The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, April 24, 1880, Image 1

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The Coast Mail.
Marshflcld, Coos Co., Or.
Ono vcnr
HI i months -Three
The Development of our Mines, the
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
roadcommunication with the Interior,
Vol. 2.
tub The Coast Mail.
i"iiASJrl1 'kritoaBh l A I I rz .
dssssi isim bsss m vawajfiia bk busb tbumsmsst r i iiiai f fin rrr isns sum ssmm bdsbi bdsbi a ms
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la Advance.
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State of Ortgon.
Governor, W. W. Thayor
Secretary of Stato, It. P. Earhart
Treasurer, K. Hurah
Supt. Public Schools, J. L. Powell
2d Judicial Diilrict. .
Judgo, J.F.Watson
District Attorney, 8. II. Hazard
Coot County,
County Judge, J. II. Nosier
John IConyon
)R. C. Dement
A. Q. Aiken
Alex. Stau ir
I). Mono, Jr
John Lano
School Superintendent,
J, F. Moore
T. C. Mackoy
C firry Coun'.y.
County Judge,
Dolos Woodruff
P. Hughes
(J. A. Coolcy
A. H. Moore
School Supt.,
Walter Sutton
A. M. Gillespie
M. II. Gibson
Thos. Cunningham
My firit U & lUrk m midnbtht,
When lights are completely o
My second ia not very light
riien lights are completely obscured;
second ia not very licht
All attritions of tirao liaa endured.
My whole wu aa wtae aj a uw
llio greatest expounder of lair.
Will Huntlxv.
i Carloalty at Bembnj.
Bombay Timet
Thero iaat prcaent in Bombay a liv
ing object that may rightly bo claaaed
among the moat curiotia phenomena
of nature. At a homo in Mazsgun
may be accn a tuir of female twins,
separate in every respect, but from the
lireaat bone to the lower part of the ab
domen, which ia joined. The upper
lireaat of each infant ia joined into
(ho other, the outer akin covering
Iwth trunka. The twina are joined
front to front; shoulders, arms, lower
limbo and feet perfectly formed, and
development healthy, while thehcada
nro well ahaped and the faces really
pretty, with beautiful oyca, large and
bright. The twina are air months
old, are in perfect health, and mean
uro twenty inches in height, ono ap
pearing, but in a. very trifling degree,
larger than the other.
Doth have vigorous appotitca, and
take kindly to the feeding bottle, are
extremely lively and appear good
natured. The pulsca lcat in unison ;
thoy generally fall aalcop or keep
awake together, and their actions are
usually simultaneous, though some
times oiiu would cry while the other
waa quietly drawing at the mouth
piece of ita bottle. The atrangcly
united pair wero born in Dapooli, in
the Ilutuagherry Collcctoruto, the
father being a Mohammedan and a
aea-faring man, while the mother had
beside a pretty little daughter about
ten. The infanta feed aeparately, each
having a bottle to itself, andjdraw vig
orously at their nourishment. Tho
doctor declared that it would be im
possible to separate them without ex
tinguishing life. Tho twins have up
to this time never been ill, and to ev
ery appearance are likely to grow up.
Aa Important OrcraBlaatloa.
An exchange says: An enterprise
of considerable international import
ance and special interest to Ameri
cana has juat beon atartcd in New
York, in the organization of a corpor
ation with a capital of $1,000,000 to
carry on and develop tho American
exchange in London, of which Henry
F. Giltig waa the founder and has un
til now beon aolo proprietor. Ameri
cans who have been in London of late
years aro familiar with the exchango
and its multifarious functions. It is
the headquarters for citizens of tho
United States in Europo, and for such
as choose to avail themaelvea of ita fa
cilities it ia a faithful guide and help
er through all tho intricacies of for
eign travel. It in a't onco a club-room
and reading-room, a bunk, a steam
ship, railway and uowspaper agency,
a forwarding company, a storage
room, a commission house, aland mid
emigration agency, besides being a
mino of information in regard to Am
erica. Mr. Gillig who scoitib to havo
a geniua for his undertaking, appreci
ates tho importance of stopping slow
ly and safely in extending his con
nections and intercuts. Tho Howies
Bros, made a snmcwhnt unfortunata
failure in a similar enterprise sovoral
yotra ago. It remains to bo aeon
whether Mr. Gillig will succeed.
