The Coast Mail. MTIIMHIIRII EVERY SATURDAY MORNING iiv WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHART Mnrshllold, Coon Co., Or. Terms, In Advance. Ono your Hix nimitlm Throo moiitliH $2 50 i no 1 00 OFI'ICIAL PAPIIlt OF COOS CO. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, Stale of Oregon. Inventor, W. W. Tlinyor Secretary of State, R. 1'. Earhurl TiooBuror, K. llursh Supt. Public. Schools, J. L. Powell 2il Judicial Dint r let. Judge, District Attorney, J. F. Watson K. 11. Hazard Coon County, County Judge, J. II. Noslor CominisHioners, $'). Z .Sheriff A. (I. Alkon (Moik, Alex. Stuuff Treasurer, I). Morse, Jr AxKl'HHOr, .lolm 1,11110 .School Superintendent, J. F. Mooro Coioner, T. C. Mackey Curry County. County Judge, Deliw Woodruff . . 11 11 tidies Commissioners. jj.A.Coolcy Hhuriff, A. II. Mooro Clerk. Waller Sutton A. M. Gillespie M I). Cil)!)n 'I'll oh. Cunningham School Supt., Treasurer, Coroner, The JruHlrr lrnt. It appear that tliu grasshoppers nro causing considerable damage in East ern Oregon, Washington, and Idulio. 'I'lio following extract fioin papers printed !u that region sows tlio siluu lion. Tlio Kntl Orrijonuin says: Grass. liopperH and hugs mo upon u portion of tlio country. V swarm or Iiurd at t licked I). TheoderoV fiinn, about four miles out from Umatilla, on the liver, (ho gang was about "00 yuids wide and no knowing its length. They cleared sago brush on their routu olean, oud by tlio time of thin writing it is not expected he hint nuy garden or grain left, except mich grain an ho wut ablu to cut since the irruption. Wo uIsd learn tlmt thoy aro attacking nil the farms from thin point up to the Umatilla river. A brown bug lias also appeared on tlio scene and in harvesting thu potato vine. Tlio Dayton Chronicle nays: "The xniHrthoppcrH aro doing considerable liarm in pome portion! of the country.! Their dupredtions. though, are confin ed to localities where them in a warm, Handy soil, or along thu bods oi creeks. A. Knell', nurseryman, fcarH ho will lone hi entiio nursery of 175,000 trees. The inrdun of Mr. Hniilli, living on Tukunnu- ha been i ntircly destroyed, and alno ton acres of wheat has been oaten as if thero had never been any planted. Wo hear in several different localities tlio grasshoppers have taken small patches of grain, but the indicu tons are that they will not tako the entire country u win at first feared. The Tiller says: Millions of grasn hoppers aro hero investigating tho tdtuation. Several grainnulds adja cent to l.owistou l:ave already bren liarvosten, Fences, trees, housetops, in fact every out door pioturo is cov ered with them. A fow weeks ago they made their appoaranco, hardly larger than a Ilea, since which tiino thoy have not only only increased in mzo but in number. Their work of destruction is so far only in spots taking here and thero n wheat field, ft flower garden or an orchard. DuitiNO the famous Emma Mine trial, one Captain Tom Hates, a man well known throughout the West, was on the witness stand, and in the onus oxamination ono of tho lawyers said i "You aro a mining export, Mr. Uutei?" "No, sir; I am noil" "Did 1 not understand you to say that you hud visited and inspected most of the known mines in tho West?" "You did, sir." "And you have made mining a study for years.?" "I have, sir." " Woll, then pleaso stale lo tho court your definition of n mining expert." "Well, sir, a mining export is a man who wears oycglasscs, parts his huir in the middle, has graduated at Frel burg, and speaks abominably bad English." A general air of sadness fell on the court, uud tho captain took his boat. Wiikk Juines T. llrudy first opened u lawyer's olllco in Now York, ho took."a basement room, whloh had previously boon occupied by a coll ider, llu wus somewhat annoyed by tho previous occupant's callers, and irritated by the fact that ho hud fow of his own. Ono day an Iiishmau ontorod. "Tho cobbler's gone, I hoo," he said, "I should think ho had," tart ly responded Urudy. "And what do you soil?" ho said, looking at tho soli tary tablo and a few law books. "Uloekhouds," responded Brady, "Bo Koora," said tho Irishman, ''yo must bo doing a mighty fine business yo liuin't got but ono loft," C O AS T Vol. II. WIUTTK.V roll TUB COAHT MAIL. HISTORICALSKETCHES OI" Ort'Kwn'M Noutliern Conxl. NIIMIlDIt XXI. IIY IIKNKY BALDWIN. Aftor tho