a The Oonsfc Mail. H UTIUUY, MAUCII cn, im ltl.I-1'lll.irAX STATE CONVENTION. ' . l'rwU lender of Urn KnglMi ' Mlxrfll pnrty, was tmvoling in thi.s Itcpuhllritn Corn-cut ion fl)r tho Stale ' country during the war, nml v Idle of ()ri-pm is called In meet nt Portland, here made it cmi-olllcinl cull v Wedm-Iav, April 2Ut, 1W0, nl 11 Prctddent Lincoln, lie 'ii inlw ..McHkA M fnrU,r,iriHHK.nfmi.ti.t-!(Ilml , honc,t ,,, Abo ,ho in n ('anlitflt for OmitniM, throo run-1 Uti . ,, ... .IMalrafor Pr!d,.tlal Electors, three ,U '" f HtT f,h mP, w'v' cmidl.lnui. for . I miff of tire Supreme! ,ml Mr- "K'"m ?1 l" Imiul Court,. Jndawtmd Pmssvntlng Attorneys of ,c lrquis with his hmnd hand, f ir each of iho tevrral .ludrelal District. ' cloretl n grip on it that brought the nul tho election nf jK dcleflsitc. to attend t?nr to the KtiKlishinnn's eve?, nml tin Xt!niMl Itpuu!lcan Convention. ',;,Hn n ehecrv voice: "Ulud to i.ndlotmietiwhlH.M, M uf . ):uv pmpcrly come before the Conven-' 0. ,, - . ' , n lilM) , Mini! wTr forget you, Itoonuw your The Convention will consist rf 15 Del-, nmc rhymes with ono of our groat cities, ftpgrtrUoncd among the runout. ' unities n follow : lliW 4 Tje i IwnUm (I Clni kiimn lroV...V.'.VV.uwph tny Inml left the executive flntaon. ... olmnttl.. Cms furry PoilfflM... (.i.int .... Iiukonn .. .lni(ihlnp. Like STifc : Tula it.. I'miiUU... :::::.'. 7 5 8 l"tti WnphtngUMt v?l ' L mmwui 7 TI.p . Iw.tn iw.. l.-w,. " ...w.. 'v.v.,.j?t.. 10:1 (, ami one for evrrv fraction of50 , ) nml over catt Uvr ScoteUry of ?tnte t the last gcucml electron. I Iy tlio proper County Central CotnmlU. DvriB rmVAX. Chairmau. josern StMo.v, Scirctarv. imijujB3an i iihii i..ii..nj.iiniuLii.muiii An KccoiUrlc IlUtoiinlre. Ijconard Casp, Cleveland' eccentric millionaire, was found dead on the f.vor of his sleeping room, having com mitted suicide by an ovr dtwo of chloroform, llt head was enveloped , in a blanket which, being unfolded, ' dicloed a ?inge s(urntel with chloroform, which had evidently been bold cloeagaiiiftlhii mouth, lie had ret i ied at 12 o'clock after an evening at whfrt, and npcred to bo in unus ually good spirits, lie had been a t onsimiptive for years, and couTJ have mi veil but a short time lousier. H!s physician had put him to bed reg- j mark everv nifht for tBo roar. I Yhen the father, the late Ieonard Cae, came t J Cleveland about 1S10, this wm almost a wilderneo. Case ... if was a man of small mean, and a farm-' cr Ik coming indebted to him for a yoke i of oxen, he wu com pellwt rciuctantlv ... ., . . ! to accept a ten acre lot for tlie debt. That lot i now in the hctrt of the ei-1 i i v :uui niaue me ir-o.i m:moii-ires. l.eonar.1 Case left two sons, Willimn and Ionartl Jr. William was form- i ,.,,,,, T , r.. .. irl , President of the Lake Shore rail- ', . i -r t r,i joail, and afterward Mayor of Clove. Jiml. He died in 1S62, and Leonard, ! the elder, in 1863, both without lcav-: ?M.r-ill -ml IrtnlTr tluwlipl in;, a will, and Leonard Jr. thus be. ' i am.