The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 20, 1880, Image 1

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The Coast Mail.
The Coast Mail.
I'inii.itii to
evehy satfuday morning
Mnrshllold, Coon Co., Or.
Terms, In Alliance.
One your .f'J 50
Sl iiimittirt -
Tluoo munthn
1 W)
1 IK)
The Development of our Mine, tho
Improvoinenlof our harbors, and rail
roiil cotiimtmicntion with tlie Interior,
MA.Ksi-r;RiiucD, on., Saturday, march 20, isso. jno. 12.
Sliilfi of Oiftjun.
(Joveinnr, W. W. Thayer
Hiciclniy of Stale, It. P. Eat hail
Tieasuier, II. Muisli
Nupl Public Schools, .1.1. Powell
I'd Jwlicitil Dhlrii'l.
Judge, .I.F. Watson
Distml Altoinoj', W. II. lluaid
G001 Count i.
iiiiiitv Judge, ! II. Nosier
ilolm Kciivuu
It. (!. Dement
A. (I. Aiken
Ale. Hliiuir
1). Mniso, Jr
.loliii I, line
( leik
Si IiikiI Supuiinlondonl,
( iiiniicr,
.!. F. Mooio
1 C.Maekoy
Cnrry Uuun'.y.
( .uintj Judge,
1 iiilnlssinllClS.
Dolus Wooiltull'
P. Hughes
.I. A Cooloy
A II. Mooio
Waltoi Sutton
bin til!'.
( 1. 1 1.
N I I Supl.,
'I 11 ii-llirt,
CfiiniK r,
A M (iillepie
.M It UlllsDII
Thus, Cunningham
I'otufo I'lour.
1 nsi fall, suys the Fianeiuco
Itiil'ihn it llio Statu Fair, theio was
in 1 Iiiimiihii a diior ri mil Oiogon,
null among the pioducts shown
wlmi is 1 ailed "potato lliiui " '1 liis wo
hiw made We do not tliiuk (lie pro-e-iii
patented, and it is pinh.thlc
dial potatoes can bo tioated in asiiui
lirwavou Plummcr's, Allien', Ry
il 1 , IllnwoiV, or any other drier,
'lie I'm t I.i ml llet lately noted a ship-
in nt of (in tout) fiom that place. It
1- .ni up in Titi pound cms.
In the manufacture of potato flour
1 li put. itnes mo llrst washed perfectly
l mi Tins cult lut done most rapidly
1 having two largo doughs, through
uliitlitlic water is allowed to Mow.
I rt the pntatoes soak in one vessel
Ini Miine time, o as to soften the dirt,
In fuii they nio taken in hand. After
washing, the larger potatoes ate out in
tun, and they are all placed upon
win- hcreens and put in the diier
ll 11 tlier are ntcamed thiotigh and
1 1 1 1 1 1 v; 1 1 As kooii as the skins hccouie
1 im tin y ato inhheil oll'hy the hand
hen soft the potatoes ate placed tin
U t pic-Mite, ciiished together, forced
thiough thy nioihos of 11 wiroseioon
with 0110 sixth inch opening', and thinly on wite scioens to dry.
It takes he ot six hours to complete '
Ibis proecus, Tho heat used is diy,
nnd nut moist, tho steaming process
iim . nt fiii.1 being nulv to Mifteu the
puinioci When tho moisttiie is all
11 moved the potatoes mo in hard, Mat
takis Those cakes me (lion broken
l In nig tun thiougli a null. The
piodml is then called potato Horn,
mill looks like hominy, being in small
I'lmvii grains.
l'his potato Hour can ho shipped to
iiuv pint of tho uoilil without injury,
mid weighs but thiiteeu pounds to the
Inishi'l As far as quality is coneoi ti
ed, it is unexceptionable. Wo saw
some (cMcd sumo mouths ago, and it
was 111 to bu used on any table, being
white and of excellent llavor. The
value of this process is evident, and it
is thought th it diicd potatoes will be
1 omo a piomiuent mticlo of export
fiom the potato legions of the Pacific
'I'lie Vitinlci-lillt lNlnle.
