The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 17, 1880, Image 1

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Tho Oonsb Mail.
eveuy Saturday jiouning
MarHhllold, Coos Co., Or.
Terms, In Alliance
Ono year -Hit
Thtoo months -
$2 no
1 no
- 1 oo
The Development of ourMincs, Hit
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
road communication with tlio Interior,
Vol. IT.
,""T?M?'"''"M'l""''l,'''!!!T''"'?r"?w'''''''"?!''w''',''l,''w' "
THE The Coast Mail.
y Nd """V A N r i i JiT Sjif "Tlk IW Jk T V devoted to
1 A m v 1 ' . y TfA Elf MI i-Ta k lm I m I I -a.x.xj iix-wan is is trans.
m u m m , k j r m mm vjm. aj h m u m
V 7X X U X lTlUlJJ,
lnrlie!l til Home.
K. V. Hundley,
(lonoinl (Iaiiiold in the possessor of
wo homos, and his fitmily migrates
t it'd a yunr. Homo tun yours ago,
finding how unsatisfactory life was
in hotels mill hoimling-houscs, lio
bought u lot of ground on tlio cornoi
of Thirteenth mid First streets, in
Washington, mill, with lummy hor
iow oil of u frioml, built a plain, hiiI
Hliuitml throe-story Iioiiho. A wing
was extended af Unwind toinako room
for the fast-giowing library. Tho
money was topaid in lime, and huh
probably saved in great pint (ioiii
what would otherwise have gone to
landlords. Tho ehildien grow up in
ploiiHatil homo surroundings, and tho
house hocnino a center of much h i 1 1 i -plo
and eoidial hospitality. I'ivn or
hix ears ago tho litllo cottage at
Hiram was noli), and for u limn tho
inilv H'sitlcuco tho Garfield had in
his district was a summer-house ho
Iniillou liiltlo .Mountain, a hold olo-
nt ion in I, a I. (i county, which coin
niaiilN a viownf thitly miles of rich
farming country stretched along the
Hhoro of Lake Erie Threu yours ago
ho hought a farm in Mentor, in tho
Hiimo county, lying on both Hides of
tho Lake Hhoro and Michigan South
em Itailtnad. Iloro his family Hieud
till tho time when ho in free from his
duties in Washington. Tho faun
Initif o is a low, old-fashioned, story-aud-hiilf
hillldllig, hut its limited lie
ooiiiiiiodatioiis have been supplement
ed by iiiiiuoious outbuildings, ouo of
wlndi tionoral Gnifiold tioos for ollleo
and library purpose. Tho faun
contains about 120 acres of excellent
land, in a high statu of cultivation,
and the Cntigictmnau finds a rcci ca
tion, of which ho never tiioa, in di"
ic ting tho field woik and making
improvements in tho buildings, fences
mid orchaiils. (Cleveland is only
twenty the miles away; there is a
postollico and a niilway station with
in half .i mile, and tho piotty county
town of Plitincsvillo is but the union
ilistaut. Onu of tho pleasures of suiii
mer lifo on thu (larliold farm is a
dine of two miles through tho woods
in the lake eluno and a bath in tho
General Ourficld has live childiou
luiug, and has Iol two, who died in
infancy. Tho two oldor boys, Many
mid .lame, aro now at school in Now
llauipshiio. Maiy, or Mollio, as
eviiyhody calls her, is a hand-onm,
him checked gnl about twoho. Tho
two younger boys aro named Irwin
nnil Abram. Tho Ounoial's motlior
is siiM', and has long been a
niembor of bis family. She is an in
telli ,ent, uno'gctic lady, with a clear
head anil a biiong will wlio Keeps
will posted in tho news of tho day,
and is very proud of her wjii' ca
icei, though moio libuial of oriliciniu
than of piaixc.
Mil' IVII.
A mot with a serious
accident at tho statu fair at Saloin.
Tho balloon wan tilled, and tho tia
puo being placed in order, tho lady
purforiuor took hor position. Tho word
wan given to "let go," and, as tho bal
loon startid to ascend, tho wind blow
it against ono of tho polos to which
it w as fastened, and tho ti.ipoo becom
ing ontangled with tho ropo Mipport
iug it broke. The woman, seeing hor
danger, gavo ouo pioiuug scream,
and, seizing tho pole, fell to tho gioiuul
tho distance being about thirty feet.
