The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 13, 1880, Image 1

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The Coast: Mail.
The Coast Mail.
n.3jjj liivm xaamxranni.
Marshfiold, Coos Co., Or.
run inti:ri:stb ok south
Terms, in Advance.
One year -Six
Tlireo months
.$2 CO
1 M
1 00
OFriCIlIi PAPIIR OF coos to
Tlio Development ci f otirMincs, llio
Improvement of our hnihois, mid mil
10ml communication with tho Interior,
1 I ' "" J
Slutr Oicijim.
Governor, W. W. Tlinjer
Heoiotary of Slalo, It. I'. Uiirhnil
'lienstiror, I;. mush
Hupt. Public Schools, J. L. Powell
2d Judicial Diilriel.
Disliiot Attorney,
J. V. Watson
S. II. Hazard
CtlOA Couiiti,
County Judge, J. II. Noslot
Commissioners, ju )''
ilolm Ken von
It. C. Dement
Khcrilf . A. (J.Aiken
Clerk, Alex. Stuulf
Treasurer, 1). Moiso.Jr
Assessor, Jolm Liinu
School Superintendent, .). F. Moore
Coroner, T. C. Maekoy
( 'firry C'owiit'y,
County Judge, Dolus Wuodi till"
WltlJTlIN Toll llli: COAHT MAIL.
4r Ori'Bou'K Nouthcrn CommI.
mjmiieu ix.
ino Jixi'i.nirioN or 1851.
Kehool Stipl.,
3 P. Hughes
A. II. Monro
WiilliT Sutton
A. M.(iille,.ie
M R Gibson
'I'll oh. Cunningham
An Indian I'olli-j.
Tlio senate committee on Indian af
fairs havo agi cod to report for passage
tlio original hill designed to eoor the
entire range of various new provisions
based upon tho general principle that
tlio United State should in a
iiioasuio ahaudmi the policy of treat
ing Indiaui as children, and place
tlu in as speedily as possible tiiou the
footingofcilircns. The main features
of tho plan outlined hy tho commit
tee, arc First Permanent localiza
tion of tho Indians hy allotting home
clouds to them in tho several territories
with provision thai tho 1 iikIh ho id lot
ted shall U' absolute!) inalienable tin
img a period of !!," ve.irs Second
Kxlcnlion over the Jimi.nn of the gen
eral civil and criminal laws of the
United States, or of tho ruspcclito
Mates and territories within whoo
borders they aro located. Third
Continuation of a ceit.uu degree of
assistance ti them hy the government
in lino of their progress toward civil
ization, until they hecoino self-sustaining
hy means of agricultural and pas
toral occupations It in not proposed
liy tho committee to transfer tho eon
(ml of Indians to the war deptrlmout,
hut tho hill will largely divest
tho interior department of dis
cretionary power in regard to
tho Indians hy placing them individ
ually under tho country' general
lawn. Tho provision of the hill aro to
nppl to tlio fho civilied tribes of In
dian Territory. Its details will he a
subject for consideration at future
meeting. Col. Brooks, acting com
missioner of Indian alfaiis, Maid that
all tribes except tho Utcn and Lem
hi aro on reservations, and cnpthlo
of supporting themselves hy means
of ugrioulturo or stock raising.
Our Ilrulfli.
Tho comparative rato of mortality
prepared hy tho government, shows
that Oregon, as a Mate, in tho health
iest iiw the union. Tho following ta
bic, taken from tho government sta
tistics, shown that tho proportion of
deaths to tlio number of inhabitants
in somoof tho eastern states,
compared with tlio Pacific coast:
Maine and Louisiana 1 in lSdioyr'ly
Illinois and Indiana 1 in 17 "
Arkansas 1 in 98 "
Kansas 1 in OH "
Vermont linOl! "
California 1 in 101 dioyr'ly
Oregon 1 in 172 "
Though then; may bo some Hick
liens incident to tho humid climate of
tho coast region, the people who como
licro from tlio cast nio benefited by
tho change. Tho country east of tho
Cascades is dr.vor and tho air lighter
th in in tho valleys of the coast, and a
good change in climate and atmos
phere is possible in one day. Almost
us great a change may bo realized in
oiio day's travel fiom Portland to Tho
Dalles as to remove from tho rogiou
of Richmond, Va., to Denver, Col
There is no parallel in climate, how
ever, for the dense air of tho const
country ban not the oppressive heat
of Virginia, and tho air of tho Cas
cades and Illue mountains is not near
as cold or changeable as tho atmos
phoro of Colorado. llftourcei of Or.
