' ass The Coast Mail. SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 18S0. Mnn'n Arc. Few men dio of old ngn. Almost alt dio of disappointment, passion, mental or bodily toil, or Accidents. The passions kill men sometimes even suddenly. The common expression choked with passion has litllo exag geration in it, for even though not suddenly fatal, strong passions short en life. Strong-bodied men often dio young weak men live longer than the strong, for tho strong use their strong h, and tho weak hnvo nono to use Tho latter take caro of them selves, and the former do not. As it is with tho bodv so it is with the mind and temper. Tho strong arc apt to break, or, liko the candle, to run, tho weak to burn out. Tho in ferior animals, which live temperate lives havo generally their prescribed number of years. The horso lives twenty-tivo ; tho ox fifteen or twenty ; the lion ubout twenty; tho dog ten or twelve; tho rabbit eight; the guinea pig six or seven years. These numbers all bear a similar proportion to the time tho animal takes to grow to its full size. But man, of tho ani mals, is one that seldom lives this av erage, no ought to live anuncirca years according to physical law, for five times twenty are one hundred, but instead of that, he scarcely reach es on an average four times his grow ing period ; the cat six times ; the rabit even eight times the standard measurement. The reason is obvious man is not only tho most irregular and tho most intemperate, but the most laborious and hard worked of nil the animals. lie is also tho most iritable of all animals; and there is no reason to believe, though we can not tell what an animal secretly feels, that, more than any other animal, man cherishes wrath to keep it warm and consumes himself with the fire of his own secret reflections. MISCELLANEOUS. Bks Butler is now at Saft Lake, en tertained by the Mormons, on his way to San Francisco. The Saints regard him as their true friend. He goes to defend Kalloch. A clerk of the librarian of Con gress who got a check cashed at the Treasury and put the notes in a side pocket, found some thief had stolen them and put a worthless package in their place. John Russell Young, who went round the world with Grant, has gone to visit him at Galena, and rumor has it that he has gone to help Grant prepare a withdrawal, as tho chief has great faith in his political sagacity. T. I Braskas, who had deposited $21,000 in Freeman"s bank, at Elko, with which to buy cattle in Umatilla county, heard the other day that the bank had "busted," and that he was a pauper. Loring Pickering, publisher of the S. F. Call, has been arrested for libel by W. 51. Neilson. He published Mayor Kalloch's speech at Metropoli tan Temple scoring Neilson. A war rant is out for the arrest of Neilson for libeling Kalloch. The miners' strike at Leadvillo seems to bo about over. Business men are organizing a committee of safety. The mines are guarded and the miners becoming tired of parad ing: Some of the miners have lately resumed operations. "Word from the Cascades is that the work goes steadily on at the locks, Tho water is in the canal already cut, but they have scows on which they place the machinery, and by that means carry on the work. Business is lively at the locks, and during the past week two saloons have been start ed and n new