ti ny The Coast Mail. SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 18S0. Chnrlc Nttmncr. There wns in Charles Sumner, nn n public mrui, a peculiar power of fncitmtion. It acted much through his cloquenco, but not through his eloquence alono. There was Btill anotlicr aourco from which that fascination sprang. Behind all he paid and did there stood a crnnd manhood, which mnko itself foil. never failed BW derstood, more than Charles Sum ncrs living word could have dono for the glory of America, will be dono by the inspiration or his great example. And it will truly be said, that although his body lies moul dering in the earth, yet in the as sured rights of all, in the brother hood of a reunited people, and in a purified Republic, he still lives, and will livo forever. Carl Schurx. limit hr Women. to What a figuro he was, with his tall and stalwart frame, his manly face, topped with hi shnggy locks, his noble bearing, the finest type of American 6cnator Khip, the tallest oak of the forost 1 And how small they appeared by his side, the common run of politi cians, who spend their dp?s with the laying of pipe, and the- setting up of pins, and the pulling of wires; who barter an office to secure this vote, and procure a contract to get that ; who stand always with their cars to the wind to hear how the ad ministration sneezes, and what their constituents whisper, in moral trepi dation lest they fail in being all things to everybody 1 How he stood among them 1 he whose very presence made you for get the vulgarities of political life, who dared to differ with any man ever so powerful, any multitude ever fo 'numerous ; who regarded party as nothing but a means for higher ends, and for those ends defied its iiowor : to whom the arts of dema- gogism were so contemptible that ho would rather have sunk into ob pcurity and oblivion than to descend to them ; to whom tho dignity of his office was so sacred that he would not even ask for it for fear of darkening its lustre ! Honor to the people of Massachu setts, who, for twenty-three years, kept in the Senate, and would have kept him there ever so long, had he lived, a man who never, even to them, conceded a single iota of his convictions in order to remain there. And what a life was his ! a life so wholl' devoted to what was good and noble ! There he stood in the midst of the grasping materialism of our limes, around him the eager chaso for the almighty dollar, no thought of opportunity ever enter ing the smallest corner of his mind, and disturbing his high endeavors; with a virtue which the posession of power could not even tempt, much less debauch ; from whose presence the very thought of corrup tion instinctively shrank back; a life so unspotted, an integrity so in tact, a character so high that the most daring oagcrness of calumny, tho most wanton audacity of insin uation, standing on tiptoe, could not touch the soles of his shoes. They say that he indulged in overweening self-appreciation. Ay, Tic did have a magnificent pride, a lofty solf-estecm. Why should he not? Let wretches despise them selves, for they have good reason to do so: not he, Kut in his selt- p , , ;. wh0 has devoted esteem there was nothing small and j thc past 6;xten years to the perfecting mean; no man lived to whose very I o j-s invention. The model is on nature envy and jtty jealousy (public exhibition, and consists of two were more foreign. His pride of hollow, metal wheels, four leet in m polfwas like his pride of country- ameter, which revolve in opposite di A writer in a western paper, urging tho necessity for more attention