The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 15, 1880, Image 1

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JTh.o Ooaet Mail.
The Coast Mail.
.A.X.X. x.x'wi xmmv:
Marnhflcld, Coos Co., Or.
Term. In Adrnncc.
Ono year -Six
Thrco inoiitha -
$2 m
1 M
1 00
Vol. 2.
M A-RSHtfrELD, OK., 8A.TXJK,D-A.Y, MAY 15, 1880.
No. QO.
v j m Lirii . -ix-'jhw m a
Stttle of Oregon.
Governor, W. W. Thayer
Secretary of Stale, It. 1'. Knrliiirl
Treasurer, K. Hursh
Huiit. l'ulilic Schools, J. L. Powell
2d JmUcinl lHilriet.
District Attorney,
J. K. Wiilson
Coos Cvnnly.
County Judge,
J. II. Nosier
iJohn Konyon
It. O. Dement
A. G. Aiken
Alex. Slattir
D. Morse, Jr
Bchool Superintendent,
John Luno
J. F. Moorti
T. C. Mnckuy
Cnrtg County,
County Judge, Dclos Woodruff
School Supt.,
J 1 Hughes
(J. A.Cooley
A. II. Moore
Walter Button
A. M. Gillespie
M. I). Gibson
Thou. Cunningham
Mayor Uallorh Itnprnchcd.
At n mooting of tho board of su
pervisors of Sau Francisco, on tlio 3
instant, tho judiciary committee,
who hsul been instructed to take into
consideration tlio utterances and ad
dresses of Mayor Kalloch nml to re
port what, if any, incendary Ian
guago Ire tins used publicly, and to
report proper action to 1ms Liikuii hy
the Ixiard in the premises, lilod a
long rcjiort reviewing the history of
the labor agitation and tlio part
borne in it by Kalloch, finding that
lie has encouraged a lawless and dis
contented element, advised them to
parade the streets and endeavored
to keep thorn in such disposition and
touipcTamonl as to commit an out
break whenever it should suit his
purposes; that he had impeached
the honesty of the whole community,
accused various branches of tlio gov
ernment of corruption and derelic
tion of duty, and undor pretense of
counseling a mob against violence
insidiously advised them (o be in
readiness for bloodshed and over
throw of'Jw authorities. They ex
prescsscd the opinion that Kalloch
in unscrupulous and unprincipled
and devoid of integrity oiid fidelity
to public in tercets, and that the time
lias arrived for tlio board to express
their condemnation of his acts and
recommend that prompt action bo
taken to vindicate tlio fair fame of tlio
municipality by n judicial inquiry
into Kalloch's case.
A motion to adopt tho report the
was put by Mayor Kalloch, who an
nounced on viva voco vote that it
was carried. Tho roll was called , re
sulting in nn unanimous vote for
A resolution was then adopted
which authorized tho committee to
causejudicial proceedings to bo in
stituted against tho mayor for his
removal from office and empowering
them to employ counsel and prose
cute the matter to a speedy tormina
A D ! rate Bight.
A desperate affray took place in
Wayne county, Kentucky, a fow
days since. A- man named Powell,
who was a witness to the killing, last
fall, ol Hutchison by Phillips, bus
been dogged and threatened by Phil
lips in order to keep him from testi
fying. Powell refused to leave tho
country or accept a bribe. Thurs
day night u party of six or seven
masked men attacked Powell's
liouso and broke in tho door with a
rail, when nowell struck three of
them down with an ax. Mrs. Pow
ell was shot through tlio arm. Tho
maskers retreated, but again return
ed when Powell fired and killed tlio
leader, who proved to ho John Will
Smith. Tho others ran olT, Mrs.
Powell pulled a liandkcrchiofofT the
face of ono man, and says that it was
Phillips. Powell has obtained war
rants for tho arrest of three of tho
men, wlio are now in jail.
Tub Democrats of Yamhill coun
ty at their recent County Conven
tion, ro-nominatcd Win. Galloway
for tho Legislature. Hy so doing
Ihoy endorsed tlio charge of pecula
tion uud fruud made by tho late In
vestigation Committee, of which
Galloway wa a membor, ugainst
firover et al, during eight years of
Democratic rulo in Oregon,
Or Orrffon'n Noiilhrrn Con I.