A windy orator onco got up and
said : "Sir, after much reduction,
consideration, and examination I havo
calmly, and deliberately, and care
fully come to the conclusion, thai in
those eitics where tho iiopuluttnn is
very largo, thero aro a greater num
ber of men, woman and children,
than in cities whore tho population
s less."
Of Orfgon'x Noullicrn Connt.
From the positions thus assumed,
they opened a rapid flro from all Bides
at onco all running in one direction,
mysolf in tho center; thoy ran aa I
ran and dodged aa I dodged. What
could a poor follow do in hucIi a fix as
that? I made many efforts to bring
myself in reach of aomc of them, or
near enough to strike. But whenever
a movement was mado in any direc
tion, the Indians before mo would
swiftly glide away, keeping just out
of reach, while the others were firing
their arrows from both sides and tho
rear. Feeling much more disheart
ened than ever, I turned my face to
wards the limber and run for dear life
without any hope of ever reaching it
alivo feeling that I had already re
ceived a mortal wound, but was yet
alive, and naturally had a desire to
escape, if possible, and die in quiet
under somo treo in the forrcst near by.
I was chared furiously for somo time
in this manner, a perfect string of nr
rowa flying ut me from all aides at
onco; many of them aticking into
me, and many others glancing from
the different partaof the porson. Al
though covered with blood I did not
feel that I had received but tho ono
very severe wound. I was aoon very
much surprised and somewhat reliev
ed too, to auo all the Indiana except
two abandon me and fall back toward
the river; each of whom were armed
with bows and full quivers of arrows
while one of them carried a rifle that
had been tukcu from one of the men.
Juat at thin timo I noticed Mr. Dohcr
ty a abort distance off, and almost di
rectly ahead of me, chased by a half
dozen Indiana, and a dozen arrows or
more sticking in him Irom every
side. Ho very soon fell, and tho Iaat
timo I looked in that direction, he was
prostrate upon the ground, tho In
dians filling his body with arrows,
and beating him with clubs.
I bore a littlo to tho left, hoping to
avoid thoso Indians who had killed
poor Dohcrty, so that thoy might not
join in the fight against me. Thoso
two with whom I was now contending
wore swift of foot and at once placed
themselves on each sido of me, about
ten feet off, firing their arrows with a
speed not easily realized by anyone
who has had no personal knowlcdgo
of the manner in which these weap
ons are handled b an expert. I
aoon concluded that under this condi
tion of things it was utterly impos
aiblc for mo to reach the timber ; and
desiring a change some how, I made
a furious rush toward one, but as. be
fore observed, ho cunningly kept a
few alcpa in advance, whilo the other,
never but a few feet away, would fire
hia hateful arrows at mo from behind.
A sudden turn on my part, and a has
ty pursuit on theirs, would not change
the condition of things in tho least
and all tho time productivo of tho
same result. My only clothing to
start in with, was a rigged ahirt and
pair of pants, and as if to render my
chances of escape more hopeless, just
at this time tho fastenings gavo way
and my breeches fell down under my
feet. It did not appear (o bo ft timo
for a fellow to bo vory particular
about his toilet. And as dangerous aa
tho circumstances wero, I was obliged
to disontanglo mysolf, and kick tho
old breeches off. I was now only
dressed in a bob-tailed shirt, and I
felt a littlo more sprightly for a time,
but tho Indians wore in no greater
dangor than before. Thoy wore do
ing all tho firing, while I waa receiv
ing all tho punishment.
Their constant cross firing whilo we
wore chasing each other hack and
forth rendered it almost impossible
for mo to dodgo ninny of their arrows.
Why I was not completely riddled
in this long running fight across the
prairie is more than human tonguo
can tell. My only weapon, tho gun
barrel, nlono prevented them from
closing in upon mo ; they could play
all around ma but were careful to keep
out of its reach, I felt this to bo tho
moat dangerous position sinca tho
fight began, and possessing tho many
advantages over nio that thoy did,
I would gladly havo exchanged my
position for that earlier i.i tho fight,
where I was contending hand to hand
in tho center of n body of a hundred
Indiana all aa well nrmed aa those,
My fuco, oyca, mouth and porson wn
covered with blood. I felt as if I was
almost dead. I had ubnndonod all
hopo of csenpo. My mind was firm,
hut my nerves wero in an indesorib
abloBtnto of agitation. Tho Indians
still had several arrows loft, nud the
timber was somodislanco off.