An exchange says Darntini proposes
to benolit the sulfaiing in Ireland
with another $100,000. His plan, how-
over, dilfors from that of tho New
York Jlrmld. It cohhIhIh in buying
Wwituin lands uud nulling alternate
idols to imniigianls on condition of
Immediate improvement; and also, in
advancing moiioy to Ining families
from Iieland, or any other part of tho
world, and in starting them bo that
they may bo ublo to tako uuioof tliuiu
Wo now enter upon tho most im
pui(aut, as well as the most interest
ing incident in the histoiy of Coos
and Curry counties, tho ill-fated ox
peditlou of 1831 Of this expedition
L. L. Williams, a man well known in
southern Oregon, now a resident of
Wnitshurg, W. T , and Mr. Ilcdden,
of Scottsbuig, nro tho hoIo survivorc.
Tho expedition was ono of great hard
ship and pen'l from the commence
ment, and terminated in a deadly
hand to hand-to-hand fight near tho
mouth of the Coquillo river, from
which but five cnine out alire. Tho
part borne hy L. L. Williams in this
expedition and (ho bloody conflict in
which it terminated, as well as his
enrcor since, aro of such a remarkable
character, and ho closely connected
with the historv of southern Oregon,
that we hero intioditee, hy way of pref
ace, a brief hkctch of his life.
L. L Williams was hoiu in the State
of Yeiuiout, in 18111, moved with his
patents to Michigan in IS.'!.'!, his fath
er settling sixty miles northwest of
Detroit. Young Williams never at
tended school, and all
advantages I'vci enjoved hy him were
those of his own eieating. Ho was
endowed by nature with a strong con
stitution, and at the age of fifteen
was a man in sire, broad-shouldered
vvell-developod, and pottering in
its fullest degieo tho determined and
Nclf-ieliaut spirit that has since car
ried him through haidships that very
few iiicn could survive. It was at this
age he joined a company engaged
in hunting and trapping for furs
along tho northern boundary, from
the Lakes to the Rockv Mountains,
and remained in this service for live
jeers. lie he saw many hardships
and many narrow escapes , they were
surrounded by Indians more or less
hostile, and were frequently attacked
by small hind", which wore repelkd
h) tho daring frontiersmen. The ex
perience acquired in this bifiuess
served him a good pin pose in after
life. In ISoO ho came to Cahfornii,
and the following ear catno to Port
Orford in tho steamer Sea dull, of
which Win. Tichouor was command
er. Ho received a seveio wound in
the fight with tho Indians near tlio
mouth of the Coquillo, in September,
1851, being then twenty jears of ago.
arrived at the Uinpqu.i some days
l.itfr, and remained an invalid fiom
ins wound lor some years no was
twice County Treasurer of Umpqtia
county, and twice County Clerk of
the Hamo county. Douglas and Uinp-
qua counties weie coiienlitlatcu in
ISO.'!, and ho filled thootlieoof County
Clerk of Douglas county three terms
hy election and two by appointment
and in tho jcar 1M"1 Williams was
was enrolling odicer fortius district
and became Captain of a Co. of voltiu
tceisaud spent the following two or
thico vears with his command among
the Indians of Southeastern Oiegou.
