The Coast Mail. 8ATURDAY, - - - JUNE 12, 18E0. The Next Frettldcnt. Tho rordand "Bco" contains tho following short sketch of Gcncrnl Uarflold, tho Republican nominee for President of the United States: Tho tradition that tho child of the humblest citizen may hope to be President of the United States is not dead after nil. General Garfield was tho son of tnil tAAM M1 eutsni S n fr4 n t it ASK. I lv ntrn wur oomnnllod to follow the vocation of driver on tho Ohio and Erio Canal. Having the metal in him for better things he left tho ca nal and sought and obtained oppor tunities to do chores and odd jobs to pay for Ins living, whilo securing tho rudiments of an education in tho common schools. After awhile ho was able to secure n scholarship in tho academy at Hiram, Portage county, Ohio. Tho industry and energy displayed by him in pursuit of the object of his ambition an ed ucation, attracted attention and raised up friends who furnished him means to pursue his studies at Har vard College, from whence ho grad uated with the highest honors. Re turning to his native State he was elected President of the Academy at Hiram, where his earlier struggles had been hardest. Rising rapidly in public estimation, the breaking out of the war of 18G0 found him a member of the Stato Senate. Tho firing upon Sumpter roused the na tion, and Gnafield immediately raised the 42d Ohio Infantry, of which he was made Colonel. His command fought one of the first ac tions of the war in liastern Kentuc ky, in which he defeated the rebel General Humphrey. His record at Corinth, Vicksburg, Chattnnoga and other hotly contested fields in the West was brilliant In 1864 he had earned the rank of major general when he was called by the State of Ohio to represent her in the Nation al House of Representatives. He has held his seat continually throuch all changes since, and has made the impression of his own personal in tegrity literally upon the constitu tion and the laws of the land which now calls him to its Chief Magi& tracy. VScvr Land Ruling-. To District Land Officers : Gextlemex Appended is a copy of the act approved May 14th. 18SO. which changes existing laws and reg ulations relative to the entry of cer tain class of lands. The first section provides "That when a pre-emption, homestead or timber culture, claimant shall file a written relinquishment of his Claim in the local land office, the land covered by such claim shall be held as open to settlement and entry without further action on the part of the commissioner of the General Land Office." This will be held to apply only to relinquishments which are filed sub sequent to date of said act, viz., May 14th, 1880. You are instructed not to accept or act any relinquishment, unless made before you, which has not been duly subscribed by its claimant on the back of his duplicate receipt, acknowledged, witnessed ana executed in a manner which, under the laws of the State or Territory in which land is situated, would be sufficient as a valid transfer of real estate. In cases of the loss of a duplicate receipt or declaratory suneHiem, an amuavit or sucn toss must accompany the writen relin quishment. Whereabouts of Actor. James Barrows is playing at the Baldwin. Miss Dargon is giving readings in Australia. Lawrence P. Barrett will spend his summer at Cohasset, Mass. Adelaide Neilson, the "divine Ade laide," is now in San Francisco. Harry Gates and Miss Hattie Moore are singing at the Tivoli in San Fran cisco. Geo. D. Chaplin, the well known actor, is rapidly convalescing at St. Vincent Hospital. Wilhelmj, tho violinist, has made $10,000 this season under the skillful management of Henry Wolfsohn. Miss Agnes Proctor and Miss Octa ia Allen have been engaged to sup