The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 29, 1880, Image 3

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Tli Coast 'Mail.
St AY 20. 1880.
Siuciiiu ok Cait Haotiiiioi'. Cap
(nln HngthropiOf tho Hclioonor Clara
Lillil, n vessol which has been run
ning rci;ulaily to this jioit for some
years punt, committed sulcido on
board his vessel in Sun Francisco on
tho ll'th instant, by Inking hiudnuni.
Tho cnuso of this not h Biippoicd to
havo bucn llnanoial embarrassment.
lie was unmarried.
Eas-H'out Mine J. I,. I'oolci
owner of tho KiiHlport mine, arrived
on tho "GubbIo Telfair" hut Siilur
day, accompanied by a sliprintond
tint, bltiokuniilh, and engineer fo"
Iho mine. Preparations arc bolng
made to rcauino tho nhipment of
coal, and wo shall probably hco that
,niino in full blast again in a short
SlOKNIJSB AT OOfJl'IM.i:. TllO dlpll-
thoiia still niRCH ut Coqtillle City. A
daughter of J. 1'. Messor, a young
lady of nineteen or twenty yearn of
ago, died last Sunday, and Dr. An
gol's youugOHt child, a little girl, fella
victim on Monday. John Na.iburg's
little daughter is also mipposod to lie
past all hope of recovory.
OiTizKNsmi'. During the past wook
tho following named gontlomcii woie
duly admitted to citizenship In the
Circuit Court for tltt county. , E. A.
Andeison, 0. C. Evanson, Odon Nel
Hon, Jaunts (Jalloway, W. 1 Vox, Win,
Hobs. Thomas 11. (Irocn and Daniel J.
I'ltoaitwri or Civilization. An In
dian bearing the distinguished name
of Itobcrt Hum, cumu down fiom the
Alsoa reservation this week ami filed
in tio Clorkiii oflleo bis sworn declara
tion ronouueing lii.i tribal lolatlou.
lie proposes to have a homestead on
the public luud.
Feartto wont to the Columbia river
Tttusday, taking John Kiuso and a
few mouliiiuici) who are to undertake
tho repairs of tlio schooner linterpriae.
Itissupposod they will bo nbtonl about
ti month.
( to ltofumrwi- Fred Jnrvia,
jnail ennior at tliW end of tho louto
between hero and Itoseburg, want to
lloxobiirg Thursday on businowj 10
lating to the carrying of the mail.
Dououva county has a Medical So
Tin: fruit prospect is said to bo son
orally good.
J, !'. Mooiik, from tho Coqnillo, was
on tbu Hay Monday.
Hokaoi: M.VYNAnnititoflUcvcedKey
u.s Postmaster Gencial.
Tin: schooner Norway, for North
Bend, arrived butt Sunday.
Till', schooners Ttuckeo and limma
Utter arrived on Monday.
Bit. L. L. Rowland, now in Home,
will bo at homo by tho Fourth of July
Ex-Uovr.K.vou Foot, aupoiintondent
of tho mint at New Oilcans, in dead.
Tiiiutv-two fifh per day ii tho aei
ngo catch foreaob boat on tho Colum
bia at the prosont.
Uov. Tiiavku hai appointed W. 1.
Ready, of Corvallis, to fill the oflleo of
BtatoPrintor till His tilled by election
a form and nothing moio.
Tin: inspectors of hulls and boilers
nre expected on tho Hay. Slonmora
mo again midoring loss by their non
HoLVKiisTorr and l'orshbakor are
the men who should bo our County
Commissioners for the noxt two years j
thoyarc "honest und capable."
Tin: sehoonor Enterprise, that John
Kruno has gono north to ropair, lion
waterlogged at Flavors wharf in As
toria. Tin: mail between horo and Rose
burg will bo carried o:i short tiinoaf
tor noxt Monday, going through in
ono day.
Tiik sohooiicr Mary Swan arrived in
this port last Sunday, this boing hor
first trip horo, and will take a cargo
from Lobrco's mill.
It is said that Tom Merry will make
thomostof tho short period befoio
election in canvassing for votes for
Btato l'riu tor.
ATTonsnvH V. 11. Willir and A. F.
Campbell, of Itoseluirg, are attending
tho Circuit Court. Mr. Campbell will
go to Curry county.
Humu Jk Co. are catching about 1000
aalinon daily in Rogue river, and It
icqulroa all the force that can bo
mustered in Kllonsburg to tnko care
of tbeso fish.