In the Into suit of L'otnolius .1. Van
deibilt to 1 ecu vor a duo pioportion of
his father's estate, it was Dually settled
that ho should receive tho avails for
lifoof f 100,000 ; the piopoily lobe
placed in the hands of Edwin I). Wor-
oliostor, us liustco; tho to bo
disposed of by willb) Curnoliiu ; mid if
ngiced upon by the two hrolhois and
tho tiusteo, tho to bo placed
in tho hands of Cornelim, to be used by
him in his own way. Coinoliuslutely
asked his Inothor to place t-00,000 of
thopiincipal in liiH(UuiiioliiiH') hands.
William declined to comply with that
tequost. Thou Cornelius uppliod to
.Iiulgo Douoliue to bare William to
inoved fiom any eontiol over the liust
fund, us tho possoisiou of f'JOO.OOO of
tho piiuelpal wasnoeossary in onlorto
ull'oid him capital for conducting lms
inimrt outerpri sen his health mid com
foit demanding that he should enter
iulo active business, 'lie livened that
ho and his Inothor William woiotho
only sin vivlng sons of lite late Ooi no
litis Vaudoihilt ; William is woitli
over .f 100,000,000, and that it would
not injtiio his bnsinum Inteiosts to
put with tho control of tho trust.
Tim Judge declined to grant the peti
tion to Cornelius.
Tin: eliuiges of Imuioialily oguluM
(lor. Iloytiif Wyoiningme denicil by
United Status Maishal Sohuiler, Pu
lled Statu Attorney llmwu and
Qtliur luumlijciit nibii of Olieyoiuio,
vvitinn.v roil tm: coast mail.
Ol' Oregon' Noulliei-n CoiinI.
Nl'MIIint X.
niNi'i:n. '
Leaving PorlOtford In kikmI HpiiitH
wo followed southerly alonj; the count
asf.irit the mouth of Rogue iivor
which was I cached at noon on the
font th day, having lost considerable
tinio in preparing our packs, patching
up paeksaddlos, and ligging for our
lliieo or four Cayuse ponies.' Game,
as usual, was aliundaul; Geo. I.ount
and tnjsolf being the principal hunt
eis of tlto expedition.
We saw many Indians as wo paired
down the coast, hut on Hoeing us they
generally lied ininiedialely to Mtc
timber, hut as wo appiunchcd Rogue
rivoi they bocatne tiincli more numer
ous and bold, and gathi'ied together
in the tearof our party in numbers of
ir0 or mole. Following up the uoitli
bank of the iier a few miles, the
mountains appeared to close in a few
miles aliOM) us, and deeming it more
practicable to leave the rirer, we bore
oil' to the left over a tango of hnld
hills,, tho large body of Indians follow
ing u shoil distance behind, in (ho
aftei noon we entered a deep little nil
ley or basin of level laud, Miiiouuilrd
by bushy timbeied hills, whole wo
concluded to camp for the night.
The Indians oou took position all
mound this little lorel, wliiio we were
comparatively safe in the middle of
it; but fearing llioy might creep near
er under coer of the high grass, up
buint tho same, and thus destroyed
tin only chance for them to upptoaeh
the camp unperceiu'd by our senti
nels. No Indians weio seen dining
tho night, and none weio visible in
the morning.
A .small stream ran through tin
little valley, and in a homy tiuiheicd
llat above a largo band of elk kept
up n continuous whittling all night
Early in the morning I.ount and my
self set out in advance of the pirty in
search of game. Wo found tho
giotind had been much trampled up
by the elk duiiug tho night, and well
beaten paths led oll'inoveiy diieotion,
but as tho animals had stopped whist
ling at daylight, wo could not tell
just whoro they weto to bo found.
I,ount followed u fresh trail loading
oireastorly along the foot of a moun
tain, while i followed a similar tiail
leading up to a high s'uninit ridge.
