r? The Ooasrt Mail, 8ATUIIDAY, - - - MAKOH 27, 1880. XEPUnLWAN COUNTY CON VENTION. Tlio Republican voters of Cooa county nro hereby notified to meet in convention at Coquillo City, on Sat urday, April 10th, ISSO.nt ono o'clock !'. !., for tlio pnrposo of choosing six ieloRntc to attend tlio Republican Btnl6 Convention, nnd nominating candidate for county officers. Prhnnrica will bo held at the usual places of voting in tho sovoral pre cincts, on Saturday, April 3, at 2 o'clock r. M., nnd are apportioned del egates as follows : Ilcavcr Slough, . 2 Handon, 1 llrcwstor Valley, - 1 lturton Prairie, l Coaledo, 1 Coo City, 3 Coos River, 4 Coquillo, 4 Coquillo City, - 1 Knipiro City, .... 4 Encnnnted Prairie, - .3 Hull's Prairie, ... o Johnsons, UttirCity, - Lake, tforth Coos River, Marshfiold, Miwiouri, Randolph, nu inner, South Slouch, - 1 Empire. City, M arch 6th, 1SS0. By order of tho Committee, I. Hacker, Chairman. Yfce ItrKlnnlHCT of the End Henrntj' KcotcheMl. By reference to n news item in another column of this paper it will lo seen that tho unlettered blathcr pkito and paltry knave Dennis Kearney, has at last been made to realize that he is not above law or superior to tho claims of justice. That the fellow ever had even an apparent following was entirely ow ing to the promise he held out of ul timate pillage. This attracted to his standard a gang whoss noisy demonstrations passed muster for numbers, and whose utter irrespon sibility stood conspicuously out to every man in the community save the self-conceited ass they termed their "leader." In his stupidity Kearney imag ined that it was he who carried the city of San Francisco partly in fa vor of tho Workingmen, while the fact was, of the 15,ooo votes cast for the partially successful ticket, less than 5,ooo belonged to Kearney's party : his club rolls showed this. Two out of every three of the voters who adhered to" that ticket did so as a temporary expedient to rid them fcIvct of and" rebuke a gang of offi cial freebooters who had too long preyed upon the substance of the people. They disavowed with em phasis all respect for or sympathy with the "'agitator." His cause had no follwing in the country. Within the last two months Kear ney has been kicked out of the lobby of the Legislature he claimed to own, and returning to San Francisco, has been condemned to penal servitude by a court which he boasted was afraid to convict him. Tke GoTcrameBt Htiall Protect Its Cltlsema. The mighty power of a republic of fifty millions of people with a oon tinentjfor their poscssion-can only be wielded permanently by being wield ed honestly. In a fair and generous ftruggle forpartizan power let us not forget those issues and those ends which are above party. Organized wrong will ultimately be met by or ganized resistance. .The sensitive and dangerous point ib in the cast ing and the counting of free ballots. Impartial suurage is our tticory. 11 must become our practice. Any party of American citizens can bear to be defeated. No party of Amer ican citizens will beai to be defraud ed. The men who arc interested in a dishonest count are units. The men who are interested in an hon est count are millions. I wish to speak for the millions of all political parties, and in their name to declare that tlic llcpublic must bo Btrong enough, and shall be Btrong enough, to protect tho weakest of its citizens in all thejr rights. James G. Blaine. Tlio editor of tho Coos Bay "Nows" iu hia issue of March 10th, gotteth up in hit) tip-toes und Bcreameth timely: Lot tlio "JJeo," "Orcgoniun" and "Junctiou City