Mil. Foixv, roprosontativo of tho
Poillaud Standard, Iiuh boon on the
Bay during tho week in the inteicst of
that journal. Tho Standard is u live
papor and should teccho a liberal
uuppoit among its political ft lends.
Wi; aro in receipt of the Port Or
hvtM'ott, whlqbjs issued instead of
tho Curry county J'ost, tho prospectus
of which was issued by J. II. Upton
mid sou some timo since. It is a
handsome appealing and lively little
sheet j in fact, wo aio inclined to
think it la lio best paper over pub
lished in Curry county. Succowl
Tho Democratic WoitII-lic-
NlicrlU Coiiimllrt tho crime
or ANMimli iiimI JliUtet'y.
Last Thursday an engagement oc
curred in tho Blanco Hotel between
Col. Lane and J. A. Yoakum, tho par
ticulars of which, so far as wo havo
boon ablo to gather them, aro as fol
lows :
It appoars that J. A. Yonkatn, of
Coos rlvor, who Is a conscientious
Democrat, and one of tho many who
do not think Lano a proper person to
fill tho ofllceof HborifVof this county,
had stated some facts that wcro not
calculated to Improve Lotto's chances
of success, Ho had. wo understand,
stated that Luno had expressed a do
sire to bo excused from associating
with tho workTiiginon at Sumner. Ho
had also culled attention to somo
grossly unequal assessments that
havo been made by Lano, as Assessor.
Lano called Yoakam Into tho hotel
and asked what lies ho had been
telling about him. Yoakam told him
ho had told no lies but had told tho
truth, which ho could provo. Lano
again accused Yoakam of lying, and
Yoakam relumed the compliment in
Iho strongest terms known to the En
glish language. At this stage of tho
game Lane struck at Yoakam with
his cane and Yoakam caught tho blow
on his arm, and the cano was broken.
Lano took hold of his pistol but could
not get it out, and Yoakam was com
mencing to administer corporal pun
ishment upou the Colonel with great
vigor, when Matshal Khodes interfer
ed and put a stop to tho fight. It is
possible that if Rhodes bad not been
present there would not havo been
enough loft of Lane in a few minutes
to bo voted for.
It appears that when Mr. Upton
at rived at Port Orford on his way
to Kllonsburg with his printing out
fit, ho was taken with tho breakwa
ter fever. It will bo inferred from
tho following letter, which was writ
Ion by n lady of Port Orford to her
father in lloiolmrg, that ho has sot
his "Post" nt tho former pluco :
Pout Oitroni), May U5, 1S80.
Dbaii Fatiiku fi Mothi:u. Go
firo tho cannon, go ring tho bells,
Bhout till every hill gives back tho
sound, Port Orford got tho breakwa
ter, nor only tho breakwater, but
tho navy yard will bo hero also.
Tho news wns recoived publicly horo
last night, mid tho flags wcro ratFcd
and anvils fired till nearly dark.
Perhaps you don't think Port Orfotd
is coming out. Thero is a print"
ing press being sot up in our wood
shed, next week the first paper 'will
bo published in Port Orford, called
tho Port Orford Post. Tho man,
his family and press arived in town
last night, on his way to Hoguo river
to publish n paper at that place, but
tho news of tho breakwater located
him here. I think thoy arc a very
nico faintly, two sons. lie is known
in the valley and his nanio is Upton.
Look out for tho paper.
Tho VatiH ItJiy ISoiiil 1.1111(1 A
man!) dutici-lVom.I. C, IlnyncN
Kditoii Coast Mail.
I want to say to thu votors of Coos
and Curry counties that I am in
favor of tho Legislature of this Stato
taking htops to compel tho Coos
Hay Wagon Road Company, or tho
owners of tho Coos Bay Wagon Road
land whoever they may be, to build
and keep up such a. road as tho law
calls for. T am further in favor of
tho regislaluro taking imtnodiato
steps to compel tho owners of that
laud to soil it to actual settlors at
tho prico required by tho grant.
I wish to say that if I am elected
to tho oflleo of Stato Sonator I will
force tho ownors of that land to sell
it to settlors if thero is power to do it,
and I havo been informed by good
lawyers that Legislature has author
ity to do that.
J. C. IIay.nes
Whu.n tho people of Oicgon forget
the gigantic steal by tho last Demo
cratic Stato I'lintcr and ate ready to
condole his shameless official pccnla-
uion, they will probably olect Mr.
Meiry or somo other good Domoorat
to that oflleo.