store. If the water in creases much- more, work on tho locks will havo to be suspended. Once upon a time a certain man got mad at the editor and stopped his paper. The next week he sold his corn four cents below the market price. Then his property was sold for taxes, because ho didn't read the ShcrifTs sales. He was arrested and fined 8forgoinghunting on Sunday, simply becauso he didn't know it was Sunday ; and he paid $300 for a lot of forged notes that had been advertised two weeks and tho public cautioned not to negotiato them. He then paid a big Irishman with a foot like a forge hammer, to kick him all tho way to tho newspaper office, where he paid four years' subscription in advance and made tho editor sign an agree ment to knock him down and rob him if ho ever ordered his paper stop ped again. Such ia life without a newspaper. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land OmcE, Uoskduro Ok. May 24, 1860 Notice is hereby riven that tho following named cettler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Monday, the 28th day of June 1880, at the U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, viz: J. 1). Wilson, pre-emption declaratory state, went No 2400 for lot 0, northeast quarter of southwest quarter and west half of south east quarter section 23, H 41, S range 13 west, and names tho following as his witness. es, vizi -Robert Walker, M Riley and A. II. Moore, ofKllensburg, Curry bounty, Or., and I V Ross, of Chetco, all of Curry county Oregon, ii Wii, V, Viunxiiis, llcgietcr THE NEWDRUGSTORE, MAIiSFIELD, OX. nkxt noon to MAitorncK. LOUIS ATUXltOE, rro)rlcfor, FULL STOCK OF Drugs & Meaicincs, CONSTANTLY ON HANI). BEST liliAXI) OF CIGAltS STTrescriptions Carefully Com. poundedby Competentriiysician B00T& SHOE MAKER MAnSHFIELD, Og.V. "CVXXjXj X0 AXjXj XCXZVX3S OK qttstoim: wobk in a thorough manner and use onlv the BEST MATERIAL. 0 SafShopon Front Street, opposite the Fionei Market. tek THE CENTRAL HOTEL. Cor. A and Front Sts., 5Iarsiifield,Oii. -I pAVING TAKEN CHARGE OF i- l the above named house, we can ' promise to our patrons, Flrst-dnss rare, Vnlr Rcnlinf; i And eourteous attention. SSrA TRIAL IS SOLICITED.. qui: B Alt Is well supplied in its line, and is under our personal management. AVEKDEN BROS., Proprietors. r THE PIONEER MARKETS, AlARSHFIELD i EMriRE ClTY. I H. P. WHITNEY, PitorRiETon. A good supply of MUTTON, CANNED I BEEF, n GOOCS, pork, etc rmn etc., etc.- and all kinds of SALTMEATSandVEGETABLES' constantly on hand. Also a good stock of &R.ocs:rt.ix:s. ' VESSELS LOGGING? CAMPS ! SUPPLIED AT SHOUT XOTICE lvi-tf w cs s 2 Wl wj g efj Til a " 9 A Notice oi' inssournu.v or pakt. ' MSIiSIMP. Notice 1 hcii'liy iriwn that the co-part-' ncrslnp former! v'csistlnir between .hi. I L. Ferrey and M. S. Hniley luw been by mutual coupon! dissolved. That tho i debts ovine ninl due to paid firm con-1 trnrteil in the hotel limine " an to bo I lnld to Perrv it Holland, anil that tho' debts of wild firm in said hotel IWiucm are to bo paid by paid Ferry and Hol land. That tho debt ineitrrod in run ning tho l.mio initio, in Katiilnlph pre cinct, Coos county, Otvgiiii, and nil tho debts o lug by said firm in said mining business arc to 1k paid by S. S. Kiiiley. .1 IMKi'L. I'RHIIKY, Stkt S. H.Mi.r.Y. NOTICFOr I'lXAI, HJOOK. Land OrncR. Koskhi mi. Ok.. May (?. 