Tho dotxki Mail. ATUKDAY, - AMIL 2, 1860. XEPUILICAN TrCKET, COOl COUMtV, OMOO!(, FOR JOINT BKNATOtt, B. B. JOtfES, ron MKrhKCEKTATlTK, WILLIAM MO BRAS. B;. 0. DEMEN.T. ron.coorrv clem;, ALEX. StfAUFF. roR co. couursRtoxciut, A. PER8HDAKEK, H, Wt IIOLVERSTOTT. ron TitKARunKit, FRED,, SCHETTER. roll ASftEAPOn, DANIEL GILES. fOR RCIIOOL BUrrtllKTKXDEXT, A. B. CAMP. Mil COUNTY RURYEYOR, S. B. CA.THCART. FOR COROXKR, LOUIS F. MUNROE. The TBrirqamloa. Tho thirteenth article of tho Demo cratic platform, adopted nt tho ltc Albany convention, rends thus : "That wo are opposed to any and all protective tariffs, and aro in" favor of a tan ft" for rovenuo only, and we plodco tho Democratic party to abol uh all restrictions upon commerce as toon as practicable." It is well for our people before de ciding for whom to cast their balloU at tho coming election, to consider the purport of that resolution. It is tho avowed policy of that party, as laid down here, to do away with all duties upon imports as soon as pract icable, which will be as soon as they have the power to do so. Let us see what would be the effect of such an action upon the business interests of Coos county. We now hive aduty of seventy-five cents per ton upon all bituminous coai mai is imported. Tins auoras a considerable revenue to the Govern ment, besides preventing foreign coal being brought into our ports in quan tities that would drive our American coal out of tho market, and by this means our mines arc barely ablo to run and pay living wages to workmen. The Democrats propose to remove this tariff, which would have the im mediate effect to reduce the price of coal in San Francisco and the east ern porta seventy-five cents per ton. Such a reduction would shut down all our coal mines and stock the Am erican markets with foreign coal. Not a mine on the Pacific coast could afford to run in open competition with foreign coal. Our coal mines constitute a leading industry and source of revenue in shut them down by rn an equality with Coos county; placing them foreign coal, business here and every branch of would be ruined estate generally, Farms, and real would be worth comparatively nothing; no steam era would enter our harbor, and only occasionally a schooner with a cargo of lumber would preservo the appearance of commerce in southern Oregon. Both this county and Curry have mines of coal of good quality which are likely to bo developed in a few years, which will add much to the wealth and commerce of this portion of the coast ; but the success of this Democratic doctrine would lay a per petual embargo on all enterprises de pending upon tho coal trade for sup port. With the destruction of our coal commerce, shipbuilding here would cease, as there are vessels enough already partly owned those interested in tho lumber businesa-here to do the carrying of lumber. There is no possible calamity that would be fall theso two counties that would be so great a blight upon their prosperity u tho success of this doctrine, to which every Democratic candidate is pledged. The tariff should be main tained only for purposes of revenuo, but St nhould be laid on such articles as will afford tho greatest protection and benefit to us. We ake informed that Lane is usc ing tho argument in his own favor, that Mr. Dement is not qualified for tho duties of sheriff. Now, Mr. Lanoi and his friends have struck the wrong trail. His truo that Dement was not educated at a Government in stitution but ho is amply qualified in au educational point of view, and in those most important qualities, stabili