Wo reached tho catioo in a short
time I was helped Into it, and lied
don took tho poddlo anil shoved out ;
judging from his awkwardness I pre
sumed this was his first attempt at ca
noo navigation. Wo found tho ebb
ing tide so swift thai tho crossing
could not ho inndo, and it was with
much difficulty that ho managed to
laud at tho Indian camp, whoro wo
surrendered ourselves to the hospital
ity of tho two old squaws, whom wo
found to bo friends in deed. We
could only convorso hy signs, hut
found that they wcro friendly to tho
whites, and while not at war with the
Coquillcs and lower tribes, woro not
on very Irionuly terms, vto also
learned that all tho Cooso Indians ex
cept this family wera up tho river at
the fisheries. Thcso squaws had a
full knowledge of what had happened
to our party at tho Coquillo river, und
madoovoryoirortin tin ir power to liclp
us. A lire was kindled, a luxury wo
had not enjoyed since tho 13th uud I
soon became warm, which instead of
relief ajqicarcd to add to my misery ;
a lurgo quantity of sniull fish, about
tho size of a sardine, wero laid before
us, I was unable to cat much, but
Heddeu's appotito was good, and in
fact ho was ravenous ; and to use an
expression of his "that ho ate enough
to last him to tho Umpqua," conveys
but a small idea of what a hungry
nun can cat.
The squaws appeared uneasy while
wo wero there, but the old Indian
soon appeared on the beach, and one
of tho squaws took tho canoe and
soon lauded him at camp. He was
excited uud projKiscd to set us over
tho rivor at once. I was laid down in
tho bottom of tho canoe, Iledden in
the how, and the Indian in the stern ;
wo wero soon moving up tho main
river, keeping oloso alone tho shore
for some distance, when w struct out
for tho opposite siilo, about ono mile
distant. Tho tido was running down
swiftly, and tho wind blowing up fu
riously ; it was rough for our little ca
noe, tho water slopped all over mo and
when wo lauded a little way uIkivo
tho ocean tho canoe was half full of
water. I was fully us comfortable as
I had been any time to-day, and was
perfectly indifferent whether I got
out or not, but after so mo difficulty
and hurting mo considerable, lleddeu
and tho Indian lifted mo out of tho
canoo and set mo up oi tho beach,
and complaining as usual. lleddeu
pronounced mo "all right as long as I
could stand alone." Tho Indian sot
out for homo and wo passed slowly
over tho low drifting sand hills (o tho
ocean and turned our faces towards
tho Umpqua, 20 miles to tho north,
uud apparently a smooth sand beach
all tho way, with drifting sand hills
on the right. Tho wind was north
west and blew so hard against us, that
without Heddeu's assistance I know I
could not have kept my fcot a momont ;
resting at shorter intervals than usual,
it becamo necessary for us to camp
early in tho afternoon, so reaching a
lono black pino tree a fow yards back
in tho sand hills, wo camped, exposed
to tho wind, fog and cold chilly damp
ness, where we woro destined to pass
another misciablo night.
Sopt, "0. 1851. Last night was per
ceptibly moro sovoro than any pre
vious ono Hcddon improved all his
time rubbing mo carefully, covering
mo up in tho sand, bolstering mo up
in ono place and casing mo down in
another in his efforts to roliovo mo,
and uftcr a tedious night wo had tho
satisfaction of seeing morning appear.
I had an inward fovor, or Homefhiiig
of that sort, which caused mo to
thirst much more than usual hut wo
had soon no fresh water sinco wo loft
tho Indian camp at Cooso, and was
now suffering for drink in addition to
my othor tortures.
Tho brush and briors wo had been
continually passing through had so
out my feet and logs, that they woro
completely raw, uud lloddon's was
in equally as bad a condition, I felt
woakor, wounds soror, my body moro
discolored and my pains much moro
sovero ovory day, yet was barely ablo
to stand up on my foot, and hy tho
tiiun it was fairly light lleddeu had
mo under way dragging uud almost
carrying me along ovor tho sandy
Loach, resting at every fow yards.
