The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, June 12, 1880, Image 3

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The Ooasb Mail.
JUNE 12, 1880.
Wham. wk Oi:i.i:iiiiatis? Doob Hio
town of MnrahfioM intend to colobralo
(ho coming Fourth ot July that is
(lioii(!Htion. Several meetings liavo
boon hold, with butiislirn attendance,
oominitlocs tippoiuled, mid uhout
Ihoro lliu matter omls. No iutorcnt
houiiih to lio manifested in tho mattor,
4itul very fow scorn to caro wliclhcr
wo cnlehruto or not. Tho first mun
tliu committee on llnanco called up
on to stick his sign-innnuol on tho
fubscrlption list for a liberal Biini,
Hworo with a terrible oath Hint ho
wouldn't give a rod till ho know
whether or not" tho black-guard Sig
lin" wiib elected. Aro wo thus to let
our patriotism Hinothor bocauso we
liavo underestimated tho intelligence
of the votors of Coos county, if biicIi
n man ho elected to diagrnco us in tho
Senate? Fa n up the spark of patriot
ism, and show that wo can have n
celebration if political tricksters and
fiilnifycrn nro given places of trust. A
mooting 1h called for to-night (Satur
day) and if moro interest 1b not man
ifoBted thnn horoloforo, tho Atnoricnn
ICiiglo will not Hcrouch very loud in
Mnrshllcld on the Fourth.
Ciiini:hi: Row. Last Wednesday a
tow constituted tho sensation in the
CliincHO quarter, the participants of
which woro u Celestial widow and n
lio then Chinee. It appears that
(ho widow's doeoased was indebted to
John in the mini of $50 or so, and ho
had repeatedly requested tho widow
to produce tho cash, with which re
(iiest sho was not in a condition to
comply. John at last seized upon
n:nno personal property, a clock, etc.,
und therefore the row. The woman
was somewhat roughly treated, but
mieceeded in getting away with the
Turn: Kuo. Mr. W. iV L. F. Smith,
pi Coos river, prcM'titcd us with an
extra large egg, which will probably
out measure any egg of smaller di
mensions in the State of Oregon. It
measures, with its shell on, from end
to end, seven and novon-eighths in
ehes, and round the waist, six and
three fourth inches. We liavo not
calculated tho exact number of chick
una that could bo hatched from such
mi egg, hut should judge it could
produce one chicken at least six and
three-fourths by seven and sovon
eighths. A Jom.y Painter. A remarkable
painter has been daubing tho house
next door, this week, and for good
humor and poor painting gets away
with anything on record. Even
when ho full in through the window
and upset his paint on tho floor, it
didn't Hcem to bother him much, and
it was no use crying over spilt paint,
lie Haiti.
An Extraordinary Deer. Last
Wednesday evening quite u crowd
gathered on tho whiuves along Front
Hlreet to look at a deer which had ap
peared on the opposite Hide of the
channel. .Several guns weio about to
draw a bead on the animal when it
low oil" I
Ki.ktcion'. Tho full election re
turns have not been received, but at
last reports Siglin wan slightly ahead
mid Curry county yet to hoar from.
Htauir, Morris, Solicitor, and tho State
ticket, with tho exception of Hamil
ton, carry by huge majority. Full
returns will bo in next week's issuo.
Gam.ko. W. F. llcnjamiii, Esq.,
Itegister of tho Uoseburg Laud Oflico,
called on iib yesterday, lio is on tho
Hay with buniness pertaining to tho
Coos Hay Wagon Komi. Wo aro in
debted to him for the latest laud rul
ings which will bo found in another
Returned East. Mrs. C. F. Mili
Kan, sister of Dr. O. K. and IV. 1). L. F.
Hinitli, who Iiiih been visiting friends
on tho Hay for como mouths, left on
tho Telair to return to hor homo in
Mt. Voinon, Ohio. Pleasant trip.
Died. Mrs. Hously, wife of Samuol
Hously, of Kastport, died Thursday
night of homorago.
Tin: Escort ia laid up for repairs.
Tin: Telfair tailed for San Francis
co Tuortdfty p. in.
J. 0. Dull has boon very ill during
tho past woek.
Miss Lui.ii Caufjei.d, of Kofloburg,
is visiting on tho Hay.
