. 1.'.' "" -'1-I"'-'t,'' O- i i i-,j.a.' v-N., S.-,Jt .Arftj; ...vi- ,1l1' - , t i i- j,t4 t- , , . ' " " u"M .if-. tfVf r - T , - - -Uvi. ,"!.. H.(JiJ,,. .e 'OTrrv , j "-- ', Mr i . The Coast Moil. rttnumiRi) EVERY SATUJtDAY MORNING, nv WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHAftT, Marshflold, Coon Co., Or. TcrniR, Onoyonr Six montlie -Three months In Advance. $2 CO 1 CO 1 00 OFFICIAL VKVYM OF COOS CO. COAST tiecei MAIL. OFFICIAL DIRECTOR, tiUite of Oregon. Governor, W. W. Tlmyor Hcctetnry of State, It. P. Earlmrt Treasurer, E. Hursh Hupt. Public Schools, J. L. Ppwell 2d Judicial District. Judgo, Dlntrlct Atlornoy, J. P. Watson B. II. Hazard Coot County. County Judge, Commissioner!!, Sheriff Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, School Supcriiitomlcnt, Coroner, J. II. NoMlor John Kcnyon H. 0. Dement A. O.Aikon Alex. Slanff I). Morse, Jr John Laho J. V. Moore T. 0. Mnckoy Vol. II. MABSHFIELD, OK., 8ATUBDAYMAY 29, 1880. No. 22. The Coast Mail. DEVOTED TO ax.Ii Xixrx xmmxr: THE INTERESTS OF SO-UTJ ERN OREGON ALWAYS FOREMOST. The Development of our Mini's, th Improvement of our harbor, ami ril Toad communication with the Inter ice specialities. THE NEW NULLIFICATION, 01' HON. JAMES A. GARFIELD, ok oino, I.V THE HoUflB OK RnrilESENTATtYES, March 17, 1880. Curry County. County Judge, Commissioners. Sheriff, Clerk, School Supl., Treasurer, Coroner, Dolus Woodruff 5 P. Hughos (J. A. Cool ey A. II. Moore Walter Sutton A. M. Gillespie M. J). Gibson Tiinu. Cunningham WltlTTKS' FOB TIIK COAST MAIL. HISTORICALJKETCHES C )rrg;onV Moutlicrn .ohi. .N'U.MIlKK XX. JOiniNAt. or i J..- wm.mams-'-cotix.v- Ul.'l) FROM LAST WEEK. No further change va noticed tin til the winter of 1853 and 1850. Dur ing tlila winter I not much w a mo and MilTcred a great deal of pain. That portion of tho body near whero the arrow entered, becamo much swollen and I was obliged to keep tho bed much of tho time. Finally, on Feb ruary 28. 185'.), tho end of tho wooden joint of tho arrow, to which tho barb ed point hud boon fus'ened, made its uppoaraneo on ho surface at tho most inllamcd part near whore tho arrow -entered, und with tho aid of a pair of bullet moulds, I succeeded in drawing it out. It was a hard vino maplo utlck, about three inches long, solid as over and each end had been hard ened by tho lire. Tins Dr. Fish's tho ory prqvcd i bo tho correct ono, ami I nm now fully satisfied, that had any other course been porsued, my life would havo ended long boforo this. Tho pains soon subsided, tho swol len parts becomo leas inflamed, tho How of matter ceased, and in tun days 1 threw oil rags and bandages for tho ilrsttiinosincoSeptomborl.'l. 1851 and fitoppcd forth a well man. It is impossible for a person to over discribo or p rot ray tho general feol mgsof friendship und sympathy man ifested towards mo by all, and partic ularly by tho families with whom I became acquainted. A child under tho paternal roof never could havo received belter cam or attention than was extended to mo by every ono ; all iippoar nearer and dearer to mo than brothers and sisters, and my obliga tions and sense of gratitude, to th oso noble men and womun, who weto thus Providentially drawn towards mo and no mercifully camo to my instance, in those trying times, will novcr be erased from my mind, A debt of gratltudo of such magni tude can never bo repaid. They havoJ Docomo so endeared to me, that, if necessary, my lifo should bo at thoir dlspoial. I his is tho class of people, tho pio neers of tho Umpjun valloy, to whom I owomyexlstonco, my lifo and myall. (.Tobecontinunl.) Mn. GARFIELD: The discussion of this bill has concentrated upon two topics tho public printing and tho election laws. On tho subject of tho public printing I shall tako no time, except to say this : After ono of the saddest histories in tho experience of this Government with tho old contract system, which broko down by tho weight of its own corruption, it was developed and proved beyond any con troversy that in tho four years preced ing tho administration of Abraham Lincoln, out of tho private profits on tho public printing and blndinir. the turn of $100,000 was contributed by tho rublio Printer for political pur poses, mainly to carry tho Democratic elections jn Pennsylvania; and that vast contribution did not exhaust tho profits of tho Public Printer out of tho Government. This cxposuro destroy ed tho wretched contract system, and thereafter tho Government itself as sumed tho responsibility of tho work. At first tho Scnato or the llouso of Representatives elected a Printer, as they had a manifest right to do under tho clauso of tho