Delias been a (loverninont Deputy
Surveyor and chief cloik in tho Rose-
burg LaudOllice. Ho iiImi took an
active part in the Snako Indian cam
paigns. In 1871 ho visited the buH'a
lo country on tboSascatchewau rivor
in Rritish America and thence to the
Illack Hillsin 187(S. In 1879 ho inado
an extended tour of the Yellowstone
couutiy and wrote some iuteiesting
description of tho remarkable sconory
of the National Park.
Williams is a bachelor of medium
height, Ktrongly built, and ii man
whoxe acquirements and goneinl intel
ligence consideiing his want of early
tiainiug, nro quite louiaikahlo. Ho
is ono of the best clei ks in Oregon, and
his long experience in tho clerks ollico
united witHMound judgement a habit
of close observation, have given him u
bettor know ledgo of tho forms of Invv
than isgenoinlly to bo found outside
of the legal piofossion. Ho is n good
liunucicr mid has acquiicd a hand
some competence, Ho never gam
bles, uses tobacco nor drinks ten, coll'eo
nor whiskey; is always honest and
straight fin ward in business, and en
jojs tho fullest coiilldenco of all his
acquaintances. Ho is a strango com
bination of a self-taught scholar, a life
long backwoodsman, a llrst clasi hunt
or, a good explorer and mountaineer,
and a persistent Indian hater. For
this last named quality hu has as good
wariaut as any man living, as will ap
pear more fully fiom tho following ex
tract fiom his inuiiinl. the facts and
details for which vveio caicfully noted
hy Williams and Hodden immediately
after tho ocoutroncos narrated, and
while tho incidents vvcio desli in tho
minds of the aetnis.
Having thotoughly explored the
whole coast from the mouth of the
Coquillo River UO miles unitli ofl'oit
milcHsoulh, it was determined to or
ganize paijy to oxnloio the interior,
and about tho middle of August 18rJ
an expedition of ".'! fine voting men
iindcrtho chaigo of W. U. T. Vault left
Port Orford, to examine the Coast
Range mountains, and llnd a practica
ble route if ono existed, for ii or
puck trail from the Coast eastward to
n point on tho Oicgon and California
trail near Shasta.
T. Vault was an old Oregonian, hail
been six or seven years in the country,
and his servieoB had been secured to
explore this region of country in the
interest of the Port Orfoid company.
Ho was represented as being a good
practical mountaineer, and an experi
enced Indian lighter The mostof the
parly wet o emigrants of that jear.or
tho year previous, and had but very
littlo knowledge of the geography of
tho country and hut few of them bad
ever been accustomed to mountain life
orlhowiijHof hostile Indians, yet all
weie anxious to be oil", looking forward
to the time when they might immor
talize themselves in some hand to hand
coullicl with tho natives, or reach the
rich gold Holds of tho Shasta country,
which at this time was attracting the
attention of the adv enttirous gold min
ers from all parts of the coast
The parties in interest at Port Orford
being more diiectly inteiested in the
success of this expedition, had provi
ded alwut eight (lav s rations, asserting
confidentially that no longer time
would he needed in passing over the
mountains to tho mining ilistiicts in
tho interior wheie supplies could he
Heroic Women.
The extraordinary courage of the
Mhaiiian women has been displaced
over and over again in the history of
the country , hut one of the most cele
brated instances was that iccordcd of
the branch of the Albanian people icp
resented by the Suliotes, when they
were besieged hy AH Pasha in 179-.
The Suliotes formed a semi-independent
confederacy, comprising GO vil
lages, in the districts of Margariti,
Paramythia and Jauin.i. Up to the
time of Ah P.isha they prided them
selves on the legulaiity of the pay
ments of their dues to the Porte. Rut
the intrigues of the cunning old Veli,
who wanted lo gel the whole of the
sp.ilulik of Suli into his greed v hands,
soon roused the people into lehellion,
anil they commented their glorious
and lengthened war against the far
greater resouicci of the lenowned Pa
sha. The latter, by means of the du
plicity of which he was such a cere
inonioiis master, had entrapped Tza.
veil. i.ono of tho Sulioto heads of
homes, into his power, and then laid
siege to the town of Suli. Ho endea.
