roHS! Tlio Coast Mail. The Coast Mail. TECS I'uiiUKiir.i) COAST MAIL. DEVOTED TO KVKKY SATURDAY MORNINO -nv- WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHART, Morshflold, Coon Co., Or. Terms, In Advnnco. THE INTERESTS OF SOUTH ERN OREGON ALWAYS FOREMOST. Ono year $2 50 .Six ItlOlllllM - Throe months 1 CO The Development of our Mines, tho Improvement our harbors, and rail road communication with tho Interior, specialities. 1 00 OFFICIAL VAVl'M OF COOS CO. Vol. 2. MA-RSHFIELX), OR., SATUEDAY, APEIL 3, 1880. NO. 4z. 1 rfal. Wm vlLIjumJjmjlBU&CJBrki lit OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, Male of Oregon. (lovornor, W. W. Thayer Secretary of Slnto, It. I. Karhart Treasurer, H. Hursh Hupt. l'ulilic SoIiuoIh, J. L. Powell 2d Judicial Dhlricl. Judge, J. F. Watson District Attornoy, 8. II. Hazard Coo County. County Judge, Commissioners, Khoriir J. II. Nosier iJohn Konyon It. C. Dement A. a. Aiken Alex. Statin I). Morse, Jr Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Hehool Superintendent, Coroner, John Lano J. F. Mooro T.O.Mackoy Curry County. County Judge, Dolus Woodruir Commissioners. 5 1'. Hughes (J.A.Couloy A. II. Mooro Walter Sutton A. M. Gillespie M. H. Gibson TIioh. Cunningham Sheriff, Clerk, Hchool Sunt., Treasurer, Coroner, ' t I.ucUy Orrgou Iloj'n. Iohenrof Oregon boys meeting with good fortuno is something that docs 11 person good, and brings pleas ure oven though the fortunate ones bo strangers. The Shioillin brollu cth, of Jacksonville, concluding to Htnrtout in tlio world in search of n fortune, Relucted Arizona ua their fwld. Thoy went to the mining re gion near Tucson and located n rhiiiu. They lind no experience whatever, but selected the spot moro because it was vacant than anything olso and went to work. Old miners passed the claim day by day smiled to themselves, thinking the two boys were wasting their time and labor as I hey wouldn't make a strike on that claim if they went down ten thousand feet. The boys worked away day after day and night found them in the same kind of dirt. This went on for two weeks and the boys began to grow weary and discour nged. As they were about to aban. don tlio claim when the pick struck a solid mass which, upon examina tion, proved to bo u lead. Speci mens were picked up and taken to the "camp" or headquarters of the min ers where all assembled were set wild by its richness. The boys were over joyed by this news and went to work in a methodical manner, opened tlio mine and took out almost tons of gold. On the J 3th inst. thoy sold their mine, which the miners had named The Tombstone beforo the boys struck ore, to Corbin Urothcis, the DisBton party of Philadelphia and Messrs. Simmons and Squire of Boston, receiving in twenty dollar gold pieces the sum of $2,000,000, which was a very good clean up for our Oregon boys. Telegram. Another Cremation. Tlio body of Dr. Iluhn, who died on March 8th, in New York, of erysipelas of tlio face, aged 10 years, arrived in Wellington nt 7 I'. M on tho 9th, and was immediately convoyed to the cre matory. It was accompanied by A. Kaufman, fathor-iii-law of the de ceased, and Dr. Hnppul,a friend. Tlio corpse, in a plain iron casket, was carried into the receiving room of the furnace. Tlio collin wm opened, tlio body lifted out and placed in tlio crib covered with a sheet saturated with nlum. There woro no services what ever. Before placi lg it on the fur nace, Mr. Harding said: "Uncovor the fnceof the corpno." It appeared slightly swollen and somowhat discol ored, and was covered with a Bhort black beard. At 8 o'clock the body was carried into tlio retort room by four men, and shoved in head foromost The door was placed on and secured. A slight odor as of burning hair per vaded tlio vicinity of the furnaco for n few minutes, but nothing was por ocptibln in the reception room or out side of tlio building. In twenty min utes tlio sheet began to expund, and tlio bones of tlio feet could bo seen, devoid of flesh. A sizzing noise was hoard for a short limo but soon ceased At tlio end of an hour the friends left for the hotel, perfectly satisfied, uud Mr Kaufman expressed himself ns wishing his body disposed of in tho samo way. Ho related a story whilo in tliu building, to tlio oh"oot that Dr. Halm and hiniholf had a conversation regarding cremation a short time pro vious to Halm's death, uud each bound himself that tho other should bo cre mated when death occurred, Tiik loss by flro on tho steamer City of Hydnoy, San Francisco, is about $20,000 on tho vessel uud cargo. W1UTTKN KOU TIIH COAST MAIL. HISTORICALSKETCHES Or Oregon Nou thorn Coax. NUMIlEtt xn. JOUIINAL OP L. L. WILLIAMS CONTIN UKI FKOM LAST WEEK. Wo sol out and in one or two miles Cftmo upon