Constitution which gives each Houso tho power to elect its own officers. Hut by and by when tho office grow into a great national establishment, in which all tho print ing and binding for all departments of tho Government was done, it becamo manifest that tho Senate was exercis ing a power of appointmont unwar ranted by the Constitution j and in the year 187-1, on motion of Mr. IIlo,of New York, a resolution was adopted by a two-thirds vote suspending tho rules of tho llouso and making in or der on a sundry civil service appropri ation bill an amendment to change the law and make tho Printer an offi cer of tho United States, to bo appoint ed by the Prcsidqnt and confirmed by tho Senate. I had charge of that bill and voted for tho amendment, as did nearly all my associates, nnd it was adopted by tho almost unanimous yoto of this House, both parties .unit ing in declaring tho old law uncon stitutional, and that experience had proved it unwise; Republicans tak ing thoir sharo of responsibility for their own blunders and mistake.; all agreeing that tho law ought to con form to tho Constitution. When tho Democratic party camo into power in 1870, thoy amonded that inw oy miiKing k i.iko eiiect imme diately. Wo had made it tako effect when a vacancy should occur in tho olfico of Public Printer. In 1870 tho law was changed so as to make it tako effect immediately. And that passed by tho general consent of both parlies. Tho proposition now is to go back, legal question may appear to persons who have been educated in a different political school) that although that court has decided the constitutionali ty of tho law, that Whon wo como, as legislators, to ajmroprinto money it is our duty to say, is this law constitu tional? or, if constitutional, is it a good law, and aro wo bouud to appro priate monoy for it? Ho undertakes, as will bo scon, to throw contempt on that decision by styling it "a sort of cight-by-sovon de cision." I romlnd him that it Is a soven-to-two decision, having been adopted by a larger number of tho members of tho court than tho major ity of tho decisions of that tribunal. It is a decision of n broad, sweenine character, and declares that Congress may lako the wholo control of con gressional elections, or a partial con trol, as they choose; that tho election law as it stands on the national stat ute books is the supremo law of tho land on that subject. More than that: the Sunrcmo Court, not only in this caso but in an other recent case, has mado a declara tion which ought to bo engraven up on tho minds and hearts of all tho peo ple of this country, And this is its substance: . That a law of Congress inlerpeno- inucs aim uccomes a nartoi overv inw of every State of this Union to which us suujcci mailer is appneahio, and is binding tinon all nconlooii overv fool of our soil. This is tho voice of tho Constitution. NpontitHrouN Combtmflon. Somo experiments mado at Riga with reforencc to tho spontaneous combustion of various materials, wad ding raw Hax, homp, tho wasto from ullk, wood and cotton spinning, also spongo, ns well as wood most found in tho cabinet maker's shops appear to lcmoubtrato tho important fact, among others, that muall quantitio really tako fire sooner than largo ones. Tho substances named woro saturated with various fluids oils, fresh and in n gummy state, turpentine, polroloumi various varnishes, oto. All tho fibrous material took fire when saturated with any of theso oils, or with mixtures of tho samo ; spongo and wood dust, on tho contrary, proved to bo entirely harmless. Combustion ensued moat rapidly with sovontoon grains of wad ding, und slxty-soveu grahiB of strong varnun namely, in thirtysovon min utes; while two hundred grains of washed cotton wiTsto, of which iv por tion was saturated with 750 grains of strong oil vnrnNh, und tho remainder wrapped about it, requited a period of well nigh fourteen hours. On these inutoriulB being placed in it well shel torod spot, and subjected to a heat of . front 18 to -10 dcg., C, silk did not flumo up, but slowly clmrrod; and as already montlouod smnll quantities tiecjucd tako firo uonor limn largo. and, in tho fuco of our past oxporionco, mako a change in this law which will not affect in any way tho question of economy, which will not change ono iota tho machinery of tho manage ment of public printing, and does not pretend to bo in tho direction of econ omy ; but morely abolishes a consti tutional ofllco and oreates an uncon stitutional one, takes tho appointing power out of tho hands of the Presi dent and unlawfully places it in the hands of this House, morely to get somo Democrat into office This