Tho morning was cold and thick, hut
soon became fair: at niuo or ton
o'clock tho high prevailing winds set
in and continued all day. Tho bonoh
was smooth, no obstruction in tho
way, yet progress was slow and pain
ful as usual. About noon wo reached
a stream of fresh water about 20 feet
wido breaking in through tho sand
hills I was much in need of drink,
but this water was Warm and tasted
disagreeably swampy and did not
quench thirst a bit, I drank too frco
ly and becamo sick in consequence of
it. Wo rested an hour or two at this
point and thou moved on I did not
think I could go any further,'but Hcd
don insisted upon a quick start, so we
drifted along a fow rods at a time and
did not go into camp until nearly
sundown, and as anxious as I had
been to stop, I dreaded it when Hod
den announced his intention to turn
oiroutof reach of tho spray and camp
in tho sand, with no tree, no shelter
and no protection whatever hut moth
er earth for a bed and tho canopy of
Heaven for a covering.
Sept. 21, 1851. If mortal man over
suffered in this world, it was myself
during tho past night I wulkcd, cried
und prayed for death, in any form ; I
cared not how it camo, and end my
torture at once, but all to no purposo,
in due timo the light of another disappeared.
Hodden set mo up on my feet this
morning, and I was unable to bear my
weight and ho laid mo down again on
tho ground and hesitated for a few
inomentH what to do. I begged of
him to go on and leave mo alone in
tho sand hills to die, but ho was more
determined than ever and declared
that while life last I must movo on ;
from this decision there was no ap
peal. He therefore tore up his shirt,
twisted it into a largo rope, fastened
the ends together forming a kind of
loop of about.) feet in diameter, threw
this over his heid and under his right
arm, in the manner in which a hunt
er wears a shot pouch, then lifting me
up and thrust my head and shoulders
through the loop under his right arm,
so that' I could bear a portion of iny
weight upon him, and in this manner
he walked mo along at tho rate of
about 200 yards at a time ; this he
considered good progress. This prov
ed to he our last days march, wo wcro
at the mouth of tho Umpqua river
about the middle of the afternoon.
Day was foggy and cold Wo came
upon tho dismantled remains of an
old Brig, called tho Caleb Curlie
wrecked at the Umpqua bar u short
timo before, and which was driven
ashore on tho south side of the river,
and under tho lee of this I was placed
and Hedden started up tho river as
fast as possible for assistance, not
knowing how far ho would go, or how
long ho would bo gone. In about half
an hour back ho camo with three or
four Indians from a ranch above, and
I was packed to their camp where wa
ter was obtained, and again placed by
a fire, but before I was warmed up wo
heard the sound of a row-boat in the
river, which proved to boCapt. Gibbs
and Homo of his men from tho brig
Ahnint which happened to bo in the
rher alone, and these parties had come
down to obtain an iron strap from tho
old wreck, but seeing our condition,
ho took us in his boat and returned
with us to Gardiner, about eight miles
above, which was the nearest point
where any one was living, which wo
reached a little before dark. Wo were
received with that hearty and hospi
table welcome, only known to our ear
ly pioneers ; I was soon washed all
ovor and my wounds dressed for tho
first timo.
(To be con! i lined)
lrobnlilo Mil r dor of a. lluw
bund by hi Wife.
At 0 o'clock on tho fith, Geo. Sand
erson, proprietor of a lodging liouso
in Virginia City, was found dead, ly
ing on his faco, in a front room up
stairs, Blood was streaming from his
bond. Tho screams of his wifo and
tho report of a pistol alarmed the
neighborhood, and Mrs. Sanderson
said Mr. Sundorson hud shot himself
through tho head. Examination
showed no powder marks in the ro
gion of tho bullot" nor rango of hair,
although tho bullot wont through
just in front of the oar. Mrs. Sundor
son was urrestod for murdor. De
ceased was dangerously stabbed some
timo ago, but on recovory said ho had
stabbed himsolf, and Mrs. Sanderson,
who had been arrestod, was released.