old And. well beaten In dian trail, loading from Iloguo river on tho right, directly across our route in a courso about NNW. T'Vault ac counted for this by explaining to tho men " that tho Hudson Bay Company had a fort or trading post on tho Umpqua river, 40 or CO miles back from tho ocean ; that there was n good trail leading from that fort south through the mountains to Iloguc riv er, and that tho Indians from tho lat" tor place passed over tho trails in great numbers ' upon their Annua' trading expeditions to the fort; there fore this must bo tho Iloguo rivor and Fort Umpqua trail." This theory sounded reasonable, and as we had traveled northward sinco leaving tho Coast, tho distanco was thought by him to not exceed thirty miles; and upon his suggestion, wo all agreed that relief could bo obtained from tho fort sooner than any olhor place. So weJontorcd upon tho trail and turned our faces northward. Th trail was plain, yet did not appear to have been traveled for a year or two past. In a couplo of days wo had mado about twenty-fivo miles, over a very rough country, whon wo descended a long spur of thn mountain to a narrow val ley of prairie and limbered land, al ternating through which a stream of sovciity-Ilvo or eighty foot in width was flowing northwesterly, which the captain at once pronounced to bo tho South Umpqua, but after following down stream lor a short distanco, wo all became satisfied that it was some unknown river running into tho ocean. (This stream was afterwards called tho South Fork of tho Coquille river.) Hero we found an abundanco of frosh Indian signs, and numer ous hard beaten trails and an old camp ; a now fishery nearby indicated that this was a favorito resort for hunting and fishing purposes, The second day upon this stream, I struck out in advance after game. Halting by a tree at tho margin of a wido bot tom of prairio laud, I discovered an Indian walking obliquely across my path. Whon about -10 yards in front I jumped out in sight, determined to kill him if ho should run, as I expect ed ho would ; but tho poor frightened follow, upon seeing mo, dropped his bow and arrows, and surrendered un conditionally. He followed mn until wo met tho company, and T'Vault conversed with him by signs, and took an unusual interest in him, and en gaged him to pilot us ovor to Fort Umpqua, and it appeared to all as if ho understood our object. Wo folt as if tho routo to tho fort should bo about north ; whilo by following tho Indian trails along tho river, we ap peared to bo going west or northwest. Aftor traveling down a day further, wo wero pleased to find that the In dian guido was ready to leave tho riv er and pursuo a moro northorly courso into tlio burnt timbered mountains. At a distanco of about twelve miles ovor a rough country, wo found our solvcs upon anothor stream, 05 or 70 feet in width, running west, with bot tom lands, oik signs and well boaten Indian trails along its banks. (This was aftorward called tho Middle Fork, ana we must navo struct at or near tho lower end of Enchanted prairio.) Wo followed down this stream sover al miles, passing a small prairio near whoro it united with a similar stream from tho south, probably tho ono notod a few miles back. Wo passed sevoral Indian ranches in this vicinity from which tho inmates fled in groat fright; sometimes leaving an old blind Indian or squaw to the awful fato which thoy no doubt thought awaited them. At ono camp wo ob tained a small lot of roasted oamas, and finally wo camo upon a largo camp. Tho Indians wero so intent upon cooking rahnon by boiling in a willow basket, that thoy did not per ceivo us until wo wero within a few feet of thorn. All at once tho naked Indians, squaws and papooses fled in every direction, whilo ono or two lit tU ones, too small to wulk, wero loft to our tender inoroy. Their cries made daylight hideous, and whioh no doubt convoyed tho welcome intolli goneo to their muoh torrifiod mothors that thoy woro still in the land of tho living. Tho boiled salmon that had boon so unceremoniously desortod wus taken possession of by us and greedily eaten ;?tho water in which it hud boon cooked was dealt out in ra tions to tho woakoit of tho party, and was pronounced tho most dolicato kind of soup. At about this timo our Indian guido deserted us, and as is usually tho caso stealing as many lit tlo articles as was possible Although a small amount of food had been obtained, yet it was but lit tle roliof to us in our weak condition. Elk signs appeared abundant in the vicinity of tho river, and somo of us woro anxious to stop a day or two, and try to sccuro a supply for futuro use. I) tit the majority decided that it was best to abandon our horses, and wit'.i tho aid of a