?... I TtT-.S n. r Tlio Coast Mail. CHURCH DIRECTORY, M. K. ClH'iioir. 1hI,2iI and lid Sun days of each month. Morning at Empire City,cvonlngs nl Marshlluld. I tli Huiulny of (Midi iniindi at tho forks Coos river. Uv.v. It. Yi:om .ink, 1'iiHlor. HATCllDAY, - J! AY 1,1880. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. lMl'OHTANTTltANHITItB. LllstTucS- day, thu County (Murk of thin county received, to lio placed on record, tlio deed of marriage Hultluiuunt between .luscph William llonnoll and Alary (Jrncollonnnltof Ireland. It is one of tho longest nml most formal ilocn menls uvor recorded in thin county, re iiilrtiiK two hIu'oIh of parcliinunt 110 x l!8 inches in si.o. Tho luvomio Htiimpx on (lie iiiHtruini'iit iiiuouut to live pounds sterling. Ily tho tonus of tho con tract Mr. Ilunuull conveys to trustees for Ii!h bride one hundred mid six and four onc-huudredth acres of land on tho Coquillo (tho Inland property) one half intercut in lots 7 anil Sin Mock !I2 in Empire City. Ho iiIho by a formal hill of wdo assigns to her all of tho presses, type, inatorial and fur niture belonging to tho Conn Umj AVir eMlahlihnicnt. Kho in turn provides for the payment to him of one thou sand pound, to he paid in instalments. CitiinvotiK. Tho engineers mid n largo force of men luivo been engag ed for several tlny of tlii.i week in securing in place tlio third crib in tho lino of thu breakwater. It was taken to it.i placo Tuesday, but n large tide that ni(1it caused it to drag tlio anchors and it won found a considerable distance down tho bay in tho moraine;. It wan brought back with hoiiio difficulty, Wcdnos day, and was Hunk and filled Thurs day. To hi: Ui;nrri:i. ThoHlciuncr Myr ttr has been hauled out at Mr. Uom' placo this side of North llend, and i.i undergoing a thorough remodeling. Mr. Uoss and Thus. Holland have leased her and will lit her up in en liioly different ntylu from that oho now maintains. It will he several weeks before she is ready for business. Nnv i.i'i:it. Wo aro in receipt of tho first issue of tho "Weekly Led ger," a well printed and creditable appearing paper lately started at New Taconia T. It is published by Ilndohaiigh it Co. at -fi5 per an num. Committki). Ceorgo Unrrett was brought down from Uinpquii Inst week, and examined before Justice .SengKtacken on two charges of dese cration of Indian graves, and was held to answer; being unable to fur nish hail, he wiih shut up in jail. Axotiicr Diiatii. The diptheria is raging among the children at Co quillo City; beside tho deaths men tioned in another column a, little girl of tho family of Mr. Snyder died on the 27th and several others aro dan gerously ill. Acii.i:nt. Mr. II. Noble cut one of his feet badly with an ax Tuesday. One of bin totu was cut off and another received a terrible gash; the"axident" will lay him up for a while. (lO.vi: Nourii. Win. .Saunders was a passenger by the Duncan last Tues day for Astoria; -Mrs. N. Noble and John Noble were also passengers by thu same boat. Tin: Little Annie resumed her trips on tho Coquillo river last Friday. (I. W'i.vhati: expects to visit Scot laud, his native country, during the coming summer. It. I). I Iit.mi: arrived hero hy tho Duncan, and proceeded south over land for KlIciiHl'iirg. Snow is gradually molting on the mountain tops, and if this weather continues nil danger of high water will soon ho passed. Tin: Alex Duncan arrived at this port .Sunday; sho went to Southport for coal and sailed for northern ports Sunday. S. II. Hazard and T. (J. Owen have returned from Reaching by tho Coos Hay 'Wagon Howl (that used to be) last Tuesday. Mas. HoTNoit opened school in tho Academy building last Monday with a largo attendance. Miss Ida Davis will act as assistant teacher. Wouic was commenced last week on thu narrow gauge railroad from Sil verton to tho Willamette, thu first shovel full of earth being moved by Mrs. (lovornor Thayor. Tiuti'i: familius, all well supplied with children arrived in tho Hay last Saturday on tho Jimma Utter. They euino from Nebraska, and have gone to thu Coquille to settle, where they have acquaintances, Tin: old trail to Km pi re is badly blocked with trees that have fallen during (ho past winter, and wo under stand the supervisor does not propose to open it again, In mentioning (leo. Harrotl in our last issuo as buing charged with steal ing money