The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 22, 1880, Image 3

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Tho Const; Mail.
MAY 22, 1880.
Stiiiki: nrMiM. Hands. I.nsl Mou
( largo number of (ho
mill hands iiiit work in consequence
of tlio reduction (u two-thiids time.
Tlioir wages aro not huge when run
ning full time, and llio reduction (o
tvi-tliirtln would lutvo left Uit'tn with
out a living income from tlioir liilior.
Tho subject of compensation wns
compromised by Dean it Co., agreeing
to pay .fill) per month, mid wIumi tlio
mill is abut down oilier work will bo
ftirni.ilicil. The men mo right to in
sist on fair wages, mid it irt but just
(o.Mr. Merchant to state Unit, lie says
no complaint had been mndo to him.
and tlmt ho expeeled to arrange a now
mid satisfactory schedule of wages af
tur Juno Int.
Tlio Hliitoiiient8 circulated for Air.
tiiglill's benefit, tllltl llU WIIH lIlOCIIUHO
of the strike and that Merchant tele
graphed for men to tako tlio place of
tho strikers, uro entirely false.
Coon Uiiasonh. bait week wo
lieard a strong Democrat giving his
reasons for supporting Alox Klaull"
for County Clerk; lie said: "Iain
going to vole for .Sluiill' because lie is
u good man and a good clerk. I havo
known Alox ever since lie wok a mere
boy, and ho hat always Iteo u indus
1 lions and honest. I've soon him
working hard in the mud on hit
nineh to support his little family,
when llydo was aioiuid the towns
waiting for election to eonio ; and 1
don't think it would he light to send
liim hack to the ranch after Nerving
only one term. 1 havo nothing
against Hyde, hut ho cmno hero to
run for County Clerk and I can't nun
port him as against a hardworking,
honest man like Stnuirwho has lived
among us for a long time mid has u
laiy,e family lo support."
Aooinc.vr. The up train from Hi
ter City on Monday last, collided with
an onipty egg-box near the depot at
Ooaledo, inllii'ting a compound frac
ture on the head of the box and so
voiely lacerating one of kit Bides A
lady who was on hoard the car, not
the box, made a spring into the nir
liut came to tho earth smiling nil over,
thereby proving that she wan a good
tempoicd an well um an able Spriiujer.
That venurablo coon, the oldest inhab
itant, who in thisenso wns represented
by a Ihirteonyear-old boy, hut who
was unable to grow much dining that
time, assured us he hadn't witnessed
Mich n commotion in the city for the
hint four years. The engineer and
fireman also, wo nro happy to nay, es
caped uninjured.
UoMiViKivivo. T. M. Herman, W.
It. (Jetty and E. A. Anderson, viewers
iipiointeil to locate tho road from the
Hay to Coquillo City, commenced
their work on Tuesday, accompanied
by Win. Hull, surveyor, and a nuni
berof nssistnnt". On Thurmlay morn
ing, owing to wet weather, the work
wan postponed till .lime 2d. No pains
should be 'spitted by these gentloinen
to get this road on the best potable
ground, for it in destined to be always
(ho main thoroughfare of tho county.
Di:vn. I'isii. Chat. Rogers, who is
employed on the tug litcort, cast bin
hook for lish out mi tho Arago reef
last Tuesday, and brought up with
wimo dillleulty a "devil fish" the arms
of which measure about live feel from
tip to tip. Tho Htrauge looking ani
mal was on exhibit inn at Ward A
Shingle's saloon Tuesday evening, and
attracting considerable attention; it
was afterwards taken back on board
tho Jincurl, where mi effort will he
made to keep it alive.
Atti:.miti:i Himioi.aiiv. Wo nro in
formed that a few nighlH Binco some
miscreant came to the dwelling of Mr.
I. V. llowland of .Sumner in the night
time and attempted to get in. Mrs.
1 lowland tho occupant, hecamo fright
unci! and went to n neighbor's, after
which the burglar got in at a window
mid ransacked the house. Wo un
derstand (hat no money nor valuables
were found by him, mid he departed.
Postal Aitaiiih. lion. Den Simp
on, If. iS. Postal Agent, arrived on
the Hay Thursday, on a tourof inspec
tion into tho condition of the postal
pervitin in thin county and Curry.
Ho goes from hero to Ellensburg.
