The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, April 10, 1880, Image 1

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    The Coast Mail.
MftmhllcKl, Cuoh Co., Or.
Tcntm, la Adrnucc.
Hix months ....
Three montlm
f 2 no
1 no
- 1 (X)
JUL.!" .1 ' 'JSSSS
Stale of Oregon.
Governor, W. W. Thayer
Secretary of Stntc, R. I. Knrhnrt
Treasurer, K. llundi
yupt. Public Schools, J. L. Powell
2d Judicial District.
Juileo, J. F. Watson
District Attorney,
Coos County.
County Judge,
A tinntfafir -
J. II. Nosier
John Kciiyon
H. 0. Dement
A. G. Aiken
Alex. Stand'
1). Morse, Jr
John Lnno
-""v row., - ........ ........
School 8upcr.mtojryiiit, J. F. Monro
Coroner, . - T.C. Mnckoy
Curfy County
County Judge, Dclos Woodruff
s r. iiiigiicn
A. II. Moore
Waller Sutton
A. M. Gillespie
M. B.Gibson
Thoft. Cunningham
School Supt.,
A ,TIolriiitr IN-opIc. ,
Tho Argosy.
In the slowness of thoir trains tlio Norwe
gians excel tlio Dutch, anil yet tho latter,
fur tliii merit or defect, according to tlio
time, nerval ami fancy of tlio individual
traveler, may place- thcmsoUft aa the head
of the other Kurocan countriei. Hut hero
all comparison emli, for whilo the Dutch
IMueu but a small territory sulllcicntly in
tersreted by lines; Norway, with iu great
tract of country, has scarcely any railways
nt all. Nor is it probahlo that she will ever
Ik much Iwttcr on in this respect. The
land is so thinly populated that railroads
could never pay. From the hilly naturo of
tlio country thoir construction would cost
much, while tlio people are jwior. And
lastly, the present mode of traveling is all
thoy need. Time is of less consequence to
tlie Norwegian than toother people, bocaus
they liavu less to do, Tlioy do not rush
through life, at wo do, for iustanco, giving
to one day tlio work of six. They brothoj
the remainder of the civilirol worM is, for
the moit part, breathless. If thoy have, a
h mid rod miles to travel, 4 he)' can as well
dovoto a week to It as half a dozen hours;
or, if thry cannot, they wisely stay at homo.
Ho that traveling in Norway is very much
what it was in Kngland a century ago, A
little slower and moro leisurely, perhaps,
now and then, for nowlirro in Norway will
J on coiuo acrinis tlio fine sight of a coach
id four tearing up hill and down dalo at
ixjir'is speed. The avcrago rate of pro-j'rc-ia
it aUmt four miles an hour; and, do
vliit u will, taking one thing with an
cMnv, you cannot get much beyond this.
'Jlieir railways, by comparison, are not much
better of stately speed, pcrlmpi, but irrt
iati. IHrsu Aaf or's HiunomlN.
A Washington corrciipondciit says:
Mrs. John Jacob Aslor is still enjoy
ing tho air of this city, and the no
cepted estimate for tho vnluo of tlio
jowols worn by her at tho President's
diplomatic reception has been placed
at $1,000,000. A piivnto policeman
lias guarded liar doorway since she
camo.aud in citizen's clothes nil nil ow
ed her at every fete. Two mounted
policemen followed her carriage each
ovening that she ventured forth in
her glory, and for this euro and an
noyance it is a question whether there
is sufficient reward iu being stared
out of countenance and exciting the
envy of the groundlings. The mil
lion dollars iu ixirtublo form have
Leon more than a nine days' wonder,
nudtho universal topic for (ho first
days iu Lent wero Mrs. Actor's dia
monds. Shut away in their cases and
tdiortly to go with their owner to
New York the-diiunonds have had a
brief glory. Every ono sigh's for an
other look at thorn, and someone has
vulgarly suggested (hat she exhibit
them for the benefit of the Irish fund.
Iflarrlute Hrokers.
