The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, April 03, 1880, Image 3

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    Tli Ooasb Mail.
M. U. (Miiiikiii. lntt liil uiiil .'Id Holi
days of ouch month. Mornings ul.
Ninplro City, ovonlngH ul MuiBhilold.
till Hundiiyol oucli mouth ul Iho
fork Coon rlvor.
It i:v. It. Yi.'OMANfl,
- Al'ltIL a.JRSO.
UxciTiNfl Haoi:. Although Btoam
Irani racing linn, to u cortiiii extent,
become a thing of Iho punt, yol oeea
nionully in witnt'sHod IriulH of upocd on
the water tliut recalls vividly to inotn
orv tho exciting days wlicn steamboat
racing was in its glory on llio Missis
nippi unil other grout rivers, hoiiid of
which hccium urn so humorously do
pcribcd by Murk Twtiin. Coos liny
poHftCMKCA oino of llio tlnocl littlo pus
Hunger HtcuiinirM on tlu const, which
havo, since llio day of I heir inception,
linil repented touts of awiftuoHH, bill
to which belongs tlio cup of champion
whip is Ht ill u nuhjccl of ilisiMiHBion
among llio various captains, ouch
thinking bis bruit (bo fastest, und
therefore entitled to tbo inediil. bust
Hiintlny tbo Juno unil Coos bud iptito
n lively tusslo ; tbey mot und without
iv word nr sign it wns understood to
bo u race. 'I'boy kepi close to ciieb
other und nearly even, for omo dis
tunco, but finally tbo engineer tlio
Ju no rolled in a barrel of tar, und tbo
Coon dropped behind. Hho bud burn
ed ii)i till bur ruled und regulations,
und, an a Inst report und thu ilryett or
liclo to bo found, u copy of tbo AVirn
with Hlglin's refusal of tbo Senator
tdiip, und tbo report of Iho Democrat
io primaries, which failed toruiso tbo
Htuaiu in tlui least. Thin may bo tak
en iih un omen that tlio Democratic
bulk (with Kig. ul tbo helm and such
u crew before tbo must) will niiik in
the con of oblivion, orboovonvholiuod
by the wave of popular condemnation
befoie the campaign is half finished.
Aritn. Fooi.'h Da v. It is it well
authenticated fuel that man is prone,
to kick any inanimate object which
limy huppeti to lio in his path, unit
tborefoio appears tbo rousou why
bricks, covered with tin tinuHMiining
looking bat, are tbo cause of so much
norrow on this day. If wo should ut
tcniil to enumerate tbo number of
soro toe wbieh traeo their origin to
this source, wo would tio coii8idoru
Mo space ; or to computo tbo gallons
of tea, entice, or other liquids, which
huvo been dosed with Bait for tbo use
of unsuspeoting victims, wo would not
liuvo figures enough in the olllco to do
no. To our certain knowledge divers
young men have endeavored (o light
themselves to lied by potatoes ingen
iously fashioned to rocomhlo candles,
und not succeeding, huvo " turned in"
in tlio (lurk and nwiiueucu in tlio
morning to liud u broomstick sharing
their bed. This day, like all others of
notoriety, bus iu peculiar stylo of
food ; some persons, from force of bub
it long established, tio suit in their
codec in place of sugar, and others
how a derided preference for pastry
stull'ed with cotton. On this occasion
Hiiloon keepers bubuvo in a mthcr
queer manner, und frequently uttoinpt
lo solve the problem whether whiskey
cnu be poured into tbo top of a bottle
faster than it. can run out through a
holeofiMinilinrdlnionstonsin tlio IkjI
tom. LiTKitAitv. Tbo lilorary society
met for Iho last time this scusoii on
Wednesday o voning, Mr. IC. A. Ander
Hon in the chair. There was not wi
large an attendance us usual, nor was
the programme siwell lllleil, bill wus
well curried out und very ontertuin
ing. Tboleoluro on "The Flood," by
.J. M. Siglin, ICsq., wus instruotivo and
interesting ; "Tliii-Charitc of tbo Light
llrigude," wus well rend by Mrs. ('. W.
Tower. Treasurer's report of tbo re
ceipt and disbursement of moneys,
accepted, und ordered to roinuiu in
the Treusuror's bunds until called for
by the society. On motion it wus do
ubled to adjourn to meet again at any
time tbo President should seo fit to
cull u meeting. Tbissooioty has been
u complete success since its opening,
and its Wednesday evening perform
ances wore of such u cbnructor that
they were looked forward toasu good
jiluco to spend u few hours very ugroo
ably. Those who have tukon purl in
these ontoituinmonts mid (insisted in
inukiug them pleasant, deserve great
oredit for contributing so substantially
toward its success. II will bo resumed
(becoming winter, and it is to ho re
gretted tluil it bus M'.apoudod thus
curly. Mr. (I. W.'ngato and wife
loft for Han Francisco '.in (be "Telfair."
