The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, April 17, 1880, Image 1

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    The Coast Mail.
Mnrshfleld, Cons Co., Or.
TerniH, In Advnnrc.
One year -Hx
mouths. -Throu
2 no
1 M
1 00
The Development of our Mines, the
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
road communication with the Interior,
Vol. 3.
No. 16.
Tho Coaat Mail.
ski MBe&kf
Nldlt oj Oregon.
Governor, W. W. Tlinycr
Hecrelnry of State, R. 1'. Kiirlinrl
Treasurer, K. lliirsh
Siipt. Public Schools, J. L. Powell
2d Judicial Dintrkt.
District Attorney,
.). F. Wutson
H. II.lIu7.urtl
C'oo Cuunli).
County Judge, J. II. Nosier
5.I0I111 KiMiyon
Ml. 0. Dement
A. (J. A ikon
Alex. Htunlf
1). Morse, J r
.I0I111 LllllO
School Superintendent,
J.F. Moore
Curry County.
Connlv Juiluo, Dolos Woodruff
) 1'. Hughes
A. II. Moore
Walter .Sutton
A. M. Gillespie
M. II. Gibson
Thos. Cunningham
Hcliool Stipt.,
I'ttinU Itrlorn Von Do II.
Hnrjior'H Weekly.
The affixing of the stump is in t lie
majority of eases the last stngu of the
letter writing. It in a kind of Healing,
signing nutl delivering. It would not
he a had moral habit for n man to
pause before allixing his postugo
stamp, and to consider whether judi
ciously and conscientiously he had
not lictter wivo his money. When
once he has dropped his letter into thu
letter-box, ho has committed 0110 of
the irrevocable actsof hi life. Ah you
prepare to affix your stump, give one
tina'i thought to conscience whether
you might not alter, improve, or alto
gether obliterate that letter. There
mar le all sorts of wrong and evil
connected with letter-writing; hut to
npccializc uu instance, you tuny have
la-en writing an angry letter. It may
le a clever, caustic letter, and you feci
rather inclined to regard it approv
ing!, considered an a literary produc
tion. Hut it may he a passionate and
tinjiiHt letter. It may be uurcasoua
life uml untrue. You may bo giving
unmerited pain by sending it. You i
may bitterly regret the. moments when
your hand olteyed tho immoral behest
of your mind. You have heard of the
physician's prescription about tho
cucumber to peel it carefully, slice
it tenderly, bo gingerly with your vin
egar find plenteous with thu oil,
npriukle tho pepper, brown or red,
ovtjr it and then lling tho mess out
of tho window. Ho when you sit down
to your letter, my dear and slightly
excited friend, pile up tho invective.,
accumulate your adjectives, and bo
caustic and cutting in your phrases;
but just before you pott it, give a
thought to tho ethics of a jmstago
ntmnp, light your pipe with it, mid
save your money.
Hruppruriuirr of ix .tl n ril rrcl
Ten years ago, dining the Kukltik
tlays in Kentucky, Ilcaly Jamas, u
boy then, disappeared, and his father
made great efforts to learn his where
abouts, Five years later Kichard
Hhuck, convicted of murdering his
father-in-law, confessed to being one
of the gang that killed Ilealy James
antl others. On his information Sam
nml Jou Goodrich and James Sim
mons were arrested, but before the
trial, were bunged by a mob. John
James, the father ol tho boy, was also
nceiMcd, but he escaped, and is ho
licvctl to bo now in Mexico. A few
dayi since, to tho astonishment of
everybody, Ilculy James made Ills ap
pearance at his old homo near La
grange, Kentucky. Ho nays ho ran
away Irccuiiso of ill-treatment, and
lias been working on farms in Indiana
mid Arkansas.
It ru tnl Conduct nt Wt Point.
Tho prejudice of color seldom de
velops itself in a more outrageous
form than that described in thu fol
lowing dispatch, dated April tl:
John C. Whittukcr, colored, cadet of
West Point, class of 7d, was found
bound hand mid foot lit Ills room at
tho barracks, with a plcco of one ear
cut oil' T!io other car was slit and his
head bruised. Whlt'itkor says that
three men jumped on and choked
him in bed, tlircatuiiig to kill him if
ho made u noise, mid thou put him on
tho Hour mid tied his foot lo the bed
Mead. One said " Let us murk him
like they do hogs down South."
