The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 17, 1880, Image 3

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The Coasb Mail.
HATlMtPAV, - " - JIMiY 17, I KM)
Tl'o Ki:iil'H.ilso Niiiipiciii Hros.
In Sun Francisco uro building over
tlio lug boat Sot TliiwwH, jr., wliich
foil into thoir hands after being eon
(lutmu'il, some time Hi"neo. After pur
chasing lier, intending to (ear her (o
pieces for lier machinery, il was h
eortained tliat the hull wan quilo
sound. They decided lo reluiilil her,
and il is supposed that she will liu rea
. ly forsorvico in two months. After
being ('(iinpleteil sho will irolmlly
take the place of the lug frarlcnn oil
this hay wliilo tlio laltor goes to San
Francisco for repairs.
'I'm: Cuius. Menu .t Co. liavo sent
for iron for another crib, which will
he huill anil nettled heforo work will
be suspended. Thin will ho tlio l.'tlh
crib, making 050 fool of wall," whioh
in is eoiiHiderahly more tlntti wiim at
first supposed (ho appropriation
would do. 'I'll in wall will prohnhly
have some hearing on tlio course of
(he current at ehh tide, hut il will ho
necessary to liavo unolher npprupria
lion hefore tlio priietieahility of thin
mode of improvement can ho tested.
Sriiooi, Ili'HiNKHH. At tlio meeting
held Inst Tuesday evening to discuss
(lie iutoroHtH of thin district with ro
card to arrangements for public
IkkjIm, u proposition to huy a school
hoiiM wan voted down, hut tlio Direc
tors wore hy losolutioii requested to
procure t ho use of tho Academy build
ing hi) tho district. Thoro appears
to he it strong elumeut in favor of
levying u tux to support tho school,
ami it is nut improhahlo that tlio di
lectors will unbuilt tho mattor to tho
Coi.i.lstoN Tho ArcuUi arrived
Wednesday moruiug in a somewhat
damageil condition, and flopped a
day or two at Kmpiio City to repair.
('inning o it of Sau Francisco harbor
she run into an Unglish iron vessel,
unfiling (bo stem of tho Areata and
damaging tho other vessel to nn ox
tent no! known. We understand tho
collision was caused hy tho tlllor
lopes of tho Areata getting fust h
(hat her course could not bo changed
in time (o avoid striking.
A Mistakk. The published report Chan. Wheeler was sent to the
county hospital last Saturday, was
untrue. Il is understood Unit the
County Court made provision for
ha ing him taken to (ho hospital, hut
through negligence somewhere, be
still lies in tho city jail uneared for
ond iiuiuil, ooopl hy tlio charity of
the Highborn. Who is to blame?
Since (henlovo was in typoii per
son has been employed to give .Mr.
W heeler proper ntlentiou.
Siit'Mii.viiii. Some lain soundings
Hindi by tho engineers on the lino of
tin crib woik, reveals tho fact that
the rock bottom extends nearly if not
quite to the North spit, with a depth
of water from 25 to !t0 fret, making
(he liest possible foundation for the
sea null so far hm il may he extended,
with tho depth of water required for
a good ship channel past tho pio
posed puiul of termination.
To Hi: Intioiii:i). Wo are in
formed thai the new stylo of center
boaid invented and patented by I.
McColgmiof this place, is to bo in
troduced in a yacht in San Francisco
harbor. Tho advantages of thin pa
lent over tlio old stylo eenlerhoard
appear so evident that wo shall ho
Mirpribed if it is not generally adopt
ed after becoming understood, '
To m:'i:i. Tho apron of tlio
life swing k'U-ttioii at the entrance of
(his huy is entirely gone, having been
carried away by the high tides and
heavy storm of last winter. Mr. Nel
son, who is in charge, expects (hut
(be building will bo rained and repair
ed at some time during the present
summer. Ni:w Mr. F. Mark has
in his furniture establishment a largo
supply of moulding of all kinds ; ami,
among others, some that tiro elegant
ly lined and ornamented in various
i olurs, making a moro showy frame
than any (hat wo liavo scon in u&o;
be has also piotutes to suit the taste
of any who may wish to
(heir looms in (hut manner.
Sun- IIi'ii.iiinii. Wo am informed
that A. M. Simpson d Hro., will mioii
commence tho oonn'.riietion of a BOO
ton vessel at their shipyard til North
llond. We uro pleased to neo that
there is a prospect of our mechanics
finding employment without going
Ni;w Goons. Dean ,t Co., have
jiiHi recoiv'ul at their store n largo in
oico of now goods. A new stylo of
calicoes known as "combination
prints" is among the lot, which will
ho an especial attraction for the
Clinton. Tlio appointment of Hev.