is to no done for no public good, to satisfy tho demands of party hunger. I havo no doubt that this amendment will bo, as it certainly out to bo, ruled out of ordor, and I will wasto no furthor words in discussing it. I will now call attention, during tho short time loft mo, to what I consider u matter of far greater moment. My colleague, Mr. McMahon, in his speech opening the discussion upon this bill, mado tho announcement in Htibstanco, and it remains uncontra dicted and not protested against by any ono on this side of tho llouso, first, that "wo havo not hithnrto mado, do not in this bill, and will not in any fuluro bill, make any appropri ation whatever for supervisors or spec ial deputy marshals, so far as thoy havo to do with congressional oloo tlous," Ho asserts that it was not proper for any ofllcor of tho Govorn mont to appoint special deputy marsh als whoa no appiopriation had boon mado for that specific purpose TJon further on ho declares I quota from his printed speech : And I doslro to my that bocauso tho Supremo Court of tho United States has. decided that the olootlon law is constitutional bv a. sort of olclit.l.v. sovpji (leoision-nnd I mean that by a division apparently according to party i", . iw,,I,0lu ,'PR'B the good faith of any nieinbor of tho Supremo Court, but to show how differently o Now, the roforo, under this decision .tho election laws of tho United States are tho laws of every State in this Un ion. No judgo of election, no State officer or other person connected with any congressional election, no elector who offors hiH ballot at any such election, can with impugnity lift his hand or do any act against any of tho provisions of theso laws. They rest down upon congressional elec tions in every Stato like tho " casinc air," broad and general, protecting with thcirdignitycvory act and pone' trating with thoir authority every function of congressional elections. Thoy nro tho supremo law of the land on that subject. Rut now a Representative, speaking for tho Democratic party in this House, rises, not with the plea which he could have mado with somo show of plausability last year, that tho law is unconstitutional and that therefore thoy Mould not enforco it but, with a constitutional law, declared so by tho Supremo Court, covering him and filling tho Republic from end to .end, reaching overywhero and covering every foot of our soil where a congres sional election can bo hold, he rbosin his placo and declares that tho Dom ocratic party will not execute tho law nor permit it to bo obeyed. no who aro tho sworn law-makers of tho nation, and ought to bo exam ples of respoct for anil obedience to tho law wo who beforo wo took our first step In legislation sworo boforo God and our country that wo would sup port tho supreme law of tho land wo aro now invited to become conspicu ous leaders in tho violation of tho law. My colleaguo announces his inten tion to break the law and invites Con gress to follow him in his assault upon it. Mr. Chairman, by far tho most for midable danger that thrcatons tho Ropublio to-day is tho spirit of law- urcuKiug which snows itself in many turbulont and alarming manifesta tions. Tho people of the Pacific Coast after two yours wrestling with tno.snlnt of communism in tho city M S;in Francisco, havo finally grap pled with this lawless spirit, and tho leader of it was yesterday sentowced to penal servitude- as a violator of tho law. Dut irhflt can wo say to Dennis Koarnoy and his associates if to-day wo announuo ourselves the foremost law-breakers of tho country and sot an oxample to all the turlulenl and vi cious olomonts of disorder to follow us? My colleaguo Mr. McMahon tries to shield his violation of tho law be mud a section of tho statutes which provides that no disbursing or othor officer shall mako any contract invol ving tho cxpoudituro of monoy bo vond what is appropriated for tho purpose I answer that I hold in my hand a later law, a lator statute, which governs tho restrictive law of which ho speaks, which governs him and governs tho courts. It is tho election law Itself. I invito attention briefly to its substance Sections 2011 nnd 012 of tho Rovisod Statutes provide that upon the application of any two citlxens of any oity of moro than twon ty thousand inhabitants to havo tho olootion guarded and scrutinized, the judge of thaoirouit'eourtoftho United States shall hold his court opon dur ing ten days preceding tho election, Tho law oommauds tho judgo of tho court to so do, In tho open court from day to day, and from timototiino,the judgo shall appoint, and, under tho sc.il of the court, shall commission two citfzons