1SSO Notice is lierelij ii en tli.it tho following named settlor ha filed n tioo of lus intoii tion to make final proof in support of his claim, mid secure hual entry thereof on Sat urday tho l'Jtli da of June 1SS0, before tho 'Judge or Clerk of the court of Coos county Oregon. if: Kdw in IS llaker, liome stoadaiiiilieation No 2HK"i. for the southeast quarter of southwest quarter and lot 7. sec tion 6 and oast half of northwest quarter i section 7. T 2.1. S 1! 12 w. and names the follcnvinc in his uitiwws, m: (' T Smith. Win Gamble. .) W Jud.l mid C It Golden all of MarshiielJ, Coos cnttntv. Onyon. 20 Y m. 1' Hkvmin. lii.ste THE LIGHT-RUNNING w Tha BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, and -most THOROUCHLY constructed SEWING MACHINE ever mventcd. All the wearing ruts .iro maJo .f iho BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED nd arc ADJUSTABLE. itlinsUiotrrojr-iTc tkxsioxi it tas the ZAJIOESX JiOllVlAi It 1ms tho Easiest Threaded Shuttio. The BOBBIN'S nrc "WODTn) without BUNNINO cr PJiTTIRRAnUfQ Uia UACIIIN& It lias a SCL,r.SKTTI'0 "EKDI.K: It has a DIAL for resulting- tho Ictigtli of eUtch. WITHOUT TKsTIMS; It lias a IVltGK SPACE under tho arm; It is NOISKLKSS, snd has more xinu orKXCULLENCE: thaa all other nuchincs comhlncd. JJSAgenUi -wanted in locnlitier whero vo nro not repreaentod. JoSnson, Clark & Co. 30 UNION SQUARE, N.Y THE LOCKHART HOTEL, Miv.E.M.LorUiai't I'rtiprli Ires' Oi.V Emmki City VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Mlal of Honor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with, perfect work, Are D.3tinguihinc Features cf the celebrated Giant Farm and. Warelioiise Fans, HADE DY A. P. DICKEY, Raclno, Wis. Now hiving nuny late improvements, they are fully equal o every dcic-od J deeming all kinds of Grain. Peas, Bears, Caster Hears, Com ard Small Seed Tbey erade beat jriectly by once handling Sep arate Oats from Wheat, trley and Ke Theyhae very perfect arrangements for cleaning Tirooihy, Clover, Flax Feed, Or hard Gr? and all other Small Seeds. They Chrff perf-ct'y, and combine every quaiificauun r qui-ej Xi d; tic Let wcrlc in the shortest time. Warehr'Jie, at we'! ,rir,H. I, th Ll ' r rrn M-"i, e hrcely coif modate the dmanr, tnrf t ' s t ac-om-7 rtiytfUom 5Q to 5 co but! els ji r 1 'ihey are ihipped 1,1 m rCi-g I) re ri raiu. cd ftt' e. n Irj-- Tyortation. and "tet to" r " r. i 1 1 f r frwatdinz mlaed. as requei't!; ai i , . 1 t j t free en board Can cr Steamer. Orders 1 licet ttac day i leeetvcd. J Mills Upj)Cd "lnrxVed down" z" f-' halflbe lrti;l.t charged .: itnnf rwjrded "tetu " 01 o. graphs and Circu'.rs supplied on apBhciiiun, I'ncei kill be quoted lovi aod en literal terras. Cone yoodente (olicited. FARM FOR 8ALE fif ACHEH OK CHOICE LAND J )) ut the niniilii (( WilliUich sl nigh, mar Noith Ucml ami Marsh Hold. Cm' id lioiiKc uml out buildings. Ad.iiilcd for i!aii)in;f or gunoral fanii iiifj. OijoiI jouux orcliHrd. One of tliuUewt fiinni! in 'nu county. Tho iiliiuo, with htot'l; ami iinjilenionU, will I hi Mild very uliefiii. tI'or furUier pmrtieulaw npiily at tlijottJee al tit Coant M.ui. 'H NEW EOMI BAY VIEW ItfJbJaS&OFdVElXjT), OGKN. Win. Reicliert5Proprietor Keeps constantly on Iiuntl. nml ollbrs for pale a superior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE ami RKTAIL. my hah is snruiw wirimiE choicest iwaxhs o WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS UllAXCll SALfONAT EMPIRE CITY. : vicsiirir.i.i) Drug: Store. DK. C. H. GOI.nFN. I'kopii. Opposite Xatbiii'd'fi Store. 