U. 1. Itailoy for preaching In this
place has been changed lo the llh
Hahheth in eaeh month, ul 10 a. in.
.and ut early eandlo light in tlio even
ing of tliy Hamu day,
fSuw Suuvi-;yij,K((,s of tho )utu
niirvoys on ihu Un4w ,jyjjr will )m
found in Webster' J oll)uo jn llin
place, whoruoiitriua or Una (!; of
juo-omptioii or liDiuoslmid )i)isyjl
j;p attended tout any iJiny.
Hl.AOKiiiiititirm aro rlpoiiing.
.1. 0. Hum, has removed to Empire
Tiiiiui: will bo nnolhor crib sunk today.
J. W. Hi:vni:tt, Khcj., has gone lo
the Coipiillo.
Tin: Oiimilf Titair sailed from thin
port lasl Tuesday.
Ai.nx. Ilititci: is In charged of Imso's
logging hiiHinosH at .Sumner.
('apt. Jackkon. of Empire City, bus
been very sick for several days.
Tin: weather has been unusually
warm during the past week.
John Nahiu'Iui will run tho harbor
shop in the absence of Mr. Cox.
Siieuiit Lane has appointed W. II.
S. llydo his deputy u good appoint
ment. I'outi.akii is again ngilaling the
subject of a bridge across tho Willam
ette river.
A. .1. Moonv, of Siuslaw, Iiiih been
on the Hay for Hoveral days during
this week.
boi'iH Muniioi:, iiliiiriunrlsf, has
gono to San Kranoisco, to bo absent
two or three weeks.
Miih. ItoTN'oit'ri fehool, also thai of
Misi Clinkonbeard, in this plaeo
closed yesterday.
Cammann'h old warehouse is being
pul in order by ('oiiner it Co., to tie
c.oiuodiite the new Imnel factory.
Mil. Cox, tho harbor, and .Mr. Rich
inond expect to go to the Coipiillo
early next week for a few days leeroa
H. V. Hosh in engaged in diking u
fine tract of sail marsh land on Catch
ing slough. .Mr. Hegans is doing the
Ki,anaoa.v ,i Ma.v.v have this week
int up nowunlvnnizod telegraph wire
on their lino betv.eon here and New
port. Thus. Lewis, from the Coipiillo, has
been employed h engineer for the
Myrtle. Ilarknoss Dunham takes the
post of captain.
Mk. IjAno'h (school at -Sumner has
been brought to ti cloo on account of
tho prevalence of whooping cough
among tho children.
(ii:o. Yoakaji, of Coos river
brought into town, Thursday, a splen
did pair of elk horns in the velvet ;
he killed the fellow that bore them.
Wm. Hobs and Thus. Holland went
to San Francisco by tho Tctfair; we
understand they aro to bo employed
for some time on a steamer thai is
being built there.
W. II. .Iackso.v has gono to Califor
nia in search of a climate more adapt
ed to tho health of his family. His
wife and child are the guests of Capt.
Harris on (ho Coipiillo river during
his alwence.
'J'lie Uixlj of lli-ooUs I'oii nil.
On Tuesday morning a body, sup
posed to he that of !eo. 1 1 rooks, who
was missed from North llond some
two weeks since, was foun I on the
shore of the bay all bo mouth of Pony
slough by Mr. Smith, who resides
near there. As Coroner .Mini roe was
about to start for San r-'ranoisco, A.
(!. Hrown, Justice of tho Peace, was
called upon to hold mi inquest upon
the body. W. It. Simpson, J. A.
Floyd, 0. O. Hanson, W. F. HI rod, K.
(iibson ami C. P. Thorpe wero sum
moned us jurors, mid rendered their
verdict thai the body was that of (ioo.
lliooks, about SI years of age, a na
tive of London, that ho eanio to his
death by drowning, whether hy acci
dent or intention not being known,
hut they believed the sumo to have
boon by accident. Tnero wero $11
coin, a silvjr watch and the store key
found in his pocket. There was noth
ing to indicate a case of suicide.
Tho body was taken in charge by
Arago Lodge I. O. O. F., of Kmpiro
City, of which deceased wim ii member,
mid was buried with the ceremonies
of that order. The steamer Juno was
chartered, and took a number of citi
zens from this place to the funeral.