Louis Loiuiin: wont to San Francis
co on tho Telfair.
Miih. T. 0. Owen returned lionio
from tho valley this week.
K. N. Deui'Riiy sailed on tho Tel
fair for San Francisco.
Tub hchoonor Norway arrived last
Tuesday ; will load at Enstport.
Hi:ai tho dissolution notico of Fer
ry A- Ilailoy in another column.
Cut. Graves, of tho Little Annict
Iiiih our thunka for many favors.
A. Nahiuiko, of tho firm of Nasburg
& Hirst, left for roftlnnd Tunsday.
A I'I.i.mhat Hociul danco was hold in
Norman's hall last Satiuday night.
Tun town was unusually lively on
clootion day j 202 voteH woro polled.
Jos, Landritii and family, of Coos
river, Imvo gone to Coltugo Grove.
Parkerhiiuru, On., Juno 8th, 1880,
Editor Mail : Tho Champion wont
down to tho mouth to-day, loaded
with cedar from Umbo's mill ; bIio
will go to sea to-morrow. Tho Mose
arrived on Saturday last, bringin a
full load of iilorohnudiNO for tho var
ious merchants on ttio rlvor. Blio
will load with cedar at Umbo's mill,
taking, in addition, about GO barrels
of salmon. Thoro aro now three
schooners running hero regularly,
with an occasional one from Portland,
It is probable that tho Emily Stephen!
will make another trip this summer.
Tho machinery for tho now saw and
Hour mill for Coqttillo City, did not
come in on tho Champion or Mom,
but will probably coino on tho Free
Trade, as will also tho maohiuory for
Hoover fc Co., of Norway. Tho elec
tion on tho lower rivor passod ofT vory
quiotly. With tho result you havo
been apprised.
Tho Government Engineers, in
company with Mr. Merchant, visited
tho rivor last week, going to tho
mouth of tho rivor on Friday and to
tho upper rivor on Saturday. Com
ing without notico, thoy did not re
ceive tho hospitality that our people
desired to extend to them, but through
tho liberality of Mr. A. Porshbakcr,
Hon. It. II. Kosa, and others, they
wcro enabled to extend their trip to
Myrtle Point, tho Little Annie being
chartered to bring them to Frcodom
on Sunday. Wo understand that
Lieutenant Payson thinks tho mouth
cannot bo improved or benefitted by
tho 1(),000 which wo aro in hopes to
got from tho Government, and that
tho whole party were quietly exam
ining tho country witli tho solo view
of ascertaining tho feasibility of a
canal to connect the river with Coos
Hay. Once before parties from Coos
Hay diverted money, appropriated for
the purpose of surveying tho mouth
of tho river, to a survey of the isth
mus, but if thoy attempt to do any
thing of tho kind again, wo think
they will not succeed. If thoy want
a survey mado why do not thoy not
take soma of tho money appropriated
to improve their own bar? Tho Co
quillo can stand on her own bottom.
Let Coos Hay do tho sumo. As to
improving the entrance of our river
there can bo no doubt in tho mind of
anyone, competent to judge, and of
unbiased mind, that it is certainly
feasible. Assuredly Lieutenant Pay
son must havo been quizzing when
ho said it was too much to expect of
tho rivor to cut oil" tho north spit, for
it has already been moro than half
accomplished by tho work done two
years ogo by tho people of the rivor
When tho noith spit is cut through
tho channel will bu whero it was
about fourteen years ago. Wo know,
by tho survey mado at that tinio, that
tho depth of water on tho bar was
considcrablo moic than wo havo now,
that the channel was straight, that it
had a courso such that vessels could
sail in and out with a northwest wind,
and that it was wholly free from rocks.
Tho present channel is very tortuous
and runs through a nest of rocks, so
that if it shifts much cither to tho
north or to tho south of n certain
courso, it is not navigable Moreover,
inside of tho rivor, but in that part of
tho rivor which will lie cut ofT by tho
proposed improvement, is a vory
sharp bend. At this bend, on the
north spit side, tho rivor often, in
summer, shoals up, and on tho other
side thoro is a ledgo of rocks, so that
vessels nro sometimes detained until
the sand washes away again. It will
bo seen thoreforo that any improve
ment of tho bar which will leave it in
its prosent position, oven though its
depth bo increasod and so mo of tho
rocks removed, will bo of no great ad
vantage. Wo cannot sco how any
other conclusion can bo arrived at,
and parties no doubt would contract
to cut tho channel through for $10,
000. Of courso much moro than this
amount would bo needed to extend
tho lino of cribs out to tho bar.