They then slit his earn. Ah yet (hero
is no clue, but each cadot hits been
Tiik nuiiiiciiul council of I'nr.H
Iiiih presented Prof. Nordonnkjold
with a gold medal. Ho was nfler
wtirdH received hy Guniboltn, mid
dined to-day with President Grovy.
WltlTTKN I'Olt Till: (,'OAHT MAIL.
Or Oregon' Houtlicrn CoiinI,
ui:i fiiom last wi:i:k.
It appeared from thu suddenness of
thu attack, that their phut wan for a
number of Indians to simultaneously
pounce upon each nieniber of tho
party, disarm them, and then kill
them at pleasure. It did not appear
to Ino possible that any one of the
party could escape. 1 ratio in the
how of tho leading cauoo and had
Mopped out. on the beach and wan
completely hemmed in. I win sopn
rated from my comrade when the
nihil nun made upon us, and I can
hardly tell how 1 prevented myself
from being crowded into the river.
Two powerful Indium seized hold of
my gun, one by the muzlc, and thu
other by tho breech, while I maintain
ed u firm hold upon thu middle. A
sovoro struggle ensued with a half a
dozen other Indians, hold of every
part of me. I hud a good butcher
knife, and tho day previous an Indian
had stolen the Hcabburd, and I hud
ticil it to my belt with u piece of
stout buckskin, and during the eculllu
they wero continually tugging and
pulling nt that butcher knife. Ami
if it had not been tied firmly it if.
quito probable that I would have been
killed with my own knife. At about
tliifi time tho rifle for which wo were
scuMing, was dixehurged with its
muzzle downward. The sudden re
port giving thu Indian1! a fright, I at
once unexpectedly succeeded in
wrenching it from them. They had
crowded mc with Mich force, and in
such numbers, that I now found my
self surrounded by a largo liody of
Indians on three sides, forming a
siiini-circle, with thu deep river on the
other side. From this position to the
(op of tho bunk was about twenty
step with a gradual ascent, with the
Indians massed nearly us thick us
tliry could stand. With my buck to
thu river, and my heels almost touch
'mg tho water, it was impossible for
mu to seo anything outside, of the
small space in which tho unfortunate
circumstances had placed me. Not
out) of our little party could be
seen, but tho yelling and howling of
tho Indians, and tho groans of the
wounded and dying told too pluinlx
that the imprudence of the majority
had led us to the slaughter.
I had not thought of c.cupa but
beliuved it lo bo my duty to dispose
of my life as dourly as my weak con
dition would enable me. Instantly
after gaining possession of my rille,
I draw (bo breach of it and com
menced lighting with all tho strength
I could command. Striking to the
right and left, knocking some of
them down nt every blow, gradually
cleuring tho way before mo until I
found myself upon tho level bank
back from tho river. Ah I advanced
u portion of them gave way in front
mid closed in behind, so that as soon
as I left tho margin of tho river
whore the fight began, I was com
pletely surrounded, with no protec
tion on either side, thus forming the
center of a circle, with an excited
mass of armed barbarians on every
1 much regretted Ibat I did not
possess tho physical strength, natur
ally belonging to mo under inoro fa
vorable circunistniices. Not that I
could hope to escape, hut ho that I
could inllict mnru punishment upon
tho treacherous foe, who, taking ad
vantage of our half starved condition,
had lured us on to destruction under
thu pretense of friendship mid fair
promises of relief. Fortunately (I
think for mo) tho greater portion of
them who aro mined with bows mid
arrows had places on tho outer rim of
tho circle, while those forming tho in
ner part appeared to bo prinelply
armed with clubs and long knives.
Situated as 1 was, encircled by this
living mass of savage humanity, in or
der to maintain my position a mo
ment, mid prevent myself from being
instantly crushed, it became necess
ary to strike Hiniultuneously in every
direction; for as tho wholo force
would full back from a descending
blow in front, at that very moment I
wuh in thu greatest danger from the
clubs, kiiivuiaud arrows from those in
(ho rear, who, in tho next second, had
to ho beaten back in tho same manner
A few blows shuttered tho stock of
my rifle, tho broken piece and frag
ments flying in every direction, leav
ing the barrel in my bauds. It hud
been a favorite gun of mine, tho bar--
rel being about three feet long. And
with it in this situation, fearful
blows could he 'dealt, wliilo thus
contending, not exactly for life, hut to
inflict nil possible punishment on the
harbaroiiH foe. While, wo wero thus
Hinging to nml fro upon tho tho river
hank, nml whiio it required overy pos
sible effort of initio to keep tho little
space in which I wuh operating stiffi-
..iniitlt. 1.i.frn f,i ..... Irt 1t.iii.tln i.ti...i1f
V.IVII..J M.,u 1'. HU . IHtlltllU IIIJOLII
ill, I wuh (pulo Honoihle of tho fact
that my Hticuglh was fiod failing me.