This brunch of the service has not re
ceived so thorough mi examination
for many years as Mr. Simpson is
giving it.
P.ish Him Aiiot'M). Ono Win. Wal"
ter who has been for n month or so
past keeping a kind of restaurant in
Tony Ward's place, absconded n few
days Ninco, owing nearly every one in
town. Ho protended ho was going
down the Hay foru day or two recrea
tion. Ho is a bilk ; look out for him 1
AcoiniOT. Mr. House, whilo at
work on tho cribs had his foot badly
mushed by a falling timber Home two
weeks ago, and has been confined to
tho liotiko the greater portion of tho
time Hiuce. lie is now' able to bo
about on crutches,
Cait. fiiu.Niiv now commands tho
Mini Lurk, of Denver Slough. Tho
head onglncor, Mr. fiiow, is responsi
ble, for tho working of Ihu engines,
mill acquits hinuolf with groat credit
lo tho company and iiiuuliKiilUjfaulioii
to thg public
'I'lie IHNi'iiriftloii.
Twist Monday evening, nt pursu
ance of previous announcement, a
Htnnll uudionco tuut at Norman's
liall to listen lo a (Hrcuhhiou by 1).
L WatHon and J. M. Siglin. Mr.
Watson had tlio opening and clos
ing, and it had been deflnately
n;n;ocl by Mr. Owen that bo would
not take part in the talk.
A. Nusburg was called lo tho
(.hair. Mr. Watson spoke about an
hour, malting Nome good bits
agiiiiiHt the Domocrutiu parly,
though bis remarks were distinguish
ed by fairness and freedom from of
fensive personalities.
Kiglin followed. J Ie eulogized tho
Rebel leaders and compared them
and tho war Ibcy waged for the de
struction of the (ioverninenl, with
Washington and the cause of (ho
Revolution, lie made a feeble ef
fort to explain or apologizo for his
change of base on the sealer bill.
Mo advanced some new propositions
as nlmit to tho less intelligent of the
laboring class. lie told them he
would pass a law providing that wa
ges should ho puid at the close of
every month, and that if they were
not so paid tho amount not paid
shall draw interest at 2 .J per cent,
per month, (an idea that an average
Ion-year old hoy would know is the
sheerest nonsense) said ho found a
had state of affairs here, and thought
election a good time to agitato it.
Then Owen took tho sland. lie
said the audience nce,d not go away
because they were afraid ho was go
ing to make a speech, for he had as
sured Mr. Watson and others that
he would do nothing of the kind,
and his honor would not permit
him to do so. Ho never went hack
on his word, no man could say he
did; he was not the man lo" double
hank " on another party not he I
Hut ho arose because he had been
personally attacked, (Mr. Watson
had spoken of him as ex-rebel) it
would be supposed only to a person
al defense. From this he went on,
on, and on, in a most reckless speech
on the local questions, supposed to
favor the chances of Mr. Siglin mid
other Democratic candidates. He
denounced " Charlie " Merchant and
his way of doing business. Said he
(Owen) was raised in a saw-mill,
and his father, who was it mill owner,
always let his hands have goods at
cost price, and made lliem a present
of a new suit of clothes every ycarl
Whether this was a part of his
personal defense or intended to indi
cate the slate of allairs tlmt would
ho brought uhout by Siglin's elec
tion, he did not say.
Our reporter loft before his speech
was through, and of the closing
scenes wo know nothing except from
HrsiNi:ss in the lish line is said to
ho dull at Kllcnsburg.
Tin; Trlnit sailed Wednesday for
this port and is now due.
W. A. Werdon has gone to the mines
expecting to be absent some weeks.
Geo. HK.vyirrT Esq.. of Hnmlon, gave
us a pleasant call on Wednesday.
Haukn'i.'ss Dunham is quite sick ; he
is at Mr. Lightner'sat tho isthmus.
Pi-'i's mat's Oregon Illood Purolior
for saloat Dr. Golden's Drug store.
G. Wi.voati: sailed for Scotland last
week, leaving his wifo at her father's
in Clatsop county.
Tin; wife of David Drew is seriously
ill at Aarouville. A case of pleuro
pneumonia. Tin; Del Xorlc lUeord conies to hand
enlarged to seven columns, and pre
senting a good appearance.
