The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 27, 1880, Image 1

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    Th Ooasb Mail.
Murshflold, Coos Co., Or.
Terms, In Atlvnnce.
Ono year -Ki.x
inontliH -Tlueo
inoiitlin -
$2 no
i no
1 oo
.S7nr of Oregon.
Governor, W.W. Thayer
Kecn'lury of Stale, It. P. Hnrlmrt
Tivnsuier, K. Nursh
Supt. Public Schools, J. L. Powell
2d JmUcfaMMrlet.
.lodge, J. F. Watson
Disliict Attorney, 8. II. llaartl
Coos (Jounlif.
County Judge,
.1. II. Nosier
J.lohn Ivenjon
Ml. 0. Dement
. (1. Aiken
Heboid Supuriiitomluiit,
Alex. Htutitr
1). Moiso.Jr
Jollll l.lllll)
.1. F. Mooie
Curry Conn'y.
Cminlj Judge,
l)ol oh Womlnifl'
P. Hughes
A. II. Moore
Walter Kuttou
A. M. Gillespie
M. It Cilixon
Thos. Cunningham
School Supt.,
'I'l'llIlM Of Oll'I'UUI'llt'tl .11 VU.
Nothing could Imvo been kinder
fur example, limn the actufSir Wal
ti r Srott, writing out sermons for n
young aspirant to llio Seottisli min
ihtiy, whoso atato of nervo inaile
him unable to grapple with tlic task
juul satisfy his Presbytery. Simi
lar, though quite in a different
hplnTc, was the kindnesH shown hy
Yinet, at Lausanne, to a peasant
woman who invaded hi1) solitude
.iti Sunday morning. Overcome)
I j toil and illness, Vinci had been
bilged to forbid lho visits of utran
cru, and Hit family wcro guarding
him with all possible care. The
Ionian was an intelligent, (lod-fear-iug
peasant, who hail never succeed
ed in getting real for her spirit ; hut
having fallen in with ono of Vinci's
books, ?he was persuaded that if
dio could only seo him, ho would be
able to givo her the needed guidance.
With much difliulty -hc got adniis
niou to hitt room. We can fancy
the anxious relatives enjoining her
to detain him na nliort a time as
possible. Hut Vinot, when he heard
Jar htory, wiih profoundly interested,
anil spent tho whole day with her
up to tho hour of tho hist stage
toaih. The account which the
woman gave to her own publor.on
i..fnnim.T iiiternstiiiL'.
' Well," said the pastor, "have you
ween him?" "Yes," sho replied,
and at last I have found ono who
has humbled inc." "Humble you!
M Vinctis not tho man to humble
any one." "Yes. humbled me, and
humbled me profoundly. In con
tact with his humility and goodness
I felt all my pride givo way." Then
fdie told how thoroughly ho compre
hended her cum;. How patiently
ho spent tho whole day with her,
and in such a homely way that sho
felt as if he wua her brother. A few
lays after, Vinot sent her a hook
newly published, as if sho had been
one of his chosen friends. Macmil
lau'tj Magazine.
Initial Slioollnu.
From Mr. Chan. 13. Wolvorton,
pays tho "Kivcrsido," wo learn of a
fatal shooting scrape which occur
icd at Albany on Monday evening
last. It appears Hint ono Charles
Taylor, whom our town peoplol will
remember as lho man who jumped
his fine and escaped from our town
Mime two or thieo weeks since, and
while being intoxicated accused one
Frank Wheeler of improper intima
cy with his (Taylor's) wife. Wheel
er denied the charge, hut Taylor at
tacked him and Wheeler retreated,
e "I rr
Taylor following until they ran onco
or twico around tho saloon in which
they wen: when Wheeler drew a
pistol and shot Taylor, tho ball tak
ing effect in Taylor'w shoulder,
knocking him to tho iloor. Ho
quickly sprung to his feet and re
newed tho attack, when Wheeler
iigain retreated, and again fired, tho
hall this time sinking Taylor near
tho center of lho throat, and ranging
downwind and hark ward lodged in
his spine; causing death almost in
stantly. If tho facts prove lo bo as
Mr. Wolvcitnn lioaid them, it would
appear that Mr, Whcolur acted in
pelf defense; hut our iufoimanf
could only givo tho story as ho heard
it on tho slieet, and di'd not know
what the evidence would bo on pro
liininniy onuniiiui'iou.