massacre at llandolph, of which Col. T'Vaull and Capt. Wil liams were survivors, word was sent tu Gon. Hitchcock, commander of tho Pacific divisio.i of tho U. 8. Army, that a party of unoffending citizens had been brutally murdered and some of them scalped by tho Indians on the Coquillc, nnd culling for sum mary punishment. Orders wero ac cordingly issued, and the steamer Sea Gull was chartered ; military stores wero placed on board, and three companies of tho U. S. 1st Dragoons, and 20 of the 1st Artillery, were order ed to hold themselves ready for em barkation. Tho whole, about 170 men, wero placed under tho com mand of Col. Silas Casey, 2d Infunfry, late Urigadicr General. Those tliYeo companies were tho only available force here for year, from ever rfroin orable '40 till commencement of re bellion. Continually in tho saddle, scouting through Idaho, Washington Territory, Montana, Nevada, Califor nia, and Arizona, from tho British Possessions lo tho Colorado, and, as a body wero far above the general ma terial of the army; many belonging to the learned professions, all yoting, full of life, vigor, and dashing ro inanco Since, many have held im portant nlliccs in the administration of tho Stale and public affairs, and one had (he honor of filling a high position a gift from tho people o' this Stato ; another was delegated to sit in conclave to frame the constitu tion of Oregon. Tho bravo and lament ed Gen. Kearney, and tho conqueror of Fort Donaldson, Gen. A. J. Smith, as well as many othor gallant and effi cient ollicers who smelled powder oft and oft again with them, were in the habit of remarking, "Thoso are tho bust men I over had tho honor to command." Gentle reader, those were tho men who, over a quarter of a century ago trod your virgin soil, paving tho way and laying tho foundation for tho many and comfortable homes that dot the banks and hillsides of placid Coquillc. Those bronzed and mn.i nouci warriors little thought that bO nhort a period would produce m mighty a change, that whore thoro was nothing but quagmires, tussocks and fallen timber innumerable, would, in ii fow Healing years, stand pretty cottages, orchards and gardens, ring ing with tho merry Iaugbtorof bright eyed little children of their own fair race, uud that tho Indian chant, tho panther scream, and ravon crouk, would givo place to tho sweet tones of tho violin, harp, aeeordian.und cosily piano, tho tread of many feo t whirling in the mazes of tho giddy dance, would break tho stillness of many a midnight air, that tho?o almost im penetrable jungles would bo converted into sylvan bowers, tacit listeners to oft repeated tales of lovo and fidelity, and that school bonnes and churches would rear their heads with all tho pride of civilized life. Hut this is a digression. At length tho day of embarkation came; everything boing in readiness, tho good ship moved slowly down tho bay, and under tho guidance of her skillful commander, our old friond and fellow pioncor, Capt. Tichenor, after a short passago arrived safely at Port Orford. Aftor landing stores and tho mounted troop "0," (tho oth er two, 'A' and 'E,' being dismounted for tho purpose) she steamed up tho coast with tho remainder of Iho com mand for Coquillo, hor daring chief determined to force an entrance into tho ridiculously jabbered about river. That ho would have dono it is certain. All acquainted with him in his halcyon days, art woll awuro of his skill, courage and energy, that noth ing could daunt or turn him from his purpose ; but, uubsorviont to tho will of higher authority, tho military commander, Col. Casey, ho was forced to desist, but with all tho dash of his intrepid nauiro' steamed in among tho rocks at tho outranco. Prepara tions woro thou made for landing troops. Uoats wero loworcd, and tho "boys in blue" took thoir places, all eager for tho fray. Owing to tho ex treme roughness of tho sea, nnd lub berly conduct of tho crown, in tlioto days composed mostly of tiukors, tail or und wonvor, (u teal "old salt" being quite a novolty hoto) tho boats woio cupsized, and our sons of Mais with tho hybrid bous of Noptuno went through n Hour crook comody or frol ic. Boino bwnm to tho shore, und others, in tho net of drowning, were fcuvoil' by captain Tichenor, who MAESHFIELD, plunged in after tliom. With tho ex ception of baptism, nnd bnggngo of a few guns