I felt as if I could not hold out long,
and concluded that it could not be
inoro than a minute or two, and per-
hupihul a fow seconds before I would
accompany my poor unfortunate com
rades to eternity.
Thu thick mass of Indians whom I
was combatting, and by whom I was;
no closely surrounded, appeared at
last to niovo slowly in one direction;
and thai hack from tho river, without
any chunges in our relative positions,
tir any abatement of thu furious
combat. Myself in thu center, situa
ted in such u manner that it required
much more power and strength than
I possessed to long maintain the tin
equal conllict. I knew for certain
that I was killing some of the Indian!
for the pressure from the outside was
so great that those forming tho inner
wall of the circle could not avoid my
well directed blows. During all this
time no one would expect me to re
main unharmed. I received very
many blows upon my body, arms nml j iron." " Four nothing," replied Aras
shoulders. I at last received a blow pus, " I am Miro of myself and will nii
tipou the head from u club which jswer with my life that I shall do noth
knocked mo to the ground, wondering j ing contrary to my duty." Xcvcrthe
how 1 had escaped to long. Had j less, his passion for tho voting princess
they suddenly closed upon mo at this
particular moment, I might easily
have been dispatched. 1 was not
stunned, mid no hones were broken.
Instantly jumping to my feet, I found
the space in which 1 was fighting,
smaller and so contracted that 1 hud
scarcely enough room to swing my
weapon. Ileing nerved to desperation
I no doubt accomplished much more
than could have been done under it
less statu of excitement. I soon
made room in which to handle my
self, and the light went on as before.
The whole force whooping, howling
and yelling us only Indians can, was
still moving along, when with one
desperate lunge I succeeded in break
ing the living wall for tho first time,
mid, at it happened, on the side op
posite to the river. This was tho first
time that daylight had been visible
through tho crowd since tho light bo
gun. As 1 looked through tho gap
across the level prairie, and saw tho
thick green timber, u Hash of hope,
although n faint one, for tho firt
timu passed over mu. Sudden us
thought 1 rushed through tho open
ing thus made, mid as 1 run, I looked
back over my left shoulder, speculat
ing in my terribly agitated mid con
fused mind, us to what tho result of
this new movement would bo, when I
was suddenly struck by an arrow ho
tween tho left hip, and lowor ribs,
which penetrated tho abdomen, and
passed about two-thirds of tho way
through my hotly. Animals are some
times shot in such u manner as to
cuuso them to stop suddenly, even
when running at full speed ; this ar- j
rrow liad tho same elfect upon mo. I
Finding it impossible to move, I jerk-
cd it out, drawing olftho barb, and ul-
ku tho point of tho main shult to
which the barbed point was fastened
No pain was experienced when tho
arrow entered, hut tho suddenness
with which tho point was drawn oil'
inside tho body, was, to say the least,
u painful moment to me. I thought
for a second or two that I must give
way and full down from the effects of
it, but singular as it may appear, the
excitement overcame tho pain, antl
in a moment I had as good use of njy
self as before.
The fight now assumed altogother
n dilfcrent character, uml us I hail
thought a little about escaping, I was
probably much nioro sonsitivoof duu
ger than proviously. The greutor
portion of tho Indians at this timu
fell back toward tho river where tho
fight begun, to plunder or mutilate
tho dead or to assist in torturing some
poor fellow whoso life had not quite
passed away, or to look after tho dead
nutl wounded of their own ; while
about fifteen or twenty, armed with
bows mid arrows, scattered out in In
dian stylo, taking position on overy
side mid only u fow fcot distant,
Tiik bill to prevent hind monopoly
which bus passed tho California Son
ate provides that no deed or instru
ment conveying absolute title to laud
within tba.t State shall Ite recorded
unless it shall havo attached to it a
cortificato, duly acknowledged, show
ing that tho parly to whom tho prom
ises aro convoyed will not bo made
tho owner bv the instrument of more
than 1,280 acres of agricultural laud
suitable for cultivation nor moro than
5,120 uures of griutng hind not suitable
Anecdote of Vyrti.
llollin's Ancient Hint.