Fiti;n Jahvis says he is n strong ml
vocnto for women suirrnge this is tho
third one, mid all girls.
Tims. Hiiiht has gone to Portland
to attend the session of the Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows.
Mr. Siglin feels badly because the of
ficers of tho Republican pmty don't
think proper to give him their private
Tiik sixth crib in the breakwater was
successfully placed and fastoned on
Monday of this week. The steamer
Juno assisted in the work.
J. A. Yantis, llio next District At
torney for tho second district, arrived
Thursday and will upend a few days
on the Hay.
Yi:sTi;iti).iY morning ono tho cribs
that had been towed lo Ktnpiro City,
capsized ; it was probably righted
without dillioulty.
Tin; "Free Trade" is reported to
havo sailed from tho Coquillo this
week with a cargo of match wood
and bnrd wood lumber.
W. h. Smith, who has been eon.
nceted wilh tho government harbor
work hero, but who wont to tho Co
lumbia about hIx weeks ago, return
ed (o llio Hay, Thursday.
Wi: nro sorry to bo compelled to an
nounco that, owing to tho clangorous
illnuss of his wife, Haloigh Heott, can
didate for Joint Representative, will
bo umiblo lo visit this county the com
in j,' week iu lie had intended,
A Nt'ltfltllll OHM C'llttC.
Tho Ncwn of this wcok, gives nddi
lionnl publicity to a picco of scandal
Hint has been in circulation in this
place for a week or two past, lo the
ellect that llov HiirroII Ycomium has
been guiltyof making immoral nml
insulting propositions (o a married
lady, residing in this town. Wo
should bo hannv if tho facts would
justify a denial of this shameful piece
of business; but there is not n doubt
of the truth of the charge ns published,
mid w'e have no inclination to assist
in shielding Mr. Yeomans from the
well-merited condemnation Hint he
receives from Ihoeilizonshcro. There
is no possible construction that can
bo placed upon the conduct of which
he is guilty, which will show him in
any other light than that of a man
whoso rascally instincts or criminal
weakness is wholly nt variance not
only with his religious and clericnl
professions, but with tho common de
cencies of life. Ho is not n victem of
temptation, but of his own licentious
inclinations, coupled with a want of
ordinary caution.
He it fallen ; and his usefulness hero,
if ho ever had nny, is nt an end. He
should not make tho mistake of sup
posing that ho is still respected be
cause a congregation still assembles to
listen to his sermons. Ho is looked
upon with distrust and loathing, even
by those who, from curiosity or habit,
may still assemble nt the ringing of
the boll.
He linn but one duty to perform ;
and that is to vnculo the sacred office
which he has disgrnced, and to leave
the community where his presence
would henecforth bo as a moral pes
tilence ; and if tho wifo to whom ho
bus been mornlly unfaithful, if not
worse, will receive him back, he
should strive henceforth tomnko her
nnd himself nn honest livelihood by
some other avocation.
Hotly l'ouml.
One day last week an Indian found
the trunk of a human being, on the
beach between Alsea nnd Siuslaw.
Tho body was entirely deatituto of
clothing, and the head and limbs were
gone, making recognition impossible.
Hut from the fact that no clothing
wns found on the body, it is supposed
that it was ono of the ill-fated crew of
tho Olivia Schiiltse, and that ho had
stripped himself in order to be disen
cumbered in his effort to swim ashore.
The fact that nothing has been heard
from that crow, has now almost crush
ed the last remaining hope of their
rescue, and forces upon us the convic
tion that they havo gone to rest
' whero the sen sings forever the dirge
of the lost "
'l'liK.IuilKNliIln lliln Dlfitrlvt.
There is very little said on the sub
ject of llio Circuit Judgeship in this
district, ciber among the people or by
the press. This docs not arise from a
want of interest in the result, or from
any dissatisfaction with the candi
dates nominated ; but it may be at
tributed to the (net that both parties
take it for granted that Hon. J. F.
Watson is to bo his own successor.
Mr. Walton, bisopponent, is doubtless
a good citizen, but hu is not well
known in this part of the district,
while Mr Watson is intimately known
and bis administration of justice gen
erally approved by men of both par
ties. His majority in Coos nnd Cur
ry counties will bo very large.
."lore mid Moore.
Myhti.k Point, May 18. 18S0.