Mr. Winguto bus been connected with
tbo Kustporl coal iniiio for over nine
vcurB, and during the last five or six
years lias bad entire control of (be
business of that mine on tbo Hay. On
account of tbo closing of tbo mine M r.
Winguto is thrown out of employment,
and goes below to soltle bis a Hairs
und look- for employment elsewhere.
Ho is well known as a compolout and
upright man, and will doubtless have
no trouble In kcuuring ii good situa
tion. W. L, Bmith nml Mr. llaberiliuiii,
of the Knginoors, lyft for l'urtlunil on
Biinday lust.
"IS" A 11 III.
Murshflold bus ul last proved no
exception to the rule, and has fallen
un easy victim lo Iho HiiuroH of this
enptivuUng puzzle. Wo cnino Into
tbo composing room the oilier day
and found all hands leaning over tbo
"slono" bucking 'iway ul "fifteen."
Fulling (orcoolvo uny answer to our
interrogatories, wo laid tbo "dovil"
low by u blow from tbo oflleo towel,
and struck out for IConyon'H variety
store, intending lo stop llio sale of the
concerns lo thoprintors. Wo couldn't
gel nnytbing out of Konyon mil "III,
, M, now I've got III no I liuven'l
bang that II." Wo llirncd uwuy und
went down to Nusbuig t Hirst's, but
Hirst bad tbo "blues" und Nusbiirg
suid, "(io wuy i don't bother mo 5, 9,
II, thai won't do it." "Sbovo your (5
up and Iho ti down, and thoro you ure,"
suid Hirsl, crawling up on tbo table.
Ily this time wo were beginning to
feel u little sick, so wowulked into l)r-
Towor's olllco to get u proscription.
Told him wbut wus wrong; ho suid,
"Tuko a dose of 0, 1), lit, don't do it
Micro's nothing wrong only tliut fi."
"1 low much is Hint?" weiiskcd. "Two
7, 0, 10, 11, l.'J, ir dolluiH and u
half." N'exl plueo wo dropped into
was the AVira olllco. I''verything wus
confusion, and the editor bud bis
coat oil', nud talking to himself after
Ibis fashion : "See, I'll get 7, II, III
Iho llrsl ballot: 1, fi, 'J, second ; but
I citn'l gel that lust !. J'll try uny
wuy ; if I cun't got it one wuy I'll gel
another 1 won't bo tbo only ono who
hasn't got it." Wo loft him trying to
work the puzzle.
Things wore getting exciting, und,
continuing our invostigntion, for we
weiodelermincd lo see the tbiiigout,
we dropped in (ioblon's drug store. A
dozen men or moro were dungling on
tbo counter; in the excitement our
entrunco wus unporeoived, uud they
remarked us follows : " I tell you it
cun't bo done." "II cun ; hero it is
now; what you giving us?' "Yes, I
sue you have; what's that II doing up
there, oh?" ".Sbovo your 0 up and
your 11 in there, und you've got it; no
you ain't. What iu thunder's wrong
with tliut 7?"und ull talking at once,
muking such un infernal noise that we
were glad to get out, und seek tbo pro
tection of Morohunl'a store, expecting
to find things running in their usual
systematic order. Hut wo bud only
jumped from the frying pan into the
fire, und instead of one, there wus a
doen guincs in active operation : tho
new clerk, I.evur, bad a piece of green
cloth with checkered stripes running
across it, and wus usiugW) cent pieces
for blocks, and kepi them moving ul u
rapid rate, continually yelling' "You
will, will you? not much, go to your re
spective places," etc. A I first sight of
tho green cloth wo thought be was
playing "chuck-luck," but wo nover
knew of bis having so much money be
fore, und tliut rnther staggered us.
Wo left, ond wandering up above the
mill, sal down on tbo edgo of the brink
and meditated upon the events of the
day, feeling that "lifleon" would con
vert Marsblield into a vast lunatic
asylum before a week. Wo meditated
suicide, prefering death to the idiotic
nl mtittorings, "1,", lit, M"; but the
thought that the act would bo attrib
uted to "IS," restrained us. Our at
tention bud for some time been fasten
ed on a man in the "boom" running
logs; wobud wutebed Ibis proceeding
often, but this time tbey woro moving
more methodioalh than usual. A sud
den thought struck us; yes, it was a
fact, tho man was actually playing lo
with thologal Drawing nearer wo di
tinclly heard him muttering the niug
io words us ho shoved Iho log into po
sition. Wo have not gathered eggs
from our barn since, fearing to find the
hens playing "15" with their eggs; if
theywillonly lay 15 eggs a day, "wo
inuy be happy yet."