Oiiiitiox'ri Population. The census
reports fiom all pails of the State con
tinue to arrive, and Stipe rvisorSukes
dorlf informs us that the population
of Oregon will fool up nbou t 170,000.
Tho reports thus far show ltil,000,
with several ki"H districts to hear
from, says the Standard.
170,000 lacks :i(),0(H) of being the
number that the State is required by
the Constitution to have before the
Legislature was authorized to pro
vide fur n sopurnlu Supremo Court;
bill we've got it.
AiiMivnu) to Tin: ll.vit. The fol
lowing gentlemen, applicants for
membership to tho bar, pusM'd n sue
cetiiful written examination and were
admitted by tho Supremo Court on
Saturday hist : (loo. W. Hurnoa, of
The Dal'les; .1. II. Uwing, of Portland ;
J. N. Huuoiin, of Albany; (loo. M.
Miller, of Kngono; II. W. ICooao, of
Oomtllis; (). F. Paxton, of Portland;
11. S. Slater, of Union, and T. J. Stiles,
of Albany.
S.nao II, Noble it Co.,
liavo Ihiui. removing hoiiui .of the
minga ju Coal Hunk jlough, with lliuir
stump spile driver. Thoro ih moro of
that husiiiow Unit ought to be done.
cou.vrv :i;kb' ikoci:i:i.
Tho County Court in kohsIoii last
week, .1,11. Nosier Judge, and (loo.
M. Dyer and A. I'ershhnker Coinini.s
sioncis, transacted tho following bus
iness, .Mini Lane tendered his resignation
as Assessor accepted.
.1 .1 Lamb was appointed fill vacan
cy in olllco of AsosHor.
Olllcers elect .Inlm Lane, Sheriff;
Alex Slauir, Clerk; Louis Muiiroe,
Coroner; V, L J'rice, Surveyor; J .1
Lanih, Assessor. ICxeeiiled ollicial
bonds and took tho oath of ollice.
1. 1,ll, 1 1 1fiiililiftu if I'd 111 ,1.!I Itina
Ituik. Myrllo Point, 1 year; II II
. limes, Soulhiiorl, (! months; W II
WotMill, hnipiro ('
ity, (! iiionths: K
W Siuague, Kuipin) ('ity, (5 mouths;
(I W Leueve, Kandolph, l) months.
Daniel tides appointed Constable of
Co(iiille precinct.
l'hice of holding elections: Co
ipiillo precinct changed to Myrtle
Point, and Cooi. City changed to
County Clerk submitted annual ac
count which was accepted.
Hoiids Viewers to locale ii road
from Newport to Cixpiille Jlly sub
mitted leport. .lames Wall, (lilberl
Hall, and (J W Springer, agent, de
miimhil damages, and S M Dement,
Win Turpin. and W S Jenkins ap
pointed to view and assess the same.
Hills allowed K A Anderson, viewer,
20 00; J M Herman, viewer, 10; (i
W (Jetty, viewer, .'II: John Reamer,
elininmnn, K ; J W Judd. chainmau,
12; K Thompson, chainmau, ! : Allan
Urquhart, axmuii, H - James Hill, ax
man, 1 0 r ('has Collier, axmuii, -1 :
Win Hall, Hal!, Surveyor, (!, and
further consideration continued (o
next term. Viewers to locale road
connecting 'load from Ihnpire Citv lo
Marshlicld and Kastporl lo Marshfield
iciiorteu, anil accented ami mail or
dered opened. Win Hall, Surveyor,
I BO ; viewers to locate a road from
Mjitle Point up Catching creek lo
Curry county, reported ami accepted
and road ordered open. M Whobury
viewer, 1-1 ; II II (ireenwood. viewer,
II: J M Hermann, viewer. 10; John
Iteanier, ch iLimiiu, 11 ; Win Hender
son, chuinmun, 11; Allen Urquhart,
axiiian, M; Wm IJall, Surveyor, '10.
Petition for road from Smith slough
to Chus Metcalfs granted, and Henrv
Duller, John Havuor, and Wentwortli
linker appointed viewers and E L
Price Surveyor to meet August 2d,
18S0. Viewers to locate road from
North slough to John Brown's place
reported and accepted and road order
ed opened. Geo A Smith, viewer. 0 ;
0 West man, viewer, 0; A K McCtil
locb, viewer, Ii ; Geo Chard, chain
mau, 0 ; P. (!. Peterson, chainnrin, 0 :
Peter Hear, axiuan, 0; Win Hall, Sur
veyor. IS B0.
