot consent lo allow any form
of servile labor to bo introduce 1
among us under the guise of immi
gration. Recognizing tho gravity of
this subject, the present administra
tion, mipporled by Congress, ha soul
lo China a ooiiiiniiou of distinguish
ed oitixen for the purponoof weuring
muoIi a modification of the existing
treaty will prevent thu evil likely I
lo arise from the jireoenl situation
It is confidently boliovod that thost
( diplomatic negotiations will be sue-
cess fill without the loss of commer
cial intorcourr-o between the two pow
ers, which promises a great increase
of reciprocal benefits and the enlarge
ment of our markets. Should these
eflbrU fail, it will be the duty of Con
gress to mitigate tho evils already
felt, and prevent their, increase by
such restrictions as, without violence
or injustice, will place upon a sure
foundation the peace of our commun
ities and the freedom and dignity of
The appointment of citizens to the
various executive and judicial ollicea
of tho Government, is perhaps tho
most difilcull of all the duties which
tho constitution has imposed upon
tho Executive. Tho constitution
wisely demands that Congress shall
operate with tho executive depart
ment in placing the civil service on a
better basis. Experience has proven
that with our frequent changes of Ad
niiuisti'iilioii, no system of reform can
be made effective and permanent
without (ho aid of legislation. Ap
pointment to tho military and naval
service are so regulated by law and
custom us to have but little ground of
complaint. It may not bo wise to
make .similar lcgulations by law for
the civil Hervico, but without evading
the authority or necessary discretion
of the' Executive, Congress should
devise a method that will determine
the tenure of ollico and greatly re
duco the uncertainty which makes
that serviceso uncertain and unsatis
factory. Without depriving any offi
cer of his rights as a citizen, the Gov
ernment should require him to dis
charge all of his official duties with
intelligence, ellicioney, and faithful
ness. To select wisoly from our vast
population those who are best fitted
for the man' offices to be filled, re
quires an acquaintance tar beyond
tho range of any one man. The Ex
ecutive should thcroforo seel; and re
coivo the information and nssistanco
of those who have knowledge of the
communities in which their duties
ire to bo performed, the best qualified
to aid thom in making the wisest
choice. In my judgement those
principles should control the legisla
tion and administration of the Gov
ernment. Jn any event they will
guide my conduct until experience
points out a'bettor way. If elected,
it will bo my purpose toonforco strict
obed'enco to tho constitution and
laws, and promote as best I may the
interest and honor of the whole coun
try, relying for support upon the
wisdom of Congross, the intelligence
and patriotism of the people, and tho
fi.vor of God. With respect, I am,
very truly yours,
I'ea rln t lIvplosJoii.
I.osoox, July lo. An explosion oc
currcd nt 1 :20 this morning in the
London and South Wales Collier
Company's now black vein pit at His-
eat, six miles fiom Newport. The
shook was very violent. It is sup
posed that ono hundred and nineteon
men woro in tho pit at the time and
there is scarcely a probability that
any will be saved.
A dispatch from Carddl" says J23
men were in the pit of the London
and South Wales Colliory Co.'s mine
at tho tiino of tho explosion, and it is
bel'ovod all perished.
Ninv Yoisk, July lo. A special from
Loudon says of tho Kisoat colliory ex
plosion : About S o'clock the bodies
of tlireo miners woro found near the
bottom of (he sha't, but they havo not
been brought up. Tho force of the
ox'plosion was terrfie, blowing to
atoms tho vo'itilatiog apparatus.
There is no hopo that tho men may
Lonpok, July lo. It is thought
that L'OO colliers woro in tho mine at
5 p. in. Only three bodies havo boon
llBFAtrrouv Sailous. Tho Astoricn
says ton sailors and a ship's carponter
woro brought from San Francisco by
(ho Slue of CaUJnrnht for tho ship
llVfidrooif, now l,"ng at anchor oil'
Sand Island. On their arrival, tho
sailors positively rofusod to go on
board the tug which was londy to con
vey thom on board (ho ship. Thoy
stated that thoy had not shipped and
hud received no advance, and had
other excuse hr refusing. Tho ease
was takon bofore Just'co Fox, and as
it was satisfactorily p-oved that thoy
had Ntsuoil the ships a.liolos, ho ad
judged that thoy bo taken on board,
whloh was accordingly tlouo.