Hho was rondorod senseless by the fall.
'I'lie balloon ascended about 100 foot,
vvluin it collapsed and foil to tho
ground like a ball of load. Aftoi ie
jnaiiiing unconscious for mmiio time
fdio wasrosusoit.ilod and will looovor.
NiiWri from I'ou Tovvnsoud is that
tho wiookod uhip I'.Mouuht has 0' eon
foot of vvator in tho hold and thoio
aro no hopes of rniv lug hor hull. Tho
tug (lultah in snipping tho uhip. The
loss of tho chip was duo to a douse
fog and could not bo piovculcd.
Whim: a liltlo hoii of II. M. McXaiy
was standing near onu of tho show
tents on the Fair (iround, ainonkoy,
which was chained near by, jumped
from a bo and caught tho lit t lu fol
low Hjiuaro in tho face. Tho sharp
olaw'H of tho animal out deep gashes
in tho boy 'a face and eauio
tioialohiugoul ono of his eyes.
Tiviixi v yo.iirt ago tho doopoot min
ing nhaftM in tho woild luaohml only
about ",000 foot below tho wurfaco.
Tho very cloopost, wo holiovo, wiih a
lnutalliforotiH mine in llanovor, wWieh
had boon carried down to tho depth
of t!,0(K) foot. Tho doopoHt pornendi
cular shaft to-day is tho Adolhoit
idiaft in iiNilvor load mino in l'ii.i-
biam, in Ilolioinia, whiuli, in May hint,
Jiad luayhwl tho dojith of 1,000 mutrod
,UfiO fuut.
fiuwiouiiiH for thu Maiu
wttinii.v ion thi: coaht mail.
M Oi-cgiiii's Nun I hern 4'oiinI. XXII.
Ill tho litllo crook just above Hall's
1'iaiiio was found about a doon ca
noes, which were demolished; tho
land from bore becoming higher and
drjoi traveling was much easier. At
tho mouth of Iho North foik woro a
fow deserted nineties, which shared
tho fato of tho canoes, and at last tho
Middle and .South forks woro reached
Iloro, wlii'io now stands tho comforta
ble homo mid fino farm of Mrs. IIolI
man, woro wovoial miiclm which
weio soon lediicod to tnuolderiiig
piles, and here tho Red Man mado his
last stand Heveial halls, from In
dians in aiiibnsh, paused through the
whalo boats, but no ono was hurt.
Aftoi a fow hours of brisk thing, tho
enemy lotieated to tho mountai is,
canying with them koiiio fow dead
and wounded, and leaving many,
whom thoy could not got at tho time,
on the liver-bank. As tho rams had
now net in it was thought uselos in
pursuing any farther, ho tho jaded
and almont, naked soldieis rottaccd
their slops, and without tho least mo
lestation arrived safo at Lewis'.
This, and tho lesson taught by tho
dufondeis of Ilattlo Jtook, struck tho
IikI'iuih with torior, for no nundors
were committed by iho Coquillo tribt'H,
with the exception of the two killed
on Dead-man's slough in lSii!l; this
act was done hv out-cast from tho
irihcs, their own peoplo informing
and helping to bring them to punish
ment. Without theso lesisoin I hao
no doubt moio muideis than tho
abovo mentioned would have boon
committed, owing to tho lawlessness,
ciuolty, and blood-thirsty spirit of a
few guld-Kcckets who roumod about
seeking some protest to iinhuo thoir
bands with the blood of unfortunate
Whilst those scenes woio enacting
in this then thealro of war, "(3 ' troop
was wending its way hj Flora's creek,
thioiii;h the li.iUI lulls of (Jorrv couii
tv, and hewing mads tlnoiigh tho
tniekless woodi till thoy aimed at
Avhat is known as Rowland's I'rairiu
(this pluco was llrtt Rulllml on in Coos
eounn by Wm Kovvland, I think in
the jc.i r following) Iloro a rati was
lm It, wuh llio munition of descend
ing tho st' (Miu and dining tho South
Fork Indians fiom their fisheries
Kain fell iinceasingh-all that day and
night, the iivor la'sod, and no-t
moMiing the dutn't for m't opoiations
found their call gone, m) this project
wus abandoned. Alter scouting
around for Mimo I "uioiiikI finding no
(nicks tho leiurned to l.oad-ipinrlo'-s
at llio mouth of die CiKttnlle. Tho
road mado by this colon, l. iv was tho
liist in oither Ooos or Ourv county,
and is t 'aveled jot.