Elections Judges of election 12d;
clerks of election, M); returning poll
books 121 ; canvassing, 8 20.
Circuit Court, May term Grand
Jurors 111), trial 2!)2. Witnesses be
fore Grand Jury, 188 CO.
Oflicers I) Morse, Jr, Treasurer, M
salary, 7B; I) Morte Jr, conveying
State tax to capital, 75. F Solicitor,
Local agent, commission on State
School Funds 100 87. J F Moore,
School Superintendent 'i salary and
expenses, 7S. J II Nosier County
Judge, '.,' salary 1B0. G M Dyer,
Commissioner, li. Adam Pershhaker
Commissioner, Hi, A G Aikon, Shor
ill', 781 00.
Indigent J Messer keeping pau
pois20.SC), A L Noslor do, 21S 12, D L
Steele. Co Physician one qr salary 07
B0. II II Luse for clothing 22. V.
pense of John Andrson indigent from
Lane county. John Campbell board
01 B0, T Muekey M I), medical atten
dance 1B0, II Sengstaeken, medicine
II 0B, A II Hindi, watching S, I)
Morse, Jr underclothing .' 80, A Itiun
sey collin 10, J C Hare digging grave
il. It W (Jetty, conveying corpse 1 B0,
total HIM) 7B.' Anson Rogers for medi
cine furnished to Jas Malcomh IS.
Justices courts Umpire City pre
cinct: Stuteof i)regon vs John Mileh
ilclbrink B0 10; State of Oregon vs
George Clino 15 SO; State of Oregon
vs George Barrett 81 (0; State of Oie-
gon vs Dunl W Ingorsol and George
Ha net t 2S IB.
.Marshticld precinct : State of Ore
eon vs Woo Chuck and Woo Chudg
20 2B,Stateof Oiegon vaWm Water7.
(oquillo Citv precinct: bluto of
Oregon vs J II Hobert 27 SO, State of
Oregon vs Cluis Smith SO SO, J C Hull
J P making jury list It, W Temple as
sisting 2, I) B Keating 2.
Coos City nrecinc' : J C Haynes
making jury list 2. I) J MeLnghlin 2.
.Miscellaneous F.ugcno O'Connell
ballot boxes and pipe 10 25; H 11
Camnian table for jail e; Alex. Stand'
stove for jail 5; 11 Songstacken sup
plies to prisoners and for jail S BO;
1) Morse Jr tlo I 75; F 10 Winchester
boarding prisoners 12!!; O H Golden,
M. I)., for inquest on body of Wm
Archy above amount allowed hist term
20; Oo.vsr Mail publishing county
matters 10 75; Alex Staull' book of
deeds ami stationery 21 ; S II Hazard,
Atty., for services for County Court
20; J 11 Nosier expenses in examina
tion ol Millwcit, insane, 10; li Her
man, amkos for road dint not No 21
School Supl submitted annual fi
nancial report accepted.
Treasurer submitted annual report
of school fuuds ree'd and paid ac
cepted. Ordered that Sherill' execute tax
deed to O. Lel'inherr on oortilioato of
.lav Tuttle late She-rill' for tax sale of
land of J H Richie.
Ordered that Clerk make bill of ex
pense incurred by county in exami
nation of Wm. Haty, diseoasod, and
present to Administrator' for reiin
iuiement. Ordered that Olork make hill of ex
penses incurred by county in coroner.'.
inquest on the Into James Green and
liresent to Administrator for reim
bursement. Quiti: a number of Indians on the
bay aro becoming citixeus taking out
theii first papers. Sewn
Thi is certainly .a uomowhat mir
prising piece of ' intelligence. W6
liavo heard of Indians ronotuioiug
thoir tribal relation, hut never hefore
heard of their becoming eitizonrt hy
taking thoir "tlrst papers" or in any
other man nor, except hy being nn
tivoa of the country. .
Hon. J, H, Dui.i.Y ia attending the
Sunnier store.