to "'Davy Jones locker," nothing more serious occurred. Tho crow, well satisfied with this dip, wero not inclined to try it again, putting captain to Iho painful necessity of ornamenting their wrists. Next morning tho aspirants for Neptune's paternity returned to duty like peni tent prodigals, and all wero safely lauded. In tho mean while the mounted troop under LI. Stanton was marching up Iho beach from Port Orford, with two six mule teams con taining whale boats and howitzers, )WUzcrs ncyiiis tho former to bo used in co supplies in ascending tho river. To one of tho wagons was attached a roadometer, and the distance meas ured from Port Orford to Sixes river, 1 1) miles; from thenco to Coquillc, SO miles. Sixes chief and tho Sister of Thygonizia, chief of Klk river and Port Orford Indians, marched boldly at bead of command ; tho chief, u huge, strapping fellow, a Mormon and blessed in tho possession of six wives, being therefore known as "Old Six." IJotli parties met, and a camp was formed oh tho bind by the graded road as you descend to the river a lit tle west of Lewis house. The first Indian killed was at tho big rock west of tho present road near tho late Mr. Taylor's house, by a troopor of the advanced guard. At this period of the conquest a large Indian villugo stood on tho big flat opposite Lewis'. For fear tho enemy would take fright and decamp, tho guns wero placed in position, trained, and immediately commenced their work of destruction, pouring shot and shell on tho doomed savages. Loudly barked tho dogs of war, fiercely yelled tho Indians in de fiance and quickly Hew tho bolts of Jovo. Soon tho palaces of Nature's children disappeared from view, cov ering in their downfall the .dead and dying bodies of a now almost extinct race America's primitive lords and land-owners. After a smart fusilade tho Indians broko for their canoes, a small llotilla lying ft little above the villngc, and moved up stream, tho two dismounted companies thrown out on both sides of tho river in hot pursuit, tho whalo boats moving up the centre manned by artillery men and carrying supplies. About tho same time "boots and saddles" sound ed, calling "C" troop to horso, with orders to proceed via Flora's creek to tho upper or South fork, intercept tho retreating enemy and turn him if possible. Day after day toiled on the wearied skirmishers, floundering through tho mud and briars, turning suuimeriaults in those horrible bog holes that dot tho wild duck fenns of tho Lower Coquillc, burning ranch- cries, destroying Cannes, und driving tho redskins still further into their mountain fostncsfcss. At length, af ter exhausting that long rolo of pro fanity, and heaping anathemas on tho natives, our placid rivor and beautiful vulo which, in a few years, according to nowspapor "waw-waw," with tho aid of railroads and bother Boino breakwaters is to sond five mil lions of produce to tho great markets of tho world, tho command reached what is now known as Hall's Prairie, at present tho pretty and picturesque homo of II. Sehroedcr, Esq. At that time u wide strip of myrtle lay be tween it and tho river, screening the former completely from view; tho whole command had passed on with out noticing, and would have re mained so, wero it not for tho prying curiObty of a son of "Hibor." This man wandered into tho opening and commenced battle- iustautcr, attack ing alono a village of 16 lodges. Tho udvunced guard, hearing tho firing, returned and found tho fellow country-man of tho great Wellington, who possessed tho coolness, if not all the glorious traits of that illustrious soldier, sitting down and holping himself to a mess of nicely smoked salmon, uud dandling a fiuo little pa pooso on his kneo ; tho Indinns broko for tho woods on first firo. lloro was found a largo fiBh house containing about thirty tons of smoked bulmon, which, together with tho ranches, was consigned to tho Haines, tho rich, oily salmon, making a hot firo, tho little dusky oaptivo having boon comforta bio rolled in u soldier's blunkot, was left for its concealed pareut. Tho In dian mother, unliko soino of our own color, who sometimes for convenience sake dostroy their unfortunate off spring, will fight like sho bears in do fenco of their children, and will never forsake them, thoreforo it wua sur mised that tho littlo ono was found. Tho Coqujlla Indians