Through tho strenuous olibrls of our
loading citizens and especially that of
Hon. K. II. Kosa, wholusbcon indefa
tigable in tho matter, wo havo suc
ceeded in securing tho scanty sum
ahovo moulioncd, and wo proposo to
havo it expended for tho work intend
ed. Tho various fisheries nro undergo
ing repairs and improvements pre
paratory to tho fall catch. Thoro will
ho fivo different firms ougagod in tho
business this year. Fivo coopors aro
kept busy most of tho your making
barrols, tho greater puit of which aro
mado here.
A petition of a now mail routo from
Myrtlo Point to Handon, with mail
each way throo times a week, has just
been sent to tho Postmaster General.
Should it bo granted, which of courso
thoro is no doubt, a long folt want
will bo supplied.
Mr, Stephen Steward's family havo
boon afllicted with diphtheria, but wo
boliovo thoy aro all convalescent.
Tho place is in quarantine, with great
prudence on tho part of Mr. S., und
so far no cusos havo occurrod on tho
lower rivor. Awaiting a moro con
firmed security from tho droad dis
ease tho schools hero havo boon for
tho present suspended, Anon.
Duhiko tho nbsouco of F, Sohettor,
Owen Short has chnrgo of tho Em
piro telegraph olllcc.
Ah Unpleasant IMcturc.
Tho Ban Francisco Argonant has
tho following on tho rclonso of Kear
ney : Tho (lio for this community is
virtually cast. Tho Supremo Court
of this Stato, on Thursday last, in tho
habea corpus caso of Denis Kearney,
declared null and void tho judgoment
of tho Pijjico Court, and ordered tho
Sand-lot vagrant discharged from tho
custody of tho Keeper of tho IIouso of
Correction. Tho samo day, that part
of our Supremo Court engaged in
hearing tho impeachment caso of our
Kovorcnd Mayor in Christ rondcrcd a
decision to tho effect that corruption
in tho man is not necessarily attach
ed to tho Mayor in his oflfcial capaci
ty, and gracefully dismissed tho wholo
proceeding. And this is tho end, is it?
This tho outcome of investigation and
prosoculion, of citizens' protective as
sociations, of the accomplishment of
Tho Counsel?" This tho result of
two years of agitation and business
depression and general humiliation
and disaster? No, it is simply tho be
ginning of tho oud.
In tho language of tho Call, "tho
news of tho decision favorably to tho
President of tho party was received
with unbounded satisfaction ; and it
was predicted that tho agitator would
havo as largo an nudienco on tho
Sand-lot noxt Sunday as ho had ad
dressed sinco tho commencement of
the agitation." And so wo nro to
have it all over again, with tho added
insolence of repeated triumphs. Not
this wcok, perhaps, or this month, or
tho next week or month. But when
tho harvest has been garnered and
tho goods arc in storo, and tho ven
dors thereof aro dwelling in fancied
security, then will como again tho
mouthings of tho Sand lot. Plumed
for the contlict, every tramp and loaf
er and vagrant, daubed with his thick
est and fiercest war paint, will howl
incendiarism and slaughter to his
heart's content. "Hut sufTcient unto
tho day is tho evil thereof." Just now
it is enough to know that oven tho
lash of tho law will not hold these hu
man hounds; that courts, instead of
upholding laws, aro seemingly intent
on breaking them ; that our newspa
pers ara cither silent, submissive, or
jubilant under tho decisions; and
that even tho fourteen hundred con
victs at San Qucntin have hopes.
rVerudu. City, Oil., Ilurncd.
A dispatch from Nevada City, Cal.,
of Juno 6th says : About 4:15 o'clock
this ttttcrnoon flames wero discover
ed issuing from tho upholstery estab
lishment of John White, situated on
Hroad street. Beforo tho firo depart
ment could reach tho sccno, the cn
tiro building was in flames. Tho New
York hotel, Harrison street butcher
shop and Irish's placosoon commenc
ed to bum. Tho Chines: shanties in
tho rear of these buildings soon caught.