Vol. S.
wuittks ron tiii: coart mail.
r OiM'pui'i Nwutlinrii Count.
numiii:h xr.
jounsAi. or i.. i.. wilmamb ccnti.v
i;i: ruoM last wi:i:k.
The mountains were rough, rugged,
heavy timliureil, thick, brunliy. and
much cut up by canyons and deep
gorges, making progress very slow
and tedious the men gradually be
coming weaker, and unfortunately no
one but myself made any effort what
ever at hunting. Occasionally a deer
was killed, which would furnish but
one scanty meal : and at last, the game
seemed to entirely forsake tho path of
the expedition. Tho men were so far
reduced that they were desirous of
killing a horse for food, but wcro ob
stinately refused thut privilege. At
length, about the middle of tho after
noon one pleasant autumnal day, two
of the men, Kyan and Murphy, who
had remained faithful to the expedi
tion, entirely failed and lay down up
on the ground, declaring it to bo im
possible foi thorn, in their weakness,
to gci any farther without food, which
wo all stood so much in need of.
Camp was necessarily madeatonce,
and after resting for a limo it was de
termined that all who wore able to go
out and hunt should make ono more
desperate eifort to secure a supply of
game, and il unsuccessful, upon our
retuin to camp wo would kill a horse
for food, regardless of opposition or
what tho conqitonces might be. A
ew elk tracks bad been seen just as
wo pitched camp, and besides this, no
gaiiio nor indication of any had been
scon for several days. Our prospects
were not very llatteiiug, only two of
tho men besides myself being able to
go: tho remainder lay down upon
the ground to rest their weary limbs
and await further developments. I
was pixsesscd of a strong physical
constitution, had been much accus
tomed to frontier life and porhaps bet
ter able to enduro the privations and
hardships than any other member of
the company I set out myself, in tho
direction which appeared tho most
favorable for gamu, pointing out to
each of the others a different direction,
each admonishing tho other to take
good aim in case gamu should bo mot
w ith. I presume 1 remained olV about
three quarters ol a milo from camp,
moving slowly and cautiously, look
ing anxiously into every thicket and
nvino for game, somewhat hopeful,
lor ii luw newly man- cue iracksnati
been noticed, when suddenly rapid
firing was opened by ono of tho men
and shoitly after by tho other in a dif
ferent direction. I halted to listen to
tho music ; and il is impossible for
another to conceive with what joy
and pleasure I listened to the echo of
thoso rilles as they reverberated
through tho mountains and canyons,
each shot being a pleasant, and I
thought, an almost certain reminder
of gamo being secured, nnd of the
grand feast that would immediately
follow. Somo twelve or fourteun
shots weio tired, which indicatod that
a quantity of gamo Hud been met
with, and that at least tempoiary re
lief was at bad. With full confidence
in the icstiUand perfectly indill'eient
as to tho future, I at onco set out for
camp. Somo little time after tho fir
ing had ceased, a singlo Bhot from
camp was heard, which I readily in
terpreted to bo a signal for mo to re
turn. I had not walked far boforo 1
noticed a few sprigs of very fine sala
beriies, and placing my rjllobya tree,
I commenced picking tho little clus
ters from tho low bushes. I was soon
Mai tied by tho snort of an elk, and
looking up, thoro stood, not fifteen
stops away, two of thoso magnificent
nniinals and my rillo somo distance
oil'. I crawled along upon my hands
mid knees to whore it was, picked it
up nml shot down tho lineal of tho
two animals, tho other trotting off
leisurely into tho thick timber out of
sight, Believing that my comrades
had seemed all tho gamo necessary
for piescnt uso, much nearer camp, 1
left tho hneo nnininl whero ho had
fallen, and wended my way to join
my companions at tho camp firo.