lu those only days and long before
'crino'iiio" onciiclod or hid a spot of
giound in oithor of Ibo-o two conn-t-os,
a p'oai'lio' was in otis'Ciico hoio,
for what jiuipoiO c.iu'tMiy. It may
have boon as a good S.iiiia itnn, to
kneel hosido tho oouch of tho wound
ed ami dj iug soldier, to sootbo him in
his hist inomouls, to oiler up )iavors
for his soul s salvation, and picptrc
him to meet his (Jod not finding
any needing his oiv'ccs, ho lowi'soil
his callinj o-juo'oss'on as a man of
po ico and a puiac'ioro' peaco and
good will to all maukiiiil, and became
diagoon guide, loading thu men to
intended koonoso? cmnajio ton dol
lais po." ihi" and boa d iiik have po
sessed some oluiMl'.
On tiio r.sMunblago of tlio wholo
command pu(Hu ions woio m.'do for
tho oieol'on of a Si on r post on too
hhi'lali tin Hi tlio km of Lewis ; 'og
houses wo o erected bt't uowif mod.
tho o dor being ooiii o aianded and
JVt Otfoul soieo ed as tho host and
most co ivou'ont s' o. In ob-dionco
tooidoH thu co'iiniaud lotti nod to
I'oit.Orfo il,"A"aud -'I'" foc-p pr
eceding fioiu tuonco to So loiiin, tho
thou cavaliy heiid-iiuii'lins. Tho do
taohniont of a "lo'v being loft ui'dor
command of L'oul. Heniy Sl.'iitou to
Poll O "o d. Wiulo' wa.
fast appioaohi ig and lu pels wco
needed to, 'o wo k v,o,it a'l haiitis,
and too i good, (inr'n tablu iiiinu s
adornod t 10 s'.io laluly oeouniud by a
largo I iili.iu mI'iiu. y
Ttii'souU tho mi suit of tho In
d'lKisanu ' IkKt'o of tho Fo.Ls,"i.o 1
must now bin jou innl yoi'viiunio oils
loado'S good-u'gbt and a slant f.uo
vvod mud wo moot 11311)11 iff 111 talma
on t'10 mIio'os of 'Oiimp Uast-away
and b.icl.H of Kows i'vo- a )d K'owan
hay." I will glvo ovorythJiig in otu
I'o.i the), nothing, w far as my
kiiowlwlgu oxtsudd, will ho omittud,
It ! no tjotiblo for 1110 to vwilo, it is a
pleasant pastime, an ngrcoahlo variety,
a labor of lovo ; tho only foar I have,
is, that my slender abilities will not
enable me to make it as interesting
to your numerous readers as I would
wish. It is a vast soii'co of plcasuro
to some to render happiness to othciS,
though Ihoio may bo porlontious
clouds looming up in tho far distant
lioriun, thiowing back their dark
shadows on tho heart. Hut tho bright
smiles, true indicators of internal
plcasuin, dancing ovei jojoua faces,
mo ofton HtillicicDt to dispel thoso
shadows ami light up tho hidden rays
with hopo and cotililonce; othcis, on
the contiaiy, inko a delight, a fiend
ish pleasure, in ondoavoiing to ro
duco discoiilunt mid iiiiliappinoss.
Si-ed by I'lato'cradlod in brass, nour
ished at tho pass of Ilecato and Pros
erpine, h-iptised in tho Styx, and
guirded by Oorbo'iis, nothing olso
can bo expected. Good and great
min'ds avoid all such, and cither pity
or despise. With ardent wishes for
tho e-tonsivc circula'ion of your ex
cellent paper, and thu future prospoi
ity of this vast comity and hor oner
gotiu ii'id industrious population.
(To bo continued )
lllfllllll IHwillllCCM of IICUK'II.