Following this tidge for about half an
hour, and coining ton thick grove of
huge gteou timber, I had the satisfac
tion of discovering u baud of about
twenty elk hing down among the
trees. From my pnl expeiience with
these animals 1 had no fear of their
jumping up Midilonly and running
away fiom inc. I approached the
nearest tico and took position about
forty .vards fiom the game; tho plump
and fat animals, as largo as lioises,
some of theni with antlcis-dx ot eight
feet above their heads, was a bight
pleasing to the eye ol a hunter. The
animals soon began to get up; I fo
looted u largo one, and with :i single
shot brought him to the ground. The
remainder of tho band went teaiing
away lluough tho forest at a rapid
rato in tho diicction that I.ount had
gone, and p.iM-cil very near him, but
they were so badly fiigbtoued that he
failed to got a shot, and soon came up
with me. llefote tho elk was cut up
and toady for packing, wo wore joined
by the remainder of tho party with
tho hoi si's, nnil oon set out with a
good supply of fat elkmoat, which ad
ded mueh to the luxuiies of camp
ICeeping pretty well back from
Rogue river, generally thiough hour
ily limheied mountains, following di
viding lidgos and often crossing deep
canyons, in duo eomso of time wo
t cached a point on the liver again,
perhaps about lit) miles in u direct
lino, from the ocean. From u high
and prominent point near by, wo had
a fair view of the country to tho east
watd, and a magnificent sight it was,
but not eiy eneouiaging to us us ex
plnrois, Asolidrango of mountains
rising ono uliovo tho other till they
weio lost from sight in tho dim dis
tance, was nil thnt was visible to us.
Tho mountains generally appealed to
bo heavily timbered, but occasionally
a bald hill or n high locky pinnacle
might be been shooting up tower-like
low mil tho sky, i enduring this u beau
tiful place to study tho woudeis anil
inrsteilesof nituro, and anything but
n pleasant place for explorers un shin I
Onpt. T'Vuiill.iilwiiyH tepiesonled
that ho hud n full nud complete
knowledge of tho ontiio seeliou of
country along Ihoovoiland trail fiom
the Columbia river to California, thorn-
foio most of the men, although doubl
ing his judgement as a mountaineer,
had full confidence that he could iden
tify tho country to tho eimtwanl, but
it was found .thai from n high and
piospcclivo point attained that he was
unable to iceognie any pail of the
high mountains or the many piomi
ueullandmmks in view ahead of us.
ThiswitHVoiy discouiaging to us, for
our provisions weio nearly consumed
and gaino was nil the time getting
Hcateer, and the men becoming dissat
isfied pi oposod to letuin, having, us
they saw, been under tho eliaigc of
T'Vault u sull'ieient length of time lo
satisfy all hands that Ids knowledge
of the countiy and mounlaiueeiiug
generally had been gioutly ovetralcd.
As an inducement for the men to
pioceed,(he sum of fifty dollars per
mouth wasoireied to all who would
lemaiu with (he expedition and not
abandon it to return, and nine of the
parly, rather than desert tho enter
prise upon which they had embarked
and under promise of tho wages o Her
od consented to continue on, tinslinjr
to Piovideuce; hoping that with good
Miceess in killing game, our supplies
might be tiiado to l.e-l until wo could
teach the load in tho interior. The
lomaiudcrof the patty (l.'l in numbei)
returned to Port Otford, and among
them (ieoige I.ount, the only tiiau in
the expedition beside nivself who was
accustomed to hunting or who evet
killed any game. 1 had concluded to
goon with the Captain,. nnd for. -if ui (ti
er eonsidetalion he oH'eied me (ho ad
ditional siini of 1."0 to entry an ex
pies to Oiegon City immediately up
on our leaching the mining disliict
of tho inteiior.