pockot compass, lay our courso north for tho Umpqqa river; which according to 1" Vault's theory could not bo very far distant. This theory, bowover, of a trail leading to tho fort was pretty much abandoned by him by this time. Hcdden, Bush and myself desired to lay by a few days to recruit ourselves and got sotoo game; but this proposition was, as it had been beforo, by tho mistaken argument v that game could bo an readily found and as easily killed while traveling as could bo done from a stationary camp. The compass was given to me, and our courso laid duo teorth. After trav eling ibout four miles, we camo to a deep tide water stream about twenty yards in width, running southwest, and which was found to unite with tho main river a few yards below. (This waa afterward called tho North Fork, and wo wero now at tho "Forks") This stream could not bo easily cross ed, so we followed up a short distanco, when the captain gave out, declaring that it was impossible for him to go any further. Resting a while I killed a pheasant, and Mr. Dougherty kill ed a grey squirrel, which where read ily eaten raw, as usual. This kind of diet, together with the daily tighten ing up of our bolts, was great relief but did not strengthen us much. Soon afterwards, while yet undecid ed what was best for us to do, wo beard tho sound of canoo paddles be low, and soon three canoo loads of Indians came up, wero hailed by us. and came ashore. They had no meat ; were armed with bows and arrows, and on their way up tho river, on a hunting or fishing excursion. A consultation was again had, and wo were fully satisfied from tho tide marks that the stream was navigablo from this point to tho ocean. The Indians wero hostile of course, and very much to bo dreaded. The most of our party wero in favor of continu ing northward; but as T'Vault was unable to travel, and many others equally as weak, a different course was fixed upon. That was to go down tho river in canoes to tho Coast. Sev eral of us contending that as the In dians wero very numerous and hostile, that wo had better buy a canoo, and havo it under our own control and guidance ; but as all hands wero so weak and so far reduced, that it waB finally decided that wo would hire the Indians to tako us to the mouth of tho river. Wo gavo them pretty much all tho clothing we had left for their services, and much moro than whould havo boon required to pur chase a canoo outright. Wo were not well dressed for a mountain trip when wo loft Port Orford, and all our cloth ing was protty much worn out; in fact, was almost completely torn from us. After paying tho Indians wo had but little loft. (To be continued") A dispatch from San Francisco dated March 22d, says : Another brcezo has been raised in tho city and county treasurer's office by tho finance committco of tho board of supervisors, instructing tho expert of tho board Solon Puttee to count the monoy in tho vaults of tho treasury pices by piece. The proceeding is regarded by the treasurer and may or, auditor and attornoy, with whom tho treasurer has consulted, as high handed and without authority of law. Puttee omployed as his assist ants Messers. Hunt, Stewart, and Nowcll. As a precautionary meas ure,' tho auditor sent his chief to watch tho conduct of tho exports. At half past 2 o'clock this afternoon, tho city and county attorney advised tho mayor, auditor and county judgo to tako chargo of tho count, Tlio mayor and auditor went to tho treas urer's offico shortly beforo 3 o'clock to oversco tho counting, as tho law authorizes thorn to do tho counting of tho monoys of tho treasury and authorizes no ono olso. A Maine man, who didn't caro two shakes of a lamb's tail about tho newspapers, rodo fourteen miles through a fierco snow-storm to get a copy of a weekly that spoko of him us a "proimnont citizou." A C'lain(or)In(jr Expedition. This is a suggestive title, and would, perhaps, lead tho reader to expect some thing thrilling. Hut it is quito tho contrary, and, not dealing in mysteries, wo announce that it is nothing moro or less than 'a des cription of nil expedition to tho clam flats, of a party of Marshflclditcs, tho account whereof being furnished us by a member of tho party. Our party was composed of five origin ally of six, but tho iixness of ono reduced it to flvo all equipped and armed for an ex cumion to tho homo of that delicious mo link known as tho clam, intending to com1 prise in tlio trip, a visit to tho ocean beach, Kocky Point, the bar, and, in fact, all tho numerous attraction: which abound in tho lower boy. Wo wcighod anchor (nautically speaking) oliout 8 o'clock, a. m., and casting off, drop pod silontly silently as five possibly could down tho stream, out of sight of tho town, tho