f The Const MaiL VATUlWAVf MAY 1, 18S0, AtIco tttUytu llunlollo preaches Iho following rroecl Jn a recent numlwr of tins jrrmkoyo: "And then romctnber, my win, you have to work. Whcth or you hnndlo a pick or a pen, a wheelbarrow or n jot of books, dig ftlng ditches or editing a pnper, ring ing an auction bell or writing funnv things, you must work. If you will look around you, you will bco thnt the men who arc most able to work are Hie men who work the hardest. l)on't bo afrnid of killing yourself by overwork, eon. H is beyond ;Vour power to do thnt, Men ennnot work so hnrd as thnt on the sunny Mdc of thirty. They die sometimes, hut it is because they quit work at ft r. M. , and don't get horop until 2 a. m. It is the interval that killn. my son. The work gives you an ap-jj-ctito for your meals ; it lends solid ity to your slumber, it cives von n lcrlect and grateful appreciation of 1 1 ! I , n't . ' " " ft iiuimiij, i llUJU who io not work, my son ; young men who make a living by sucking the end of a cane, whose entire men tal development is sufficient to tell them which side of a postage stamp to lick ; young men who can tie a necktie in eleven different knots, and never lay a wrinkle in it, and then get into a West Hill street car to go to Chicago ; who could sicnd more money in a day than you could spend in a month, son, and who will go to the Sheriffs to buy a postal card, and apply at the of fice of Street Commissioner for a marriage license. But the world is not proud of them, my son. It does not know their names, even ; it only speaks of them as old So-an'-So's boys. Nobody likes them, nobody hates them ; the great, busy world viw.D i t,uii jviivitt inn .ia l,lt"-.j I k l-tVfl tl. HBA Al- nnu a i, uie greai uny oi resurrecuon if thov donotannenr at the sound f,i, ., . , .. . . , ofthctrumpet-and they certainly will not unless somebody tells them what it is for and what to do I don't think Gabriel will miss them or notice their absence, and they will not be sent for or disturbed. Things will go on without them. So find out whnt you want to be, and make a dust in the world. , ,,,,,. linmnr vnn nr ilin lrco ilnvnlln -nt, are ant to cet into, the sweeter will be your sleep, the brighter and hap- f., . A .... ii i... .-ii;j.. i ii i pier will be your holidays, and the better satisfied will the world be with you. No, my son, the world does not owe you a living. If you convince the world that 3011 arc nec essary to its well-being, its happi nss, its moral existence, then the world will begin to claim you and make room for ou in the body pews with the eoftest cushions and the easiest footstools. But don't fall into the common error of supposing 4lin tl,f xrnrld mvi vnu n li-intr ' It doesn't owe you anything of the kind. Tho world isn't responsible for vour being. It didn't send for you, it never asked you to come and in no sense is it obliged to support you now that you are here. Your living is here a good, comfortable living good, healthTul hard work, ripples of laughter nnd sprinkles of tears, hours of happiness and mo ments of headache, days of labor and nights of rest, duties to be per formed and rewards to be won. It is nil here, son disappointments, etruggles, success and honors; but the world doesn't owe you one of them, not one. You can't collect your living as one would a debt, by nimply presenting your bill, or giv ing your lawyer the account to sue. You have to work for it, and work like a Trojan too. When you hear a man say tho world owes him a liv ing, and ho is going to have it, make up your mind that he is just mak ing himself an excuse for stealing a living. Tho world doesn't owe any man anything, my son. It will give