from a saloon, wo vyoro in error and did tho young man an ii. j n slice. Iti'liu Illicit it Nliile lYuiiiliinlluiiM Tho ltepubliean Klalo Convention which met in Portland on tho 21st, passed oil' harmoniously. Hon. J. C. Peebles of Marion county was chorea President ami W. L. Wright of Union county was chosen Hourotury. A committee consisting of one from each county (I). Morse, Jr. represent ing Coos, ami J. W. Crawford, proxyi Curry) to draft, resolution. Thu Convention adopted a rcsolu lion favoring tho nomination of Dliiiuc for President, Thu nainos of throo candidates wcro proposed for member of Congress, vfz: ItuhiH Mallory, M. C. (Icorgo and W. II. Odell. Mr, (icorgo was nominated on the first ballot, receiv ing 00 voles, to 01 for .Mallory, and 15 for Odell. For Judges of the Kupronio Court, J. II. Waldo, of Portland, V, P. Lord of .Salem, and 13. II. Watson of Jack sonville, were nominated. For Presidential Electors, (leo. II. Curry of (Irani, E. L. Applegato.of Lane, and C. II. Watson of bako, The district nominations weru as follows : 1st District, for Judge.C. W. Kahlor, Prosecuting Ally., A. P. Hammond, 2d District, for Judge, J. F. Watson) Prosecuting Atty., J. A. Yantis. 'Id District, forjudge, It. P, lloise, Prosecuting Atty., W. (i. Piper. Ith District, for Judge, Italeigh .Stott Prosecuting Atty., J. F. Citples. fith District, forjudge, E. L. Olm stead, Prosecuting Atty., Uobt. Eukin. Delegates to the National Conven tion : J. II Mitchell, II. W. Scott, I). C. Ireland, O. P. Thonipkiiis, Samuel Hannah, J. Mt'Call. C'oiii Hay lit it IHncoiiiiI. Tho Crescent City Courier has re ceived Mr. Siulin's recent effusions, nml draws tho following conclusions : " Coos Hay must bo a nice place to emigrate to. If wu are to judge the condition of things from the showing nude by tho newspapers of that sec tion, it is not likely that those in search of homes will be attracted very strongly in that direction. The fol lowing extract is from an editorial in the Coos liny AVn:" Then follows an extract bom (ho AVirn in which it is stated that tho la borer is "not pei milled to bundle his own wages." "No money is put in eiiciilation." "Should a laborer de mand coin, he would soon find him self discharged and a Chinaman in his place," and either M-.tcments of a similar character. It is a misfortune to Coos county to have such false rep reseutatiouscircuhited. Hut wu sup thc sacrifice is necessary in order that Mr. Siglin may be elected. Persons abroad who read these things should take intoconsideration that the writer' is a lawyer, and is running for office or thinks ho is. IZiiiIiukIiinIIi;, Tho Democratic candidate for Joint .Senator ban undorgono a great change since bis nomination, fie is fast bocoming a genuine enthusi ast on the subject of work. There is probably no man living who lias as much Hytupntuy for laboring men as be. He never before took much interest in tho subject of Man ual labor, but it would not bo at all surprising if beforo tho close of the campaign ho burns up bis ''plug bat" and turns out nnd actually .samples some kind of manual labor. It would seem that bo has made a mistake nnd estimated the voter of Coos county a.s an ignorant rabble who can bo imposed upon by any kind of shunt issues. In this be does thorn injustice; tho laboring men in Huh county are intelligent and I hoy will not bo caught by any thing that docs not bear the brand of truth. .lolul Iti'iiri'Mviitultvi'. Mr. Solomon Fitrhugh, who was nominated by tho Democrats of Curry county for Joint Representa tive front Coos nnd Curry declined te bo a candidate, and thu Central Committco filled tho vacancy by nominating Dr. F.O. Von dcr Green. Mr Von dcr Green is u good citizen, nnd though formerly a Catholic Priest, has been for some years past engaged in tlio practise of med icine in Curry county. There aro a number of families who depend on him for medical treatment and for this and other reasons, his oppouont Mr.Soolt.willbo called to fill tho oflico' Tin: echooner Premier sailed on Tuesday with a full cargo of coal and lumber, and some passengers. Hour, howi:, who has been absent from tho county for some time past in search of better health, returned last Tuusday. Si:vi:u.M, of the orihs last made aro only twenty feet in width, that width being thought sufficient on account of the favorable condition