The Coast Mail. puni.tiiitnii KVERY SATURDAY MORNING IIY WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHART, Marshflcld, Coos Co., Or. Terns, In Adrnnre. Ono year - 2 CO Hix months - 1 50 Thrco month 1 00 OFFICIAL rAl'KIt OF COOS CO. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Slabc o Oregon. Governor, W. W. Thnyor fitjcrctnry of State, H. 1'. Enrlinrt Treasurer, K. Hursh Hupt. l'ublio Schools, J. L. Powell 2d Judicial Dhtrlct. Judge, District AUoriicy, J. F. Watson 8. II. Hazard Coo County County Judge, J. II. Nosier Commissioners, Sheriff J John Konyon It 0. Dement A. G. Aiken Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, School Superintendent, Coroner, Alex. Slauff I). Murw, Jr John l.iino J. F. Mooro T. C. Mitckcy Cnrry County, County Judge, DeloK Woodruff Commissioners. J I. Hughes J. A. Cooky A. II. Moore Walter Hutton A. M. Gillespie M. I.UII)ou HIicrilT, Clerk, School Supt., Treasurer, Coroner, Thou. Cunningham e The ItuIIa-r Pnttaloa. An old joke veratflcd. A gentleman whoae turao wm known afar. Once had wife who ww too fond of drink) lie could not from her litinra all debar. He watched her till hi health began to ink ; Their fricndi then mado her drunk tar. aa any And put Iter in a colli n black aa ink. Hrrhuibaml hid and watched till olio awoke; He heard a rumbling nolio and thm the pjxjke: "Where can 1 1J t and ii thii final fate ? " A atrange voice aniwercd in a aolenm "You're dead to earth and in afuturo itatcf" She aaked, "I)o you alio with hadowa moan ? " "I do." "And how long dead!" "Long yeara to date." "And how long I ! " "Your breath juat now Iisji flown." "Now you've lcn here much longer than I'voWn, Ileaac tell me where I'll get a little gin t " Foiik. A ."Marrow lUcape. Among tlio excited crowd that vis ited tho office of the Helena (Mont.) Independent for ucwh concerning tho Utc outbreak, thero stood a (nil, hand some youth of twenty-three years, tho strango whiteness of whoso hair bo ram at oncu a matter of comment. Thii young man was John Lanfarr, who hud not long ago hired himself atATancnuan with Charles I). Hart, three miles out of Helena. Lacfarr was importuned by an Independent re iwrter to tell "tho story of his white top-knot. Ho, at tho ago of nine teen years, was onoof tho seven pack ers who left Fart Lincoln in 1875, to ride with Gen. Custer along the Little Ilig Horn. When the fight of that bright hut disastcTOUSKU miner morn ing opened, Lacfurr, with his compan ions, happened to be three miles away from the command. In a few moments after tVie couud of the com bat reached them, a hand of Sioux prug from the grass within a few feet of theia. Lacfarr noosed a rope, placed it in tho mouth of tho nearest horse, and, leaping upon tho animal's back, plunged bis spurs into his Hank. As ho hugged Ills horse ho saw his six companions j-okIowh, one after anoth er. One bullet xiut of tho hundred that followed him tore through his aeck, another ctrt a deep furrow across Ms tteek, n third imbedded itself in liis thigh, and a fourth killed his liorsc. The desperato boy shot an ap M-oae1iing Indian and ran for a belt of timber half a milo distant. Barefoot ed, weak and fafat from loss of blood, Ue out ran his pursuers and roached the woods, where ho hid for three lay. Ho was at Inst picked up by three friendly Crow Indians and taken to Fort Lincoln, whoro ho told of tho massacre. It was not until ho reach ed tho fort that fe know of tho change In his hair, which, heforo tho terrible suffering, had been as black as thu ra ven's wing. Lacfurr has sinco been Hrtat at various points on tho plnins. He docs not like to go over tho story of his wonderful adventure. Ax jar, 0. Hiutkixi., a tiativo of flwedon, committed suktdo on tho Ii ult. Hurtzoll's wife, Augusta Frederick Hartxell, separated from him four months ago on account of ItU Intemperate habits and failure to provide Ho demanded that sho ro turn to live with him. This she ro tated to do. At this Hartxell drew a HxtiA and said ho would Uko his life. His wife scrcamod nud ran out of the room and up stairs, followed by Hart xell. who seized her and dragged her back into tho room and locked tho door. Ho thou Raid that ho would like ta dio in bed with his children, aged respectively two, throe and llvo years, lie crawled into