Marriage-brokers aro quito impor
tant business men in Genoa. Thoy
liave pocket hooka filled with the
names of the marriageable girls of tho
different classes, with notes of their
figures, personal attractions, fortunes,
etc. Thoeo brokers go about endea
voring to arrange connections; and,
when thoy succeed, they get a com
mission of two or throe porcent. upon
tho portion. Marriagn at Genoa is
quito a matter of calculation, gener
ally settled by tho parents or relatives,
who often draw up tho contract be
fore the parlies have seen one anoth
er, and it in only when everything is
urranged, and a few days previous to
tho marriage-ceremony, that tho fu
ture husband in introduced to his iu
toudod partner for lifo, Should he
find fault with her .manners or ap
pearance, ho may break oil' tho mutch
on condition of defraying the broker,
ngo and any other espouses incurred,
SuiiacuiiiK for tho Mail only $2 CO
per annum.
Vol. 2.
4r Oregon's Moiitlirrn Count,
We embarked about noon on tho
mill of September, and started on
our trip toward tho sen. We passed
many Indians and largo rancherios at
intervals along tho bank, but singular
to relate, nothing could be obtained to
cat oxrept u small quantity of por
polso hido during the day. Although
Indians wero seen by tho hundreds,
no hostile demonstration had been
made, and had it not been for tho en
tiro absence of squaws and papooses,
thoy might have been easily mistaken
for frien My Indians. Hut ns tho cir
cumstances were, it was certain that
their disposition was hostile, and
th'at wo were liablo to bo attacked nt
anytime; honco tho necessity of ob
sorviii' the greatest possible caution.
Tho mouth of Co'os river was known
to be about 20 miles south of tho Ump
qua, and tho mouth of tho Cnquillo
river was known to bo about 20 miles
south of Coos river and about. '!() miles
north of Tort Orford. All that was
known of either tho Coquillo or Coos
rivers was that they emptied into tho
ocean. As we had traveled northward
since leaving tho Coast at the mouth
of Hoguo river, we felt qiito certain
for tho time being, that we wore upon
tho waters of tho Coos, and in that
event, wo intended to proceed north
ward to tho Umpqua settlements.
On the other hand if this proved to bo
the Coquillc, wo would follow down
the Coast to Tort Orford. Tho rivor
traversed ono of tho handsomest val
leys of rich timbered bottom lands to
bo found anywhere upon the 1'acific
Coast, with a fino growth of myrtle,
maple, ash, etc,, peculiar to the river
bottoms of Oregon, and eventually
will become an earthly paradise. As
night set in, the Indians who wero iu
charge of the canoes manifested a do
sire to camp, so wo wont on shore on
tho north bank and camped under
somo evergreens, where n spur of tho
mountain reached down to tho river.
We kept a strict guard as usual, dur
ing the night, observing also, that the
Indians wero equally vigilant. It was
understood that this was to bo our
last night iu tho wilderness. Tho
breakers could bo plainly heard as
they beat upon tho beach below. An
early hour next morning would bring
us to tho ocean, when clams, muscles
and other shellfish could bo obtained.
Wo were happy in our imagination,
and wero rejoicing at thu prospect,
anil wero perfectly indifferent as to
whether wo were iu the Coos or Co
quillo rivers, for in either case we
would reach the settlements at tho
Umpqua or nt Fort Orford in two or
three days. Tho night passed olf
quietly and next morning wo set out
early this was tho ltth day of Sep
tember, 1851. Tho lay was an unusti
pleasant ono. Wo made good pro
gress with a favorable tido down
stream, and all hands were happy.
As wo advanced, ranches became moro
numorous and many "fish weirs"
were iu tho courso of construction,
somo of them reaelung across tho
river, indicating that tho salmon seas
on was at hand. Arriving nt a point
threo or four miles from tho Coast, ho
that tho mouth of tho river and the
ocean could bo plninly seen over the
low, drifting sand hills, wo nt once
recognized it to bo tho Coquillo rivor.
Wo wero near tho end of our river
navigation, and Providcnco permit
ting, wo would soon bid good byo to
our canoes, and tho magnificent Co
quillo, whoso torturous windings we
had followed no far, and would he
marching down tho beach in tho di
rection of Fort Orford.
Tho Indians, numorous nil along
tho river, incroasod in numbers as wo
neared tlio mouth. It was now posi
tively known that thoy wero hostile
to tho whites, for a portion of them
had taken an active pari in the fight
at Port Orford in Juno last. Wo had
obtained much information of thoir
character and disposition, whilo on
our hunting oxpoditions prior to leav
ing Port Orford, and wero now fully
awuro of tho character of tho Indians
wo had to deal with. Wo had thus
avoided an attack, and did not antici
pate any groat danger iu making our
way to Port Orford. Wo wore noaily
nakod ; no ono possessed more cloth,
ing than a shirt and pants, thoso be
ing much tattered mill torn, whilo
some of thorn could not boast of that
much. A wretched set of miserable
mon wo wero indeed. Uaro-hendcd,
haro-footod, hair long and uncombed,
and so far reduced by starvation that
our voices sounded hollow and. sopul
clinil, yet cheerful ns it was possible
for men to bo when iu that condition.