ty of character, financial responsibili ty and an unlarnfshcd record, hols as much ahond as ho will be in rotes on ejection- day". TllK Kllcnsburg correspondent (?) who U trying to get up a " boom " on behalf of the Democratic ticket, says Mr. 8cott, who is nominated for Rep resentative by tho Republicans, was expecting to loavo, for California or Arizona. That was exactly the con dition of tho Damocratio candidate for Joint Benutw, and ho doseiv't think it hurts bin any as a candidate. Ho 1ms decided to pontnomi that step bow till after tho elootioii .... . , .... -.i...i s.. vnw voX'rsi;:.;:..;.. jjJixQ5S ... .,... "-.-.f-Ji... lit, 'MeiMeir'ttil It is common for a clusa of politi cians to rcBort to nny species of humbugging And false reprcscntn- iron to secure the votes of men of little intelligence, but it was n Piir priso to sec in tho columns of the News of Insl week, nn article in fa vor of the enactment of n lnw for bidding the payment of anything but money for wagos, and provid ing that an existing debt cannot bo tlLVL?J-. n-..ii. - . f picnucu ns an cucci to a Claim lor wages. Under tho proposed new system which Siglin thinks of inaug urating for the benefit of his constitu ents, a laboring man, a lawyer, doc tor "or any other man" can run nn account for goods atone of our bus iness establishments while he is at work for wages, and when he gets through, collect pay for his work in cash, the store bill not being allowed to be deducted. It appears to bo a hobby that Mr. Siglin has mounted with the hope of imposing upon a few voters and getting support enough to elect him. But he under estimates tho intelligence of the la boring men of Coos county, when he holds out to them such an inducement We have a law already that compels the pay ment of all debts to be made in mon ey, unless the person to whom it is due chooses to accept some of other commodity instead of money. But to say that when J. M. Siglin is in debted to A. Nasburg in the sum of $100 dollars, and ho does work for Mr. Nasburg to tho amount of $50 he (Siglin) shall be paid that $50 in cash, is an absurdity on its face. It docs Kearney an injustice to call it Kearneyism, for there is not a hoodlum in San Francisco who will advocate so ridiculous a proposition. But he goes further and asserts that such a law is in force in several of the states. It is not true that such a law is in force in any state, nor in any civilized country of the world. If such a law is in force, out that law Mr. Siglin, publish it, and pledge yourself to urge the pas sage of such a law, and you will be triumphantly elected. Another Prop Gone. Mr. Siglin has lately been basing his hopes of election on the possibil itj of working up a little dissatisfac tion in Curry county, because Coos did not give them the nomination of the Joint Senator, and it has been the leading feature of his con versation in the saloons and on the streets, as well as in the columns of his paper, ever since the convention. But that feeble hope is now gone, and with it the " last chance " for Mr. Sig lin. We arc in receipt of a letter from an officer of the Curry County Convention, which says : In our County Convention held at Ellensburg on the 10th of this month we nominated Rawley Scott for Joint Senator, provided Coos county concedes to us that right. But it was understood in Convention that if it was not entirely satisfactory to the Republicans of Coos, that Mr. Scott was to run for Joint Represen tative. We want no dissatisfaction and are perfectly satisfied which ever way Coos may decide. The