voreil hy biibos to induce Tavelle to
turn traitor. Cunning heio met its
match : the ciafty Sulioto protended
compliance, and even left his own son
Potoiu All Pasha's hands as a hostage
lie returned to Suli under pretense of
betraying the tow u, hut no sooner had
ho arrived than he sent a letter of tie
fiance to the Pasha. Ali ass tiled tho
tow u, and it was hero that the heroism
of tho Alhinia.i women became sol
conspicuous. Mosko, tho wife of Tza
vella mid mother of l''o, showed pro
digies of valor during tho siege. She
broke open sonio cartridge-boxes with
a hatchet, and then loaded them on
the other women, and nibbing into the
trenches, distributed thcin among the
Suliotes. Ali tliieatonod to alive
hereon 1'oto, hut she icplied that sho
was xoung and co tld have other chil
dren, and that she would oat a bit of
the masted llosh of her hon rather than
betray her country. - Rlackwood's
.Niiri-oiiittlliic; r (lit Imperial
Ilouneliolil In ItliftNlu.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg says
it may ho unintelligible to ninny per
sons abroad how the nihilists succeed
in doing their work in tho very resi
dence of llio royal family. Probably
no other building in St. Petersburg is
less snfc Minn llio winter palace. It
lias alwnys been a refuge for number
loss vagabonds, workmen, friends of
servants and others, and many with
out passports who could not live with
impunity anywhere else. The impcr.
ial ukase of last April gave full power
toOcn. Gotirka to search the buildings
of tho palace, but even Hint severe
governor general could hardly ven
ture, such is Russian administration,
to interfere with tho special authori
ties of tho imperial residence. There
is an old Russian law which gives the
right of sanctuary to criminals taking
refugo within the buildings of the
imperial pnhiccs, so far ns concerns
the ordinary police, who havo no jur
isdiction in such cases. No fewer
Jinn five thousand persons have been
living in the winter palace, and no
body has over known the precise du
ty of one-half of them. Tho appoint
ment of Gen. Malilfbir as virtual dic
tator lias created a good impression,
especially in circles where ho himself
and his previous administrations arc
best known. His rule at KhnrkcfT,
though mild, has been effectual in re
pressing disorder. His views gener
ally aro known to bo liberal. All
classes feel that the measures taken
aro necessary and w isc, and think Gen.
MclikolF is the man most fitted for
the place. No well informed person
believes in nnj vvidcspiead conspiracy
amongst dignitaries, court officials or
(til . (Jiiroelon'M I.m r Iin-rlit'
His fust wife was Miss Waldron,nnd
byhorhe liuil livo childion, fourof
whom nro now nlivo. Ho went out
with n Maine regiment early in tho
war, hut soon rctui ited home. When
he came back ho mm lied tho wife of n
man who had gone to California when
tho fovor bioko out, but who had nl.
ways sent hack plonty of money.
Just hcfoio tho nun riago $700 wasio-
coivod from him, and this holpcd to
buy tho wedding piesonts. Just tlueo
vveoks after tho inaniago tho former
husband returned fiom California and
wiisgieatly sui prised to find that his
wifo was tho wife of another. Ho went
to Garcolou and told him ho could
keep tho woman, but ho wanted his
money back. An nitangeinont was
madoand ho lotuincd to California.
Rochohtor Democrat,
Stammering is tho result of a func
tional part of the brian
which presides over the faculty of
speech, according to an article of Dr
lliimmaud This is proved, hesays, by
the fact that all stammers can at
times speak as well as other persons
"There is no defect in the organs of
speed, no paralvsia of the tongue or
lipv hut there is a condition pres
ent which, at times, especially when
the subject is excittd or interested, or
especially tries to do his best, prevents
the normal sv -tematio articulation of
certain billables. And this
to be duo to an impossibility of co-ordinating
tho muscles hy which speech
i cH'ected of biingiug them into
baiiiionious and syteinatiu action."