It wasiiMnry partingof men ; I.ount
was from Michigan my own State
was a good hunter, mid we had been
much together sineo wo had been to
Port Oi ford, mid I was sorry to have
him leave us.
llie Indians, to all nppc.uancc",
hud In en left behind, M) that now but
little sign was to bo i-een. A little
game appealed to inhabit the country,
hut was becoming mote mid mine
M-aice eveiy day. '1 he company was
now reduced lo ten men in all, conist
ing of W. (!. T'V.iult. captain ; Cor
neilus Doheity, finui Texas; .John P
Pepper, f nun Now Ynk; John Hoi
land, from Now IlampMiiic ; Cytus
lleddcii, fiom New Jertey ; T J. Dav
enport, fiom Mi aihinetts ; Jeteini
ah Ryan, fiom .Maiyland; Patrick
Mutpliy, ft out Now Yoik; (lilbett
Hush, Irotu lexas; 1, 1.. Williams,
from Michigan; the-o continued on
theit weary march with latlom coiisl -
.1 1. 1 i i t .. , i
iii-i.iiii ii'iiiiui-ii unit a mwui niiis K-ri .. . . , ,.
t ' . i .1 . ,ei 'us have anr Vlab una claim buiiiess- criincP, the stiongest aihrmntive cr
of game to sunnlr their want-. 1 lii , ' ""l anv .i.iu.iiiiniiiuni uiumiss, ' ... .
question of eating boisellesh was or-
err night f ullr discuwed mound our
ca.npftre-, and pailiculatlr after u
hard and wearv mutch with no game,
oraiiy licit sign visible. Fiom the
rcpioscutatioiis continually made bv
Capl, T'Vault, it was believed that wo
could continue on our comic, and ob
tain lclicf quicker than by turning
back. After a few days obtaining no
game, our iiitionswoio all consumed
and yet no evidence prc-onlod itself,
thatgavous any idea whatoverof the
distance jet to tiavil befoto lelief
could bo obtained.
Tho Standard says thai F.iitehilds
mid lletnaid, the two young moii who
for a haro boon in the
Clackamas county jail, held on the
ohiugo of inuidoiing Mrs. Uarbani
II u gar, wore difch.ugcd on their own
recognizance. The boys have had n
voty nai row escape, tho jit t y standing,
at their dial, cloven for guilty of mur
der in the first degree to ono for ac
quittal. Since tho dial Distiict At
torney Caplos had, at his own expense,
employed a man to fully investigate
tho whoicabouts of Faiiohilds and
Hornard at tho time of tho murder,
and ho has le.iinedthat at least a doz
en ro-ipousiblo wit.iiteses in mid about
Kahuna would testify that both woto
thoto on Iho day tho deed was com
mitted. With this fact established
tho dit-triot attorney diil not think a
conviction could bo soeutod and con
sented to the pioceedings which gavo
Iho hoys thoir libeity.
A young man, while attempting to
llx a "misplaced switch" on a young
lady's head in u ball room, Mopped on
her diess nnd "wieckod tho tiniu."
IHkotv is clamorous to become it
State, Tho nowpapois oftho Toui
tuiy claim that it has a linger popula
now than either of tho States of Oto
gon, Nornda, or Flotilla.
A Miohkian nowspapor says it is
pomiiltod by etiquette in that Statu
font bildo to bo martiod without
gloros, it being Mtpim-'od to lo typi
cal of the manner in vvhioh whu will
handle her husband when t-ho guts
bettor luiquainted with him, mid pio
cecils to icgulato, her hoitiohold.
A Plaining; Tiir.
We hare recently heard mi inter
esting nneedole by which ono can de
duce) n novel and adorn it into u talc,
of how Roeond thought so often prc
vcnti complications. T icrc isn Yan
kee skipper fiom Maine, well known
as n coal trader, Captain Pitcher, lie
i", like most Maine men, Urge pro
poi turned and muscular. Some years
ago ho ran tho Krauz from Washing
ton to Hostou, but has been abroad
since, trading between this country
and the continent. As the story goes
a Itiitish troop-ship, commanded by
an initable, impetuous old olliccr of
the Queen's "narce," was nt anchor
in a foieign port. Captain Pitcher's
limk was being piloted in, nnd,
through some mismanagement, fouled
the jihlioQii of the troop-ship, doing,
howevei, little or no damage. The
old olliccr in n fury of t age, howled:
"Come on board, sir."