people of Curry county would probably have had the Joint Senator if the Democrats had been willing to grant it, but Mr Siglin wanted Coos to have it, and he got the nomination; that made it advisable for the Re publicans to pursue a similar course. It is probable that in the future Mr. Siglin will bo willing to let Curry make the nominations, so far as his own aspirations arc concerned. They Hold to the Conntltntloa ! The tenth resolution of thcDcmo- cratic platform says : "That we hold to the constitution with all its amendments in consonance with the spirit of the original instrument" Just what kind of a hold the party has on the constitution, we aro left infer, but there are some things that would indicate that it was intended to be an under hold. We had sup posed that a proper construction of the amendments to the constitution would be in the spirit of its adoption rather.than the spirit of the original instrument ; else why, the necessary for the amendments. But tho vagueness of this resolution is only in keeping with all tho remaining planks in this so-called platform. Statesman. They held to the Constitution, the laws and the Union, from 18G0 to 18G5 in the vain effort to annihilate them altogether. After they wore compelled to submit, they discarded tho amendments, but held to the original instrument, and now they say they hold to the Constitution with all tho amendments. They aro depending on their consistent record this year for succoss. Let them bavo success according to their consistency. Capl. Holies of the steamer Geo, W, Elder has gone East to bring out tho nmv fcteamcr Columbia, ana onpi. '.. ..- i.xwMfyjm4-f t'-t, niitl atiint Oemoerntlc MUtcmvr. Tho ltcpubKcnn party has given lands to corponiUonj, sufficient to make nine States ns largo ns Indiana Is it any wonder that canilnl i lin. publican and that labor is uomooratic? Eneh sees its own interest,- iYrtw. It has only been a few years since Oregon's Democratic Congressman was trying to give nwny to blra'ed capitalists 1M.000 nercs more of tho public hind, in tho shape of scrip thnt could hnvo been located in nny pnrt of tho Stntc, and from which the country could hnvo derived no possi ble benefit Nnv our Democratic Senator, Slater, is trying to pass a bill to pay to a railroad company, out of tho Government Treasury $1 per acre for " nil lands hereafter disposed of by tho Government in even sec tions within tho trnct bounded cast and north by the Willamette and Co lumbia rivers, west by tho Pacific ocean, and sputh by tho base lino past ing through Portland." Neither of these have been rebuked by tho Dem ocracy. Is it any wonder that a par ty claiming to bo opposed to land grants and subsidies, and yet guilty of such glaring inconsistency, is every where losing ground among tho peo ple ? ' NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Lanp Orricr, Rosem.t.0, On., Apr 14, 1SS0 Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has hied notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Joseph Knoa, homestead application No. IMGO, for lots 1, 2, D, 10 and N of NWM section o, T 41 S, It 13 w and names the following as his witnesses, vii: John Cresswell, Wm Kirk, A F Mil lcr and A II Coolev all of Chetco. Currv county, before tho Judge or Clerk of the court of Cum county, on tho 9th day of Juno 1SS0. 