thick fog concealing our movements. (It should not bo inferred from this that wo were eluding pursuit wo only wished to proceed cautiously in order to surpriso the clams). Not a breath of wind was stirring, but, from our intimate knowledge of the weather, wo wero not nt all uneasy of being compelled to ply tho oars all day, as wo wero confident of Micro being sufficient wind to enable us to sail. Tho fog lent to all things visiblo an almost supernatural form ; rocks and trocs loomed up liko hugo objects, and small waterfowl flew up at our approach, having tho appearance, through tho deceptive mist, of great, winged mon stcrs, tho noisy flap of their wings echoing across tho water and striking upon tho car with a strange, harsh and unnatural sound. Drifting slowly with tho tide, ns pleasure and not speed, was our object, we passed North Bend leisurely, and it must bo ad mittcd, rather noisily, as tho steamer Juno, which was passing, becoming alarmed at the noise, came to tho rescue ; but on learning tho c&uso of tho clamor, again steamed away, gradually fading from view in tho fog, tho monotonous thud of her propeller, as it struck tho water, being tho only re minder of her proximity. Hounding tho point Iwlow North Bend, wo suddenly emerged from tho fog. fio- low us, miles away, stretched a clear sheet of water not a ripple disturbing its placid surface till it reached tho bold bluff marking tho entrance to the bay and met tho ocean's incoming swell ; on ono sido skirted the low sandhills, glistening in tho sunlight liko mounds of silver, on the other stretched the belt of green timber, reaching to tho water's edge, and extending so far as tho eyo could roach. Bohind us lay tho fog one solid, vapory mass, entirely shutting out from our viow all beyond, as if a curtain of mist had been stretched from shoro to shore. It formed a strange contrast to tho brilliant scene in front ; tho former representing the present, and tho latter tho mysterious fu turo of lifo, into tho dopths of which the eye in vain endeavored to penetrate, but the mystic veil dimmed our vision. All imagiuablo shapes and forms could tho im agination discern hovering above tho fleecy vapor, reminding one of the strange and wicrd talcs told of lands hidden in Utopian wilds. Wo rested on our oars to admire tho picturo, knowing that tho fantastic forms would disappear, the chann of tho sccno bo broken and our airy castles ruth lessly shattered by tho brcezo which was even now rattling at the gates of our citadels of the mist, and threatening speedy destruc tion to tho phantom fortresses and their gallant defenders. Tlio wind shortly afterward freshened, and quickly spreading our canvass (what littlo wo had) wo wero soon speeding rap idly along. The wind was rising at a rate which threatened to increase to a gale be foro tho day was done, and by tho time wo hail passed Kmpiro and landed at Esquire Scngstackcu's place, (our destination) the roughness of tho water had perceptibly in creased. Landing on tho hard beach and leaving our boat, a short walk across tho sand brought us to tho ocean beach. Wo stood by tho water's odgo, just out of roach of tho swell, and watched tho lines of break ers rise and fall; "Tho billows float in order to tho shoro, Tho wavo behind rolls on tho wave before," And they como tearing, tumbling and plung ing, breaking into fragments of spray at our foot, retreating with a lingering hiss of baf fled rage at the failure of their attempt to swoop away tho barriers which nature had erected as an obstaclo to hurl them back and restrain their daring impetuosity. Rambling slowly alone, gathering shells and flinging them into tho foam, wo shortly stopped to admiro tho lighthouse and sur roundings ; away to tho south stretched tho reef which was to form the foundation for tho wall of tho proposed harbor of refuge; insido lay tho crescent-shaped harbor, in which a fleet might rido at anchor with per fect safety, and, in our minds wo could not holp contrasting this with tho other points along tho coast much to tho disparagomeat of tho lattor. Coming back to our boat, wo found that the tide had rocoded and loft it high and dry upon tho saud ; and after much tagging and straining and getting rod in the faoo, we succeeded in floating her. Tho mudflats wero lieginning to show themselves, and deeming that tho time for action had ar ri cd, wo embarked, and soon tho keel of our boat grated on tho flat whero wo wero to procure our supply of clams. It being now about noon, a sally was mado upon tho lunch baskot, which, thanks to tho ladies', was filled to tho brim with such delicacies as only their superior skill in the culinary art could invent. Fortune was decidedly I showering ujkhi us