The Yankee skipper, not exactly
knowing what lodo under the circutn
stuncs, pulled in his gig to tho lad
der of the tioop-ship mid mounted to
the deck. JIo was somewhat st.utlcd
when, as he stood upon it, the old of
lior called :
'Sentry, aucst this man."
The fkippor was astonished, but
quickly answetcd : "lam an Ameti
can citien, I am unatmed, but no
man f-liall nriest me."
'Arret him, rontry. Don't you
heat me?" loited tho captain.
The i-onlry advanced to seic. the
skipper, but was met witli a left-hander
(hat would discount a pile-driver.
Quickly die Yankee made for the
ganwar, stiiking down every man
whointerfeted, leaping into a gig, and
pulled oil' to his bark. Straight to
theAmeiican Con-ul ho went, mid
put his before him. The latter
JMiid be would attend to the matter.
and the next day the skipper called.
The Consul sat nt the center of the
(able; to tho right was the English
olliccr, no other than Yice-Admiral
Sn Jnnu' Hope, I. C. 1!., in all the
splender of full uuifoim.
" Hope, Captain Pitcher,"
iutiodticed (he Con-nil.
"Captain, I ant delighted to meet
you," tcponded the Admiral. And
now let (he war go on.
lie spoke in (lie t-aue-t manner
and with (he sweetest of rin'tles. The
skipper bluntly said that ho thought
the Eugli&liolliee should apologize,
"Not at all, jtot at all ; no, dear
friend. You came on bo.ud my -hip.
! "'hipped tho ontiio Queen's nary, and
MMI wiiimiu a .-ciatci. is tliat
not Mtllicicut satisfaction? Don't let
I"1''"0 ,lu l ""l; " !'"' ! you are
I I . 1 t
too good a follow, I know, to force it."
"Well, Admiral, began tho C.tptain,
' Sioatly mollified, "well, Admiral, I
sorter guess mat it s an tigui.
"Ofconr-e it N. We are diplomats,
and I have -omo splendid brandy in
my cabin. Theo are excellent cigars ;
wo will adjoin it to our lii.indy and ci
ga.'s; mid our two nations will post
pone the war. If all your bailors ate
like .vou, I should ptefer the war in
definitely postponed. Boton Times.
.Vitei mi Ieiurtnient.
Keep your nails paired, and keep
paiied youtaelf. Singlcblcsscduc!is
an otnpty inoekety.
Too out, not in. Especially if vou
ato an employer, you would better
tutu out voiif feet than your hands.
Keep your face cle.inlv shared, and
stop tltete. Don't sharo vour custo
mer. Don't tnlk with your mouth filled
with food. Audtheieis no call for
vour talking much under normal
ICeop jour clothing well blushed.
If vou haro no luindi, tell your wife
how j on long for jour mothers eook
oiy, and jou will have one iin-tanter
See that your eolar botton is seeuio
bofoio you leave homo in tho morn
ing. Eboyouwill find
iug befoto night.
Don't intomipt a poison in his talk,
Tho natural limit of a man's life is
thieocoio yeais and ton. and he can't
go on foiovor.
Never put your kuifo in your
mouth. Tho mouth is a voty poor
place to keep a knife in. Apt lo
tnako it justy,
Don't tuck yiur napkin under your
shut eolar. Tho waiter may tliiuk
you it.
Nov or say "I won't" oron if it be
jour wont to fool that way. Jlonton
J acoii Lincoln, a ooiiMn of the mar
tyr piosidont nnd a eattlo dealer, was
tnurdoted at llauisbuig, Mil., leceut
ly by twoioughs, niiiucd Wood nnd
Reed, who nut heavily guarded in jail
to prevent their loins lynched,
Important IvxcciiIIyc Order.
Governor Thayer has iss ted tho fol
lowing system of rules regulating ap
plications for requisitions for persons
charged with crime:
An application to the governor of
this slate for a requisition upon the
governor of another 8(n(c, or of n ter
ritory, for (he rendition of nn alleged
fugitive, must, if the person whose
icndilion is sought lias been indicted
be accompanied by the following doc
uments in duplicate.
1. A duly ut tested copy of the in
dictment, made by the clerk of tho
court having jurisdiction to try the
party charged.