17 Wm. F. BnKJAMi.v, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Lujd Office, Kosebvro On. Apr lt, 1SS0 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof m support of hu claim, and secure final entry thereof viz: Daniel B Coolev, homestead application No31Sl5 for tho S of NE1-4, NE1-4 of SE1-4, NWM of NE1-4, section 33 T 40 S, U 13 w, ard names the following as his witnesses viz: Ilenry Smith, Joseph Enoa, William Kir and J M Moore all of Chetco Currv county. Oregon, before tbe Judge or Clerk of the Court of Curry county Or, on the 0th dav of June 1SS0. 17 Wm. F. Benjamin, Registo NOTICE OF FINAL PliOOF. Land Office, Kosebcro, Or., April 3. 1SS0, Notice is hereby civon that tho following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to mike final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: James II. i-ititt, homestead application No. for the E of SE1-4, section 34, T40, SR 13 w. NWM of NV M, section 2, and NE1-4 of NEM section 3, T 41, SR 13 w, and names tho following as his witnesses, viz: John D. Cooley, Dan iel B. Coohe, D. II. Palmer, and H. L. Johns, all of Chetcoe, Curry coun.y Oregon, on the 17th day of May 18S0, before judge or clerk of the court of Curry county, Or. 15 Wm. F, Be.vj.vmin, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Lane Office at RosEBtjno, OnrcoN, March 29. 1SS0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from date of this notice, viz : Henry L. Johns, preemption declaratory statement. No. 3210, for. the WJ of SEj, SWi of NEM and SE1-4 of NWM, sec 35, T 41 SR 13 nest, and names the following as his witnesses, viz; T. J. Stitt, J. F. Marrs, J. II. Stitt, and J. M. Moore all of Chetco, Curry county, Oregon, on tho 17th day of May, 1850, at tho United States Land Ofiice at Roseburg, Oregon. 14 Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Curry. Mary O. Chase vs. V. A. Chase, The Port Orford Cedar Co., Uernhard KerchofTand Phillip Fisher. Suit in equity to foreclose a mort E3Ke. mO W. A. CHASE. THE PORT OR I ford Cedar Company, Uernhard KerchofT and Philip Fisher, defend ants. In tho name of the State of Oregon you are herehy required to ap pear and answer the eomplainton file in the ahove entitled court and cause, on orhefore the first day of the next regular term of said Court, viz : MON DAY, THE 7TII DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1SS0. And you aro herehy notified that if you fail to answer said com plaint the plaintiff will take a decree against you for tho relief in said com plaint demanded, tivit: For tho foreclosure of a certain mortgage exe cuted hy A. W. Chacon the 2d day of June, 1873, in favor of Mary O. Chase, for the sale of tho property in said mortgage described, to satisfy the claim of the plaintiff" and for further relief. This summons is published hy or der of Hon. J. P. Watson, dated March 4th, 18fe0, G. Wi:isTKit, 11-Ct Atty. for Plain tin". THE PIONEEB MARKETS, Marbiifikmj a Kni-mn City. II. P. W'lIITNIvY, Pitoi'innxon. A good supply of MUTTON. - CANNED mkef, mm GOOCS, PORK, KTC KTC, KTC. and all kinds of dVEGETABLEs ALTMEATSam constantly cm hand. Alw a good stock of onioouiiiJflja. V E S S K 1. S LOGGING"" CAMPS SUPPLIED AT HI10UT XOTWli IvUl ,..,r, 1rm " - T "-...l..MtoW!..B .gggg-ag wweaaiiiw winwnwwumi mm BAY VIEW BREWERY, Win. ReichertyPr opri c tor Keeps constantly on hand, and odors for sale a superior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE and RUT AIL. mvhaius sui plied iviTimiii choicest iiraxds ov WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS BRANCH SAt.CONAT EMl'lKE CITY. rp-pq p-i LOGKHART HOTEL, Airs. Jv. M. r.ocklittrt Proprietress .r.Mr-iitK City, Octx. .