School Kxhuiition". Last Friday
the public school at (his place wound
up with a grand "blow-out" iu the
character of u M-hool exhibition. -Mr.
McG'nrmao bus luid the scholars in
training for several weoks, uud we
must confess ourselves very agreeably
surprised at tbo unexpected turn of
events. We nutieiputod tbo average
exhibition; .Sir .John Monro escaped
a lingering death, "Tho Wry stood
on tho burning deck" und tho "Sword
of Hunker Hill," were not resurrected.
Fewer coat-tails were twisted and less
apron-strings chewed oil' than usual,
uud, taken altogether tbo perform
ance was a creditable nllair. Tho
larger seholurs had essays, the subject
of which embraced large room for ar
gument, but nevertheless tbey were
woll bundled. Tlio music was excel
lent, und tbo audience departed high
ly pleased with tho ovoiiing's enter
tainment. I). L. .Srimi.i:, dentist, is iu town,
andean bo found for tho coming two
weeks nt Iho Central Hotel Werdoii
Him proprietor). His rooili is over
the dining bull, where, after having
your teeth extracted with tho greatest
pains, you can go down stains and get
u good squaro moid. Cull und uuo him.
Tin: Odd Fellows uro going logivo a
Imllon the 'Jttth, but what kind wo are
not informed. Some my it is to boa
miiKqiioriido,olliui$Huyu onlieo, funoy
iIiom, olo. Wo would Biiggoil a ono
nightVgo in you plojiio" thul is, if
thuro'tKuiitgtouu row about It. Seo
ml. iiuuiulhor column.
Democrat lu Convention,
. ComimiuicAtcd.
Convention culled to order at ono
o'clock p. iu., by Frank Jtoss. On
motion, J. II. Hchrodor was elected
temporary chairman, and Dennis
lioso secretary. On motion, the
Chair appointed the following com
mittee on credentials: liro. Fish,
T. (.1. Owen, 8. H. Hniley, Win. Hull
und II. F. Kom. Tho following named
gentleman woro appointed as a com
miltco on resolutions: It. II. Kohu,
J. S. Cocke, W. II. Hyde, Fred. Jurvis,
uud J. C. F.llswortli. Committee on
order of business: .1. Wright, .1. .1.
Lamb and W. (lolly. Convention
took recess for half un hour.
Convention culled to order by the
cnuir. uommiiteeou credentials ro-
porleil the naines of tboso accepted.
On motion, temporary ollicors were
considered permanent. Adjourned
subject to call of Chairman.
Iteport of Committee on older of
business was accepted. Committee
on resolutions mado report, denounc
ing (ien. (Irani .t Co., which was re
ceived with great tipplauso. Tbo
Cbuir appointed for letters, T. (J.
Owen, .1. A. Collier and (1. Cook.
T. 0. Owen was made assistant sec
retary, ami S. H. Hailoy, toller.
.Senator,.). M. .Siglin, I). J. Lowo
uud S. II. Hazard.
.Mr. Hazard cutno forward and de
clined, saying that ho could not ac
cept tho nomination because ho hud
promised Mr. .Siglin not to allow bis
naino to ho used its u candidate for
Senator, and ulso because bo bud
promised to accept tho nomination
for District Attorney. His name was
First ballot: Siglin, 21; Lane, 19;
IUiink, I ; Hall, 1. Second ballot:
Win. Hull's nnmo placed iu nomina
tion. Siglin, 21; Lane, 11; Hull, 10
Third ballot : Siglin, 25; Hall, 20;
Lane, 2. On motion, the nomination
of .1. M. Siglin was made unanimous.
The next thing was to got .1. F.
Moore out of the way of Hyde for
Clerk, so tboy nominated tho poor
follow for Representative.
Tbo names of Messrs. Hydo and
Mcintosh were placed in nomination
for Clerk. Hyde, IU ; Mcintosh, 17.
Lane, Mcintosh and Jarvis wcro
placed in nomination for S he rill'
Jarvis said as Mr. Mcintosh was a
cripple, he would decline in his favor.
Lane, ill ; Mcintosh, 151; Jarvis, 1
Mr. Owen placed H. J. Cussans iu
nomination for Treasurer. Owens
spoakoth as follows: Mr. Cussuns
cast ono of tbo first Democratic bal
lots ever cast in Coos Co. Has been
a consistent Democrat ever since;
never asked olllco before, and nevor
was known to scratch a ticket. (Croat
applause) It. J. Cussans waa nomi
nated by acclamation.