Tho methods of finding the distanc
es of tho stars of stellar parallax is
ono of tho most interesting problems
of modern astronomy. In tho dajs
of old tho st.u.s were supposed to hold
the same position in regmd to each
other from ago to ago, and weio thcie
fore called fixed stars, to distinguish
them from planets. Nothing can be
further from tho truth. Tho toluscopu
6hows that tho stars aro in constant
motion, but that the into of motion is
so slow that thousands of years must
elapse hoforo tho ejocan porcoivoany
change. Homo stars aro coming to
ward us, and somo aro receding from
us. The sun, which is only a star, is
moving with all (ho planets in his
train. Our oaith, which is but an
atom among atoms, is whirling, no
ono knows whither, through illimita
ble spaeo. Even tho sorono heavens
abovo us in this sanio space pen ailed
bj an infinitely ubl!o ether, ivhosc
particles aro teothing and singing
liko tho waves of a stoimv sea.
It would bo natural to suppose that
tho hrighto&t stars aro tho ucaictit,
but this is far from being tho caso
Tho nearest star in the uoithoiu heav
ens is a double star of tho fifth mag
nitude in tho Swan, known n 01 Cjg
ni. Tho brilliant Sinus is nearly
twice as far away. Tho nearest star
in tho whole heavens u Alpha Con
tiiuri, a hiight stir near the South
Polo, and is tw ice as near as any other
Mai. lis instance is computed as
more than 200,000 timos our distance
from tho sun, or neatly 20,000,000
millions of mile?. Ifsichbo tho in
conceivable dist iiico -.eparnting us
fioiu tho luutioil .star, what idea can
the finite iniiid form of the liumonsitj
of space iutoivouiiig between us and
thu moio iciiioto?
'I' ill) i(M l'oi'Ii Nil II It ml alll'-
St. '.'mil l'i()iici--lress.
Tho animus of Chailos A. Dana's at
tacks upon (Jon (iarlicld iep.unel
in a Icttci trom Win ten Ohio, in the
t'hii.igo Tnhttiic Dana is a native of
Tiomhull county, Ohio, wheio his fa
tliui and numerous lelativcs still k
side. It fo "iiis a poitiou of the six
teenth congressional distiict of Ohio,
which vviu represented by (t.u field in
Uongioss for nirtiiy joins. Dana do
siicd to pticel out tho p.itiouago of
his comity among his fiiemU, and
sought to iiignitiiito himself with
liiKflohl by all mi t of llattei'iigatteii
tious. Mr. (iaiiiold jiahl no intention
to his solicitations ; coitain poltj ap
pointments weio mado which did not
suit Dana, and especially Dana's
hiolhor, who was alluded to the other
ilnv in tho Now Yoik coriospondonco
of lw J'laiuer-jiiciis as tho leal bomcu
of the mah'clotifc assault upon (iaiiiold
Thoio vvoie somo disgruntled politic
ians in the dMiict. Dana l l!io. un
dorlook to rovongo thomsolvos on
(la' Hold bp lolling lose a Hood of
slander upon him in his distiiel
piiutod in the oflieo of tho Now Yoik
.Veil, to oiganio an opposition to his
io-oleotioii to C'ongiess in 1S71 This
was the o'igin nnil auiuius of the
slniideis fabiicated by tho Sun 1S7I
and which have lecontly boon uivivod
bj that paper, (ion, (iaiiiold took no
notice of tliOkO tdaudois for a good
while, hut finally issued a printed mi
llions to hisonnstUtiouls, in which ho
completely demolished them. This
is the only answer ho ovor mado or
over will inako to them. It so oar
nostly satisfied his constituents that
thoso ohaiges have uover boon lisjicd
against him thoro itineo thou, and it
is equally witUfautoiy tg tlm cotintiy
at largo.
"All TIiIiikh Am Amr Itomly."
J. A. Alexander
From ago to ago the call is still the
Hiimo. As one generation sweeps an.
other ofr tho stage somo heeding,
bo'iio despising, somo not oven hear
ing tho benignant invitation, it instill
rojieatcd : "All things aro now roady.'
Yes, at whatever moment tho poor,
sin sick, starved, exhausted sinner
first bogim to feel his want, and turns
his dim and haggard eyes toward that
scene of splendor and fostivity, before
unknown or madly disregarded how
over untimely the appeal may seem
though tho prajer ho breathed at
midnight, in the daik, from tho hog
gin's hovel, tho field of battle, or the
dungeon, 01 the scaffold tho 1 espouse
is still the Biuno "Come, for all
things aio now ready." Tho resort
to this supply can never he too early;
it should never bo too Into It can
never bo too early ;for tho soul is nev
er without consciousness of want a
restless crav ing for enjoyments, better
than the bust it has experienced. It
should never bo toolate as it is, alas!
too Into for thousands because all
things arc now ready ; and when all
things aro now ready, and tho oppor
tunity aflorded of getting them hut
transiont, it is self destruction to re
fuse acceptance it is folly, it is mad
nes even to postpone it.