- iiiiu iwwwi.ni ui cs.cii iimhio. iliw ( ominUtee recommend Uuu the ' lMcxioni was imllUKo1 nml tlm tmc m nrolmte. tiriniirloiP 1mW on Salnr,lav. AnriJ 8' n. . i.. .. ... ,. ' In the mutter of the C ..,. ;ft:..rL.:;,.:iireM,CTl' Knowing uuu uie mr. . M...1.IJ,. .,..ceil,wi i.v ' A..rti in icki ,. v .1 i 1 1 l"s wa to call at the White House. I W A. Vorcy. admin "'. !- i - i-v wmvi n iro vnitiit f - i This has nearly doubled since !, o ' st nigh, m-ar Noith IJend and Mar;h that when Leonard Case died he was ! field. Good hrfne and out building-. the richest landed iirojirietor in the j t.itc. ' Leonanl Jr. was hornin 1S20, wa-s i graduated at Yale, btudied law in Cin- i w cinnati, and was adm:ttel to practice in 1S12. He never followed his pro- j fession however. He waono of the finest mathematicians in the country, ami Itesitles wm a niieclaical scholar. Some one in 18o0 having made the ertion mat ine ihoic .r;oi(rny, witild not accept a poem from a wet-! em source, no matter how meritou . , , t. he wrote and ent anonymously, "Trea-, htirc 1 rove, 1111 nistoncal poem, wiueii was.icceptel, and afterwanls reprint-' - , r r m . . t t ti in itooK lorm. in isa ne ouuiisii- cd a volume of 'toems that were favor ably receivod. Hi? eccentricities were many. When a young man ho pur chased ten beautiful teeds ami pre n nted them, hand.-oinely caparisoned, tit as many of his. lady friend. Si-wing an old acquaintance walking the Ktreet in a dejected manner and evi dently meditating on a recent loss of fortune he slipped up behind him, ind placing in hishamU, a roll of bills amounting to -J5UJ, tied precipitately ' before the man could discover his benefactor. Wishing to jive a nedy j . .1-011 a suit of clothes without let-J 14 tho faet become known, he took j 1. uu ton clothing More just after an j election and told tho clothier to give 1 the man a suit, as he had lot it to him j on a wager. A few years ago he wdlk-' -d into meeting of the Young Men's J ( 'hi isthui Association, laid 1,000 on the table, and left without saying a nil. He novor would notice a direct ap peal for ehnrity.and, oip latlies hav ing solicited his helj, he rebutled tlicm llatly Svxt day they received a .VK) bill anonymously. Ho found il Cnka Librarv. iriviiiK to Ihe aso- nation n pixjiieily worth ?200,(XK) Heemployetl an agent to duiiciie cliarity secretly, and gave away dur ing his life, thousands of dollars. He brouurht Prof. Stoekwell, tho astrono iiierto Cleveliind, built him a lino 1 house and observatory, besides giving him n Dialed income for tho ni'-port of his family. He did many other things for the cause of astronomy and Kcogrph in both of wl I Mill ht wasun enthusiast. '' Sunatiwiit fur the M ml only f2 jHriiuuum. Lincoln mul I.orrt llitrlliiRlou. ' Tlio lion. Schiller Colfax, in n n-1 cent lecture, told a new storv mid n Kood one. Tire Mimntin of llitrtinc- diameters Mrs. Inrtuuiton I How are