Crowds of pcoplo from nil portions of
tho city and suburbs commenced to
flock to the sccno of tho conflagration.
It was feared that tho town would
surely bo burned to tho ground.
Darkness closed in and tho flames
continued spreading rapidly toward
tho corner of Broad and Pino strcots,
carrying everything beforo them.
Building after building caught. On
tho other sido of tho New York hotel
tho entire portion of Chinatown and
a portion of Pino street occupied by
tho demimonde was soon devoured.
It was thought that the courthouse
would sudor, and prisoners in jail
wero removed to the city hull and
kept under guard. Excitement at
this timo was intense Streets wore
filled with furniture, and teamsters
running to and fro convoying tho
goods of tho sufferers to places of
safoty. During tho progress of tho
firo, ono explosion after another
could bo heard in tho vicinity of
Chinatown. They camo from fire
crackers and powdor stored in Chinese
stores. At half post 5 o'clock, China
town was laid in completo ruins, a por
tion of Pino street was'destroyed, and
nearly all tho buildings from Brandt's
jewelry storo to engine houso No. 2
woro completely consumed. Total
loss including upward of fifty Chinese
buildings, will bo from $50,000 to $60,
000. Rain and shino has been tho vari
ations of tho weather during tho week.
Fred. Greenlaw and family have
moved from Empiro and aro now
living at this place
Koad supervisor Kalston has been
lately putting tho roads of this district
in a good condition.
Kead tho Treasurer's notico in un
othor column, and present your or
dors for payment.
In towingono of tho cribs down tho
bay it stuck in tho mud opposite town,
but after two or threo tidos was again
A. 13. Waostakf, formorly editor of
tho Empiro Argus, is editing a pipor
for a joint stock company in Wood
land, Cal,
Reighert, the browor, has boon
making a number of substantial im
provements around his browing es
tablishment. Tuk schoonor being built at this
placo is beginning to assumo tho np
peoranco of n vessel, and will soon bo
roady to plank.
F. Sciiettek, Esq., lias gono to
Rosohurg, whoro ho oxpocts to moot a
brother whom ho ha not booh ftr
twenty years.
Wow Invention.
Wo liavo beforo noticed tho latest
invention of Mr. Parrot, of Salom,
in tho way of an improvement in
doubletrees, but as tho article
claims to bo a really valuablo inven
tion, its discriptlon may interest
many. Tho invention consists of a
straight rack fixed centrally on the
front edgo of tho doubletree, and
gearing into a correspondent seg
ment rack that is fixed on tho
tongue of tho vehicle. Tho advan
tago of this gearing is, that when
the horses pull evenly, the draft will
bo on tiio hammer bolt in tho usual
manner, but should ono horse be
thrown back by an obstruction to
the wheels on his side, ho can move
easily by this devico, pull up and
como abreast with ths foremost one,
because tho pivoting point or ful
crum of tho doubletree has become
shifted from the hammer bolt to
those rack teeth that aro farthest
from the said hindmost horse, and
consequently he has a better lever-
ago or purchase tor pulling upon tho
doubletree than has the foremost
horBC. The box shaped clip for the
plow acts on the samo principle as
the tongue rack, and is a safety
coupling, and produces the same ef
fect in keeping the team and toil of
tho work even. Tho principle can
bo applied to a three-horse team
abreast, or to two or four horses in
The Heathen Chinee.
Tho Aldtn Bessie brought 342 China
men from Hong Kong, says tho Bee.
Thov will be put to work on tho rail
road. Ono of tho custom houso of
ficers complained that thoy wcro of an
inferior class, for thoy havo nothing
but dried fish and coarse goods. Gen
erally the Mongolian emigrants have
a supply of ivory goods and silks and
satins and other things equally valua
blo to tho Treasury of Unclo Sam, but
this lot is an extraordinary exception.
During tho entire trip not ono of the
Chinamen wero sick. They aro a
stout, healthy looking set. A great
part of them nro over bix feet in
bight. It seems a pity that our
young Stato should employ these
Chinamen whilo there aro so many
deserving and needy people in our
own country who aro suffering from
tho cxtromo selfishness of their fellow-countrymen.