of different political parties who are voters within tho precinct whero thoy reside, to bo supervisors of tho elec tion. That law is mandatory upon the judgo. Should ho refuse to oboy ho can be impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors in office. Ho must not stop to enquire whether an appro priation has been mado to pay these supervisors. The rights of citizens aro involved; upon this application tho judge must act. Rut what then? Again, section 2021 provides that on tho application of two citizens the marshal of the United States shall ap point special deputy marshals to pro tect tho supervisors in tho execution of their duty. And the law is manda tory upon tho marshal. Ho must obey it under the pains and penalties of tho law. What then? When tho supervisors and special deputy mar shals, havo been appointed they find their duties plainly prescribed in tho law. And then section C521 provides mm ii nicy iicgicci or rciuso to per form fully all these duties enjoined upon them, they aro liable to fine and imprisonment, xney cannot excuse their neglect by saying, "Wo will not act becauso Congress has not appro priated the money to pay us." All these officers aro confronted by the imperial command of tho law first to the judgo and marshal to appoint, then to the supervisor and deputy marshal to act, and to oct under the pains and penalties of fine and im prisonment. Impeachment enforces tho obedience of the judge; lino nnd imprisonment tho obedience of tho supervisors and deputy marshals. Now comes ono other mandatory or der: in the hut section of tin's long chapter of legislation the majestic command of the law is addressed both to Congress and the Treasury. It de clarcs that thero "shall be paid" out of tho Treaury 5 per day to theso of ficers as compensation for their ser vices. Hero too tho law is equally imperious and mandatory; it address es itself to tho conscience of every member of tho llouso, with only this difference; wo cannot bo impeached for disobedience; we cannot be fined or locked up in tho penitentiary foriiand which the Supremo Couat has votcu "no, aim rciusing tho appro priation; wo cannot be fined or im prisoned if wo refuse to do our duty. And m, shielded by tho immunity of his privilege, as a representative, my colleaguo sets tho example to all of ficers and all people of deliberately and with clear-sighted juirposo viola ting the law of tho land. Thus ho seeks to nullify tho law. Thus ho hopes to thwart tho nation's "collected will." Does my colleaguo reflect that in doing this he runs the risk of vitiating every national elec tion? Suppose his lead bo followed, and tho demand of citizens for super visors and marshals is made and re fused becauso an appropriation has not been voted. Docs ho not sco tho possibility of utiating every election hold where fraud and violoneo aro not suppressed and tho law has not been complied with? Yet ho would risk tho validity of all thccongrcssion al elections of tho United States; rather than abandon his party's pur poso ho would mako Congress tho chiel of tho law breakers of tho land. Mr. Chairman, when I took my scat as a moniber of this llouso. I took it with all tho responsibilities which tho place brought upon mo ; and among others was my duty to keep tho obli gations of tho law. Whero tho law speaks in mandatory terms to every body else and thon to mo, I should doom it cowardly and dishonorable if I should skulk bohind my legislative privilege for tho puiposo of disobey ing nnd breaking tho supremo law of the land. Applause Tho issue now mado is somewhat difl'crent from that of tho last season, but, in judgement, it is not less sig nificant and daugorous. I would gladly waivo any party advantage which this controversy might givo for thosako of that claim and settled peaco which would reign in this Hall ifwoolloboyod the law. Rut if thoj loadorson tlioothcrsidoaro still deter-, minedtorush upon" their fato by fore-1 iugupon tho country this last issue , that because tho Ucmnoratio party huppon not to liko a law thoy will not oboy it becauso they happen not to approve of tho spirit and character of a law thoy will not lot it bo executed I tay to gentlomou on tho other side, if you aro dotorminod to mako such an issue, it is high timo that the American peoplo should knov it. Hero is tho volume of our laws. Moro sacred than tho twolvo tables of Rome, this rock, of law rises in inon uhiouta! gnuidottrnlikonbovo tho peo ple nnd tho Prcsldont, above tho courts, above Congress, commnudilij,' everywhere reverence and obedienco n its supromo authority. Yet the dom i ant party in this Houso virtually