I'utnl Iucl III Sou tli Cm-oliiin..
A Charlestown, South Carolina,
dispatch of the Oth, says : Col. E. C.
II Cash, of Chesterfield, killed Wm.
M. Shannon, of Camden, in a duel
yesterday, A special sajs that the
duel took place at Duboso's Bridge,
on the border of Camden countj.
Shannon was the challenging party
and fired fust, the ball striking the
ground near Cash's feet. Cash then
fired and the ball pished through
Shannon's heart. Death was instan
taneous. Col Shannon denied to the
last having relleeted on Mrs. Cash in
legal proceedings, which caused the
trouble. Shannon was a lawjer of
high chaiaeter, and leavos a large
and dependent family. The meeting
took place at 2 o'clock yoston!!1.
This fatal duel was tho outcome of a
controversj between Col. E. C. IJ.
Cash, Capt. W. L. Depass and Col. W.
M. Shannon. Depass and Cash made
ar.'.nigments to light hut did not meet
in consequence of the arrest of the
former. Shannon was challenged by
Mr. Clancy, one of tho pirtics to the
controversy, but tho challenge was
refused, Cash then published Shannon
as a coward, and out of this it is sup
posed tho meeting arose. The diffi
culties abovo mentioned led to tho
formation of the Canulon anti-duelling
association. Col. Shannon was
about 00 j ears of age and iiiiivcrsallj'
beloved ami respected.
iot IVsmled.
In tho spring of Jb05, when Sheri
dan's cavalry moved up tho
doah v alloy to have iho last wrestlo
with Earl j s f oops, a halt was mado
by a pjrtion of the Union troops near
Waynsboio. Guards w ero throw n out
to pioteet proneity, and among others
tho homo of a lono and aged widow
leeched such pro'ec''on. Two d's
niouteilcavaliynieu woro stationed at
tho fiont door, and it was half an
hour or so bofoio any stir in or around
tho house gavo token that it was in
habited. Then tho widow limped to
tho door on a cutch and called ono of
the guards to hor and asked :
"What aro j 011 doing heie?"
"We are guards to pioteet you and
your proportj," w..s the leplj'.
"Well, jou needn't fool away any
time hoio. Early ho came and took
out hay. Then Sheiidau came ami
he took our com. 'lhou Moshj' ho
stole our hams and 'tateis. Thon
Sheiidan took our Hour and cider.
Then Eaily inn oil' all our horses.
Alt 1 had this morning was an old
sick mule and meal enough for ouo
hoo cako. Tho mule died two hours
ago, and if jou can find anything
worth guaiding aioiiuil hero you can
have it and toto it oil'."
"Hut bonio of the soldiers may dis
turb you."
"I guoss not," bho said, as she
pointed to the spot whore a cannon
hall had foiu thiough the houso.
"Tho day tho hole was shot through
thoio, I was looking and singing the
'Pilgrim's Hope,' anil 1 didn't inibi a
mek or drop nolo! I don't hardly
think ouo biigado of horso.sojois can
disuiib me vorv much. You will
uMcc'iu he jog-jin along."
Jfiuii: Pokthis, cnutli
dato 'or Governor of Indiana, was to
have opened tho oi'iivasa on tho 12th.
ilo is voiy eonrldout at tho prospects,
of tho liopublio.Mii in 1l1.1t State in
October. His buueo:or as First
Coiuptrolloi,wasiian)oil ttw'tiy, Jiulgo
Wm. Eiiwionoo, ox-moiubur of Com
grew from Ohio,
Sec rein of I In: IrlnlliiK; Oilier.
Ixmdun Printer and Stationer.