Dr. Hammond was a stammerer at 19
but entirely cured himself, mainly by
the performance of some slight mus
cular action svnchronously with the
aiticulation of difficult syllables.
"With each troublesome word," he
explains, "especially with ono begin
ning a bentenco, I mndo some slight
motion with my hand or foot, or even
with a single linger, and I found that
this plan enabled mo to get "tlio word
out without stammering. In this pro
cedcuro tho attention is diverted from
tho effort to speak to tho performance
of the muscular action mentioned,
and henco the specck becomes mocc
automatic than it is with stammerers
generally. And this is the wholo sys
tem of cure. It consists in efforts to
render tho speech automatic." Ho
occupied two jcars in euiing hinisolf.
rnnny u fervent prajcr ascended to
the Heavenly Throne in thankfulness
for their miraculous csenpe. Tele
gram, March ltt.
Merman Wire.
The cuKnnry nrt forms a part of the
cducntion of tho women in Germany.
Tho well-to-do tradesman, like the
mnchnnic, takes pride in teeing his
daughters good housekeepers. To ef
fect this object, tho girl, on leaving
school, which sho docs when about
about 11 years of age, goes through
tho ceremony of confirmation, and
then ii placed hy her parents with n
country gentleman, or in a largo fam
ily, where she remains ono or two
years, filling what may also he termed
the post of servant, or doing the work
of one. This is looked upon as an
apprenticship to domestic economy.
She differs from a servant, however,
in this she receives no wages; on
the contrary, her parents often pay
for tho care taken of her, ns well as
her clothing. This is the first step in
her education ns n housekeeper. She
next passes, on the samp conditions,
into the kitchen of a rich private
family, or into that of a hotel of good
repute. Here she has control of the
expenditures of the servants employ
ed in it, and assists personally in the
cooking, but'is always addressed as
Miss, and is treated by the family
with deference and consideration
Many daughters of rich families re
ceive similar training, with this dif
ference, however, that they receive it
in a princely mansion or a royal resi
dence. There is a reigning queen
in Germany at the present time who
was trained in this way. Consequent
ly the women in Germany arc per
fect models of economy.
Itullroud Incorporation.
In conclusion tho lecturer said:
"Peter Van Schnnck, LL D., was in
Dnglnnd scvernl jenrs nftcr Amold'rf
treason. On tho occasion of oho of
Ilis ncctistomcd vlsitsto Westminster
Abbey, his attention was arrested
by the entrance of General Arnold
accompanied hy a lady. The lady was
doubtless Mrs. Arnold. They passed
to the cenotaph of Major Andro and
there stood. What n scene for a pen
cil! The traitor Arnold at tho tomb
of a man for whoo ignominfous fato
ho was responsible, reading the mon
umental inscription that will trans
mit to all ngos the tale of his infamy."
New York World.
The Salem Talk of the 1st instant
has the following:
On Saturday evening articles of in
corporation of the Salem and Silver
ton and the Albany and Lebanon rail
road companies were filed in thcoflice
of Secretary of State. J.N. Dolph, J.
Rrandt, Jr , and I'. Schulze are the in
corporators of the two lines, and direc
tors of the two roads. J. N. Dolph
has been elected President and Joseph
Simon, Secretary of tho companies.
It will bo seen that the companies are
in earnest in the matter, as tho engi
neers were to start out to day to locate
the routes. Both roads are expected
to bo binlt and equipped in time to
carry the growing grain crop to mar
ket. The farmers along the route be
tween this city and Silverton can con
gratulate themselves in the fact that
they will soon bo independent of mud
schooners as their only means of trans
portation in tho winter, over almost
impassable roads.
Ilcncdlct Arnold' IVIfc.