port Thos. W. Keene next season. Miss Jeffreys-Lewis took a farewell benefit at the Baldwin Theater last Friday night. Sho appeared in "Ca mille." Mr. Theodoro Thomas has engaged passage for Europe. He proposes to pay a long visit to Wagner, the great German composer. Thomas Whifi'en is playing at Mad ison Square Thcator, New York- Blanche Galton, his wife, Is engaged in tho same company. Mr. Sothern's new play, by W. 8. Oilbori, is completed, and will proba bly be produced at tho Park Theater, Tcw York, early next season. Burton Hill took a benefit last Wednesday evening at the California Theater. Among those who volun teered wcro Sam Piercy and Miss Josie Cameron. E. A. Southern, W, J, Florence, John McCullough and Mary Anderson are tho principal artists who have volun teered to act for tho approaching ben out to John T. Raymond in Booth's Theater, but thoro will bo a host of lesser lights, Miss Ada Cavendish has arrived in London, after her absenpo of twenty months in this country, during which timo she acted in all the principal cities in the United St atos and Canada from New York to Portland, Oregon, and from Montreal to San Francisco. Iter career was attained by soma an noying vicissitudes, but also by many brilliant successes. Two shepherd boys of Hungary, aged ten and twelvo respectively, committed suicido by jumping hand in hondofTtho bridgo of tho Maros river. Thoy liau been warncu nnu reproved and finally threatened pun ishment by tho watchman for repeat edly allowing their sheep to stray on tho line of tho railway, which seemed to terify them so that they dchber- fllo,y P'nncd nnd executed suicide. NOTICE, Notico is hereby given that tho follow ing county warrants will be paid on pres entation to the County Treasurer at his office in Empire Citv : Nos. 873. 5901, 1711, 12S0, 5962, 5963, 2097, 2102, 2191, 2495, 2334, 2524, 2549, 2517, 250S, 25S6, 2440, 2343, 2360, 2654, 1729. Interest on said warants will not be allowed after date. Iavid Morsk, Jr., Treasurer Coos connty, Or. Ewr-iRE Citv, June 10th, 1SS0. 24 NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Office, Rosebcro, Or, Jcnk 3, 18S0. Notico is hereby given that tho follow ing named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim andsecure final entry there of on the 17th day of July, 1SS0, before the Judge or Clerk of the court of Coos county, Oregon, vis: Samuel Rozell, homestead application No. 2653, for lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, sec. 1, lot 7 sec. 2, lot 8, sec. 11, and lot 4 sec. 12, T 26 S R 14 w, and names tho following as his witnesses viz: D Morso, Jr., L Lokero, A G Aik en and C Durgan, all of Empire City, Coos county Oregon. 24 Wk, F. Befjamin, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Omcx, Rosxburo Or. May 24, 1SS0 Notico is hereby eiren that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Monday, the 28th day of June 1SSO, at tne U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, viz: J. B.Wilson, pre-emption declaratory state ment No 2409 for lot 6, northeast quarter of southwest quarter and west half of south east quarter soction 23, S 41, S range 13 west, and names the following as his witness es, viz.- Robert Walker, M Riley and A. II. Moore, of Ellensburg, Curry county, Or., and I P Ross, of Chetco, all of Curry county Oregon. 