Republican" flight, but let us have peace within our lines." Ych, you are having "peuco" neigh boryou are! Wo notice tho "Mercu ry" ib way up in tho ninoties although tho weather cool, and tho "Weatern Star" is giving Bemebody 'ell und it ain't tho Republican party either. Tho name Coos Ray editor Htretclieth out Ids nock and again Bquealeth: "Our coubo in a glorious ono. Tho party hus u grand history." That's unotlier. What dfd you Bay? "agrand history I" "a grand history 1" les yes, como to think of it, ltlia"a grand liistory," an exnltod history! ft drabol ical history I Then ho says: "Let ub Mhow a united front.,, That'll a good Idea, too, noighbor, but you will have to turn squaro around to do It. 0 would liko to iwo your front; wo hayo Ikoii llrmg at your rear long enough. Tho idea of tho Democratic- party uliowinir a "united front" in this State don't do it boysit wonlunt, help you any and ft might scare bouioj btKly.-Junction City "Republican,"! HOSTETTElfc 6fflBs The Bitters invariably remedy yellow ne?s of tho complexion and whites of the eyes, pains in the right side nnd under the right shoulder blade, furred tongue, higheolored urine, nausea, vertigo, dys pepsia, constipation, heaviness of the head, mental despondency, or every oth er manifestation or accompaniment of a disordered condition of tho liver. The stomach, bowels and kidneys also exper ience their regulating and tonic influence. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. " 2-6-ly FARM FOR SALE ! I nr acres of choice land 1UU t tho mouth of Willanch slough, near North Bend and Marsh fiold. Good house and out buildings. Adapted for dairying or general farm ing. Good young orchard. One of the best farms in Coos county. The place, with stock and implements, will be sold very cheap. fc55-For further particulars apply at the offico of the Coast Mail. 3 tf THE WILCOX&WHITE ORGAN CO. Mericlen, Coiai. U. S. A. "CMIdran's Blow Pedals,"! Invented and Exclusively used by this Company, The most popular Organs ofne day! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "The "Wilcox fc White Organ Instructor" is tho BEST and CHEAPEST in the market ! Stnd Ibr Illustrated Catalogue. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD in QnzA Htiti et Honor. Economy, Durability and Bapldity combined with, perfect work, An DuUauUliint Features of (be ccletratcd Giant Fan ani Warehonse Fans, MACK T A. P. DICKEY, Racine, Wis. Kow hlacir U" Implement;,. Over ut fully tquil to ercry demand;. dernier, all kinds of CraJa. Peas. Beane, Caster Kcam. Com and Small Seed. Tney trade Wbeit vcjUctir by once handlinj. Sep-OtUaWheVt,s-r!.lKr. Trhj" ery perfect arranfements for deanmr 'ml' CkTerTFUx Seed. Orchard Crass, and all other Smin Ved. TTicV Chaff perfectly, and eoob,ne rrery qualitotion required to da the best work m the shortest time. Warch.UK-, l well ss I am MOli, aia brjely enn tructed, both kinds requuir.C rme lues to eceora Jaodate the demand, tnd kivws b capacity cf from jo to 500 tushels per hour, tccordmc to s. of milt Ihiy ie shipped, hiaed for ocean transportation, and "set p" or "Voocked dcrwn" for forwarder Si-el. roiuetudj wJ In 11 castt put free en lirTcVs"? S'e'mer. Ordc. filled sane da as scencc. J Wit. -- ' - -T , pcodeccc tol.citcJ. Mills tupped "knocco tjwn ii ,-Ircl- .1 ctorVVd wh.n Awarded' setup.