U. N. Dui'itnv Esq , of San Francis
co, is in attendance ut the Circuit
Couit this weok, as counsel in tho
equity caso involving tho settlement
of the pnrtnorship estate of Flanagan
.( Mann,
Tin: indictment against CI. W.
Thomas consideicd by tho Giund Ju
ry, lor tho charge of assault with a
dungoroua weapon, was relumed "not
u true bill," and tho defendant was
dieoharged and his bondsmen wore re
leased. K. II. Watson Esq,, of Jacksonville,
one of tho candidates for a sent on tho
Supiome lionoh, has been on tho Day
visiting friouds during tho present
week. Ho sustains a high reputation
for ability in tho lino of Ids profession
and should and will rceelvo a largo
vote, in tho coming election.
A Kcply to "MlHcr."
Wo detest a sneaking coward who
can fight only in ambush, but whon
he uses notbingbtit mud, which daubs
only his own filthy paws, wo havo
nothing to four,
"Minor" must feel himeoUof somo
consequence to think that wo should
drop everything and tend immediate
ly to his caso. Who is this "Minor"
that on tho sanio day the Mail is is
sued dales Ids reply from Ilaudolph?
The worn out saws with which ho
compiles his communications, bis
bombastic platitudes, and that pro
found syloglsm, gave him entirely
Within less tliail a inilo of Marsh
field thoro exists in a squalid hut a
ercaturo still showing marks of ono
timo having tho semblance of a hu
man bolng. With n solo purposo in
view, and institratcd by all the cardi
nal qualities which naturo bountifully
bestowed, rcquistto for such a charac
ter, his life-long efforts havo been to
attain tho lowest dopths of degrada
tion. It was a boy-day in his oxlst
anco whon ho was supplied with a
junk of bacon, n snek of flour and a
demi-john of whiskey and located on
iv " sheen-ranch." whcrCbv hedofraud-
ed tho Government out of Ti quarter
section of coal land for $1 25 por acre.
To cousummato his purposo ho has
boon guilty of performing manual la
bor, and after grudgingly squander
ing as litllo of his earning as possiblo,
for bread, tho princlplo portion ho
economically invested in gin, always
taking a long horn for a short bit, and
nover missing an opportunity to "ring
in." Hois tho "early bird that goes
forth in quest of "tho worm" of tho
still. When his supply is cut off and
ho is forced to intervals of compara
tive sobriety, he brings out bis ma-
chino and grinds off a string of
Spatks," which tho Xewt with less
discrimination than liberality, pub
lishes, and gives him temporary ro
lief by a donation of four bits.
Tosco this "Miner," fatigued by a
morning's" prospecting," lay his help
less, filthy, lousoy carcass in tho gut
ter, thero to fry under the burning
r.iys of tho sun, with a swarm of bine
bottln flies buzzing about his nasty,
bloated flaco, utilizing bis shiny
mouth for an incubator, is a sublime
spectacle. We notice the thing not
from malice, but to show the character
of this champion of honor and purity.
We have no spite against 'Miner"
and do not wish to say anything to
provoko his iro. Ho has the advan
tage of us. Wo aro big, and awkward,
havo held office, and were not educat
ed at Millings-gate; havo no gifts and
acquirements for ribaldry, besides
the English vocabulary does not con
tain words todo the subject justice.
Wo have heard of thoso "contempt
ible school land transactions, notably
the Mr. Master's cose, and say that
thoy aro a batch of lies mndoand cir
culated as a " legitimate means to de
feat a Republican nominee."
A .IIIntuK'o.
The small-soulcd politician, who,
over tho signature of'IXPect," in
tho last issue of tho Newt foolishly in
sinuates that the Mail "condemns"
tho Coqnillo rogiou by "innuendo," or
isopposod to thoappropiiiitiou for tho
improvement of that harbor, dues
himself and us an injustice. Thero
has never a syllable appeared in tho
columns of tho Mail that was nnv-
thing else than favorable to that im
provement, and wo havo always givon
tho proposed work our earnest sup
port, as all our readers will admit.
There is no business in Coos county
that would bo moro favorably affected
by tho dovolopmont of tho Coqnillo
country than ours, and wo aro highly
pleased to sco that thero is a prospect
of $10,000 being appropriated to com
nionco work at tho mouth of tho river.