you, Marquis?" and he gave Hartington another ?quecc; after chamber nunung his hand and his tomiKir, declaring to a friend that ' ;r nnMunfcii.r nniiiMnlHu-iit of ' , .,,.,,. MlieileiUe.intUion of the Uer. I ho ,r American rresulcnt is nUtomHeli, KweUaml kiili-.oy nlsexior-1 Uwr !' The secret of Uie rresiilcnl's ""v their mmhHinjr an.l t.nie iulhieiitv. :- i.,., ', , " IH'IIUII wns inni WIO .MlllTIlllS I1M1 IIJY- ' , t- l"" - " t """ in .mmv 1 orK u lew nigiun ueiurc ms vimi to warning: Ion, and ostentatiously wore relel colors in his button hole. thi' The concluded to give thar liauglity but ill-bred Englishman a punctuiv that would get through even his Hull hide. And he did. Indianapolis News. The Uurlingtou Jirlrye man tells this tory : Tho ly were telling me a pretty good one down at Corning, . l .. about a young fellow in com- t mereial life named Dlakie. lllakie? . Yes, lUakie. He was in the hardware line. One day, when the boss was at dinner, a countryman came in to buy some nuts. He found an article that suit n 1 him, and wanted a doxen. Young lilakie looked at the price list and found thev were listed "25 cents a dosen ; 30 oflV He gave a low, invert : ed whistle, and then with a sudden '..A..' MM , 2.. t.M 1. M.. ,1.. .1 .i.MAB.n...MHi '"i"" - . ";": -.,. i iv iniw Mint w. n jiiiii jiv vuitiii uhj ; flXt. j the nuts at the other store. "Hv irno V. A. CIIASK. THE POirPOU o x. i i ...-.., ...ii:"l I ford Cedar Company, UenihanJ ., , ., , ,. " i Kercholl and Philip I'ifher. ileteml- ( the governor of the traiisaetion, "I.ftnt i.. tiie ,. ,f the State of. thought the best thing I could do was ,, , , . . UoWDOiy college has graduated one . , ," , , , ' "- - ---j tirv i"'lt natnn. iht itovpninrs enators, eight Governors, 1 ,- - . .. .. , . ; Z reswenw o co.-, leses " Judsc' ,1 C,rr"'t l fcu" preme Courts, and over SO Profressors , ,, , of college. --.,-. , i-.,v, ,..,,.., .-.i.. ,. , cnns cno Cfll C I rAlilH rllK cALt I a ACRES OF CHOICE LAND 1 UU at the nii-iitn 01 u niancii i .dajtel lor dairying or general tann ing. Good joiiug orchard. One f the best farm in Cwi countv. The place, with.-tock and implements, will tve sy'tl verv cheap. fFKi" fi.rfl. r.r .mr iinIilTSi nmilv rtf the oir,cc of thc coast Mail f" tf i '-w-r-rM-i xcrncE of final sinrLK3ii:.VT. , TQJIN (;il,MAX, ADMLNISTEA- ..M..f tl.A Z.ln ..f Innullmii Cil. ,, ,- fil. , H ,(.,.,,.,,11 for the M'ttlernent ol -aid . tate, it is ordenil that MON DAi , THE KIFTH DAYOK AIMHL, A. 1). 1S80, be act for the hearing of any ob- . lhret0i g!lj,i hearing to be at , tBe courthoii-c. Empire City, Or. I5y ordorof Hon. J. II. Nosier, Conn . . I.j1mu lit trtSii illlllt V Or . " -- ,........ , .,.. Al.EX. ST-irFF, C'yiinty f'kik. c4t VSCTORSOU HIGHEST & BEST AWARD Auil Giaad Het'al of Eonor. Economy, Durability and Bapidity combined with perfect -work, Are DjtinfM1"' Ttumct of U.e ctkbil Giant Farm anil .Warelioose Fans, HACC SY P. DICKEY, Raclno, Wl3. A. .tial t . eety 'mard . c't. r.ii g u I k;td -Ur. -'-....