of thu bot tom, A Ivankak paper Nays: On Thurs day last, two farm houses were so com plutly swopt away hy a Kansas zophyr that in an hour's search not a frag ment of (hum wui discovered. Iteply l Hie "llltf Hen I. Ion." Ue. ClUiBK, April 20th 1880. Km. Coast Maim 1 much regret to ask sjiaco in your widely circulat ed paper to answer a communication which appeared in the Coos Hay Newt of April Mlh, signed "J. II." In answer to said communication, r will simply refer him and all others interested in my olllcial acts while in San Francisco to tho articlo copied front tho S. F. Alia in tho Coast Mam, during last October. Now, as to my olllcial acts while in Curry county, they aro it matter of re cord and I cheerfully refer one and all to said records for proof as to my nets ns an ollleer. This mass of corruption calls mo the "Euchre (heek Hull, and tough at that." If I accept the title, I claim to bo classed among thorough broils, and not among "scrubs" of the grade of tho big Kea I. ion. I would like to ask this overgrown and infamous falsillor if hu has any recollection of what took place when a certain young woman of Curry county was arrested for the murder of her infant child. I would ask the shapeless brute if ho did notpiotcnd lobe a lawyer about (hut lime. "Ah yes "and you went to the room whore this poor woman was in custody so frequently that your visits attracted attention. You wcro watched, and at the last meeting you requested the key of tho Deputy .Sheriff, "so ns to be sure the prisoner did not escape." (How thoughtful!) Tho door was locked ; then this noble elephant seat ed himself besido his intended victim ami began conversing about her case. He laid his lecherous paws upon her person, and told her about her " beau tiful form." About thii time a keen sound was overheard; it was the iuu-nihir hand of tho insulted wo man coming in contact with llio pro boscis of her persecutor. The next niomo:it theuuwieldy mountain of sin moved out of the door. Another ev idence of tho superiority of thorough breds over scrubs. The deputy sher itr entered the room and found thu unfortunate woman in tears, and up on inquiry received a similar version to tho above. This was the woman that he says I selected my brother-in-law to take charge of, and the statement is false. The party was in tho custody of tho sheriff, and deputies, who presented tho bill for the same which was allowed Tlio cowardly puppy accuses mo of slandering him ; hutsiich nlhingcan not bo done. And now, bit me say to tlio elephan tine bilk a word of advice. Drink lets gin ; play less cards; pay your honest debts, and above all pay me the amount of a note 1 hold against you; movo losomeroinotopartof the world where you are not known, and go to worl;, seek salvation, lead tho life of a Christian, and there is some hopo for you. My friend, farewell. Don't ho of fended at anything I havo said, and whon you havo finished reading this don't kick the children out of the window, hut ho calm and reflect that it is for the public good. I havo done with you for tho present, and when we meet again let us congratulate each other that wo "still live" and have plenty to eat, even if you don't pay a cent for it. D. Y. Tim "Chronicle.' A neat little book has just been received by us descriptivo of the ori gin and progress of the San Francis co Chronicle. The first issue of the paper was in January ISfift, its size was 9 by II inches, and it was edit ed, set up and printed by Chas. Do Young, whoso tragic death is men tioned in nuotber column of this pa per. The Chronicle succeeded be-, yond even tho hopes of its proprietor and it now has an immense circula tion. Tho Do Young brothers have grown rich front tho profits of the paper, bast fall the oflico was moved into n new building erected at a cost of $205,000. In the base ment a beautiful sixty-horso power engine drives tho presses, capable of printing and folding 0(5,000 papers an hour, or over 1,000 per minute. What effect tho death of Charles Do Young will havo on its future re. mains to bo seen. Irulh of Yt'. It. Ou-lcr. W. II. Carter, Slate Printer, and editor and proprietor of tho "Cor vallis Gazette," died at his homo in Corvallis last Monday of neuralgia of tho heart, Mr. Carter enmo to Oregon in 1S52; in 1S(il purchased tho "Cor vallis Gazette" of which ho has since been editor nnd