Printers havo novor, wo think, re
ceived due appreciation for tho hon
orable confidence which they havo
preserved in regard to the secrets
with which thoy havo necessarily
been entrusted. Such a case as this
often happen?. An articlo in a news
paper or magazine makes what is call
ed a "sensation." It is entirely anon
ymous, and public curiosity is excited
to the upmost to discover tlio name of
its author. The writer may be a Cabi
net minister, a high official, a courtier,
or any of tho thousand and one per
sons who, if ho were suspected of
writing for the press, would at once
lose his position, his office perhaps
his reputation. On the other hand,
the writer may be a struggling au
thor, a hard working journalist, or a
mere literary amatour. In any case
his secret is preserved ; his anonymi
ty is safe as long as it is confided to
the printers.
Somo years ago there was a great
stir made about a book entitled "Ecco
Homo." It was a clever work and
had an unexampled success. "Who
is the author?" was the question on
everybody's lips. Some scores of per
sons were named and they repudiat
ed their participation in it. All sorts
of conjectures were hazarded, and no
doubt large sums would have been
paid by several conductors of journals
for authentic information as to the
name of the author. Yet that name
vv.19 known to a master printer, his
overseer, and, at least, some of the
compositors, but it was never reveal
ed. When tho name was published,
it was not through the instrumentali
ty of the printers, but entirely inde
pendent of them. They had faithful
ly kept their secret.
Going back a few years, the author
ship of tho "Wavcily Xovcls" 'may be
referred to as a remarkable incident
of literary history. Sir WalterScott's
authorship, although known by 20
persons, including a number of print
ers, was so concealed that the great
novelist could not, even in his match
less vocabulary, find words of praise
sufficient to express the sense of his
grateiul acknowledgement and won
derful admiration for tho matchless
fidelity with which the mystery had
been preserved.
There is another species of secrecy
that relating to the careful supervi
sion of confidential public documents,
hooks printed for seciet societies, and
tho authorship of articles of pamph
lets, as already referred to, which has
been most honorably maintained.
When treaties aro prematurely pub
lished in new spipers tho copy is ob
tained from somo leaky or venal offi
cial, and not from any of tho printers
who sot up or work ofl' tho original
A case of this kind occurred a year
or two ago, wherein a convention be
tween tins country and another pow
er was revealed to one of tho evening
newspapers. In tho Foioin OJlico,
at Whitehall, there is a regular stau"
of printers always at work, and if
theso men liked thoy might let out
secrets of the most motcntous kind,
any one of which would, peihnps, in
theso daysof journalistic competition,
bo worth a few hundred pounds.
Uut such a dereliction of duty has
never yet ocurred ; it was a clerk, and
not a compositor, who betraj-cd the
Most honorable to tlio profession is
the stoiy of Harding, tho printer, who
bravolj boro imprisonment rather
than icveal tho authorship of the
celebrated "Drapier" letters. The
printer sat in his cell calmly refusing
thoontio.itiesof his friends todivulgo
tho iinino of tho w ritor, Doan Sw ift, a
church inaiato, andagioat wit, who
dros-ed himself in tho d'sguiso of a
low Irish peasant, and sat by, listen
ing to tho noblo leiusal and tho ion
dor importunities, only ansious that
no word orglanco from tho unfoitu
nato printer should tho secrot.
Swift was bout sololy upon securing
his own safety at tho ox-pense of tho
piintor; ho cow ored bofoio tho Jogal
dangor which Hauling boldly com
fionted. Tho world has unequally
allotted tho nioeil of f. 11110 to tho two
combatants. Tho wit and the printer
both fought tho battle for tho libeity
of tho press, until the sonso of an out
iiiged community loleased the typog
rapher from the poiil so nobly on
countoioil. In thousands of othor instances
similar fidelity has been oxhlbited.
In shoit, it is part of the professional
ho.iorofa piintor not to disobso,
eithor wantonly or fioiu venal mo
tives, tho secrets of any office hi which
ho is 0111 ployed.
Thoio is also tho nl'egianeo which
printois pay to thoir uhiof, in not di
vulging iiiipoitant intolligonco. In
somo oatod a compositor is nucossari
lyintiuoted vvitli an. item of news
which would bo negotiable immedi
ately, and worth pounds to him Sel
dom or over is there a betrayal of
trust in this way. The examination
papers, printed so extensively in Lon
don, aro of the most tremendous im
portance to certain classes, who
would pay almost any sum to obtain
the roughest proof the night before.
