e.mr mwaw Tile Coast Mail. JJATOKDAT, iMAY 22, 1880. IlEPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Congress M. C. GEORGE. For Judges of the Supremo Court J. H. WALDO, of rortlnnd J W. 1. LOttD.dfSftlcm, mid E. 13. WATSON, ol Jacksonville. For Presidential Electors GEO. R OUIUIY, ol Grant; E. L. APPLE GATE, of Lane, and C. II. WATSON, of Lake county. Judge of 2d District J. F. WAT SON, of Douglas comity. , For Prosecuting Attorney J. A YANTES, of Denton county. REPUBLICAN TICKET. COOS COUNTV, ORKQO.V. tor joint senator, J. C. HAYNES. Ton RErRKSKSTATlVK, I L L I A M M 0 R R A S FOR SHERIFF, It. C. DEMENT. W ' FOR COUNTY CLERK, ALEX. BTAUPF. FOR CO. COMMISSIONERS, A. PERS II BAKER, II. W. HOLYERSTOTT, FOR TREASURER, FRED. SCIIETTER. FOR ASSESSOR, ANIEL GILES D TOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, A. 13. CAMP. FOR COUNTT SURTETOR, !. B. C ATI! CART. FOR CORONER, ,OUIS F. MUXIIOE. REPUBLICAN TICKET CURRY COUNTY. Joint Representative RALEIGH SCOTT. County Judge G. B. COOLEY Commissioners C. JENSEN and J. STILL. . County Clerk WALTER SUTTON Treasurer M. C. GIBSON. Slioriff WM. GAUNTLETT. Assessor JOHN MILLER. Coroner T. CUNNINGHAM. Another Irapowltlor-. The most miserable and transparent of all the humbugs which Siglin is trying to impose upon the voters' of the county to secure his election, is the last. He says he can enact a law that wages shall be paid at the close of every month, and that if such pay ment is not made they shall draw in terest at two and a half per cent, per month. He has not announced it in liis paper, because he knows" that among intelligent persons it would brand him as a demagogue and an im postor ; but he talks it to the people and gets others to advocate his claims on that ground. The 12th resolution in the Demo cratic platform, to tho support of which Mr. Siglin and all Democratic candidates are pledged, is as follows : 12. That the Democracy oppose all favoritism and class legislation. No Bingle interest or class of persons should be protected at the expense of others. Again, the Constitution of this State forbids the Legislature to pass fpecialor local laws in relation to in terest on money Subdivision 12, Sec. 29; Art. IV of the Constitution. We havo no hesitation in saying that such a law would be in conflict, not only with Mr. Siglin's own plat form, but albo with the State Consti tution, and therefore void. Mr. Sig Jfn knows this full well, or if he does not, ho is greatly over rated. But he seems to go upon the theory that any fraud or deception is allowable to get votes. rVumlnnlioiiii Tor State Printer. Governor Thayer has ordered an election to be held on the regular election day, Juna 7th, to fill the of fice of State Printer, vacated by the death of W. B. Carter. The Repub lican Stale Central Committee have pla v-d in nomination W. H. Odell, of the Salem Statesman, and the Democratic Convention havo nomi nated Tom Merry, of the Inland Em pire. Both of these gentlemen are well known throughout the State, and the vote will be nearly on the party line. Merry was a candidate for County Clerk in this county in 187G, and mado a canvass of the county in his own behalf, ire re ceived about ten votes in the county, but the fait that ho was j mining in dependent may have had something to do with his falling so far behind. We expect him to do better in the present contest, but he is likely to come out in tho minority again. The editor ol tho Astorian will be pleased to attend to business for peo ple generally, in any part of tho At lantic or western States during his absence. Prior to