to physical culture, notes as a favorable sign that tho pale ami interesting typo of female beauty is fast losing its popularity, and the world is declar ing for the healthy standard of wom anly beauty, such as was over recog nized by Greece and Rome. This is certainly an important and happy change in public taste, and already the cfects of it arc to be seen in an improved condition of feminino health; for it will hardly bo denied that on an average tho women of to. day aro physically suporior to what they were a few years ago, when tight lacing and similar destroying customs prevailed. Youiig women take moro exercise than they formerly did. Thev ride and walk moro, and are more in the open air. Thoyhave not the insane dread of the sun's rays which they once had. But there is much room for improvement yet. Many homes are still presided over by invalid wives and mothers, who present a constant spectacle of misery and sadness to their families and friends, and area source of unlimited expense to their husbands. In such homes the greatest of all blessings that could bo honed for would le the health of the mistress restored ; but too often it istht one blessing which never comes. American homes, more than any other, perhaps; in tho world, have been saddened by sickly women. If this shall be so no loncer it will be a great blessing to the nation. And the remedy is simple, American men are as strong and healthy as those of other nations; there is no good reason why American women should not be. All that is needed is a proper attention to dress and exercise. Let women dress as men do, so that their bodies shall not be squeezed and pressed to gether, but have free room for motion, and let them get out into the air and sunshine, as men do, and exercise their bodies, and the race of Ameri can women will not become extinct, aa it once threatened to do. On the contrary it will be improved, built up and beautified, and a time will short ly come when a healthy man will not have to hunt a whole country over to find a healthy wife. We are on the rieht track now: all that is needed is to go ahead, and the results will soon ! be manifest. "W omen will die to be in the fashion, therefore let the fash ion of female beauty be vigor and strength, and all the ladies in the land will be swinging dumb boils, practis ing archery, riding on horseback and walking as for a wager, but they will be in style. A ?fcTT Motor. Last week we published an account of an Ohio man having invented a per petual motion machine,and there is still another. The New York Sun gives an account of the discovery of a new motor recently made In New York. The machine was invented by TheNtrcnjffth of IVlircla. "I woncr," said a veteran wheel wright, the other day, "how many who see slamlor wheels Hying over the road stones, ever pause to think what a perfect piece of mechanism a wheel must be to stand such continu ous wear and tear. Every spoke must have a perfect bearing, both at tho hub and oh tho follow, lie exactly on the same plane as tho others, and be of equally well-seasoned timber. The felloes must be an equally good fit at tho joints and upon tho spokes. They must form at tho circumference a per fect circle, and bo strong enough for thoir duty without being too heavy. I tell you that a ton weight contin ally thumping at a wheel soon flattens out the weak spots, and bad-fitting and insufficiently seasoned timber will soon givo a loose tire.boys." n" CELEBRATED M BAY VIEW BREWERY, Win. RciclicrtjProprictor Keeps constantly on hand, and oilers for sale a superior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLKSALK and UKTAIL. Mi'B.ui is sui plied withthe choicest ukaxds ok WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS llKANCii SALT ON AT KMl'IRU CITY. meksmm LOCKHART HOTEL, Mr. E. M. lAckhavt Proprietress Emiuuk City.Oon. liosoburg & Coos Bay STAGE LINE Ptfe STOMACH J BITTER5 The bitters invariably remedy yellow ness of the complexion and whites of the eyes, pains in the right sido and under tfn riuht nhoiilder-blade. furred toncue. high-eoivrcd urine, nausea, vertigo, dys pcp.ia, constipation, heaviness of the dead, mental despondency, and every other manifestation or accompaniment of a disordered condition of the liver. The stomach, bowels and kidneys also experience their regulating and tonic in liuence. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers ,2-6-1 y" generally. B00T& SHOE MAKER MAItSIIFIELD, OGK. WIXiXi DO Alili atX2ri3 s OF qttstoim: -woiRK in a thorough manner and use onlv tho BEST MATERIAL. o jjaj-Shop on Front Street, opposite the Pionci " Market. vl-7-tf $ftk THE Central Hotel, Cor. A aad Front Sts.,MjiKbHnr d,Ou. -i pAYING TAKEN CIIAKGE OF LJL the above named house, we can promise to our patrons, Flrt-clni Fare, Tnlr IpnllnK And courteous attention. jp-A TRIAL IS SOLICITED.. O UP IS A 11 Is well supplied in its line, and is under our personal manncempnt. 1 WEKDEN BROS, Proprietors aeaBVBBBa9BBBBBBaBBBBaHanaBBaBBBBaBaBnBaaaBav Livery&Feed Stable, MARSHFIELD, OG'N. ,7. CJAUGir it CO.. Proprietor. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Stage. tciil leave Coon City every day (Sunday excepted) at 7 . !?0 A. si, THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL FIND THIS TO M5 CHEAPEST.BESTaml QUICKEST OF ALL UOUTES ROSEBURG OR ANY PART OF THE INTERIOR. pLOSE CONNECTION MADE j w ith the ears and overland stages at Roseburg. All business entrusted to our care will bo attended to with promptness and security. EaS-FARE REDUCED TO $G..aP3 Each passenger allotted 30tl of baggage. For Further particulars enquire of F. SCIIETTEK.Act. Telegraph office, Empire City. OrS. S. HAILEY, Blanco Hotel, Marshfield, Or. 2S COOS H3.AX" MARKET, MAHUSIiniJU), OUKOON, AW It. Simpson a D. Holland Proprietors. MEATS and provisions of all kinds hold at the lowest living rates and DELI Mil ED Many point desired rou VESSELS, LOGGING CAMPS AND FAMILIES, ALWAYSJREADY. Ca?" We keep nothing but the best JP3 ami insure siuihuu-wuu. l.-l-tf Sim a week in vourown town. Tonus and $.r free. Address II. U.vujrrr A- Co. Portland, Maine. !IIAKSIIFIF.I.I Drug Store, DR. C. B. GOLDEN, Pitorn. Opposite Xasburg' Store. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL SORTS OF :ld:r,tt3-s EUGENE O'CONNELL, r VII I! IN Stoves & Kanges. i . i .i. . . i HardwareJools, I mplomeiits. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION. :Ej.a:m::fs & oils. WOOD A WII.I.oW WAKE. Steam.Water Pine and Fillings. Gran ite and 1'l.itod Wares. 11 U H I N E 8 S 0 A It 1) S. T.C. MAOICKY.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Emimiu: CiTV.'OumoN. C. It. GOLDEN, M.I). PHYSICIAN &. SURGEON M.viisiniKi.n, OnnioN. C. V. TOWI5U.M. 1). PHYSICIAN &SURGE0N Mahniimklii, Our.ooN. W. C. ANGBL.M. 1). PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Cuaullle City, Ogn. S. It. Kazakh, J. W. Hamilton HAZARD A- HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will practice in the various courts of the state. oiTin: at i:iriut: cirv, Oon. vj. ivl. sio-Xiinsr. ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, MAUSIIFIKLD.OUEGON. (5. WKI.STKH, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW MAiiMiKir.i.t), Oitr.no.v HENRY SENGSTACKEN, XOTAIIY MILHWOXYEIAMER, KM Pllt i: CITY, (KIN. Collections and other htiHitiivw placed in my liamN, will receive prompt alien lion. U-3-lf r. witmirr, U. S. Mineral aatl U. S. Deputy SURV K YOU, CoQUii.t.i: City, Oon. Will attend to the btiainotsof surveying in anv part of the county. Perfect itmp-if all survejed lands, fur niched at short notice. i:. ;. u it i MMion, ATTORNEY xnd COUNSELLOR AT LAW. JllJVtXX.H.JH OlTY 6ll WOON A fhare nipuHic patronage w respect NASBURG & HIRST, FitoNT Htukkt, M.viiKiiriiil.u, oUH, NEW GOODS llYKVKKYBTKAM. er; keep coimlntitly on hand In our huge and coiiuiiodlmiH utoro, a Well Holeetod utock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, coimitfliiig of tho IichI (duple and fancy X)K"X Q-OODS, of all kind, the cltoiccHt GROCERIES PROVISIONS. a i.Aittn: stock -or CLOTHING, IIATKiuhIOAI'S, HOOTS ami HIIOKB. limtliKitH anil OIL CLOTHING. SLltMMOKS and OILCLOTH CltOCKKUY nml GLAHS WAKK.HAUDWAKIC ami TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, Paliit.i, (Ml ami Vanillic, Choice Wines uinl I.IquorM, Tlimurc uinl Aimntitiltluiu CUTLEllV, M'lHW and WlU.OW-WAHE.Tuul Sclxool Books STATIONERY, S'lTllNXAIIZNO. ClOOnw, A.IVX) UOBimUY OuroxtcnitivehowcflMeM arc filled wiiih the llnext MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, I'KICKS TO SUIT THK TIMKS. X. II. All poodi purchaed at our Store will he delivered flee ot clinrKo at any point on the route of tho Myrtle. vl-I-tf any toamer vs ii.iitiii:itNiioi. x i'uost or tiii: ocntiiai. iiotku MurNhlleld.OKU full v rol I'ipU c d. 1 IJfttt -AND- NOBLE BROS I'roprietora He was the proudest American ; he was the proudest New Englander ; and yet he was the most cosmopoli tan American we have ever seen. lie is at rest now, that stalwart, brave old champion, whose face and boaring wore so austere, and whose boart'was 0 full of tenderness ; who began his career with a pathetic plea for universal peace and charity and whose whole life was an ardur ous, incessant, never-resting strug gle, which lea him all covered with scars. And we can do nothing for him but remember his lofty ideals of liberty, and equality and justico, and reconciliation and purity, and tho earnestness, and courage, and touching fidelity with which he fought for them so genuine in his Hincerity, so single-minded in his real, so heroic in his devotion. Teoplo of Massachusetts I He was tho son of your Boil, in which i, nnw Rhtenst but he is not all tV " """'J' I rections on the eame axis. I ho pow er used in moving them is nine solid metal balls, placed inside the wheels so as to bear the rim down first, and then gravitate toward the axis where a groove carries them off to the other wheel. Small grooved wheels are also fixed to the axle of the larger wheels to regulate the motion of the machinery. Engineers and scientists who have examined, have pronounced it practicable for all ordinary purpos es for which tho steam engine is em ployed. The inventor claims that with a wheel sixty feet in diameter he can construct a motor of three hun dred horse power that will run until tho material wears out. 3Iore Railroad. A surveying party left Omaha on tho 2-ith ult. for Cheyenne, to begin surveying the newroul to be built by tho Union Pacific from Cheyenne to tho Yellowstone national xhth, "- which 1 Wo have lately huilt a first-clas I Stable on Pine street, and have Hordes to hire at all hours. Hauling done at xhort notice. CHEMICALS P wines ion lir MEDICINAL PURPOSES, DYH-STUVPB, MIUSSBS, SrONGHS. TOIIiIIT,AH.TI CIiBS, X'MXlPCMJnU.V, BTATIONMItY VIvrX jsoxxooxixtoojce, AI O CHO'CE CIGARS ndT0BACC0, and everything usiia'ly kept in a MEUICAL IHfcl'ENhVlSV. Prescription Carefully Com pounded. Al-3-tf TIN masit.u rim u.i of COPPER & SHEETIRONVYARE. .lOl! MOIMi Executed with Dispatch. 