22 Wm. F. Benjamin, Register TJZtt NEW DRUGSTORE, MARSFIELD, OR. next door to mail office. LOUIS 3IUNItOE, Proprietor. FULL STOCK OF Drags & Medicines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BEST BRAND OF CIGAItS jjSS-Prescriptions Carefully Com, poundedby CompetentPhysician B00T& SHOE MAKER Marsufield, Ogn. TVXIiIi 3D O iVZiZi TC.XXVX OF qttstoim: wob in a thorough manner and use osd.y the BEST MATERIAL. o j8Shop on Front Street, opposite the Pione Market. THE 3Pk CENTRAL HOTEL. Cor. A and Front SU.,Mabsiifield,Or. "CT-AVING TAKEN CHARGE OF -JL.J the above named house, we can promise to our patrons, Fli-rU-cIas Fare, Fair Dealing' And courteous attention. Jt-A TRIAL IS SOLICITED.. QUIt B Alt Is well supplied In its line, and is under our personal management. WERDEN BROS., Proprietors. THE PIONEER MARKETS, Marshkiem) t Empire City. 'II. P. WHITNEY, Proprietor. A good supply of MUTTON, - - CANNED BEEF, IH GOOCS, PORK, ETC JESS. ETC., ETC- and all kinds of SALT MEATS and VEGETABLES constantly, on hand. Also a good stocky Gao oimisiu. V E SSE I, 8 AND LOGGING GAMPS SUPPLIED AT SUOIiT NOTICE Jyi-tf (NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OP PAKT. KCllSHIP. Notico Is hereby given that tho co-partnership formerly existing between Jas. L. Kerrey and 3. S. Bailey has boon by mutual consent dissolved. That tho debts owing and duo to said firm con tracted in tho hotel business are to bo paid to Ferrv A Holland, and that the debts of naid llrm in said hotel business arotobonaid bv said Ferry and Hol land. That tho debts incurred in run ning tho Lano mine, in Randolph pre cinct. Coos countv. Oreeon, and all the debts owing by said llrm in said mining business aro to be paid by S. S. Bailey. .IAMK8 1j. 1'KIWF.Y, Stevk S. N.ulky. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Orncs, Roskscro, Or., May 6, 1SS0 Notico is hereby given tlisl tho following named settler hits filed notice of his inten tion to miiko final proof in support of his claim, and securo final entry thereof on Sat urday tho 19th day of Juno 1SS0, before tho .JuJgo or Clerk of tho court of Coos county Oregon, in Edwin G Baker, homo stead application No 2495, for tho southeast quarter of southwest quarter and lot 7, sec tion 6 and cast half of northwest quarter soction 7, T 25, S R 12 w, and names the following as his itnesscs, viz: C T Smith, Wm Gamble. J V Judd and C 1 Golden all of Marshfleld, Coos county, Oregon. 20 Wm. F. Hknjamin, Ittgiet 'THE LIGHT-EUMINQ 1IW ROME Th BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, and most THOROUGHLY constructed SEWING MACHINE ever Invented. All the wearing puts aro made of tho DEST 8TEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED and are ADJUSTABLE.' ' It has the A VTO 3IATIC TESSIOK; It has the LJJIOEST JJOimiXj It has tba Easiest Threadod Shuttle. Tha BOBBINS are WOUND -without RTJNNINO or UHTHBEADIWO the MACHINE. It has a SELF-SETTING JTEEDIJ3: It has a DIAL for rcgulaUng the length of stitch. WITHOUT TESTING; It has a LAUQH SPACE under tho arm; It Is NOISELESS, and has more points of KXCELLEUCE than all other machines combined. AT-Agentst wanted In localities where we are not represented. JoSnson, Clark & Co.Q 30 UNION SQUARE, N.Y. LOCKHART HOTEL, Mrs. E. 31. Loch-hart Proprietress Empire City, Ogk. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Medal of Honor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect work, Are Distinguishing Features of the celebrated Blast Fan anfl Warehonse Fans, HACK BY A.a P. DICKEY, Racino, Wis. Now Hating rainy late unprorements, they are fully equal to every demand : cleaning all kinds of Grain, Peas, Beans, Castor Bears, Com and Small Seed They trade Wheat perfeciJv by once handling. Sep arate Oats from Wheat, barley and Rye. They have very perfect arrangements for cleaning Timothy, Clover, Flax Seed, Orchard Grass, and all other Small Seeds. They Chaff perfectly, and combine every qualification required to do the test wcrlt m the shortest tunc. Wareheuse, as well as Farm Mills, are largely con. S true ted, both tine's requring nine sizes to accom modate the demand, and giving a capacity cf from 30 so 500 bushels per hour, according to size cf mill. They are shipped, Lsied for ocean transportation, and "set up" or "knocked down" ht forwarding inlard, as requested; and in all cases put free on board Cart or Steamer. Ordeis filed same day as received. ( J f Mills shipped "knocked down" go for half the freight charged as when forwarded "set up." Olio, graphs and Circulars supplied on application. Prices will be quoted lovi via en literal terms. Corrc Boodecce solicited. v FARM FOR SALE ! 