- OUo. Lrerha sad tircu'ars tupLid tpfljr-uon. Pi.ce, .... .1 t M mk tnr ti.tf tim FINAL SKTT1.K.HKM. In tho County Court of Hit Stato of uroRpn ior ino county of Currv, sit tuiR In probate. In tho matter of tho cstnto of E.J. Mnckhn, tlecoiuctI. W. A. Forgy, admSnUtrntor of unitl ctnto,hnving llleil in saiiI court his final ntcount for settlement, showing thatsnul estnto hns been fullv ndiniii isteretl. Notieo is hereby given thnt sjiid Jinnl account will bo heard and determined in said court on MOX. DAY, THE FIFTH DAYOFA1MUL, A. D. ISSO.nt 10 o'clock A.M.,ntwhich time nil persons having any objections to siol linal account and settlement, must then and there make tho tame. Published in the Coabt Mail for four successive weeks, bv order of lion Delos Woodruff, County Judge, Waltkk Sutton, Clerk. ELLENsnvRO, February 21st, 1SS0. 9 SUMMONS, In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon for thocountvof Curry. Mary O. Clmso vs. W. A. Chase, The Port Orford Cedar Co., Bemhanl Kerchoff and Phillip Fisher. Suit in equity to forccloso a mort gage. rno w. a. cir.vsE, the port or- I ford Cedar Company, Bombard kerchoir and Philip Fisher, defend ants. In tho name of the Stato of Oregon you are hereby required to an pear and answer tho romplainton file in the above entitled court and cause, on or before tho first dav of the next regular term of said Court, viz . MON DAY, THE 7TH DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1S0. And you aro hereby notified that if you fail to answer aid com plaint the plaintiff will take a decree apinst you for tho relief in said com plaint demanded, to wit: For the foreclosure of a certain mortgage exe- cuieo oy a. w.i'iiaso.on the LM day of June, 1S"3, in favor of Mary O. Chase, for the sale of the nronertv in said mortgage described, to satisfy the claim of the plaintiff and for further reuei. This summons is published bv or der of Hon. J. F.Watson, dated March 4th, 1SS0, G. Webster, 11-Ct Atty. for Plaintiff. Liyery&Feed Stable, MARSHF1ELD, OG'N. NOBLE BROS., - - - Proprietors Wo have lately built a first-class Stable on Pine street, and havullorstu to hire at all hours. Hauling done at snort notice. E. B. DEAN & CO. E. B. DEAN, D. WILLCOX AND C. II. MERCHANT. We have Always o.v Hand a Full Assortment Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE LUMBBR MANUFACTURED TO ORDER And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. and at tho THE LOWEST LIVING PRICLS -OOOKIJfO OX HXATIXO New Excelsior Oil Stove. Jut tlu Tblaac tor Ufht H-iMk.pli. It will Broil, Xoaat, ani Baka Uttsr than a Cnl of VaodStoTa. Bo4 tor ClrcaUra. AGENTS WANTED. C0LEMAH OA8 APPAEATUS AD OIL CO. Tl Maaaar Br., - - Caieaoo, Iu. The Oraat Ctsr tor DjrrIU, InilfUoa, Bllioas Baadaeha, User Complaint, trr a4 g u, Oatural I I FISHEflS VtUntj, and all ccsnplalDla of Strauach. Uura hplo on tha Iawl7 diacurared prlseli4a of ABSOEPTIOir. Ko Vrof. No Doctor Ellla. SetKl for Circulars, sMcrlb Idc th AUorttloa Care Medicated BELTS. ted th ratolatioa II Is caailog la tha aclaiiM at taU- etna. DrspepsU Belt, 8a. JrVreramaAKU Bait, 8. -AWM.V ., v-.v w --- --, - TbM IWIU lll U Mat to aoj adJraaa frta of poslaff n raealpt of tiW eh, or IIjW far Iufanfe Ualu AGENTS wntel in titry count in tL United 8tatM. Addru, HSHEIl MEDICATED BELT CO. 232 Illinois St., Chicago. Tonle Jsclt, Vs ssaa inwnu oi., m NEWDR IGSTORE, MAIISFJELD, Olt. KEXT DOOR TO MAILOFKICK. LOUIS MUNJIOE, rroprletor. FULL STOCK OF Drugs & Medicines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. niSST Jill AN J) OF CIGAJIH j6SrreBcription Carefully. Com pounded hy Competent rhynician. BAY VIEW BREWERY, ivc-a.R;Sh:fieiijx), oa-ir. Win. Reicher Proprietor Keeps constantly on hniul, ami oflers for snlo n superior nrtielo of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, W1IOLKSAI.K and UI-TAIh. MY BAMS SUIPUED 1172777; CHOICEST UKAXDS 0b WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS ".RANCH SAIXONAT KMIMRK CITY. THE LOCKHART HOTEL, Jfirn. IS. Jr. iMtkhart l'roprletrcs.i Emi'irk City, Oqn. Koseburp & Coos Bay STAGE LINE, ,T. CLOUGJr .0 CO., r-oiwUtor. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Stages will leave Coo City evert day (Sunday excepted) at 7 30 A. M, THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WIM, FIND THIS TO HE CHEAPEST, BESTand QUICKEST OF ALL JIOUTES ROSEBURG OR ANY PART OF THE INTERIOR. CLOSE CONNECTIONS! ADE with tho cars and overland stages at RosobnrR. All business entrusted to our care will bo attended to with promptness and security. ffaS-FAKE REDUCED TO $0.-J Encti passctigcr allowcdSQtii of baggage. For Further particulars enquire of F. SCHETTElt.AKt. Telegraph office, Empire City. OrS. S BAILEY, Blanco Hotel, Marshfielil, Or. 2S MARSIIFIKsLsO Drug Store, DR. C. B. GOLDEN, Puorn. Opposite y,abitrg,n Store. have coxstantly ox HAND, ALL SOHTS OF XDK.TJG-S -AXD- CHEMICALS V WINKS rOlt V MEDICINAL I'UK POSES, xs'srsi-ai'rxrar'sai , TIS.VSSZ1S, BZOIGSlS. TOXIiEIT.AH.rX- btatiowbrt jjvx HCIIOOIiUOOKfl, AISO ClIOICK CIGARS -TOBACCO. andev - iliing usually kept in a iu iical nisrK.ss.tnv. Prescriptions carefully Coni jtoit tided. A-?,-ll E. A. ANDERSON, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, MA15SII FIELD, OH. HAULING DONE AT SIIOItT NO ticc and at very reasonable rates COAL AND WOOD CONSTANTLY OX HAND tg THE CENTRAL HOTEL. Cor. A and Front Sta., Maiibiifielij.Ob. -I PAYING TAKEN CHARGE OF XX the above named house, wo can promise to our patrons, FlrtcInH Fare, Fair Denting And courteous attention. tSTh TRIAL 18 SOLICITED.- OUllllAJl Is w 11 supplied in its line, and is under our personal management. J WEKDEN BROS, Proprietors aasaaiaasBaaaaaMaaaaanssiassaaaBsaaaaBMaaasaaaasi "T. IDevirLe, B00T& SHOE MAKER MAK8HyiELn,00N. wiiixjnoAiiiiKxrfDa OK qtjsto-m: wor( in a thorough manner and uso only tho BEST MATERIAL. JtSyShop on Front Street, opposite the I Pionci r Market. vi-7-ff coos sjrsr M ARRET, MAititsitrn:i.i), okkuon, "iV.Il. Simi'son .1 1). Hou.ANn 1'roprlutora. ISrdl El TA. T S and provisions of all kinds sold at tho lowest living rates and DELIVi:ili:Di.My point d.-slro SUPPLIES rou VESSELS, LOGO INO CAMI'S AND FA Ml I.IKS, ALWAYSJFADY. P3fV?a keep nothing but thelestS?3 and insure satitifaction. l. -1-tf eooa week in your own town. Terms and fi free. Address II. HAM.GTT fc Co. Portland, Maine. EUGENE O'CONNELL DKAt.Ki: I.V 5. STOVES & RANGES,1, 7 A I atest Improved HardwareJools '5 AXU- Implemcn (s. i, GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND AMMUNTIOH. l-a.m:jps & oils WOOD it WILLOWWAUE, Steam, Water Pipe anil Fittings. Gran ite ami flatcd W arcs. MAXUFACTUItKItS OK TIN, COPPER &SHEETIRONYARE. J OH iVOItK rXECUTEit with Dispatch. CSyEXTUAS for Stoves, 1'low.j Mowers and Keapers furnished at short notice. THE PIONEER MARKETS, Maiisiifiei.d a Eiii'iitE Citv. II. I. WHITNEY, I'noi'iiinoB. A good supply of MUTTON, .a CANNED REEF. uh cooes, PORK. ETC TrT?I ET( ETC and all kinds of sALTMEATSan-iVEGETABLES constantly on hand. Also a good stock of oixoomiiiJDs. V E S?K L S LOGGING CAMPS SUPPLIED AT SIIOItT NOTICE lv-Uf HIGHEST HONORS! ana Centennial World's Fair, 78761 ra SHONINQEIt ORGANS bomvsoso caajrnurciLT is m BEST INSTRX7MENTS. Tkatt aeapanUra aiMltanea la rseofaliad by tka Jadu la tlisir llcpors, Uota Ub ti Mlavtag U an aitrsct: "Tk b. inoMiNaER onaAK OO.'Z xUblt th beat Inatrutnenta at prtM rsmlsrlaff tbam poiilbla to laria clssa I porsbaasri.IiarlDg a oombloaUoa