Tho other two hunters had leturn
cd : and instead of bright and cheer
ful faces as I expected to sco, ovory
thinn annoarod iilooiny. Each ono
had found a band of oik, crippled a
few, but all had got away. Afterward
one of tho mon, ns ho neared camp,
hud shot a wooibiat,un animal scarce
ly linger than a chipmuck, which
they had neatly diessed and cut up
into ten peices, but had refused to eat
until all wcro piescnt. llyan, Hol
land, and Murphy, who were exhaust
ed when wo made cuinp, after learn
ing that the others hud failed, wcro
I somewhat hopeful when they heaid
Mm rniuirt. nf in V rille. but sccilll! 1110
como iii with no gamo they sank back
upon tho ground with a groan of dis
pair. No questions wcro asked, and
each man roasted and eagerly devour
ed his morsel of wood-rat in silence,
and when subsequently informed
that I bad been fortunate enough to
kill an elk, a mora sudden transition
from gloom and sorrow to merriment
and enthusiasm, was seldom witnessed
by mortal man. Three as hearty
cheers as half-famished mon could
raise, invoke tho echoes of those moun
tains, and all wascoinnlotion in camp.
Even Holland, llyan, and Murphy,
two of whom bad actually given out
during tho day, really moved about
livelier than I could possibly have
dono ; yet thoso very men, unaccus
tomed lo hardships and mountain
life, would probably have died at that
camp in despair, had it not been for
tho superhuman efforts of others who
were as weak and cmanciatcd as they,
but porhaps not quite as easily dis
couraged. All hands wero active, nnd
tho dead elk was soon dressed, and
with the aid of the horses every part
of the meat was carried to camp. A
lot of hungry men, upon suddenly re
ceiving an abundant supply of gamo,
often presents a very interesting spec
tacle, and our camp on this occasion
was no exception to tho rule, and
might have been of interest to any
ono who was not accustomed to wild
life. Tho cutting up nnd roasting
meat was commenced with great vig
or, and largo slices wcro held in the
bund for a moment before tho blazing
firo and then greedily devoured, the
men commenting freely upon the im
proved manner of cooking fat steak.
All wore n smiling countenance, and
cheerful soiigs nnd laughable stories
wero the order of the evening.
For a few nights past, only a single
sentinel had been kept on duty dur
ing the night, and by this arrange
ment tho men came on guard every
third night. It was my place to take
tho middle watch this night, and
therefore, eating as heartily ns I de
sired, or as any prudent person would,
I lay down to obtain a littlo sleep,
lea vug my liely companions around
the fire, enjoying the marrow lon-s
and fat ribs to their fullest sttisfaction.
I was awakened at 11 o'clock to go
on guard, and arose and found nil the
men nnted around tho firo roasting
and eating, and as gaily as men ever
are. 1 went on post and at tho end of
three hours was relieved, and joined
tho jovial fellows at tho fire, frequently
cautioning against eating too much,
but was onl) answered that such good
meat could never injure a half starved
man. At three o'clock in tho morn
ing I again rolled myself in my blank
et and turned in and did not awake
until after daylight, when I found over
half of tho men as jolly as over, still
occupying their places around tho lire)
roasting meat and eating at their lois
uro. It had been thought best to eat
the bony meat and thoso parts unfit
for drying, and that tho remainder bo
jorked for future use. In order to do
thN. it became necessary to stay over
one day at this camp ; and whon ready
to sot out next morning, all tho meat
remaining from tho elk (which would
hnvo weighed at loast COO pound)
could have been tied up in a singlo
pockot handkerchief, whilo every bone
had been picked and broken, and oven
tho marrow extracted and eaten. Tho
mon wero now in an excollont condi
tion lollo in camp, and wcro no more
fit to trnvol thnn before They wcro
filled to satiety, and wero as weak as
ever I felt so and thoothors appear
ed the samo.
(To be continued )
Postmastku Oonoral Key said that
ho intends to postpone action of tho
report of his department ollichils con
cerning Wolls, Fargo it Co.'s letter
carrying businoss until ho obtainod
'ho views of Pacific coast congress
ional delegations on tho subject, and
that he will also wait to hear argu
ments of any persons who may wish
to come horo within a reasonable time
to pieseut them. Cidifornians in
Washington uro of tho impression
that tho Postmaster-gouoral will not
cut oil' this sorvico as recommended
by tho commission, but that ho will
content himself with making a regu
lation to insure tho proper collection
hereafter of tho full amount of post-
ago. m
Dkmockats aro much concerned
over tho patty in Virginia, whero ro
adjustment threatens to lose them tho
State. One prominent and life-long
Doinociat at a meeting of lho State
Central Coini'nitteo said that ho would
suppoi t (I rant rather than Tildou, and
other members endorsed this an
nouncement, und another suid that he
would support Grunt in profeienco to
several pioniinently mentioned Dem
ocratic candidates.