After one of tho successful battles
of Cyrus' expedition against tho Hub
ylouiunM, amongst the prisoners of war
j taken thero was u young princess of
I t. ...... . v.. t iu'.t .. I.......I.. .. !..... fltr...
IlllfnV. VAllllinilU llUt.lll'J, I1IMJII. HIVJ
i had renerved for Cvnm. Her naino'
was I'anthea, tho wife of Abradutes, William II. Taylor, who will bo ro
king of Ktisiaiin. Cpon the report I mpinbcrcdns having been for many
made lo Cyrus of her extraordinary
beauty, he refused to seo her; for four
(as ho said) such mi object might on
gagu his ullectinns more than ho de
sired, nml divert him from tho great
designs he had in view. Hut AracpaH,
a young nobleman of Media, hud
not the Hume distrust of his own weak
less, and pretended that a man may
' bo always master of himself. Cyrus
committed the princess to his care,
with the admonition : " I have seen
a. great many persons who thought
themselves very strong, overcome by
that violent passion, in spite of all
their resolution ; who have owned af
terwards, with tdiaiiio and grief, that
their passion was a houdugo and slav
ery from which they had'not the pow
er to redeem themselves; an incura
ble distemper, out of the reach of all
remedies and human cllbrts; a kind
of bond or necessity, more difficult to
force than tho strongest chains of
iucrcaKcd, nml she was obliged to
make Cyrus acquainted with his con
duct, who sent an olliccr to reprove
Arnspcs in his name. Sonic days af
ter Cyrus sent for him. He went to
the prince with fear and trembling,
and instead of being reproached as he
expected, Cyrus spoke gently to him.
acknowledging his own error for hav
ing imprudently exposed him to so
formidable an enemy. Hy such an
unexpected kindness the young noble
man recovered both life nml speech.
"Alas," says he, " now I am come to
tho knowledge of myself, and find
most plainly that I have two hoiiIs;
otic that inclines mo to good, another
that incites mo to evil. The former
prevails when you speak to me, mid
comes to my relief ; when I am alone,
and left to myself, I give way to, and
am empowered by the bitter." Aras
pes made advantageous amends for
his fault, and rendered Cyrus consid
erable service, by retiring among the
Assyrians, under tho pretence of dis
content, and by giving intelligence of
their measures and designs.
The loss of so bravo mi olliccr, whom
discontent was supposed to have en
gaged on the enemy's side, caused a
great concern in the whole army.
Pauthen, who had occasioned it, prom-
j iscd Cyrus to supply his place with an
officer of equal merit ; she meant her
! husband Abradatcs. Accordingly,
upon her writing to him, ho repaired
to tho camp of tho Persians with 2000
horse, and was directly curried to Pun
tbea's tent, who told him, with a flood
of (cars, how kindly and circumspectly
sho had been treated by the generous
conqueror. "Anil how," cried out Ah-
radates, "shall I bo able to acknowl-
edge so important a service?" "IJv
behaving towards. him," replied
then, " us he hath done towards mo."
Whereupon ho waited immediately
upon Cyrus, and grasping tho hand
of his benefactor. " You seo beforo
you," says ho to him, "tho tenderest
friend, tho most devoted servant, and
thu fnitlifullesi ally you ever had ; who
not being otherwise able to acknowl
edge your favors, comes and devotes
himself entirely to your service." Cy
rus received him with such a noble
and generous ir, accompanied by so
much tenderness mid humanity, that
fully convinced him, that whatever
Pmithca had said of tho wonderful
character of that Prince, was abiind.
antly short of tho truth.
A dispatch says : Tho caso of Jos
sio Raymond against Senator Hill
cumoup in tho Circuit Court of this
District on tho 7th. A motion was
made by Senator Hill's counsel that
the case bo stricken from tho docket
on tho ground that the suit was insti
tuted by plainlilf's attorney without
phiintilf's consent and against her pro
test. Later in day Mrs Loukwood
appeared with Miss Hnymoud.nnd tho
latter swore to an ullidavit that sho
had authorized its prosecution ; and
that her claim for dainagos was a just
and true one. Tho court took tho mo
tion of Hill's counsel under advise
ment. Comimmans aro indignant that
thoy cannot grant a cnnnl privilego
without tho United States claiming
a right to interfere, and say that
whon thoy want "protection" from
us, or any one else, thoy will give
.1Iore not I In; Bleu I I nrcutor of
I ho 'I'clr(frali.