2. An affidavit, or affidavits, that the
party charged is a fugitive from jus
tice and that the demand is made in
good faith, for the punishment of
(.rime, and not for the purpose of col
lecting n debt, or of removing the al
leged fugitive to a foreign jurisdiction
with n view thcro to serve him with
civil process, or for nny pecuniary or
private end.
In ease no indictment has been pre
settled against the person whose ren
dition is sought, but tho application
is based upon mi information or com
plaint made before nu examining
court or magistrate, such application
must be accompanied by tho follow-
ing documents in duplicate :
1. A duly attested copyof the in
foriuntio.t or complaint made by the
examining magistrate.
i!. Alt aflidavit or affidavits as speci
fied in paragraph 2, above,
a. An nflidiirit or affidavits to the
facts constituting the offence charged
by poisons having actual knowledge
1. A certificate from the magistrate
before whom the complaint was made.
that in his opinion, the character, of
the complainant, nnd the merits of the
ease presented, warrant the applica
tion. Each npplicntion must be accompa
nied nlso by a ceitilicatc of the Dis
trict Attorney of the district in which
the oH'cnso is alleged to hare been
committed, together with his opinion
upon tho expediency of allowing the
In all caos the greatest care will
be exercised by this department to as
certain beyond a doubt that the object
in seeking a requisition is not to col
lect a debt or to alfoul tome person an
opportunity to trmel at the public ex
poiifeor tonnbwersome other, private
In all cases of false pretense, em
bezzlement, conspiracy nnd similar
.. IA. .... III.. 4l.., l.rt .s3
iwcucu .. uu .(.-quorum., ii.c ..-...
onjeci i not wic collection oi u pri
rate debt.
If the offeiibc is not of recent oc
currence, sufficient reason must bo
given ivliy the application has been
Requisitions will not bo granted
upon two or more States at the same
time for the rendition of the same
In all caes of rejected applica
tions, the papers will be retained in
this department.
W. V. Thayer,
Governor of the State of Oregon.
When Kearnej- was in Sacramento
recentlj', ho called Assemblyman
Maybell into (he lobby and said to
him in a strong business liko way,
"Maybell, you must pass a law hcio
regulating labor. This session must
not go by without a law that will fix
tho price of labor mid tnako us all
squmoon the subject. You know wo
have the Constitution now, and the
inajotity of our new Supremo Court
nreComnuinistsso, tf.drivo ahead
and give us a law that will clinch the
thing." Maybell answered hinibonie-
what dosp mdiugly, saying, "I enn't
do it, Keainoj-jthe Constitution
ain't what I thought it wa."
Y.vquisw Hay. Slater has present
ed ameinoiial signedby the Governor
and other ollicials and several thou
sand citizens of Oregon praying iinap.
ptopriation of $2oO,0(X) fortho iniprov
inent of tho cutraneeof Yaq'iiun Hay.
The nieinoiial nsserts that by develop
ment of that impoitant haibor the le
souroos of tho neighboring districts
will open up a tract of fettilo eountty
between the bay and tho Willamette
ralleye.xceeding 500,000 acres.
Chiengo men hnro brought a fourth
interest in tho Ctedit Mobilter Mine,
in Paradise- Diet. This mino is situ
ated about fifteen miles from Golcon
da, and about twenty-two miles from
Wiunemucca, in tho range which
separates Paradise. Valley from Iho
Valley of tho Humboldt.
Wmlc nnd Kecr:tiirj'
Of Hon. Wndc nnd Secretary Stnn
ton.aencnil Hrisbin tells n picture-quo
story. Wndc one day nsked for the
promotion of n military friend, nnd
when Stanton refused, proceeded to
discuss it with much stumping of the
feet, flourishing of hisennennd nngry
expostulation. Stanton sat quietly,
nnd nt last Wade roared out: "You
will do this thing for me, Mr. Secre
tary!" "I will not," curtly responded
Stnnton. "I say you will" ngain,
roared Hen, striking the lounge with
his eane. "And I say I won't,' replied
Stanton. The two men stood facing
nnd looking nt each other for full
fire seconds, nnd then Wade began in
a voice trembling with rage: "It's
all very well for you, Stanton, to treat
me this way now, but I remember
when you hadn't a leg to stand on
and I stood for you." Mr. Stanton's
hard face relaxed, nnd he said quite
mildly, "very well, Mr. Wade, if that
is the way you put it, I suppose I shall
hare (o give ou what you want."