For Acfcssor: J. J. Lamb, 31;
J. Arringlon, 12; fi. Hrown, I.
Superintendent of Schools: W. L.
Dixon, 17; L. L. llurman,21.
Surveyor: Jno. Hall, 23; K. J.
"Price, 21.
County commUnioner: J. J. Fish,
12; S. MoAdiuns, 7; Fred. Shroedor,
512; (ico. M. Dyer, -15.
Horn suid be bud proxies from
Handon, and they pledged him to
vote for men that hud done tho most
towurd improving the mouth of the
river. lCverylhing seemed to bo vory
harmonious, hut considerable of the
"critter" wus consumed boforo tbey
harmonized ull concerned. Lane was
jubilant until it was made known that
Kussel Dement had consented to run
for Sberill', which made him look
J. M. Siglin, tho nominee for Joint
Senator, is a lawyer of some ability
and bus some friends iu tho Republi
can party and u groat many onomica
in his own. Ho would mako a fair
race, but we are informed that Hon.
F. (i. Loekhurt will canvass iho coun
ty against him, and of course will do
feat him at tho polls.
J. F. Mooro, nominee for llopresent
ntivo, is u young man of some ability,
but can not curry bis party vote. Ho
has no interest in tbo county, and
uflor election will probably emigrate.
W. H. S. Hyde, candidate for
County Clork, is a carpel bagger
from Jackson county, came to this
county a few yours since lo supercede
W. H. Juek'son us Clerk. Was a eun
iliduto two years ago, und was defeat-
ed by A. StnuU', 50 majority. Will bo
defeated iu Juno by tbo sumo man
150 majority.
COLOXKLjohu lane, son of Oon.
Lane, tho mini that defeated Hurry
Mcintosh in tho Convention, for
Sberill', will dry up and never uguin
be beard of us a politician, but retire
to the school room and thoro touch
the rising generation that a nomina
tion on tho Democratic ticket was far
from being equivalent to" un election.
J. J, Lamb, uomiiico for Assessor,
was defeated two yours ago for
County Commissioner. And wo
huvo tv man hero tliut will defeat him
worse for Assessor, provided that tho
Democrat don't stud' the ballot box,
L. L. Hariuuu, for Superintendent
of Schools, is a man lit t lo known in
tbo county, which will probably work
to his advantage.
Wo will noxt tuko aglimiwout tho
nominees for County Comiuisiiouors.
ftoo. M. Di'or, noor follow, like old
dog Tray, will bo 'defeated for being
oiuight iu bud company.
Fred. Hchrodor, llio people down tho
river will romoinbor, was ono of tho
three that woro appointed (ai wo arc
Informed) by tbo County Court at the
September term lo assess damages for
tbo laying out of a county road from
tbo island to Coqtiille City. Mr. ti.
urgued, first, that tbo road wus not
practicable Second, thul it wus not
luid out according to law. Third,
thul Iho people down tho river did
not need a road when ho was only
appointed lo assess damages. They
romomber further, that tho threo
could not ugroo as lo damages, and
adjourned sine die. Two months af
terward, und Mr. H und one of tbo
otlior appraisers got togotber and
agreed on a verdict, und so reported.
at (he next term of Court, wbilo tho
third man had long since lefl the
KniToii Coast Mah.: In your iasua nf
tho "Ttli, npjionrs a letter written by Itufiu
Mnllory, District Attorney for Oregon.
'I'lie brief editorial sccias nil endorsement
by you. Now, sir, I h.ivo lived in tliis
county nearly tlirco yearn. I claim to bo a
peaceful, iniluntriotis and orderly citizen,
mid can show that such has been tho tenor
of my life. I challenge any person to show
n siuglo act of miiiu that is dishonorable,
dishoaodt or malicious. 1 will now pro
ceed to statu brielly tho origin of all thin
tumble, and show that this is'tholegitimato
roMilt of tho nefarious knavery of ono J. II .