Jouninl of the Telcgrnpli.
The forthcoming annual report of
the SinitliKo.iian Institute will con
tain an important contribution to the
liiufi.rtr nt 1 1 1 ft 1oflrif f nif.rr n 1 1 ll I 111
..I....V.J v. v.. u.....v w. ...,
thcfjhape of a memoir by Professor
years connected Willi tno united
Stntes Patent Olficc, on tho discover
ies mid inventions of the late Profes
sor Joseph Henry, and their relation
to tho development of the electric
telegraph. Wo shnll hereafter lake
occasion to review this memoir with
something of the completeness which
its importance warrants. Meantime)
our renders will bo interested in the
following chapter, which wo reprint
from the appendix to the memoir, ad
vance sheets of which have been
placed at our disposal by the courtesy
of the author.
In a biographical sketch of Alfred
Vail by Mr. Frederick llrcnt Iteud, of
Cincinnati, published in 187.1, the
writer states without qualification :
"Alfred Vail first produced in the
new instrument the first available
Mone machine. Ho invented the
first combination of tho horizontal
lover motion to actuate n pen or pen
cil or style, and the entirely new tele
graphic alphabet of dots, spaces and
murks, which it necessitated ; and he
did so prior to September, 183", the
month when -tho old instrument pass
ed into his hands forrccoustritction. . .
The new machine was Vail's, not
Morse's. The claim is nearly made,
then, that Alfred Vail in the first
place invented an entirely new alpha
bet ; secondly, he invented an entire
ly new machine in which was the
first combination of the horizontal
lover motion to actuato a pen or pen
cil or style, so arranged as to perform
the new duties required with precis
ion, simplicity nml rapidity; and
thirdly, Vail invented, several years
afterward in 1814, the new lover and
grooved roller which embossed into
paper the wholly simple and perfect
alphabetic characters which he alone
Numerous experiments with various
kinds of pencils, fountain-pens, and
inked roulettes, having shown their
inefficiency for tho uniform marking
of tho "dot and ibsh" alphabet, Alfred
Vail at last boldly discarded all mark
ing devices, and employed a, blunt
steel point near tho end of the regis,
tering lever, playing directly over a
narrow groove in the roller which
supported tho record-fillet of paper.
In this manner tho variable lines of
Vail alphabet wore permanently in
dented in the paper with perfect facil
ity mid unerring regularity. Mr. F.
II. Head, in his biographical sketch of
Samuel F. II. Morse (in the work just
quoted), after alluding to his original
apparatus as being placed by him "in
Mr. Vail's hands foran entire mechan
ical reconstruction throughout, to
speak a languago not only wholly
unknown to the first machine, but to
perform cntiicly now functions, and
to produce an entirely now system of
signs and letters which tho first by its
structure was physically incapable of
Pun-.being mndo to speak;" adds, with re
gurd to Mr. Ynil's subsequent improve
nient, "His inoro perfect invention of
a steel style upon a lever which could
strike into the paper as it was drawn
onward over a grooved roller and em
jf'0 upon it tho sumo alphabetic
characters was not made until 1S44,
about tho time tho first lino of tele
graph began to operate between llal
timoro and Washington."
Simple as may appear tho substitu.
tion of the dry point for tho inked
wheel or pen, its introduction effected
a wonderful saving of time, of attcn-
tion and of annoyance. In a inomor-
andum attached to the original mo
del of tho lover-stylo antl grooved roll
er, Alfred Vail wrote, "I have not
assorted publicly my right as first mid
solo inventor because I wished to
proservo tho peaceful unity of tho in
vention, and because I could not, ac
cording to my contract with Professor
Morso, havo got a patent for it."
Mr. Iteud, in the smno biography of
Morse, after quoting his feeblo and
insufilcient tribute to Vail, in his
speech nt tho banquet given at Now
York on tho evening of .December 20,
1S0S, in honor of tho "successful" in
ventor (in which ho said of his intel
lectual offspring, "It found a friend in
Mr. Alfred Vail, of New Jersoy, who,
with his father mid brother, furnhhed
the tardus to give tho child a decent
dress"), makes tho comment, "It
would have been more magnanimous
if in those Inst days of tho aged savant
ho had stated the preciso facts, and
given Alfred Vuil tho full credit to
which ho was justly entitled. Ho
would thus havo generously raisod a
fitting monument to the' memory of
one who hail years before 'been gath
ered to his fathers' in the prime of
manhood, who had with wondrous
modesty and singular nrtfeenco re
frained from claiming as of his own
invention, the improved 'Morse' in
strtimciit and alphabet."