- lui.t lfAi attl T'taMl n vu W" " . -"- - , - ,, c -K Withft-. ttnclcd, b""h 1 1 ?liT., .-e b-re'y c - 1 - 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 -' (X- , nui;t!p.l y . fflOSI JO w4itU nc xt .. l.. .... rr i ,1 . - 1 '. - . ..'. tt It ' 2e "ffiTji.". oko.d.ui to" as fcr-HC ? . .fu.. -Zm.A . rtT-t-Z?! ..kii l.maMd VH m. W 1U1ML m 9TLm .- ww. .- . w. iMl- r-rit .!.. -....'f W.'fM. .Ml W ig"l " . ' ripr one B3ClKW"JO ftr" .- "-r-jMij. ott-d " tr-a " -"?'-. rr - ,, - (Aflt n-v-J J. Wlwr t ncrenl. Ul u nc. ijuu 1 timm USB I '? " V .L...ini 'l.niAri. SET iTsfica-on U .t . t i t - : "- - -1- " -1- -C-1 ms mwmm store, , r'lifefliaPSSli IXBXT IiOOlt TO MAII.Ol-1'iri!. BBffim!mfflm . i ---ailD -j--?.5 VVJth STOCK OF g CtLtSnATED A Kb5i The Hitter- Im.ui.iMx ivme.L vcllow lic of the complexion and whites ot the cct. p.nn n tlie rtirht "-uto and under the ri(iht t-hoaliter Mmle. furrel tonctie, liigheolorotl urine, nuueu. ertijn. ils- H'jvs'iu. en--UlHUton, upivuies 01 me H'Htl, meutnl tej. vloney. ..r every nll- lr mU h all lnnrri-ts unci lViilet , - -.11.. i--lv iviillaY . --rf. 1 1 n.n.fcJl.l.iU.1 .!! 111. ...v.i kifn 1. t i"V i i..i. ni.i n.i..'n..w. In he County Cmut of t lie State of Oregon for the county of Ciirrv 1- state of K. .1. istrator of said estate, having filed in said court hi final account for settlement, showing that said estate has Ikh-ii fully admin itereil. Notice i-( hereby given that said Hnal account will In? heard and determined in said court on MON DAY, TllK FIFTH DAYOFAHHL. A 1 l..'tn. at lllo'eloek A. M.. fit W Inch time all person liming any objections to SAid Hnal account and settlement, mut then and there make the same Published in the Coast Mui. for four ,,,u.,.0y-ie cck.lN order of lion Deloe Woodrutr, (' tuntv Judge, AI-TKU MTTON, Clerk. Ki.i.KNsnruii. February 21st. lo. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Curry. Mary O. Chaw vs. AY. A. Chase, The Port Orfonl Cedar Co., Uernlmrd K'om.l.n'r a.l Pliillin I'Klipr. ' . . ust m equity to lorecioe n mon- Oreeon vou are herebv reouireil to ap i)enr and answer the complaint on tile , :.. .1... l.n.... n..tl&.l itl,rl .l.td f'lll.. ' III Hit" lf.l V Cll.lUtU V".. . ...- , on or lieforc the iir.-t day of the next 1). lts:0. And you are hereby nutnieti ii.,.t if .-.. f,i tn nnsu-er s-an i-oiii- Iajnt he j..,,,.,,. wi take a dcchl. 'against you for the relief in said coin- V.i I ton C(It ilaint demandod, to wit: ror uu- rcclo-ure of a certain mortgage ejec ted bv A. V. Chanson the d day i" - Jlsl,e ls7;$- in favor of Mary O. Cha-e, for the sale of tho property in isuid niortgagedescrilwd.tosatiofy the claim of the plaintitl' and for further relief. This suminoin is pultli-hed lv or der of Hon J. F. Yat-on. dated March l-lth, 10, (!. Whii-rKii, ll-;t Att ft.r l'l.nntitl. Livery & Feed Stable, MARSHFIELD, OG'N- NOBLE I5KOS , - - - Proprietor- VVp have latelv built a