3fMcritloit of Nonlhei-n Ore
Ktn-i:tlrtM!t r-oni (lie 1IIi-ch
ol' '!! I ii I ii 'I'letienor,
Tho following h an extract from
the addroM of Capt. Win. Tiebenor,
delivered at the celebration at 1'ort
(Moid on the Bill instant:
Tho Upper ltogue river valley is
embraced in .hickson county, where
the grape, peach, apricot, pear, apple
and other fruits are cultivated with
unsurpassed success. Nor is its cli
mate surpassed by any country on
em th ; they have, also, in the vicinity
of .Jacksonville, soventy-Hvo miles
!(,lHt ""1 tiinotcMsn south of I'ort Or-
ford, vast and extensive nhieors of
gold, quart, and silver lodes of great
richness, f am reliably informed
Unit the country lying between Jack
son and Lake counties is well adapted
to the construction of a railroad, and
from thence, tho great Cascade
mountains being passed, the counties
of (ir.mlauil Baker, and in fact the
whole of eastern Oregon lies open, en
abling the producers of that vast, fer
tile country, to ship the products of
their labor when on wheels to reach
u pott from which all could ho ship
ped without any handling, and ex
empt from the great charges accruing
from handling, insurance, towage, de-
inurrages and pilotage, all of which
must he paid by tho pioducer, in ad
dition to whcelago.
1 must now return to l'ort Orford
and from bore look and examine to
the north. From this point to tho
Coquillo is one continuous bunch of
laud having nn elevation of one hun
dred feet, void of any undulation of
twenty feet in the entire distance, and
this level continues up that river to
the junction of the South with the
Middle fork ; on the north side of this
river are extensive depositee of lignite
coal, embracing tho Coos Hay coal
district employing at this tinien large
number of industrious miners, who
are located upon permanent homes,
with a largo future before them. All
the coal ami lumber of tho Hay could
he shipped from this place. Should
the navigation of the Hay be inter
rupted by filling up or other cause, it
would, in any case enable the Hay to
have n direct communication by rail
with the interior, and hind their in
terests with theirs with a band of iron.
There is not another valley on the
wost of the coast range that will com
pare with tlio valley of tho Coquille
river; nil its tributaries are rich, the
adjacent hills containing mineral
wealthy, extensive pasture lands, and
vast bodies of beautiful timber. The
valleys aro broad and very fertile, ca
pable of supporting a large popula
tion. The country has not improved
as rapidly as some portions of our
State, owing to tho dillioulties of get
ting their surplus products to n mnrk
el. These difficulties aro rapidly
yielding before tho onward march of
the inhabitants. I seen number of
the pioneers before me, and having
known you and the hardships and
dangers you liavo passed through, 1
will say that no men on earth could
have accomplished more than you
have. When passing through Coos
and Curry counties within the past
year, I have been struck with the
rapid progress made in educational
enterprise. School houses uro seen
in the most remote portions, all filled
with intelligent faces, intent upon se
curing knowledge, preparing for the
great struggle of life. I attended
last winter the dedication of a new
school house, amidst the hardy coal
niinurs on the Hay. Hosts of rugged,
hardy urchins rejoicing at the pros
pect of acquiring an education wero
1 must now return to tho junction
of the Middle and South forks of the
Coquillo river, distant from this place
forty-two miles, via Camas valley, a
lovely and fertile country all the way,
and the natural and only pass from
the coast to Umpqua valley, without
one dillieulty to surmount in the con
struction of a railroad. Nature has
not left .us isolated, and has placed no
barrier separating us from the interior
of our State. Then wo tind the rela
tive positions occupied by Jackson
ville, Roscburg and Port Orford at the
points of a trianglo with nearly equal
sides. On the side of tho last named
places the distance is ninety-five
miles, tho side between the fust and
lust named, dogs not exceed ono hun
dred and ten, anil between Roscburg
and Jacksonville,- ninety-fivo miles.
From Port Orford communication
is opened with tho whole of Southern.
Oregon, via Jackson, Josephine and
Luke counties, and with Northern Or
egon, via Roscburg.
Tin: scheme lo settle on Govern
ment land in Indian Territory is gain
ing shape, T. 1), Ohaddock, a lawyer
ami ono of tho company, hasiccoived
telegrams from places in Illinois
stating that a number of persons aro
ready to start for the Territory. Ad
vices state that numbers ol families
aro anxious to leave Kansas for the
Territory and numbers aro on the
way. Texas also contributes largely
and it looks as though the invasion of
tho Territory would bo formidable!,
and that if the military ate instructed
to eject the invadqrs there will bo a
Tins Holniont Mine, says tho Mon
tana Herald, has boon sold to a Now
York Company for $100,000.
Tlio 'I' I tlo of IiiiiuIki-iiIIoii.