July 15th, corres pondence may be addressed : D. C Ireland, 141 Broadway, New York; Ebbitt House, Washington ; or in care of A. Booth it Co. , Chicago, Illinois. Aftfr thatdato Mr. Ireland will be on liis tt.iy home, via Idaho and eastern Oregon. Suiisaimm for tho Coaht Mail. Only f2.'50por annum. ."Unjor The charges which have been brought ngalnst Mayor Kalloch of San Francisco, and upon which his impeachment is based, aro neglect of duty as Mayor and chairman of the board of election commissioners, and president of the board of supervisors, bringing tho people of the city into infamy and disgrace by his public ut terances, encouraging unlawful and turbulent gatherings and advising procession endangering public peace and the stability of the government, encouraging turbulent persons to vio lence, while ostensibly advising a dif ferent course. In this connection some of tho Mayor's speeches areq'io ted. Taking and soliciting street car and Southern Pacific railroad passes. The complaint charges him with receiving emoluments from cot tain other officials for obtaining positions for them in the offices of the shcritr and registrar of elections. The com plaint is made returnable May 19tl. Libeled and sold. An exchange says the brig Sheet Anchor was sold for libel at FortTownsond on the 12th. bringing $2,000. the libelant's actual claim being $3,500. NOTICE OF FINAL Pit OOF. Rosebcro Or. Land Office, April 2.1 1SS0. Notice is hereby civen that tho following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 29th day of May 1SS0, before the Judge or Clerk of the Court of Coos county, Or. viz: J. A.'Bonebrake, homestead application No. 2331. for the southeast quarter of northeast quarter section eight, lots 1 and 2 and south j cast quarter ol northwest quarter section nine, township twentysix south, range twelve west, and names tho following as his witnesses viz: F F Ross, M J Stock, R Stephens and L D Smith all of Marshficld Coos county Oregon. IS Wm F Benjamin, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. i Land Office, Rosf.buro. Or., Apr 14, 1SS0 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his ' claim, and secure final entry thereof at the i expiration ot thirty rtays from the date of this notice, viz: Joseph Enos, homestead application No. 2460, for lots 1, 2, 9, 10 and N of NWM section 5, T 41 S, K 13 w and names the following as his witnesses, viz: John Cress well, Wm Kirk, A F Mil ler and A B Cooley all of Chetco, Curry county, befofe the Judge or Clerk of the court of Currr county, on the 9th day of June 1SS0. 17 Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF. Land Office, Rosebuko Or. April 30. 1SS0 Notice is hereby civen that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intcn tion to make final proof m support of his daim and secure final entry thereof on the 12th day of June 1SS0, before the Judge or Clerk of the court of;Coos county, Oregon, viz: Samuel C Braden, homestead applica cation No 2496, for tho northwest quarter of southwest quarter section 25, cast one half of southeast quarter and southeast quarter of northeast quarter section 26, T 27 S R 12 w, and names the following as his -witnesses, viz: Henrv W Holverstott, Thomas Norris. Geoege Norris and Jessie ' Hai kins all ofrairview Coos county Ur. 19 Wm t i"E-JAMIN Itegister. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Office, Rosebuko, Or., May G, 1SS0 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, aid secure final entry thereof on Sat urday the 19th day of June 18S0, before tho Judge or Clerk of the court of Coos county Oregon, iz: Edwin G Baker, home stead application No 2493, for the southeast quarter of southwest quarter and lot 7, sec tion 6 and east half of northwest quarter section 7, T 25, S It 12 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: C T Smith, Wm Gamble, J W Judd and C B Golden all of Marshfield, Coos county, Oregon. 20 Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore. gon for the, county of Coos. A. Nasburc and G. Webster vs H. H. Luse. Action for damages and the abatement of a nuisance. To II. If. Luse said defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby . required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs on file against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before I bIJC. UllbU.IV UL .IJO IIVAb 1CUUIU1 bV( 1U Ul Dt.i court, viz: MONDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF MAY, 1880, and the deftndent will take notice that if he fail to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will take judg ment against him for five hundred dollars damages, and the further relief in said com plaint demanded. rublished bv orderoi Hon. J. r. Watson, Judge of said court, dated April 10th 1880. U. WEBSTER. 15-6t Attonwy for Plaintiffs: NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Rotebcro Land OrncE, April 23, 188. Notice is hereby civen that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten- j tion to make final proof in support of his ' Claim anu secure iinni eiury lucrcui uil luu 20th day of May 1850. before the Judge or . Clerk of the court of Coos countv Or., J. M, claim and secure final entry thereof on the ' Davis, homestead application .No. 2100 for the soutn nan oi nortnuest quarter anu northwest quarter of southwent quarter sec tion twenty three township twentyfive south, range twelve west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Henry Mil ler of Kmpire City, W. II. Noble of Marsh field, F AI BrideB of Coos river, and Cyrus Landreth of Coos river, all of Ccos county Oregon. Wm F Benjamin, 18 Itegister. XOTCCE OF FINAL PROOF. Lan'd OnrcE at I ItosEiiuiiG, OitEOos, March 20, 1880. Notice is hereby -riven that the following named settler has tiled notice cf his inten j tion to make final proof in support of hit i ciaim, aim secure unai entry iiiereoi at me expiration of thirty iLiya from date of this notice, viz: Thomas J. Stitt, promption declaratory iitatement, No. 1)2-17, lor the KJ of NWM.SWl-l of NW1-1, sec. 2, and Si: 1-4 of NK1-4, of sec, .'I, T 41 SH 13 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: II. Ti. Johns, J. U. Cooley, I), II. Palmer and J. 11, Stitt, all of Chctoo, Curry county, Oregon, on tho 17th day of May, 1880, at the U. H. Land OUUe t Itotcburg, Oregon, Wm. F. Hzssjxxts, Itoatcr. The Chnrgri'N u---Uriit Kullocli. CITATION' TO II KIHS. In tho niiittrr of tlio administration of tho cststoofN.M Low, deceased. Citation to licirst To Mary Short and all other heirs of tho cstato of N M Low, deceased' Vmi will liernhv Inko tintieo that 1111011 1io fimdtcation of I. N Ixnv administrator of said estate for an order of salo of tho fol lowing described rtil estate situated in Coos county Oregon, and known and designated liy and in t lie public survejs of tho United States nslots f. l!, 7 and 8 of section 1, in township ill! south of range 13 - est. It was ordered by Hon .1 H Junior, Vrolwito Judge of Coos count v Oregon, that notice Imj given that on the fiTU DAY OK JULY 18S0, at tho Court House door in Kiupiro City Or. tha ho would hear objections if any to al lowing the sale of tho abovo described prop ertv. , . You will