woro o.xport, fishermen, and put up annually great quantities of fish, in fnct weio finh merchants, trading off dried salmon to tho neighboring tribes in exchange for skins, squaws, plunder nlid Indian THIS OR., SA.TTJUP money (littlo nicely shaped shells, highly prized by the Indians, nnd said lo bo found in great pits up North). Tho Koguo river Indians being great gamblers woro regular winter visitors, and pocked back loads ot dried salmon, which like many other gamblers they won by superior trickery. (To bo continued.) Ourflcld'M Itccortl. At fourteen, ho wos at work at a carpenter's bench. At sixteen, ho was a boatman on the Ohio cinul. At eighteen, ho was studying in tho Chester (O.) seminar'. At twenty-one, ho was teaching in one of Ohio's common schools, push ing forward with his own studies at tho same time. At twenty-three, he entered Wil liams college. At twenty sir, he graduated from Williams collcgo with the highest honors of his class. At twenty-seven, ho was a tutor at Hirnm college, Ohio. At twenty-eight, ho was principal of Hiram college, and preached with marked success as a follower of the Christian faith. At twenty-nine, he was a member of tho Ohio Senate the youngest member of that body. At thirty, he was Colonel of the Forty-second Ohio regiment. At thirty-one, he was placed in command of a brigade, routed the rebels under Humphrey Marshall, helped General Duel in his fight at Pittsburg landing, played a prominent part in the siege of Corinth and in tho important movements along the Memphis and Charleston railroad. At thirty-two, he was appointed chief of staff of tho Army of the Cum berland, participated in the campaigns of Middle Tennessee and in the nota ble battle of Chickamauga, and was promoted to the rank of Mnjor-Gen-eral. At thirty-three, ho was in Congress, the successor of Joshua II. Giddings. At forty-eight, having been contin uously in Congress since he was thirty three, ho was unanimously elected by acclamation in his party caucus to the United States Senate. At forty-nino ho was nomiaatcd for tho Presidency of tho United States. Such aro tho salient points in the history of tho man whom tho Itcp'ib- licans liavo selected as their standard bearer in the present campaign. By this record it is seen that tho artisans may clnini him as their representa tivo ; tho laboring men may insist that ho is their friend; professional men must rank him among their class ; scholars arc proud to do him honor; soldiers greet him as a com rade ; statesmen listen to tho wiso ad monitions of his well-stored mind; and tho people claim him as their own. lie is a typical American. No other nation could havo produced him, am! under no other flag could he have fulfilled his destiny. His name is Abrm,and his triumph is assurred. Ilecclier on Ieuth. Henry Ward Ilcechcr, lately preach ing on the subject of death, made tho following remarks: "Generally, there is no pain at tho last mo ment, for it seems that tho body suf fers in proportion to its remoteness from death. It is commonly supposed that evil men dio in great horror of their doom. Thoy don't. Wicked men usually pass out of lifo as tran quilly as any ono elbo. Tranquillity is the law of decadence Pain or ex quisito pleasure at tho last aro only experienced in exceptional cases. Men sufi'cred more every day of their lives than thoy do in dying. Every man subject to the incursions of rheu matic inflictions, or to tho pangs of tho toothneho, sudors a hundred times moro than ho will w lion ho is on his death-bed. No death is moro pain less than a sudden death. Living stone records his cxporionco when sprang upon and struck down by a lion. Tho moment tho beast was on him was ono of tho most exquisite tranquillity. No death is too sudilon for him who is doing his duty. Not tlio stroke of tho lightning; not tho fall from tho precipice llight living is tlio correct road to right dying, and no man need fear death." The bill taxing foreign bank oapi till has been signed by Gov. Cornell, of Now York. It provides that ovory foroign bank or bankhig company doing business in Now York Stato shall bo taxed ono-half of ono por cent, on nu averago of all sums of money used oromployod in that Stato. rVmoug tho principal banks affected by tho bill aro tho Dank of California and Hank of Nevada, St'iiscitiiti: for (ho M.aii, MAIL. - A.Y, JULY 