I hoped apparently against all hope
that somo lucky accident would placo
ono if not both in my power. All
emergencies havo an end, nud this
ono camo in a manner tho least ex
pected by me. Upon arriving at
a point about twenty-fivo yarda from
tho timber, I turned my eyes from
tho Indians to sec whether it would
be possible for mo to enter the tangled
mass of brush and briars along the
margin, in caso I should bo ablo
to reach tho limber, -when, stepping
in a littlo hollow, I stumbled, pitch
ing forward headlong on tho ground.
Tho two Indians determined not to
loso this opportunity, rushed upon mo
and tho one who carried my comrade's
rifle, dropped his bow and arrows,
cocked the gun, pushed the muzzlo of
it airuinHt my breast, as I was in the
act of rising, pulled the trigger and
it snapped, Tho gun waa a good one,
and I knew it to be loaded. It was
never known to miss fire; and ns I
saw and felt the muzzlo thrust against
mc, I toll a sickening sensation per
vaded my whole system ; but it was
suddenly dispelled when I realized
the fact that tho gun had failed to
fire. I felt new life infused into my
system, and was on my feet in an
instant, rifle barrel in hand as usual.
Tho Indian, instead of running, us
had invariably been the cose before,
met mo face to face with the breech of
his rifle drawn. Tho critical moment
of the whole affair seemed to have ar
rived, and of courso I knew it to be
the last final struggle, and henco be
came, if possible, a little mora des
perate than ever. Ou tho first pass I
failed altogether, and received some
blows in consequence Hut in the
second I waR more fortunate, and
brought tho heavy iron gun barrel
down upon hia head, killing him al
most instantly. During this short
interval, the other Indian was at his
post not over eight feet away firing
his few remaining arrows with all
possible awif luces.
My first impulse waa to jump over
the dead Indian, pick up his bow and
arrows and defend myself with those
weapons, but before I had time to do
so, I changed my mind, and snatched
up mycomiade's rifle, drew it to my
face, directed it at my tormentor, and
was ngrecably surprised to hear a
quick and sharp report, and still more
gratified to see my last remaining
pursuer stagger back and fall down a
corpse, with a bullet hole through the
center of the lower part of his breast ;
as ho thus fell back tho hut remain
ing arrow fired from his nimble fin
ficrs glanced upon tho sido of my
head. This terminated tho fight.
Whilo I was really tho victor, I ox
peeled to die at any moment from my
wounds. I looked back toward the
river, and saw tho Indians in a large
body, swaying back and forth and
keeping up their infernal whoopiqg,
howling and yelling, any like a cor
rect description of which never enn
bo written. It was a satisfaction to
feel that I was now ablo to strike out
into the thick woods unpursucd,
where I still hoped to find some safe
place from tho Indians, to die in penco
and quiet ; myself supposing that ev
ery ono of my comrades had been
As I reached tho timber, Mr. Hcd
den, who had escaped unhurt, pop
ped his head out of tho junglo about
a hundred yards above mo, and called
ma toward him. We hurried our
solves as fast as possible into the
thick and tangled forest. Ho had
been disarmed and badly pounded
with clubs at tho first onsst, but
dodging away, ho fled back som dis
tance, closely pursued by two or three
Indians, who, alter firing several ar
rows nt him, turned bnck and joined
in tho general conflict. Ho thus
made his escape across tho prairie to
the timber without further molesta
tion, and halted in an obscure place
and watched our movements; from
which position ho witnessed tho death
strugglo of poor Dohcrty, and all tho
latter part of tho conflict in which I
had beon engaged, without any pow
er to render mo assistance, when at
lost ho saw it terminate in my favor.