Hut wo do not think it was at all nec
essary for Whiteakor to stop tho woik
on Coos Bay, which is already in pro
gress, in order to get that pitiful sum
for tho Coqnillo; ho could havo secur
ed both. Nothing but his negligence
or inofllciouoy could havo caused Con
gress to noglect to make an appropri
ation to carry on tho work already
commonccd, and wbioh boing suspen
ded may sudor great damage.
Tin: Oregonian says it is estimated
that immigration from Coos county
sinco tho past election has doplotod
tho population by 1100 votors. Thoy
must havo got that from tho Coos Day
AlexStauit has boon argued by
his frionds in various parts of the
county to go out among tho peoplo
boforo election. In roply to tbeso im
portunities ho says ha would bo pleas
ed to do this, but the plossnro of busi
ness will prevent; an I ho hopes to
merit and rccoivo tho support of tho
poople, not by solicitation, but by
dilligeut attention to business. This
is tho kind of a man who should bo
Tin: faoU narrated in anotbor col
umn, as to a fight between Lano and
Yoakam, aro certainly a very unfavor
able, comment on tho merits of tho
oandldato for Sheriff, Ho cannot
whip nor bulldoso tho voters oX this
counly into voting for him, nor can
ho shut tho mouth of tho many who
criticise his merits and qualifications
for that olllco.
Vcomim' ' MrftittKC.'
In tho last issuo of Iho News Rev.
Mr. Yeoman's, who hft.bocn accused
of making impr&por advances to a
married lady in this place, comes out
in a letter admitting tho acts to bo
substantially as havo been , alleged,
but pleading infatuation aj bin excuso.
Ho sums up his defense in tho follow
ing language :
To tho chargo of improper advances
and proposals, tho accused pleads not
guilty to that of gross indiscretion,
per statement ho knows, and pleads
tliathe is guilty. With this be rests
bis cause, fcclintr in the chambers of
his soul that God's verdict is a verdict
of guilty upon confession rendered
and yot a verdict subjoined with par
don. Ho says ho is not guilty of "improp
er advancos," yet admits that he, a
married man, proposed marriago to
another man's wife, and wnrmly press
ed bis suit. Wo know not where he
acquired his ideas of propriety; for
iiiany civilized community such a
proposition is an insult and Its accept
ance a crimo.
Ho avows his purposo to contimio
in the ministry, and speaks of tho
suggestions of tho Mail a being
"premature." Perhaps those sugges
tions wcro premature; but upon ma
ture reflection, and after giving full
force to all arguments that can bo ad
vanced in his defense, wo are moro
firmly convinced that they were cor
rect. Should ho go to somo other
part of tho country where his "indis
cretions" aro not known, ho might
still bo useful in the ministry, but to
remain hero and insist upon discharg
ing the duties of that sucrcd oflleo
would bo doing himself an injustice,
and humiliating this people and do
ing the causo to which ho claims to bo
an advocato an almost irrcpairablo
A correspondent of tho Springfield
llcpublican says : Money is a matter
of no moment at all to me fcince I
went to the bond vault in the treas
ury building and held in my baud
.$1,800,000, I was informed that the
room contained fourteen hundred
millions, and that the wholo would
make boven hundred cart-loads of gold
coin. I walked out meekly, feeling
that money was mi incumbrance and
a clog, but camo to when I soon after
disbursed two one-dollar bills and be
came in feeling at least a mendi
cant upon tho spot. Tho gold-vault
which I had the privilege of going in
to soon after and it is a privilege sel
dom granted took mo into tho Ara
bian Nights at once. I felt liko Ali
Daba, and looked round to find Cas-
fiini's quartered body. I found $3000
in gold extremely heavy and ,$1000 in
silver not fo bo gotten ofT tho floor,
and although a frco-boru American
citizen and gold lay heaped on all
sides, thoy positively let mo go with
out offering mo as much ns one gold
The :cxt CVllMUH.
Thn federal census to bo taken next
mouth, it is thought, will show a total
population of -17,000,000, an increase
of about soven and one-half millions
over that of 1S70. The coming cen
sus will doubtless show marked
changes in tho drift of emigration and
in tho ccntor of population. Tho
"star of empire" will bo found to have
moved westward in a surprising man
no r.
Tho ratio of representation under
tho last census was 131,000. If it
should be found that tho total popula
tion has increased to -10,000,000, the
ratio will bo advanced to 157,000. Un
der this change the Bulletin estimates
that tho States that aro likely to loto
seats- in Congress are Alabama, Arkan
sas, l'loncla, JjOiiiPiaua, .Maino, Mis
sissippi, New Hampshire, Rhode Is
land, Vermont and Viiginia. Of tho
seats in Congress which thoy will loso
it is pretty cortain that two will fall
to tho share of California.