therefore appear at said time and plsco and make objection if you hao any to said salo. Alkx SrAUir, Countv Clerk of Coos county Or Dated this 1st Hay of May 1SS0. NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF. Lanh Ofkick, Kosebuiw On. Apr Hi, 1SS0 Xntieo 1 liorchv iriven that tho follow inc named settler has fileJ notice of his intention to make final proof in support otitis claim, and secure final entry thereof viz: Daniel 15 Cooler, homestead application No 3181? for the S of NEl-4, NKMof SEM, NWl-4 of NE1.4, section 33 T 40 S. K 13 w. and names tho following as his witnesses r.i: Henrv Smith, Joseph Enos. William Kirk and J M Moore all of Chetco Curry county, Oregon, before the Judge or Clerk of the Court of Curry county Or, ou the Uth day of Juno 1SS0. 17 Wm F Bf.vjoiiv. llegister B00T& SHOE MAKER Marshfield, Og.w WIIJIiZIOAIiIi ItlWDS OF qttstoim: -wcgrk in a thorough manner ami um onh" the BEST MATERIAL. o Caf-Shopon Front Street, opposite the i Pionei -Market ip-pq pi PIONEER MARKETS, Maksiifii'M a Emfiku City. II. P. WHITNEY, PnorniETOit. A good supply of MUTTON BEEF. CANNED tiOOCS, ETC.. ETC. PORK, ETC ami all kinds of SALTMEATSandVEGETABLES constantly on hand. Also a good stock of onocimzms. YE S S E L S AND LOGGING CAMPS SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE lv-Uf THE CENTRAL HOTEL. Cor. A and Front Sts.,"UAitsiiFiELD,0t. -I rAVINO TAKEN CHARGE OF -Cl the above named house, we can promise to our patrons, 1'J.rst-clnss 1'n re. I'nir Irnlin And courteous attention. J3jrA TRIAL IS SOLICITED.. UlillAJl Is wll supplied in its line, our personal management. WERDEN 1 THE LIGHT-RUNNING Tb BE8T, LATE8T IMPROVED, and most THOROUGHLY conitructed 8EWINQ MACHINE OTcrinronted. Jltl tho -rearing juris are mado of Iho BEST CTrrci rAnrriii ivrpMnmn. "EEL, OAREFUI.r.Y TEMPERED -""e ADJUSTABLE. linn uio aij UJMIVC TKXHIOXt It b tlio LAliatlBT JlOJiUJ.-il Jt lias tb Easiest Threaded 8huttlo, Tho HODDIIV3 are "WOUND Trithout BUNNINO or UUTUUIiAVlNa Uio MACiXINi". it luis n ficr.r.snTTiNO ni:edi,i:j it liasnDIAr.ruruRulatingtliolcnKlliorsUtcli. WITHOUT TILTING; It Jias o I.AHOB BI'ACK under tlio arm; Jt Is NOI8UI.KSH, and lias moro points oflXCj;u,lNCl" Uiaa til otlicr machlnis combined. AT-Agenta wanted In localltlac whero wo ro not represented. Joffiison, Clark & Co. 30 UNION SQUARE, N.Y. FARM FOR SALE ! 1 fif AOKKS OF CIIOICK LAM) j )J nt tlio mouth of Willnnt-li i. urglr, ni'.ir .ortli Jlnnd and Marsh fiold, d(xA liouso und out liuildings. Adapted for duiryinff or genernl farm in;. Good young orchard. Oner of tholiffct furniK in f'oo county. The nlm-p, with t-lofk and imi'loincntK, will Irti Mild vory aheap, tarKor luillior paitii'iiliir apjdv at the olliee of the Co.r Mail. (5 t j raw HOHH i 1 WitGM Jmi 1 BAY VIEW BREWERY, Win. Reiehcr 1 ,Vr opri c tor Keeps constantly on hand, and olVors for salo a superior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLKSALF. and ltr.TAIL. MVitAius set plied withthk choicest iiuazds o WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS BRANCH SALfONAT itiAitsiirir.i.o Drug Store, 1)15. C. 1?. GOLDFN. Pisorn. Opposite Xnlnti'(i'K Store. HAVE O X S T A X T I. Y 0 X 11 A X I) am. sonTs or :d:r,tt3-s VVI- PEIV3H0ALS WIN Kb. von p MKD1CIN L PI l5PO.