fir-t-cla- -:tal,i on ;,. ,t reel, and have Ilor-e- . . : . A1l 1...... I I .i,l r .1. .1111 f, t . . ,. T mm & co. 1 OS &f-BU Ci UWJ E. B.DKAX, H.AVILLCOX !.'I C. II. Mhltl HAN'T. We hwk Ai.wavsov Hand a A--"rtm' nt Of Feu. GENERAL MERCHANDISE., SlUUft ftLWHIi bUmrLCIC Xi-UnVCIBIKlIR MANI'FACTIUED TO OUDEIt And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. and at tin- JHE LOWEST LIVING PRICES i riirs iv im.uuh:jhu5 ' ! .. .1 . ... .. nn C0N-STANTLV O.V HAND. lUiST JUMXPfi OP VJtlAUH tfgr Prescriptions !areul!y Coin Ituumled by Com ote it Physician. JJ AY EW MIRSIIFirHLI), OGKLT. ItcMicit9Proprictor Keeps constantly on hand, nml oilers for Palo a superior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, Y 1101.ESALE sn 15ETAIL. my hai: is sn pi.ifp 1177777 w choicest huaxps ov WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS I'ltANCHSAl.i ONAT EMPlltE CITY. THE ... i. M. l.nrl.liat't 1!mi'Um: Cnv (V.N. - , , ,., iiosomu'u: iv u)os nay STAGE g SiST! LINE .cii . CI. oral! .( CO., Vojri7r.. WINTER ARRAHGEMENT, ' Sluycs trill have Coos "i7 vrti'H d.iy (.Sunday oveptcd) at " S A. M. : THE TRAVELING PUBLIC wit t. ni mis to in: I CHILI Pi:T. Hi: ST unit 'il'lCKKST UF ALL UUt TKS ROSEBURG OR ANY PART 0F THE INTERIOR. j fH.OSK c O N N K (' T I O N M ADE , V. with the ( .u- and ei land stages i at loehiug. ' All bu-inc-s entru-ted to our care , ' will he attended to with proiuptne and security. I WBFAKE UEDUCED 'VOiCjm ' Ench patftenttr attoiretl 30tt ofbuijjnj''- For Further particulars eiitp-iire of F. SCHE'lTEK.A-t. Telegnipli ulllce, Empire City. OrS. S. BAILEY, nianco lb'tel, Mar-hliehl. Or. -.'S j.i:siii,ii:i.i ( "??"?. . 6itii-MiKT. DK. C. E. GOLDEN, Pkoi-R. Oppo.sitr Sdf-lnti'ij's Starr. II A V K C 0 N S T A X T I. Y OX II A X 1 a 1 1. w.iii'- or MEDICINAL I'l'ItPO.-ES, THUS f3 3-J Si , sx'ovgii:s. TOiriM'r.AiiTi- -sxMTk.i,ior.'3iixtir jxsrx? soiiooLiiooKa, CSGABSaniTOBACCO. and everything usu ill kept in a MKItll I. Iil-I'KS-AHY. J'rrscrijtfhniH 1 ttrefiiUu Com- JKXOItlill. Al-P.-tf 11. A. AXDERS0N, Hours. IIVFRY AND FEED-STABLE. mai.mifiklh.ou. i rrAl'LINO DONE AT SHOUT NO lie. andat verv reasonalde rates COAt, ASI, wocuro.sT.XTi.v ox hand j THE KK3S!? m CENTRAL HOTEL. Cor. A and Front Stn., M mihiiiiki.d.Oh. i -CqrAYIXO TAKEN CJIAItOE OF 1L- the iiltc naiiied house, we cm ptouiire to our patrons, rir-t-eriis-i I'm re, I'll I r Sejilln And eoiirleous attention. s-j-A TltlAL IS SOLICITED.Vj ; O UHlt A It N w 11 supplied in its line, and Js under our pcrsonul maii.eement. 1 WEE DEN UUOS, Proprietors B00T& SHOE MAKER ALitsHrn.i.i),0fi.s'. XVII.T, ISO AI.I.1CINDW TJSTOM -VT-OIK in a tluirough mauiK-r and uso BEST MATERIAL.' I tfar.S ojion Fn.iit strict, opposite the' , Piouci H.nka. 1 . tt U WIM.S lou & BREWERY, COOS B.AY MARKET, f titnviii'f . i 1, iiueiinv i ". 11. SlMVSON A P. IIOM.AM I'roprietoiN. . JVL Ll j. 'JL fc3 nml pnivitions of all kinds Mild at ihe lowest HxitiK lates and DKl.l l7.7'.7) at any point desired foil VESSELS, LO(.