II. C. Van Schaack, of Manlious,
Onondaga county, New York, father-in-law
of Aaron J. Vnndcrpccl.of this
city, read before the New York His
torical Society last evening, a paper
entitled "Ucnedict Arnold before his
Treason." The paper was too alum
inous for reproduction in a daily pa
per. In concluding it Mr. Van Schaack
however, touched upon a phase of the
subject too interesting to be omitted ;
"An attempt was made," ho said,
"many years ago and has been repeat
ed since, to implicate Mrs. Arnold in
her husband's treason, and in fact to
mukc her the chief conspirator. The
object was, it seemed, to convince
the world that had not Arnold mar
ricd Miss Shippcn, he would not have
straved from tho path of patriotic
virtue, his treason would not have oc
curred, and by consequence, llio un
fortunate Andre would have escaped
tho gallows. Jtcmarkablo discovery
that Arnold would have been no trai
tor but for his wife!
We shall perhaps next be told that
it was the condition on which she
yielded to him her heart and hand. It
was Davis' biography of Aaron Burr
which undertook to convince the
world that Arnold's virtuous patriot
ism was corrupted by his wife.
Strange indeed is it that the Ameri
can public should thus have been
made acquainted with this remarka
ble fact through the pages of a work
which commemorates a character
scarcely less extraordinary than that
of the arch-traitor himself. If. indeed,
we were called upon to designate two
individuals figuring upon the pages
of American history whose characters
beyond all others were the most mys
terious and the hardestto undersand,
we should unhesitatinly point to Ben
edict Arnold mid Aaron Burr.
After Arnold's escape from Wct
Point, Washington kindly gave Mrs.
Arnold her election to be sent to her
husband in New York or her friends
in Philadelphia. She chose the lat
ter, and wlnlo on her way in her car.
riagewith her rnirse and joung child which is destitute of eget.-tion, and
to that city, shestopped one night in ' so arid that there is no inducement t
New Jersey with Mrs. Provost, who 1 the settler, was once a tropical courj
two years afterward becamo the wife try, abundantly supplied with tropical
of Colonel Burr Now the statement j fruits and vegetation. Geneial Slier
in Burr's biography represents him . man is much interested in the prcser
tclling his biographer what Mrs. Burr vation of such specimens, and encour
told him after marriage in regard to ages every ono connected with tho
WlBTrcc FossIIh.
Two largo fossil trees are now on
their way to Washington from the
western part of New Mexico, designed
for the new National Mttsium. Gen
eral Sherman, while on his tour of in
spection to the military posts of New
Mexico, examined some of the large
petrifications which abound in the
vicinityof Tort Wingnte, and he was
so much impressed with the value of
these specimens that ho decided to
have them biought to Washington
and placed in front of the National
Musium, The two specimens refer
red to will each weigh several tons:
they will serve as conspiccous repre
sentations of the ancient flora of the
region from whence they came. Tho
entire t-oiuitry sun ounding tho spot
where these fossil trees are so abund
ant is at the present day utterly des
titute of vegetation, save a few pin
ions and other stunted trees, which
arc of little or no use. This was not
the case in times long past, for the
two immense specimens now en route
to Washington, according to General
Sherman's account, were not alone.
The country is literally covered with
the remains of an ancient forest, rep
resenting a great quantity of vegeta
tion and establishing the fact beyond
doubt that this entire country, which
is now only inhabited by a few tribes
of Pueblo Indians and covered all over
with evidences of extinct tribes, and
INnri-ow llscupo.
Tho steamer Gtorge IP. Elder had a
very narrow escapo from shipreck
ycstoiday, and tho passengers can
scarcely icalizo by what happy combi
nation of circumstaucos their lives
were saved, for had the vcel sunk,
scarcely a survivor would havo been
loft to tell the feaiful tale. The good
ship was steaming merrily tlnough
the whito ciested waves tow .ml the
mouth of tho Columbia rivor, her
jiving height amusing themselves as
Tin: Tk.vdexcy of Gold. A late
dispatch says tho imports of gold to
this country, which were so large
three and five months nco. have
ceased nlmost entirely nnd tho tide
has tinned tho other way. If tho im
ports keep up until Juno to tho
amount reported in January and Feb
ruary, tho balanco of trade in favor of
the United States will bo reduced to
a very low figure for this year, and
the gold nccuniulation will bo drained
away. Tho secretary is anxious to
get silver dollars into circulation, and
uso them instead of gold in tho mark
ets, Tho Now York money market is
now almost entirely dependent upon
tho action of tho treasury, the largo
increase of business everywhere hav
ing absorbed all tho currency, nnd
monthly purchases of 5 per cent,
bonds, that vv ill bo mado by tho treas
ury, will havo an important effect up
on financial centers. It is understood
that an important circular is being
prepared at tho treasury with regard
to getting silver into circulation.