Tho parties havo lived vory unhappy
together, und tho general boliof now
is that Mrs. Sandorson formerly stab
lied, and now has murdered hor hus
band. Thk following, from tho Homo
Journal, under tho hoad of. "Recent
Weddings:" Abbio Iceland, third
daughter of tlio lato Major Loland of
General Grant's staff, to Joaquin
Millor, tho "poet of tho Sierras."
Cards wcro not isauod. Mr. and
Mrs. Millor intend visiting England
in tho ppring.
Hud C'noe of Nulcltlc.
Mr. K. E. Turk, a merchant of
Canyon City, shot himself through
Die head last week. Ho had in his
custody some funds belonging to tho
Bocicty of Odd Fellows, of which ho
was robbed, and being unable to re
place the lost money, resorted to su
icide. Ho loft tho following letter:
Canyon City, April 20th, G :30 a.m.
Deak Bito. IIazki.ton : Last
night I was robbed of lodge funds
amounting to four hundred dollars
God knows I would not wrong my
lodgo out of ono cent. If I do not
recover it to-day I am lost. Re
member mo kindly to tho members
of tho lodge. Last night I did not
sleep a moment thinking of my mis
fortune, but I hope I will not suffer
much longer. I have but few
friends and you are one of them.
God bless you and lookout for my
little ones. This is my last
Yours in F. L. & T. E. E. Turk.
Tho funeral of the unfortunate
man took place on Sunday afternoon
under the auspices of the Odd Fel
low's fraternity, of which he wes a
prominent member, being Warden of
tho Grand Lodge, and hut just been
elected as delegate to that body by
the subordinate lodgo of which he
was a member. Deceased Was a
brother-in-law of Hon. C. B. Bellin
ger, judge of the fourth judicial dis
trict, and leaves a wife and six chil
dren to mourn his loss.
The FitHteMt EbrIiic.
The Baldwin Locomotive Works,
Philadelphia, havo just turned out a
remarkable piece of work intended
for a remarkable purpose. It is a
passenger engine constructed for tho
Heading road, to bo run over the
Bound Urook route, between Philadel
phia and New York, in which service
it is intended to eclipse anything of
tho kind going. It has been built
chiefly for speed, and, if the expecta
tions of the contracting parties are
carried out, tho timo between Phila
delphia and New York over the above
routo will be lessened about half an
hour. Tho distance between tho two
places is ninety miles, and tho fastest
trains over both the Pennsylvania
and Bound Brook roads have been
making it in about two hours. The
Reading peoplo are aiming to make
the distance in one hour and a half,
and with this object in view they
some time ago contracted with the
Baldwin Company to build them an
engine that would perform that work,
or, in other words, accomplish ninety
miles in ninety consecutive minutes.
The now engine has the largest pair
of driving wheels, perhaps, of any
passenger locomotive in this country,
tho wheels being G feet in diameter.
Tho ordinary driving wheel of a pas
senger engine has a diameter of from
CtoC.'i feet. 'Tltencwengino is dif
ferent in other respects, also, having
but ono pair of driving wheels instead
of two additional smaller ones, as is
the usual custom.
To Itcfculnto Imiuic'ritttoB.
Tho unprecedented immigration to
this country which is now in progress
has sot our Congressmen to thinking
on this subject of tho possiblo effect
of an indiscriminate license to emi
grate to Our shores. We want men
who arc willing to labor, but vagrants
and criminals ara not desirable. A
bill has beon introduced in Congress
to regulate this business. It provides
for tho approbation of $250,000 to bo
expended in protecting the immi
grants who aro received, and in guard
ing against tho admission of such as
should bo rojectcd. It requires a re
port of tho luine, age, last legal resi
dence und occupation of overy immi
grant upon arrival, ami prouiuiu uio
landing of thoso who havo within
six months been inmates of lunatic
asylums or poor houses, requiring
ships that brought them to give them
a freo return to tho port from which
thoy camo. It also guards against the
admission of persons charged with
A Portland oxchango says that
on account of tho groat scarcity of
tonnago in tho Columbia river, at
present, there is every week from 15,
000 to 20,000 centals of wheat ship
ped direct to San Francisco, where
it can find transportation to foreign
porta. This is attributed to tho rep
resentations that havo been made to
tho olfect that tho etitrnnco of the
Columbia is rapidly shoaling, mak
ing it dangjrotia for largo vessels to
attempt to cross tho bar.