(iIN(i CAMPS AND FAMILIES, ALWAYS READY. BS"Ve keep nothing hut thchcMna and insure .-atisfactiou. lA-l-tf tiiiu a week In your own town. Terms and J.'i free. Addtesn II. ILI(Lfnr v Co. Portland, Maine. EUGENE O'GONNELL, ii vim in STOVES & RANGES, I .III -t llllpIOM l Hardwarejools IinplciiiciiLs- GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND i AMMUNITION. LnES &c OILS. WOOD A- YVILLOYVVYAKE, w . . n,.,.,..,u,'iii!i..urr.in .ic.nu.W ati-r 1 ipc and -it tings, t.inn - rt'ater Pipi' and Fittings ite and Plated Wares. MAN! IA TIIIUIS Of COPPER & SHEETIRONW'ARE. TIN .ion tvoitif ExM'i ri.n wan Dt-CATcn. ftyEXTUS for Stoves, Plows Mow eis and Keapeis furnished at short notice. 1 THE PIONEER MARKETS, M m:-iiiih n .1 Emciim: City. II. I'. WIIITNKY, l'lmniiirroit. A 1,'otnl suppl) of MITTON, Unh,,, CANNED IJEEF. t&n (JOOCS, POltK, ETC ETC., ETC. and all Kinds of sALTMEATSa.n..VEGETABLES constantly on hand. Alson giiud stoi k of CHVOCJ!jIl.IXJM. V K S S K L S LOGGING"" CAMPS SVPPLIFA) AT SUUUT S0T1CL Iv-ttf ! HIGHEST HONORS 13 TO Centennial World's Fair, 1876! ran SHONINGER ORGANS JTWSOUXCXD ClfiinilOCILT 11 TBS BEST INSTRUMENTS. Tbf!reomtrllT0 eirl!enc la rrconnltMl by tb JihIk" lu ILoIr lleporl, trutu wldoli Ui lollow ItiK U ui tiirtct; "Tt IJ. HIIOM.NOKIl OltOAN COB xlilltlt ua lliu lii.t lti.truiiiciiU it s pries rtndertuff them ponlbln to lra clits ci pnrciiiten, bating a comuiniuon 01 iittci uid lioiu, produclu uorel and pinning enacts. eoaniDlni-inuijdealraMs Imnrorczaeati, will Und loURCr la drr or Ctran clliatt. leal llibla to tat oat of order, tit tUa bord being mada uree-pi, nut logcllicr io It I. itupo.aitiia lor liiptn to tuner enriuit, awu nr init,-- run ONLY UltU.VAU AAVAUDKU Tina IIAtlC. Tlila Medal nd Award iraa Rrtnlad after tbs moat airoro cmpatlll'iu of Ilia beat inakara, bafora ouaot tUu moat cxtiuimlaul Jurlaa BTti aitaublad. ltetr flljlta and price jaat Itooi-1. which art Id accordance, Willi our rule, tha JIUST Olt OAN far tlie leait mono, VTa are prepared to appoint 6 few sew igente. Ill nitrated Catalocacs latlltd, poet-paid, on eppllcaUou to 0, SHONINGER ORGAN CO., 07 to 18 CIIKHT5DT NTBrET, ilfif HiTM. COKS. HCSINKHH OA HUH. T.C. MACKKY.M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Emi-iiii CmVOiti'uo.s. C. It. IOLl)EN,M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON M uhiimmk, Oitra.ov. C. W. TOWHU.M. 1). PHYSICIAN&SURGEON Jl.viiNiinui.t), Otii'.ooN'. W. V. ANCilCh, M. IX PHYSICIAN an-i) SURGEON CmnUlo Villi, Of. S II. M x.ki, .1. ". II nuov I 1IZAI) vv HAMILTON', I ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW ! Will practice in the vui'ioiim comtx Ot tllCHtatC. ot tier. Af liMfiiii: ii, (U.n. .t ir tTrtj.T .t"kt W . -.-i.. r -.- .----. . attorney v counsellor at law. MAllSIIFlELIi.OKEtiON. (i. WKHSTKU, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M kiii in. i, (tin iov HENRY SENGSTACKENr xoTAiivj,riiLir&ro.VEV.rEii, ll.MI'lIti: CITY, OtJX. Collet timis ainl nth, r lin-iness placed ill 1IIV huilds, w dl reeeive pltimpt atten lioii.' l-.l-tf V. W It II SI IT, . 