declares that "any partoj this volume that we do not liko and cannot repeal wo will disobey. Wo havo tried to re peal these election laws; wo havo failed becauso wo had not tho consti tutional power to destroy them ; the constitution says that they shall stand in thoir authority and power; but we, tho Democratic party, in defianco of tho Constitution, dcclaro that if we cannot destroy them outright by the repeal, they shall bo left to crumblo into ruin by wanton and lawless neg lect." b Mr. Chairman, I ask gentlemen on tho other side,, whether they wish to maintain this atittidc in regard to tho legislation of this country? Are they willing to start on a hunt through tho State and determine for themselves what they will obey and what they will disobey? That is the meaning of my colleague's speech. If it means anything it means that. Hcisnot an old Drandonburg elector, but an elec tor in this novel and modern sense. that he will elect what laws ho will obey and what he will disobey, and in so far as his power can go, ho will in fect with his spirit of disobedience all good people of this country who trust him. I ask gentlemen whether this is n time when it is safe to disregard and weaken tho authority of law. In all quarters the civil society of this coun try is becoming honeycombed through and through by disintegrating forces in some States by the violation of contiactsand tho repudiation of debts; in others by open resistance and defi anco; in still others by overturning of constitutions and lcttinc "tho red fool-fury of the Seine" run riot among our people and build its blazing altars tothestrange gods of ruin and mis rule All these thincs arn Hlinkinrr the good order of society, and threaten ing me loundations of our Govern ment and our our peace. In a tune liko this, moro than ever before, this country needs a body of Jaw-givers clothed and in their right minds, who have laid their hands upon tho altar of the law as its defenders, not its de stroyers. And vet now. in Uh nnmi of party, for sonic supposed patty 'ad vantage, my colleaguo fjoiti Ohio an nounces, and no ono on his side has said him nay, that they not only havo not in the past obeyed but in the fu ture they will not obey this law of the WondciTnt feat of Mcmerr H( "" W It. TJi Paris correspondent of tho New J itr' SJSlin' pcnon-1 orgaa cMaw Orleans Picayune tells the following crcu"fr tho Democratic prfy for story: Ono day in January, 1840 a I everything resulting in good for the long time ago, but as the anecdote , counlry, whilo nil ov result are t- just crowned with the authority of its sancton, If my colleague! chooses to meet that issue, if ho chooses to go to the country with that plea, I shall re gret it deeply for my country's sake; but if I looked only to my party's in terest it would give me joy to engage in such a struggle. Tho contest of last autumn made the nconle understand the tr.nilnnnip of gentlemen on tho other side. Now, this cool, calm, deliberate, assassina tion of tho law will not bo tolerated. Wo have had a winter to freczo out our passion, wo havo had a summer to thaw out our indifference, we havo had the changing circles of the year to bring usaround toordor and calmness, and yet all the fiery courses of tho staisscom to haveshed theirinfiuenco onni)- colleaguo to fire him with a moro despcrato madness and drive his party on to a still sadder fate. Ap plause on tho Republican side I trust and believe that we may yet find some response from tho other sido of tho Houso that will prevent uiis courso ot proccuure. itwedo.I will gladly givo away any party advan tage for thosako of strengthening the foundations of law and good order. And I theroforo anneal to centlcmen on the other sido to prevent a disaster wnicntneirparty leaders aro prepar- unpublishcd, and tho actors wcio all eminent, it will bear telling sovcrcl professors of the University of Rerlin were assembled in the council cham ber and were talking. Ono of them held tho Vast Gazette in his hand. Turning to Prof. Boeckh (famous as a Greek scholar and tho possessor of a wonderful memory) ho asked : " Do you think you could in twenty-four hours get by heart the first page of that newspaper?" "I am sure I could." ' Prof. Boeckh, I don't think you could. I am so sure that you could not that I'll bet twenty bottles of wine that you could not." " Slriko hands. I take your bet." Professor Boeckh took the newspaper and was a little shocked to see that the first page contained nothing but a list of persons who had, at the recent festival of the Order of Prussia, received the ribbon. This insipid litany was, of course, much more difficult