SunscituiK for tho
Only $2.50 por annum.
Coast Mail
Letter from lion. 31 . C. Ocorgc
RosEmma, May Cth, 1880.
Ed. Coast Mail: I much regret
my inability to visit Coos Bay and
vicinity and address the people there
upon matters of vital interest, llav
ing had tho pleasure of a trip there in
1878 and having found my follow cit
izens there, ir-rcspectivo of party,
whole-souled, courteous and hospita
ble in the extreme and wide awake to
all their material interests, nothing
would give mo greater pleasure than
an extended trip there now, but as
my time for canvassing the State is
limited and desiring to visit many
points whore I havo not been, I find it
impossible to visit Coos or Curry
counties ere the Juno olection.
While at Coos Bay and Gardiner,
two years ago, I personally inspected
several places requiring and needing
aid and legislation from tho general
government, nd fully expressed my
self in favor of tho improvements
contemplated, believing then as I do
now that they wero justly demanded
and of great benefit to thoso impor
tant commercial points and to the
State at large. I then expressed my
faith in a bright future for your sec
tion ; sinco then you havo witnessed
the commencement in that direction
and I am glad to see these improve
ments begun, and hope no stone will
bo left unturned until tho vast and
valuable resources of that section'
Coos Bay, Port Orford, Coquillo and
Umpqua arc fully opened up to the
commercial world for development.
A representative in Congress from
this State who desires to represent the
people and the interests of every tec-
(ton without ttultnctton, as a represen
tative should do, will endeavor with
all his power to secure the fostering
aid of tho general Government in be
half of the interest of those isolated
portions of our State so long neglect
ed in this respect, and I believe it to
be the part of commercial wisdom for
each part of our State to work for and
encourage the development of every
other part, and that it is a solemn
trust imposed by tho peoplo of the
State upon these charged with the
performance of tho duty of securing
legislation, to caro for the welfare of
overy section and every interest.
Please to convey to my many warm
friends among your readers my earn
est desire, in case it may become my
duty to do so, to render any and all
assistance in my power to these de
sirable ends. Very Respectfully,
M. C. George.
Extract from a Npeccli of Hob.
J. y. lolp!i, of Portland.
Tho following forcible summary of
tho issues of tho present canvass, is
from the speech of J. N. Dolph, at
tho late ratification meeting in Port
land :
A fow days ago wo wero rcmiuded
of tho anniversary of the assassina
tion of President Lincoln. Well do I
remember tho sorrow and excitement
of that day, and subsequent funeral
pageant and tho eulogy of ex-Governor
Gibb. Suppose on that occasion
Gov. Gibbs had predicted that within
less than fifteen years, cloven confed
erate States, out of a representation
of ninoty-thrco members in Congress,
would bo represented by cighty-fivo
confederate soldiers ; that there would
bo sixty-five confederate soldiers in
tho House, and twenty in tho Senato
of tho United States, besides threo
who had hold high civil positions in
the confederate Government. Who
would havo believed him? Yet so it
is. Tho confederate cause dominates
in both Houses of Congress. It blocks
tho wheels of legislation. It seeks
the repeal of tho laws provided by loy
al men to secure tho purity of elec
tions, and only fails becauso Presi
dent Hayes has baekbono enough to
uso tho veto power conferred upon
him by tho constitution. And moro
than this. The South stands knock
ing at tho doors of Congress for tho
payment of their slaves, for payment
for damages suffered from tho war.
It is well known that it has kept an
account of its slaves and preserved tho
prool of tho loss of property, and ex
pects to recovor them from tho uenor
al Government, Lot them once se
cure tho President by fair or foul
means, und their claims will be paid.
Tho North, representing four-fifths of
tho taxable property in tho Union,
will bo taxed for their payment. Not
only this, but tho confederate soldiers
will bo pensioned. Tho emancipa
tion proclamation and constitutional
amendments will bo declared void.