The remarkable influx of immigra
tion from Europe lo this country gives
assurance that the vacant ami unoc
cupied lands still owned by Ibo Gov
ernment will soon bo required for set
tlement. On the hist day of June five
stcamsli'ps lauded 1S00 immigrants
at Castle Garden, Now York, making
the total for the pionthof Juno 12,021!,
againU 15,.'!.'I0 in Juno 1870, and ."057
loss than during lust month. Tho
total arrivals since January 1st have
been 177,.'IC.'I, against 55,010 during
the same perio I in 1870. Tlio records j
for this year show an increase in im-j
migration of 10,175 over the arrivals
during the same period in 1872, whieli
was tho largest number received in
the same length of time for the past
Iwonty-livo years. Theso people
must liavo lmmes, and the greater
portion of Eastern and Middle Slates
are already peopled to an extent that with the groans of the wounded, and
leavos little encouragement for the their frantic friends. Richard Case
foreigner, in fact the population of i was instantly killed. His head was
several of them has decreased consid I blown a distance of 100 yards from
erably within tho last ten years. The wore bis body lay. and his heart was
future homes of these people aro in j literally torn out and found sonic dis
tho West, and before the close of an- tnnce from the trunk. Amt-ey 7fnr-
other decade a great portion of the
lands now 'ving unappropriated and
considered almost worthless will be
eagerly occupied by industrious and
enterprising settlers.
I-'xiifi-iiiieiUuI B'iillnfr.
Concerning Dr. Tanner, who has
undertaken to fast 40 days, uuderdate
of July 7th, we learn that Dr. Tanner's
friends now charge twenty-five cents
admission asn precaution against too
great crowdswho annoy the insting
doctor and vitiate the air. .Regular
physicians liavo at last shown inter
est in the case and aro now watching
in relays the symptoms and results of
tho fast. None of them admit the
possibility of his success, but the old
men's will is pitted against their sci
ence and experience. Tanner does not
look emaciated, appears in good con
dition, has the looks of a well-nourished
man, wears a lively expression
and shows no indication of suffering.
Ho absorbs a little water in baths and
in riiibing his mouth, but otherwise
takes nothing whatever. Ono physi
cian says that the watch over Tanner
has not been close, and that lie could
have smuggled some nourishment.
Another says that he fails to detect
tho order characteristic of starvation,
or any other symptoms, hut he does
not believe that the feat can bo ac
complished, though a longer fast than
this has been made. An eclectic
physician says he has accomplished
the wonderful feat of a nine days'
fast. His pulse is 00 and tempera
ture 9S degrees.
rViimltci- of Volew.
The following is the whole number
of votes cast at tho late election for
State officers :
M.C. George 10,578
John Whiteake." -.- - - - 1S.1S1
J. K. Sears SOI
Scattering 11
J. H. Waldo 19.CS9
W. 1'. Lord 10.G3G
E. 11. Watson ------ 18.000
J. K Kelly 17.000
P. P. Trim 17,009
John Burnett 1S,1SG
W. H. Odoll 10,102
T. H. -Merry 18,052
- 17,009
'lVn Culture.
A Chicago dispatch of the 9th says :
The much laughed at commissioner
of agriculture, Deduce, arrived from
the South where ho had boon experi
menting and investigating. He states
that the question of tea culture in
this country is settled. It can and
will be raised extensively in tho fu
ture. In tho principal Southern Gulf
States it can ho raised fjr30 cents per
pound and sold for 50. Two hundred
and fifty pounds can bo raised per
aero after the plants are well matured
say in the third year, and the profits
will bo immense. Ho is thoroughly
earnest over tho matter and is confi
dent tea raising will become one of
tho American industries and that by
it wo shall in tinio becomo largely in
dependent of foreign powers.
"Wi:aro all Solid South, thank God,
on the Democratic side," said Dele
gate Hubbard, of Texas, to tho ap
plauding Convention in Cincinnati.
Ho bestowed his thanks in the wrong
quarter. Ho should have said, thanks
to tho shotgun and tho tissue ballot.
In tho midst of much grotocquo rhet
oric Hubbard inserted one prediction
that is likely to bo verified. Tho time
may come before tho Ides of Novem
ber," said ho, pleading for recognition
for the Tammany delegates, "When
tho groat Democratic pross of this
country, and our people from the
mountains to tho seaboard, may cry
out as tho contost thickens, 'Oh, for
night or Hluohor,' and tho 75,000
votes of Xow York may bo that
Hluohor." Tho Convention did not
hood thu warning, and refused to ad
mit John Kelly and the rest of the
Hluohor inon. Tribune
(iKoitoi: ltii'Miv, L. Ii. D., President
of the Now York Tribune Association,
and literary editor of that papor since
1810, died Saturday afternoon. Ho
was the principal editor of tlio Amer
ican Eiieylopedia.