you anything you earn, and you must look out over tho world and know that all the plunder you can gather in by honest work is yours, and no more. If you can't get any, why none of it 5b yours, and Jf you v&n search out and carry away ton times as much as your neighbor, why that in all yours and ho has no right to wait and whino over his bad luek and want you to divide. And, jnysnn, in all human probability you will not want to divide. I Jiojx- you may, hut it is very likely you will uoL NkaI. DltATON made another balloon aarcneion from Rt. Louis in fine ntylo nnd high wind at 4 :10 o'clock tho on 18th, and at 4 :M) was Been pawing over Hunker Hill. Illinois, 28 miles dUtnnco, from half to three-quarters of a mile liij-li. going duo north. In ulead oi a basket, ho used trapeze rln K,Aid was drced in tiflhts, and when Wt neon hero ho was hanging, hv lifn feet, head down, sailing at the, rate of about -10 mjlci per hour. Tho lM.un.rm. IlCMlvitl, By tho Itopiiblicnns of Oregon in convention nsscmlilcri in tliocity of Portland, thin i. i. .,... .,t April, A. 1), 1880, thnt wo nropo.-o to .............. ,,., mumniFier me niiiiin of the government at tins Stole hy Btrirt economy and laithfiiladlir-i-ci.co to tho constitution and laws thereof and of the United States. 2. That we nre in favor of regulat ing and cqiinlizing tho salaries of tho county ami State olncor , that they "linlt receive such compensations as aro usually paid toprivnto persons un der liktu'ircmnstniiccs of service nnd responsibility. S. Thnt we favor a thorough revis ion and equalization of our system of taxation, to the end that evcrv spe cies of property within its limits. whether owned or possessed hv citi zens of this or of foretell 'Slates shall War its equal proportion of the burthens of tho government which protects it, 4. That wo propose to maintain and enforce the amendments to the Constitution of the Uniten States, with all the powers of the national, government, to the end that evcrv citizen, poor or rich, black or white, mnv be secured in the full enjovment of civil nnd political rights. o. That the overthrow of thciicht of the electivo franchise of liberty and life, by which means free govern ment in a -rariton 01 too states lias U....W. .l-f-l-l I f t , i . "" mnmicsicu irami ;lthre.Hened violence in others, to arc joung mcnigether with attempted millillie..tion oi i no laws ot the general govern ment nnd decisions of the Supreme Court thereon, by Congressional ac tion in tho interests of the Democrat ic parly, arc attempted revolution and must be met as stun G. That this is a nation formed by the people t'.icreof and not a mere league or compact, and that we reaf firm the idea of the unity of the na tion, the supremacy national govern ment in all matters placed bv the constitution under iu control, the preservation intact of all the rights of municipal self-government otherwise guaranteed thereby to tho pcoplo or to the States respectively. At the same time we arraign thedoctrine of State sovereignty as the baneful mother of nullification, secession and anarchy. 7. That the recent action of the Democratic party in convention as sembled, in denouncing the Supreme luourt ot the United states of Amen ca, and imputing the moat unworthy and unpatriotic motives to that high and honorable court, is unworthy of law abiding, intelligent and patriotic American citizens, and directly tends j to the loosening of the foundation of four government, the subversion of all law, and the overthrow of the sanctitv of a -yslem of judjcalIire, venerable with age and jierfccted by wisdom. .8-. Tl?at the attempt by the lexers of the Democratic party to cheat the people of the State out of an electoral vote, was an outrage unparalleled in the political history of the State, ind which together with the Maine in famy and tho attempt to unseat mem bers, in the halls of Congress for base Tlie ' l,arl'san advantage deserves the con - idenination of all fair-minded men. yyoUj g. That wc condemn the outrageous lueninaiion oi an i:iir-niiii(iuu men. : .. n., , ., . conduct of our Democratic State ad - HOTEL. . " peculations., . 