A IIastrons IIluxc.
A fire broke out in tho Eagle Hotol
at Independence at threo o'clock on
tho morning of Saturday last, destroy
ing tho following buildings: Eagle
Hotel, value $1,200, insurance $900;
T. W. Bell's dwelling, value $1,000, in
surance $C00; J. Fryer's store, value
$1,000, insurance $950 ; R. R. Parrish's
building, occupied by Miss Waller as
a millinery store, value $500, no insu
rance : Singer a Co.'s meat market,
value $600, insurance $300;- R. M.
Smith's drug store, value $400, no in
surance ; Vanduyn a Smith, damage
on buildings and stock not known ;
Roberson Cooper's warehouse and
stock, damage unknown " T. W. Belt's
dwelling damaged. Contents of all
tho buildings except tho Eaglo Hotel
mostly saved in a damaged condition.
The following aro tho graduates of
tho University of Oregon for tho
years for 1879-60. This is tho larg
est class that has beon graduated
from this institution since its doors
were first opened. The class numbers
twenty, all taking the degree of B. S.
except tho first named gentleman,
who receives that of A. B. : T. C.
Powell, Nottio McCormack, Agnes Mc
Cormack, Iono Cranfill, Minnie Star,
Eva Rico, J. W. Roan, E. P. Geary, J.
G. Hill, George Noland, W. L.Boise,
O.F.Clark, Al. Coolidge, J.F. Mc-
Claino, W. J. McDanicl, Owon Osburn,
L. II. Wheeler, A. S. Rosenthal, C. A.
Woss. State Journal.
In Collins county, Texas, a farmer
named Bradley loft $200 with his
wife for safo kenping, and during his
absence n strangor stopped for tho
night and was given a pallet in tho
hall. At midnight ho saw two men
enter, and soon nftor hearing cries of
murdor, rushed into Mrs. Bradloy's
room whero sho lay in bed with her
throat cut. Tho man fired and killed
both assassins. Subsequent examina
tion by tho neighbors revealed tho
fact that the robbers woro a Mrs. Bruit
and her daughter disguised as men,
tho former sixty years of ago and tho
possessor of considerable property
and an inheritance of $17,000.
The amount of tonago on tho way
to California is 30,000 tons loss than
in 1879, and 70,000 tons loss than in
1878 nt this timo, but tho outlook is
not considered gloomy.
Arkansas Democrats nominate J.
T. Churchill for Governor, Jacob Fro
lich, Secretary ol Stato, W.E. Wood
ruff, Treasurer, John Crawford, Chief
Justice, and II. English, Attomoy
Geuoral. It is thought that the U. S. ship
Tyeomleroga, now at Yokohama, will
nttompt to renow negotiations with
Corea again soon. It is assorted that
commorco with Coron ia not worth
tho effort.
An emigrant hound for tho yollow
stono, attompting to cross Grand
Rondo river near tho mouth of Beaver
oreek, lost in tho swift curront ono
horso and tho entire oontonta of tho
wagon. Among othor things ho
claims to have lost $3000 in cold coin,
which ho says was in n trunk in tho
A Had Endlnff.
Last week's papers contained an
account of a horriblo wjfo murder in
Wasco county, and tho flight of Bills,
tho murderer. Sheriff Crosscn has
boon in pursuit of Bills, but tho latter
eluded tho vigilanco of tho Sheriff
ond his deputies, and got to his houso
on Moshor creek without being dis
covered. He went to his bedroom
and mado all necessary preparations
to ond his life. Ho wroto a letlor to
Wm. Hand, editor of Tho Dalles
Mountaineer, and lying down on the
bed placed tho muzzlo of a revolver
under his left oar and pulled tho trig
ger. The following is a copy of tho
The Dalles, Juno 1, 1880.
Mil. Hand Dear Friond : Please
havo tho kindness to put theso fow
lines in your worthy paper for publi
cation, so that my friends and neig
bors will have an idea of what my
story is. About nine years ago my
wife left me alono with ten little
living children, tho oldest 15 years of
ago and the youngest 1 year. There
wero 5 boys'and 5 girls. Bhe waa try
ing to get a divorce from mo and to
get separated from my table and bed.