lied with them, placed tho pistol to his mouth aiid fired with instantly fatal effect. COAST VoL 2. WHtTTEN KOll TIIK COAST MAW HI STORICALJ KETCHES Of OrcKoH'it Southern ConM. KUMIICIl XVIt. JOURNAL OK I I Wlt.MA.M8 CONTIN UKI) MOM LAST WKKK. My body was sorer and more pain ful this morning, mid every step scorn ed to hurt me fearfully. Wo made slowor progress than yesterday, and my resting spells were of courso more frequent about 100 yards was n far as I could possibly go at any ono timo nnd could only rost by lying down and could only liodown or get up by being handled carefully nnd lifted al most bodily. Wo managed to mnke nbout thrco miles during the day, crossing novoral very rough gorges and in tho afternoon wont into camp completely exhausted. Hcddcn ob tained a little sleep before night, and from a fern patch near by ho gatliored a largo quantity for a bed, and cover ing which proved to be sotno protec tion from the damp but no protection from tho cold. Sept. 17, 1851. If possible I passed a more moro misorablo night than ever, and felt a great relief when day light was visible through tho tree tops, Heddcu worked over mo every mo mont of tho time during the long nnd tedious night, bolstering me up in va rious ways, changing my position when desired in order to relieve mo whenever it appeared possiblo to do so. Boon after daylight ho straight cued mo out an much as possible, and set me on my feet and it was found that I could still stand up; we moved along near the coast ns usual, towards tho northward. My wound was more soro and painful, but I could make about the same progress as yesterday. Hunger seemed about to overcome me a species of three leaved sorrel was found and I cat of it quite freely. Heddcu left mo awhile today a few yards back from the coast and went out on the beach ; he saw no Indians but noticed plenty of fresh sign in all trails lending up nnd down near tho bench ; he brought buck u small piece of dead fish which had washed ashore, which was eaten by mo with a keen relish Good water which I needed every few moments was found every where at short intervals. In the afternoon while lying on the ground, I discovered somo little black bugs, I picked up and commenced eating, and found them disagreeably sour to tho taste, soon after Mr. Hcd dcn brought mo a couple of large snails, which I found to bo of rather a delicate flavor and cleaned them up readily. Heddcu tried them a timo or two, but his stomach revolted and he was obliged to spit them out Once afterwards I saw him try ono, but was very careful alnnit it, as if ho wished to eat it without hurting it. but very soon gave it up, that waa his hist effort at snail eating. Their only objectionable feature was tho fact that being of such a very slimy nature, that they adhere to tho mouth so thai no benefit could bo realized from them until sometime afterwards when small particles could bo released by tho tonguo and swallowed. Tho character of tho country is the samo to-day as yesterday, and I pre sume wo made about the same dis tance We did not halt for good until about the middle of tho afternoon, and Hcdden took his usual sleep and af terwards gathered a small lot of flue brush for our bed. Sept. 18, 1851. Last night appeared to mo to bo much coldor than UBiial, although wo were encamped in tho heavy timber about ono fourth of a mile back from tho ocean, tho fog was so dense that we could seo but a few yards at sundown and it appeared cold enough for a well person to perish under more favorable circumstances. Hcddon by his energy and pcrsover anco in my behalf, managed some how to keep up a circulation of blood which I would have been unable to havo done myself. All the wounds except the dangerous ono in the body were raw running sores, not very pain ful yet rendering my situation moro unplcasunt every tiny, considoring our inability to wash and dress them, while the "bad ono," as wo called it, was getting worso cvory day, and I becoming less uhlo to bear it I was bent forward considerable moro than yesterday, and tho sevcro sickening pain, together with tho cold, hunger and want of sleep was fast overcoming mo. As I became worso Hodden be came moro imperative in his demands for mo to keep up courago nnd to mnko all effort possible to movo along. I