Nr.w Youk, July 7. Jacob Kuntz
who resides at IloiiiMtead station on
the Northern Itaihoad, N, J. ' this
morning went tho house of his son
nt Union Hill where his wife resided,
and forbade her going to a picnic.
Upon her refusing, Jacob fatally shol
her. He then wont to a ham and
killed himself. Knntz has several
times attempted to take his wifcH
life and also that of his son who pro
tected her. Kuntz mid wife were
both over CO years of age
Dunkiiik, O., July 7. A horrible
accident occurred near here yesterday
afternoon, tlio boiler of a steam
thresher exploding and killing five
j persons and seriously wounding four
others. Thoscene beggarsdiFcription.
The dead and injured were ecnUercd
about the place, and the air was filled
den and Geo. l'isle were instantly
killed. Win. Frederick died an hour
after the accident. Rudy Thrush can
not recover. John McVctty and A.
M. Bower were slightly injured. Tho
cause of the explosion is unknown
The boiler had .never been used he
Daxviu.k, V.i., July 8. A telegraph
operator mimed Thomas D. Dc.Iar
ncttc. found his sister in a bagnio Inst
night and shot her five times. She
cannot live. DcJurnctte says ho shot
her to wipe out a family disgrace.
She protests that her brother was
right in taking her lifo and begs that
he bo not punished. Hefore the broth
er was taken to to prison he and his
sister embraced.
Denver, Col., July 12. A special
from Bycrs, Col., dated July 11th,
says: This morning about nine
o'clock an unknown tramp about
thirty years of age came to tho depot,
and while engaged in conversation
suddenly drew a large butcher knife
and gave Samuel Green a cut over
the eye. Ho cut John McGlynn so
that his bowels came out, and then
stabbed Frank McCracken, the tele
gragh operator, probably fatally in
the left side. McCracken ran across
the street, followed by the tramp, who
was shot dead by the constable. The
tramp cannot be identified, but is sup
posed to be a maniac.
Glen House, N. IL, July 13. A ter
rible accident, caused by a drunken
driver, occurred on the carriage road
from Glen House to the sumit of
Mount Washington this afternoon,
about a milobelow tie Halfway House.
One of the six-horse mountain wagons,
containing a party of nine perons)
the last load of excursionists from
Michigan to make tho descent of the
mountain, was tipped over. One
lady, Mrs. Ira Christer, of Allegan,
Mich., was killed, and five others, all
michigan people, injured. The driver
is was probably fatally hurt. His
mistake was in driving recklessly
around a curve.
Miuv.u'KEE, July 10. Mrs. Mary
Vankirk, of Milwaukee, has been ar-
i r.-sted on suspicion of bailing poison-
(,,1 i10r step-mother and half.brotber,
and has been held to baij in tho sum
of $5000. A chemest who analyzed
the contents of the stomachs of the
woman's alleged victims, testified that
ho found arsenic in both. Mrs. Van
kirk married into a well-known fam
ily and has hitherto horno an excel
lent reputation, Her motivo is sup
posed to be to gain possession of her
step-mother's property.
Aiiiro-rutiou lor Oregon
Tho appropriation mado by the
Government for tho extcntion of tho
surveys of public land wero mado in
gross, and it became tho duty of the
Secretary of the Interior to appor
tion the sum among tho several States
and Territories requiring it. A dis
patch of tho 30th ult. speaks of this
duty as follows: Tho Commissioner
of the General Land Oflico, with the
approval of the Secretary of the Inter
ior, has to-day mado the following ap
portionment out of tho total of $350,
000 appropriated by the act of Con
gress for surveying publio lands dur
ing the fiscal year which commences
to-morrow: To Arizona $10,000. Cal
ifornia $35,000, Oregon $1G,000,
Washington $1G,000.
Tin: Republicans of Burlington, Vt.,
held a largo meeting to ratify tho
nomination of Garfield and Arthur.
Sonator Edmunds was tho first speak
er. Ho paid a glowing tribute to
Gen. Garfield, and speaking of Gen.