A CurloiiH Cloclf.
For tho last seventeen years a gen
tlemen of this city has been engaged
in the construction of a curious clock,
which ho expects to havo completed
by tho first of next January. A rep
resentative ot this paper uccidently
canio across it lho other day, and
was kindly given the following des
cription of it by tho inventor, who ex
acted a promise that his name should
not be given to tho public at the pres
ent time.
It consists of sixty-five automatic
figures and workmen. The base rep
resents a hill of stone upon which is
a largo structure. To tho left is a
beer garden with beer on draught,
which one figuro occasionally draws
and passes to another near by.
Two moro figures, a lady and a gen
tleman, are seated beneath a trco in
the attitudo of lovers. The lady is
reading, and at intervals turns her
head toward her companion as if for
his approval,
Tho next representation is an old
fashioned linseed oil mill. Hero are
workmen engaged in various parts of
tho business. One carries a largo ves
sel and empties it into tho hoppers
to bo pressed by the stampers. On the
outside is a carpenter, hatchet in
hand, who ascends a ladder in a per
fectly natural manner, stopping when
half way up, as it to look over the
mill to sec that all is right.
Adjoining this is a blacksmith shop,
in the back ground of which arc work
men heating iron, who change the
piece after allowing it to heat. A man
is also engaged in shoeing a horse, and
strikes his first blow gently : he grad
ually increases them until the last one
is n strong one, calculated to drive
tho nnil homo. Another is nt the an
vil, and occasionally rests when his
wife brings him somo rcfrcshmunts.
A fountain plays near by and in a
small summer house, where a profes
sor is reading, and when he becomes
excited over some passage, he raises
his hand and brings it down upon the
page in an excited emphatic manner.
Helow is a workman engaged in split
ting stone. Ho strikes rcpeted blows
upon a wedge until tho slone cracks,
falls away and then replaces itself.
Above tho blacksmith shop is a saw
mill, where a log is being sawed.
When tho end is reached the boards
are taken away and the fiumo replaced.
Still above this is ft shoo factory,
whero a half a do7cn men and women
arc engaged in the different duties re
quisite for the manufacture of shoes.
One is waxing, another is cutting out,
another is pegging, another sewing,
aiubstill another beveling.
Over the linseed mill is the grist mill.
In front is a miller dressing ft stone;
another comes out in tho room and
empties a largo vessel into the hopper.
As the flour is ground and tho bags
accumilate u man carries them away.
A largo elevator-bucket carries up
tho wheat nnd dumps it into a bin,
making but ono ascent to the before
inontioncd man's two. To the left is
a dwelling house ; in the kitchen a ser
vant is at work, who passes about in
sido and out to attend to her duties.
Upon the top is tho rcsidenco of the
owner of tho respective mills. Hero
visitors occasionally call, with whom
tho mistress shakes hands and talks
about her neighbors. Tho clock piop
er ciowns tho whole structure, it is in
all about fivo feet in length and four
feet high. Kach figuro has a dillorcnt
motion, and somo havo two motions,
requiring very complex machinery to
run tho wholo. Two buckets of wa
ter furnish an unending supply of pow
er, us it is Ubed over and over again.
Tho saw and grist mill mo run by this
water falling on nn over-shot wheel
Thence the water falls on another
wheel, which runs tho linseed mill.
Tho water and all is kept in motion by
an eighty nine and a half pound
woight. It is truly a work of art, and
over boventeon years wero occupied
in its construction. ilWooiui (i.)
A Si:attu: dispatch dated March
17, suys: Since tho ariival of tho
steamship Dakota, Monday cvoniug
lust, tho city bus been flooded with
counterfoil standard and trade silver
dollars. For two days tho police have
beon engaged in tracing the matter
up, and us result of their investiga
tions, a strungor by tho namo of Jus,
McGrath who arrived on tho Jhikotn
from San Fiuneisco on Monday, nnd
a man named William llcibert, a
boilorninker by trade, wero ni rested
this evening. In tho possession of
tho former wero found flfteon dollars
which aro u very nico iniitntion of
the genuino, being dono up separate
lv in tbsue paper. In tho possesion
of tho hitter only tho sum of two or
three dollurs was lounu, ami muica
lions are tnui no win uo cieauu. .,.,..- ti.:a voar bo creator
Examination is in progress in thel-oumO " Joar :"" 00 Brciner
police i-xiit tliueoun tthanever before. veiHunir
Mutilation of Coin.