could not walk as well as yestorday, nnd my pains wero cutting at every step, The trials of to-day wero a more repetition of thoso of yestenday, but required greater efforts and more care ful handling on tho part of Heddcu MAESHFIELB, in placing rue on tho ground when stopping and raising mo up again when ready to start; dragged along making slow progress and terminated ourdays travel at nbout 1 o'clock 1'. M. in a small fern priarie near tho ocean. The snails of yesterday still sticking to my mouth did not prevent me from enjoying tho snmc slimy diet to-day. Wo saw a largo number of elk and tho constant whistling was heard from daylight In tho morning until long in to tho night. My suffering had be come unparalled; I wanted to dio, doath would havo been a welcome re lief now, but tho ways of Providence are often wonderful and mysterious. Ileddon enjoyed his usual sleep in the afternoon, and it wns a grcnt relief to mo in my ngony to know thnt ono so well deserving was able to obtain that happy rest which was so painful ly denied to mo. The afternoon grad ually wore away and as tho much dreaded night set in, I did not expect, nor wish to live to see the light of an other morning largo quantities of fern was placed under, around anJ over me, nnd every avnilable means devised to kcop me from chilling to death. Sopt. ID. 1851. Hedden, worn to a skeleton, working like a beaver all the time night and day, fearfully ex posing himself, was doing for mo all that could bo possibly done, kept me alivo during tho night, which gradu ally wore away, and in the morning I was still able to stand up, but a greater effort was required than form erly. I was bent forward much more this morning, and my body moro in flamed, swollou and discolored It was evident to both that a crisis would soon be reached, while no one could havo believed I would live a moment from general appearances, every step, however, carefully made scorned liko taking life, yet in obedi ence to Heddcns command I was obliged to make an effort to proceed, for choice I would have preferred to be left hero alone, and I urged Hed den to leave me and go on to the set tlements and save his own life, but ho peremptorily refused to allow mo to even talk about it any further. Pro gress was slow and painful to-day, and about one quarter of a mile brought us to tho mouth of Coos Itivor. Approaching as near ns we deemed safe, I was cached away in a secluded spot, and Hedden cut him a "sholnhi" which, with the butcher knife, as tho only weapons wo pos scsKcd, advanced forward cautiously to reconoitcr tho river to dctcrmino if possible the number and character of tho Indians, and ascertain tho chances, if any, for us to cross tho river; reaching tho mouth ho follow ed along to tho right a short distance, and discovered that an arm of the rivor or slough of 100 yards in width or more, put off southeasterly, and on the low brushy flat between this slough and tho main river ho discov ered a single Indian camp, with only a couple of old squaws visiblo, while on the beach near him. an Indian had just lauded, and hauled his ca noe upon the sand, and had gone up the slough. Hcddcn returned im mediately and reported his observa tions, and as we wero uncertain as to the disposition of tho Indians, wo concluded to scizo upon the canon, and cross xlircctly over to the north shore so as to avoid the ranch altogeth er, and proceed on our way to the Umpqua. (To be continued) Ncir-rcliuHt Women. In South Auburn, Mo., are three un married sisters, who havo shown an extraordinary degree of resolution and energy. Their names are Margaret, Deborah nnd Adelcna Jordan. Their father loft them a farm of ISO acres, which they profitably managed with out any assistance, oxcept for a few days in haying timo. They always pay their bills "and in good times have a little over." Last year they raised about 25 tons of hay, 120 bush els of potatoes, 0 bushels of wheat, 40 bushels of oats, 11 bushols of barloy, 24 neros of corn, and had a largo gar den. Miss Margaret who is tho eld est, recently gavo tho following ac countof horsolf : "On me falls most of the care. I havo to bo financier, cook, fiold hand and barn hand. I havo to stand tho racket from pantry to corn-field in sickness and in death. I nurse tho sick, feed