-u.YitMirir.i.n Drug Store, DH. C. 11. GOLDEN, Pisorn. Opposite Xasbni'fi's Store. II A V K C 0 X STAN T L Y OX II A X 1) AM. SOHTS OK :d:r,tt3-s -AND- CHEMICALS V winks voh & MEDICINAL PURPOSES, x -sran - a t tr ip ar1 , rxiussxis, sfox&sib. roxxiaT-a.n.Ti- oxiXib, x'wzi.x'UMxixi.v, statxonbixy , and 8CHOUXJ UOOHH, ALSO C1101CK CIGARS andTOBAOCO. and everything iiually kept in a MEDICAL DISI'KNSAIIY. T 'inscriptions .irefulty Com poumled. Al-3-tf e. a. andersok .- iui in J!sLVc 2A. Hours. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, MARSHFIELD, OR. HA. AULING DONE AT SHOUT NO ice nnilnt verv rensonahlo rates coal and wood constantly on hand THE CENTRAL HOTEL. Cor. A and Front Sts.,MAnsm-iF.i.n,Oii. -I r-AVING TAKEN CHARGE OF L the above named house, we can promise to our patrons, rirMt-clnnM I'nrr, I'nir Ifiilln And courteous attention. B-A TRIAL IS OUJtJtAJt Is w 11 supplied in its line, and is under our personal management. WERDEN BROS, Proprietors B00T& SHOE MAKER Marsiifieu), Og.v. WIIiIiDOAliIiKIITDS OF qttstoim: -vstoik in a tnorougn manner anu uso only tho BEST MATERIAL. o KSy-Shopon Front Street, opposite the Pionci - Uarkct. -tf I. O. O. 2". ANNIVERSARY BALL AT NORMAN'S HALL, MARSHFIELD. Monday Kvksino, Avmu 2Cth, 18H. FLOOR MANAGERS. A. Nabhi'ho, T. G Owen, A..STAITF, C. W., O. E. Smith, O. Ralston, T. Hirbt, and Wm. Uiudi.kv. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGE MENTS. A. LojutEK, John Kknyon, F. Wijjihek T. Hiicst, K. A. TICKETS $1 00. Tho undorsignod will prepare an oyfclcr biippor in-Jho lurgo dining room fulioiniriL' tho hall : hIko a luncheon of hot enfluo for those pre ferring it. Oyster suppor per plate. oO contfi. Oharoo for luiiulicon will Ixunado fcr irnly what ib lakon. J. H.. Waltkiw. Good 75rS77 Horses ( Rv!C7i7v ') COOS IB.AY- MARKET , m vuiisiiriKLn, uuKun.v, W. It. Simpson a D. Holland Proprietors. MEATS nml pro iiions of nil kinds sold nt lhi Inn est living rnUs nml I)i:niri:iii:i at nny point doHirwl ron VESSELS. LOGGING CAMTS AND FAMILIES, ALWAYSREADY, CafWo koo nothing hut thohcst-C?J nml insure tntisfuction. Ia- 1-tf I SUM n week in vnttr nun town. Tonus ami $5 froo Address II 11 i.u:tt A Co. Portland. Maine EUGENE O'GONNELL nr.Ai.Kn in STOVES & RANGES, I ntet Improved ! Hardware Jools, -AM- I mpl emen t s. , GUNS- "S "E0L8 flND HiumumnuN. LAMPS &o OILS. WOOD A WII.LOWWARE. Stcain.Walt-r Pipe ami I ittuiKs.Ciran- 1 ite ami Plated Wares. MlNlFACTl'IlKHS OF TIN, COPPER &SHEETIRONWARE. .IOII IVOltK K.i:cuti:d with Dispatch. 3TEXTRAS for Stoves, Plows Mowers mid Reapers furnished at short notice. AMIINISTRATOR'S SALL'. n- virtuo of an order of tho County Court of Curry county Oregon, in prohato, made on tho 8th day of April ISSO, ihrectine the sale of the real rotate of tlio estate of Mich ael Fox ileceasi-d, hereinafter described, I v. ill oiler for sale at puMic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, tho north west ouarter of tho northeast quarter, west half of w est half of northwest quarter of southeast quarter, and lots ono two thrco and four of section eight, township thirtyflvo south, of range fourteen west. Also all tho right title nml interest of tho oatata of Kaid Michael Pox to tho following described ad. joining property tow it: Commencing at a point on tho north lino of tho southwest quarter of section eight aforesaid, due north of a pino trco 10 inches in dianiLtc-r and marked W, thence south to the north bank of Uca creek, thoneo easterly up said creek to tho first bend; thence south to tho south lino of said forty aero tract; thenco west to the south w est corner of said forty und thenco cast to tho placo of beginning. Tho ahove mentioned sale ill tako placo at the