The court allowed her $4 per week.
I could not pay this amont and she
had mo put in the county jail, whero
I had to stay two days and two nights
until my friends got the money to
gether to settle tho matter. After
that I. could leavo the jail. This $4
per week I had to pay for about a
year beforo the suit was settled in the
court. Tho whole expense took from
me a very nice homo in tho State of
New York. I fought the case through
with good success, because the court
could not find a good reason for a di
vorce. After this she had mo arrest
ed for arson, but they could not find
any proof against me and let mo go
out free. Then she had me arrested
again, after this, for burglary, with
the samo result as in the first case.
All these lawsuits cost me over
threo thousand dollars in cash. My
land had to bo sold to pay tho debts,
and I was left without a wife or home,
but with ten little living children, and
my wife followed mo continually to
get mo into trouble again.
After this I took nine of these chil
dren, tho oldest ono my wife kept,
and I went to Oregon about five years
ago, so I could get away from her al
together, but still I was fooled. She
kept on writing letters to the children
trying to set them against me, until
sho came out hero to Oregon herself,
about three or four weeks ago, very
unexpectedly to me. The wholo
trouble commenced anew, and she
was trying to get my children away
from mo. Last Sunday she was suc
cessful in getting my oldest son away.
Last week I commenced a suit
against her to get a divorce, but sho
was neither willing to como home,
nor to allow me to get a divorce from
her. I could not part with the chil
dren, and it seemed to mo she only
wanted to get them away, or set them
against mo. My children did not like
to bo witnesses in tho divorce suit,
and without witnesses I could not
get a divorce. So I came to the con
clusion to put her and myself out of
the way of all further troubles in this
world, because it had been nothing
but trouble for mo for tho past nine
years, to raise a big family without a
mother, and every ono who has a fam
ily will know what that is. All my
neighbors know that I was a hard
working man and tried to do every
thing I could to raise my children a
good honest way, but now at onco
this comes to an end in misery and
disgrace, and I hopo and wish my
neighbors, friends, relatives and ac
quaintances will not condemn me for
what I have done.
No ono but God only knows what I
havo endured hero. The deed I com
mitted was fearful, and now I must
stand as a murderer and an outlaw bo
fore tho public, but I believe God will
not look on me as a murderer Ho
only knows tho troubles I had since
my wife came out hero again. She
did not let mo rest by day or night,
and kept me away from working. As
I hear this morning thoy are after me,
but I think it will not bo necessary,
for they will not get me alivo, and
thoy will not wish for my body when
tho sun rises again, because I will not
bo counted among the living then.
I say good byo to everybody. With
best respects, I am yours,
Nicholas Bills.
From tho reports of Dr. Hawthorno,
suporintendont of tho Oregon Insane
Asylum, for tho quarter ending May
31, 1880, wo cull tho following facts
and figures: Number patients at
last report, 272; admitted during
quarter,33; total, 305; discharged or
died during tho quarter, 22; leaving
283 patients in tho asylum at tho
present timo. Tho cost to the Stato
for euro and treatment of tho pationta
during tho year was $18,410,013.
About 1,500 persons in North Hun
gary aro now reduced by famiuo so
that thoy hnvo nothing to cat except
grass, nettles and mushrooms, and
yet the polico arrest every ono who
tries to emigrate 1
Rev.(?) It. Yeomanb doparted this
placo last Saturday, for " green fields
and pastures new," Ho ovidontly
couldn't stand tho press,
New Youk is much damaged by
The timo now set for tho adjourn
ment of Congress is tho 15th of June.
Wonic has commenced on tho lino
of tho branch railroad from Albany
to Lebanon.
Charles Gaul fell offn blufT be
tween Portland and Cclilo and broke
his neck. Cause, bad whiskey.
England has sent sixty delegates
to Chicago to attend tho Congress of
Mitchell, Scott, .Ireland, Tomp
kins, Williams and Northup represent
Oregon at Chicago.
The Hillsboro postoffico has been
made a money order office. Tho post
mistress is Miss Mary Brown.
Louis Webber, of Portland, was
drowned June 2d at the month of the
Columbia river.