ol liasda aaa Kall. VMpAAnrtnif niwtl inA nl&ftlt.w fraMia toBtalalsf maor dsalrabU liaproTemaola, lll Us4 loaiar laitjot damp cflmsla, laaa IlabU U cat out of ordar, all tta boards tislot msMa oxaa- tbara i kraa-plr, pot tofetbsr so It Is Imposalbla for to an Ilhar ahrlnk. avail or auML" TIIH UHLY UUUAM9 AWAUU1CU TJHM BANK. This Usda and Award u traaUd after tba aos I Mrara compatltloo of tba bast msssra, kstora enaot tta aaoat eotuptat JasU Tar asasmllsd. afair BtlUs anil prion Juat Isao4, which an la aoeofdanc with our rnia, tba UKMT Ott SAN fcr tba laaat moatf, Y art prepared to appoint few new Agent. Clnstrataa OftUlofnes mailed, post-paid, oa application f 0, SHONINGER ORGAN CO., I i us CHEsnTtrr smuaT, , . -llm Usris, Oonr. 11 U 8 1 N B H H 0 A II 1) 8. T.0. MACK ICY, SI. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Kmi'iiii: ClI'V. OlIIMION. C. II. aOI.DKN.M.I). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON M MisiiriKi.n, Oiukiox. C. W.'aWlSK.sM. P. PHYSICIAN&SURGEON MAiiHiirini.it, OimooM. W.C ANHKUM. I). PHYSICIAN am. SURGEON Vail II llli' Vitth Ofn. S. It Uaaimi, ..I V llA.MII.r0N II-NZVItl) .v IIAMl'l.TON'. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will practice in the unions cuiiitt of the Male. OITUT. AT KMI'IIU: CITY, OciS. j. nyn. sia-LiJsr. ATTORNEY A COUNSELLOR AT LAW. MAKsiim:. M.ciur.uiiN CJ. WKIISTKll, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW MAiisitnr.t.ii, ()iii:(io. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, M)T.lllVrrilLHU,OMI-;V.l.TEII, HMI'lIti: (Hi, OI.N. Collections nnd otlu-r lmsiuess plilccl in inv hands, will receiu prompt nttcu lion." . l-:i-tf V. I', WHUJIIT, IF. .'. Mineral anil IT, S. Prputj K U K V I von, CoQvu.i.K City, Og.v. Will attend to tho ImsiiKVs of aiirveylug in anv part of the coimtv. l''rlcct uinpsiJall mirvfyed hinds, fur msht'dat shortliotiiC- r. (;. c i: i i) u o n , ATTORNEY ami I'OUSSELUlR AT LAW, iumi'i n in ot.m v, o iijiiooiv hare i-ulilii imtioimue i rrmn'i t mil) eel .' i :ttin lUAllNHll'llilliD ACAD IE3 JMCTZ" M viisiinci n Oiiiroov. Thi" liistitiititinn now alfords the !'! facilitieM (or education to be found in the Coasi Itigtiin of Southern (irt'Knii. Tin Academy is yrailn.iteil into tliree depart ments as follows: The I'riiiKii'if Department In which Introductory Itrauches are taught, The Junior Depart in nit. Embracing Orthography, Heading, 'Vriting, Onitmnar, (!eogm'ihy, History, Physiology, I'uimliiir Scieiico und Men tal'and Practical Arilhmetic. The Senior Department Embracing Hook-kccplngsinglo and double entry)ltotany, C'heniistry, Politi cal Econumy, Latin, Hhetorici !ligh( Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigo noinetry and surveying. M isw. Instniction iu this branch is given when desinil lloAiiiicau be had for from (.'I to $1 per week with private families, and for still less hense end students club to gether and board themselves. TliltMS. Primary Department - - - - ft.OO Junior . . .... 7) Senior . . .... moo J. T. McCoiimac, Principal. vI-3-tf. 7si a week. JlL'a day at home easi ly made. Costly outllt free. Address Tni'K fi Co. Augusta, Maine. Egnal to Any. Ezcelleil ly None. T1IIG Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. TOaaufocturtxl at Wrctor, Plaaa, ALL IW107rUII3 ir any value may U faux) la these Instruments, ar.d Ihcy conuui many IBSKNTIAL improvbmbnti H9T KUMC la ether Organs. Aiming to produoowork whloh ahnll h Durable, wo will not morinoo that whloh la not noon, nnd yet la vital to n perfeot Oraan, In order to mnke n more ranoy We are still enabled lo present at Styllih