11 A V 11 0 X S T A X T 1. Y OX II A X 1) AM. SOltrS OK IDIRTXGt-S Ml mciN i pi kpom-'s, xir:n-rH,r,trTM'rj ' TllVSSKS, TOIliKT AllTI-GXjI-IS, l3'!ll.3-"tJIVtli5XVV, ST ATIOlVl'm Y .AND SCXTOOXj uoojcs, CIGARSaniTOBACCO, and even thins .Mfci'K II ; usually kept nispts n . l'i'ocviptittTIs t oi't'i'iiUij Com- poiindril. .M-3-tf E. A. AXnKUSON, IN i r LIVERY AND FEED ! MAHSIll ll.I.I'. STABLE, OK. m Al'LINO DONE AT ?1K"UT reaonj e and at verv COAL AND nulmi.Sl'lMI ON HANI) EQmMIl C00KIKQ 0B UCATIKG- New Excelsior Oil Stove. Jnjt the Tiling for Llht lIo-'tVriitim. It will Broil, "RoMt, xA IUlto Ull-r tln sCklI ot Wood Store. ttnJfori.irci.lan. AUKNTS WANTED. COLEMAN GAS APPARATUS AND OIL CO.. W Hmn Sr, - Ciiicoo, III Th Great Cure fur HirI, Inllcmtlon, IIIIiou, Healache, Mtsr Ccmj iamt, itrtr aud Afu, Gvnvial D l FISHER'S DeMUty aniUUcemplalnfa I 01 bttjiiiACli, Llr A tj'iepn on th new! dlKOTticJ IliD.iI le of ABSORPTION. Medicated BELTS. Xo I)n . N , Iortor Mill. "vr J f r in iil ut, ile-iictlb. log tb AtMvriuion Cure 1 ami tli. rerulu.i m It It causing la the tvlence of meJl- ' Dj-.im-jmIh llrll, S t. I Frier nml Aur Hell, ?'i. Tonic Kelt, t, uml liifnnl. Ilrll, 81. Tliea llrltg will teint !' any uldrrM frt'u at 'tat en rrrelpl of ti V' m !i, or !1 in for Infant Delt. AGENTS wanted in every county in tLs United Ftutcs. Address, FISHER MEDICATED DELT CO. 2.-S2 Illinois Pt , Chicago. WILCOX&WHITE ORGAN CO. Merideii, Conn. U.S.A. "Ghlldron's Blow Pedals,"! AdjustGdorromovedlnstantly. Invented and Exclusively used by tills Company. The most popular Organs of the day ! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "Tho Wilcox &c Whito Organ Instructor" is tho BEST and CHEAPEST in tho niarlcot ! &wl Hr IVnilriited IMakqut. "" CHEMICALS Isf VMM s loll g 5P BREWERY, coos Jj.A. ju $ v tl - --7 mu.kmiui.i.o, ouiinoN, . R. Simi'hon a P. Holland Proprietors. "W MEATS and provisions of all kinds wild ut the lowest living rates nml J)ELirEtlEl at nuy point desired KOll VESSELS, LOtlOING CAMPS AM) FAMILIES, ALWAYSRFADY' 8Ye keej) nothing but thobestf and insure satisfaction. lA-l-tf SOrt a week In onr own town. Terms and to free. Add'ress II. IIallktt & Co. Portland, Maine. EUGENE O'CONNEU, rtKAirit is STOVES & RANGES, I atest Improved Hardwarejools, 1 mplemont s. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND AMMUJUTION. LAMPS &c OILS. ' WOOD A WILLOWWAKE, Steam, Vuter rip and Fittings, Gran ' ito and I'l.ited Waies. MANl'r'ACTl'UKKS Or COPPER & SHEETIRONWARE. TIN .IOIt AVOItK ExEfUTFD with Dhi-atcii. JtQfEXTUAS for Stoves, Plows Mowers uml Ucnpcrs furnished at short notice. ""highest "honors" Centennial World's Fair, 1876! raa SHONINGER ORGANS raovovsczs tmiiaiomt as nrj BEST INSTRUMENTS. Th.tr compirallTo eicell.neele reccj-nta4 by lbs Juilgea la their Haport, from wbioi O fcllowlng is so extract: "The D, BIIO.ttNOER onaAIf CO.'B xblbtt as tho best Instrument si prloe rendering them possible to Urge class c( pnresssers, bSTluK s comtlntUon ot Reads sad Dells, prodnclnj noyel snd pleasing effeclf, containing many desirable lraproTementi, wij stand longer In dry or damp climate, less UabU 10 (St ont of order, sU th