C. Willsoti, who camo to my wife, then a
widow, who hail in Iho course of years saved
a small sum of money ami by fair speeches,
appealing to her sympathies, und promising
her a mortgage on 1i!h laud after it should
be entered, succeeded in obtaining a loan
of tho greater jiart of tho amount necessary
to enter tho laud. Immediately on his re
turn from tho laud ollice, ho deeded tho
laud to a merchant of utanding and inllii-
elico in Kmiiiro City, ami so of courso
could not fulfill his promiso to cxecuto a
mortgage to her. After a delay of over two
months, (avowing repeatedly his willing
ness to eiccutu thu mortgage) he came to
her or her agent with a noto containing a
doHcription of tho land and a statement
that tho money was for tho purchase or en
try of tlio Hamo, and assured them that tho
noto was just as good ns tho mortgage, and
would sa'o her the expeuse of recording, etc.
don't you seo gatno by which ho played tho
poor trusting woman! Ho obtained her
money without security, entered his land,
conveyed it to a wealthy jiarty, and all sho
had to show was his individual note, which
in this market is of ery trifling value.
After much vexation and delay, sho got a
part of the money,
Now 1 suggest that this is being daubed
on a little too thick it wont ktick I have
done nothing to merit dipgraco or prosecu
tion. If his skirts were an clean as mine,
there would have been no troublo between
us. 1 might now entertain thu favorablo
opinion of him 1 onro held, in spito of tho
warnings I received from various , quarters
as to his real character. Thoro may lie
sympathy for him iu certain quarters, and I
must admit that I felt soma myself, espec
ially when I learned, of tho tad accident
that befell him on the- way to Portland.
Now 1 claim and can provo that all this
tioublu and vexation ami all that may grow
out of it- for the end in not yet originated
iu tho rasoality of this samo J. II. Willson.
I intend to vindicate my character and con
duct and justify my motives, asi I cax
do IT.
Andrew Kamsv.
Kmi-iiie Citv, March ."0, 1SS0.
The nliovo was roeeived late and being
vorv lengthy wo wero compelled to abridge
it Kn '
Wk Oiukct. Wo aro naturally qui
et and not of a quarrelsome disposi
tion, but there are "times that try
men's souls," and well, wo can't stand
ovorytbing. The AVic bus told us of
our faults, and last week added insult
to injury by saying t lint wo represent
ed tho hole of a chicken-coop ; wo
wouldn't have minded it so much if
it hud boon put in but ono week, but
whon its runs for two, why, it's "two"
much. If there was only a "star" af
fixed to it, it might ml bo so bud, but
to induce tho pubjie to road an adver
tisement for a masquorade ball, be
entibo our namo appears in it, is out
rageous. If you want to advertise
that rackot, do it in some other way.
If this keeps up they'll bo using our
name in connection with patent med
icines soon. .
Snow. A fall of snow about threo
inches in depth wus given us lust Sat
urday, but the town was so busy play
ing ''fifteen" that tbey failed to take
advantage of it except with a shovel.
Lost. At tho lusquorado ball a
small red shawl. A suitable roward
will bo givon to the tinder.
Mas. C. W. Towi5K.
Wi: havo several times warned tho
6ardiio who glories in being dubbed
tho boss quill-slingor of that journal
istic blotch und misnomer commonly
known as tho uooisuiijimir, to keep his
sbeurs out of tbo columns of tho Mail,
unless ho gives duo credit for tbo in
formation purloined therefrom, but iu
tbo but issue appears tbo announce
ment "Job work of all kinds noatly
oxocutod ul this olllco," which any
one with half an oyo can seo has been
taken trrouii'M tt litmilim from tbo
M.ui. und nocredit given! Wo hopo
wo shall not bo compelled to refer to
this again.
Tin: ltoseburg I'laimleukr bus en
tered upon its nlovonth volume, and
still continues loprospor.
Last wook tbo stuainor Juno sua
tuiuud somo slight damages fro in iv
1600 pound anchor which tho Kugiu
ear woro tiling in tho lowor bay.
On triijjeil hy
u Clilnif
It in with feelings of Borrow and
regret, says tbo Tckyrnm, for tho lil
tlo victim, and deepest halo toward
tho Infamous, loprnus heathen, that
wo mako tho abovo announcement,
and would gladly wriloup an account
of torturing tbo life from tho scoutr
drol if such juslico woro given him.
Hy special rcquost wo omit tho name
of tho family, as tho lady is at pres
ent dangerously ill. Tho circum.
stances aro as follows: Tbo family
resides in the northern portion of our
city, and employed as a domestic a
Chinaman. Tho lady having friends
and relatives iiv Salem, left the little
girl at homo in care of the Chinaman
and went on a visit to Salem. On her
return, tbo ncighbois who had heard
of tho outrage, went to llio lady and
told her what bad occurred, so it is
suid, when she became indignant, and
informed them that sho did not wish
them to interfere in her domestic
affairs. A physician was called in
and the terrible truth made known.