10, The BlacU NalnrytVaa It a democratic or Republican Urnb? The State Lino Herald. , A nummary of the vote of the two Houses of Congress on the "back salary" bill nays : The united vote in the two Houses is as follows : For the bill : Eighty-five Repub licans, sixty- three Democrats : sixty-five outgoing members and Sena tors ; eighty Southern Senators and members. Against the bill: Eighty-three Republicans, thirty-nine Democrats. Keeping this analysis of the vote in view, it will not be difficult to fasten tho responsibility of the measure upon tho proper persons, and to find tho controlling reason for its objectionable feature back pay to a retiring Congress. Hon. James A. Garfield, then a member of tho House, voted for the bill, believing sincerely, as did many others, that the conpensation of Congressmen, Senators and other offices was not adequate to the ser vice and expense devolving upon them. He believed, however, that the act should not be retroactive, that it should take effect only in the future, and acting upon this honest conviction, James A. Gar field KEFU8EDTOTAKE THE BACK r AY TENDERED HIM BY THE ACT. It will be seen by tho analysis of the vote given above, that, of those WHO VOTED AGAINST THE DILL, EIOHTY THISEE WERE REPUBLICANS and but THIRTY-NINE Were DEMOCRATS. If there were spoils, who were after them? And we ask our Democrat ic brcthcrn to point out, among the Democrats who voted for this bill those who emulated tho example of the Hon. James A. Garfield. Now, if voting for this bill was a crime, (as certainly taking the "back pay" was very disreputable) let us see who among the leading Democrats voted for the bill. We find among them the names of Alcorn, Bayard, Randall, Hill, Niblack, Voorhees and many others, too numerous to mention. Here we see tho names of men prominently mentioned as candidates for President of the United States on the Democratic ticket. Wo desire to know how many of these, like Garfield, refused to take back pay after the law made it liis right to do so. Again history records the fact that B. F. Butler, once so much hated by the Demo cracy, was the principal manager in securing the passage of the bill, took his $5,000 back pay with an avidity only equalled by the "Gobble" ef fort to steal the electoral vote of Ore gon, or the Democratic Salem ring in robbing tho funds of this State, and who afterward wrote, in vindi cation of his act, a letter bo long that ho forgot, in one part, tho posi tion assumed in another, and for whom the Democrats of Massachu setts have since that time, formed so strong an attachment that thoy desired to make him Governor of that State. Surely consistency is losing much of its wonted populari ty and tho Domocratio party, though sojourning in a glasshouse, i$ so in considerate as to commence casting stones. I'roHpectlve Opposition. Tho .'orm saya: It is reported that the Paoific Coast Steamship com pany intend, on the arrival of the new steamship Coiittnbia to run oppo sition between San Francisco and Poitland. Tho China, a largo vessel of 4,400 tons, sister to tho wrecked Great Republic, will bo put on tho route, in conjunction with tho Dako ta, which is to bo withdrawn from tho Puget-sound lino. Tho three fine steamers, including tho State of Oali- fornia, will niako it mighty hot for tho old company. Tho public may expect low fares and an immenso immigration per consequence. Wo havo boon informed that tho Oregon Steamship company, fearing this, has bcou negotiating, though unsuccess fully, for the purchoso of tho State of California. , A sinoulah instance of a sensitive conscience was shown in tho suicido of Agio Tallato, Secretary to tho Ja panese legation. Ho left a letter, stating that he was concerned in tho Insurrection of 1S70, and had forfeited his honor. A man gots Into troublo by marry ing two wives. If ho marries only one ho may havo troublu ; and somo mon havo como to tribulation by sim ply promising to marry one. Troublo any now. 188Q. 3STo. 28. Another IVarfMl Hleamboat OlHiiMtcr. The steamer Seawanhaka was burn ed in the East river near New York, on the 28th ult., furnishing another horrible chapter to the history of late marine disasters : The fire was caused by an explosion in the engine roomf and the middle of the steamboat was soon in flumes. Pilot Charles Smith remained at his post until nearly