to get by heart than editorial and intelligence ; still Prof. Boeckh would not back out At this moment Prof. Haupt, who was likewise famous for his tenacious mcthory, entered the council chamb er, was told what had occurred, and dared to take a similar bet. Ho smil ed and struck hands. Thereupon Prof. Denary, one of the younger pro fessors, declared that if the veterans of tho faculty could do so much, tho rawer recruits would not be behind them, and to sustain the honor of his youthful brethren he too would take the bet. The next day all theso professors were assembled again in the council chamber. Prof. Boeckh began and recited the whole page without miss ing one name, or one Christian name. or one initial, or one grade of the long list of persons who had received the ribbon, from the Minister of Stato to tho humblest clerk. He rattled it off as easily as if it had .been the alphabet. Then Prof. Haupt came to taw and recite the long nomenclature, but he avc iMowly and corrected himself often. Twas now Prof. Benary's turn to prove himself tho peer of these grey heads, and ho exclaimed: "Brethren, do you really think me capable of fatiguing ablo men with so stupid a litany for a third ;time? No, colleagues, I had rather pay for twenty bottles of good claret." A peal of laughter shook the council chamber. ing, not for themselves alono, but for our common country. I hope boforo this day is over we may sco such a voto n this Chamber upon thisbill as will put an end to this miserable busi ness, and east out of these halls the dregs of that unfortunate and crazv extra session, Applause On the Re publican side A Burlesque Miseh. A striking, if picturesque-looking, figure of a man can bo seen in n. New Jcrsoy town. Jfc is dressed in a canvas shirt, with two meal-bags for breech es reaching to his knees ; oh his head is a ranged lint, full of holes. He is "gold" blind," whatever that may be ; that is to say, ho imngines tll!lt flVl'rvtllilKT lina Din linn nf cr.tl.I -.w.r ......g, .,HL, . ...u v, fjwtu , or any rate, ho gathers sticks and stones, under tho impression that thoy aro coins, and boasts of his treasures Hoarded in tho swamns where lie dwells. Ho calls at tho shops for advertising cards, bills, etc.. and imngines them hank hills, and the bright-colored placards of patent medicine venders lio treats as united htatcs bonds. Ho cries nnd wrings his liands when any ono thrcatons to enter his shanty 'in the swamp, and spends half tho night counting over ma lortuuc. in fact, ho scorns to enjoy lifo as woll as tho miser who hoards real gold, and the community's stock of wealth is in no way diminished thereby. Ho is a Jiving caricaluro of men who find pleasure simply in accumulating money nnd procure no other advan tage of it for themselves or others, Cost of Getting inter Parliament. The British luwb require every can didate for Parlfament to make a re turn of his election expenses, and although tho direction of the law is not so implicitly followed as to result in anything liko a complete exhibit, it nttbrd8some indication of the large outlay necessitated by such a contest as that which is now pending. The total expenditure by candidates at tho last election in 187G amounted to $5,235,000. Fortho652scatsintho House of Commons, there were 1,081 candidates. Less than one-third of tho whole number, 187, were elected without opposition. Tho G52 success ful candidates expended $3,195,000, and tho 420 unsuccessful ones SDcnt $2,040,000. Tho average outlay was largest among the Conservative can didates, $5,350, and smallest among tho Homo Rulers, $1,275. In the Eng lish and Welsh counties the expendi ture was on a larger scale than in the average constituencies, reaching $10, S00 for each Liberal and $7,600 for each Conservative candidate. In the contested elections in these counties the exponses of tho Conservatives averaged $15,000 and those of the Liberals $13,290. Tho largest sum spent in any ono county election wag in tho caso of North Durham, whoro four candidates spent altogether $141,' 000 ; and tho largest sum in any bor ough or city election was in London, whoro six candidates spent $77,855, tnbutcd to the Republicans. Onlr two years ago ho wab loud and fieree ia his denunciation of Secretary Sher man and tho resumption bili which was to restore greenbacks to par will gold ; he said it could not La done, it was impracticable, and would Only -suit in a contraction of tho cawwicr and would thereby add to the financial embarrassment o the country. Btrt. Sherman and the Republican adminis tration went on and carried out th' provisions of tho resumption bill, and' Siglin'a