Tho most careless of persons can
scarcely perceive tho great increase
in tho number of defaced and mutil
ated silver coins in circulation dur
ing the past few months. So rapidly
has the evil grown that at the pres
ent time, in tho opinion of tho finan
cial expert, quite ono third of tho sil
ver coin that has been in circulation
for any considerable period of time
bears some cvidenco of mutilation. It
is believed by the government officers,
to whoso attention tho subject has
boon called, that a class of unprinci
pled persons small tradesmen and
others are systematically in the hab
it of cutting small pieces out of the
coins of larger denomination, nnd sell
ing tho fragments thus obtained by
weight to manufacturing jewelers.
Hefore the practice had grown to its
present proportions it was noticed
that those engaged in it seemed to
confine their operations to boring
holes in the qunrtcrs and fifty cent
pieces, but of late they have grown
more bold, and now an immense num
ber of coins of those denominations
aro in circulation from which silver
has been removed in tho form of a "v"
or triangle, the cutting having evi
dently been performed by a punch or
machine. Tho government officers
have had great difficulty in trying to
find out tho depredators, and thus far
have been unsuccessful. Meanwhile
the despoiling of the currency shows
no signs of decrease. The law on the
subject is lo bo found in section 5,459
of the revised statutes of the United
Slates, which reads as : follows :
Every person who fraudulently, by
any art, way or means, defaces, mu
tilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies,
scales or lightens the gold and silver
coins which have been or which may
hereafter be coined at the mints of tho
United States, or any foreign gold
nnd silver whielf aro by law made
current or are in actual use and circu
lation ns money within tho United
States, shall be imprisoned not more
than two years, and lined not more
than ?2,()00.
"This law," said Assistant United
States District Attorney William T.
Fiero to a Herald reporter yesterday,
"should bo changed." Tho word
"fraudulent" in the statute has been
the means of defeating tho punish
ment of the malefactors. The law
should be so changed a3 to make the
offense a finable one. Then detection
would bo easy nnd the infliction of the
penalty swift and certain. This would
speedily put an end to tho business.
It has been a common practice for
many well meaning persons to punch
a hole in a gold or silver coin and
then wtarthe latter as a watch charm
necklace, armlet, or oven as an orna
ment on a dog collar. In course of
timo these coins are detached nnd pass
into circulation. Were tho offenso one
punishable by fine tho practice would
cease. I havo been anxious to got a
case where a tradesman or other per
son has been in tho habit of defacing
coin. If tho fact could be established,
I have no doubt conviction would fol
low. With the law as il stands there
seems very littlo prospect of putting a
complete stop to tho evil complained
of." A'cw 1'orfc -Hemif.
I'lrc nt Oolilcutlalc, XV. T.
A correspondent of tho Bee, writing
from Goldendalo, Washington Terri
tory, under date of March ICth, says :
Afiio broko out this morning at 2
o'clock, totally destroying tho one-
story franio building and contonts be
longing to L. W. Grafl" it Co., of this
place. Loss of building and stock on
hand belonging to Grafi'ife Co., $4,000
to $r000. Insured for one $1,000 in
tho Now Zealand Insurance Compa.
nv. Mr. Van. Allstyne losos about
$1,500 in stock, which was in tho store
house preparatory to opening out in
a few days a gonoral grocery and con
fectionery storo. He also lost all his
household goods and clothing, valued
at $1,000 to $1,200. Tho building,
belonging to Thomas Freemnn, of
Portland, had a narrow escapo from
destruction at tho samo timo. This
building has just been completed, and
was to bo occupied by Mr. Van All
styno. Tho prompt energy and as
aistancoof tho citizens saved tho city
from destruction.
Vandemui.t University, at Nash
ville, Toini., graduated ono hundred
nnd thirty-thrco doctors of medicine
last week, These, added to tho
graduates of tho Now York Medical
Collego, muko a total of four hun
dred new doctors inndo within tho
past month. Can it bo that these
colleges are trying to havo tho pre
diction that tho modality of the
188Q. 3Mo. 13.