burned to death, and succeeded in beaching the vessel on tho sunken meadow adjoining the island. Many persons sprang overboard and were drowned. Many others in tho stern of the vessel could not get off and were burned to death. Of GOO persons supposed to bo on board, fifty are be lieved to have perished. The bodies of about thirty dead persons have been recovered. The captain's statement is os fol lows : About 4 :30 I heard a low dull report or explosion. Quick as thought I turned to see what was the matter, when I saw tho vessel in flames about midships. I saw the steamer Granite State on my starboard side. Finding that my steamer was on fire( I immediately headed her for the sunke meadows, and with a full head of steam, although the engineer had been driven from his post, I landed her about forty feot up on the mead ows. Most oi me pasengers were on the bow of the vessel, and those on the stern were at the mercy of the flames, as all passages to the bow were cut off. Many jumped on the land, whilo others jumped into the water. I stood at the wheel until the last minute, and then jumped overboard and was pickedup by a small boat. We had no freight on board, and I do not know what caused the explo sion. The engineer of the steamer, Frank Weeks, and his son Edward, who was fireman on the steamer, wero at their posts at the time of the fiire. the fireman explains that somo of the small tubes of the boiler must have burst, throwing the furnace door open and scatcring the hot coals around, which sat fire to Ihe vessel. He, like his father, was driven from his post by the flames. Both escaped with severe burns. One of the crew relates the follow ing incidents : You can imagine how cool they were when the clerk, who was collecting fares, as soon he realiz ed tnat the boat was on firo, returned to his office and secured all the mon ey he had left there. Among our pas sengers were Charles A. Dana, Itich ard 0. Gorman, S. L. M. Barlow, one or two of Harper's publishers, and a number of other gentlemen, whoso names I cannot recollect, but who were in the habit of going to their homes along Long Island shore by our boat. All of tho gentlemen I have named, I understood escaped. The vessel burned like powder after the flames once started and it-was a terri ble scene. Shrieking women and children huddled aft until their clothes caught fire, and there on the forward part of the boat were men who were cut off from commuicating with or going to tho rescue of their female relatives and friends, by the flames, which burned fiercest about tho center of the boat. Mr. Moires, our porter, saw a child floating on its back and was going to jump overboard to savo it, when a frantic woman clutched him by tho arm, saying: "you are a strong man, and I am a woman without any friends on board. For God's sake help me." The porter left the child to itself and I behove saved tho woman. The only one of tho Seatcanhaka's boats got out was ono which had canvas fastened over it. After it got off, the body of a child about two years old was found lying in tho water in tho bottom of tho boat. Nobody seemed to know how it got there. A lady was climbing down tho lad der leading from the promenade to tho main decks, but this ladder, is a pretty hard thing for a man to got down on at any time Sho fell into tho gangway amid tho flumes. My self and about a dozen othors rescued her from tho perilous position. I saw a butcher, who bolongs either at Great Neck or Sands Point, grab up an as paragus box, and boforo I could stop him jumped overboard with it. I yell ed at him not to jump or ho would bo struck by tho wheel. Ho did not heed mo and wont over forward. Tho last I saw of him ho was going undor tho wheel. Sovcrul othors who went over forward also wont undor tho pad dle wheels. Swindlers attached to a circus now in Iowa, defrauded a granger of $2, 200. The proprietor and all his aids were promptly arrested, and rather than submit to the delays of a trial, tho former rehmuod tho money lost by tlo greeny, The Ooast Mail. DEVOTED TO axjX XjX-vjh xmwwflB. THE INTERESTS OF SOUTH ERN OREGON ALWAYS FOREMOST. The Development of our Mines, tlio Improvcmcntof our harbors, and mil road communication with tlio Interior, specialities. "" ' " ' " t Com of the Rebellion. In response to a Senate resolution tho Secretary of the Treasury has furnished