10. We deprecate the course of members of the Democratic party who have undertaken to revive sec tional animosity for the purpose of Kilitical ascendancy in the Southern j btatcs and who have revived memor ies of sectional strife by the defiant declaration of a purpose to repeal laws made necessary by the war and en acted to secure the" results of the war, and we condemn their attempts to se cure bv legislation what was not ac complihed by arms, namely the es tablishment under tne name ot the I C A--AM A.... m 4 laAPA fhmsHft rt a ilrwlrinou whirli rlpstrnv national sil - oiuiu wjve'Uiuiiit Ji iiiuoi; uuunuiuus preinaey and winch in part nave leu to secession and civil war. 11. That to the Republican party is due the credit of successful resump tion and restored prosperity and busi ness revival, and we insist that the paper and coin circulation of the country fhall at all times be main tained nt par with Rold standard of the commercial world. 12. That while we are in favor of a revenue for the support of the general government by duties upon imports, sound policy requires such adjustment of import duties hs to encourage the development of the industrial inter est of the whole country, and we com mend that policy of national exchange which secures to the woriciog man liberal wages; to agriculture, remun erative prices; to mechanics and manufacturers an adequate reward for their skill, labor and enterprise, and to the nation, commercial pros- neritv and indenendence. 13." That we are in favor of judi cious appropriations by the general government for the improvement of our rivers and ueaports as well as for the construction of eii'-h lines of rail way communication as will develop the resources of the countrj and con nect our Stntc with other nartsofthe Union, uiidersuch restrictions as will amply protect the rights of the people from unjust discrimination and ex tortionate charges; and that in the grants of land to railroad, we favor the sale of the same by the govern ment to the jMJoploat the lowest price for public landf, giving 'h' proceeds only to the corporations. 14. That we demand f our repre sentation in Congress tii- 'r ;bet en deavors to seeuro just and judicious appropriations and favor.".: legisla tinn in-ilin o-ennrul covoriimorit for tho free navigation of the Columbia and the rivers of tho Stnto, the im provement of the mouth of the Colum bia and tho harbors at Yaquina and Coos Hav, the location of a harbor of refuge at the point along our coast mobt available to the interests of com mcrco, the extension of the public sur veys to meet the wants of our increas ing populnlion and aid and asjtanoo to railroads, and tho oponlng up for settlement suoh of our Indian reserva tions as tho intercut of civilization de mands and necessitates. 15, That wo demand a modification of tho treaty with China sons to re strict Ohineso emigration to America, 1ft. That wo hold that a well in structed people alone can 00 porfeotly frpu.and that it is therefore essential that the public schools should bo in .ininind in the duties of ultiionshin and tho ordinary pursuits of life, NOTICE OF FIN'AT, PROOF. Land Omen, Roskmjiui, Or., Apr 14, 1880 oHco is hereby oi von thnt tho following named witter has tiled notice ot his intcn. tion to mako final proof in support rf his claim, tntl seeuro final miry thum-f nt tho tspiration of thirty days from tho dato of tin. noticv, vttt Joseph Knos, homestead application .No, 24l50, for loU 1, a, 0, 10 unit it oi t , .