courthouse door in KIlciiHburg ( urry county Oregon, on thoTWKNTIKTfl DAY OK MAY lbM), between tho hours of 1 o'clock m and 'J o'clock p in of said day. Dated April 10th, 1880 WMTICHR.N'OR, 1G Administrator estate of Michael Fox- HIGHEST HONORS; una Centennial World's Fair,, 18761 rn SHOKINGER OR0ANS raoaovnoxs Vfirtuovax u tb BEST INSTRUMENTS. dclroompsrsllTS eiesllsnosls roocnltd by & Juilge la their Uejiurt, Ituia walsa ta following Is su xtrsel; "Th. U. BIIONI.VGKII onOAlf CO.'S iklblt as (lie best Instruments tt t prlo rendering them posilble to Urgs cits sf porcuiseri. Laving a oomMntUon ol Iteeds sad Dells, producing norel and ploulsg ctTscls. eonUlnlug mnr deslrstls lmprottmenls, will sUnd longer In dry or dtmp clime t, lees llsbla lo get oat of order, til tte bosrds being taede Ihree-ply.tmt together so It is lapoielble for them to elltier enrlak, swell or split." TIIH ONLY UllUAAS AWAUUlSO TIIIU HANK. This Uedst sndAwsrdwu granted sfUrths taoet sever competition of the beet inekers, bsfoe one of tbe most competent Juries ter auemblsd. Mew Styles and prices Jnst lisned, which art la aoeordance with our rule, the UKHT OU CIAN lor lb least uiouey. W ar prepared to appoint a few nw Agents. Illaitreted Catalogues walled, poet-paid, oa ppUoatlon to B, SHONINGER ORGAN CO., 07 U 18S CHE8TRDT 8TUKT, ', . . Nrw HiTM. Cow. HIT S 1 N E S S 0 A U I) s. T.0, aiACKMY.M.l). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .Emimiu; City, Oiikoon, C. Ih IIOLDEN.M.I). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Maksiiiiku), Onnnox. C. W'.TOWKMt. D. PHYSIGIAN&SURGEON MAimtiriui.i), Onnuo.v. W. C. ANUEL.M. I). PHYSICIAN an.) SUflGEON Votiuille City, Oft. S. 11. HaZAUD, .1. W. II.IMII.'IOS' HAZAim fc HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will practice in tho vuiious com In of tllOHtlltO. orrin: at i:.Mrnti: citv, Otis. or. avl. sia-Linsr. ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW. MAKStiriKl.n.OUECON'. (i. WEnSTKIt, AHORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M vusnnni i, Oiikiion. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, XOT.HIVITIIIilC&CO.WFiYAXCEII, r.jii'iui: city, o(ix. C'ollot'tioni nml other hiihinom placed in inv hniiilH, will receive iruiiit ntten lion. vl-It-tf V. I. Will GUT, IT. S. Mlneriil anil U. $. Deputy S U R V E YOU, Cogiiiu.u City, Oon. Will uttond to the l)iixiiierH if mirvey ing in nny part of the county l'criect m:iwof till Hit'neyed hinds, fur niidu'dul nhort notice. i:. i. (i it i ni it oi, ATTORNEY m COUNSELLOR AT LAW, aniwTi'ixvin oityi onmooN A ch:irt puhhc pntruiiiiKe in roitpeet fllll V Kli ii. 1 itftl H7'J n week. $1' u day lit home oni Iv iniiih'. Ciwtly outfit "fri'e. Aildrc.i 'fni'i: A Co. .ugu.Mtn, Mnitie. Eqnal (o Any. Excellefl liy None. xirjc Taylor & Farley ' CABINET ORGAN, aiaunfaclnrvd nl Worccetcr, .Tlnee. IH UnrrZUZXTZ of .ny value mer U found U theM irutrtimentt, and they contain meajr aSCNTIAL IMPROVKMINT8 USX RS7KS la ether Orcant. Aiming to protluoo work whloh ehnll b Ournbla, we will not anorlfloo thnt which la not seen, nncl yet la vital to n perfect Oruun, in order to muko a inoro fonoy xttrlor. We ere ttill cnaLIed to pre tenl i Stjllsh nml Approprlnto Casoi ai ran be found In tho millet, iih a finish whieli Ii III HUIl by any. AS RKQARDO TONS, nea roixownio Award with Medal & Diploma or Honor WAS CHAMTID DV TllK CIHTZNNIAL EXHIBITION COMMISSIONEnS: " rr Jtuiratr la Weiteueiale, FiriDui. rt'MTI ii BMUUKI Or 10IE, Mirormll; la Neir to4 Ctecrel ittlltf la Betaeilial If flUttu Ui til eireewi Utcttel" Do not fell to