Dashhd out his Bit uks. A Mary
land farmer, the other day, wont to
best they could, and anticipating a Baltimore, and permitted himself to
Oifoid to Ihu California lino about 90
TiinSecretaiyof tho Navy has been
cabled fiom Montevideo that tho U,
S. steamer Marion had anived theio
fiom ltio, and that uixofnceis and fif
teen muu had been down with the
yellow fovor, Lieutenant Wallis died
on tho "'Id, and Rogers, an nppientico
on tho 20th. All tho olllceis, ccep
ono midshipman, vveio well and con
valescing. Tho oluoois nnd men woio
ashoro on l'loies' Island, It is sup
posed that tho fovcroiiginnted at Rio
while tho vessel was coaling.
Suubcitnii: for llio Mail.
joyful louiiion with ichitives nnd
fiiuiids. A tolerably thick fog coveicd
the bosom of old ocean mid concealed
all familiar objects fiom tho eves of
tho Captain and hisexpoiienccd Pilot,
At once, ns if by ningie, tho heavy
vapeis lifted and exposed to tho start
led gao of tho tais and p.isougors,
Tillamook rock (-qtiaio ahead, not
iiioio than two bundled yntdsdistaut.
Oideis vveio bellowed, tho bolls tink
led tho gigantic engines Mopped,
then icveued, and tho foituniito
hleamor with her 200 men, women
am! childion swiltly ictieated fiom
tho vicinity of tho dangoioiis icof.
Another minute's fog and tho vessel
would have stiuok and her living cur
go been scattoied in tho floico and
tuigiy vv titers. A sigh of lolief wns
uttoicd by evoiy hoail, nseaoh
uod the feni fill danger nun led hv a
kind and all-wisjo rrgvuluuco
indulge overmuch in tho flow ing bow 1
As a propitiatory offering to his wifo,
ho purchased four pounds of sausage
meat, and ns a hnndy place to carry
it, ho placed it in tho crown of his
hat. On reaching his station and at
templing to alight from tho cars, tho
overloaded granger stumbled and
went headfirst to tho ground, bursting
tho high hut and scattering tho satis-
ago moat. Tho conductor horrified
tho jvisscngois by singing out for
"Help, in heaven's nniuo tho man
has dashed out his brains!" And so
it seemed in tho duik, until a light
was biought nnd an inquest held
tho juiy leudeicd a veuliet of " whis
ky and snusngo."
Tnuitr. nro 29 Indian tax-payers in
Yakima county, !W in Clarke county,
HO in Thtiistou, mid loo in other por
tions of this Touitoiv. These taxes
and laic paid mainly on land.