853-EXTUAS for Stoves, Plows Moweifi and Reapers furnished at hhort notice. tancn about G50 milefc, of miles will be constructed this year, to ir , i i ..li f ,.ol . .. Tii.ii. :.. nnl, nl Vnrt vourown. no uoinngn w hu " ui the norm riano met ""' '? il,, Kortb and in tho South to Laramie. A branch of this main lino tho blacks ho helped to mal:o free, nml to the whites he strove to make brothers ngain. Over the grave of him whom so many thought to be thoir onomy, and found to be their friend, let tho hands be clasped which so bitterly warred against each other. Lot tho youth of America be taught, by tho story of his life, that not only genius, power and success, hut more than these patriotic devo tion and virtue, make tho greatness orthoolUron. If this lesson be un- VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD Asd Grand Uedal ot Bmor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect work, Art Dolinguidiins Feature of tbt celebrated Giant Farm ana Warehonse Feds, HAOC BY A. P. DICKEY, Raclno, Wis. K,wlUTiniBiiiyUteipraTementi(Aer"fnr equilto erery demand: cleaning a;l k''Cr". Peat. BeaDi.Ca.tcr lieans, Com and Small Sd. '1 J3. B. DEAN, Jn 'ci.7 -nJ Chit! rfecry. and combine 7try iT.Kfic.tion required U do the Uit wcrlc the uoncil tunc. E. A. Anderson, Hlri al I Iloum. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE MAItSIIFIELD, OK. HAULING DONE AT SIIOKT NO tice and at very reasonable rates COAL AND WOOD CONSTANTLY ON HAND MAIINIIVIIOMJ M MtHiirni.n Orkiiun ) Thix ItiKtitiitiliun no aflnrtln the boM faiililn (or oilui-ation tu bo found in the ('mitt iloeion of Southern Ort'con. The A nidi in i" jfraduatetl into three depart- , menu ii IoIIowh: The Primary Department In uhich Intnxluctory IlrancheH are taught, 7'V Junior Department. EtnbraciiiK Orthography, HeaditiK. , WrituiR. tiruinmar. tieosniphy, llintory, PhvHiolotrv, raimliar Science and Men tal and Practical Arithmetic. The Senior Department Embracing Hook-keopinpfniiiKli' ami double entry)llotany, Chemistry, I'ohti cal l.oonomy, Latin, iineiorir, iiiKiif Arithmetic, AlRobra, tieometry, Trigo nouietry and hiirvcyiiiR. M USIC. Inftriiction in tliin branch is k'ivoii when dwtired. Hoaiiii can bo had for from to f 1 iwr week with private families, and for Htill lfti wheiiNCverul stiidenti club to puthur ani board thc'timolvcH. ti:i:ms. $ 5,00 7,M) THEE PIONEER MARKETS, MAiHiimi.r .t Emiiuk City. II. I WHITNEY, l'noi'iiiKTon. I f you w ant an easy shave, AsROftd as liai her ever Rave, Just call on me nt my rmloon, From mom 'till night or busy noon , My ra.oi.s'r-harp, my Hcirnurs, keen, My shop is neat and towcla clran ; Ami there I think that you will llnd F.ncli article to suit the mind ; I trim the hair with skill for Rents, Ofeource the price i.s fifty cents; SliiimiHioinK. to. I 'lo 'bat well, (Jive me a trial, that will tell ; So help me gracious if I make you hol ler, You need not pay a quarter of a dollar. J W. Cox.i'ropr. P. H Hot and cold batliH alwavn ready ll-lMfl COOS It AY FURNITURE STORE, Co.NhrAS-TI,Y OS HAND Mattreise .P Iledsteatls, Chair .V Lounge, Crlh ,v Cratlte, pinruTs. i uvmp.s, mocldings, TAIILKs. MIKItOKK Ac. ou iitliiK-ruuiii I'urnlturc Made to Order COPFIXS made at f hortcot notice. SEWING MACHINES ATTAai.MK.vrs, Nkkiuxh Ac. F MA UK, lvltf Piioi'iiurroit. I i TKw Primary Dcjiartmcnt .liinior fionior vl-3-tf. - - 10,00 J. T. McCoiimac, Principal. A