proprietor, Ho was elected Stato Printer in 1878, and his death creates a vacan cy in that ollieo which will bo filled at tho coming election, his term being less than half expired. The deceased has been a leading advo cate of thu cause of temperance and a man who onjoyed tho estcom and confidence of all his acquaintances including his bitterest political op ponents. Ho loaves u wifo and children, who with his many friends throughout tho Statu will deeply fuel llio blow thai has bolnllon thorn, CIiiim. I:Youii-f .lliit'ilercil, A San Francisco dispatch of tho 2.1d, brings tho 'following particulars of tho killingof DoYoungbyKalloch : "Just before 8 o'clock this evening Charles DoYoung cntored tho busi ness ollieo of tlio Chronicle on tho ground floor on tho corner of Hush and Kearney streets, and stood talk ing with hoiiio gentlemen, leaning against a counter. Directly the door opened nnd I, M. Kalloch entered, and drawing a pistol without, as far as can bo learned, speaking n word, began firing at DoYoung. Tho latter ran through a gato in the counter to a desk inside, Kalloch firing at him ns ho ran. On reaching tho desk Do Young turned (o face his opponent with a pistol in his hand, when Kal loch, leaning over the counter, fired again, tho ball striking DoYoung in the mouth. Kalloch then started for tho door. DoYoung raised his pistol as if to fire, but apparently his strength failed him for tho pistol was not discharged, and sinking back ward ho fell on tho floor. Hyslanders ran to his assistance, but tho ball had evidently pierced tlio huso of tho brain, and in a few moments he ex pired. As Kalloch ran out of the door ho was seized by a citizen, and at the same moment an ollleer came up and took him into custody and conducted him to tho city prison, where he was locked up. News of tho murder flew through the city liko the wind, and in a few moments the streets in the vicinity of the Chronicle office were crowded with people eager to learn tho particulars of tho affair. Policemen were at once stationed at the doors of the ofliecto keep out the inquisitivo crowd, and only a few personal friends and re porters were adinittc I. In the rear of the office, M. If. DoYoung, brother of tho deceased, reclined on a lounge surrounded by friends, evidently over come by tho tragedy, hut with dry oyer and calm though strained voice. He was not present at tho time of the shooting, having left home after din ner a few moments later than diaries. Deceased lay on his back pnthp'lloor, his face and breast dabbled Tri blood, his eyes closed and his face bearing the calm expression noticeable in the case of thoso (lying from shot wounds Only ono wound was found on his person, although at least four shots wcro fired by Kalloch, two having ing pierced the glass doors and parti tion of the office. A third lodged in a window casing. Young Kalloch on being arrested was, as the arresting officer remarked, the coolest man he oversaw, lie still carried the smoking pistol in his hand, which ho surrendered to the officer. On his way to the station house he observed strict reticence, and on being shown to his cell, posi tively refused to have any intercourse whatever with representatives of the press. In the absence of any explanations from tho assassin of the causes of the act, it is generally understood to be attributable to a pamphlet which has been recently circulated about tho city attacking Mayor Kalloch, tho father of De Young's slayer. During his recent visit east it is believed that the deceased devoted a great deal of attention to gathering up matter in regard to tho past lifo of Mayor Kal loch, for tho presumed purpose of either using it at tho expected trial of tho deceased on a charge of shooting Kalloch last August, or of making it subservo journalistic purposes. Tho- pamphlet above referred to was a doc ument of some sixty pages, and re counted the details of the Kalloch scandal in Hoston and other matter of a scandalous nature Tho pamph let was anonymous, but young Kal loch evidently considered that de ceased was responsible for its publica tion, and acted accordingly. I.nlci. Further inquiry shows that young Kalloch fired livo shots at DeYoung, of which only one, tho fourth, took efi'cct. Otherwise tho original report of tho affair seems to bo substantially correct. It is evident that tho deed was