We firmly linked logother by a bond
of friendship, not easily to bo broken.
Whilo much blnmo might bo attach
ed to tho captain, yet a hand of broth
ers novcr appeared nearer to each
other. We wero all Btrangcrs when
wo set out, but tho stato of feeling
cannot bo described and can only be
realized and known by mo l who havo
been similarly situated. Wo now
realized the fact that much greater
caution should bo exorcised, and the
question of our immediate future ac
lion in regard to safety and tho pro
curement of food was fully discussed.
For tho first time, quito a difference
of opinion seemed to exist, when all
should havo been uuitad.
A largo rnnohcrio stood upon the
right bank of tho river, a short dis
tance ahead of us, and perhaps about
two miles from the ocean, with a strip
of level prairie ot marsh laud about
a half u milo wide between it and
tho timber north of it. This is at
tho bend of tho river abovo Ilainb
lock's, and below Pershbakcr's store.
Toward this ranch tho Indians direct
ed our canoes. T' Vault, Dohcity,
Ryiui, Hall, Murphy and Davenport
wero iu favor of landing and trying to
obtain homcthing to eat; whilo Ilcd
den, Hush, Pepper and myself, more
fully realizing tho danger, entered n
strong protest against it, deeming it
very imprudent to land, for there
were already Indians enough iu sight
to overpower and completely annihi
late us tho moment we should step on
shore. The Indians in tho two canoes
refused to go past this point, and a
fow of us insisted upon landing upon
tho south hide, where to say the least
we would bo in no immediate danger.
The captain, so far overcome with
hunger and fatigue, thinking that
thore might be no danger, and icp
reseutiui; that he understood a por
lion of their language, and from tho
inducements held out to us by a dis
play of fino looking salmon by the
Indians on shore, prevailed upon all
the men except four of us to ngrco to
,a landing, and take tho consequences
of an attack ) asserting that thcro
was no danger or wo would have been
attacked long ago. Hodden and my
self strongly opposed this movement
whilo several others gave their indiff
erent couitcnt. Although the expedi
tion had been unfortunate from its
departure from Port Orford, and much
suffering had been incurred in conse
quence thoreof, yet this proved to be
by far the most fatal and unfortunate
decision for our little band of explor
ers; tho first to over traverse tho Co
quille valley, and who wero entitled
to all the honors of the first discovery
of its threo principal branches, its
fifty miles of splendid navigation and
its extensive valleys of fine farming
Our canoes were landed at the largo
Kauchcric bioiuUido upon tho beach.
A large force of Indians, painted all
kinds of colors, and armed with bows
and arrows, long knives and war clubs
occupied tho bank before us, and at
once surrounded tho canoes, (on the
land side,) while a 6coro or more of
canoes, alo well filled with armed In
dians, suddenly appeared in tho riv
or from tho little slough and bayous,
and from abovo and below. Yet the
majority could not believe thoio was
dangor. Yet Hedden and myself in
sisted upon shoving out our canoes
and landing upon tho opposito shore,
where the main body of Indians for
the immediato present, at least, could
have been avoided. But all our con
siderations and discussions wero sud
denly closod, by an irresistiblo chargo
boing mado upon us from every side
by tho ludinuswho numbored not less
than 150. Their plans woro so well
laid, and tho attack so sudden, that
Kyan, Holland, Murphy and Pepper
woro instantly struck down with
clubs, while ovcry other person in tho
company except myself, wero quickly
disarmed. All this was dono at tho
first onsol, and before any ono had
tinio to firo a gun.
( 7 beconf iiitfru')
Aiiout ?GOO,000 was saved in tho
construction of tho Hoosao Tunnol by
tho uso of nn improved drill. Tho in
ventor of tho drill, who died recontly
iu Huston, recoivod only $5,000 for tho
contrivance Ho also invented series
of signals for usu on ships of war,
which woro highly eommonded by tho
government and woro patented both
in this country and iu Europe Ho
made many other contributions to
labor-saving machinory, but notwith
standing his inventions ho uovor rea
lized ovon a comfortablo compotenco
from thorn owing to tho dillloulty of
introdueing them before tho oxpira
lion of tho patents.