En. Mail: 1 seo the last County
Court allowed costs in the caeo Stato
vs 1 nomas Winded, amounting to
fOll. It might bo well for the voters
of Coos county to know some of the
facts in the case. Last winter J. F.
Moore, candidate for Kepresentntho
on tho Doinocrntic ticket, ns special
constable, went up to Mr. Whittcd's to
sell tsomo property on execution ; got
into some kind of quarrel with Whit
ted ; come away without selling tho
property; swore out a warrant of ar
rest for the old man, had him arraign
ed nnd all pnrtics present for trial.
After a consultation, some arrange
ments were entered into that Moore
was not lo appear against him nnd
let tho onso go by default, and tho
county pay the cost.
Now, wo propound threo questions
to Mr. Moore. First, if tho charges
were insuHteieut to investigate the
case, why did you 6wcar out your
warrant? Second, if they were, how
could you compromise a criminal no
tion? Third, what amount, if any
thing, did you got for not npponnng
against him t 1'lenso riso nnd explain
beforoyou go to tho Legislature, Mr.
Moore. Voti:u. handed us by our Aaronvillo
correspondent woro misplacod. Will
bo plcasod to receive itoma from that
locality whenever tho writor can con
veniently send them.
Mr. A. Rchultze, owner of tho
schooner Olivia Schuttzo that was
picked up some two weeks since, ar
rived on the -Im-oni, nnd negotiations,
wo understand, nro in progress for tho
adjustment of tho claim of tho tug
owners for salvage.
Cait. Ghaviis is going to tako
chnrgo of tho Little Annie, nnd wo
havo no doubt that under his instruc
tion that young lady will bo as cour
teous to tlie public as heretofore, nnd
tnko in quite ns many dollars' to tho
exchequer of her (fear pupa.
Circuit Court OocUct.
Stnto of Oregon va Joseph IJnrro,
Hlnto of Oregon va Phillip Hcichcrt,
Hlato of Oregon va Phillip Hcichcrt,
State of Oregon vs Oco. If. Cftin
maun, indictment.
H. H. Luho vs II. Drcwalcr, recover
Adam Porshbakor vsG'oouilloHlack
Snnd Oold MiningCo., recover money.
Sroufe ifeMcCrnm vs Henry Miller,
recover money.
Wilniordiiig fe Co. vs J. T. Jordan,
recover money.
H. H. Cninmnnn vs James McGlono,
recover money.
J, W. Hcnnett, administrator of es
tate of F. Frank vs J. M. Davis, recov
er money.
Gilbert Hall vs William McCrindlc,
recover money.
Hoscnbnuin &. Co. vs Ferry it Dailcy,
recover money.
M A. Hushnell vs W. A. littse, con
flrmntion. .1. M. Davis vs J. W. Bennett, ad
ministrator of F. Frank estate, cross
H. H. Lttsc vs W. H. Noble, et al,
recover damages.
W. M. Hilliardvs Job Angell and
Eunice Chance Angell, forclosuto of
Augusta Scales vaE. It. DulTy nnd
G. Webster, injunction.
h. . JMnnn, mlministrntor of l'art-
ncrshipEstatoof Flanagan Ar Mann,
vsP. I'lauagnn.ndministrator of Es
tate of James Flanagan, settlement
nnd partition.
Coquillo Hlnck Sand Gold Mining
Co. vs W. M. Hilliard, injunction.
W.A. Luso vs M.L. Hushnell, T. G.
Owen nnd J. W. Hamilton, injunction.
J nomas Walker vs Jolin JNorman
nnd Dora Norman, set aside convey
ance. Thos. F. Sallcy va L. Siinpkins.writ
of review.
11. II. Luso and A. E. WngstafT va A.
O. Aiken, Sheriir; C. F. Lusc and J.
W. Hamilton, recover personal prop
erty. I. S. Hoscnbauin vs Siglin &, Ben
nett, recover money.
II. II. Lose vs A.'G. Aiken, Sheriff;
recover personal property.
Jonothan Osborn vs J. F. Dunham,
recover money.
A. Nasburg and G. Webster vs II. II.
Luso, abate nuisance and damages.
II. II. Lusc vs James Cnshmnn, re
cover money, (appealed from Justice's
John Abeam vs John Flanagan, re
cover money. (Settled).