-.i:s, -D-vaa-s-jc-cj-irara , rivTjsa-iis, srosroitis. Jt-OIXllil'I'.V-l-L-X'I-CLl8, jrl!liLXf XJ-ViailTfV, BTA'riOVMH.V,JVII0 SCIIOOIiUOOKN, aio noii l CIGARS and TOBACCO, and e or thing tiMi.ilh kept inn MKUK l llll.Ns u . Vi'Cfi't'ijttioiis t arefultu (t jiimmlvd. Al-3-tf E. A. ANDERSON, as. livery and feed stable,, MARSHFIELD, OR. HAULINO DONE AT SHORT NO tice anilat ei re.iMiiiablo rates COAL AND WOOD CON--TANTI Y ON HAND ' -COOKING OB HEATING Hew Excelsior Oil Stove. J tut UieTlilnK for Light lIonktniliig. It will Droll, Rout, nd Taka ltfr ttitn k Cnl 01 "ffQwl St0T. tnd for ClrcuUrt. AUENTS WANTLD. COLEMAN GAS APPARATUS AND OIL CO.. 78 Jluirr br., - - Cincioo, In. Tb Great Cure for Djipepla, InJlRnllon, Ullloui Ilead&che, Llrar ComiUint, )ftr nd Auu, Gtneritl IB. FISHER'S rtlllllj airlallcorflplitictl ofStomacli, I.lir i flccn on lh nljr dlnoTtred principle of ABSORPTION. No Ilnici. No Koctor Bill. lend fur ClrcuUrf, deN-rlb. lcg the Alteration Cure Medicated BELTS. and the retolullon It U cauilug Id the Kleuct of medi cine UjrsjKpala Iirlt, 3". Feur Kiul Ague nlr. 88. Tonic llrlt, S-l, ami Infanta Belt, 81. TheM Jtclta will bt tent to any addrt free of txtetaga rn receipt of JiU) earh, or 31.00 for Infant'i Ilelt. AGENTS wanted in every county in ILe United Stales. Address, FISIIKU JIKDICATED BELT CO. 232 Illinois St., Chicago. aBBaaBUKatnamsnsaBaBHiaBaaaaMaaasnaaasa THE WILGOX&WHIT ORGAN OO. Meriden, Conn. U.S.A. "Children's Blow Pedals," I Adjusted or removedinstantly, Invented and Exclusively used by this Company. The most popular Organs of the day! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY, "Tho Wilcox fc Whito Organ Instructor" is tho BEST and CHEAPEST in tho -market ! iorf l'jr ll'uvirutul Cutulo'jut. Horses f y$SFjkr-7 '' ' l'Ml'lltl' CITY COOS B-A.TT MAKKET, MVlUISlll'lKl.ll, -IUI-MON, W. It SiMi-ioN A I lloi.r wn PropilolorH. MEATS mid proNlMout of all kinds Mild :it I ho lowest living luti's mill J)j:LTVJ:i:i:i nt any point ilesiicil shctdpie-3: ES rou VESSELS. I.OtiOINO CAMPS Nl) KUULIES, ALWAYSRFADY. Suj-We kci') luilliinglitit tliohi8t..'t-3 and insuie -i.itifai'tiou. l.-l-tf 8l.i week in our own town. Tonus and $5 free Add'riMH II. 11 m i i Tr A Co. Portland, M.mu' EUGENE 07C0NNELL7 I ni.uni in STOVES & RANGES, I iitiit Improved HardwarB,Tools, -AND- Tmj)leiii.en ( s. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND ! AMMUNITION, I LJLlvdIFS &c OILS. AV(IOI) A W I I.I.I n w aim:, SttMin, atoi 1'ip'' mid I'tttiii8.liran- ite and l'liitfd Wan s i MANiTACTrnnns of TIN, COPPER &SHEETIRONWARE, Ilt -t1 OICK EXKCUIKI) Willi DlrllMTCII. 6Qy-KXTUAS for Stoves, Flows Mower.s mid Rt-upcrs f uriiisliocl ut fhoit notice. ABMIXISTKATOH'S SAI.K. By virtue of an order f the County Court of Curry county Oregon, in pr Ixito, made on the 8th day of April ISM), directing hu sale of the real estate of the estate of Midi ael Fox dctiascd, hereinafter dmcrilivd, I will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, tho north west quarter of tho northeast quarter, west half of west half of northwest quarter of southeast quarter, and lots one two three and four of section eight, tow nidiip thirtj five south, of r.uige fourteen wost. Also all the nht title mill interest of the estate of said Michael Fox to the following described nil joining property tow it: Commencing at a point on the north lino of the Boutliwrst quarter of section eight aforesaid, due north of a pine tree 10 inches in diameter and marked W, thence south to the north bank of Uca creek, thonco caitcrly up said creek to the first bend; thence -.otith to tho south line of said forty acre tract; thence west to the southwest corner of said forty nnd tlicnco cast to tho plicoot lieginning. Tho abovo mentioned sale will tako place at the courthouse door in I'lhnsbiirg Curry county Oregon, on thoTWKNTIKTH DAY OF MAY 1880, between tho hours of 12 o'clock m and 2 o'clock p in of said