Two nun woro blown from tho roof
of tho seventh rogimont armory, New
York, mid killed.
Tin- Itcmor-M; of CommcIviivc.
London Telegraph.
Among tho curiosities of crime, Iho
Chingford murder now no longer a
mystery- will deserve hereafter a
conspicuous place. Although the
foul deed was done twenty-two years
ago, it was only yesterday that tho
perpetrator had his guilt broughj.
home to him. Jonathan Gaydon, who
has been sentenced to death for the
murder of Miss White, an inmate of
tho house of her brother-in-law, Mr.
Small, a farmer at Chingford, on the
21st of June, 1857, has not escaped
punishment thoso twenty years or
more, though ho managed to bafllc
the law during that time. From the
day when he butchered his victim and
plundered tho house in which she
was left alone one quiet sujnmcr Sab
bath morning in 1857, ho has wander
ed upon the face of tho earth a conscience-stricken
vagabond with the
brand of Cain, not, perhaps, visibly
imprinted upon his forehead, but as
suredly forever burning itself into his
heart. Tho miserablo wretch has
been constantly haunted by the shad
ow of his horrid deed, and his felMor
turo at last drove him to give himself
U) to justice in a mood fo deporato
that in his confession to tho police he
(aid : "If I could havo got a rope
strong enough, I should have hanged
myself today." Hut for his own con
fession and the fitting in of his story
wit'.i the facts of tho case, there was
no evidence against the unhappy
man ; and his advocate made a futilo
attempt to convince tho jury that he
was not Jonathan Gaydon at nil, but
some morbid-minded, crazy creature,
who, out of a demented love of crimi
nal notoriety, was personating the
murderer. The man's tale, however,
so piinfully circumstantial, his de
meanor, so tcrriblo earnest, and the
utter failure of his counsel to prove
that he was somebody else than Jona
than Gaydon, left the jury no alterna
tive but to convict tho prisoner. Bar
barous as- was his deed, there must
have been somo latent good in this
wretched outcast. Ho had a con
science, at any rate, for it has been
the means of bringing him to the
ICrlloK'M Csiho.
The report of the Senate Committee
in favor of unseating Senator Kellogg
of Louisiana, has elicited much unfa
vorable comment even from tho best
class of tho Democratic press, and it
now appears probable that ho will bo
permitted to retain his seat to tho
close of his term. Tho Richmond
J)ipatch treats tho subject as follows :
When a Senator is scaled, especially
when ho is seatod after a contest, as
was tho caso with Mr. Kellogg, tho
question ought to be considered as li'
nally settled as far as his title to tho
seat is concerned. If ho doc any
thing afterwards which would justify
his exclusion from tho Senate ho
ought to be expelled for that reason.
his credential? ought never be called
in question again. It ought to be so
held in the Senate as in courts of jus.
tico that adjudicated points must
stand as settled. If Mr. Kellogg may
now be ousted, there is no reason why
Mr. Butler should not also bo ousted
if two or tlirco Senators havo changed
their minds as to tho right to his seat
since ho and Kellogg wore both declar
ed lawful members of tho Sonate.
Two years and moro havo elapsed
8'mco Messrs. Butler and Kellogg woro
seated, and it surely istimo that their
right to their seats should bo consid
ered as settled. But a convincing
reason why Kellogg should not bo
unseated is furnished by tho Xeics,
which clearly shows that Messrs But
ler and Kellogg woro both soatcd in
accordanco with nMistinct understand
ing between certain Republican and
Democratic Senators that both wero
to shore tho sntno fato, Theio can bo
no excuso for an act of bad faith, and
that tho unseating of Kellogg would
bo such an nctuppears from tho rec
ords of tho Somite.
Tin: laws of Massachusetts colony
for 1051 rcRulateil "appeal." " Men
or women of mean condition should
not tnko upon them tho garb of gen
tlomen by wearing gold or silver,
Inco, or buttons, or pants at tho
knees, or to walk in great boots, or
women of tho samo rank to wear silk
orTaflany hoods or scarfs, which,
though allowablu to persons of great
er ostates, or moro liberal education,
yet wojuilgo it intolcrahio in per
sons of such liko condition." Pen
alty, ton shillings for every oflbneo
against tins law.