Ti:n mile of the Denver and Colo
rado railroad have been washed avvny
between Pueblo and Colorado Spring,
and muuli damage done for 21 mile
by tlorni uid flood. Hail ktorms fell
two feel deep in place
4a(!iicriil II:iiicm:U---IIov li
IJii'H mill lull lie I.iiiiUh I, Ike.
A Chicago Tribune correspondent
under dato of June 20th, writes as
follows: Yesterday I wont over to
Governor's Island to cc the military
candidate for the Presidency, Gen.
The General occupies sixty-four
acres of land, worth, if it were sold for
city resjdenccs, about .flo.OOO.OOO.
Governor's Island lias ceased lo bo of
any value as a defemo for tho city or
harbor. It is simply used as the resi
dence of some pel commanding Gen
eral. A gun fired from Governor's
Island at a passing ship would go
crashing into (ho heart of Urooklyn.
If ii public enemy should ever get in
reach of Governor's Island, with the
now improvement in long range guns
ho would send a shell through the
Ator House, Trinity Church, the
Slock Exchange, or Sub-Treasury.
Here, on this fifteen million dollar
farm, surrounded by several hundred
servants, tho taxpayers of America
support Gci.. Hancock. Here, seventy-five
soldiers make Gen. Hancock's
garden, dig in his door yard, trim his
I grapevines and wait upon him as if he
were a king. At his command is a
steam yacht, with steam always up,
ready to take the General over to
Delmonico's to dinner or down to Co
ncy Island for u sea bath or a flirta
tion with the ladies.
Though wo live in times of peace,
everything around Gen. Hancock ii
on a war footing. An armed Eenti
nel stalks up and down in fiont of his
private residence all day long and on
through the weary night. What for,
nobody knows, hut, tired and jaded,
in sunshine and storm, this poor sol
dier must walk up and down in front
of his great master. At the General's
residence everything is done in a pe
dantic, military way. No ordinary,
citizen can sec the General. An or
derly, buttoned up and baking in a
regulation uniform, receives your
card. A haughty chief of stair ex
amines it, and, if your clothes are
good enough, he will permit you to
stand before the General a moment
while ho sits, listens, and then waves
you away. The ordinary Illinois
fanner, with his face browned and his
hands calloused with honest toil,
would never be allowed to enter the
presence of the commanding General.
The first thought as you look at the
General is that he most bo Itanium's
fat boy grown old. His face is gross
and sensual. His cheeks pull out
like tho fat boy's, and then his whole
head grows smaller and smaller till
your eyes rest upon his forehead,
which is low and narrow. The Gen
eral is a great cater and n liberal
drinker. Ho takes wine at every meal
and whisky whenever ho likes it.
High living and liberal drinking havo
given him a ilabby, sensual double
chin, which hangs down and rests
over his smashed down shiri-collar.
The General is over 50 years old. He
wears a whito military mustache,
and weighs about L'oO. He is not a
good talker, and never succeeded in
making the simplest semi-public
speech. He is lazy, phlegmatic, and
docs nothing but cat, drink, and ei.
joy himself sensually. Ho never
reads books. If ho woro not a Major
Genoral, ho would be a country land
lord, who sits around and lets his wife
do tho cooking while his son attends
to tho bar. If elected President, ho
will do nothing himself. Ho will sim
ply bo a lump of dough in the hands
of tho rebel brigadiers of the Solid
South. The sixteen Southorn States
hate Hancock as they do the old flaj,
but they havo taken him up as a
sweet bait with which to catoh tho
Xoithern Democrats and soldiers
An Ilxcltinf; Scene.
A Chicago dispatch of tho 10th has
tho following: An army ollicor sta
tioned at Fort Keogh, now in this city,
gives an account of an interesting
bufi'alo hunt which recently took
place on and in tho Yellowstone The
Crow Indians gottin' a littlo short of
meat wont in pu 'suit of bison, and
finding a hord of -1,000, attacked it
savagely. Tho animals becomo in
furiated aiter awhile and stalled in a
panic for tho river, followed by tho
no less osoitcd Indians. Soon thco
was an indistinguishable mass of red
skins, bud'alo and ponies in tho
stioam. and tho eurront hoing strong
many of each woro drowned. It is
estimated that thirty savages woro
drowned, and ponies and hullalo al
most innumerable mot a similar fato.