-i tret ion a, r -ii ;, k 1.1 w Mid names tho following a his witnesses, vii: John tVcwwell, Wm Kirk, A F Mil. lcr and A 11 Coolev all of Chelm. rs,m- county, licforo tho Judge or Clerk of tho court of Curry county, on I'm nil, .l.v ..f Juno 18S0. ' U7 AVm. F. llcxJAViif, ltegister. NOTICE OF FINAL l'KOOF. lAsn Orricic, UtvsKnimo On, Apr lfi, 1RC0 Notice is hereby civon that tho following named Pettier has tiled notice of his intention Ui make, final proof in support of his claim, and seeuro final entry thereof viz: Daniel 11 Cooley. hmneatcid application No 3 IS'? for tho Si of NEM, NKM of SKL4, NWM of M-.L4, section M T 40 8, tt 13 w, and names tho following txs hi witnesses viz: llenrv Smith, .1iunli V'i.,. Willi..,. V;.t- ---- ., ,-.. ...., ..,...,i. ...... and J M Moon all of Chetco Curry county, Oregon, before tho 'Judge or Clerk of tfio Court of Curry count v Or, on tho th day of Juno ISSO. 17 Wm. F. Hknjavix, Ilegiste NOTICE OF FINAL l'KOOF. Ian n Orricr, Koskkviui, On . April 3, 18S0, Notice is hereby civen that the following u&mcd settler has tiled notico of his intcn tion to mako final proof in support of his claim and secure- final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from tho dato of this notice, viz: James H, Stitt, homestead application rto. for tho EJ of SEt-4, section 34, T 40, Sit 13 w. NVM of SW 1-4. section 'J, and NEI-4 of NKI-4 section 3, T 41, SU 13 v, and u tines tho following as his witnnucs, viz: John 1. Cooley, Han. iel K CV.lie, 1). H. 1'idmcr, and H. L. Johns, all of Chetcoc, Currj- coun.y Oregon, on tho 17th day of May ISSO, bcfnro judge or clerk of the court of Curry etiunty. Or. 15 Wm. F, Dznjamin, ltegister. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Lank Ornrs at Tlostnuno, OuKtiox, March 2.. le0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from dato of this notice, viz : Henry L. Johns, preemption declaratory statement. No. 3210, for tlio WJofSEi. SWJ of XEI-4 and SK1-4 of NWP4. sec. 35. T 41 Sit 13 west, and , ui.it k.u itaiow mi; as ills witnesses, viz I .!.,,.- . ' ' T. J. Stitt, J. F. Marrs, J. H. Stitt, and , . Moore au otchctco. Curry county, . Oregon, on tho 17th day of May, 18S0, at e -nitcJ St3tcs La Offic at Koscburg, Oregon. 14 Wm. F. Bknjamin, ltegister. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Orricr. at Roscbcro. Orecon, March 20. 1SS0. Notice is hereby civen that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final enff v thereof at tho j expiration of thirty ilays from date of this notice, viz: i nomas o. otiti, preniptinn declaratory statement. No. 3247, for tho E) of NWI-4.SW1-4 of NW1-4, sec 2. andSE 1 14 of SEW. of ec, 3, T 41 SR 13 west, and names the following at his witnesses, 'n L- Jobis, J. 1). Cooler, I). II. i iu imura m? iuuuib , uu muraja, . : ir T ri.n. T i r,i.. t, ir , mf nd J. H. Stitt, all of Chetco, I - - v B,VI1V, t,-.w . xuiacuurL'. uitvhi. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Oitice, Roscbcro, Or., April."), 18S0 police is nereuy Riven uiai me ionowing named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his t claim, and secure hnal entrr thereof at the expiration 01 thirty nays Irom tne date 01 uns notice, viz: jonn a. Mamson, Home stead application No. 3006, for the SW1-4 ofNEM, WJofSEI-4 and SEl-4 of SW 1-4 sec 34, T '21, SR II west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: L. H. Palmer, L. M. Ptarce and Leu is Heller of Dora, and Geo. Xorris, of Fain iew, all of i r, ... ., , P.. , ,.... tllcn ! . .. v' , A. , v .. ' . '. J before the Judge or Clerk of the court of Loos coonty, (Jr. WM. t. UE-VJAiiirc, 1G Register. NOTICE OF FINAL TKOOF. L.VSD Owiqe, RosEBcno, Oh., Apr. 5, 1SS0 Xotire is hereby riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of hi claim, and secure hnal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the ilato of this notice, viz: Luther II Palmer, home stead application Xo. .1097. for the SW1-4 of SW1-4 sec M, T 27 SU 11 west, lots 3 1 and 1 sec 3, and lot 1 sec 4, T 23, Sit 1 1 w, and names the follow ina as his witnesses,' viz: L. M. I'earce, J. A. Harrison and Iuis Heller of Dora, and George Norris of Fairview, Coos county Oregon, on the 15th day of May. 1880, before the Judge or ! Clerk of the Court of Coos county. Or. 1G Wm. F. He.vjAMl.v, ltegister. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit court ot tne Mate 01 uregon for the county of Curry, on the 13th day of Marrli, 1SW, in tavorouonn iiuntiey plaintiff, and against Will Huntley, de fendant, for the sum of P'ive Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen Dollars and coBtu taxt-il at Nine and O.r-lu0 dollars, to me directed and delivered, commanding ine that of the personal property, and if uflicient personal property be not found, then out of tho real property of said do fendant, I cause to be made the said sum of fVJH 00 and costs taxed at t'J 05 and accruing cfsts, I have levied ujon the following deseribwl real property belong ing to said defendant, to-wit: Lots 3 and 4, and an undivided one half inter est In lot 1 and 2 of section 1,T. 30, 8, It 15 w., ami lots 1 and ' of section '.'A, T. 3-5, S, of K IS w and tho N'. and N of bW'H ox section 31, T. 35, S, K 14 w., in Currv county, Oregon. And! will, on tho 24TII DAY OF MAY, 18K0, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of said day at the oourt houMe door in Ellensburg, sell all the right title and Interest ot sain iietenoam in and to said property, or so much there of as may bo necessary, which ho had on thofitli day of March 1880, to satisfy said execution and accruing costs. Dated at Ellkxsiji-Ko, April 0th, 1880. A. II. MOORL, 10-4w Sheriff Curry Co., Or. Fewaud Ague. The tnie antidote to tho effects of mi - !j iiv...,..,,.,-' RlAiniiili Hitters. unui.i, in ,..-i., .. -'" . - 1 This inwlicine is one 01 tno most jMijiumr . r.,..ir..i;,.Mf nn ii.'n if Kiii'c.-iiHfiil iironrir tary HiM'ciflcH, and In In Iininonco ilcmand wherever on this continent favor and au'tio exiHts. A winelanHful three tiincH a day Im tho Jcnt jKnlhIe prepa'ativo for onpo"intriii a malarious atmosphere, rcKulating the ltvor and invigorating the Htomacli. , , , l'or salo hy all PrnifBibts nd Doak-M goncraliy, -V BAY VIEW Wm. Reihert9Proirietor Keeps constantly on hand, mid oilers for sale a superior nrtido of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE .vxn l.ETAIL. jfr hah is si'iPMKt) wmmtN cuoicksthraxds ov WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS HHANCHSAI.rOXAT EMl'lUE CITY. MAKSIM'S r.I.lO Drug Store, DR. C. H. GOLDEN, I'ltortt. Opposite Xaabiiri'f Store. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HANI) ALL S01JTS OF AN IV- CHEMICALS J WINKS KOIt jP MEDICINAL Fl'IirOSES, xx-aa-si'XT3ra?'M , X" 3EX XT w xu is , spoNaxm. TOWiMT.AnTI- GXjTOfS, xxixx.rTJSkX.XiJ1t.ic, TA.TIONSIH.ViA.NI BCHOOIiUOOKB, ALSO C1I0ICK CIGARS i TOBACCO, and everytbinp usually kept in a MEDICAL MTKNSAKV. l're,criptionn i a re fully Com- )OUH(l(l. .M-3-tf E. A. ANDERSON, nil ' I i Hours, j LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, MARSIIFIELH, OR. TJAUI li ticc AULING DONE AT SHORT NO :e and at very reasonable rates CO.W. AND WOOD CONSTANTLY ON HAND ' Tirp iLisb iiir. Cor. A and Front f"ts., M itMiKii.i.n,On HH? AVING TAKKN CII KGK OF the above named house, we can 1 promise to our patrons, FirMlX-lnhM l'ure, I'liir UciillnK And courteous attention. fiSTA TKIAL IS SOLICITED.. OUJtJSAJC Is w 11 supplied in its line, and is under our personal management. WEKDEN imOS, Proprietors B00T& SHOE MAKER MAKSIiriEM), Oo.v. WXXjXj DO AXjIi ICXIVX- 6 OK qttstoim: work in a thorough manner and use only the BEST MATERIAL. o BsS-Shopon Front Street, opposite the 1'ionci Market. tf THIS PIONEER MARKETS, Mahsiifikmi a Emfiiik Citv. II. P. WHITNEY, I'noi'itiKTon. A good supply of MUTTON. CANNED REEF, 1 I'OKK, ETC fF U. GOOCS, ETC., ETC. nnd all kinds of SALT MEATS and VEGETABLES constantly on hand. Also a good stock of o-z-.ooxi-n.xi3s. v k sTk L s logging" gamps SUl'J'IJIW AT SHOUT NOTJCI-J lv-Kf HU3I3IO.NS. la the Circuit Court of tlio Statu of Ore gon for tlio county of Coos, I A. Js'tuburg and (i. 'eUtcr v II. II. Lue. ' Action for damagcM and tho abatement of a nuisance. Toll. II, I.imo (mid defendant. In tho name of the State of Oregon you arc hereby required toatiiear and aim wit the complaint 1 of tho .laintiir on file against you in tho ulxjvu ciitltlod court and cauno on or before the lint day of the next regular term of Maid court. vU: MONDAY. THU 24TH DAY .mw Q,m OK MAY, lb80, and tholtieinlciit vtill take notice that if he fail to appear and answer eaiil complaint the plaintiff will tako judg ment against lum for live liuniireii iiouaii 1 damagen, and the further relief in aid com. j plaint demanded. Pnbli.hwl bv order of Hon. J. I'. "A'aUon, Judge of Mid court, dated April 10th I860, (i. Wrim-mi. 1D-Ct Attorney for I'laiutilTm BREWERY OOOS IB.A.-5r jm. mm Irn. JLl JL a MuitMiiKii:i.i, omaioN, AV. R, SlMI'MlS' A 1), llou.AMt I'ruprU'torn. MEAT and pnivihicniM of nil kinds Milil nt the Inn eat living latoa and s liKLIl ;;;) at an v point desire point stj-:e:e: Jl BJ rou VESSELS. LOUOIXO CAMTS AND FAMILIES. ALWAYSREADY, 6ay-Wo keep iinthinubiit thebcxtfir? and uifuie "atifaetion. lA-l-tf 80l a uok in imirmui town. Terms and $." free dilifs H. II m.i.i.tt Co. Portland. Maine. EUGENE 0-CONMELL. m-'U-n: tx STOVES & RANGES, I atet Improved Hardwarejools, -ANO- Jiiipleraeiiis. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION. i LAMPS &C OILS Steam. W,it r I'ipi .null iitm.-i, (ir.m Ite and l'lali d ,tn s. MAM FA, Tl UfcllS OF COPPER & SHEETIRONWARE. TIN ion ivouk ExrciTKD wirii Dikiutcii. iffl-ENTUAri for Stow, Plows Mowen and Iteapeis furnished at short notice. ADJIIMSTKATOK'S SALK. Ry virtue of an order of tho Comity Court I of Curry county Oregon, in probate, made on the 8th day of April ISM), directing the e.iU: of tho real extatu of the cut.itu of Mich ael Tox dect'.ieil, hereinafter described I will oiler for nale at public auction to tho 1 highest bidder fur cash in baud, the north I west quarter of tho northeast quarter, it est half of w est half of northwest quarter of. southeast quarter, mid lots one two three and four of section eight, tounshiii Ujirtjlho I south, of rangu fourteen urwt. Also all thu right title aim intereit of the estate of said ) Michai'l Fox to the follow jug descnlied ad- joining property tow it CouiiiiuiKing at .11 1 point 011 the north line of the Miiithucut quarter of ruction eight aforesaid, due north of a piuo treu 10 melius 111 diameter and marked W, thenru south to thu north bank of Uca creek, thence easterly up said creek to the first liciid; thence south to tho south I line of said forty acru tract; thence west to I the south w est corner of said forty mid thencu cast to the place