Senatou Evahts favors holding
Vciuuola to tho awards mado to in
jured Amorioans and compol pay
ment as fast nn possible.
The !u (tin of Tlirrmopylic.
Itollin's Ancient History.
Thcrmopvliu is a straight or narrow
pass of mount Etna, between Thessaly
and Phocis.only twenty-five feet broad
which therefore mightbe defended by
a small number of furccs, and which
was the only way through which the
Persian land army could enter Achaia
and advance to besiege Athens. This
was tho place where tho Grecian army
thought fit to wait for the enemy ; the
person who commanded it was Leoni
das, one of the two kings of Sparta.
Xerxes in the mean time was unon
' lilu mni.n1i . lm Ii.i.l nivan nnlnpi frtr
his fleet to follow him along the coast,
and to regulate their motions accord
ing to thoso of the land army. Where
ever he came he found provision and
refreshment prepared beforo him, pur
suant to the orders he had sent ; and
every city he arrived at gave him a
magnificent entertainment, which
cost immense sums of money. The
vast expense of these treats gave oc
casion to a witty saying of a certain
citizen of Abdcra in Thrace, who,
when tho king was gone, said, that
they ought to thank the gods that he
ate but one meal a day.
In the same country of Thrace there
was a prince who showed an extraor
dinary gieatncss of soul on this occa
sion ; it was the king of tho Bisalttc.
Whilst nil tho other princes ran into
servitude, and basely submitted to
Xerxes, he proudly refused to receive
his yoke or to obey him. Not being
in a condition to resist him with open
force, ho retired to the top of tho
mountain Rliodope, and Xerxes con
tinued his march through Thrace,
Macedonia and Thcssaly, every thing
giving way before him till came to the
strait of Thermopylae.
When Xerxes advanced near the
straits he was strangely surprised to
find that about 4000, under Lconidus,
were drawn up to dispute the passage.
He had always flattered himself that
on tho first hearing of his arrival, the
Grecians would betake themselves to
flight; nor could he ever be persuaded
to believe what Dcmaratus had told
him from the beginning of his project,
that at tho first pass he came to he
would find his whole army stopped by
a handful of men. He sent out a spy
before him to view the enemy. The
spy brought him word that he found
the Laccdrcmonians out of their en
trenchments, and that they wero di
verting themselves with military ex
crcUesand combing their hair this
was tho Spartan manner of preparing
thomelves for battle.
Xerxes, still entertaining some
hopes, waited four days on purpose to
givo them timo to retreat. And in
this interval of timo ho used his ut
most endeavors to gain Lconidas, by
making him magnificent promises,
and assuring him that he would make
him master of all Greece, if ho would
come over to his party. Lconidas re
jected his proposals with scorn and
indignation. Xerxes having after
wards written to him to deliver up his
arms, Lconidas, in a style and spirit
truly laconical, told him to "Come and
tako them. Nothing remained but to
preparo to engage tho Lacedaemoni
ans. Xerxes first commanded his Me
dian forces to march against them,
with orders to take them all nlivo and
bring them to him. Tho Medes were
not nblo to stand tho chargo of the
Grecians; and being shamefully put
to flight, they showed, says Herodotus,
that Xerxes had a great many men,
but fow soldiers. Tho next that wero
sent to faco tho Spartans, woro thoso
Persians called tho Immortal Band,
which consisted of 10,000 men, and
were tho best men in the whole army.
But theso had no bettor success than
tho former.
Xerxes, despairing of being nblo to
force his way through forces so deter
mined to conquer or die, was extreme
ly perplexed, and could not tell what
resolution to tako ; whon an inhabit
ant of tho country camo to him, dis
covering a secret path, leading to an
ominonco which overlooked and com
manded tho Spartan forces. Ho
quickly despatched a detachment
thithor, which, marching all night,
arrived there at the brenk of day, and
possessed thoni!elvos of that advan
tageous post.