The jury in tho case of Henry
Wintzongerode for the murder of
Jacob Swanger, has brought in a ver
dict of murder in tho first degree.
Japan will try to counteract the de
preciation of paper money by an issue
of Government bonds bearing 4 per
cent, interest, purchasable at pa.- by
The National "Women's Suffrage
Association mot at Chicago, May 31th.
Many delegates are already present,
including somo of tho most promi
nent ladies in the country.
Kalloch files an affidavit that Kidd
waa not authorized by him or his
church to bring what is known as the
Neilson libel suit, and that suit is on
ly brought to make privileged publi
cation of scandal.
Ryan and Goss havo had their dis
graceful prize fight at Colliers, West
Va., for $1,000 aside. After 80 rounds
Ryan camo off victor in a hard fought
battle of ono hour and twenty-seven
The nomination of Maynard for
postmaster general, James Longstreet
for Minister to Turkey, and David M.
Key for district Judge in Tennessee
have been formerly made by the Pres
The China government now scorns
to intend, instead of executing Ching
How, late Minister to Russia, to res
pite and degrade him to lower rank,
with the privilege of working his way
up again.
Decoration Day was duly celebrat
ed throughout the State. Tho Port
land New Market Theatre was crowd
ed to its utmost capacity to listen to
a brilliant oration on the Honored
Dead, from the lips of the eloquent
orator Col. Sherman.
The Mountain Sentinel promises to
give an interesting account of the
rich quartzo ledge soon. It is located
about nine miles west of Baker, and
assays from $40 to $100,000 per ton.
It is at present in litigation, but it is
rumored that $20,000 has been taken
from tho ledge, ono specimen being
found that contained $771, and $300
being picked up in nuggets.
Last week, says tho Standard, a
thirty-five-horse power boiler was
turned out from the Willamette Iron
Works and shipped to tho Sound for
the steamer Capital. It was one of
tho best pieces of workmanship ever
turned from a Portland establishment,
and was fully equal to tho best turned
from San Faancisco boiler works.
Tho Walla Walla Statesman says:
A Umatilla Indian camo into town
last Tuesday, bought a splendid cov
ered spring wagon for $250, a fine set
of harness for $40, and then hitched
up his two ponies and drove out of
town with a halo of happiness beam
ing o'er his dusky countenance an
inch thick.
The $10,000 libel suit of C. C. Corn
stock, lato Greencock nomineo for
Congress, against Nathan Church, of
tho Grand Rapids Times, which has
been on tho docket for two years, was
discontinued Wednesday by the
plaintiff. Besides the leading local
talent of Grand Rapids, Emery A.
Storrs.of Chicago, waa employed by
Comatock, and Col. Robert G. Inger
sol volunteered to defend Church.
The case waa tho cause celebre of that
Two Chinese girla aged respectively
fourteen and fifteen years, committed
suicido at Portland lately. They
wero employed in tho family of a
Chinese merchant, and on retiring
to their sleeping opartment, arrayed
thomsolves in their holiday attire,
shaved their heads, and cooly pre
pared for their long journey. Thoy
then 6oraped ashes from opium bowls,
dissolved it in water and drank tho
doadly draught, and slept the sleep
that know no waking.
A communication to tho TeUgram
describes the ascent of Mt. Hood in
1877 by a party of fivo gentlemen, ol
Portland, says after a toilsome ascont
of fivo hours from tho snow lino tho
truo summit was leached. They sat
isfied themselves that tho majestio
mountain is a slumbering volcano.