day. Dated April 10th, ISM) WM TIPIIKNOK, II! Administrator estate of Michael 1'ox- HIGHEST HONORS; ax -rmi Centennial World's Fair, 18761 TBI SHONINGER ORGANS j oo-7cxd uviracoctXT it Tin BEST INSTRUMENTS. Tbtlreomparatlrs exeallsnca !i rrcognlsad by tha Jailgea n tbelr itopurl, (rom whlotj the MllowlDi- la au sxtracti "Tha II. HHO.MI.VORa OnOAIT OO.'B xhlblt as tlm lie.t Instrument at prloa rendarlner them posilbls to a lar elits ( pnrohasars, barlui combination ol Iteeds lund Uelli, prodPclD qot1 and pleasing etfacls, eosUlnlnc many daalrsblt ImproTemauti, mil tarn longar In dry or damp climate, leas llablt to ft ontof order, all the boards being mails threa-plr, put togeilier so It li ImpoitlUn for them to either ahrluk. swell nr anllt," Tllll ONLY OUUAMU AWAHUiio T1IIM U1MC, This Uedal and Award was granted after thi moat sarero coin(iatltlou of the beit makars, befuie one of the luoat coiujieleut Juries orer tiaeubled. Vew Slrles and prices Jnit i-aed, which are In sooordance with our rule, the 1JUST oil O AN tor thelcait -none. W are prepared to sjipolnt few newagante, Dlaatrated CaUlog-ucs UialUd, poit-rald, on epplioaUen to .---.- B, SHONINGER ORGAN CO., 07 Ut 1S8 CHESTNUT BTBEtT, ' Nt-7 Uatxm, Ooms. i it r s i x !: s s c a it n h. T.l MACICHY.M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Km nut: Cnv, OurnoN. C 11 UOLDIJN.M.I). PHYSICIAN & SURGEdN Mmisiii II'MI, (initios. V. V. TOWKIt, m. n. PHYSICIAN.&SURGEON M MIHIlrlKI.D, OUIIIION. L AN(ilCI .M. I). PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 'V it We Cltif, OfiH. H. 11. .Miti, J. W. IlAMII.ION' IIA7.AI.P v lIAMllrON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will piiulii'o in tho unions courts of lllOMtlltl' orntT t FMi-iiir ( i rv, ()ti. cr. jsk. sia-Linsr. ATTORNEY v COUNSELLOR AT LAW. m vusiii in imri:.on (i. WKMSTKlt, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M MistiKii 1 1. dill rios HENRY SENGSTACKEN, .OT.lllVI,rilLHU,l).VE.A.l'EII,' KMI'llli: IT, ()(..N. Colli'ftinim iiuil other liiihiii(ti plnt'od in mv liuiids, will r-'i'i'ivi' piotnpt ntttiti Jlon." vi-It-tf V. 1'. Will OUT, I', S. Mineral ami U S. ) S V I! V K Y o i: , t'oi-t n.i,i: Citv, Oa.v. Will iittcml to tin iHn-liioiwofHurvcyiii-; in uiij pnrt of tho county. IVriirt niiiMtif nil niiri,y',tl lantl-i, fur nixlu'iliit nlioit iwitii'f. i:. ;. - it i MMtoi), ATTORNEY sd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, aiuvxa'X-n-a.-oxM-Vi ohmoon A nhitrt' o ipublif pattimiiKC in rowjH'ct fully nlit.1. 1 ;wif 17 V! u wick fl'2 a d.l lit hullli c.ihi lv niuilf. t'nnth outtlt frff. Addn-Hn Tni'i: A t' Aumta. .Muitu Efpial to Any. EiceMtyNone. U'JIIC Tayl -rlor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. IaouruclnrrU nf Vorcrtrr, ln. , lit, lUri:TZUZ):3 cf tmy value may l-f founj la thcie fntrumiits, a; i t'tey c mtjm many ESSENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS 1 MOT rCUWS In et'itr Oft-an j Almlnn to produce work which hnll bs I Durnblo, we will not encrmoo thnt which I la not soon, nml yet Is vltnl to n par-foot Orann, In or dor to mnko n moro fancy l xterlor. ' We nr ttiil cnUcil to prcitnt i I Stylish nml Apjiroprluto Cuim I a ran l fouml in the maitet, ll'i a finiih hicli b sllliUllLyany. A8 RBCARDQ TONE, I TllS rOLLOWINO Award witli Medal Diploma or Honor WAl GRANTED TV THE CIllTtnNIAL EXHIBITION COMMISSIONERS: rrlesnrT Iri Utrlmanthlp, rrtnsni. rtmrt an ' BKILLIIUI or TOlf. uniformity is l'ir aol Cmml tllllllo"lliiiil!illfflIti(nftrtni-rfiinl-lintd." Do net fait to maVo Splicaiina anj EXAMINE THEBE INOTItUHENTO I'ttotc Pu-iliatiiij-Catalojuti fret, rn application la the ! Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WOKUESTER. MASS. ".-! i it st jK r ilu ul In inc t-iiinjili'H. -in iv fn 111 1- .iimriKi niviuj, J'oitlaiiil, Maine At E. B. DEAN & CO. J-:. H. UKA.N, l). WIMaCOX AMI C II. .M Kite II ANT. Wi: a avi. Always os Hand a Fli.i. At-hortiuiiit, o( GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE LTTIMIIBIEIR, AIAXL'KA(TL'IIKI) TO OltDMIt Ami SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. ami ul tlu THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. NASBURG & HIRST, Fiiont Snti.tT, Maiihiiiu i,d( Oo,v. NKW OOODM ..VKN-mtYHTKA-ti, or, kt't'p ftintuiitl,v on liiuut in our lilt ko anil .nniinu'lioiH hIoio, u well Hi'li'flril Hloi'U of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, coiiHitrititK of tho lii-t wtaplo mill fancy DDOE'Z" Q-OODS, of all KIiiiIh, tlioi'liolci'st GROCERIES PROVISIONS. A l.VIUM STOi'U OF Cl.OTIIINd, JIA'I'SiiiulCAI'S, MOOTS anil KIM) KM, KUmiKUS iind Oil, CLOTIUXfl SMIM-KltS iiiul OILCLOTH ' riKH'KKHY am! CLASS WAIK.IIAIM)VA: ami TOOLS, Cigars mid Tobacco, 1'ulnK Oils and YunMhn, !i t' V Inos and 1 .lj ti s, Tin mic and Ammunition. CU'rt.EHV. Wimn ,,,,,1 )Vll.Lt) II I ,'. rt.i.f Sclxool IBool-zs T AT I ONER Y, runrviNitiNo ccct , WNUlIONllimV Our t'.ti'iiiii((iui t'iiK!- an lillnl wi-di tlii'lliH'it MILLINERY AND FANCY G000S, IMMCKS TO SlIT T1IIC TIM US. N. H All (jhoiIh piiri'liiiM'tl nt our Htoro will Im tlt'liM'icil fri'i ol chargo at any point ou tlic mute of tlio Uo.iinor Mjitli. I I-tf (OX'S ll.lltlli:i( Mioi. t n ritu.Nr or Tin; rnsiii i. iuti:i Mumlillclil, (),it If J (III IMUlt llll M' HllllVl, Aw ootI iin liiiilnr t'vcrjfnio, .hist cull ou tno at in v diiIooii, I'loln Mini ii 'till ninlit or luisy noon; My lazoiHlmip, my K'iiorM, kt'i-n, My wimp is iii-nt unit towt'I-i t lean ; Ami tlit'ri I think tlutl you will (1ml Knell m tii'lc to unit tin mini! ; I trim tlicliiiiruitli i-kilt fin gent, Uf I'Diirce tin" pi ii' in fifty eum , SliHiupooiiiK. too, I lo I lint will, (iivu mo a trial, that u ill tell ; So lit'lpuii' HH'ioii'i if I imiki' Mm hol ler, You iiri'd imt p. is a ipiirti r uf a dollar I (u Pr.ip 1' S Hot and i c.lil 1ji 1 1 -. alum i I rally I I lMfl ( dun FURNITURE ' STORE, CuN-rwTlli UN IHMi Mattreiie i(v Itnlnti ail, Chairs ,V l.oiiiiaeti, t'rilii .0 Craillci, I'lCTlitlN, ritVMI1. Mnl'I.IHNtJS, TAlll.i:i, MlllltulJS & "on iitl ii tr- iinni I'n nitii o Muile to dnli r COmXS iiimli" nt -luirti-ht notice. SEVING MACHINES ArrAiiiMi m-, iimii -tr. V M KK. llif Pi iiitiiToi:. MBManBMHMMwmBanaaHHuaMMHH FAMILY Meat Behcet. HOhS A TIM.Mi:iCMX Would niitiontiof to III- pnlilif tluit lliuir mnv niiiikct oi'i'O.siTKTiincUavniAL liorr.r- in nowoi'i:ni.i ANDTHl'YAUKI'ltr.l'AUKDtof-P.I.I, AM. I.INI1H III 1IKHK 1'OKK iV. MKATSnf ALL KINDS provisions'and vegetables VESSELS mid LOddlMI CAMPS sri'pui n ir-fri-iucKs iiuuv tuiui;ih:i)..3 i f.O ItlK k NEW :-' 0 FV. E Sewing Machines .irsTUKomvi:!) iiyktamkk' roii kmi: AT REDUCED RATES, BY hknuv (i i'I.oi:;i:k, I) .MtiiMH llinpirc City. Y. (I. WKBMTKR. DKVIXIl IV Boots; Shoes Anil l.iiitliir I'lmlinKM. MAItHlli II I.I), Oil. rifAVM JTKy IlKTUJtN'ED fioin Hun 1'iaiiiiHi'o with u coin lli'tc murk of cwrj tiling in my li"e lomly iiuiilc IkhiIh mid hIioch, do, BST MATERIAL NLY USED. FARM FOR SALE. A .SMALL FARM HITl'ATKr) ON' i Mm Imnk of the ('nfjuillc Hivcr conlainiii',' HH iickh RICH BOTTOM LAND, , Willi IlmiKd and Oroliard. Ciin '" Itunlod uta l(ms()iialiloltiil(. J'or xit tiuiilui'M ii'ily to JIlIKUV S..S"I.MTVC"KK.V, Kiiiplio City, OrcK""- iSSMwWilii,1iLiiiiiai'