A xativk baker in India, anxious
to call attention to his lonvoa, and at
tho same time to domaiutrnto hi ac
quaintance with thu English toiyjuo,
dcecribw himself us an "European
i How 'I'licy Churn in L'riiKuuy.
Youth's Companion.
I thought that I had seen a good
many kinds of churns beforo I came
down here crank-churns, dasher
churns, and "edemical-churns." Hut
I will now describe a mode of churn
ing butter that will, I think, make
New England folks open their eyes.
Commonly they do not make much
butter in this country, and the set
tlors here corno to get along without
it ; but by tho lime I had been at the
"poesta" two or three days 1 began to
want sonic butter on my bread.
M bad a herd of twenty-five or
thirty cattle, which he kept for beef,
and among them were a number of
milch cows. Ed waa bidden to set the
milk for twenty-four hours and tho
next morning M told Lizado, or
"Liz," as wo called him, to churn.
They had such a tiling aa to churn
butter before, it nppcara. Liz went
out and brought a bag of rawhide
about as large as a common meal bag.
How clean it was inside, I am sure I
do not know: but he turned the
cream into it, and poured in new
milk enough to make it two-thirds
full ; and then he tied it up with a
strong strip of hide.
M stood with a bioad grin on
bis face. I was already too much as
tonished to make any remarks. Liz
now carried the bag out of doors, and
then got on his horse. Taking hN
lasso off the saddle, ho made one end
of it fast to the cream-Dag ; the other
end. as usual, being attached to a
ring in the saddle.
This done, he jumped on the horse
and tucked spurs to him. Away he
went, and at the first jerk that bag
went ten feet into the air, and fell
with a squash, close up at tho horse's
heels. At the next jerk it went high-
c" still.
He soon went out of sight with the
bag dancing after him. Sometimes
it hit down alongside the horse, nnd
sometimes it struck slap on the ani
mal's rump.
M was convulsed with laughter
-at me, I suppose ; for I must confess
this upset all previous ideas of buttcr
inaking. In the course of twenty or thirty
minutes Liz came back, the horse
looking pretty hot, and the bag very
"Es mantica'' (Butter's come), said
he. Ed untied the churn, and sure
enough, there was a good homely
chunk of butter in it; and it proved
to be very decent butter, too.
I asked if that was the way they al
ways churned. They said it was, and
Ed declared it was "a dale asier than
turnin' a crank."
So I respectfully submit tho ''meth
od" to all our good peop'e up North.
Everything needed for it is a sole-
leather bag, a clothes-line and a horse
Nothing is publicly known of For
ger Waite's whereabouts, though
many believe that ho knows all move
ments concerning tho defuct bank,
and some arc of the opinion that he
will ultimately return to E-attlcboro,
though just how he can do this s not
said. It known that he succeeded in
getting his sisters' $10,000 life insur
anco.inoney, and tho question is will
this finally come out of tho stock
holder? Those who aro convo'.sant
of tho bank's affairs think that the
stockholders ivo lablo for not only
this pari of AVaite's rascal-lies, but
also for $0,000 which he borrowed of
Trcnor W. Pal:, though it is not. im
possible that Pack's noto for $20,000,
which Wai o was supposed to havo
forged, may prove genuine, aa it is
no unusual thing for bankers to ac
comoJato each other. It 'shot known
that Park has ofiicially denied its gen
uineness, and tho matter will bo thor
oughly s' 'ted. Waiio's napois a-oso
thoroughly mixed that it w'll require
unusual caution to get at the bottom
of his stealings. Forced paoer in the
name of tho Windsor hotol of New
York was niado by Waito leprcsenting
fr2a 000; A. Skinner, $;?0,000; v A.
Leonard, $10,000; Duideft A Co
000; CO. Waito, $00,000; Burden tt
Co, 20,0X1. Logal authority differs as
to tho liability of tho baok foraforgod
paper, some saying that no numbor
of genuine indorsements can niako a
forged noto good, and others that an
innocent holder, buying a 'orged noto
becauso of tho subsequent indorse
ment, has a claim which tho bank
must pay.
Mil. JoiinSiiute, thocnergoticown
or of tho Five Oak farm, in Washing
ton county, writes as follows to tho
Washington county Independent : I
have a fivo yoar old cow that gives
2-1S pounds of milk por weok, nnd tho
ureain from that milk makes 18
jHHinds of buttor por weok. Hor calf
is fivo uiomh old, 1 cannot say a to
hor stock. 1 bought the cow of J. 11.