Tho Greeks woro soon apprised of
this misfortune j and Lconidas, see
ing that it was now impossible to
withstand tho onomy, obliged tho rest
of tho allies to rotiro, but stayed him
self with his tiOO Laccdtumouiaus, all
resolved to dio with thoir leader, who
boing told by tho oraolo that eithor
Lacedromon or hor king must neces
earily perish, dotormmod, without tho
least hesitation, to sacrifice himself
for his country. Tho Spartans lost all
hopo8 of conquering or escaping, and
looked upon Thermopylai as their
burying nlaco. Tho king, exhorting
his men to tnko tomo uourishmen',
:no. 15.
and telling them at the same time that
they should sup together with Pluto
they set up a shout of joy as if they
had been invited to a banquet, and
full of ardour advanced with their
king to battle The shock was exceed
ingly violent and bloody. Lconidas
was ono of tho first to fall. Tho ef
forts of the Lacedwmonians to'defend
his dead body were incredible. At
length, not vanquished, but opprcscd
by numbers, they all fell, except one
man, who escaped to Spartn, where ho
was treated as a coward and traitor to
his country, and nobody would keep
company or converse with him.
Xerxes lost in this affair above 20,
000 men, among whom were two of
his brothers. To prevent so great a
slaughter from disheartening his men,
he caused all but 1,000 of 'the bodies of
the slain to be buried secretly, and
covered over with earth and herbs
But the soldiers of his fleet, obtaining
permission to visit the field of battle,
discovered the stratagem, which serv
ed rather to discover Xerxes' littleness
of soul than to conceal the number of
the slain.
The action of Laonidas, with his 000
Spartans, was not the eflcct of rash
ness or despair, but was a wise and no
ble action. Knowing that Xerxes
was marching at the head of all the
forces of the East, to overwhelm and
crush a little country by the dint of
numbers, Lconidas rightly conjectur
ed that if they attempted to make the
success of the war depend in opposing
numbers to numbers, all the Grecian
nations together would not be able to
oppose them. It was therefore neces
sary to point out to Greece another
means of deliverance, and these brave
Lacedaemonians thought it been me
them, tho choicest boldiers of Greece,
to devote themselves lo certain death
in order to show the Persians how diffi
cult it is to reduce free men to slavery,
and to teach the rest of Greece, by
thcirexample,either to conquer or to
A certain Lacedaemonian, boing os
tonished at the king's resolution, said :
"Is it possible then, sir, that you can
think of marching with a handful of
men against such a mighty and innu
merable army?" "If wo aro to reckon
upon numbers," replied Lconidas, "all
the people of Greece together would
not be sufficient, since a small part of
the Persian army is equal to all her in
habitants; but if wo aro to reckon up
on valor, my little troop is more than
The Game In Uendwood.
Deadwood Fioneer.
A very characteristic incident of lifo
in the wild and reckless West, ocur
red in one of our popular saloons the
other afternoon. A couple of boys
got to bucking at one another, and a
hugh pile of chips and greenbacks
woro soon piled up between them. At
last one called the other and he show
ed tlirco queens. The other quietly
turned over three kings. "Tako the
money," said the patron of tho ladies,
as quietly as though asking the other
to tako a drink. Tho man of many
kings reached over to tako the pot,
when ono of tho other players inter
fered and claimed that one of the
kings in tho hand of tho winner be
longed to him, unless there wero five
in tho pack, as ho laid down two of
them when the heavy betting begun.
The man of tho queens rose up quietly
and pulled out a murderous-looking
bull-dog, which ho placed in unpleas
ant proximity to tho other's head,
and simply romarked, "Drop it." He
dropped it, and without another word
tho gamo went on as if nothing had
Tlio 3ew Yorlt Vote.
Tho Now York World says : Demo
cratic voters in tho interior of tho
Stato must bear in mind that it is Now
York City which, by its tone and tom
ncr oa a voting day, decides whot
shall bo tho Domocratio majority in
tho Stato. What tlio lloatmg voto in
tho city will do, cannot, as a rule, bo
foreseen till a few days beforo regis
tration, but this year thcro aro ample,
indications that tho floating "voto of
Now York City cannot pos.ibly bo bo
curcd for Mr. Tildenasit was in 1S70.
Tho unattached voters of New York
who think moro of tho character of a
canidato than of his opinions will nev
er again support Mr. Tildon. Tho un
attached voters of Now xork who
drift on election days towards what
they suppose to bo tho winning sido
cannot bo induced to beliovo that
Now York Oity can bo carried for any
Democratic Presidential canidato who
is not heartily supportod by the so
called Tammany voto of tho city.
Thoso aro simple mattors of fact, and
practical men usually deal with foots
as thoy aro whon they seok lo com
pass results',
The Coast Mail.
jvuxj xjx-vxa xmmxjxam.