An instiiico of this kind occurred
quite recenUj'. A printer was 'got at,'
and piomiscd a considerable amount
of money for a rough proof. What
was his course of action? He simply
informed the authorities, and the
tempter wax punished. It was an
other and a creditable example of
how woll and honorat ly kept are the
secrets of the printing office.
'I'uIph or the 1'nKt.
When the empire of the Saracens
was at its zenith, silk culture and silk
manufactures wore added to the com
merce of the further East, which had
already proved a large clement of
prosperity. The Arabian tales arc
full of allusions to silk. It was the
material of the tapestry hangings in
the great halls of that enchanted pal
ace where the young king of the
Black Isles miserably languished,
while he lcceived every day a cow
hiding at the hands of his unfaithful
spouse. The trade in silks carried by
caravans from one city to another is
frequently alluded to. A merchant
dying at Damascus left, we arc told,
100 loads of brocades and other silks
there, made up in bales, ready to be
sent to Bagdad, and the narrative
shows that the son felt it a matter of
filial duty as well as a good business
venture to carry out his father's pro
ject by traveling with the goods to
the Moslem capital. The giddj j'outh
of that day, if desirous to see the
world, usually mado the grand tour
in a caravan. Bales of silk foinied a
considerable part of tho riches of the
robbeis' cave, whose door yielded to
the words "Open sesame!" and made
tho fortunes of Ali Eaba.
There is a neat storv of a practical
joke practiced by the Caliph Hjroun
Alraschid on an obscure citizen of
Bagdad. The man was stupified by a
powerful narcotic, and, while in this
condition, was carried into the palace
and put to bed. The next morning
ho was greeted with every attention
and ceremony as commander of the
faithful, while the real caliph watched
him through a lattice and enjoj-ed
his bewilderment. Tho fun fast
and furious, hut it came very near be
ing spoiled by the uncontrollable
mirth that ensued when a pair of silk
en drawers was handed to the slam
caliph ho had not been used to such
lux-eric, and he put on the garment
as if it were a jacket, drawing its legs
over his arms. In another tale, the
pomp and wealth of the King of India
are described by Sinbad tho Sai'or in
a sort of official report to tho caliph
of Bagdad. One of the details is that
1,000 men, clad in cloth of gold and
silk, march before tbo oriental mon
arch. The patterns of silk, or their quality,
bore at that time some definatc rela
tion to the rank of tbei- user. Thus,
it is related of Zobiedo that w hen in
.1 strange city, though ignorant of tho
language and customs, by cuefull"
studying a curtain of silk sti'iT hung
before a gate way, bhe t'iscovcied that
' this was the uitr.iuco to thepalaco of
tho reigning prince of tho country
But Zobeiih was peculiarly qualified
for this study sho was doubtless a
good judge of silk. A small p.itii
mony which sho inherited in B.igda 1
had beon invested by her in the busi
ness of rearing si!k-w onus. She was
so prosperous in producingand selling
silk that she was ablo to restore the
foi tunes of each of her sisters whon
thoy to her, successively, in a
btate of begga-y. Eventuilly s'13 be
came rich enough to ow 11 and occupy
"a magnificent houso, whoso front
wasado-ned with lino columns, and
had a gate of ivory.'' Haroim Alras-
chid, in disguise, sinned (no hospital
ities of this mansion ono evening.
He was charmed with the owner, and
made be: his wife and the mist-ess of
Ins haicm.
AN old man naniod Patterson, who
had been confined in tho Insane Asy
lum for bov oral years, was discharged
from the institution ns cured. Ho
took passage on tho Tillamook schoon
er to visit hi son, who fanned at the
Bay. Tho mooting of father and son
was a joyful one aflor so long a bop.1r.1
tion. It was to much for tho vvoak
minds of both. Tho father was first
ictiiriied to tho asylum, and in a cou
ple of weeks tho son, Oortos B. Pat
terson, bocanio a raving maniac, mid
ho now occupies spaoo in tho waul ad
joining that of his unfortunato father
It turned out to ho a vorv sul leunion
after all. Teleyiam,
Tlic OhiHcIi'h DIrckUvc Pom crw,
London Tclegrph.