good supply of MUTTON. . CANNED WEEF. "NI PORK, ETC GOOCS, ETC., ETC. U nUn to bo built to the Black Hills Upon tho completion of 100 miles and tho erection of shops at Cheyenne, costing $25,000, tho Bum of $40,000in bonds, voted by Cheyenno, will be de livered ia the Union Pacific branch. Thirty miles will also bo constructed and completed by August, from Enoch to Park City, Utah, tapping tho Onta rio silver mining district, where is lo cated the Ontario mine, the richest mine in the world, payinR GO cents per share monthly dividend on 110,000-000. E. B. Dean & Co. D. WILLCOX AND C. II. MERCHANT. nnd all kinds of sALTMEATSandVEGETABLES constantly on liamK Also a good stock of anoomnxiiH. V E S S K L 8 logging" camps SUPPLIED AT SHOUT XOTICE lv-Uf We HAVB ALWAY8 ON HAND A FULL Assortment Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. W.rtfe.u. vrH M rn M&. c bjtc V c iSthl Si Circular, tumlbd .n Pf Bw. pcnite toticitti STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE L-UZMZIBIEIR, MANUFACTUHED TO ORDER And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED, and at tho THE LOWEST LIVING PRICE8, THE NEW DRUG STORE WJiiwfl! 'i a. at honi)' easi ly lindf Coitlv miiiit tree Adilrc Tin i: ,t Oi AiiKii-t i. M.i in-. EpaltoAnj. EiceMlyte Tins Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. fflanafaclared at Worcctlcr, Zna. New Market. Itoss A TIM. MERMAN that MAIISFIELD.OR. NII.XT DOOIl TO MAIL OFFICE. LOUIS MUX HO K, Proprietor. FULL HTOCIC OF Drugs & Medicines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ItJSST JtllA-XnS OP CIOAJtS fiSj-PresoriptioiiH Carefully Com pounded by Compotont Physician. AIL DtnTTZillVtt of any value may U buiut U ihcw Inttiumcntt, ai.il llxy ttmlaln many ESSENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS HOT rOTWD la other Organ. Almlnato produoo work which ahall l) Durnble, wowlllnot uorlfloo that whloh la not aeon, nnl ynt la vltnl to n parfaot Orann, In order to make a morafanoy xfarlor. We aro ttilt enabled la rtKnt ai Stjllali and Approprlalo Casci u rjn be found In the miiVtt, with a fmUli wlikh U Sit atiUtl by any, A 8 RBQARDO TOMB. tiik roixnwma Award with Medal & Diploma or Donor WAi GRANTED DV THE CINTINMAL EXHIBITION COMMISSIONERS I " far 1 ortrr U Wtlnumtlp, FiMitu, ri'lITT aai ftlLlllKI Of TOIK, DlKrullr Is run aai Smral tlllllf io MttUalul If (4Uui forlha iraMi liUaltl" Do not fail to male ajj.licatlon and SXAMIHB TUICBB IHHTRUMENTO Ilcfore I'urtliailng, Catalsguti free, en oj'lkauon Io the Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WOUOESTEU. MASS. Would niiiioiinci' to tho public their now nutrkut OI'I'OSITKTIinCKNTUALIIOTKL IH SOW OI'U.VKII ANin'HKYAUHrHBl'AUKDtoSKLL AM. KINlin t)P iki:k roiiK mkathoI ai.i.kindh PROVISIO Ns'a'nD V EGETABLES VESSELS awl LOdULW CAMPS SUPPLIED iiTI'KICKK DOWN TO THK UKUJtl M UOCK NEW HOME Sewing Machines, JUST UKC'KIVKI) MY STAMKU1 rou ham: AT REDUCED RATES, BY HKNHYO. I'LOKOKK, J). MoiWh Kinpiro City. W. . "V I? BiSTER." di:ai.i:ii ik E-Boots, Shoes Ami l.i-iitlK'i- riiiHiH"- .Makhiii li:i.D, Oil. IIAVK LATKn RBTOBNBD fiotn Fun Fniiirisco with n eom jiltte stock of irry IhiiiK in my 1 ready miidt1 boots und shixs, oto. DST MATERIAL NLY USED. 8S to 'JO (rr day at Iioiun. Samples worlo 5 free. Address Ktinsdn A Co. 1'uithtiid, Muiiio. FARM FOR SALE, t FMALL 1'AIIM FITl'ATKI) ON tbr haul; of tho Coquillo U'vor i-oiitiuiiiiiK " anus tllUII uuuum urnui Willi Ifono mid Orolmid tJn Hnutnil lit it. IliuisomihloflHto. I'or imilioiilniH nijly to JIlSNItV SnNflatTACKKK, Kmpiiu Oily, Onw" lo mssErm:Jf! v.nf ' jit titf" - uam-ini?iii.iiwati