Atlam, May 20. Sonator John B.
Gordon has sent in his resignation to
tho Govornor as Unitod States Sona
tor, to tako effect immediately. Tho
Govornor bos aecopted bis resigna
tion and will appoint a successor at
Sonator Gordon assigns as a roason
weariness with public affairs and pres
sure of private business.
Cincinnati, May 20. Mrs. Rateinan
living six miles up tho river, deliber
ately shot Mrs. Slingo with o,doublo
barellod shotgun this forenoon, bo
caused tho other refused to desist
from cutting grass along tho road
side. Two men witnessed the deed.
Thero is intense oxcitoment and
tin eat 8 of lynching. ink. Rev. B. Larabco, a well
known Amorican missionary at Oro
Omiah, North Persia, whoro tho fam
ine ehiclly prevails, writes: Grain is
soiling at olovon times tho ordinary
rates. Ryolius lison enormously and
tho people are living largely on scanty
roots. Robbeiies aro becoming alarm
ingly frequent. Roports fiom Kurd
istan, received from bolpeis among
tho mountain Nestoragus aio equally
distressing. Front this city (Oro
Omiah) to tho Tigris tho fund no is
alike sovcro. May tho Lord havo
mercy upon tho laud.
8,280 bend of cattlo woio shipped
from Now York to Europe on tho UK,
and thoy aro still going at an unpre
cedented ratc
Mr, Ifnj'HC' Letter.
Wo call attention to tho lctlor of
J. C. lloyncs In nnolhor column,
making a manly declaration of-wlmt
ho proposes to do with regard to
compelling tho owners of tho Coos
Ray Road land to sell tho same to tho
settlors as by law required. It is
truo that ono of tho condition of the
original grant of this land to tho
Slate, was ''iat the sanio should bo
sold to actual settlers at a prico not
exceeding $2 20 por acre. This is a
plain practical proposition, and as
tho land was turned ovor to to this
company by act of tho Legislature,
on tho terms of the original grant,
it is probably within tho power of
the Legislature to compel tho own
ers under that law to comply witli
it or declare a forfeiture of thu grant.
There is no clnp-trap about this
movement. Mr. ifaynoa is interest
ed in having a good road there, and
every voter who desires to see somo
action taken on this subject should
vote for him. Kvery man who
thinks thofo lands should be sold
so actual settlors, acccording to the
terms on which they recoived tho
title thereto, should support Mr.
Tlldcn lifter Another Orcfyon
Tun Telegram learns that Oregon,
"tho land of big apples and pretty
girls," hath attractions for that old
veteran in politics and love, viz, Sam
uel J. Tilden. This timo be appears
in the double rolo of Democratic can
didate for tho Presidency and Inde
pendent candidate for matrimony.
A Portland belle, whoso name is with
held for the present, went JSast about
two years ago to finish her education
at Va3sar. Visiting friends at New
York City, she met and captivated the
rich old bachelor. His prospective
mother-in-law who was interviewed
said to the icportcr: "The night be
fore sbo loft tho engagement was
made, and you may announce to the
Portland public that the wedding will
take place iii3ido of two months in
Trinity. Mr. Tildon will arrive in San
Francisco in timo to catch the Colum
bia, and will remain hero a month,
The young lady is described as, very
beautiful, intelligent and accomplish
ed, and in due time her name will be
announced. Says the Telegram fur
ther: "In the mcantimo, there can
be little doubt but this is another at
tempt of that old sly fox S. J. T. to
8tcal the vote of Oregon, and it will
probably bo successful."
Our town has been again thrown
into a btato of gloom by the death of
Miss Lou Annie Mcssor, who departed
this life Sunday cvo, after an illness of
four days. She died of congestion of
tho lungs, and expressed herself as be
ing satisfied to mako tho change.
Sbo bade her friends, good bye, and
scut messages to absent ones. Miss
Mesr was an estimable young lady,
loved and respected by all who knew
her. Her death is a terriblo blow to
her destitute parents, two more of
whose children aro very ill with pu
trid soio throat.
Monday morning Dr. Angel lost his
littlo daughter Edith, who died of pu
trid sore throat; tbrco moro of his
children are sick, and ono dangerously
Littlo Rosa Nasburg, daughter of
John Nnsburg, is not expected to live.