tho hens, hold tho plow, hoe the ooru, harness tho horse, shovel tho soil maid of nil work, and do anything and every thing on tho farm." Swamp fires nro raging in North Carolina, and ono family was burned to doath. Forost fires in Long Island and Now Jersey contintto to bo de structive, and Riohmond, Yu., hag had a tiro Unit caused f 100,000 loss. TKCE3 OR., SATUEDAY, MAY S7 18SO. Oroitili nnil f'amtnn In IVorth crn Ilruzil. Evarts, Secretary of Htnle, has re ceived a letter from the U. 8. Consul nt l'urnnmbuco, which gives a most distressing picture of tho drouth nnd famine which prevail in tho interior provinces of Brazil. From the sum mer of 1870 to tho close of 1778, (thirty months) no rain fell. First famine came, wifhnll its horrors, then small pox and other diseases aided in the work of death, till in tho single prov ince of Ccara which had 000,000 peoplo in 187C, 500,000 have died. Ev ery living thing either died or was killed to satisfy tho hungcrof the peo ple, nnd then cnnio cnnabalism. His letter, which is full of sickening de tails of suffering and death, contains tho following: I have given tho statistics, ns fig ures tell their own incontrovertible talc. Sixty thousand Cearcnscs have bcon in the Lngoa Funda cemetery which was only commenced in the middle of last year. The soil is sandy, in which trenches were dug six feet deep, and long enough to contain twelve uncoffmed corpses. Three or four more arc sometimes put in when the bodies come too fast for the corpse or grave-diggers, numbering twenty- five. These diggers sometimes drop dead in their trenches, from tho efflu via emanating from the bodies, which permeates the whole soil of the ceme tery, and impregnates tho surround ing atmosphere for nearly n mile. At Parahyba, out of 15,000 Scrjantos who camo to that port, 12,000 died ; others have wandered off, and tho ploco is nearly depopulated. Of, Pacatuba and pthcr towns, distressing accounts that aug mented the sum of human suffering, could be given Hut enough has been narrated to convey some idea of the magnitude of the terrible scene of Cera. It is estimated thnt 150,000 died from hunger alone ; as many more from its effects, nnd the remain ing 200,000 from disease. Yeirlble. IlaTnsTen of a Nlorm. A St. Louis dispatch of the 28th ult. has tho following with regard to the destruction caused by the late storm in that region : The Merchants' Exchange Relief Committee will to-morrow issue an address to charitably disposed people setting forth that the late Missouri cyclones havo brought death nnd ruin to a hundred families and wasted many crowing towns, and that the present advices of tho committee show tho destruction to be more fear ful than pen can picture. Two emi nent men that have been on a (our of inspection say that -half has not been told. The James river storm began about 35 miles west of Springfield, gradually increased in size and power until it attained a width of 2000 feet. For a distance of 46 miles it cut an un" broken swath from 1500 to 2000 feet wide. Men, women and children wore killed or crippled ; horses, cattle sheep and hogs, are in a similar con dition. Dwellings, fences and out houses were not only leveled, but blown away. Plows, wagons, reapers, and other farming implements aro re duced to scrap iron and kindling wood, and in many cases fields with grow ing crops are sd covered with forest debris, or with mud and sand, that much additional labor will bo required to savo what was planted. No houses or barns aro loft standing in the track of the storms, and farmers are left without or implements to carry on their farms. Similar reports como from many other sources, and de mauds upon the peoplo for assistance is very urgent. St. Louis is doing all in her power for tho relief of theso unfortunate districts; but the call is great and cannot bo supplied in any adequate manner by citizens of this Stuto alone. This committee, there fore, on behalf of sufferers, appeal to tho people of this country every whero to come forward and assist in reliev ing tho distress in tho southwest. The Ilia Stock ICaucli. The Stock Journal has the following with regard to thu noted stock ranch ; It is estimated that tho Ilifl' estate now owns nbout 39,000 bend of cnttlo of all ages. It includes oight