6'. AUhviuiI ittitl tr. S. Deputy ? U It V 12 Y 0 It , C'oijui.i.k City, On.v. Will id tend to tho bti-hieaaaf surveying in iinv uitt of tho county. Ptrfcct niapMof all mirveyeil Inula, fur uihe!at -hurt mitiee. i:. ;. ; it i mi i:oi, ATTtiRNKY 'mo niUXSELHlR AT LAW, lIKl'IHIll OX'J"V- OlIlilGON -hart o Mill It tl . ul'lie nitn.iiiip' in reis'ieel , 1t.lt v -..I l .ittr MAnNiii''rini.n .-.cied 3 nNn"- M misiii in n Oiii'.i.oN', Thi- Inititiititioii now iill'orilH the In t f.n ihties lor eiiiieatiou to Ik- fniunl in tin i('im-t Keioii nf Southern Orejjuli. Tin i adi ni i graduated into thn-e tleurt luents ;i- tiilluws: 'J'lir I'rliiitirfi Dr)Kirtiiictit In which Introductory llraiichcs are i timulit, Thr .fiiiilor Di'pnrtinriit. Etulm-emi Ortliottntphy, Uewdini:. 1 WntiiiK, (iraiuiuar, ( itsntiliy, History, P hv-ioloKv, I .iiiiinur Nienee and .Men , in . , '... Aritlin..H.-. 77c .S'cnor Department Eiuhnicinj.' lttHik-keepiiiafHiuKle nntl ihuihle entry )ISotiiny, Cheuiistry, I'oliti eal Eeouoniy, Latiii, Ithetoric, llmlit" Arithiiietle, 'Altielua, (leoineliy. Trip) iititiietrv and siireiiiK. At trstc. Instruction hi this hrtiuch Is given when desired. l!o 1111 can he had for from 3 to t'l per week with private fainilles, and for htill liwii wlienseveral students club to Kcthcr and IrhihI thoinselves. Tlii.'AIS. Primary Departtnuit - - 0,00 .Junior . . - - 7,"o Senior . . .... io,(mi .I.T. MtCoHVMC. Priticipul. vl-:i-tf. H7'J a week. H- a day at home nasi Iv made. Costly outfit free. Addro Tut 1: A Co. AiiKUsta, Maine. EpltoAny. ExceMlyfc , . f,. ,.. a j 1 v: Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. 9Ioiufitclured nt Worccalvri iUn. Ill lUTlWmm .f any value may I-. fgund la Uicic intliuineiiii, a..il llicy c inuin nuny ESSENTIAL IMPROVCMCNT8 HOT r:911S In oilier Ou;an. AlmlriK to product) work whloh hall lis DuralJlo, wo will not sncrlfluo thru whloh Is not eiten, rind ynt la vital to n rmrfaat Orunn, in oritur to rnuko a moro funoy aUrlor. V(fl rrc iilll tiuUcd it preunl at Slrllidi mul Approprlato C'usrn a. ran Ite found in ihe inaiVtl, villi a fmlili vliit.li b tit I'tiilll by any, A0 RBOAnOO TO IIC, TIIU lOlUIVtHQ Award witii Medal & Diploma oflloiior wa cKAtauu nv Tint CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION COMMISSIONED: " Tar Irrorair In ITeittniDililp, Ctniniu. It KIT I loi HB1ILII1CV Of T01K, tulformllr la rotor ot (.intra I etllltf la Xedunltal ip-Jltutti fr tin furfsrwi laltultj." Do not fail la rrulco or.j.licalioi and EXAMINE TIIE0H INOTnUMIiNTfl licfoM 1'uiclutlnc CaUloguct fice, f.n application to the Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WORCESTER. MASS. i.t lo H'M per day id honic. Hiiiunles n-orle fi free. AddiesH Siimo A Co. Poitlaud, Maine, NASBURG & HIRST, Fiiom' SMii i:r, M aiixiiiii i.n, Uun. IVT i:V (lOODS IIY"rcVKK YHTKAM J ei ; l(eeM(iiiliiiillv on hand in our large ami eoiniiiodioiiH nIoio.u Well neleeted nlocl, of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, 'i-.l,inKl,tthel.e,tl.ai.leamlfl.nl.y TJO-X" GOODS, oT all KiniN, Hie clinlccHt GROCERIES N l A I Mil. I o K Ol CLOTllINd, HATS ami CAPS. HOOTS and SlloKS, ltrmtKIIS and Oil. CLOTIIINO, SLIIMMCIIS and Oll,''I.OTII CltOCKI'MtY and (il.ASS V A It !:. 