The Development of our Mines, tho
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
road communication with tho Interior,
Had Anicrlciin In lnrl.
N. Y. Times
The American colony hero is giv
ing fresh examples, every day, of the
corruption of good manners by evil
communications. At least, such
must bo tho causo of the wickedness
of which it is so often guilty, and
which, Mrs. Lucy Hamilton Hooper
is disposed to maintain, ought only to
bo found among benighted foreign
ers. In my last letter, I told of the
elopement of an American girl with a
Brazilian, and now I have to record
not only another American elope
ment, mixed up with a charge of
stolen property, on whose proceeds
"Lovelace," a gentleman from tho
Sunny South, managed to pay do
mestic expenses, but also the dread
ful fall from grace of a prominent
dentist, also known as a burning and
shining light in the Galilean Church
of the Follies Montholon, provided
over by ex-Father Hayacinthc. Of
the first two affairs, I should say no
thing except that all sympathy is with
the bereaved parents; but when Mr.
Crane, who not only pulls out and
plugs up teeth, but also plays the or
gan for the Follies Montholon wor
shipers, got himself condemned to.
three months' imprisonment and
8,000 francs fine for an outrage upon,
decency, committed on the Champs
Elysees, there can be no doubt left
about his criminality. The details of
this monstrous charge are, like those
of M. DeGerminy, two years or so ago,
unfit for publication, and arc so filthy,
and are accompanied by such terrible
revelations concerning the homo lifo
of certain people, hitherto held up as
models of every Christain virtue, that
the tribunal disposed of the case with
closed doors. Perhaps, as I have said,,
nil this naughtiness is attributable to
foreign infection, to tho demoraliza
tion produced by bad foreign exam1
pie, and I should be most glad to ad- '
mit this theory, if it did not happen
that, at least in the case of the den
tist, tho surroundings and associa
tions of the culprit are strictly cqJi-
fined to flint class of exotics'wliiclils
fair partisan considers to bo alorjo.
without reproach. There is an im
mense amount of crime in Paris, thcro
are misdemeanors without number,,
but if the statistics of lioth were ac
curately compiled and attentively ex
amined, we should find that, in pro
portion to their number the French
population of Paris are a good deal in
arrears to its American element dur
ing the last 20 years. This, I think,
will do on this subject, and, with tho
remark that people who live in glass
houses should bo careful about
throwing stones, I can pass on to
some oilier and less nauseating
IVarrovr tinngrc Tor the Krle
From an authoritative source, tho
Buffalo Express learns that the man
agement of the Erie railway have, af
ter giving the subject long considera
tion, determined on adopting tho
narrow gaugo all along their road.
With this purposo in view they havo
for some time been making arrange
ments to carry it into effect by alter
ing their rolling stock to suit tlin
proposed change. They havo now on
hand a largo number of narrow guago
freight and passenger cars, and all of
their locomotives built during tho
past two years have been constructed
for a narrow gaugo road. Some timo
during tho ensuing week they intend
taking up tho third rail on the main
lino between Attica and Hornells
villo, and all broad gaugo freight will
then be sent from Attica via Avon,
Arrangements have been mado to
commence tho change and carry it
through with as litllo delay as possit
bio. Tho company havo also ordered
thirty now locomotives from tho
Brooks Locomotive Woris, Dunkirk,
and tho Grant Locomotive Works,
Philadelphia, all of whioh will bo uar
row gauge.
Angora CSoiUh nad ."Uolmlr.
Tho Willaraol lo Farmer says: Thoso who.
own Angora goats will bq interested to know
what the tho prospect is for a price for mo
hair tho coming season. It seems that last
year tho price in Turkey, where the angora
is largest bred, went down to half its former
prioo, because a cheap Japaneso silk wat
substituted for its use to give luster to ccn
tain goods, for which mohair was used bo
fort), it is claimed that this stock of silk U
now exhausted and thought the prioo will
go up to 75 or 80o (or a fair article, at tho
East. It is also said that the unusually se-i
vcro winter has killed olf a large proportion,
of the goats in Asia, aid tliat this will affect
tho inarket. There are only a fow factories
in the United States who use mohiar, but,
theso do not SaH nearly a supply Zoom the
mohair produced in the United States and
have to import most of what they uso,
There seems uo reason to doubt that thera
will bo a permanent market for mohair and
that tho keeping of flocks of goats w
prove profitable, in good locations,