an elaborate statement showing tho expenses of the Govern- ment "on account of the war of tho rebellion from July 1, 1801, to Juno 30, 1879, inclusive." The statement exhibits tho gross expenditures, Iho ordinary expenditures, and the expen ditures growing out of the war in all thcarious branches of tho service, either directly or indirectly affected by the war. The grand totals are as follows: Gross expenditures, $6,790, 792,509; ordinary expenditures, $009, 549,123; expenditures growing out of the war, 10,187,243,385. Tho princi pal items of the war expenses are the following: Interest on tho public debt, $1, 764,250,198: pay of two and. three years volunteers, $1,040,102,702; subsistence of Army, $381,417,548; clothing of tho Army, $345,543,880 5 Army transportation, $336,793,885; purchase of horses, $120,072,423 ; other Quartermaster expenditures, (round numbers) $320,000,000; Army pen sions, $407,429,193 ; bounties, (includ ing additional bounties under act of I860,) $140,281,178, and in round numbers, the following: Refunded to States for war expenses, $41,000,000 ; purchase of arms for volunteers and regulars, $76,000,000; ordnanco sup plies, $56,000,000 ; expenses of assess ing and collecting internal revenue, $113,000,000; expense of national loans and currency, $51,523,000; pre miums, $59,738,000. The war expend iturcs for the Navy (including about $74,500,000 for pay and $0,500,000 for Navy pensions) aggregate about $412, 000,000. Among the other detailed: items of expenditures growing out of the war are $5,243,034 for national cemeteries, $3,546,185 for support of" National Home for Disabled Volun teers, and $88,000 for the purchase of Ford's Theatre, the scene of Presi dent Lincoln's assassination. Rick Dlncovery. A Nevada City, California, dispatch of tho 29th ult. says : A Transcript reporter has just returned from Snow Point, 20 miles northeast of this city in this county, where there was re centlymade a great strike. Gold bearing gravel nuggets of various sizes are being taken out which are valued at from $1 up to $230. About half a dozen approximating the lat ter size were found Saturday. Pay gravel is found for a distance of 25 feet above bedrock. This is considered by reliable experts to bo the best discov ery made on the coast in 25 years. At the decoration of the Confeder ate soldiers' graves at Cavehill ceme tery. Ky., the orator, Gen. B.iker, who was a brigadier in Bragg's army, said i "It is not easy for one who took part on the Southern side of the dispute whose dieudful settlement has filled these graves, to speak honestly and wisely on an occasion liko this. To cause no pain to tho living, and yet do justice to the dead ; to be faithful to the Union and yet decorate tho graves of those who attempted to de stroy it ; to lift his eyes with honest loyalty to the gorgeous ensign that flashes in the sunlight there trium phantly and feel no pang of mean, contrition for having followed for four years that other banner, furled for ever, which in the shadows of defeat still shines for him liko a lovely con stellation of the night in thesadBkiea of Southern history to do this may seem impossible to those who prizo the jewel of consistency." The betrothed in Italy are never left alone for ono moment. Thoy may not even sit side by sido in company and a third person must always tako part in their conversation. When out for a walk they must not go arm in arm. As for a kiss, not even the tips of the nails may bo touched un til after the Church and Stato havo firmly bound togothcr tho poor lovers, Tho severity is no compliment ta Italy; on tho contrary, it is mistrust carried to excess, and tho young peo pie rebel against it. Still, whon they becomo fathers and mothers they pei petuate the custom. It may bo thai, this oxtrerao reserve before marriuga ongonders that aftor marriage liberty which in turn becomes, a mattor ot wondor to mora prosaic nations. s Rome Correspamlence New York Hourx The number of ships which passed through tho Sues canal during MarcH was 213, and tho receipts thorofrom 164,940, wero tho largest recorded of any ono month muco tho formation of tho canal. The total receipt of transit for the first quarter af tho present year, 447,440", exceed tho receipts of tho first quarter of 1377, tho year which hail hitherto yielded. tho largest profits, by 81,249,