Tbo mother was so afoctcd that she
fell ill, and is at present confined to
her bed. Tbo Chinaman, who, had
tho husband acted as he should havo
done, would havo been shot down
like a dog, but instead he was only
discharged. It is with sorrow that
wo writo such horrible details, and it
is with almost an much regret wo
write that tho perpetrator of tho in
famous deed is allowed to bo free.
Thai the husband could let the villain
leave the house without visiting up
on him the wrath of an outraged
household is very strange, and we
venture to say i3 an exception from
every other man ii the city of Port
land. Parents should bo more care
ful about leaving their children in the
caroof Chinamen when tbey are out
of tho city on visits, as not one of
them are to bo trusted, and, should
they be, may result in just the same
sad manner as the ono abovo mention
ed. The parents of this littlo girl
will be angry on account of this men
tion, yet wo feel it our duty to give the
facts to our readeis, so that thoso who
employ Chinese can take timely
warning, and not be led into an error
which might result in wrecking the
happiness of a household, as well as
clouding the life of their little dar
ling. Many havo Chinese servants
which they say tbey can trust with
the care of their children, money, or
anything under the sun, without fear
of being deceived, but it was just
such confidence that led to tho sad
results above written. The Chinese
as a race or individually, are not to bo
trusted, and tho more caro exercised
the more satisfactory will bo the re
sults of employing the vilo and dan
gerous wretches about the house.
There arc plenty of young girls anx
ious to get situations as servants, but
they ore given tho bounce to make
room for a Chinaman who steals
double the amount of his wage?, and,
in a moment least expected, perpe
trates some crime which money, sor
row or regret can never right. Ho
cares not whether bo gets more than
two dollars a week, as ho can steal
double that amount, and has an ex
cellent opportunity to feed his
countrymon in the back yard besides.
As long as the dangerous villains are
employed as house servants and
nurses to little girls, just so long will
we be called upon to writo articles
filled with tho sad details of this arti
cle. The afllicted mother has our
bearfolt sympathy in her hour of
trouble, and hud wo tho power, would
will that such calamity had never
darkened her happy household.
Thk Chineso Government has dis
graced its Into Minister to Russia be
cause he did not bring tho Russian
bears to terms. Chinese victories in
Central Asia have given great confi
dence to that Govornmont, and tho
foreign envoys havo united to prosont
a memorial showing numerous lato
breeches of treaty stipulations on Chi.
na and claiming redress, The primo
Ministor dismissed every complaint
and demands a rovision of treaties
and abrogation of ox-territorial and
other obnoxious provisions. So thero
is quite a muddle on hand between
China and tho rest of the world.
EnMUxns says he wouldn't tuko tho
presidency if every man in tho United
States would rise up and demand it,
and ho is that contrary Hint if ho says
ho won't, ho won't, but his kind are
0. Wkii8tf.ii, Ivsq , editor of this paper
returned from San Francisco, yesterday,
"Stiix Bits tho school house by tho road,"
and -Miss Uwullo Cliukenltoard intends
opening a private school therein next Mon
day. 0 en young friend Percy Lovar, who has
been attending school at thu Academy for
tho past six mouths, has become a gay
young eicrK iu a ary roouaTstoro.
Thosk who neglect to tako part in tho
primaries havo no right to complain if in.
competent and unworthv men aro elected to
olllco Tlio u:dy way to keep rascals out
of olllco is to nominate good men, and this
Oiiu only lie done by tho prompt attendance
of tho honest moil of tho party at thu pri
mary meeting. The duty of a citizen should
Ikj thu nomination of good men; tho next,
their election and support.
List of letters remaining in tho post ollieo
at Mamhllchl, Coos county, Oregon, April
1st, 1SS0;
Alfred Itakur; Miloy Kuglish; Win Frascrj
Junius llailon; ('apt. Johnson; John Keller;
John Nual; Kdluy A Smith; J M Smith;
Lyiii J Smith; John Toiijman; Jeuniu Tay
lor; J anion L Walker; OurnvlU J Young.
Held for pontage; M Tone, Nuw York.
A. Jumiuaa, 1', M.
Cutllo Tor Clicj'ciiitc.
On TucsJny Inst, nnys the Stand
ard, Col. Joo Teal left for Wasco
county to superintend tho gathering
tip of liis herds of cattle prioi to
starting over the plains to Cheyenne.
Col. Joe will mnkc tho overland trip
himself, for wliich they have been
making extensive preparations, lie
will take 10,000 head of cattle, and
for driving this largo herd ho will
have about '10 men to act as herders
and drivers, all of whom will be
mounted on fine horses and fully
and comfortably equipped for tho
extended trip. Every man will be
well armed with supeiior riilcs, and
will be fully prepared to exchange
compliments with any band of ma
rauders, white or"injun" that at
tempt to give them any trouble. It
will not he until some time in May
that the drive commences, and Col.