plcosuro and success with a lavish hand, for besides the roomy boat, for which, by tho way, for tho use of, we aro indebted to tho generosity of Captain Dillon, of tho schooner Emma Utter, we had a jolly crowd of ladies and gents, and our situation was mado moro comfortable (if such could bo) by tho discovery of a small lake of steaming clam-soup, which was undoubtly manufactured expressly for the occasion by tho old god Neptune may he never treat "land-lubbers" better. After lunch wo prcparod for tho encounter with tho clams. Shouldering our shovels- clams aro dug with shovels we started across the sand, each anxious to gain tho victory over the unsuspecting shell-fish. Wo walked some distanco without seeing any "signs," till at last ono of tho party shouted, "Whoop 1 hero wo aro 1" and running up, wo found him standing over a small round holo in the sand, in which hole, he most solemnly as sured us, was tho coveted clam ; he had seen tho animal's snout, but had been una ble to secure tho possessor. Three shovels immediately clashed together, and three shovclsfull of sand were simultaneously thrown upon tho beach, and after digging to the depth of about two feet, some hard substanco was encountered, and in another moment a poor, small, weak, sickly-looking clam, mutillatcd and smashed almost be yond recognition, was brought to the sur face. Wo feasted our eyes upon this vic tim, which our desperate but unskilled ef forts had reduced to such a pitiable plight, wiped tho perspiration from our heated brows, and inwardly rejoiced at the success ful termination of our first attempt. Con tinuing digging, we met with such excellent success that we soon had obtained a large number of clams. Thinking we were suffi ciently supplied in this particular we again mado sail, and skimming she short stretch of intervening water we were soon at Rocky Point, where tho boat was made secure, the ladies landed, the necessary implements taken out, and we started in search of rock oysters. We met with very poor success in this instance, as these oysters wero not very abundant at this place, but we clambered over tho rocks, examined toe numerous caves and other attractions, and enjoyed the occasion immensely. It was now grow ing late, tho air was getting chilly, and it was deemed advisablo to return, but the wind continued to howl furiously and show ed no signs of slackening, so we were com pelled to await the turning of tho tide, the abatement of the wind, and return homo by tho light of the silvery moon. Holding a cousultation we agreed to build a tiro and roast somo clams, and returned to tho boat for the purpose of obtaining some. On our way back wo met Mr. Samuel An derson, a jolly fisherman, who kindly ten dered us tho use of his "cabin," which we very gratefully accepted. We found his "bachelor quarters" very comfortable, and soon a warm fire waa glowing in the grate, tho clams put in proper condition for cook ing, and in an incredibly short time the ladies had prepared a repast which would have tempted Epicurus, had he been present, to havo partaken thereof. With many a careless joke and laugh we sat down to our meal in this diminutive cottage by the sea, occasionally looking out upon the seething waters, which the wind had lashed into a paroxism of rage, enjoying our hot cup of coffco and tho excellent fried clams as well as if wo were supping in tho elegant ban quet hall of the most princely mansion in tho land ; nor would wo havo exchanged tho genial hospitality, good-natured voice and smile of Mr. Samuel Anderson, for wo would ask no better host or truer gen tleman. Tho moon was shining brightly when we left tho Point, and after making the usual number of hairbredth escapes, wo reached Empire City about 9 o'clock, and the pros and cons being taken into consideration we decided to lay over till morning, having reaped moro than enough glory for ono day, enough for ono night and havo a little left to tako homo in tho morning. Wo sent our advance guard over tho trail tho next day to break the news of our safety gently to our rejoicing friends ; the guard arrived strangely dilapidated, they having mado the quickest timo on record that morning, as no others had passed over before them. Lost is the Mountains. Says the Plaindealer ol tho 13th instant, Hon. B. Herman, who returned from the coast on Saturday last, gives an inter csting account of an adventuro that bofell him on his way homo, and which contains an item of intorest for every thoughtful wife who has tho personal welfare of a migratory husband at heart. It appoars that while Mr. Her. man was in deep meditation his horso took tho wrong trail, and boforo its rider discovered tho mistake, had fol lowed tho trail for several