In again referring to this subject in
his following sketch of the life of Vail,
tlw author adds, "These arc the
quiet mid stilxluitl terms in which
Professor Morse was content to hand
his co-inventor ami early friend down
to trostcrity. He makes no allusion to
Alfred Vail which would lead any one
to suspect that he was anything more
than u skillful mechanic that Vail
had ccr done anything beyond put
ting into form the conception of
Morse's brain. To say the least,it was
an unh.irpy holding on? from a mag
nanimous and generous course."
At a meeting of the directors of tho
"Magnetic Telegraph Company,"
hold at Philadelphia on the lCth of
February, 18o9, for the purpose of giv
ing expression to their feelings on the
recent death of Alfred Vail (a brother
director), Amos Kendall, in second
ing mid warmly supporting tho offer
ed resolutions of respect and grief, is
thus reported: "In tho words of the
(distinguished associate and friend of
boli), the Hon. Amos Kimball, 'If jus
ticc bo donct the name of Alfred Vail
will forever stand associated with that
of Samuel F. U. Morse, in the history
of the invention and introduction into
public use, of the electro-magnetic
telegraph. . . . Mr. Vail was one
of the most honest and scrupulously
conscientious men with whom it has
ever been my fortune to meet."
Surely it is time that Alfred Vail
should receive the tartly justice of
some public acknowledgment of his
very ingenious mid meritorious inven
tions in telegraphy, and of grateful
remembrance, particularly for his val
uable contribution to the "Morse
system" of its practically most imK)r
tant clement.
A PcrlloiiM Situation.
Willamette Fanner.
A private letter from, Pendleton,
Umatilla county, contains the follow
ing particulars of a terrible accident
which resulted in the death of a vic
ious horse, and only by a miracle was
prevented from proving fatal so a Mr.
Green. The details arc as follows
Mr. A. E. Scott and C. F. Green, both
brother-in-l.iw to Mr. J. Q. Spaulding,
commercial traveler for Hodge, Davis
it Co. wero engaged in digging a well
on a ranch about twenty-five miles
from Pendleton, near tho Meadows,
on Umatilla, ou the 13th inst., and
while Scott was trying to break a
young horse, ho approached the well
which was down about thirteen feet
at tho time, to speak to Green, who
was down in tho well digging away.
As Scott attempted to stop the horse,
it whirled around and with its ears
pinned back and mouth wido open,
madcuphngc for him. He dodged
and into tho well the horse tumbled.
As he went down his shoulders and
side struck Green, crushing him to
tho earth. Tho only thing that pre
vented his being instantly killed was
a box which was suspended by a rope
which was fastened above. This sus
tained sufficient weight to allow him
to breathe, having been crushed down
so that his face come beside the box.
As quick as Hash Scott realized the
situation and knew that the frantic
efibrts of tho animal would quickly
kill the man beneath him, and seizing
an ax he jumped down upon thcani
mal and a life an.l death struggle an
sued. At length he managed to strike
tho horso a blow oil tho head which
stunned him, and ho thou .quickly
dispatched him, as every timo he
struggled, largo quantities of earth
poured down upon tho luckless Green
who was imprisoned beneath. Scott
climbed to tho surfaco antl ran a mile
and a half for help. Returning as
quickly ss possible, they set to work
cutting the horse to pieces and hoist
ing it out of tho well. Mrs. Green,
tho unfortunate man's wife was pres
ent and while hoisting portions of tho
animal to tho surfaco, cheered her
husband by telling ho would soon bo
released. The ioor man was snlfer-
ing intense agony, mid said ho could
not livo a ininuto longer. Ho bade
his wifo farewell in choking sobs, and
nil was silent beneath tho steaming
mass of flesh and blood. With fran
tic efforts the animal was torn limb
from limb until tho last piece was
cleared away, and the unconscious
man was fould buried to his chin in
dirt mid gravel saturated with blood.