(To be continued )
FitoauEss or thk IlMMtOA!). The
Mountaineer say a that tho building of
tho Oregon Railroad and Navigation
Company's road is being rapidly push
ed. Thogradiug from Celilo toop
poaito Columbus will bo finished this
month, The building of tho bridgo
that crosses tho DoHchutcs river is
progressing finely. Thore nro now
twelve hundred men at work on tho
lino of tho roud between Celilo nud
Wnllula. Lnrgo quantities of rail
road mntorinl pass through Tho Dal
les ovory day on its wny to the front.
From present indications tho road
will bo completed botweeu Tho Dalles
mid Wullula in timo to move this
year crop.
Hcnntor I2lmnnI.
Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, is
assuming prominence us a candidate
for President. A lato Washington
dispatch says : Tho growing promi
nence of Senator Edmunds as an
availublo candidate of tho Republican
party for President, is attracting in
creasing attention here. Tho friends
of both Grant and Hlainc acknowledge
his high character and tho sterling
quality of his Republicanism, and
profess that they would rather have
him nominated than any of the other
so-called " dark horses."
Another, to tho Utica Herald, says:
Intimnto friends of Don Cameron,
who havo been working with him in
tho movement for the nomination of
Gen. Grant, any that tho chances arc
now all in favor of Edmunds being
tho second choice of Cameron and
his co-workers, and their first choice
in case it is determined for any reason
not to present Grant's name. Infor
mation from various parts of New En
gland shows that the proposition to
unite on Mr. Edmunds is rapidly
gaining strength. Tho suggestion of
his nomination is received with great
favor among Republican Senators.
A Indian Fight.
A Santa Fc, New Mexico, dispatch
of tho 9lh says : Information receiv
ed at military headquarters says that
General Hatch, with a part of the
command, attacked 300 Indians in a
camp near San Andreas mountain.
Tho fight lasted six hours and tho In
dians retreated, leaving their dead be
hind them. Captain Henry Carroll,
of tho 9th Cavalry, and seven soldiers,
were severely wounded. A large
amount of stock was captured from
the Indians, who nre supposed to be
Mescalcro Apaches, as they retreated
toward the Mescalcro Apache agency.
Hatch, with his command, is in pur
suit. A IKltznrdoun Leap.
A Cincinnati dispatch of April 12th
has the following: Thomas Boyd,
yesterday, in tho presence of about a
thousand people at Mulfordsvillc,
Kentucky, jumped from the railroad
bridge over Green river, a distance of
120 feet to the water below. He
sprang off the bridgo headforemost
and struck the water in that position,
and in a moment ho appeared swim
ming. Ho was picked up by a boat's
crew, and when brought ashore passed
through the crowd receiving what
money was offered. Ho was not in
jured in tho least.
Two of Secretary Evarts's daugh
ters havo lately become engaged
Miss Louise, tho youngest daughter,
to Dr. Scudderof New York, the home
physician at Dcllcyuo hospital, and
Miss Bettic to Mr. Perkins of Boston,
who is studying with ox-Attornoy-Genernl
Hour. Both couples aro very
young, and the marriages are not ex
pected to take place for a year. Mr.
Scuddor goes abroad for further pro
fessional study this summer, and Mr.
Perkins has yet to bo admitted to the
The biggest renl estnto salo ever
mado in Minnesota wns the recent
nurchnso of tho St. Anthony falls wa
ter power in Minneapolis by the man
agers of tho St. Paul Minneapolis nnd
Manitoba railroad for $12o,000. This
property has lain in an unproductive
stato for some years, but its 7000 feet
of frontagoon tho Mississippi river is
capablo of such grand possibilities
that Minneapolis looks forward to a
population of 200,000 and tho develop
ment of tho largest manufacturing
interests of any city in tho country.
A Washington special says that
Levi C. Wade, a representative of
Roston capitalists, has received tele
graphic information from the City of
Mexico that Dinz has confirmed tho
grant of a charter for tho Mexican
Contral Railroad Company of Boston.
Ho did this in accord.inco with rec
ommendations of the Mexican minis
ter here. Ovor a million dollars havo
beon subscribed to build a lino which
is two hundred miles in length and
runs northward from tho City of
The daughter of Spotted Tail, a tall
ungainly young woman of eighteen,
is studying in tho Government school
for Indians nt Carlislo Rnrraoks, Penn.