predictions proved false. The results have been felt in every part oC tho country by restoring all classes off our circulating medium to equal -value. But, to show that tins' "states man " is sharp, wo quote the-folio wing: which appeared in his paper after- greenbacks, under the actios of the re sumption law, had been, raised to pr with gold : One indisputable g-eod thing th- - Democrats did is this, they made aH of our circulating medium of equall paying power. When, they asmmed! control of Congress gold had one valV , tic, green-backs another, and silver with which the poor man was paid for' h:s labor had another and a lower val ue than any other. To-day a dollar i " a dollar, whether in gold, 'green-back or silver, thereby millions of dollars; .:re saved to the men who save money to the working bees. This is some- " thing that can be appreciated because it comes home to all of us, when ye work in the woods or the mines your cmnlovcr can't nav vnn a hnnrlmt' dollars with ninety as lie could when the Democracy assumed power, by scllinghis gold and paying you in stri.- siuiasy silver. The idea of tho Democrats, who wanted to repudiate tho Nations debts, who always ridicu'ed and op posed the resumption act, claiming that they made our circulatinr jr dium of equal paying power, k new ; it's rich, and it's characteristic f thai source. A ?Tevr Indnxtry. The Jacksonville Sentinel ol the 12: mst. says: Mr. Goddard brought in to our office last week a sample o. sorghum sugar mado from the early amber cane. It is very fined grained! and exceedingly sweet, much resemb ling the finest quality of Island sugar.. The question of its manufacture from cane, that can be raised here asemly as corn, is now settled. It is ho ue to ask will it pay to mako it? Asy article of necessary consumption that will absorb our own idle labor. wiH certainly pay, ns it will stop a xwy serious leak, even if it seems to cost more than the imported artichx. There is no reason why experience m the manufacture of sugar will not en able our farmers in good time toeom pcto with the foreign producers aad everything must have a beginning. Tho manufacture of syrup from, sirghum also seems to have Ukef,' quite a start. From Mr. Davido, at Williams creok, Josephine county, . learn the common sorghum is as easi ly raised in this climate as corn, re quiring only a little more atte-ntie for the first year, after coming Hp. and that its manufacture into syrp quito simple. Mr. DavidsoB brought, usasamplo of the article made by him last year, which is very wneft. and equal to any syrup brought into, " this market, lie mado one hundred; nnd fifty gallons last year, ad say that he considers eighty (fallens pr. acre an average yield. It U the inten tion of the farmers in his neigh-beet hood to procure a mjll dujrisg th. coming Summer. Suuscrwb for tho Coast Maii.. Jy $2 COpovannuitj, On Mas. Pekkixs died in Berkeley California, on the 14th iustant.jmd as she is tho third member of tho same family who has died within a few days, tho others being a son. nnd daughter, an investigation wa,s, taken and it is now stated that they we.re all poisoned by eating canned corn. It seems that some of tho boys found somo cans of corn which had been thrown away at a canucry in. Tenies cul, and this was taken homo and cooked and eaten wUh fatal results. Pennsylvania nro obtaining largo iron interests in Virginia, Gen. Hartrnnft being among the number. Tho iron boom, is developing Virginia railways, in which, Senator BJaino aud Gen, Ewjng Un Invested SunsoniRB for the Only $3,3Qpcr nwun,. Coast Mai KerItHii AeeM(w.t( A distressing accident a Cfahwi Lane county, on last Sunday eve-. ing, whicb, will probably terminate. fatally to. ofta-young lady, and tV sevcrc injury to three others:,, M and, Mjjs Uutlidge, Mis Merga, and a, gentleman whose.na.roe eowltl not be ascertained by our coVMk pondeat, yero enjoying an, ayapiag rido in a two. seated carriage drawi by a span of horses. While (frapwwfc ing a, sharp declivity opposite Uta, residence of, Mr. T. Jk Clki trace bsearno unfastened, a'd th' pole dropped down, (righ,temg 1fa horses to su,oh a decree tha Upy became. unmanagaWe and cwymm thorn, to run away After rtWHtUMr a short distance the team and Nrv age collided with a fence throwing -tho occupants out, and, sevely iuring tlwm. anl am of, tt ywm ladies Miss Morgan, to. badly tiu& she ianot expected to, Faaowr, flu carriage wast demolifitad. . rr rt 1,482 immtsrraHts anivad m ska 1., The total tutmber thus far jt Hajr is 31,34 w orel ban the nwwWc afrWaA, in any entire mo. th in May fXiisH jug in 1852, when ,1 imhrnHija funded. -3 sS , s3