If tho Supremo Court, tho hut bul-;
wurk of constitutional liberty, is in tho
way, they will not want, as was sug
gested by another speaker to-night,
for tho judges to die, or incrcaso tho
members of tho court, but a Brigadier
General with a file of soldiers will re
duce the court to submission, You
do not all bslicvo in tho existence of
this danger. You did not belicvo the
South would fight. You were amazed
when Fort Sutnpter was fired upon.
I am no alarmist, bui I see the dan
ger imminent and real. It was fore
shadowed by Ben Hill in the House
of Representatives when ho said:
" The next time wc fight wo will fight
under the old flag and you shall be
the rebels." There is a cloud in tho
heavens. It is larger than a man's
hand. It overcasts two thirds of the
horizon and is black and portcntious.
Tillamook Rock, nod It Una
Sfcru TUe aew JLIgIit Houite.
A reporter of tho Telegram called on
Mr. Rallantyne, superintendent of the
Tillamook light construction, and re
ceived an interesting account of the
work on Tillamook light liouso from
which we take the following extracts :
The rock itself is 125 feet in extent,
from east to west, and from 70 to 80
feet around, north to south. This,
however, will fail to give you an ade
quate idea of its extent, as it rises to a
hight of 120 feet above, the water, and
is so steep and precipitous that it
might be said to havo no top at all.
In laying tho base of the lighthouse,
which will be but 48 feet square, it will
be necessary for us to cut into the rock
25 feet and to level it from one end to
the other. This job has been about
completed and was a hazardous un
dertaking. In the first place tho rock
is exceedingly hard to get to. Mr.
Trewayas on the 3d of last Novembei
took a number of men out when.the
sea was comparatively smooth, and
attempted to gain a foot hold on tho
rock. He found it black with seals.
Tho party appro ached as closely as
possiblo to tho dangerous mass, and,
watching their opportunity, jumped
with the waves to the incline. The
first man to make the attempt was
successful. He carried a rope with
him, which was attached to Mr. Tre
wavas, who made the next attempt.
When the waves raised tho boat high
up in the air Trewavas jumped. Ho
reached the rock in safety, and had
made his way so far up the incline
that he evidently thought himself out
of danger; ho therefore released his
hold on the rope. Just then, however,
a sea crept round the edgo of the rock,
and, sweeping up the surface, washed
him into tho deep. The other man
rushed down to help him and the next
sea hurled him also from the rock,
and before assistance could be given
both men wero drowned. Their bod
ies wero never recovered, and it is
probable they were eaten up by the
sea lions, which, at that timo were un
usually plentiful about the rock.
We can catch seals and play cards
at night. The seals, however, are fast
leaving us. When I first landed on
Tillamook, by estimation, there were
1-100 great big fellows onthe rock, but
now only one or two old stand-bys
can be seen. The men, however, have
lots of fun lassoing them. Ono man
tho other day attempted to capture an
old fellow who was blind in ono eye.
Ho slipped up behind him, but just as
ho was about to cast tho rope, bis feet
slipped and ho landed fairly and
squarely on the seal's back. The old
fellow, by a twist of his tail, threw the
man under his body, and would doubt
lessly have done him great injury but
for tho presence of mind of another
workman, who ran up and split the
seal's head with an ax.
The rock is 1J miles from the main
land, and very difficult to approach.
The light is expected to be exhibited
first on tho last night of Doc, 18S0.
Jadge Danger fleld drops Dead.
William P. Dangerfield, presiding
justice of the superior court, of San
Francisco, dropped dead on the
bench at noon on the 5th. Ho was
hearing a case when ho suddenly
threw up his hands, gasped once or
twice and expired instantly. He
has been in ill health for some
months past. Death is attributed
to heart disease. Deceased was a
native of Virginia, aged 56, and was
judge of the 12th district court pre
vious to re-organization of judiciary
under tho new constitution. The
body was laid out in the courtroom
pending the arrival of tho coroner.
D. II. Steaiins, of the Portland
Daily Bee, has commenced suit
against Win. Roid, manager of the
Oregon Railway Limited, for $6,300,
allogcd to bo duo him for services
'rendered in getting up tho narrow
gaugo railroad boom. An offset of
,$3,000 is allowed on admitted indebt
edness, leaving tho amount claimed
to bo 2,-100. . Ex-Governor A. O
Gibbs is attorney for plaintiff, and the'
easo will como up at tlio next term of
tho Multnomah Circuit Court.