miles through a denso mass of fallen timber briery jungles and ovor torturous creeks. Darkness had already set in 'ero Mr. Herman discovered that ho following tho wrong trail, and it was only by the precautionary forethought of a dutiful wife, who had slipped a candlo and matobosin hissaddlo-bags that ho was saved tho horror of pass ing a wretched and lonely night in the mountain fastnossos, or perhaps rescued from doath itself. By the. light of tho candlo ho was enabled to find his way back to tho right road and to hospitable shelter for himself and horso. Sunscitiuufortho Mail. Street Car Etiquette. Tho etiquette of tho street car is worthy of a place in the list of fino arts ; a morning down town car pre sents tbe appearance of a newspaper folding machine. The gentlemen passengers bold their papers at con venient angles of vision, showing a wide range of eye sight. As the car gradually fills, tho journals are raised and brought nearer to the faces of the readers, until, when the last vacant scat is occupied, they completely hide the passengers, like a succession of window shades drawn close. Then an extraordinary quality of human vis ion is developed. If the last comer, for whom there was no seat is a cook, or washerwoman, or an ugly sewing girl, tbe shades remain close drawn, and the intense application of the journalistic readers is something won derful to behold. Accidents, crimes, politics, religion, suicides, divorces, the markets, everything is devoured with the relish of an epicure. No man raisos his eyes or lowers his pa per. But at the next crossing a pret ty woman, dressed to the top of the mode, trips lightly into the car, and displays a well rounded arm as she extends her hand to saize a strap. Instantly all the eyes are raieed and papers lowered. The gouty old fel low who appeared to bo devoted to tbe markets is the first to totter to his feet. He stumbles over his neighbor in en deavoring to attract the attention of the coquettish looking beauty. His eyo glass falls into the hay on the floor, and the edd gentleman falls back into his seat, loses his hat, and displays a shining bald head, while the young merchant, the old doctor, and the middle aged lawyer, strug gle for the honor of surrendering a seat in exchange for a smile. from the young lady. How did all these excel lent fathers of a family observe the entrance of the beautiful young la dy? There are women who will dis pute the fact just stated, and they will relate experiences in flat contra diction of it. But careful observation of them will disclose defects in their list of personal attractions, or faults of toilet. It would be rash to assert that no beautiful woman was ever forced to depend upon a strr.p in a street car between two rows of gentle men devoted to newspapers. But the rule is neverthess as stated. There is a class of street car passen gers of tho male sex who refuse to give up their Beats on the ground of high moral principle. They assert with much warmth that tho com pany is bound to provide every pas senger with a seat. To rise with them, is to pander to the selfish in tcrests of tho company, and to pro long the continuance of a public abuse. By holding firmly to their seats while women stand, they present in a strong light the odious character of tho outrage of which the company is guilty. If they sit in the presence of a venerable old lady, or a woman on the vergo of fainting from exhaust ion while forced to stand, the heinous nature of tho company's grasping and niggardly conduct is made the moro apparent. This class of pas sengers remain in their leats whilo tho tired seamstress stands, in obe dience to a strong sense of public duty, and suffer all the agony of sup pressed sympathy while thy sit. They look forward to the timo when a seat will be provided for overy pas senger, and meantime are becoming gray or bald. Western Paper. Senator Blaine is reported to have made over a quarter of a mill ion recently in the Leadville mines. He is largely interested in two of -tho leading mines having gone in on ''tho ground floor" in both. He was associated with Senator Plumb and Ex-Delegate S. B. Elkins in stocking the Amy Mine and is said to have trebled an investment of $70,000 in that operation. Ho was engaged with the Hon. B. Alley, tho Hon. A. H. Bice, and others in stocking tho Dunkin mine, and that, too, has been a very profitablo operation, Next to Mr. Blaine, tho man who is said to have mado tho most money is his cou8in,Tom Ewing, of Ohio, who devotes all his timo to his stocks, and is j, seldom seon in tho House. Ho was a pauper that year when ho was declaiming in favor of the repeal of tho resumption act, and now he is worth oVor $200,000 The mayor of Tucson, Arizona, which