Sho has lately married tho half-breed
interpreter employed at the barracks,
nnd whon sont to do somo scrubbing
thoothordayhor lordly husband in
torferrcd. His wifo was of royal
blood, ho remarked, the daughter of
a chiof, and ho wanted her .to learn
only what tho whito ladies do.
James Goiioon Bennett's ftvo-yonr-old
herso "Muscndin" won the rnco for
tho Park htirdlo handicap plate nt tho
IConipton pnrk(I.ondon) recently.
Ornnt at the Time or I.I ricoln'fl
From J. Russel Young's Book.
" Tho darkest days of my life," said
tho general, "was tho day when I
heard of Lincoln's assassination. I
did not know what it meant. Here
was tho rebellion put down in the
field and starting up in the gutters:
wo had fought itas war, now we had to
fight it as assassination. Lincoln was
killed on tho evening of tho 14th of
April. Leo surrendered on the. 9th of
April. I arrived in Washington on
the 13th. I was busy sending out
orders to atop recruiting, tho pur
chase of supplies, and to muster out
the army. Lincoln had promised to
go to the theatre arid wanted mc to
go with him. Whilo I -was with the
President, a note came from Mrs.
Grant saying she must leave Wash
ington that niglit. Sho wanted to go
to Burlington, to sec our children.
Somo incident of a trifling nature
had mado her resolve to leave that
evening, I was glad to have the nole
as I did not want to go to the theatre.
So I made my excuse to Lincoln, and
at the proper hour started for the
train. As we were driving along
Pennsylvania Avenue, a horseman
rode past us on a gallop, and back
again around our carriage, looking in
to it. Mrs. Grant said " there is the
man who sat near us at lunch to-day,
with some other men, and "tried to
overhear our conversation. He was
so rude that we left tho dining room.
Here he is now riding after us.' I
thought it was only curiosity, but
learned afterward that tho horseman
was Booth. It seems that I was to
have been attacked, and Mrs. Grant's
sudden resolve to leave deranged the
plan. A few days later I received an
anonymous letter from a man, saying
that he had been detailed to kill me.
That ho rode on my train as far as
Ilnrvc do Grace, but as my car was
locked, he could not get in ; he thank
ed God ho had failed. I remember tho
conductor locked our car, but how
true the letter was I cannot say. I
learned of the assassination as I was
passing through Philadelphia. I
turned around, took a special train
and came on to Washington. It was
the gloomiest day of my life."
A Sacrameato Woman on the
A Sacramento dispatch of the 12th
has the following :
The assembly chamber came very
near being the scene of another sen
sation this morning before the open
ing of the session. It seems that
several days since a member of the
House said in the prcsenco of several
persons, that ho would contribute one
hundred dollan toward a fund to
transport Mrs. F. R. Fitzgerald, wife
of tho proprietor of an ephemeral
newspaper in this city, out of Santa
Clara valley. Mrs. Fitzgerald deliver
ed a lecture Saturday evening nt the
theatre hero, and had been upon tho
floor selling tickets, and a member
stated that he thought sho should not
bo allowed in tho chamber. These
remarks came to tho knowledge of
Mrs. Fitzgerald, and this morning she
appeared in the assembly chamber
with n black-snako whip concealed
under her cloak. Sho sent a messen
ger to tho gentleman who had made
tho remarks stated above, to ask him
if she had been correctly informed
The centloman from Santa Clara re
plied that he had said so, whereupon
Mrs. F. stepped up and informed him
that unless ho immediately signed a
retraction, to bo published to-day, sho
would horsewhip him. Tho member
looked into the gleaming eyes of the
irrato female, glanced around to see
that his means of retreat were some
what circumscribed, and then sat
down and penned a satisfactory re
traction, to the intense disgust of sev
eral who had gathered around to see
tho fun.
An Ancient Bell, In tho belfry of
tho Episcopal Church, nt Ellicotts
villo, N. Y., thoro is a bell which was
cast in Moscow in 1703, and was ono
of a chinio for tho cathedral which
was burned during Napoleon's Rus
sian campaign. Along with other
old metal this bell was brought to
Now York by a sea enptnin, as ballast
for his vessel. Eventually it was car
ried to Troy, and became tho property
of a well-known bell-founder of that
city. It was there discovered by n
mombor of the Ellicottsvillo parish,
who purchased nnd gavo it to the
church. Its condition is sound and
its tono still good.