Joe expects to to reach Cheyenne
somo time in September, when the
cattle will be sold, stall fed during
the winter and slaughtered for the
eastern market the following spring.
Oregon raised cattle are being great
ly sought after by the eastern deal
ers, and during the present summer
nearly 100,000 head will be driven
out of the state, including those pur
chased in the John Day and Harney
valley country to be sent to Califor
nia. Fully one-half of this number
has already been secured for the
eastern market, and buyers arc still
in the field gathering up every hoof
they can find. Col. Teal anticipates
a pleasant trip over "the plains
across," and will have as comfortable
a turn out for such a trip as ever
started out. After he disposes of his
cattle he intends visiting the Atlan
tic States, and make a trip through
the country, visiting tho scenes of
his childhood in old "'Kentuck," and
other' places of interest. His son
Joseph will accompany him on the
A Head IVortli Iliirlnsr-
John Harris, who had his head split
open by a falling ax at the new Yel
low Jacket shaft some two years ago,
is again on the Comstock. Although
tho ax fell ICO feet upon his head, and
he lost in consequence a strip of the
skull-bone four inches long and two
and a half inches wide, he has taken
that head to England with him and
brought it back, and thinks a good
deal of it and with it yet. His is one
of the most exceptional cases in sur
gery, of which there are not half a
dozen in tbo books, and which ranks
with that where a tamping iron, blown
by a prematurely-discharged blast,
passed through a man's head from
chin to crown, and yet failed to kill
him. The gash made by tho ax in
Harris's head was large enough to kill
half a dozen men. When the bones
were taken by tbo surgeons from the
wound the largo veins between the
lobes of tbo brain sent a torrent of
blood gushing forth. It was staunch
ed with lint and tho man rallied. The
surgeons feared to remove tho lint
lest he should bleed to death, and it
remained two weeks till it became so
decayed as to force its removal. Con
trary to expectation no blood followed,
nor was there any second hemorrhage
lrom tho wound. Harris has pretty
much recovered from the effects of the
accident. Ho says he experiences no
head troubles whatever, his manhood
is as vigorous as it ever was, but he
has a hitch in his walk, a sort of jerk,
a let-go-and-go-on movement which is
the result of the hurt. Ho is a won
derfully good man, for upon ono whom
tho experiment of dropping an ax 1G0
feet upon bis head has been success
fully tried.
rmit nt Gnlvcatun.
A Galveston dispatch, dated March
26th says: General Grant at last
night's banquet, answering a flatter
ing toast to himself, thanked tho city
for tho cordial reception, and referred
to his visit hero as a lieutenant a littlo
moro than a third of a century ago.
Ho complimented tho State on its
vast domain and wished for them and
the entire South that thoy might go
on developing their resource, and in
their prosperity forgot that there is a
boundary botween tho North and
South. He conoluded as follows :
I am suro wo will all bo huppior and
much moro prosperous when the day
comos that thoro will bo no sectional
feeling. Let any American who can
travel abroad as I havo dono and with
tho opportunity of witnessing what is
thoro to bo seen that 1 havo, and he
will return to Amorica a hotter Amer
ican and a better citizen than ho was
when ho wont away. Loud ohcors.
Ho will return moro in lovo with his
own country. Far bo it from mo to
find fault with any of tho European
Governments. 1 was woll received at
their hands on every side by ovory na
tion in Europe, but with their denso
popuuition and thoir worn out soil it
takes a great deal of govornmont to
onablo the pcoplo to got from tho soil
a bare subsistence. Hero wo havo rich
virgin soil, with room onongh for all
of us to oxnund and live with tho uso
of vory littlo govornmont. 1 do hope
that oro long wo may bo ablo to get
along happily and contentedly with
out being too much governed. I
"i i Him i it
A msPATCH from San Francisco, d
cd March 28th gays : Thoro was a
largo attendance at tho sand lots to
day. Kearney was tho principal
speaker, devoting his attention to tho
election, and urging tha election of
Freud and the W. P. C. freeholder
ticket. A resolution was ofTcrod
pledging tho citizens of San Francisco
that if the Freud and W. P. C. tickot
was elected agitation would ceaso for
want of fuel. It was amended to
read "that agitation would take a moro
conscrvativa turn, but never ceaso
until the Chinese question was set
tled, and adopted as amended."