The sight was ahorriblo one, yet with
all speed, urged on hy tho half dis
tracted wife, the work was hurried to
completion nnd tho unfortunate man
lifted to the surfaco. Ho was carried
to his homo, where restoratives were
applied, mid in a short time his eyes
opened and again ho spoke. Al
though no bones wero broken he was
badly crushed and bruised and may
be confined to his bed for weeks. He
had a. very narrow escape, and ho owra
his life in a great part to his brave
wife, who lent material aid in the
work, as well as ehctrctl tho dying
man to bear up a little longer. It is
safe to ray that in the future Mr.
Scott will exercise more care wliilo
circling about a well with a young
horse, especially when his brother-in-law
is in it.
The IrrcjtrrMnlblc Hook I-'IcHd.
We take following from a very re
liable exchange, but do not vouch for
its truth : A book agent recently met
nitb serious accident in thcsriburf
of La Cross. lie was -walking along
the railroad when a freight train came
along. The unfortunate man was
struck by the engine and knocked di
rectly across he track. Some fifty
three cars passed over him. He was
tumbled down a bank 800 feet high
over stones, and stumps, and just ns
he got to the edge of the river ho
struck ngainst a pile driver that wa
at work, and, his head lying on top of
the pile for a minute or two, the-ponderous
hammer descended, striking
him on the check, bruising his face
The shock rolled him into the river
just as an up river packet was pas
sing, and by some mishap the unfor-
' tunntc man was entangled in one of
the wheels, whirled round and round
for an hour and a half before he as
discovered and released. He was
picked up nearly senseless and re
moved to the cabin, where his wants
wero supplied. After he hod eaten a
hearty meal ho was approached by
the captain, who asked :
"Is there anything you would Iiko
to have?"
"No, no," replied the canvasser,
"there is nothing but this "
"What! what !" ejaculated the cap
tain, "what is it?"'
The book agent smiled sweetly as ho
produced a subscription list and said:
"Subscribe for that beautiful book
entitled, 'The Poisoned Gum Drop, or
The Candy Woman's Revenge,' by
the author of 'Jones, the Button-Holo
Chooxiug u Wife.
Never marry a woman simply because
she lias a handsome f mo or a well-turned
figure; for we sfcon become insensible to an
gelic forms and faces. If her countenance
has life arftl intelligence, if her walk and
carriage are modest and lady-like, and if tho
whole appearance indicates she has a mind,
heart and soul, why she is worth all tho
simpering, mincing, flirting, affected misses
that ever brought good looks as their only
marriage dower. If the fair one you are ad
dressing is rich in houses, Iinds, Kink stock
or railway shares, her worldly gear should
not prove an insurmountable objection ; but
if she is poor like yourself, so much the bet.
tcr. There is nothing like a young couple,
about the age of 20, starting in life with
fond hearts, clear beads, easy consciences
and empty pockets. You havo something
to hope for, to work for, to live for I Your
early struggles with the crosses of this lifo
will only bind you the closer to your young,
ardent and loving wife.
A hasty temper often leads young men
into great mistakes. It frequently causes
them to misunderstand an employer's inten
tion, anil to resent as an insult what was
meant only as a just rebuke. In this way a
young man sometimes loses a valnalile situ
ation, and has to begin the world over again.
And, unfortunately, Ids hasty temper does
tint permit him to learn wisdom from his
experience. On tlw-contrary, it too often
leads him again into the same mistake, and
he is again set adrift. His temper grows
worse and worse, until at last he becomes
unbearable, and noliody will long keep him
in employment. On the other hand, a good
temper and an obliging disposition, when
combined with honesty nnd industry, aro
invaluable qualities in ewry one who hat '
his way to m iko in the world. ' '
Omaha, April 3, M. V. Tracy was ;
unintentionally killed by his father-'-,
on Wednesday near Ord, Valley coun
ty. Ho returned homo with lis.broth
or from a hunt, mid to play a joke. otu .
their father they fired their guns, and , !
burst open the door. Tho father, who .
had $1,000 in tho house, supposed ,
that robbers wero attacking him.,
Asking Who was thero and receiving
no reply, ho fired a gun and shot his
son, M. V. Tracy, who died shortly...
after. . .,
Colton, Ca!,, April 3. A smash up ...
occurred on tho Southern Pacific road -last
night near Cabnson station.
Nineteen cars loaded with steel rails,
lumber and merchandise, wero wreck
ed and an engine badly damaged.
Robert Huett, a fireman, was quito
soriously hurt by jumping from his
engine. An unknown tramp who
was stealing a ride in a stage couch
loaded on n flat was killed.