Tho Little Annie failed to mako her
regular trip Fridnv, and also to-day,
Wednesday. Oapt. Graves is now in
The schooner Free Trade is still at
tho wharf at Bandon. Cause, rough
Mr. Hunch has tho mud-sills of his
mill in place.
SZnllroutl Accltlcmt.
A local train on tho South Pacific
Coast Railway mot with a fearful acoi
dont on the 23d of May, while going at
a high rate of spcod on a down grade.
It was loaded with passongcrs to the
Independent Riflo picnic at Big Trees
Thoro wore three open cars, carrying
about 125 persons. Just as a curve
in tho road was rcachod tho first car
jumped the track to tho left, and the
second to tho right, the third staid on
tho track, passing over amUinangling
many persons who had been thrown
from tho first two cars. Thoso on tho
third car escaped uninjured, and im
mediately wont to tho assistance of
tho wounded, tho dying and tho dead.
Thirteen aro reported killed and oth
ers mot tally wounded, and 40 more or
less injured. A number of San Fran
cisco people wore on the train at the
timo of tho accident.
Bennett is rich onough to give
$100,000 without ovor knowing it, as
tho saying is. His incoino is now
more than $800,000 a year, tho Herald
alono paying more thanjhalf a million.
There i.s probably no such nowspapor
proporty in tho world except the Lou
don IVtiif j. Tho Herald omploys no
advertising agents, pays no comnn's
sions on advoi Using, has no bills to
collect, and novor puts a lino of odvor
tisiug into its sheets wbioh has not
been paid for in advancoat the tatoof
llvocontsa word, or in caso of long ad-vortis'-monts
at $100 a column.
Whether you buy a column of space
in tho Herald for oiu) day or for ono
year it is $100 a day.
It would seoni that Colonel I.ano's
object in eookiug the otlico of Sheriff
is to got in a situation so that ho will
not bo com polled to uwoyiato with
laboring men."
Hovcrcly Injured.
7 o'clock, says tho ".Standard," tho
residents on tho wostcm'lino of Jef
ferson street were startled by tho
spectacle of a team of spirited horses
attached to a buggy, dashing madly
down tho street, perfectly ur.con
trolnblc, to tho terror of tho occu
pants of the buggy, Mr. Frank Car
son and his sister Klla, who is
engaged in teaching school at For
est Grove, from which placo thoy
wcro returning. While coming
down tho canyon grade, the team of
horses, belonging to Goddard's liv
ery stablo in thii city, became af
frighted and started on a keen run
down Jefferson street until reaching
Fourth, whon turning the corner,
Mr. Carson and his. sister were pre
cipitated to tho ground and both
sustained severe injuries. Mr. Car
son was picked up unconscious.
Miss Carson was badly cut about
the head, but though severely, is
not dangerously hurt. Tho injuries
of Mr. Careon, arc more severe.
Both wcro removed to tho residence
of J. C. Carson, corner of Third and
Jcflbrson streets and Dr. Watkinds
summoned to attend them. After
the occupants of the buggy had been
throw out, the team continued its
headlong career, colliding with a
lamp post at the corner of Fourth
and Yamhill streets and demolish
ing it, and were finally brought to a
standstill by running on the side
walk of Thompson, Dc.Hart & Co.,
corner of Yamhill and First streets,
where both horses fell and were se
cured. Tho buggy escaped with
nothing more than a sprung axle,
but both the horses were badly cut
about the legs, caused by their fall
on a lot of iron. At a late hour last
night Mr. and Miss Carson were
both resting easily, and it is hoped
tnat tnoy will Eoon Le entirely re
covered from the result of the acci
dent. ArctIcExicHtIoii.
The Bcvcnuo Cutter Corwin, a new
staunch vessel of 2-W tons displace
ment, and built in Oregon, is now re
ceiving stores and will sail for Bch
ring's strait on the lath of this month
in search of the Vigilance and Mount
Wollnslon. Tho Corwin will proceed
under sail and steam to Oonalaska,
where she will coal and proceed
through Norton's sound to St. Mich
aels, where taking in as much coal as
she can carry, she will sail out into
tho Arctic ocean, coasting along tho
northern shore of Alaska, frequently
landing to mako inquires of the Es
quimaux, for tidings of tho whalers
who may have sought rcfugo there.
Captain Hooper will then, as the
ice disappears and circumstauces per
mit, sail northwestward, and go as far
as possiblo along tho coast of Wrangel
Land, and when bo is stopped by ice,
will uso dog sledges, which he will
procure at St. Michaels. Captain .