Mr. Fltch'o DlataoBdt.
News of tho present whereabouts of
the magnificent diamond necklace,
which was piescnted by tho Khedive
of Egypt to Mrs. Fitch, daughter of
General Sherman, seems to have been
obtained from a diamond merchant
by the Cincinnati Enquirer. It will
be remembered that this necklace was
deemed worth $200,000, and Congress
remitted the duties, 20,000, for the
non-payment of which it was long de
tained in the New York Custom
House. " Aftcrlthis," says the infor
mant, "the necklace was sent to
Washington, and with Gen. Sher
man's sword, deposited in the United
Stales Treasury for safe keeping
Upon further inquiry, Lieutenant
Fitch ascertained that the yearly
taxes on the diamonds in St. Louis
county, where he then resided, would
bo much more then hit salary, and he
once more found them an clcphaut on
his hands. His father-in-law, Gen.
Sherman, took pity on the boy, and
returned the necklace, with thanks,
to tho donor in Egypt. Upon receiv
ing them, the Khedive wrote to the
General saying that it was not his
desire that the diamonds should be
given to any one mcmber.of his fami
ly, and having learned that he had
four daughters, if was his wish then
that the diamonds should bo mounted
in sets, and divited equally between
them. These daughters are Mrs.
Fitch, nee Minnie Sherman, Ella
Sherman, Lizzie Sherman and Rachel
Sherman. The nccklaco was then
returned to the Sherman family, and
mounted in four magnificent pen
dants, four pairs of splendid solitaire
earings and eight rings. These four
ladies arc now tho happy posscssoss
of four complete suits of diamonds,
the value of each suit being at least
$75,000. This makes each of them
rich in her own right through the
generosity of Egypt's late ruler."
Where the ScrIptnrcCame to
His Hcfccue.
During yesterday morning's biting
cold a couple of ragged urchins stroll
ed into a Chapel street restaurant and
stood around the tables in an out-of-plnce
sort of way, with their benumb
ed fingers buried deep in the depths
of the trousers pockets.
"Well, boys, what's wanted!" in
quired he of the white apron.
"What kind o pie you got?"
" Teach, apple, mince, custard, lem
on and squash."
"Call it squash Tim," said tho hun
griest looking boy to the other.
"I'll take a pieco of squash," aud a
triangular quarter wns passed over the
"Now give a fellow a, show, Tim,"
and tho great wistful eyes looked vol
umes of anxiety as Tim's mouth shut
down over the point of the squashy
"What you givin usT Didn't I al
ways give you a show? Take a bite,"
and another mouth shut down on the
pic, and, alternating bites' tho two
wagged their jaws in unison until it
was all gone all but ono bite.
"Now don't be mean, Tim. You
had tho first bite ; give mo the last."-
"I heard that Sunday School dufler
say last Sunday that thejfirst shall
be the last,' and I bclievo bo's right,"
and away went the last vestige of
crust, and the two strolled out on the
walk together, having placed one
pieco of squash pie whore it would do
the most good in two places. New
Haven Regitter.
A Church Rebuked. Thero are
churches, wo don't think they are nu
merous, whloh forgot "to entertain
Btrangers." A church of this inhos-
pitablo oharaotor once reoolved a se
vere rebuke from Mr. Seward whilo
ho w ns Governor of tho State of
New York. Ono Sunday morning,
whilo visiting Now York City, ho
entored, aooompanied by sovcral of
his stuff, nn Episcopal church on
Broadway. Tho church was pretty
full, and no ono offered tho party a
seat. Walking slowly down tho main
aisle, followed by his staff, every pew
was found to bo either filled, or so pre
senting tho owner's back as to object
to a stranger's intrusion. The Gov
ernor finally oamo to tho chancel,
whero nn open door in tho rear wall
admitted him into tho churchyard.
Tho party determined to return to tho
betel, when suddenly appeared war
dens and vestrymen. Trofuse ppolo
gica wero mado. If tho pew openers
Lhad known that the chiof magistrate of
tho State, etc., etc.
Hut Mr. Seward very politely declin
ed to reenter tho inhospitablo church,
saying that he had no desire to wor
ship in 0 church which had a seat for
ti Ciovernoi nnd none for a stranger.