boards being mads three-ply, pnt together so It Is Impossible for them to either shrink, swell or split." TUB JULY OU.UANS AWAUDED TIIIS HANK. This Medal sod Award ni granted tfter lbs dost HTir. competition of the beat makers, betose cos ot the most oomp.taat Juries Tsr susmblsd. ' We Style snd price jnst issued, which ars In soooTdano with onr rule, th BHST OH BAH for th Isut money. W r prepared to sppolnt few new Afsnss. dnstrated CaUlognss BuOlsd, Cost-psM. rplt4lUt B, SHONINGER ORGAN CO., ei u in enrannjf tTun,' Nsw IIlTSTS. Oom. Aiit'(ilt, rcf o-liiiii; nlc'p, tho acfiul Hition of ilfnh nml color, am hlcririingriut tciulant upon tin1 reparative protx-HHCH , wlileli thin prict'lt-HH iiiviKorunt Hpecdily itiitiatcH and ciirricn to a Hiiccobuful con 1'IiihIoii, DlL'CHtion in H'stoied ami huh- tcnuiii'c ulionled to crnrh lifo-HiiHtainiiiK oran hy tho IJittiird, which 1h inodutiHlvc oviin to tho foininino palato, vrfjotuhlo In composition, and thorouglily Hide. 1'or muIu hy all iliuyulHl and doalorH Konondly. P BTOMACII fib 11USINKS8 CARDS. T.C. MACKKV.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON KMIMIIK ClTV, OlllKUW. C U. OOliDKN, M.n. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Maii.iiifii:i,ii, Oiiikiom. C. TOWKK.iM. I'- PHYSICIAN&SURGEON Maiisiikiku), OitmioN. W. C. ANGKL, Al. I). PHYSICIAN an'.) SURGEON Voqillllo Villi, OfH. S. II. HA7.AHD, J. W. Hamilton HAZARD HAMllrON, AnORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will practice in tho variotiH court of the statu. orncK at i:mi'iki: city, 0x. 0. 2. SIO-LI3ST. AHORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW. MAllSIIFIKl.l'.OIt.-XiOK. (5. WUnSTKU, AHORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW w IMAItSUKIKLP, unaoN. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, XOTARr IM'BLIC COiWEVAXCER, KJU'IRK 1TY, t(... Collections mid other huninenH nlnceil In my linndH, will receive prompt niton lion. vl-II-tf V. P. WRIGHT, U. S. Mineral and U. S.' Deputy SUKV K Y 0 H , Cogmi.i.i: Citt, Ocin. Will attend tu tho iniriincMM of HiirTpyiiii: in any part of tlio count v. Perfect mapsof all surveyed lniuln, fur nishednt short notice. K. (J. lilt 1 Ml It 0 1), ATTORNEY ud CUUNEILUR AT LAW, iiMPxiunoiTi oiuaaojv A nil are n public :it ruiuio in reniiect fully tolicl. 1 Jfclif 7'J a week. $12 a day at home c.wi lv iiiade. Coitly outfit free. Addrciis 1 ui k A Co. Augusta, Maine EplIoAnj. ExcElJea by None. XI IIC Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. MesBansclnsvei at Worcreicr, Stmt. AIX DtTlTTOllVTl cf any vstue may U found U tbe.c fn.truments, and tttey conuirt many I8SINTIAL IMPROVBMBNT8 JfJT rSTVS la other Orf ans. Almlngto produoo work which shall b Durable, we will not snorlOoe thnt whlcl I not seen, nnd yet Is vltnl to n perfeot Orann, in order to molco n mora fanoy iterlor. ' W r still emUeil to preMnt es Styllflh and Appropriate Crues as ran be found In the market, with a finish which Is Bt sttaUel by any. A8 RKOARDO TONE. Till rOLLOWIHO Award Willi Medal l Diploma of Honor WAS GSANT1D BV Tll CIlTtXIIIAL EZIIIDITlOrl COMMIUlONEMl ' " T In Wertmes.slp, Erees.ii. f I'UTI see nuutici r roiK. ,,htai, i. r.tr - ni BUUtr U Bwsulul Ipellasit f.r UirrtM tsttstsl" Do not fail to maVe eppllcstloa snd JSXAMXNE THEOE INOTHUJtEKTfl Before rurchssins;, Catalau free, en spplicalion to th Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WORCESTER, MASS. 83 to 8UO per orto $." free. A I'ortland, Maine. homo. KampleH .Sti.nhok A Co. E.B. DEAN & CO. E.I). DEAN, D.WILLCOX AND C. IL MERCHANT. Wk iiavk Amvaym on HANI) a Fum. AHhortincnt Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE MANUKACTUItKI) TO OltDKK And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, and ut the THE L0WE8T LIVING PRICE8.I mBHKbPb NASBURG &, HIRST KitoNTHrm.'iiT, Maiihiifikmi, 0(1iV NEW Q00D8 HyTjVBUYHTEAM. nrjkceproiistiuitly m m, . .St;,r;,tTm,io,ito' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, coiisiUirtK of tliolK'ntdtiiploniid fnticy DRY C3-OOXDQ of nil kliulM, Iho choicest GROCERIES PROVISIONS. A I. A ltd I! STOCK op CLOTH I NU, HATHiuiiH'AI'H, HOOTS nml HIIOHS. Kimni.I.S iindOlI, CIsOTlMN'n SUl'IMCKK iiud OILCLOTH ' 0UO(!KKHY and ULAS3 WAUKJIAHDWAItB iiiul TOOLK, Cigars mid Tobacco, l'alntK, OIIn unit VuiiIhIic.h, hi oo Y lues nml I,((ui, TiniTiio ami Animuultiou. CUTLEUY, WOOD ud Vn.l.Ol'-'AHE,antl Sclxool Books tatTonery. wxirviniaiivo ooooa vivx itONiiiiiiv Our exteiiMivenliiMv cases are filled wish tliofinent MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. PRICKS TO SIMT TIIK TIMES. N. H. All kooiIh purchased nt our Store will he delivered fieo ot charo at any point mi tho route of the uuaincr M Myitlo. vl-l-tf O.V'N n,iiciii:it NIIOI. KUONT OK Till: (.'UNTItAl. 1IOTKU MurHlilk'lil, Ou i If you want an cany ulutve, An nood an IiiuImt everguve, Just call oirmo at tnv tmloon, From morn 'till nij;iit or lumy noon ; My raom'r-hurp, my HciccorK, keeirj My nhop in neat and 'towel clean ; Ami there 1 think that you will lind Knell urtiele to null the niitul ; I trim thehnirwitlinkill formitH, Of course the priee in fifty eents ; HhampiHiiiii;, too, 1 do that well, (live me a trial, that will tell ; So help me Kr.i-iUM if 1 make you hol ler, You need not pay a ipinrlerofadollttr. J W. Cox, I'ropr. 1. S. Hot mid eold hath iilwavn teiuly ll-lhtfl COOS HAY FURNITURE STORE, Constantly o.v hand Arattretme-H .0 lledftteiiils, Clin I I'M P l.nniiffr.s, Crltn ,P f'rtullen. I'ICTL'UI'.H. Kit A MHS. MOl'LOINGH, TAHI.K.s, MIICUOUS Ac. 4 'on n( Iiiji- miiis I'll iiiln n Made to Order. COFFIXS iii,nlo at hhorteHt notice. SEWING MACHINES Attaciimknth, Nkkui.ks itc. K MAKIC, lvltf ritoritiirron. FAMILY Meat Market ItOHS A- TI.M.Mi;itM Would announce to tho puhlie that their new market 01TOS1TK TIIK, CKNTIt A I, IIOTKI. ih .now oi'i:m;i ANDTIIKYAHIII'UKl'AJtK.Dto.SKIJ. Al.l. KINHH 01' ftHKK I'OHK A MKATrfof Al.l, ICI.VU8 P RO VI SI ON ? A ND VEGETABLES VESSELS aud 1.001! SO CAMPS S'ri'PhfEl) tWTKIC'KS DOWN TO 'I'll P. ltKI.1 50 ItOCk NEW HOME Sewing Machines JUST KKCKI VKD HY 8TAMKH! rote H.M.r. AT REDUCED RATES, BY HKNItYO. I'l.OKOKK, 1). Moihc's Cmpiro City. G. VEBSTEJL DKAI.KK IN E-Boots, Shoes And l,-iitli-r I'luilIuifM. Makhiikiim.h, Oil. THAVI-J IiATKLY KETUBNED J from Han Krancinco with u com plolo utoclc of every IhiiiK in my I'110 ready iiiiulu hootn and hIioch, ote. EST MATERIAL NLYUSID. FARM FOR SALE. BMALTj I'AItM HITUATEI) ON .(ho hank of tho Couuillu Jtivor A containing 28 uurcH RICH BOTTOM LAND, With IIoiibo and Oi chard. Can Ij Ituuted at a Iteationahloltate. For paitionlaiM apply lo JIiikiiy Hi:,flsrr.W'Ki'i Kinilro Oity, Oii-bu". mrnmmmmmmammtHmimm Btt&BMlMHHU M'tff i