In tho Ciroult Court nt Washington
Judge Cox refused tho motion of Sen
ator Hill's counsel to striko out the.
caso of Raymond vsIIill from tho
docket, nnd hold that iuasmuoh as
Miss Raymond had stnted in open
court that sho authorized tho institu
tion of the suit-, the case must be tried.
ToUlo' Great Fire.
Tho Japan Gazette giver the follow
ing account of tho destructive fire
which occurred on tho 9th of Decem
ber, and by which over 200 persons
lost their lives. The fire brpko out at
12 o'clock in the central part of tho
city, closo to Nihonbashi. It was
blowing a galo at tho timo, and with
in thirty minutes of the outbreak,
tho city waa on fire in seven different
places; burning shingles were flying
about aa thick as hail, and were car
ried long distances by tho wind, set
tling on other houses, setting fire to
them. The scene is said to have been
tcrribfe. Strong men wero running
about in a state of bewilderment, with
old men, old women and children on
their backs; mothers dragging their
littlo ones, bent only on saving their
lives. All day the fire raged with ut
most fury. The whole of the build
ings on tho Island of Iskikawa, at the
mouth of theSumida river, including
the dock yard and priron, were burn
ed. So rapidly did the flames travel
that it was with difficulty tho streets
were cleared of the people before the
houses ignited, and in so many places
was the fire raging that they knew
not which way to turn. Anxious to
save futons and wearing apparel, the
poor creatures sallied forth from their
homes with bundles on their shoul
ders to fly they knew not whither.
The streets became blockaded with
the surging masses ; women and
children were trampled under foot;
many who fell in the crowd never rose
again ; the little children were seen
looking for their parents, parents
looking for their children, while the
air was rent with cries of rage, an
guish and dispair. Still they clung
tenaciously to the fe worldly pos
sessions they had succeeded in bring
ing from their burning homes, there
by almost completely blocking up the
narrow streets through which the
masses were threading their way.
At length the police interfered and
caused numbers to throw their bun
dles into the rivers or anywhere else
out of the way, so as to facilitate the
escape of the people from the fright
ful death which threatened them,
and was gaining on them fast. The
native papers say that the 63 streets,
containing 11,664 houses, were burn
ed, rendering ovtr 40,000 persons
homeless. A relief fund was started
toward which their mnjesties, the Em
peror and Empress, subscribed 2,000
yen each. Long before the fire reach
ed the foreign settlement Tsukiji, the
residents felt anxious and began to
pack up. But this appears to have
been an almost needless task ; for
for when the fire did reach them, there
was no one to be found to convey their
goods and chattels away. Everything
had been got ready for flight, hut
had to be left in the house, as no cool
ies were to be found willing to under
take tho task of removing even the
boxes of clothing. TheAmerican lo
gation was in imminent danger for
some time, and Mr. Clautaud's hotel
ignited several times but each time
the flames were successfully suppress
ed. Tho residence of Bishop Williams
of tho American Episcopal Mission
was buroSuV IFrwtjtho property
of tho JCffehop, and was uninsured ;
pqrsdhareffects saved. The Metho.
dfst Episcopal Church, partly insured
was consumed.
Ventilating Beduooms. A simple
device is within the reach of every
one having an ordinary window in
his room, by which fresh outer air
can bo admitted in small quantity
with such an upward current as will
prevent its being felt as an injurious
draft by tho inmates. It is particu
larly adapted to sleeping rooms when
tho weather ia to cold to admit of an
open window. Thus start both top
and bottom sashes of the window
half an inch, which is not quite
enough to clear tho rebate or stop
beads at top and bottom, but which
leaves an opening of an inch be
tween tho connecting rails, through
which a current enters, but diverted
upward by tho glass as it should be,
so as not to fall directly to the floor, as
its coolness might otherwise induce it
to. It thus becomes well mixed with
tho nir of tho room, without being
felt ns a drnft.