The Coast Mail.
axjX Xjx-vrm lastrxa.
The Development of our Mines, tho
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
road communication with tho Interior,
The HoUoIm Ho n Man or
Tho tribes of Central Africa, all
along tho Livingstone river, from Ny
angwe to the cataracts, declared the
Soko to bo a monkey, and as such
hunted it and ate it. They hunted
and ate men, too, it is true, but then
they distinguish the ono from tho
other, and never mistook men for
monkeys. Mr. Stanley, however,
brought home the skulls of two "So
kos," which had been eaten by an af
fable chief with whom he bad fore
gathered one day, and Frof. Huxley
at once pronounced them to bo hu
man. Was Africa in a conspiracy to
play ofl" a practical joke upon the ex
plorer, or is European science wrong
in its differentiation of man and ape?
The gorilla has long been degraded to
its proper rank, and the "mun of Sind"
turned out to be no nearer a man than
a bear. But Central America has
come forward with the Susumcta, and
so far as descriptions go, this animal,
or person, would appear to como as
near ourselves as the Soko, for tlic
other natives of the forests, whom wo
call men and women, call the Susu
mcta human. Mr. Auguste, of Cay,
avers that he saw one killed, and has
nevei been able to shake ofT the idea
that homicide was committed, adding
that the animal was as much human
as himself. London Telegraph.
Somo Corn in Illinois.
The corn crop of the single State ot
Illinois for the year 1879 is reported
to be 305,813,377 bushcls.and estimated
to be worth $97,483,052,or about 31
cents per bushel. It is difficult for the
mind to take in the full magnitude of
these figures. Here are some calcu
lations that will help the conception :
Load this corn upon wagons, 40 bush
els to the load, and start them off on
the road so near together that thero
shall be 100 teams in every mile.
The line of wagons carrying this one
crop of Illinois corn would stretch
away 70,453 miles, or more than three
times around the world ! Again :
Load this crop upon railway freight
cars, 2S5 bushels or about S tons to
the car, and make up these cars into a
continuous freight train, allowing 30
feet of track to each car. The train
would extend 0,030 miles, or nearly
twice across tlic continent, from the
Atlantic to tho Pacific Oceans! Again
Suppjse we put this corn crop into a
square bin 20 feet deep. Let the arith
metical young readers of the Ameri'
can Agriculturist reckon how large
this bin would be each way. Also,
how many acres it would cover. Also,
how many-pounds of pork it would
make if given to pigs weighing 100 lbs.
each when they begin feeding upon
Hie com, and 250 lbs. when killed for
A con-
temporary says how this may bo
done: "Take a polished metalic
surface of two feet or more with a
straight edge a large handsaw will
answer the purpose. Take a;vindy
day whether hot or cold, clear or
cloudy only let it not rain or tho
air be murky ; in other words let the
air bo dry and clear, but this is not
essential. Hold your mctallio sur
face at righ1. angles to the direction
of tho wind -i. e., if tho wind is
north, hold your surface east and
west: but instead of holding tho
surfaco vertical inclino it about forty
five degrees to the horizon, so that
tho wind striking glances and flows
overthe-edge (keoping it straight)
as water flows over a dam, Now
sight carefully over tho edge at somo
minute und sharply dofined objeot,
and you will see the ajr flow over as
water flows over a dam."
A late dispatch from tho city of
Mexico says Gen. Grant arrived at Pue
blaon tho 9th, and was saluted by a
salvo of artillery. Tho dopot was dec
orated and crowded with people.
Gen, Grant was met by a government
oommlttee from the city council.
Grant answered tho welcome of tho
committee in a few appropriate words
and was esoorted to the palace by Sr,
Do La Hidalgo, several bands of mil
?io and a procession. Two bands
played till alalo hour beforo the pal
ace. uen. urant visueu mo uoveruor
of tho State this morning.
A San Fuascisco dispatch of tho
10th, says: Tho police judge this
morning sentenced Dennis Kearney
to six months' imprisonment in tho
house of correction, and to pay ono
thousand dollars fine. Tho magni
tude of tho sontenco w3 a surprise to
Kearney, who had oxpeoted to get Q1'
with a nominal punishment. It is
probable he will take the caso to tho
Supremo Court on habeas, corpus.