The crater which is a largo funnel-
shaped opening, liea from 800 to 1000
feet below tho summit, and from it
(tho crater) nt diflbrent intervals,
largo, then small clouds of sulphur
vapor aroso, which appear dark like
smoko when reilocted, n tho whito
An Antl-Chlncno KciiolMtlen
Drawn up lijr tho Pacific Coaat
The Pacific coast delegation yester
day afternoon adopted a resolution to
bo presented to the committco on res
olutions containing tho following
points : Tho right to regulate inter
course between the peoplo of the
United States and all foreign nations
rests with the general Government
and must of necessity bo controlled
by laws of Congress and international
treaties, and while it is the duty of
both tho Government and its peoplo
to respect the rights acquired by ex
isting laws, it is also tho duty of the
Government to respect tho wishes of
its citizens and legislate in thoir in
terests. In view of tho largo and in
creasing Chinese immigration now in
vading tho Pacific coast, recognizing
tho danger of ruinous competition
with our industrial classes, fcarinR
itsunduo increase and the serious re
sults likely to arise therefrom, and bo
cause tho Chinese will not become
ditizens and cannot perform any polit
ical and public duties incident to citi
zenship ; because they cannot assimi
late themselves and become homeo-
genous with our people : therefore be it
Resolved That in tho judgement of
this convention tho international
treaty, now existing between the Gov
ernment of the United States and tho
Government of China, should bo so
amended or modified that further
Chinese immigration, except for tho
purpose of commerce, travel and edu
cation, should be restricted : that tho
existing commission to the Chinese
Government should be urged to speedy
and decisive action to regulate and
restrict the overflow of Asiatic peoplo
to our country, and Congress ought
without delay, and as a matter of na
tional importance, urge the necessity
and cause to be passed, laws restrict
ing Chinese immigration.
When this resolution was intro
duced in the full committco by Mr.
Payno, there was considerable discus
sion. Mr. Payno insisted that the
Pacific coast people must have this
plank or there would bo serious peril
to the party success there. Connecti
cut, Mass., New Jersey and Illinois
members opposed tho resolution, but
it was finally referred to a sub com
mittee to be raised Subsequently with
instructions to put in n plank that
will be agreeablfa to the voters of tho
far western States. Mr. Storris ap
pealed to tho committee to "draw it
mild," and this will be done. It ia
not probable that so radical a resolu
tion will be accepted by the full com
mittee, but it is understood that it
will present a modified plank in tho
platform covering the point.
Oy tcr Statistics.
The mathematical man of the Phil
adelphia Times has been computing
tho magnitude of the American oys
ter trade. This is what he makes
them :
Oysters are planted and grown in
the bays, deltas, and river inlets of
more than throe thousand miles of
our Atlantic coast. Three thousand
acres are so occupied in the Chesa
peake bay and its tributaries. Theso
Chesapeake beds yield to our com
merce over 25,000,000 bushels an
nually. In the one city of Philadelphia, I
estimate, there aro over four thousand
places whero oysters are sold for con
sumption on the premises. One Phil
adelphia oyster cellar, three years ago,
sold 7,000 oysters on the first day of
September. Twenty dollars would
be a moderate average for the Bales of
all these 4,000 oyster restaurants, sa
loons, and cellars. This would bring
tho total daily sales up to $120,000 a
day. Multiply the daily sales by 240
days would swell the yearly aggregate
to $30,000,000 a year for oysters in
Philadelphia. And yet this estimate
is probably considerably below tho
actual fact.
New York city probably sells twice
as many as Philadelphia; and Boa
ton and Baltimore together moro than
New York again. Asido from tho
home consumption, the shipments to
our inland, western and oven Pacifio
States are enormous. Tho appetite
of all inland and mountain men for
all sorts of shell fish is. something
huge. Baltimore omploys moro than
$15,000,000 in the canning of oysters,
Moro than 20,000,000 bushels of oys
ters aro canned a year in that city.
On account of their superior excel
lence American oysters aro now ex
ported in vast quantities to England,
France, Germany, and other Europe
an countries. Theso exportation aro
mostly in cans, but immense quanti
ties are now shipped abroad in tho
shell. The total of our oystor trade
approached much nearer our annual
crop of cotton and whoat than any
ono who docs not mako theso things,
a special study would be willing at
first to credit. I am satisfiod in my
own mind that our total oyster trade,
domestio and foreign, exceeds $300,
000.000 a year, while tho total annual
consumption in this country, and our
shipments' abroad would exceed tho
iimasing total of 50,000,000,000 oysters.
While; O. Connor, florist, of St.
Louis, was planting flowers in a Chest
nut street ilowpr pardon, ho turned up
a packago containing $3,000 worth of
diamonds and jewelry, stolon from tho
residoncoof S. II. Laflin, of Oliver
street, last November. Tho burglars
wlio perpetrated tho theft are now in,
tho Tcnnossce Stato ponjtentiarY.