Jessie Raymond is said to have
left Washington, having compromised
with Ben Hill for $ 3000.
A young man advertises in n city
paper for a placo as salesman, and
says ho hns had n great deal of experi
ence, Having been discharged Irom
seven different stores within a year.
When a man of varied talent hns
reached tho ago of 80 years without
having decided preoisely what he will
be, ho may as well settle down to the
conclusion that he is not going to bo
nnylhing in particular.
Taklsaff the Ccana.
The following, is a portion of tha
official circular of instructions relat
ing to taking the census : The ap
pointments should bo mado with
reference to nhvaical activity, and to
aptness, neatness and accuracy in
writing and in the use of figures.
Thcso requirements are scarcely more
in the interests of the census than in
the enumerator himself. Unless the
officer bo fairly proficient in all cleri
cal exercises, he will find his duties
very trying and hia pay very meagre.
To appoint old or broken men to this
duty as supervisors will on all sides,
be pressed to do, would not be an act
of charity, but of cruelty.
The census requires active, energet
ic men, of good address and readiness
with the pen. Only such can do the
work with satisfaction to the govern
ment or profit to themselves.
The superintendent is nware of no
reasons existing in law, for regarding;
woman as ineligible for appointment
as enumerators. Each supervisor
must be the judge for himaelf wheth
er such appointments, in any number,
would be practically advantageous lo
his own district. It is clear that in
many regions such appointments
would bo highly objectionable; but
the superintendent ia not prepared to
ay that localities may be found where
a canvass of the population by women
could be conducted without any dis
advantage being encountered by rea
son of the sex of the enumerator.
The enumeration must be made du
ring the month of Juno and in order
to secure the completion of the can
vass within the prescribed limits, tho
enumeration districts must be mode
small enough to allow the work to be
done thoroughly and in time. To
this end supervisors will be expected
to exercise their beat judgement, and
compliance with the law will be rig
idly insisted on. In most coses every
town, township or other prominent
civil division of the country will bo
considered as constituting an enu
meration district, if the estimated
population exceeds seven or eight
hundred inhabitants. The number
of inhabitants who can be enumera
ted within the time allowed by the
law, will vary greatly, according to
the geographical conditions of the dis
trict and the density or sparseness of
its settlement.
The compensation allowed super
visors for the completion of the work
in their districts has been fixed at 500,
with such an allowance for clerk as
the superintendent may think neces
sary. The enumerators aro to be al
lowed f 6 per day, or a certain fixed
sum per name, which shall not ex
ceed the aggregate the per diem al
lowed by law. Iu cities of over 10,
000 inhabitants the timo for making
the canvass is limited to two weeks,
while in small towns and the coun
try, from the first Monday in June to
July 1st, twenty-six working days are
allowed, and it is therefore evident
that only experienced and prompt
men appointed enumertors.
Tho amount appropriated by con
gress for the entire census of the coun
try' is 13,000,000, and for printing and
preliminary expenses an additional
sum of $250,000. In addition to tho
enumeration of individuals, arrange
ments will be made for gathering com
plete statistics or the manufacturing,
mining, agricultural and other indus
tries of the country. A well organ
ized effort will be made to obtain
accurate and rcliablo vital statistics,
something which was nerer done in
former censuses. On this point the
superintendent says : "Hundreds of
millions of dollars have been invested
in life insurance in this country with
in tho last thirty years, and yet we
have not even an approximate life ta
ble of the United States. Insurance
companies do not know how much
they should charge to soil insurance
at its fair value. All parties are and
have been operating in the dark in
the matter of interests involving
enormous expenditures and receipts,
for lack of information which only
government can supply, and which in
almost all other progressive countries
government docs supply."
The law provides that any person
refusing to answer any questions pro
pounded by census enumerators shall
be liable to be punished therefor on
conviction und subject to pay a fine
not exceeding f 100.
An Immense Gikl. A Russian peas
ant girl, ten yean old, weighing four
hundred and eighteen pounds, is now
on exhibition. Sho is accompanied
by her mother, and is engaged by a
Jewish manager, who pays to the
mother for tho girl's services $70
monthly. This gfgantio girl when
traveling, is put in the baggage car,
as she cannot pass through the door of -the
passenger enrs.