Mrs. Arnold's admissions to her w bile
stopping at her house. (Mr. Schaack
here quoted from the Burr biogra
phy.) This account places befoio us
a newly married jounglady of nine
teen and she a young mother eoi
rupting ,n American General of six
years' standing, and of the mature
age of forty, and that General her hus
band, all (for such is tho motive as
cribed) to acquire tho means of grati
fying an inordinate vanity. Crcdal
Judoens Jppcla non cgol Time will
forbid myen'cring upon a full vindi
cation of this lady from the absird
chargo of being the authorof the plot
for the surrender of West Point, and I
her husband only a reli.c ant instru
ment in her hands to further the
dark scheme. Tho hears ly testimony
upon which it is based is so unsatis
factory in itself, so ineo.nistcnt with
historical documents of established
authenticity, and with the eleuly ex
pressed opinions of General Wash
ington and Col. Hamilton and Major
Franks, that I protest against it as in
culcating an unnatural and revolting
supposition. I impeach it tho naino
of female loveliness, incapable of such
baseness. I arraign it in behalf of
youth without tho art to conceivo or
the craft to mature the foul plot, and
I discard tho rev elation in all its ma
terial positions as absuid in itself and
as a tax upon our credulity at tho
oxponso of our judgement. Margnrjt
Arnold never dug tho gravo for Iter
husband's honor. Burr's story is en
tirely toobig. There is, however, an
episodo to tho histoiy of Mrs. Ar
nold's visit to Mrs. Piovost's, which
does not appear in Col, Burr's biog
raphy. Burr was himself at Mrs. Pro
vost's at tho timo Mrs. Arnold was
thoro, ho probably boing at tho time
a suitor of Mrs. Provost. It is not sur
prising, hovvevor, that Burr should
havo neglected to stato to his hiog
raphortho facts that when Mrs, Ar
nold left her houso in tho morning
Burr ofl'ered his escort, which, ho
protonded, might bo useful to her in
tho then excited stnto of tho publio
mind. On tho vvny ho basely mudc
love to this nfilicted lndy, thinking to
tako ndvnntago of her just foolings of
indignation towards her husbands
nnd hor holplcss condition to nid him.
Boing indignantly ropollod, ho treus
tired up his rovongo and loft n stoij
behind him vvoithyof his fnNo and
malignant heait to blast this unliable
lady's name.
aimy to make colections in all
branches of science tialtiwore Sun.
Imporlanl IeoIsIon.
A Washington dispitch of the 1st
instant says the Supremo Court has
given a decision in tho case of Taylor
Strounder, plaintiff in error, vs tho
State of West Virginia Legislature ex
cluding colored citizens from jury
sorvico in the courts of that State.
This court hcld-i that when a 'colored
citizen is tried for his life by a jury
from which citizens of his own race
are by State statute expressly exclud
ed, ho denied equal protection of law
guaranteed by tho third clause of tho
fourteenth amendment to tho consti
tution and that the State statute de
nying him such light is repugnant
to said constitutional provision. Tho
judgement of tho Snpioiuo Court of
appeals of West Virginia is levctscd.
Ju-tice Strong delivered -tho opinion,
Justice Field dissenting.
A KEcouTnr.'slDK.v. One day thcro
was a groat loss to ono of tho banks by
means of a laised check loported in
New York, and the repoitois of tho
Sun were busy writing out tho faots
about it. Ono of them stopped a mo
ment to say in a chatty way that if
the bankcis would cut into tho cheeks
tho amount for which caoh was diaw n,
aiaised check would bean impossible
thing. Tho managing editor over
heard tho icniaik. "Mr. Blank," ho
said. ",v hen j on got through, write
a letter to tho editor of the Sun, giving-
that idea." It was dtn and the lat
ter was printed tho uot morning con
taining the suggestion that tho
amount of each check should bo cut
into it to piovont any altoications.
A fow nights aftei ward a spi uce j oung
ninn canio in, irid scattering mound
soino blank checks with luunhors cut
through thoni us is now common, snid :
"I am intich obligod for that idea; it
is going to bo worth $10,000 ' inc.'
Tho reporter who originated u is still
laboi ing hv th w oek-
IlEiu'.vfu ui.itEsi'o .otu.N r Frank
Maddock's coal mine, about 1) mile
fiom Hoppner, is a decided aiiccesa.
A gieat many families in town and
ulso many of tho business houses nro
burning- this coal ;it niukos a eplondid
tiro, heating up a room much quuktr
than wood, uud it issaid that ,. t
if coal will last is Iimiu an '
ii wkhI. llio ooai usoui.K tn i iu
for fi par ton, nnd duhvcicd in IItiu-
nirfor fl2,