of beginning, Tho alnivo mentioned n.ile will tako place at the courthouse door in Dllunsburg Curry county Oregon, on tlioTWENTILTII DAY 0FMAY18S0, iKjtween the hours of 12 o'clock 111 ami 2 o'clock p in of said day. Doted April 10th, I860 WMTIOII.NOR, 1G Administrator entnto of Michael Fox HIGHEST HONORS, 13 -m Centennial World's Fair, 7870 SHONINQER ORGANS raoxor-iiozD r-ainuocn-T 11 Tna BEST INSTRUMENTS, ThlrfontriritlTO czeclltooa U reofrnlt(4 bj ft Juilfci la ttielr Iliorl, from irhlcb la JWllowlug ) n enrict: "Tb D. 8HOiI.raER onaArf OO.'B intuit a (he t,et Iuatruuient tt DilOf) rendciioir them nonlLU to tun uu v, u.iwi.f,,.tTiig VUUUUUUUH D JICOOH Md Ilflln, proanclau norcl ud pUuIdk ctrtcti. A lillllAliiiABa Y. k to I . MAb.f. U.ll m. M V-A conUlnlngminrtlMtrtblo ImproTemenlf, will Uud lonitr In dry or riimp cliuuit, Un llbl thrta-plr.pnt toftthar to It li Impottlbla for a iti ooioi oratr.au ua D&araa utioatnta thfiu to altbar ahrlok, tfrell ot a UtlLY VUUAJia AW AUDI M aimar atirioii, atreii ot apnt. TIIH AWAUUUU TI11H HANK. Tblt Madal and Award wai Rrantadaftortbt pott atrera eoiapatlllon of tli bait inaktra, btfoia onaol tbo rawl comjialaut Jurlaa OTtr tuambled. Haw Blilta and price Jntt icaaad, whloh ara In aoeordaiica wltb our rule, taa UUHT OR. All for tba Uajt muoa, f art prapirad to appoint a fair oarr AganU. Illoitraltd Catalogaaa raallcd, poat-pajd, ot aypUoatloo t B, SHONINGER ORGAN CO., 07 to 1ZS CIIE8TKDT STBUT, '; ' . . IUw Ilivi. Oo-m. H V 8 I N E 8 S 0 A R I) H. T.C. MACICKV.M.l). PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON Em nut: Cirv, Ohkoon, 0. 11. OOLDEN.M.n. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON M uisiiruan, Oiicoon, C. Y. TOWKIUI. I). PHYSICIAN SURGEON M.Misiinui.n, OiimioN. w. c. AX(.i':r.,M. n. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Cot u I lie City, ()(Hi. S. II. JIuauii, .1. W. Hamilton IIAZAIUI ,v IIAMIIrON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will piaetlee in the MiiiotiM eouits of the stale. ornci: at rMi'iiii: rtrv, Oon. ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW. MARSIIFIELH.OREtJON. fl. WKUSTKH, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M VIISIUIKI 1), OlII'uilN. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, xoTAiivpriiLHwrnwEViixrEii, KJIl'IKi: C1TV, (KJN. Colli'ctlnns and other htfiiicss plm-ed in my bunds, will reeeixu prompt utten llon. vl-.'1-tf V. P. WHKiHT, (. .S .Mineral unit U, S. Deputy S U 15 V H V O U , Ctxn'n.i.K C'frv, 0.. Will attend to the business of MirveyiiiK in anv part of the emiuty. I'erfwt limps of all survct'd buiils,fur nisliedat short .mtlee. i:. ( ATTL1RSEV i. (,' It I II II 0 II , a.nd roUNSLLLOR AT LAW, WMl'Il IVI OX'l'Y OID'ICOIV A Hiiare o ititimn: iiatroniiee in rociMTt fullj Milud . l .'iotf ? a week. $11' a day at homo cha! Iv made. Ciwtly nut lit "free. Address Tiifi; A Co. AugiiMta, Maine. Epilog. ExceMlyte, 1 1 . 1,. 'J' I IIC Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. rtlnuuraclurrU Ml IVorcctirr, Mutt. ALL IWrZrratrj;i3 of any Jue my U fouml U ihcic intltumcnta, al.d iIkjt ennbtn many ESSENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS Ki? nUUS (a ether Oigint. Almlnuto producoworU whloh shall b Durablo, wo will not sncrlflco thnt whloh Is not seen, nnd yet Is vital to 11 psrfeot Orann, In order to mako n moro fnnoy rrlor. Wo r-! KI tiuUn to -mitnt si Stylish and Appropriate Canes u rn I fixir. J In be mulct, wiih n finn!i which U tit i;uUll by any. A8 RBOARDO TOME, Tint roujowiwo Award wilh Medal & Diploma of Honor WAS CHANTED BY THE CIHTEHNIAL EXHIBITION COMMISSIONERS: ' rtrlcreritr in Vfilincitlp,r.iHB(i. rilTTt in! EtIUIlICI OF TOM', lolf.rmllj la N.it nil Curd Htm- li BlaiUtl Jf (JUntti f.r It ,irfi Mntrt." Da not h'A to mako application and EXAMINE TIIEOi: INSTnUMENTB rkfore I'urdutln, Citilojuef fice, en r;.Iiuuon to tho Taylor S Farley Organ Co. WORCESTER. MASS. ia io siO jK-rilay at hoiiic. SntuplcM worto il free Addn fH .