placo was founded by tho Span- fiards in 1542, has telecranhod the mayor of 8an Francisco, tho rresl. dent of tho United States and his ho liness tho rope, that the Southern Faciflo Railroad is completed to that placo. Clinrjjo of tlio slight Xtrlende. Stephen Massed says that during his visit to England, and whilo visit ing the House of Commons, he was presented to tho Earl of Cardigan, who was in command of tho 11th Hussars and led tho celebrated Charge of tho Six Hundred at Bala klava. Being tho first to recite in public Tennyson's famous lines, ho had a natural ambition to deliver them in tbe presence of Lord Cardi gan. A polite note was received from the Earl, inviting Mr. Massed to call upon him at his residence in Portman Square, where after rendering the po em to the Earl and bis lady, the fol lowing graphic account of the fight was given him : At about 1 o'clock, after the Heavy Brigade had been attacked by tho Russian cavalry, tho whole of tho cavalry division waa considerably ad vanced toward the enemy. The Light Brigade was ordered to dismount to relieve their horses. Suddenly they were ordered to "mount." Aid-decamp Captain Nolan came forward and told Lord Lucan, commanding the cavalry, that the Light Brigade were to attack the Russians in the valley. Lord Lucan rode up to Lord Cardigan and said : "It is Lord Rag lan's order that the 'Light Brigade' is to attack the Russians in the valley." Lord Cardigan's answer was, saluting with his sword: "Certainly, my Lord, but you will allow me to inform you that there is a Russian battery in front.onc on each flank, and tho ground on the flank is covered with Russian riflemen 1" Lord Lucan's an swer was : "I cannot help that ; it is Lord Raglan's positive order that the "Light Brigade' is to attack them."" Lord Cardigan then forced his brigade of five regiments, with three regi ments in the front line, and two in the second. Lord Lucan ordered Lord Cardigan's regiment, tbe 11th Hussors, back, so as to form a support on the left rear of the front line. Lord Cardigan immediately ordered the advance. After going sixty yards or so, Captain Nolan rode obliquely across the front, when a Russian shell fell upon the ground near Captin Nol an, not very far from Lord Cardigan. Nolan's horse turned round and car ried him to tbe rear. Lord Cardigan then led the brigade down to tho main battery in front, about one mile and a quarter distant. On arriving at a position about eighty yards from the battery, the fire became very se vere, and tho officers wero considera bly excited, and had to bo called to "be steady." Cardigan, at the head of his brigade, passed close by the muz zle of a gun, which was fired as he en tered the battery. He then rodo straight forward through the Russian limber 'carriages, and came up close to tho Russian line of cavalry. His brigade did not follow him. Lord Cardigan was attacked by two Cos sacks; slightly wounded and nearly dismounted. He fenced off the Cos sacks, and gradually retired from oth ers who were attempting to surround him. When he got back to tho bat tery, they had all retired and diverged to the left. Lord Cardigan slowly re treated, and met General Scarlett, commanding the heavy brigade of tho cavalry. Cardigan told him that the "Light Brigade" was destroyed. The brigade was then counted by his staff officer, and it was found that there. were only 195 men left out of 650. Lord Cardigan immediately rodo off to Lord Raglan to report what had takon placo. Tho first thing Lord Raglan said, in a. very angry t,one,was, "What, sir, could you possibly mean by attacking a battery in front, con- tiary to all the usages of warfare and tho customs of the service?" To which Lord Cardigan replied, "My Lord. I hope you will not blame mo, for I re ceived a positive order from my supe rior officer in front of tho troops ta attack them, and I was quito as well awaro of the unusual courso of pro ceeding ordered." Lord Raglan in quired what had been done. To which Lord Cardigan replied that "he had led the brigade into tho Rus sian battery ; that he had ridden up to tho Russian cavalry ; that ho was not followed by tho brigade ; was wounded and nearly dismounted, and had somo difficulty in getting away from a number of Cossacks ; that tho brigade was noarly destroyed, there being only 105 remaining." Tho whole of the memorable affair occupied tho brief timo of twonty minutest John Holland, master architect of the O. R. & N. Co. is to bo used in moving the company's teams across tho John Day rivor until the railroad bridge is dono. The boat will be built at Colilo aud towed to her destination Herdimonsions will bo -15x1 2 feet, and sho will bo completed in threo days after hor keel is laid.