ranches, the principal ran go being 100 miles in longth by CO miles in width nt the up per end, and tapering to a point at tho other. It is situated between the Union Pacific Railroad and tho South Platto river, and reaches westward to tho foothills, including portions of Colornda, Wyoming and Nebraska. Within tho past two years thero have been added to the herd, by purchase, 17,300 cattle- from Texas, whilo tho calvos branded within that timo num ber about 8000 head. Within tho same poriod 25,021 havo beon market ed for boof, and 17,000 will bojnnrkot od this year. Tho value of tlfo estate is estimated at f 1, 500,000. MAIL. Tlio Press on the IcYonne 3Inrlr-i. Tho following is a sample of the comments of tho Eastern press o:i the lata Snn Francisco assassination : Tho Times says : The assassination ofDeYonngby Knlloch, the son of the present Mayor of Han Francisco, is the latest act in tho tragical drama which has long excited the peoplo of that city. DcYoung as an editor, wns fond of what is known as sensational effects in journalism. To be talked about wns his highest aim in life, lie assailed tho senior Knlloch's character (which is bad enough) from a journal istic point of view rather than from nny sense of moral duty. This course inevitably engendered a feud. Knl loch, the elder, being assailed, retorted in kind and returned filth for filth Tho editor, surprised at finding his own weapons used hgainst him, nt tempted to kill his antagonist. His attack was as cowardly as that by which he subsequently lost his life. Kalloch did not die, DeYoung's pistol shot made him Mayor of San Francis co. The quarrel was renewed .with vigor, nnit Kallocirs son taking the law into his own hands deliberately assassinated DcYoung. The murder ed man was endowed with great nat ural gifts. Morally, he was a better man than either of theKnllochs. Ho was basely killed, butho was an evil and disturbing influence in the world. His death will not be regretted as a universal calamity. It is n calamity to any people that such men us the Kallochs should have cast their lot among them. Public Spent I ii j Mr. M. C. George, Republican nom inee for Congress, will address tho people on political issues and matters of State interest, at the following times and places: Ashland Monday, May 3, at 1 p m. Jacksonville Monday, May 3rd, at 7 :30 p m. Roseburg Thursday, May 9th, 1 p m. Oakland Thursday, May 0, 7:30p m. Eugene City Friday, May 7, 1 p m. Albany Saturday May, 1 p m. Corvallis Saturday May 8, 7 :30 p in. Oregon City Monday May IP, 1 p m. Salem Monday, May 10, 7 :30 p in. Indepcndunce Wednesday, May 12, Dallas Thursday, May 13. 1 p in. Lafayette Friday May 14, 1 p. m. McM'mnvillt, Friday, May 14, 7 p. m. Hilisboro Saturday, May 15, 1 p, 30 m. Astoria Monday, May 17, 7 :30 p. m. St. Helens Tuesday, May IS, 7 :30 p. in. Portland Thursday, May 19, 7:30 p. in. Weston Saturday, May 22, 1 p. m. Pendleton Saturday, May 22,7:30 p. m. La Grande Tuesday, May 24, 7 : 30 p. m. Union Wednesday, May 2G, 7:30 p. m. Raker City Saturday, May 29, 1 p in. Prairie City Monday, May 31,1 p. in. Canyon City Tuesday, June 1st, at 1 p. m. The Dalles Friday, June 4, 7:30 pm. Citizens, irrespective of party, in cluding tho ladies, cordially invited. An Honor to the State. The Sunday Mercury in an article on the Republican nominations, in speaking of tho nomination of M. C. George as representative to Congress, says: "This is a good nomination, good in every way." That ho is "good looking," has " good morals " and has a " good record," " is a good lawyer" a "good citizen," and "conscientious to a fault," yet with all theso qualifica tions, that aro about all that make tho man, it bays ho won't do. Tho Demo cratic papers all over tho state ac knowledge his qualifications and at tainments and his freedom from rings or unsavory tuint, and yet say he is not tlio man. The truth of the mat ter is that no man will suit tho Dem ocracy, who has brains or is not in his second childhood like old Jno. Whiteaker, tho Representative of a northern State, who went to Wash ington just to fall into tho arms of tho Southern brigadiers, with whom ho has trained over since. No bettor man than M. C. George, or ono better qualified for tho position was over be fore tho peoplo of Onegon for their