At tho Metropolitan templo this
evening, Mayor Kalloch addressed a
large audience, reviewing tho wholo
history of tho recent agitation, and
speaking in defense of his own courso
and that of his party. He gavo a his
tory of the much mooted conference
with representatives, substantially
agreeing with the press report hcre-to-fore
telegraphed. He concluded with
the advice that tho agitation should
cease, that tbo people had grown wen-
ryofit, and so far as tho Citizen's
Protective Union was intended to slop
the agitation he indorsed it, but urged
that it wus prudent in its methods of
accomplishing that end.
A nEMAitKABLE, and, perhaps, un
precedented combat took place at
liostick's Mills, Pec Dec, N. C, March
Oth. It seems Gen. Bostick and ono
of his employes, Anderson Wayles,
went into a corn house which has been
stored with corn for nearly twelve
months, and wliich had been closed
for that length of time. After get
ting in they found that the place waa
literally nlivo with rats, who, so far
from showing terror, began to attack
fiercely the two men, who in vain at
tempted to beat them off. They camo
upon them in droves, biting them
about tho hands and face and legs,
several actually getting under "Way
les shirt. In the. struggle Wayles,
unfortunately turned over a heavy
Laic of fodder, wliich blocked up the
door and prevented their retreat.
Uoth men cried for help and wcro
rescued from their perilous situation.
The whole of Gen. Bostick's left ear
was eaten off and his face was horri
bly gouged. Wayles presented a
sickening sight; his nose and lips be
ing literally eaten so that his best
friends could not recognize him, whilo
his left eye was torn from its socket.
A dispatch from Chicago, dated
March 27th says : DeLesseps arrived
this afternoon from San Francisco
and was received by a delegation of
French residents and a committee of
civil engineers at tho club of tha
Northwest. The latter organization
tendered him a banquet to-night at
the Grand Pacific Hotel at which 100
persons were present. Speeches were
mado by Gen. Sooy Smith, Mayor
Harrison, Gen. Stiles, Gen. Hurlburt
and others. DeLesseps .spoke in
French and his remarks were trans
lated by Nathan Appleton of Boston.
In an interview this afternoon, De
Lesseps set the time for tho comple
tion of the canal at six yean; cost
600,000,000 francs, half to bo subscrib
ed in Franco and half offered to Amer
ican capitalists. He said in answer to
a question, that if any Chineso applied
fox work on tho canal thoy would
certainly get it.
At the Centennial Hotel, Uttr City, by
A. Kctcham, J. P., Mr. Chas. E. Edwards
to Miss Mary C. Huberts; all of Coos county
In Marshfield, Nellie, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh, aged 9 years and
4 months.
At the residence of his widowed mother,
on the Coquille river, March 23, 1880,
Henry IL Herman, aged 20 years, 3 months
and IU days.
The decerned was the sixth son of tho lato
Dr. Herman of Coos county, and since the
death of Ids father, has been the main prop
upon which his beloved mother depended.
And sinco ho was fifteen years old, he, with
tho aid of a younger brother, has carried on
tho old homestead farm ith the energy and
skill that would seem to belong to riper
years. About ono month previous to his
death, he took a severe cold, which seemed
to settle in his throat, and confined him to
his bed for two weeks, when he was able to
bo up. During his first sickness he waa
very delirious. During bis convalescence)
ho stated that ho heard beautiful mud,
and saw beautiful angels hovering around a.
errand and clecant mansion, presenting to
his weary soul a foresight of that better
world where he was soon to go. On the
afternoon of tho 21st he was taken sudden
ly worse, and, rcsiguing himself to tho will
of God, stated that ho was going to die.
When asked if ho would like to live in tha
beautiful mansion he had seen, his answer
was "Yes." At about 10 o'clock on tho
third day in tho evening, whilo surrounded
by his loving brothers, sisters and friends,
ho raised his eves, secmini: to tako one fare
well look, then dropping back to his pillow.
sweeny ui-camcu uia iax.
Henry Herman's death has cast a gloom,
over the entire community in which ho lived.
He was tho first cluld born to Dr. Herman
on tho Coquille river, and every ono that
knew Henry knew him but to love him, for
" A soul more spotless no'cr claimed a tear;
A heart more tender, open and sincere;
A hand more ready blessings to bestow;
Belovod, lamented, and without a foe.
How prized in life, say yo who know him
How went in death, brothers' te may
Tho mother and relatives of tho departed
havo tho sincero sympathy of tho neighbors
as was well Bhown when thoy laid him
away to rust on tlio same small hill whero
ho was born. A largo circlo of friends,
joined in weeping over his grare.
The American ship St, Charlta,
with kerosone, from Now York, burned
with hor caruo at Oioeo. Tho next
day tho second ofllcer was murdered
by ono ol tho crew.