The Development of our Mines, tho
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
road communication with the Interior
1 ' i
Death of a Hard Case,
Last week Henry Wehrun of Salem
died. Our exchanges say that during
his life ho was one of tho notorious
characters of Marion county, and it is
said that ho has contributed to tho
school fund of that county in tho way
of fines, over flC,000. On ono occa
sion he was arrested for inhumanly
whipping his wife, she making tho
complaint against him. He was in
due timo tried and convicted, and tho
charge against him being made out a
felony, he stood a good show to go to
the penitentiary. But.bcforo he wai
sentenced the heart of the wife relent
ed, and going before Judge Boise who
presided over the court, she had tho
audacity to offer him tho sum of $2,
000 if he would let tho prisoner oft".
Tho Judge in justice to himself, rela
ted the circumstance in open court
and after stating the offer made by tho
woman, he stated that it was only
from the belief that the offer was made
in entire ignorance of its being a crime
that he did not commit the woman.
Wehrum escaped the penitentiary, it
being in the discretion of the court to
impose a fine, and the wife whipper
was mulccd in the sum of f 2,000 for
the offence. After many separation!
he and his wife were legally divorced
and Bhc left the place, but during his
last illness, in response to his earnest
entreaties, she attended him until
death ensued. Wehrum waa contin
ually in trouble and invariably heavi
ly fined in the courts when brought
before them.
Wfey 'WoBiesa Work.
It is curious that the world has yet
to be couvinced that women do not
like to work any better than men do.
They aro credited with dependence
with a love of ease and luxury, ana
yet when a salaried positipn-is -in
question the woman haa,to"bc content
with les3.because "she needs less." It
cannot be because she spends less, for
the extravagance of women was dwelt
upon by Solomon and Jeremiah, and
it is a song that has never known a rest.
The reason for the difference in wages
is generally found to be in the asser
tion that women who do not need a
support, or who have few responsibil
ities, crowd into the paid occupations.
There is an inconsistency here. If
she loves ease, why does she work;
If she spends more, how is it she
needs lessT The truth is that very
few women woik from any other rea
son but necessity. Here and there ia
one who loves independence, works
for it and deservs it, and here and
there is another who would rather
wort than forego certain luxuries,
and she earns them, but the majority
of women work because they have re
sponsibilities, and as a class they are
our most reliable,, sober, and econom
ical workers, for no woman with a
family of little children gambles away
their bread and butter, and no sister
or daughter who is, of necessity, the
bread-winner, wastes what she earns
and comes home to a sad hungry fam
ily, bringing them 6mpty hands and
indifference to their needs.
An Arkansas woman is now living
with her fourteenth husband..
Emigration to Southern Ariionai
large. Hotels in Tucson are crowded
to overflowing.
Hon. John Cuthbert, of Mobile,
is ninety-one years old, and he still
practises law.
Bush, of Cleveland Ohio, in a com
petitive test in London, has bee a
a wanted, the palm for the best electric.
A gold excitement prowls in,
southern India. Remarkable dis
coverieB aro reported. India DMd
something of this kind to. resurjeefc
A large emigration is expected in.
Yakima this season. Large irrigating
ditches are being bnjU which will
water thousands of the finest wheat
land for 60 or 60 miles in length and tea.
miles wide.
A man toldhU friend that he had
joined the army. "What regiment?"
his mend asked. "Oh, I don. t mean
that; I mean tho army of the Lord,"
"Ah, what ohurch?" 'The Baptist,"
"Why," was the reply, ''that's not
the army ; it's tlio navy."
The Philadelphia Chronicle says;
"Major Reno is very desirous of get
ting hack into the army from which
ho has just been kioked out in dis
grace. Congress will disgrace itself if
it restores him. A man who is mark
ed with either cowardice or treachery
at the Little Big Horn fight, with im
proper advances to a brother officer's
wife, and the lowest kind of drunken
brawling, is too heavy a load for Con
gress to carry."