"Thank you, sir," returned Wade, and
without; another word, be
turned and went to the door. As he
was going along the hall of the War
., ; , . T , i
Department, mopping the sweat fiom
i.:u f., i-.i ,...:,! . imt.i ,..,,. ....
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man Stanton has?" "I could not
help smiling," haj-s the General, and
the Senator, without seeming to
think that he had in the least exhibit
ed any temper, went on tosaj: "I
think Stanton is the most ill-natured
man I have ever met." This was too
much. and I luughed outright." What
the devil are j"ou laughing at, sir?"
tartly inquired Wade. "I wns think
ing, Mr. Senator, j-ou showed a little
temper yourself." "Did I? did I?
Well, I expect I did," he said, and
then he commenced laughing, and
laughed until the walls of the War
Department rang.
Want of ConraBc
A great deal of talent is lost to the
woriu lor me wani oi courage. Jivcrv i
dav sends to the crave a number o"f
world for the want of courage. Every
obscure men. who hare onlr remained
in obscuritj' because their timidity
has prevented their first ctfort, and
who, if they could hare been induced
to begin, would in nil probabiltj', hare
gone great lengths in the career of
fame. The fact is, in order (o do any-'
thing in this world that is worth do
ing we must not stand shivering on
the brink, and think of the cold dang
er, but jump in and scramblo as we
can. It will not do to be pcrpctuallj
calculating risks and adjusting nice
chances. It did reiy well before the
Hood, when a man could consult his
friends upon a publication for one
hundred and fifty years and then live
to see its success for six or seven cen
turies nfterward, but nt present n
man watts, and doubts, and bcitntes,
and consults his brother and his un
cle, and paiticular friends, till one
day ho finds that he is sixty j-ears of
age ; that ho has lost so much time in
consulting first cousins mid particular
friends that he has no time left to fol
low their advice. There is no time
for ovcr-squeaiuishness nt present,
theopportunitj- so casilj slips awitj,
tho very pen'od of his life at which
man chooses to venture, if ever, is so
confined, that it is no bad rule to
preach up tho necessity, in such in
stances, of a littlo violence to feelings,
mid to efforts made in defiance to
strict and sober calculation
Curious, If True.
An exchange saj"s : Some time ago
the Chineso of Portland enjoyed a
sensation by tho finding of a stone
altar of considerable proportions in
tho Palouso countiy. It boro all the
marks of having been buiied forpges
and how it ever came thero is a mys-terj--
Tho altar was carefully boxed
up and placed under the chargo of six
talwmt Celestials, taken to Portland
shipped to China on tho bark Colotna.
Tho Chinamen say that tho alter was
tho property of a 'Joss that lived in
this countiy centuries ago, and at
that time controlled tho wateis of
the Columbia liver.
Ovkk 5,000 ottlo have been shipped
from Winneinuccathis winter.
A i'ktkified rattlesnake was recent
ly found near l.olvolock's Station,
Nevada. Tho head was gone, but tho
body and rattles weto in a perfect con
dition. Mrs. Bowi:i5S,tho Wnshoo Seeress,
is trying to infuse courage into Com-
Blockers by assorting that "wo" aro on
tho evoof a giaml discoverj.
Ciiixamkn' on tho Comstock mino aro
evading tho law against opium smok
ing bj mixing tho drug with tobacco
and smoking it in common tobacco
I.IIHiI I.rfIxlntlon.