George Williams it Co. vs Wcrdcn
Hros. and G. Webster, recover money.
C. F. Luso vs W. A. Lusc, divorce."
C. F. Cammann vsGco. Cammann,
Estate of T. D, Winchester vs G.
Webster, administrator, appealed
from Probate Court.
Isaac Hrigman vs Geo. Elgin, writ
of review.
Itebccca M. Crawford vs S. It. Craw
ford, divorce.
E. S. Spurgeon vs Chas. Morris, ct
nl.forciosure of mortgage.
Heatricc Green vs Thoixns Green,
Amanda M. Bunch vs James It.
Hunch, divorce.
Geo. M. Dyer vs Georgo Bennett
and Ellen M. Joyce, foreclosure of
Joshua Wright vs Joseph Dame, re
cover damages.
John Abeam vs Charles 'Wheeler
and William Hcichcrt, confirmnlion of
H. II. Cammann vs Hiram Elliott,
confirmation of sale.
John T. Moulton vs David Drew and
wife, confirmation of sale.
E. H. Dean t Co. vs T. G.Owen and
John Norman, confirmation of sale.
W. M. Hilliard vs John Norman,
confirmation of sale.
Also about 100 ejectment cases by
II. H. Luso against residents of
School Itcport oT District 'o.
Kditou Coast Mail: I send Mow for
public.itinu a report of the public school nt
Soiithport, commencing February 2d, tad
closing April 30th, 1SS0.
Number of pupils enrolled, 27; average-
nttendnnco for term, 23; average Attendance
first month, 2.5; tho following named scholars
wcro present every day:
Annio Uder, Cora Carper, Lizzie Bowron,
Lizzie Jones, Bertha Finher, Willie Uder
Johny Sparks, Johny Bowron, Jerry Haynes,
Frank Haynes, Katie Haynes, Lova Haynes,
ltichard Sparks, Ivor Thomas, Varina Cook,
Enoch Holland, Annio Louis, Hcllen Greco.
Second month, average attendance 22.
Present every day: Annio Uder, Cora Car
per, Lizzie Bowron, Bertha Fisher, Maggie
Cook, Johny Sparks, Johny Bowron, Jerry
Haynes, Katio Haynei, Loia Haynes, An
nio Fisher, Annio Louis, Mussetta Peoples,
Maudio Peoples, Vnrina Cook.
Third month, averago attendance 23.
Present every day : Annio Uder, Cora
Carper, Bertlin Fisher, Maggio Cook, Johny
Sparks, Vuriua Cook, Mussctta Peoples,
Jerryjllayncs, Frank Haynes, Katie Haynes,
Loia Haynes, Simon Sparks, Annie Louis,
Maudio Peoples.
Fannik McKnioiit, Teacher.
SKTTixn in PitiMAiiiES, Bcforo tho
Democartie primaries wore held, mid
when John Lane was working up tho
schomo to forco his nomination for
ShorifT, ho wrote n lottor to Mr. Uni
son, who lives out on the North Co
quillo, nut to lot Mr. Waller bo oloct
ed ns a delogato to tho convention from
that precinct, and making such sug
gestions as ho thought would best
subsorvo his interests. It appears
that thoro woro somo Democrats in
that region, that did not appreciate
that kind of interference with tho
choice of tho nconlo: they don't ro-
gard it as a virtue, and it does not add
to his popularity thoro.
Cknsus Enumeuatous. Tho work
of taking tho census will soon com
mence. The nnumorators for Coos
and Curry counties nro as follows:
Coos. Morton Tower. 1. 11. Atkin
son, J.J. ClinkonbcnrdjT. M. Herman,
M L. Hauscom.
Ourry. Willis T. White, Will
I'rom .1. II. ftoIcr.
Coquilli: City, May 17th, 1880.