-iTINhox A Co. Portland, Maine. E. B. DEAN & CO. 13. 13. DEAN, li.WILLCOX AND If. .MI:iK!UANT. C. 'i: iiavi; Auvayh ok Hand a I'tai, AHfortmenl Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE ZLiTTHVIIIBIEIR, MA.VL'i-'Af'TI'UKJ) TO )ItJ).H Ami SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, and at tho THE LOWEST LIVING PRICE8. NASBURG & HIRST, FiiontH incur, MMtHfuitii.n, o0.v, ;TEW GOODS 11VEVERYHTEAM. L or; keep eoiutimlly on blind in rnXK,;L,,::r,"ou" "iw,"' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, oonslMiiK of the boat slnple nnd fancy 3D"2T C3-OOHDS, of all kinds, ihu dioleeHl GROCERIES PROVISIONS. a ..audi: .sron; or CI.OTIIINtJ, MATS nml CAPS, HOtris ii(l SIIOKS UlTHUKUS a ... ()U, (M.OTIIINCi tSMIM'KUK ami Oil, CLOT I ' VMiH KICIIV nml (II.ASS W'AKK.IIAUDWAHK nml TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, I'nliitK, (Ills nml ViiriiMicN, Cliidee Wines and l,iiirs, Tlimare and AiiiiimiiiHIoii. CVri.Klir. H7)0 Hi., II7..OIC- ir. n k, lnil Scliool Books STATIONERY, n'uiijvinuiiva ooodn, jviv uiiONCiiuir Our extensive show eases aie filled wish thelluest MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. ruu'Ks to srrr I'llK TIA1KS. IV H. All gunds pui-eliiicd at our Mine will be delm-u-d flee ol i-lmico .11 any point nn tin. n,nii ,,f n, iieamer ai vim. 1. . .-... ... ...v vl-l-tf rovs itAitfii:uMioi. riio.sr or nn: ccntiiai. iiorr.i Marihllelil,Ogn t .v If you waul ani'it, diac, Am mind an lmrlir cr i,'u o, .liiHt call m me at mv Hitltxni, F10111 innni 'till nij-lit or lumy My 'itr.ni'M' chin 11. mv m'ini-H 1 noon ; een, m, fiiiip is iit'nt ami ttnfli oliMiii ; Ami ilifit 1 think thnt ymi will lind Km h artirlt to fiiit tho mind ; I trim tin- luiirwith i-kill for 'ciiIh, Of rou 1 . (lit pih-i ii llfly ri'iilt ; Shampooing, too, I tin iliat will, (im iiiimi trial, (hut uillli II ; So hflpiiu-j-riuiotfi if 1 make juu hol ler, You nt'id not pav a ipmrlcr of a dollar. .1 Cox, l'ropr. I'. S. Hut nml colli hailm aluiiVH ii'iuly IIIMII ( DOS II AY FURNITURE STORE, C'l ftTSTI V OV 1IM Muttresieji tV lleo'ttrutlti. Chair ft l.ouiuie.i. Ceilix ,ti Cruillex, PICTIKIS, lltAMl. Mori.DINCiS, TIM.i:.s, MHMtOItS Ac. , iii in In (-rot 111 I'll I'M 1 1 11 I'll Made to Older. COI'I'IXS Hindi at xliorti'M nutlet'. SEWING MACHINES Arr-At-iiMi-viH, Xi.cdm s itt. 1" MARK. hllf riiiii'Kii.rou. fflfafMB,HBffBM'aavHBMKanaafHNUHfCBfaMHHfHHiMHi FAMILY Meat Market. HOSS ,c TIMMl.KMAN . ould ainioiiiiro to the iiulilit- that I then new niaikct I OI'l'OSrrKTIIKCI.NTHAL IIOTKf. i IS NOW OI'I.M.I) lANDTIir.YAUKI'HKI'AKKDto.SKI.I, l.l, KIMlK 01' J I.I.KI' 1'OHK A MIIAT.Sof AI.I.KIXDH j PRO V ISI 0 N V aTd V EGETABLES I VUSSKI.S uud LOGUlSd CAMPS srrpi.iri) CTHMlKM.H DOWN TO Till; lli;D..3 fid" ItOCK NEW HOME Sewing Machines JTHT ..i.Cr.IVI-..) MYSTMi:K' rou Htir AT REDUCED RATES, BY HICNUYO H.OKtlKH, 1). MoiVh KnipiieCily W. G.WBBNTE., lll.'IM'H I.N' f.RooTs. Shoes Anil 1,,-u 1 1 I'IiiiIIiikh. .Maiihiii ii.i.I), Oil. IIAVI'. I.ATKM- HHTI'HXn) I fioin Sun Krant'lHco nlth a coin pinto wtofk of (t ly Iliing in my H" loady iinidc ImoiHiiiid hIkh'h, tie. BST MATERIAL KLYL'SID. FARM FOR SALE, A HMAUi FAlt.M HITI'ATI.I) ON J thu hunk of tho (Joi'iullf itit'r roiiluiiiiiiK'-H hciom RICH BOTTOM LAND, Willi IIoiihii mid Orohaid. t'nii ho Hunted at a HuanoiiuliloltatCi I''or piutiuuliiiH upply to IliisuY Ki:x(ii.T.cKi:r, JJinpiro Oity, Onigon, iftS