1 1 A It 1 V A U K and TOOLS, Cigars si ml Tobacco, Paints, (HN Mini VniuMiis, Cinder Mines ami l.lipiors, Thin are anil Ammunition. Cl'TLllliY. II out m,l II7..MII II' i:i:,l,,l,l Scliool 3300lvli STATIONERY, n'uiMviNiiiivo auonn, AVUllVNIIilllY Our i vteiiiixe i w i-h the tinet i MILLINERY AND how cum'h ate lilleil FANCY GOODS. IMtlCKS To Sl'IT TIIK TIMKS. N. II AH Kontlft laiichasetl at our I Store will he iltliveieil free ot chaigo at any point mi tint route id tho tuauier .lrtle. l-l-tf .S IIAItlU'.K StIOf, l N 1'IIOST or till: ckntiiai. llori:t-Man-h field, Okii If you want an cany iliave, A" kihmI a barber ever Kae, .lust cation meal in v milonn, l'Viim morn 'till night or lniy noon ; My nuors' plmi-p, my wiifni, keen, My nhop in neat and towel clean ; And there 1 think that oti wilt lintl Fai'h article to -nil r he mind ; l trim the hair uitli -It ill fur gent.-, Of eourm1 the price i fifty cents ; ShamfMMiittK, ttHi, I do that well, Give me a trial, that w ill tell ; So helpine uraeunis if I make tiu hol- ler, You need not pay a quarter of a dollar. j .1. Y i'o. I'mp. I'.S. Hot ami euld liatli- alwas riady HlMfl (no- II V fiFURN STORE, Cs STI oN HAND MilttrrxfCH ,P llrrfttinlt, Clttlir .(' I.uiiiiu:i, Crihi ,V Crtltllt. PICTCUI, I'UAMIS. MorMUNCK, TAUI.ES, MIKItttUS ,: 'iiii lit lit u-fun III I'll I'll i 1 11 r o Made to Older. CO I'l'l XS ni.utf nl -leirli st ni.tiee. SEWING MACHINES Attai'Hmiai"-, Ni'.khi.is ,ve. I" M ltlC, lltf I'liol-IIIITOII. The New Market. 1 . . IIO.-S A Tl.MMI.ICM N Would announce to the public that their new mm Li t OPPOSITE Tl I E CE.VI II A I. HOTEL IS NOW OI'IAI I) ANHTIIEY AltEPUKPAULIito.-sEf.L All. KIMtS III' HKEF POltK A .MEATS of ALL KINDS P R 0 V I s 1 0 nITnd V EGETABLES 1 YFSSFLS mul LOtitilXU CAMPS sipp.u:d CW'IMtlCES HOWS TO TIIE Ml IKit'K HEDJM new mmi Sewing Machines .It ST UE( LIN M) MYSTAMEU I ol t.'l I AT REDUCED RATES, BY HENUYti PI.OEd'Elt, D Moise Empire city- mMMHMWMMMMI y. (!. WKIJST m 'j PI. Ml it is IBoots, Shoes Ami l.cnllicr I'IiiiIIiikn. M.UIHIU J Ml, Oil. HAVE LAtI'MA' UETTHNKH j fioin San I'liiiieifci) with a com plete stock of cw'ty thliiK i "'X ll110 I teady nimlc hunts and shoes, etc, DST MATERIAL NLY USED. FARM FOR SALE, SMALL 1'AH.M SI'ITATED ON" J the hank of His Coiinillo Itiver ciiiitiiiuiliK 'JH acicrt RICH BOTTOM LAND, With House, and Orchard. Can h Itimted at a ltunsonahln Kate Tor pniticnlais apply to llBKIIV tsl.Nllal'AC'KnXi Empho Oily, Oiegoti, fHKicZtl-.o'Ulod- , ,L. lnTlM.lf--'- -r- " " '"j5" Ljdaadtjyatet- iim3Mmfimmmimmmm