ami Aiiproprhtto Casei as can be found In the mallet, with a finish which U lllluUlibyeny, AS ROQAROS TONS, Till rOlLOWINO Award Willi Hcdal & Diploma of Honor WAI CRAMT1D PV Till CIHTIKniAL EZHI0ITI0N COMMISSIONERS l ''fsrlHtrscrlaWsrlmaailli.r.iKiBiii, ri'lrlliii 1IIUUICI OF I0U, talMrmllr la fswir id4 Uwrsl itlllli la BKbukal ifpllancea fur lai earyem litniiit." Do not fail lo mslco apiJicatloa and XAUINU TUBUS IWBTftUMKNTS llefoie I'urchaiing, Catalegutt fice, en .j.icUon to the Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WOHGESTER, MABS. r.1 ii'jo jar day at home. faiiiiIoi orlo 5 free. Adilieiw hJiiNsiON' fi Co. Poithind, .M.ilnc. aSBgaavw NASBURG & HIRST, Fiiosr STitistiT, Maiihiifii:iU oasr. JVTF.W (lOOI)H lTvTjVKUYBTBAM. i erikeepconvlautly m mi 1 i . our largo and ciiiuiiioiUoun store a noil seiecietl BIlH'k 01 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, cousitslug of Hut best staple nnd fnilcy r)R"Y- Q'OODS, of nil kinds, tho ehoieeHl GROCERIES PROVISIONS. a i.aiku: tmx k ov iMsOTIIINtJ, MATS and CAPS, HOOTS iin.l SMOICS. KUIJHKItS ami Oil, CI.OTI hff SLIl'IMCKS ami Oil. CI.OTII ' (MJOCK'ICKY and (SI.ASS WAUK.IIAIIDWAIUC ami TOOLS, Cigara and Tobacco, I'Mlnls, (Mis mill iit'tilsliis, Chnlce Wines ami Mipmrs, Tliiuare ami Ammunition. vm.EiiY. wood ,ini U'll.UnVWAHE.nnd r3c"tLool Bootes STATIONERY. ll-UltNlaiJIINO OOOUN jvrMi iionijuhv Our extrusive show canes are filled wish the finest MILLINERY ANDFANCY GOODS, PKK'KS TO SI' IT Till-: T1MICS. N. 11. All goods piiiehnsed at our Storeuill lie deliveted frcu ol charge at any point on the route of tho Uoaiiier Myrtle. l-l-tf i'OV'.N MAltltr.lt MlOf. ix riiu.NTui' tin: ri:sriiAt. norr.u MiirshlK-ld, ou If you want uneasy share, it good iih barlior ever gave, lust e.tll on me at iu saloon, From morn 'lill night r lmy noon ; My razors' sharp, my scissors' keen. My shop is neat ami "towels clean And there I think that you will find I'aeh article to suit the mind ; I trim tin; hair with nkill for gents, (If course the price is fifty cents , Miiimpoomg, too, do that well, tio me a trial, that will tell ; -s holpme gr.icious if I make you hoi- ier, You need not pay a quarter of a dollar. J V. Cox.l'ropr. P H Hot ami cold baths alwavs ready II lstf COOS 15 V FURNITURE STORE, C'o.VhTANTI V O.V HAND Mattel'!: 0 Iteilnteailn, Vhalr. P l.itiniiie. Crib ,t Craillen, pirrutr.s, frames, moitloings, TARI.ES, MIRRORS Ac. ii lliiK-rooin I'n rutin m Made to Order. Vf) I'FISS made at shortest notice. SEWING MACHINES Attaciimknts, Nki:di.i:h Ae. V. MARK, lvltf Puoi'iinrroii. The New Market. ROMS A. TIM. M HUMAN Would aiiiioiince to the public thai their new market OPPOSITKTIIICfMCNTRAMIOTKf, in sow i,i:vkii ANDTIIKYARKI'RKPARKDto.SI'M. Al.l. KIMIH Ol' HI;i:F PORK fi MIUTSof AI.I.KrNDS P R 0 V I S 1 0 nV A NO V EGETABLES VESSELS awl LOCCISO CAMPS SUPPLIED. tfy"PRici:s down totiik ni:i)? 60 P.Ot'K NEW HOME Sewing Machines ji'st rixm:ivi:i) rystamkri nut ham: AT REDUCED RATES, BY IIK.VRYO. PLOKflHR, I). Morno'M Kmplro City. W. G. WRBHTJSJi, .BooTs Shoes Ami l.ritllter IlnlInK. MAiiHiirin.n, On. 1 1 1 A V K LA 'YVa7 R KT 1 1 ft N '' ' J from Han FrauciHco with a coui' )leto ntock of every thing in my l' ready made bootHiiud hIioch, etc BST MATERIAL NLY USED, FARM FOR SALE, 4 HMAIils FARM HITUATKDON i the bank of tho Coquillo Rlvor containing L'8 acie , RICH BOTTOM LAND, , With Hoiiho and Orohaid. (' ',G Rented at a Reasonable Kate. For imilli'iilni-ai apply to lliiMiiv Hr.Kr.KiiN, Ktnpiio Uily, Oi('K"ii SjliTiJTI'eujTi w i i 'atfig'i'i'i'ijiMMBBHBBH wwiwrw-j. - -;-i-,sZrXLih?iiiMiMMim