1 nf ACMES OF CHOICE LAND JUU at tho mouth of Wlllanch nl'jugh, near North Bend and Marsh ficld. Good houso and out huildings. Adapted for dairying or general farm ing. Good young orchard. One of tho best farms in Coos county. The place, with stock and implements, will bo sold very cheap, SQirFor further particulars applv at the ollieo of tho Co Ar Mail. ' Ot HP9iBwBi&$ & v ft iHHk-A BAY VIEW BREWERY, Wm. ReicliertProprietor Keeps constantly on Imml, and oft'ora for snlo u superior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE and 1JETA1L. Ml' MARIS SU1 PLIED WIT11TUE CHOICEST BRANDS OV WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS JUSANCH SALCONAT EMl'lllE CITY. itiAitsiirir.ii Drug Store, 1)U. C. n. GOLDEN, Proi'K. Opposite Xasburg's Store. HAVE OXSTANTLY OK 1IAKD AM. SORTS OK -A Nil- CHEMICALS gt W MS 1 on viiP MEDICINAL ITUPOSCS, dyh-sttj Jar-at , XMn-TTStS BUS, orowcuis. TOIIiUT.AllTI" ciiiia, x"aox.a.',XTivx3UX--v, STATIONMll Y (JVND SC1IOOLIIOOHS, A10 CHOICK CIGARS axd TOBACCO, and everything tiMialh kept in a MniJR l. IilTLNj.UlA. 1'rcfcriptious yitrvfully torn- )oiut(lctI. M-a-tf E. A. ANDERSON, lldi LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, MAItSH FIELD. OK. HAULING DONE AT SHORT NO tice and at erv reasonable rates COAL AND WOODCO.VbTA.STLV ON HANI, -OOOKIMO OB HEATING New Excelsior Oil Stove. JTsut U Thing for Ujjht IIonMlucplng. It will Droll, Bout, and Bakf Uttir than a Oual ot Wood StoT. Saul tor Circulars. AQKiiTS WAhTED. COLEMAN GAS APPARATUS AND OIL CO.. It Mmrr St., Cuicioo, III. Tha Great Cur for I)jspla, Indlgutlon, Bilious XlMdacha, Unr Cotnplalat, JtTtr and Aftfe, G.D.ral I i nsiifi DtMHtjr.andallcomplAlnt' of Stomach, LUtr A bplttn od th oawlj dlscovtrad prindpU of ABSOEPTION. No Pmgt. No Doctor IJI1I. Snd for ClrcuUrt, dwerib Id j Uit Aliorption Curt Medicated BELTS. mud tb rvTolutloo It k cauiIcj lo U. c1bc of awU C1D. rrslrln Dclt. 83. Fever and Akus Delt, 8H. Tonle Ilelt. tl. and Infanta Belt. 81. These Ilelta will b aeot to an addreoa free of ostae en rrc.irt of 12.00 eacb. or f 1 00 for infaot'a IlelU I AGENTS wanted in erery count In Ui United Stalca. Addresi, HSHEIl MEDICATED BELT CO. 232 Illinois St., Chicago. WILGOX&WHIT ORGAN CO. Meriden, Conn. U. S. A, "Children's Blow Pedals," I Adjusted or removedfnstantly. Invented and Exclusively used by this Company. The most popular Organs of the day! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "Tho Wilcox fc Whlto Organ Instructor" in tho BEST and CHEAPEST in tho market ! Stnd Tut Ittustrulul tatuloym. COOS ZB-A.TT MARKET, MAIUtSIiriKI.1), OlUXlON, V. It. Simmon .t 1). Holland Proprietors. im: ieiTa. t s and provMotiH of all kintln hold at the lowest liviiiK rates and J)E L r Vi:i:i:i at imy point denhed roit VESSELS, LOGO I XO CAMPS AXl) FAMILIES, ALWAYSJFADY, fisty-Wo keep nothing hut thehestJ and insure nattafaction. JA-l-tf jjtoo u week in jour im n tow n. Terms and $5 free. Address 11.11 u.txn A Co. Portland, Maine. EUGENE O'COMNELL. IjKALKK I.N STOVES & RANGES, I aiost Iiiipioeil Hardwarejools, ANI- J mp ernon ts. ' GUNS. RIFLES. PISTOLS AND ,--- i - - AMMUNITION. Xj-A.IVIIS &c OILS, WOOD A Wll.LOWWAP.E, S.e.un W.i ei P ite nntl Kittinys, Gran ite mid Pl.iied Wines. .MANriACTUKLKS Or Tin, copper &sheetironware. JOII iVOKK I'xr.cL'TEi) with Dispatch. 