B. Hall will accompany the expedi"
tion as ice pilot, as be is an old whaler
who has been as far north as latitude
74 degreos, and is familiar with the
language spoken by tho natives, with
whom it will be necessary to commu
nicate Tho distance from San Fran
cisco to Ounalaska is 2,100 miles, and
St, Michaels is 700 miles from there,
or 180 miles from Fast Cape. Capt.
Hooper feols enthusiastic in regard to
bis voyage, and bis officers havo been
selected for their poculiar fitness for
such service. The roster is as follows
Captian C. L. Hooper; First Lieuten
ant, John Brann; Second Liouten
ant, W. II. Hand ; Navigating Officer
and Third Lieutenant, O. D. Myrick;
Chief Engineer, James T. Waysou;
First Assistant, C. A. Lewis , Second
Assistant, Mr. Owens. There are also
a sergcon and crew of Unity picked
men. Tho crew have been selected,
and only await orders to sail out of
tho Golden Gate. "If tho ico is not out
of Bebring's straits when tho Cortrisi
arrives there, sho will bo on hand to
go through as soon as the ico moves.
Her yago will probably occupy
about four months, and will be fraught
with much interest, not only to those
who havo frionds on tho ico, but to
our ontiro peoplo.
At a meeting of tho Houso Pacific
Bailroad Couunitteo a letter making
charges of corruption and bribery
against a Paoifio Bailroad Company,
written by J. A. Gorogo, a contractor,
was submitted. Tho letter charged
that $90,000 iu monoy and $10,000
worth of land grant bonds were paid
to a U. S Senator, and that $1,000,
000 worth of lands wore distributed
among members of tho House. Tho
writer says that ho cm pro.duco evi
dence and furnish witnesses to sus
tain tbeso charges, and asks for in
vestigation. Noaotbm has been ta
kcif in regard to tho letter, tho com
mittco desiring first to ascertain as to
tho responsibility of tho writer and
whether he is not merely engaged in
a stock jobbing almir.
SnriDE. A lady 51 years of ago,
Mrs Elizabeth Ramsdon.of Salem,
committed suioido by hanging her
self, at hor residence on the night of
the 20th ; has been an invalid (or ma
ny years and had often expressed a
d osi ro to rid herself of tin pubis and
trials iuccdenUl to thi4 lite.
BnarAirnxo of being elected on hi
merit, Mr. Siglin and Ida friends ar
now holding forth tho idea that he
should bo elected because ho is a law
yer, and "can draw up a bill." Thi
is probably tho first timo n candidal
has cvor relied upon so flimsy a clain
for support. Tho best legislators that
our State has or ever has bad, have
been men liko Haynes, who aro hon
est, and know tho wants of their con
stituents, without tho trickery that
sometimes characterizes tho attorney.
It will bo an evil day for tho people?
when they placo tho legislative pow
er solely in tho hands of tho lawyer
becauso they can "draw up a bill."
On Kcntttck slough, May 5th, 1880,
to the wife of W. S. Wheeler, a daugh
ter. DI
At tho residence of Josiah Bono
brake, on Frank Boss slough, May 23.
1880, Mrs. Catherine Boss, aged 8S
j cars. Deceased was a lady liighly
esteemed by all her acquaintances.
Sbo leaves a son, B. F, Ross Esq., and
four married daughters in this county,
w'io arc among our most respectable
citizens. Sho has been very feeble for
some years past, and Death came as a
messenger to call her from tho scene
other well finished labors hero to the
Reward of the Just.
ItosEBwm On. Lasji Office, April 23 1880
Notice is hereby riven that the foHowisg
named settler has filed notice of h iatea
tiontomako final proof in support of hi
claim and secure final entry thereof on tho
20th day of May 18S0, before the Judge or
Clerk of the Court of Coos courty, Or. -rat
J. A. Itonehrakc, homestead application Ns.
2381 , for the southeast quarter of northeast
quarter soction eight, lota 1 and 2 and uk
cast quarter of northwest quarter teeMea.
nine, township twentysix south, raag&
twelve west, and names the following- a
hu witnesses viz: F F Rosi, it J Stock, R.
Stephens and LD Smith all of Marsheld.
Coos county Oregon.
1 8 Wm F Bexjakw, Rcgiaten.