suffrages and wo havo abiding faith that that by their votes, tho peoplo of this young but growing State, will send to Washington a representative throughly well qualified ami willing to do his duty, and ono who would bo an honor to the state. Tun king of Spain will visit tho United States this spring. It is now estimated that in Web ster county, Missouri, of which Marsh field is tho county sent, fully 100 peo plo wero killed and over 200 wounded. No. 19. A I-'ortune I.ont. A good many years ngo, the father of the prcfcnt head of n Parisian publishing house was offered a man uscript by a palo yount: man with a largo fore-head. Tlio publisher glan ced over the pages and saw that the work was inverse. Without attempt ing to read it, he handed it politely back to tho young author with a few of thcuFtial phrases about poet ry being a drug in the market, de pression of trrdc, etc. "I am sorr. for you," said the young'man, itrinrcssivey,as ho pock eted the rejj' ted manuscript. "I was about to p-opose to you a con tract by which I would have assured you right to all tho future produc tios of my pen. It was a fortune that I was about to offer you but you refused and so no more need be said." The publisher, f truck by bis man ner, reflected for a moment, and then hastened after his visitor to call him back. But lie was too late the young man had already dis appeared. " Never before or since," tho old gentleman vas wont to say, " have I met with a young author who so fully believed in his own powers, nor with one that had so much rea son for such belief, for my vistor was Victor Hugo. Strange DlMCOTCrifK. While Peter Muiton, Wnv Beamcr, Siko Reynolds and Jack Manuel, says tho Lcwiston "Teller," were prospecting last week near the an cient grist mill, they found a quan tity of petrified locust and an ancient cluster of diamonds. There were nine diamonds original!' in a group, but one is missing. The value of the diamonds or diamond stones is not as yet ascertained. The materi al in which these rude stones are set appears to have been mado ofmctal ic ore, and have cither drifted to this quarter of the globe or have been carried hither and lost. These gentlemen have placed their new discovery on exhibition at the Ray mond House. A reward is offered by them of $500 to any person who may find the missing stone. The petrified locusts are in a glass case and are also on exhibition. IIo Lo, a Chinaman, who has laid claims to the ancient prist mill as being of Chinese origin, declares that the stones in this setting arc similar to somo ancient relics that have been in custody of the Gods for 4,C00 years in the joss house in Pekin, Senator G'rover anil the Senate. The Springfield "Republican," in dependent, speaks of Senator Grav er's illness and its possible effect upon the political complexion of the Senate as follows : Senator Grover of Oregon is said to be dangerously ill. Ho was forced to leave Washington in December last, and has noi ecn in his seat since then. It ic aid to be doubt ful whether he wii; ever recover suf hiccntly to act ns Senator, nnd his continued absence may end demo cratic supremacy in the Senate al together earlier than has been thought possible. If Indiana elects a Republican to succeed McDonald, which is not at all impossible, and Connecticut, New Jery, New York and Pennsylvania n turn Republi cans next winter, as is altogether probable, tho Democrats would havo but 38 seats in tho Sonata including David Davis. G rover's loss would leavo tho party in n minority of one, and not even a Democratic vice-president after March 4, 1SS1, would savo tho Democratic majority in the upper lr mob. J. F. Swift, of Califbrnin, who is onoof tho commissioners to negoti ate a modification of tho Chineso treaty, was in Washington nnd called upon President Hayes with Senator Rooth, and in tho courso of a pleasant conversation tho Pres ident expressed himself warmly in symypathy with tho peoplo of tho Pacifio const in regard to tho ovils of Chicso emigration, and is earnestly desirous of a modification of tho Rurlingauio treaty to restrict it, Goi.n discoveries havo brought about grout excitement in Whito county, Georgia. All tho talk is about "pocket' and "nuggets." The Coast Mail. , DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTH ERN OREGON ALWAYS FOREMOST. The Development of our Mines, tho Improvemcntof our harbors, and rail rond communication with tho Interior specialities. REITUMCAX TICKET-CURRY CO. Joint Representative RAWLEY scon1. County Juilgc- -COOLEY. JENSEN Commissioners C. and SCOTT. Cotintv Clerk WALTER SUTTON Treasurer M. C. GIBSON. Sheriff WM. OAUNTLETT. Ascssor JOHN MILLER. Coroner T. CUNNINGHAM. Vnrtj- IMwcIpIlnc. The Democrats of Cincinnati do not proposo lo bo defeated by deserters from their own rank, if there is any virtue in pistol and shot-gun. A lato dispatch says: Two attempts have been made dur ing the last forty-eight hours to kill Epli. Holland, the famous gambler and leader of the gangs of repeaters which carried Cincinnati for Tildcn in 187C. Friday afternoon Jake Ang, a noted keeker of a pool room and Dem ocratic politician, shot at Holland on Vine street. At an early hour this morning an attempt was made to as sassinate Holland at his residence on College street. He has lately worked against the Democrats and threatened to make disclosure. Since his chango of front he has received notices to leave the country, and he declares that a plan has been formed to kill him before tho National Democratic Convention meets. He says he has some facts to relate when that body meets that certain Democrats of prom inence are determined shall not Ue related. Storm IVoteM. Meridian, Miss., April 27. A heavy storm passca over Macon last night, blowing away 22 houses, including the M. it O. railroad machine shop round house, depot, telegraph office and master mechanics oflice. Sixteen cars were blown from tho track, and 17 persons killed and 22 wounded The loss of property is estimated -at not less than $100,000. Maco.v, Ga., April 27. To-day cit izens closed their places of business nnd devoted the day to caring for the dead and wounded. Seventeen wero killed outright, and forty more or less wounded, some perhaps fatally. Af ter the storm some of the ruins took fire but it was checked before spread ing to any extent. At about 10 o'clock a perfect water spout visited . tho scene moro horrible. Men and women were found to-day decapitated and limbs torn from bodies and other wise mutilated, a quarter of a mile from thcirhomes, and stock all killed. MISCELLANEOUS. Over 300 families are destitute, ow ing to forest fires in New Jersey, by the late terrible storm. . Dur.ixa a galo on the 23d on tho Scottish coast, nineteen fishermen were drowned. Ge Joseph W. Revere, grand son of Paul Revere of revolutionary famo died recently at the age of CS. Wilmington is proposed as tho port of entry for a new customs collection district in southern California. Ax unusual feat tiro of tho present heavy emigration from Europo is tho steady movement west and southwest by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, ex traordinary inducements beingoffcrod to emigrants in that direction. Ono steamer landed nearly 2000 Germans, Austrians and Swedes at Baltimore on tho 2Cth ult. A shout timo sinco Lawrcnco Lundine, living about six miles from Portland, jumped in a well with his baby in his arms. Tho child was saved. Tho cause of Lundine's suicide was a desertion of his spouse, sho having gono with a handsomer man by tho name of Pete Abstrom. An Otawa, dispatch of tho 24th says : Fully one half of tho city of Hull is in ruins. The area of ground burned is ono milo long ana four hundred yards wide. Tho heat is so iutenso and tho smoko so deiibo that tho city is almost shrouded in darkness. Tho estimated loss by tho conflagration is between two and thrco millions of dollars, no insurance. Tho scene to day of thousands of homeless peoplo who havo found temporary sholtor in city halls and hotels is a painful one. Point St. Georoe, near Crosont City has been recommended ns a desira ble situation for a light-houso in tho four lust reports of tho light-houso board. In their opinion it is ono of tho mot important points for a sea coast light on tho coast of California, Tho bluff point U nbout 130 feet high with level hind some distauco back of it. A dangoious reef of rocks extends six or seven miles off tho Point. Tho pnssngo botweon tho icof and Point St. George is niuoh used by vessels. Tho steamer Jlrother Jonathan wai wrecked on this reef somo years 'ngo.