mike application and BZAKZNE THEHli INBTRUMENTO rhte I'uichiilnf, Catalocuei fice, en application to the Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WOnOESTER, MASS. $.7 lo (do jierday at home. HampleH worto $5 free. AddrenH Ktinkox t Co. Portland, Maitie. E. B. DEAN St, CO. K. U.DKAN, .J.WILIX'OX AM) C. II. AIKHCIIANT. Wi: havi: Ai.wavh o.v Hand a Fum. AKsortuii'iit Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE LUMBER MANUFACTUUKI) TO OIIDRK And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, mid nt tho THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. BrBBLHeLBBW NASBURG & HIRST, I'noNT Stiii:i:t, MAitiinr.i.i), Ou.v. NKW (1O0DH nvTiVKUYHTRAM. erj Lcoitcoiwluiitly on luuid in tuir liu-Ro niitl uauiiiuHliotia otorc. 11 ivull Kclccletl htocK t.f '" RFNFRAI MPtinUAtMnicc u ...- ,.,uuni,uivik C(tiaftHiiK of (ho bi'l Htnplo nml fniioy JDttlT O-OODS, of nil KintlM, tho vIiuIuvhI GROCERIES PROVISIONS. a i,.u:ur. KHK k or CM.OTIIINd, JIATHniiiH'AI'M, MOOTS nml SIIOKS, RUHHKUK Hinioile (MiOTllNO SLII'IMCRS mid OILCLOTH CROCKERY and (JLAHS WARE.IIAUDWAUE iiiul TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, I'nlnls, 0IN mid VniiiUluii, Choice Wines mid l.lipioi-M, 'I'linuiie mid Amuiuiilllon. CUTUillV, WOW) ami 'II.I.Ol'-)lHK.nnd Scn.ool H3oolv:s AMI STATIONERY icuxiivxniriivo. ooodbj, vxvx3 aroiiiiii.-v Our oxtonmvo show cbhoh nre flllctl Will tllOlllH'Mt MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. PRICES TO SPIT THE TIMES. N. H. All h'ioiN piirchimed nt our Store will he delivered frco ol alinri(u tit nny point mi the rottto of tho toniner .l j t tie. vl-l-tf vox's sui i v ntoNT or tiii: ccntiiai. iiotki MiirxliliehUOKii If you wiint iineiiNy shiive, An j:ood iim hurher evcrfciive, .lust call on tne nt in v nnlooii, I'roin morn 'till night or buay noon; My rii7nri'Khurp, my ncifitorH, keen, My tihop i a nent mid towels elenn ; And there 1 think thill urn will llnil I'hieh article to unit the mind ; I trim the hnir with xkill for pint", Of courir the prti e 11 lift) cents ; ShiiuipootiiK. ". 1 do that well, (live men trial, thnt will tell ; So help mt Knirioiis if I innke you hol ler, You need not pin a uurterof n dollar. J W rox.Tropr. 1'. S Hot und cold hat hs nlwitVM ready IMMfl COOS HAY FURNITURE STORE, I'ONrfTASn Y ON HANI) 1 .yrattrrsirii .0 lletlstroits, Chairs til Ltnutaes, Crib lv i'lUulleH, rirrritr.s, i-kami:s, mouldings, TAIM.KS, MlltltOICS Ac. 'ii nllna-i'ooto I'll nil I urn Mndo to Order f'OmyS mndo nt tdortent notice. SEWING MACHINES Attaciimi:xt, Ni:i:i)i,i:.i itc. F .MAUIC, lvltf 1'ltOI'ltIl.TOK. FAMILY Meat Market HOSS ,'. TIM Mint MAN Would nntiottnro to tho jiuhlio thnt their new market 01'rO.SITK TllK CKNTKAI. 1IUTEL ih .vow oi' ANDTIIKYAItKI'Uni'AUKDtoHKM. ALL KIMIH 01' HKKF I'OHIv A M i:.TS of Al.l. KINDS A I NO PROVISIONS AND VEGETABLES VESSELS awl 1.000 1 NO CAMPS srppunn iwvuici:a down to tiii: iikdjei r.o HOCK NEW HOME Sewing Machines Jl'KT KKCKIVKI) MYSTAMEU! FOIt HLK AT REDUCED RATES, BY IIK.NUVd I'LOEOKU, I). Moice'ri Einjiiio Oily. V. G. AVICB.STEJB, di;ai.i:k i.v aBooTs, Shoes Ami I.eullier I'luilliiRw. MAiiHiini:i.i), On. THAVE LATELY KKTUUKEII J from Hun FrnneiHcp with n com pleto Htoik of every thing in my lino ready ninth) hoolHiiiul hIioch, etc. DST MATERIAL MY USED, FARM FOR SALE. A KMAIX FAHM HITUATKDON J Hit- hunk of tho t'oqti illp HW coiitiiiniiiK -H neifrt RICH BOTTOM LAND, Willi HtniHo und Orohiinl. Oun ho Kented nl 11 ltuuaomiholli(v!. For iinilii'iilurH njijtly in I!KIIV aiixtn,APiI.V, KiiijiIiu Oily, Ohikoii. ZBmiimmMKimz . AK?