Arthur, said that the only serious dif
llculty ho himself had ever had with
the present Administration was whon
it proposed to remove him. "I rosist
ed the movement all I could," said
ho, "and finally it eanio ant that all
the reforms suggested by tho Admin
istration had long before boon mado
by Gen. Arthur and pigeon-holed at
On tho 5th instant, on tho grounds
near tho aeadoiny, a silver tea-spoon
engraved with the initials C. B. W. or
0. B.G. Thu llndor will ploaso Iirnvo
tho snmo at tho Coast Mail ollice.
The Columbia rile, is falling, but
considerable damage has been donu
by the high water.
Some very heavy storms and ex-,
cccdingly warm weather have lately,
been experienced in tho East.
Tm: exhibition at Sidney, Now
South Wales, which closed April 20,
was visited ly 1,000,000,
Tho Grand Jury of Multnomah re.
fused to indict Lynch for killing
Watts, holding that ho did right.
Tho Orangemen generally observed
the anniversary of the BjgjLc of Boyne.
on the 12th, but there wMpio disturb-,
The deaths in tho Ancient order oij
United Workmen last year through-,
out the United States were 74 to,
ench 1000 members.
Prospectors who went to tho Black
Hills, near Olynipia, found tho" color
in many places pay $2 50 and $3 per.
II. W. rRETTYMAN the East Portland
nurseryman was lately poisonetl by
eating rice that had been dried on, '
copperplates. Ho came near to death.
Helen F. CoounaE is a partner in,
the law business with her,
cx-Judgc, at Niles, Mich. The firm
is Coolidgo & Daughter.
Sciiunz says that orders will bo is
sued to employ all military force to
prevent any occupation of the Indian
S. KoniNS05 and another man
whose name is not announced wero
drowned while fishing in tho lower
Columbia on the 8th instant.
The Oregon State Fair, that was in
session from the 1st to the 8th inst.,
was well attended and financially,
more successful than that of former,
The population of Vermont has ttc-,
creased so much that it is doubtful if
that State will have over two Con
gressmen under the new census ap
John B. Neil, of Salt Lake has re-,
cieved the appointment of Governor
of Idaho Territory, in the place of
Breyman whose term expires on the.
President Hayes and wife have,
visited Bradford, Conn., and received
the entire population in a house
built by his great-grand-father, Ezek
ial Hayes.
The Times says : It is settled that
the Dominion of Canada will dispose
of its white elephant, tho unfinished
Pacific Railroad, lo a great financial
syndicate in London. The Govern
ment gives as a bonus 00,000,000 acre
of land, and the company guarantee.
to push the project to completion
without delay.
A nisPATCii from Berlin says tho
opinion prevails in political here that
the Porte will decline to accept the
resolutions of the conference, and tha
it will be impossible to prevent blood
shed between Turkey and Greece,,
The census commissioner, Mr. Wal
ker, guesses that the returns will
show a population of nearly fifty mil
lions, and his facilities for guessing
aro of a superior order, the estimate
is, perhaps, not far wrong.
A sample of iron ore found about
eight miles from Olympia was recent
ly submitted to the Salby Smelting
and Lead works of San Francisco for,
Kssay. Tho other day the result was
announced to be 42 per cent, of pure
The last Republican Congress ap
propriated $25S,000,000, while the last
Congress appropriated, for 18S0, f 298,
000,000 with inevitable deficiencies
unprovided for. And yet the Demoor
racy aro crying "Economy and Re
form 1"
A Democratic exchange says Saml.
J. Tilden will manage the campaign
for Hancock in New York. He is a
nice old "manager;" and should
Hancock succeed, it is probable that
ho will still be managed by tho cyph
er dispatch statesman.
News has been received from tho
west coast of Africa that trade has
beon greatly interfered with by tho
withdrawal from circulation on the
Gold coast of all American dollars.
Tho Government has gono to Lagoo
to try to settle tho difficulty.
The Walla Walla Statesman sajs;
Thomas Carson, who is well known
hero, was recently drowned in the
Big luko, while bathing. Ho went ou
of his depth, and, being unablo tq,
swim, was drowned before assistance
could bo rendered.
DeLesseps says the Panama canal
scheme is a perfect success, having
secured French capital, and ho has.
received assurance that Americans
will help, lie hopes that one year's
preparation and six year's of work
will finish tho canal.
A Neah Bay Indian, entrusted with
$200 to bo delivered at the trading
post of S. Baxtor 4 Co., at Osette, was
subsequently found murdered, iiiuti- .
lated and robbed. An Indian has
been arrested, and confessed that he
was engaged in the transaction, but
another Indian did tho killing.
At Marshfield, on tho 13lh ingtnnt
to tho wife of Win. Webater.adaugiit'