The bill passed by the Senate yes
tctday for the telief of homestead set
tlers is n measure of great importance
to very large numbers of settlers in
California. It wns originnlly intro
duced by Senator Itootli, nnd his per
sistant efforts procured its pnssnge,
both in the public land committco
and in the Senate. Under tho exist
ing Inw the right of pre-emption on
public land attaches from thedate of
settlement, but the right of a settler
under the homeitead law only from
the date of the entry. This bill pro
vides that the land shall be given to
the first settler whether he claim it
asnprc-empter or as a homesteader.
Senator liooth is on this point :
There is no rcncon why the right of
, luitnoateml m-uIp should not reluin
back by his alleging the date of his
settlement in his homestead aflidavit,
and the fact that a settler now before
the surrcj has no option but must
claim under tho pre emption law in
order to cut under intervening settlers
or grants. Many settlers have alreadj
used their pre-emption tight mid aro
now, although in possession of valua
ble improvement", cntiicly at tho
mercy of i-itcrrening prc-etnptois or
railroad giant''.
The bill next provides that the first
settlci upon an abandoned homestead
entrj- shall have a preference right to
acquire a title to it after tho original
entrj- is canceled, and the last section
substitutes for the present round
about nnd dilatory- method of cancel
ing relinquished homesteads and tim
ber culture entries in thegcncrnl land
office, the common sense provision
that such relinquishments shall bu
! effectual as soon as they arc filed in
the local land office. Booth, in ex
plaining this section, said :
The relinquishments aro ncarlj- al-waj-s
made as the result of purchase of
improvements bj-tome person who is
looking for a homestead, and if tho
cancellation were immediately noted,
he, by reason of bis being a partj- in
the matter, would be able to enter ba-
fore any one else, but as long as can-
j -- ' -' o
cel1-1 io'"' ch c-cs are milIc !t
present, ho has no advantage by rc.ion
of such purpose, for in the interval, ft
becomes widely known in the neigh
borhood and at the land ofliec, that
the claim to that tract has been re
linquished, and all the jumpers and
speculators of both localities are itn-
niediatelr on the alert to ascertain in
advance of everj- one else the manner
of the cancellation. This desiieisno
small source of corruption in tho
local land otliees, and reporting can
cellations by telegraph which goo
by mail, forms a considerable part oi
the business of some land attorneys in
this cilv.
Cot-lc n ml ItN Vuliio.
Tho constantlj' increasing demand
for cork for bottling and oilier pur
poses, together with the fact that tho
cultivation of the tree is sadlj neg
lected, thiealons to cause a seriou-s
dearth of tho article. Yet no other
substance has been discovered that
willscrvOHS a substidtto for coik iu
many of the uses to which it is ap
plied. Coik is worth eleven times
what it was a centurj' ago, and its
nimkct value is rapidly incieasing.
The American Commissioner of Agri
culture has satisfied himself that tho
cork tree can be succe3fullj' cultiva
ted in various parts of tho United
States, and in his repoit for 1S7S, just
issued, recommends that the govern
ment odor premiums to those who,
within a reasonable specified time,
shall have obtained the host rosults iu
eotk culture. In Sicily, S.udiniaand
tho Kingdom of Italy gioat planta
tions of eotk trees have been destioj--cd
to obtain the tannin from tha
After having been stripped of their
bark the trees wero burned in otdor
that tho caibonato of soda might bo
extracted fiom their ashes. In 1S2:J
tho Fionch government began to nur
ture this impoitant interest. Fnuico
has now about 500,000 acres of cork
plantations in Algoria. Tho tico
giovvs as high as sixty-fivo feet, and
will live and yield coik fiom 150 to
200 s. In a dry, sandy, silioious.
soil, at an altitude of fiom 1,GQQ to,
3,20C feet, nnd not fuithor north than
tho fortj--fiftli degree ot lattitude,
coik plantations will lloutish. Tha.
treo does not, however, yield valua
ble cotk until it is 'tow aid fifteen,
years oldv
Giii:i:k brigands near Sulonica hava
sent a letter demanding 15,000 ran
som in ton daj'd or they will send
Colonol Syngs head lo .Salomon.
Two companies oi United Stnlcs,
troops havo boon sont to CoidtrgH, in
Suminor county, Kansas, to insist in
of Indian Territory,