Sowell three years ago
Hancock tin ii Itcroliitlfmlfft.
The Cincinnati correspondent of
the Boston Globe gives tho public a
piece of secret history related by tho
editor of tho Vermont Argus and Pa
triot, who was a dolegatc to the Dem
ocratic convention, which is impor
tant if true. The Vermont editor said
to the Globe correspondent:
"Soon after the electoral commis
sion had promulgated its decision,
Gen. Hancock wrote to Gen. Sheri
dan that he believed Gov. Tildcn bad
been elected President of the United
States, and, being so elected, lie had
a right to take tho oath of office else
where than at Washington, where
cver ho might bo; that Gen. Grant's
term of office expired at midnight of
the 3d of March, and if after that
hour he received any orders from Mr.
Tilden as President of the United
States he should obey them. As is
well known, Mr. Tilden did not take
the oath of office, and Gen. Hancock
was not called upon to take tho steps
which he undoubtedly would have
taken if called upon. I do not know
whether Gov. Tilden was ever appris
ed of this resolution of Hancock's or
IVhat IIovn Should lie.
First : Do true be genuine. No
ulucation is worth anything that
does not include this. A man had
better not know how to read he
had better never learn a letter of
tho alphabet, and bo true and genu
ine in intention and action, rather
than being learned in all sciences
and in all languages, to Ijc at tho
same time false in heart and coun
terfeit in life.
Second : Be pure in thought, lan
guage pure in mind and bodv
An impure man, j'oung or old, poi
soning the society where he moves:
with smutty stories and impure ex
ample, is a moral ulcer, a plague
spot, a leper who ought to be treated
as were the lepers of old.
Third : Be unselfish. To care
for the feelings and comforts of oth
ers, lobe polite, lo be just in all
dealings with others. To be gener
ous, noble and manly.
rouith: lie sell-reliant and seli
helnful even from early childhood.
To be industrious alwavs, and self-
supporting at the earliest proper
age. Teach them that all honest
work is honorable, and that an idle,
useless life of dependence on others
is disgraceful.
When a boy has learned these
four things, when he has made
these things a part of his being
however young he may be, however
poor, or however rich he has learn
ed some of the most important
things he ought to know when ho
becomes a man.
Tombstone Cify. ,i.
A dispatch of the 13th from Tomlr
stone, Arizona says: A telegraph
line was completed to this place to
day. The census recently taken gives
2,100 inhabitants in camp and 519
buildings, all but ono of which have
been orected within tho last 12 months.
lieports from the mines continuo
as favorable as over. Tho Empire
company is erecting a mill on tho
San Pedro river, two miles bolow
Charleston. Another new mill is be
ing erected half a mile north of tho
Contention .mill. These new struc-
tures furnish cvidonco that mine own
ers havo faith in their mines, and con
firm tho general public in favorable-.
opinion of them, which is well sus
tained by the present shipment $400,-
000 worth of bullion por month.
which confirms tho opinion that the
Tombstono deposit is tho richest piN
vor deposit in America. Pipes to
supply the city with water will reach
tho corporation limits to-day.
Tho weather is pleasant and tho
health of tho city good.
Yki.low fevor has appoarcd at Now
Orleans; a young sailor from Itio
Janeiro died Tuesday, and two more.
sailors are sick.
A .small ragged boy entered an
oyster houso in Salem, Mass., and
asked : "Will you soil mo an oyster
foracont? I want it for my sick
niothor." "What is tho matter with
your mother?" asked tho man, as ho
proceeded to fill a can with oysters,
thinking ho would help to rcliovo a.
case of Buffering. "She's got u black
eye," was tho roply. Tho benevo
lenco rapidly faded from tho mind of
the oyster man as ho put ono oyster
in a paper bag.
A sisauLAit foaluro of our export
trade is shown in tho fact that Amer-.
ica has so dovoloped her facilities ,aa
to underbid oven tho Russians in
laying down whoat at Odessa itself.
This cause tho Itutsians to complain
about as much as the English would
do if Amoriou should begin to export
cowl to New-cntlu, for Odessa has
long boon tlia principle depot of tho
grain trade of Europe.