3f-EXTKAS for StovcH, PIowh Mowers and Keupcrri furniulied at ttliort notice. HIGHEST HONORS) x W TS Omknmal World's falrilBW ra SHONINQER ORGANS nosovsKSD tmimsoraxi u xss BEST INSTRUMENTS. Their eotnpexaUTe Keelleao U toccbU4 by taa JiailBee In Ibalr Ileport, from wtOoli tot faUowlcg It an exuactt "The a BIIONIrtOER OnOAIf CO.'B zhlbtt b the, beat Instrumental at a prtoe rsodsrlDg tham possible to a Urge else ef pnrehaaera, TiaTlDg comblnatloo of needs ud Delia, producing norel and pletalDg ttreetf eontaialsg muxy desirable ImproTemeolf , will stand longer In dry or damp climate, lea UabU e get ent of order. (11 tLe boards being taade three-pi, pot together so It Is Impossible for inem to either smiok. swell or split.- TUB ONLY OUdAflS XWAUDku TU1B BANK. Xnls Uedal and Award was granted tvftef tbs Boat eeiere oompettllon of the beet makers, befoss one of the inoet oosnpsUat Juries STar assembled. Mew Btjles sad prices jaat lasaed, which srs to aeoordanes with oar mis, the BEST OR 0AK tor ths least mone. Ws are prepared to appoint a few new AgeoU. IMnstraUd Cttalognsi Balled, post-paid, 0 cypUoailonto B, SHONINGER ORGAN CO.; 67 to Ml CUOTflTT fiTstnt,! Nrw nam. Oom. fekW 8T03IACU 4 Appetite, refreshing hlceji, tho ncr(ul fcition of iIohIi and color, art! IilcriHlngH ut tcnikiiit iijkjii tho reparative proccHHeH which tlilri prlcelcHH invigoruut Kpcotllly Inltlaten nnil carried to a HiiccesHful ton cIiihIoii, DIkchUoii 1h rentoicd and hum tenaiiLo airi;nleil to each lif(-xtiritainlii(! urinn y the UitterH, which Ih iiiotruiinlvo even to the feminine palate, wltililo in coinpoNitiun, mid thoroughly Hafe. J'or Halo by all tlruiKtri and ilualurrt t'onorully. asaVJsaiaiaiKsastsVEaCgst HUSINKSJH 0 A It 1)8. T.O. lMAOKBY.M.I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON EMrntK Citv, Oiiumm. O. . GOLDEN.M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON MAllMUFlKLlI, OltKtlON. CW.TOWEK.iM.l). PHYSIGIAN&SURGEON iI.MtHIIKIl:l.l), OllEOON. W. C. A NO EL, M. 1). PHYSICIAN and SURGEON CoiiiiIHv City, Ogn. S. II. JlATSAim, J. W. IIAMII.10N 11AZAKI) k HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will practice in tho various courts of tho stato. ori'icK at iiMi'iui: ci rv, Oti.v. J-. J&. SIO-LI3ST. ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW, MAItSHKIKI.D.OKKCiON. (1. WEBSTKR, AHORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW .M.ut.tnriKi.i), UiiKtio.N. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, iVOTARVI'rilLiriU'OsWEVAXl'ER, KMI'IKK ITV, Od.N. Collections nntl other hiisiness placed in my hands, will reecho prompt ntten lion. vl-a-tf W. 1. WRIGHT, U. S. Mineral and U. S. Deputy S V It V E YOU, Coyun.i.K City, Ocin. Will attend to the business of surveying In um p.irt of the county. lVrlWt maps of all surveyed lands, fur uished at short not Ice. K. ;. 0 It I N 1 It 0 II , ATTORNEY nd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, lUMlIUM OIT1 OllBIOON A share o Ipublic patronage is respect fully m.Im.I. 1 aMf 7vt a week. $12 a day at home eai Iv made. Costly outllt free. Address 'fiti'K t Co. Augiirtta, Maine. Epil to Any. ExcelM by None. TII1C Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. nftanfactared nt Worctrrv IHmv. AU nmCTZaUitia of any value may U found is tJMse instrumcnls, acd they coouin maajr BBBKNTIAL IMPROVsYMKNTS K9T rCTOIl la other Organs. Almlnajto produoo work which shall b Durnbls, wewlllnot aaorlflo that which ( not sscn, nnd yat la vital to a rxrfaot Oraan, in orilsr to mako a moreranoy xtarlor. We are still enabled ts prestnl as Stjllsh and Appropriate Cases aa can be found In the market, with a finish