deliberate. Officer Xoyes states that a few moments beforo DoYoung entered tho office ho saw Kalloch walk along Kearny street and peer ing through a window of tho Chroni cle counting room. Ho was evidently waiting for tho arrival of his victim. At about quarter past 9 tho coronor's assistants took the body from where it had been lying on the floor awaiting his examination and removed it to a wagon for conveyance to tho morgue. Tho crowd in the mean timo had in creased to a thousand, blocking up both Kearney and Hush streets. It was composed of all clashes, evidently including a great many of sand lot proclivities, and as tlio body was brought out, cheers, howls and ejacu lations of exultation and derision arose. Tlio coroner's wagon, escorted hy a squad of police, drove at once to tho morgue, followed by a hooting, whistling and yolling mob. Tho de monstration was confined merely to words, no action of a violent nature occurring, (in arriving at tlio morgue a crowd gathered thoro, for a while continuing its demonstrations, but I soon disporsed and tho olllcers rotired. The conduct of tho mob called forth many exprussious of indignation and disgust front the moro rospobtablo by Htandoro, but thuru was nothing whal nrmma over lending towards any broach of peace. A great concourso still lin gered in tho vicinity of the Chronicle oflico discussing tho affair, hut an alarm of firo several blocks distant drow many of them away at about ten o'clock. Tho pamphlet previously referred to proves upon examination to he simply a full report of the trial of I. S' Kalloch in the case of the Boston scandal, with a briuf preface to the effect that it was published with no malicious motives, but simply to give a plain, unvarnished report of tho trial. It horo tho imprint of " Eber hen it Co., Hoston, 1857," hut was ev idently a fresh publication. It seems to be admitted that tho document was issued with a view of influencing pub' lie opinion in connection with tho ap proaching trial of Do Young, and it may perhaps have been furthor in tended to have had some bearing on more immediate issues. It will be remembered that the Chronicle "raited" its office about ten days ago. Tho Tyographiepl Un ion and tho Amalgamated Trades Union took up the fight for tho dis charged printers, and have placarded the city with appeals to tho public: to withdraw patronage from the paper, and have published advertisements to the same effect in interior journals. A mats meeting was advertised for to morrow evening to denounce the course of the Chronicle, which was to have been addressed hy Mayor Kal loch, among others, and it is possible that tho pamphlet was designed to have effect on this present quarrel, as well as on the coming trial of De Young. When the coroner's wagon bearing the body of DoYoung turned from Kearney street into Market, the crowd made a sort of rush that had the ap pciiranco of being directed at the wa gon. It might have been merely the natural surge of the concourse follow ing the wagon on meeting the crowd gathered on .Market, but the police viewing it as an attempt at violence, used their clubs freely, beating back tho crowd and indicting severe pun ishment on the most forward. Aside irom nits incident mere lias been no signs of violence and no occasion for the service of the police except in keeping back the press, barge throngs still linger around the Chron icle office, a:td at the main and branch offices of the Call and at the morgue, quietly discussing the affair and wait ing with the usual morbid interest to hear any further particulars obtain able. It is as yet too early to gauge the general expression of public opinion of the tragedy, but so far as could bo learned from talk beard upon the street this evening, its tenor seemed to bo that the death of DeYoung at the bands of the son, was tho lcgita matc. outgrowth of the recent attack of the deceased upon the father. Accokiung to the latest reports from Skagct the snow is still very deep on IUiby and other creeks where mining claims have principal ly besn located. It is consequently impossible to accomplish anything in the diggings at present. Some twenty miners arrived here on the Chehalis on Monday evening from the head of navigation. They re port the river rising rapidly, the wa ter at present being so high as to admit of steamers going up as