Editoh Mail. As many falso ru
mors nro in circulation in regard to
H. C. Dement, Kcpublienn candidate
for ShorifT, I dcom it my duty to cor
rect rumor No. 1, that Mr. Dement
will not attend to tho business of the
oflico if elected. Mr. Dement told me
if elected ho would attend to tho bus
iness himself. No. 2; he in not qual
ified. Now, I havo been a member of
the court with him for tho hist two
years, nnd am prepared to say that,
although not a gradunto of Yalo Col
lege or West Point, his qualifications
will compare favorable with those of
our former Sheriffs. No. 3: Mr. De
ment at hist term of the County
Court, ns Commissioner, opposed
changing the place of voting in Co
quillo precinct from Brown's school
house to Myrtle Point, in the face of
a petition of G5 voters of that precinct
This is another misrepresentation ;
there was a petition signed by not
more than 20 or 25 voters of said pre
cinct in the vicinity of Myrtle Point,
less thnn one-third of the voters, ask
ing for the change. Yes, Dement,
Kcnyon, and Nosier nil voted against
it, nnd, for the following reasons:
1st. The petition wns not signed
by a majority of the voters in the pre
cinct. 2d. Coquille precinct is a large
precinct, tho present placo of voting
is only about two miles from the north
line of said precinct, nnd it was
thought it would be a great injustice
for the voters in the south part of the
precinct to move the voting place
still further north nnd across the riv
er, so they could not reach the place
of voting and return the same day, to
gratify a few ambitious men at Myrtle
The 4, last, but not the least, ob
jection to Mr. Dement by these Myr
tle Pointers is, they wanted a $4000
bridge at Myrtle Point, nnd as De
ment was a resident of said precinct
and one of the County Commissioners,
of course they supposed he would use
every means in his power for an ap
propriation from the county, but now,
for electioneering purposes, they say
Dement opposed the construction of
the bridge., when the truth is, the pe
tition called for a bridge whero there
was no rond; and the only thing De
ment said was that if they needed the
bridge he would give fifty dollars to
wards building it, but he thought the
county was not able lo build it, and
that the rond be located first and the
bridge provided for afterwards.
Bo consistent, gentlemen. Suppose
Dement had opposed it ; he was elect
ed by tho voters of the county to
transact business to the best interests
of Myrtle Point? No, but the whole
county. Now, suppose Coos river or
tho lower Coquille had wanted the
county to build them a bridge nnd
Dement had opposed it. would the
people of Myrtle Point find fault
with him for it? No, well they pro
bably need a bridge as bad as you do,
and I am inclined to think, tho Co
quille has had its share of appro
priations. They have two bridges
built by the county, one six miles and
the other not to exceed two miles
from Myrtle Point. If you propose to
make this the issue to defeat Dement
forShcritr, tell the people on the Bay,
Coos river, Lake precinct and other
parts of the county, and after the elec
tion, count up your majority. Now
this is only being talked up by a few
designing Democrats, of Myrtle Point,
to try to hoodwink Republicans, and
they should so understand it. Now,
while tho two candidates for sheriff
aro particular friends of mine, I wish
to see neither of them elected through
intriguo or sectional prejudices.
Whilo some say Mr. Lane is a Catho
lic, I say most of the Lnne family pro
bably nre, but I don't think ho is, and
it ho is, it don't disqualify him for
sheriff. So what is done for or against
either candidato let it be done hon
orably. J. II. Nosleii.
The I'oundcr of Hnrrnrd,
It is a singular fact that very little
is known regarding John Harvard, the
founder of Harvard College. He
was an Englishman, nnd came to this
country, and died at Charlestown,
Mass., Sept. 24, 1638. Ho left 700
to found a College. A monument
to his memory was erected in the bur
ial grounds of Charlestown by tho al
umni of the college, and inaugurated
Sept. 20, 1828, with nn address by Ed
ward Everett- Tho Harvard Register
says that at tho suggestion of Rev. Dr.
George E. Ellis, tho late Hon. Jonas
Savago onco ofl'ored $ 100 a lino for five
lines about John Harvard, nnd got
no information.
Mr. Lewis has lately niadoa consid
erable addition to tho Victoria Hotel,
at Bandou, and is now going to mako
an appropriation for tho erection of
nnothor building, that is to bo occu
pied on tho ground floor by a billiard
parlor and bath rooms, and overhead
by a full furnished dormitory for tho
accommodation of his numerous
Mil. B. B.utKEit has erected a nico
cottage on his placo at Rocky Fotnt.
Wm. Temple, tho painter, has been
giving it a coat of paint during tho
past weok. Tho roof is to bo painted
white and will bo a valuable land
mark for navigators in crossing tho
Fon good Cigars and Tobacco go lo
Di Golden's Drug store.
I'ubllc I.ctlcr from J. C.