La:d Office, Itosmono, Or., Apr 14,1969
Notice is hereby given that the followiag
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to mako final proof in support of b
claim, and secure final. entry thereof at the
expiration of thirty days from tho date or
this notice, viz: Joseph Enoa, homestead
application No. 24G0, for lots 1, 2, 9, 19
and NJ of NW1-4 section S, T 41 S, K 13
w and names the following ns his witnesses,
viz: John Cresswell, Wm Kirk, A F Mil
ler and A B Cooley all of Chctco, Curry
county, before tho Judge or Clerk of tho
court of Curry county, on the 9th day et
June 1850.
17 Wm. F. Bexjamix, register.
Lasd Oitict, RosEBOito, Or., May G, 189ft
Notice is herebv (riven that tho following
named settler has filed notice of kia intea
tion to mako final proof in support of hk
claim, and secure hnal entry thereof on Sat
urday the 10th day of June I860, before
the Judge or Clerk of the court of Cees
county Oregon, ii ; Edwin G Baker, hoaje-,
stead application No 2195, for the southeast
quarter of southwest quarter and lot 7, aeo--
iion o ana east uau ui iiurtuweab qitatwc
section 7, T 25, S R 12 w, and names tb.
following as his witnesses, viz: C T Sakh,
Wm Gamble, J W Judd ami O B GelekR
all of Marahfield, Coos county, Oregon,
20 Wm. F. Besjjlmis, Re gi, ste
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the county of Coos.
A. Nasburg and G. Webster tsH.IL
Action for damages and tho abatement of
a nuisance.
To IL II. Luso said defendant. In tha
name of the Stato of Oregon you are hcreby
rofj sired to appear and answer tho complawt
of tne plaintiffs on file against you fa tie
above entitled court and cause on or before "
the first day of the next regular term of aii
court, viz: MONDAY, TOE 24TH DAY
OF MAY, 18SO, and the defendent will take,
notice that if ho fail to annear and nnBTmr
said complaint tho plaintuT will take judg
ment against him for five hundred dotbtrs
damages, and the further relief in tkl com
plaint demanded.
Published by order of Hon, J. F. Wats!,
Judge of said court, dated April 10th 160N
u. Wr.BSTTK.
15-Ct Attorney.forPlaktijBV,,
IiosEBuna Land Office, April 23, 1 .
Notice is herebv iriren that the follotritur
named settler lias filed notice of his inten
tion to mako final proof in support of hi,
claim and secure final entry thereof oa the
29th day of May 1SS0, before the Judge oc
Clerk of the court of Cooa county Or., J. M,,
Davis, homestead application No. 210$ ferv
the south half of northwest quarter aad
northwest quarter of southwest quarter see
tion twenty three township twentyfive
south, range, twelve west, and name the
following as his witnesses, viz: Heary Mil-,
ler of Empire City, W. II. Noble of Marsh.,
field, F M Bridges of Coos river, and Cyn
Landrtth of Coos river, all of. Coos couftty
Oregon. Wm F Bekjamik,
18 Register.
Land Omas at
Rosfjiuro, Obkoos, March 20, IStXK
Notice is hereby given that tho followiag
named sottler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to mako final proof iu support of fc&&
claim, and secure final entry thereof at the
expiration of thirty days from date of tWe,
notice, viz: Thomas J. Stitt, nremptioH,
declaratory statement, No. 3247, tor the Ki
ofNVl-4,8Wl--4of NW1-4. sec. 2i cadS
1-4 of NEl-4. of see, 3, T 41 Sit 13 wet
and names the following as his witneaeav
viz: II. L. Johns, J, T, Cooley, D, H.
Palmer and J. II. Stitt, all of Chetco
Curry county, Oregon, on, the 17th. ky
of May, 18S0, at tho U. 8 Laud Ofliee et,
Roseburg, Oregon,
Wm. F. Brnjamin, Register,
Land Omcr, Rosidubo Ort April 30. 1889
Notice is hereby given, that the followiag
nam wl settler has tiled notice of his inte
tion to mako final proof in support of hik
claim and secure final entry thereof oa the
12th day of June 18SO, before the Judge or
Clerk of tho court ofCoos couuty. Oreoaa,
viz: Samuel O Braden, homestead apfaee,
cation No 2193, for tho uortkwett quarter
of southwest quarter section; 23, east ee
half of southeast quarter and south
quartir of northeast quarter sectkw M, T
27 S IV 12 w, and name the followiag a
hi M-iuiees, viz: Henry W Holverstott
Thorn Norris, Geoege Norrts and Jeseiet
lUikina al) ofFairview Coo county Or.
19 WM.FBEWaKl!Krjiter,
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