far as the mouth of Sauk river. Mr. McCausland, who has a trading post near the portage, brought down $200 in gold dust taken out near tho mouth of I'uby creek, Ono fa vorable indication is that all that have visited tho mines so far(includ ing several hundred men, ninny of whom arc old miners), are sufficient ly satisfied with prospects to retnrn as soon as the season opens, with out exception so far as observed. A dispatch from Son Francisco of April i'3d says : That tho danger of an outbreak at Colton, antongtho Shiuicheuvas grows moro serious. They aro gathoring in force through the mountains and especially at tho springs along tho west side of tho Col orado river. Mail riders report see ing their signal fires through tho mountains and along tho river. A largo stock dealer with his men has been run off bis ranch, his houses burned and stock driven oil'. Tho agent and employes at tho reserva tion havo gone to Khrenherg for pro tection, having been warned by the Mohaves that tho Shimcheiivas intend to cross the river, kill the settlors and pillago tho settlements. It is report ed about L'CO renegade Piutos will join tho Shicheuvas in making waron'the whites. Two companies of cavalry havo landed at Khreitberg ready to march at a moment's untice. Tin: Into storm in San Franoisco has done conio damago in .bursting sewers and washing- nwny earth on steep hillsides. Early this morning a heavy stone retaining a wall about thirty feet high in tin roar of llobert Sherwood's lot on California street, betweon Taylor and Jonos, fell, covor- ing gardens in thu roar of residences on Pine streot, smashing hot houses and outbuildings, and in ouo or two instances injuring the roar of dwell ings, No uuu injured, MISCELLANEOUS. An amendment is to bo offered to tho Indian appropriation hill trans ferring tho Indian bureau to the war department. "Don't be afraid to praise your hired girl when sho doscrve's it," remarks an exchange; hut the minute tho hus band tries that on she has to look for another (situation. A Mon undertook to stone tho Gray Invincibles, a colored company, at the corner of Market and Forty-first streets, Philadelphia, an the l'Jth, but tho company, with bayonets fixed, soon dispersed the crowd. Ht;x Iln.i, has published a long let ter in a Georgia paper in relation to the scandal, saying Jesse I'ayniond win hired bv the Hcpuhlicans to pur - sue him, andtf.sho kiil-d him sho iowing ,icw:riijed reai estate situated in Coos would bo acquitted and provided for at county Oregon, and known and designated the rate of one hundred dollars ft;l-y ami in the public surveys of iho United month. I'oit the oxpenscs of tho Chinese commission -$21,000 will be appropria ted, and Swift, of California, will bo telegrahpcd for to come to Washing ton and talk it over; Secretary Kvarts thinks tho new minister, Anzell, should stop a while at San Francisco ... . , aim suiuy me Munition mere ociore going to China. Ily special telegram from Pendlo ton, dated April 20th, we learn that a most horrible murder has been com mitted near Pendleton. The dis patch says : The bodies of Villiam Ifisham and bis wife were found this morning in a tent near the Indian agency, their heads split open with an ax. Xo clue of the murder has been obtained. The heavy and continuous rains throughout California have canted a flood, and the rivers, with "their beds filled with mining sediment, aro sure to rise out of thoir banks, and a rep etition of lastycais damages is prob able. Hailwav and telegraphic com munication is stopped. C. J. Smith 11 StOCktOll merchant anU Ul-.. elicit a San Francisco solicitor, have been claim, rnd secure final entry thereof at the" ,-,.,..,- expiration of thirty days from the date of U10'U10U- this notice, viz: Luther II. Palmer, home-' Last Mondav says the Walla Walla stead application No. 3097. for tho SW1-4 ir-icniifiii, Sam Kiec, while out hunt- lofSWMsoo 31 T 27 Sit 11 west loU 3 , ' , , , , , , , ! and 4 sec 3, ami lot 1 sec 4, T 28, Sit 1 1 w, lllg stock, found the dead body Of and names the following as his witnesses. Ed. Korke, a boy a little over fifteen! viz: L. M. Pearce, J. A. Harrison and ..., ,.f - ."..