To tiik People of Coos and Cimnv
Counties: A short timesinco I was
appointed by the Republican Stnte
Central Cominittcoof Coos county to
fill tho vacancy of a candidato for
Joint Senator for Coos and Curry
counties, caused by Mr. B. B. Jones
declining to accept tho nomination
tendered him. This appointment
was unsolicited, nnd as unexpected
by mens it would havo been by nny
of you, but having been placed in this
position, I deem it my duty to express
my views on various matters of local
importance, in reply to questions
which have been asked me by numer
ous citizens.
I have been repeatedly
voters of both parties for my views on
tho labor question ; on the subject
of the appointment of a public scaler
of logs ; on the subject of protection
to the rights of men who work In log
ging camps, snw-mills or coal mines;
whether there should not be some
law to enforce the payment of wages ;
whether tho State should not make
some provision for the construction
and improvement of roads in this and
Curry county; whether the tugboats
should be compelled to tmv for nny
person needing their services, or for
any persons except their owners, nnd
many other questions of a similar
I take this opportunity to reply to
some of these, and in doing so will
have to be brief, not having tho entire
control of the columns of a newspa
per, as my opponent has, to make
known to you from week to week his
ideas as often as he may change them.
I would say that I have been engaged
in the logging business for about
18 years, nnd during that time have
cut and delivered about 18 million
feet of lumber, nlways woiking my
self, yet I have not grown rich nor
have I ever been admitted into any
monopolists union. I have always
saved enough to pay the men who
worked for me paying them accord
ing to agreement for their labor. I
did not log last year, and do not ex
pect to this season, for the reason that
I cannot make it profitable at prices
now offered for logs at the mills.
I believe that the rights of all per
sons should be protected by Law, and
especially the laboring clots. A log
ger should receive a fair and just
scale for timber sold. Experience has
taught me that ascalerof logs is nec
essary, and I will work for tho passage
of a law that will do justice to the
seller as well as the purchaser of logs,
by providing a disinterested and sworn
party to do tho measuring. The laws
should be framed as to fully protect
the rights of the miner, the logger,
the mechanic, tho laborer or trades
man, and all men following a legiti
mate calling ; and suitable lien laws
should be enacted to assure the pay
ment of all wages earned.
As to aid for public improvement in
Coos and Curry counties, I am in fa
vor of getting all aid possible. Wo
have al waj s paid our proportion of
State expenses, and something should
be done for these two counties by the
State, which has never been done to
my knowledge. I am also in favor of
all roads being free and under the con
trol of the counties through which
they pass. Corporations that have ob
tained grants of lands from the gener-
ul government should be held to a
strict performance of the conditions
of the grant. They should be made
to construct and keep up good roads
so long as they hold control of them.
As to tug boats refusing to tow ves
sels to and from sea, it would seem
that if the present law makes them li
able to parties injured by their neg
lect or refusal to perform their duty,
the remedy for that evil already exists
in the courts. If they are not, why
has the matter been so long neglected?
And if they are under no legal obliga
tion to tow, and tho legislature can by
law make them common carriers' and
compel them, under penalty, to tow
and perform service in the line of their
business, I am in favor of the passage
ofsuchalaw. This appears to be a
subject on which lawyers differ, and I
am informed that my opponent, Mr.
Siglin, differs with himself on the
questron ; holding sometimes that
such tugs are common carriers and
are liable in damages for rofusing to
tow, and at other times they are not
liable, but can bo made so by an act of
the Legislature. If elected, I will
submit this question to able attorneys,
for their opinion, and should they
hold that such a law docs not en
ist and can bo enacted and enforced,
I will try to havo tho samo enacted.
As to any and all business that may
comoup for action by me or before tho
Legislature, if elected, I will givo the
same my careful attention, and will do
that which will bo for your host inter
csts, passing no laws or allowing nono
to bo passed, if I can help it, excopt
such as shall bo for tho general good,
assuring yon (hat in that capacity I
will bo as industrious and attentive as
I have been or would bo in my own
privato affairs,
Respectfully Yours,
J. C. Hav.ves.
Circuit Court will convene noxt
Monday, with a largo docket.
Hon. R.S. Straiian is expected to
arrived today, to bo in nttondai.e up
on the session of our Circuit Court.
A Card from It. C. Dement.