which Is U asexual by i ny. A8 RKQARD8 TONI, th roixowiwo Award with Medal l Diploma of Honor WAS C1AMTID BY THS CISTIMMAL EXHIBITION COMHIUIORXHts . ''rlMSruylsHilnasislf,r.fseMs,rt:iJTIaal niUllICI or TDII, sslfonalt, Is Nsrr ts Cieirsl stlUtf Is B assise lillaas (r Ul rtrseeei UUatsi." Do not (ad la make application sod sauaattz thebe instruubntb Delbre Purchasing. Cataleguea free, on tpplication la the Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WORCESTER, MASS. 95 to tftsO per home. Samples Stinhox & Co. worte .r) frco. A 1'ortland, Maine. E.B. DEAN & GOi IS. U. DBAN, 1). WIMeCOX AND C. H. MERCHANT. Wk have Always o.v Hand a Full AsHortmciit Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE LTTIiyillBIEJIR, MANUFAOTUUBJ) TO OUDKU Anil SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, and at tho THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. MHflHnl NASBURG St, HIRST I'lllWT STUI:i:T, MAItBIIPIKt.), OON jT TiW 0001)8 MYJVEIIY8TRAM IM orjki'opcoiulnnlly on humM. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ouimitRlng ol (Im bout stnplo niul fftncy ot nil kimln, tlio oliolociit GROCERIES A N I) PROVISIONS. A LA IlllK .STOCK 01" CLOTH INC., UATH iinilUAI'H, MOOTS nnil SIIOICS IIIHRHH nnil OIL CLOTIl'fMn sLUMMCUH and 0ll.CM.0Ti CKOCKKUY nnd GLASS IUI SI WAUI-;. UAKDWAItl-J nntl TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, ruliitM, OUr nnil HuMirM, hi co Wl nc niul l,jU1) Tin wno mid Ammunition. CUT Mill V, WOOD (in, WlLLOW.WAIii:,nd Sc3a.ool;Bootes TATIONERY, WJt.rsrxsBarxiv. coox AtVOltOriXuiiY Ouro.ttiiKiunhtnvcn8c8 aro ftlletl wish thoniiont MILLINERY ANDJANCY GOODS, PRICKS TO SIMT THE TIMES. N. II. All pooilti puruhanttl at our Storo will ho ilt-livcicil frt-tt ot charRo at any point on tho rotito of tho Ueaiiuir Myrtly. vl-l-tf 4VN IIAICIIi:iCMIIOI H KltOST OI' TIIK CKN'TUAI. IIUTKU Mnrnhtk'ltl, 0n If you want inicariyHhavo, Ah rooiI an tmrlwr cvort;iivu, .Itmi call on inn at my nalixm, From morn 'till nij-lil or ltimy noon , My razor'iharp. my ncinxorH, With, My BhopiHiioat anil towi'lticlran , Ami thoro I think that you will iiiul Kah article to unit tint mini! ; I trim tho hair with nkill for Kt'iitn, Of oourno tho prii'c in llfty ci'iit ; ShampooiiiK. too, I tlo that ut'll, (ii ti mo a trial, that w ill tell , So hulp tui KractotiM if I mako ou hoi- lor, You ncoil not iay a qiiartorof nilollar. .I V Cox.l'ropr. I' S Hot and cold hatlm ahsayrt ready ll-lbtfl COOS HAY FURNITURE STORE, Constantly ox iia.mi Mattresses .C lledsteads, Chairs ! I.aunnes, Cribs .1 Cradles, riCTUUKS, 1'ltA.MKS, MOl'l.DINOS, TAULIW, MlltKOIlS Ar. 4'u miner- omit I'll lit (ii n .Matlo to Onlcr CO FEINS math' nt Hhorti'rit notice. SEWING MACHINES Attaciimknts, Nkehlkh &c. V MA UK, Ivltf l'ltoritlETOIt. FAMILY Meat Market KOSS A TIM M HUM Would announce) to tho puhliu tluit thi'ir iiimv market OI'l'OSITETHK CKNTKAL HOTKL IH NOW OI'KNKI) ANnTHKYAHKI'Ur.I'AltUntoHKU. ALL KIMIH 01' HKKF I'OUK A .Ml'.ATSof AM.KIN'DS PROVISIO nTa ND V EGETABLES VESSELS ami LOGGING CAMPS SUPPLIED. BSri'MCKS DOWN TO tiii: nviuja r.o HOCK. NEW HOME Sewing Machines JUST KK0KI VKD II Y STAMICU! roit HAi.r. AT REDUCED RATES, RY IIKN'KYO. PLOKOKll, I). MorHo'riKinphoCity. AY. d. WEBSTEB, i)i:alku in sBoots, Shoes And l.fiillK-r riuillHKtf. Maiihiu'illi), Ok. TIIAVK LATBLY ltKTUUNW) J from San Fraiiuico with com ploto Htoclc of ovory thliiK i "y "u0 roudy iiindo hootn anil idiotm, do. ESTfYATERIALKLYUSED, FARM FOR SALE, A SMALL FARM 8ITUATBD0N iV Hiu liankof tho Coiiuillo Kivor containing "8 ucrcn RICH BOTTOM LAND, Willi Hmnn mill nrchanl. ('an to Hunted at it KuiiHoimlilnldito. FortmitlculaiH apply to JIliNUY .Sr.N(IHTA('Ki:f. JCnipiio City, On'tfou mp mm leliMnslkW-naPalikllVsaiV