- ii. i inJt -.,.. r ' Louis Heller of Dora, and George Norris of cars of age, and the oldest son of . Fa;rview Cocs C(mny Oregonfon the 15th .Mr. Pat Itorke. It seems ho was on, day of May. 1SS0, before the Judgo or the night watch, herding stock, about 100 miles northwest of here at a placo called Crab Tree Ulufl's. lie was rid ing along the edge of a high bluff, when his nude slipped, and both fell off and down a height of eighty feet. Wo don't think the poor boy knew what hurt him, for he evidently fell on his head and died instantly. Tun Union Greenback partv ofl"01'". viz; Henry L. Johns, preemption i .LAA..UA... ....v,a..j- n ooin r i. Polk county met in convention at Dallas on the lTUi1 Frist'.r--and after passing a scries qTj.esqliiliDns favor I Dodson for Scryitor.-and E. C. Keyt, T. II. Lucas 'and Thomas Stakely for Representative. The following central committee w:;- appointed; I. Van Horn, T. L. Tluiler, D. Y. Sears, J. Stump, Paul Hilterbrand, L. Uently and J. J. Bell. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES, Yazoo City, Miss., April 20. Cnpt. A. II. Manguin gavo his five year old child a dose of morphine to-day, mis taking it for quinine. ' The child died j in four hours. Ualtijioiie, April IS. John Potrie, a farm hand, aged 50 years, commit ted suicide by shooting himself through tho head this morning in Baltimore county. Ho was married on Tuesday hist. Rochksteh, N. .Y., April 20. On Wednesday a gcntlonian living in York, Livingston county, who bad been ill for somo time, suddenly ap peared to dio, and was duly laid out. While the watchers woio performing their customary duties, the supposed dead suddenly revived much to the surpribo of his friends. BOIlsT. At Koseburg, April 27, 1SS0, to the wifo of Thomas 11. Sheridan, County Clerk of Douglas county, a daughter. ."r-wji'tn1 g vnwrft't.Mga DXIEID. At Coquille City, April 20tb, 18S0, Carl, son of Dr. 1). L. and Lydia A, Steele, aged about two and one half years. At Coquille City April loth, 1SS0, Herbert, son of John Amanda J. Snydor, aged tdx years, livo months and fifteen days. NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF. BosEiiuim Land Office, April 23, 1SS0. Notice is horeby given that tho following named settler has filed notico of his inten tion to mako final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on tho 2tUh day of May 18S0, l.eforo tho Judgo or uieric oi mo court ot uoos county Ur., J. m, ll.ivis, homestead application No. 210G for tho south half of northwoat quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter sco tion twenty three towushin twcntvilve south, raugo twelve west, and namos tho lolluwiug as ins witnesses, viz: llunry .Mil ler of Kmiiire City, W. H. Noble of Marsh field, F M Bridged of Coos river, and Cyrus l.iiul ic tli of Coos river, all of Cuo oouuty Oroinni. Wm F HllNJAMlN. IS llegfstvr. ing Soft monev,- w'omoil'srigbts and J- M. Moore all of Chetco, Curry county, laa . ;Lx,U,,:-1 M,.Af Oregon, on them, day of May, 1SS0, at i NOTICE OF FINAL I'ltOOl-V .'vjAB Hrmmiimo On. Lamp Om, .April 23 lSSO;, ,twa Notice is hereby civen that tlio following" rmmol settler tins filed notictf 'of -liiiirintni tion tom.iko fimi proof ia support of his claim nml eefttr'afitml entry: imWtitCf,)tftArt:iH ;itn nay oi amy ipso, iotorptlie,,JuijBO or Clerk of tho (!ourt of Coo's county; Or! viz: .1. A. IJonobrnUe.'liM'rtailomViipplicfttioriNo.' 2.181, for tho novthciuit qiiarter of nortlicat quarter section tight, lota 1 nnilfJ nnd south oust quarter1 of northwest quarter section nine, Unvtithip twetitygix south, range twclvo west, nnd names tho following n gSf LO ,4ith au'of MaSld his witnesses viz; V V Hobs, M J Stock. II Coos oonntv Oregon. 18 Wji V lir-vjAMiff, Register. CITATION TO HKIHh'; In the matter of tho administration of tho estate of XM Low, deceased. Citation to heirs: To Mary Short and alt other heirs of tlio cstato of N M Low, deceased You will hereby tnko notice that upon 1 the application of I, K Low administrator St-nto allots f. C, 7 and 8 of section 1, in township 20 south of ranee 13 west. It waa ordered by Hon J II Noler, Probate Judgo of Coos county Oregon, that notice bo givcil that on the ("III DAY OF JULY I860, at tho Court Houm door in Kmpiro City Or. that ho would hear objections if any to al lowing tho sale of tho above described proj ert ..... ... You win tnercioro appear al sam timo a,ul J'1", j1"'1 ",ako "''J0'""" U',0" 1,avo I any to said sale. Alex Stauit, County Clerk of Coos county Or- Dated this 1st day of May 1880. KOTICK OF FINAL PROOF. Land Omen, Hoskdcko, Or., Aprils, 1880" .Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in enpport of his claim, and secure imal entry thereof at tho expiration of thirty days from tho date of this notice, viz: John A. Harrison, home stead application No. 300G, for tho .SW'1-4 of NEM, W'i of SKM and SE1-4 of SV 1-4 sec 34, T t!7, Sit 1 1 west, and names tho following as hi3 witnesses, viz: L. II.. Palmer, L. M. l'oarce and Louis Heller of Dora, and Geo. Korris, of Fainiew, all of Coos county, on tho 15th day of May, 1SS0,. lniforo tho Judge or Clerk of the court of Coos coonty, Or. Wu. F. Benjamin, 10 Kegistcr. NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF. Land OEHQr, Roseec no, Ok., Apr. 5, 180' Notice is hereby trfven that tho followinc ; named settler has filed notice of his intcn- tion to make final immf in summrt of hi. Uerk of tho umrt or toos county, Ur. 10 Wm. F. Bexjami-, Kegistcr. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Lake Office at BosEnrno, OnEcoy. March 20.-I8SO; Notice is hereby given that the followiug named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at tho expiration of thirty days from date of this WJ of SEJ, SW'i of NE1-4 and SEt-4 of NVb4, sec. 35, T 41 SK 13 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: T. J. Stitt, J. F. Marrs, J. H. Stitt, and tho United States Land Office at Itoacburg, urcgon. 14 Wit. F. Benjamik, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Office at RosEcrito, OREr.o-f, March 20, 1SS0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notico of his inten tion to make final proof in support of hu claim, and soenre final entry thereof at tho expiration of thirty days from date of this notice, viz: Thomas J. Stitt, premption declaratory statement. No. 3247, for tho EJ of NWM. SW1-4 of NW1-4, sec. 2, andSK 1-4 of NE1-4, of sec, 3, T 41 Sit 13 wesf, and names tho following as his witnesses, , viz: II. h. Johns, J. I). Cooley, It. ii. Palmer and J. H. Stitt, all of Chetcov Purrv onm.t- Ore-nil. fin ihn tTtli jl.-iv of May. 1SS0, at tho U. S. La-id Office '" . ' '" Koseburg, Oregon, '.- -!i iC ?UJq- Wt. F. Bexjamij, rtcgis.terai-01'; ,K7fi-.. NOTICE OF FINAL VnUOjC'!'10'' t ' ai-.. Laxd Office, ItosEcuno Oit. Apr 1GUIS50 , . . . Notice is hereby riven that the-. following"' "? ' ' named settler has tiled noticorof his intuition :. ., - to mako final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof vizf" Daiiiel '' II Cooloy, homestead application No 3 ISO for the SI of NE1-4, NEW of SEW, NW1-4 of NEW, section 33 T 40 S, It 13 W, nnd names the following as his witnesses viz: Henry Smith, Joseph Enos, William Kirk and J M Mooro all of Chetco Curry county, Oregon, beforo tho Judgo or Clerk of tlio Court of Curry county Or, on tho Oth day of JunolSSO. 17 Wm. F. Besjamiv, Itogisto NOTICE OF FINAL PltOOF. Land Office, RosE-mim, Or., API pril 3. 18S0, Notico is hereby given that tho following named settlor has tiled notico of his iuten- tion to mako linal proof iu support of his claim and secure final entry thereof at tho expiratiou of thirty days from tho dato of lllis nonce, viz; uaiuvs ii.chui, jiumosiicaii appltcitiot! No. for tho E of SEW, section 31, T40, Sit 13 w. NWW of NYV-1-4, section 2, and NEW of NEW section; 3, T 41, SK 13 w, and names tho following as his witnesses, viz: John D. Cooley, Pan" iel B. Coolio, P. H. Palmer, and II. L. Johns, all of Chctcoo, Curry coun.y Oregon, on tho 17th day of May 1880, beforo judgo or clerk of tho court of Curry county. Or.' 15 Wsi. F, Benjamin, Itegistcri NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Lakh OniCE, Bo3Encr.ov On., Apr 14, 18S0 Notico is hereby given that tho following named settler lias died notico of his intcii tion to mako final proof fit support of bin' claim, and securo final entry thereof at tho expiration of thirty days from tlio dato of this notice, viz: Joseph Enos, homestead application No. 2t(i0, for lots I, 2, 3, 10 and NJ of NW'1-4 section 5, T 41 S, It 13 w and names tho following as his witnesses, viz: John Crosswoll, Win Kirk, A F Mil ler and A B Cooley all of Chetco, Curry county, before tho Judgo or Clerk of tho court of Curry county, on tho Uth day of Juno 18SU. 17 AVm. F. IIbnjamik, Register. Loiinun's mill is running again. Ia, Makks 1ms a fino assort niunt of sping Millinery-. ?J v.dV