To tiik Voters ok Coos County :
Sinco receiving tho nbmfnqtlo'n for
Sheriff of C6oVcirityTpriiavo'6een
informed that the' friends of Colonel
John Lnne are circulating the report
that if I should bo elected to that of
ficc I would have the business 'clone
by deputies, and would not give t,my
personal attention ; also, that. I have
a particular friend who has met "with
bad luck in worldly mntters and failed
in business, and that I only lot my
name go before the people as a candi
date in order to secure n placo for this
needy friend; furthermore, that the
office would not justify me In leaving
my ranch to attend (o it.
Now, I wish to say. to my friends
and the public, that I have novet given
any person reason to bclieve'that if
elected I would have the business
done by deputies ; and as for the needy
friend, for whose benefit I am reported
to be running, I do not know him ;
and if had need for a deputy, would
prefer a man who is competent to do
business for himself, to do business for
me. I have mado arrangements so
that my ranch shall be in good handii
during my absence, at least I am will
to "chance it" with the man who is
now there.
And I take this opportunity to as
sure tho public that if elected to tho
officoof Sheriff, I will give the same
my personal attention,- and will dis
charge the duties to the best of my
ability. Very Respectfully,
B.C. Dement.
Ellensburq May 8. 1880.
Ed. Coast Mail: The. Democratic
candidate for Joint Representative is
making a great deal of noise about
his competitor. All, even those of op
posite politics, agree that Raleigh
ScoW is an honest man ; a man who
attends strictly to his own business.
He did not seek the nomination, but
the Republican party thought they
would like to have an honest man for
When the Democratic candidate for
Joint Representative first come here,
he come in the capacity of a Catholic
priest. He brought a "lady" along
with him that he introduced as-his
sister-in-law. When Abraham trav
eled among strangers, he said of his
wife, "She is my sister." Genesis xx.
After he, the Democrat, had perform
ed the sacred office of priest nt n cer
house here, the family were about to
retire for the night; the "priest" had
to pass the door of the bed-room, in
which his "sister" was sleeping. Clio
door was standing ajar; and he' or
dered the house-wife to close the door ;
"because," said he, "it is not right for
a priest to pass an open door when a
woman is sleeping."
On condition that he would settlo
down here, the faithful members of
the Catholic church gave him largo
sums of monoy and lots of personal
property. As soon as he had wrung
from the unsuspecting Catholics every
thing that he could, ho came out and
said of this lad-, "She is my wife."
And he "spoiled the Egyptians," Ex
odus xii, 35, 36. There is no doubt
he admits that he was at one time a
Catholic priest; he abandoned the
God of Israel and espoused a woman!
You can not call it love, "for at his
age the hey-day in the blood is tame,
it's humble, and waits upon the judg
ment: And what judgment would
step from this to this?" If he was
false to Lis God, about how much con
fidence can the voters of Coos and
Curry counties place in him?
Jack O'Lantekx.
A. Terrible
The prosperous town of Milton,
Pennsylvania, was detroyed by firo
on the 15th instant. The fire origi
nated in tho railroad car shops, and
a heavy north west wind prevailing,
it rapidly spread till the entire busi
ness portion of the town was destroy
ed. Nearly seven hundred house
were destroyed, large quantities of
household goods were loaded on
cars and taken, up and down tho
road, and fields around town wero
filled with goods. During tho con
fusion many articles wcro stolen.
Ono lady lost $60,000 in government
bounds. Tho fire raged fiercely in
the upper part of town. Most of
tho people barely escaped with their
lives. Tho wifo of Dr. Cyrus Brown
is badly burned, and several others
aro knovrn to bo seriously injured.
Tho loss 13 variously estimated at,
from $1,000,000 to 2,000,000, but no
accurate estimato can bo given to
night. The mansion of ex-Govern
or Pollock was destroyed.
The pcoplo of tho town aro almost
entirely dsstituto, and provisions
havo besn pouring in from tho sur
rounding country. A man burned,
has been identified as Mr. Angoy, 85
years old. Ho was attempting to
save tho stablo of tho poor horses.
Mrs. Sucker died during the night
from fright. Tho firo originated
from sparks from a saw mill attach
ed to tho car woks.
In Marshfiold, May Gth, 1880, to the
wifo of J. G. Richards, a eon.