Ostriches liavc so frequently given
extraordinary proof of their iinrni.
nity from iii'Iigestion that men have
ceased to bo Hurpriscd at tho muse
ums which are periodically removed
from the stomachs of dead spei 1
mens. There is still, however, room
for a good deal of astonishment nntl
for some reflection. In their nnxiV
ty to secure as much meat as tliev
can in as short a time as possible,
they swallow their food, and any
foreign matter that may be
ing to it, precipitately, and aro con
sequently very uncomfortable and
melancholy, Bmh aro liablo to tin
same affliction, and there is no mis
taking the inconvenience, tending
low spiritsof which our caged pet"
undergo when they have been over
indulging in the pleasures of the ta
ble. The"sparrovv-cainel," however,
hardly deservs to be called a bird
and it certainly is not a beast,
that analogies drawn from eithir
ordtr are scarcely applicable.
At the first settlement of the world,
according to Oriental tradition, all
the creatures upon it were called un
by Allah, tu be taught their several
habits of life and to havo their pla
ces upon tho earth allotcd to them.
The birds appeared, "the total kind!
of birds, in ordinary arrav on vvimr:"
but the ostrich, seeing all the little
feathered things go flying by, scorn
ed to join them, and came to th'
conclusion that he could not be a
bird In his pride disregarded tin
summons, saying to himself, I bih
Eect I must be a beast." It Wii".
owever, tho turn of the beasts ncM,
and to the dismay of the ostrich h"
found they had all of them four
legs apiece; but, remarking thev
had no plumes, he recovered hit
self-complacency. "It is evident
now," said he, "that I am not a
beast; so it is probable I am an ai
gel." When the beasts had dis
persed, tho ostrich found himself
alone with the bat ; and Allah, look
ing out upon the great panidu
ground, saw theso two standing to
gether in expectation of a
summons; but he put a public ef
front upon them bv pretending nut
to notice them, and retired without
assigning either of them any fixed
place in creation. The bat has been
so ashamed of himself ever since
that he only goes abroad when it it
getting dark, and the ostrich with
drew into solitudes of tho desert.
There it behaves as it likes, regard
less of the proprieties. Though a
bird, he has never tried to maKC a
nest; and, though not a beast, it
lows and roars like one. It lav
eggs like a fowl, but crops tho hern
age like cattle ; wears hair on iisi
back, though it lias only two le,:-,
and is altogether an irregular ai'il
self-opinionated person. That such
a creature should not go picknick-
1 ing off an ironmonger's stock-' -
traae is, tnereiorc, no more in. 11
might be expected from its eccen
tric habits' and tho pretense that ii
eats tenpenny nails to help its ' -gestion
cannot bo accepted as a di
creditablo evasion of tlio truth.
In liome the other day an ostrich
rraaaged to suffocate itself by puhh
ing its neck through between two
bars, swallowing n bunch of key
that had been drooped outside, and
then trying to get its head back
again. The result was" that it was
choked, and its stomach being ex
amined for missing property, tho m
mil assortment of stones, nnil.
beads and coins was discovered,
with, however, tho interest'ng add -tion
of a silver medal of tho Pope ai. !
the cross of an Italian order. B.
vv horn or when these honorablo dec
orations were "conferred" upon thu
sparrow-camel, no ono knows: but
tho ostrich, it seems, dixl its best ti
show its appreciation of the distinc
tion accorded it, and swallowed both
the medal and the order. It had i.u
button-hole from which to display
its honors, but at all events it had a
coat to its stomach.
Duiiiror IV0111 Imliuus
Exa ST
Reports are received at Detri
ment Headquarters from the com
mantling officers at Foit Lapwai n !
Camp Howard to tho tff.ct that dim
gorvvas apprehonded from the Niv
Porco Indians in tho vicinity of K 1-
miah. Tho repoit from Camp How
ard stated that much alarm w.n
manifested by tho citizens in tho vi
cinity of Mt. Idaho, who were coming
to tho latter placo for safety in anti"i
pation of a possible outbreak. Gen.
How aril at onco directed all availahl
troops to bo held in readiness to ta',
the field iu ca-o of eniorgouoj', and
caused inuncdiato investigation to l"
mado into tho stato of affairs at Ku
niiah. Subsoquont reports proved
that thoio was no cause for alarm nun
danger of an Indian outbreak in that
The bori'iiH tolls of moro acci
dents to fishoriiion.' Anothor victim
was Eriok Kiskilla in a boat belong,
iug to tho Wuat Coast Tacking C m
pany, who was knocked ovorbbard t
tt bwingiiigbooiu.