The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, February 28, 1880, Image 1

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Vr-i rg, j, ,-. nyfr
The Ooasii Mail.
The Coast Mail.
Mtirshllold, Coos Co., Or.
TrrniH, In Advance.
Onoycur $2 fio
Hlx months 1 Til)
Throe months j )()
Ai,ii MVB xanavznn.
The Development of our Mines, (ho
Improvement of our harbors, and rail
road communication with the Interior,
Vol. 2.
Mo. 9.
K S.vr-
Slate o Qrctjtm.
Governor, V. W. Thayer
Secretary of Stale, 11, I. Kiiihui t
Treasurer, 1-2. Iliirsh
Hupl. Public Schools, J. I. Powell
2d Judicial Dixlrht.
Judge, .1. K. Wulnnii
District Attorney, H. II. Iluxurcl
Ohm Comity.
County Judge, J. II. Nosier
Commissioners, l,.0,!!, "
ML 0. Dement
Khcriir A. (1. Aiken
Clerk, Alex. SlatiM'
Treasurer, I). Morse, J r
AssOSSOr, .Iflllll LllllO
School Superintendent, .1. 1''. Mount
Coroner, T. U. Mnokoy
County Judge,
School Supt.,
'I roawuror,
Dolos Woodrnll'
S P. Hughes
A. II. Moore
Walter SiiKoii
A. M. Gillespie
M. H. Gibson
Thos. Cunningham
WIIinT.N foil Till! COAST MAII,.
OJ" Oim'Kou'm Nonllicrii C0111I,
Ni'.Miti:n viii.
pout miroiiii nii: rumi: or tiii:
itoaL'i: hiviih waii.
A Neoiiinlri'l'N 'I'm o Victims,
Tlio village of Ontario, N. Y., in
greatly excited ovit the marragu in
(lull place of llio daughter, M yearn
old, of n well-to-do citizen living near
there, ton disicputahlo young innn,
vhil( the latter wan in jail awaiting
n hearing on a charge of in-sault on
an Uncle of the girl, with intent to
kill. About a year ago, William ICn
right, u blacksmith, 21 yearn old, oh
tuincil employment in Ontario. His
leputation was had. John Negus, a
respectable citicu of Ontario, had a
daughter 10 yearn old. Last Septem
this girl eloped with Knrighl. The
pair were missing forsovorul day's and
then they returned to ho married. Mr.
Negus took Iiim daughter home, and
dicund I-hirighl continued to live an
man and wife until it few weeks ago.
when the discovery was made that
they had not heen married. Negus
drove Knright uwuy from bin house.
Negus had u niece, who win only II
yearn of ag . She lived utu place
known as Lake View, with her pa
rents. Enright hecamo ac(iiaintcd
with her during a visit she made at
her uncle's, while her cousin wan
living with the blacksmith and his
wife. When the crimnal relations of
Kniight and his victim were exposed
ho ut onco began paying nlteution to
the cousin, whoso name, wan Rood.
About two weeks ago she astonished
her parents with the announcement
that she wan engaged to ho married
lo Knright. They ut once sent her to
her uncle, John Negus, hclieviug that
nho would he less likely to meet Kn
right there than any other place. A
week ago Knright heard that the girl
wan heiug kejit at her uncles', lit) at
onco proceeded to the house, entered
it, and, drawing a revolver, nworo he
would kill any one who interfered with
Iuh taking Mi.s Hood away. He found
the girl, nud who went away with him
from her guardian's house Mr. Ne
gus had Knright immediately arrost
cd, n charge of assault with intent to
murder heing preferred. Knright was
lodged in jail, and while awaiting a
hearing was married to the gill in his
cell, the ceremony heing performed
hy u Justice of the Peace At the
hearing that followed on the charge
on which Enright was arrested, the
prisoner was discharged hy Esquire
Johnson, ho deciding that the. charge
was not sustained hy the evidence.
The indignation against Enright was
no great that it in alleged that hut for
his timely escape with his victim ho
would have met with summary pun
ishment at the hands of the people.
A Ciii:i:itiui. Faci:. Carry the. radi
ance of your soul in your face ; let the
world have the hcnelit of it. Let your
cheerfulness ho felt for good. Wlior
ovoryou are lot your niniles ho scat
tered likenuuheams "on the just as
well as on the unjust." Such a dispo
nilion will yield you a rich reward, for
its happy cllects will como homo to
you and hrighten your moments of
thought, timilcn are the higher and
hotter responses of unture to tho emo
tion o( (ho soul. Let the children have
the honelit of thom, those little ones
who need Hie sunshine of (he heart to
oducato them, and would find a level
for thoir huoyant nature in tho choor
fill, loving faces of those who loud
them. Let them not he kept from the
nndille-iiged, who need the oiicounigo.
juent thoy hring. Give your niniles to
tho aged. They como to them like the
iiiIot rain of summer, making fresh
and verdant the long, wearisome path
of life, lie gentle and indulgent to
nil; love tho true, tho beautiful the
just, tho holy.
Russia has hoou trounding llcrliu
nil Turin firms with a viow to a hea
vy loan.
When Hie news of the Oiilhnmk nt
Kngue river was hronght to Port Or
ford, tho settWrs, awaro of tho immi
nent dimmer which threatened them,
hastened to construct fortifications,
and to gather together their house
hold gods inn place of safely. II. 11.
Tiehonorit !o. had u largo iiiunher
of men employed in cutting and man
ufacturing cedar hnnher, and these
went into a stronghold of their own
construction, not far from the mill,
while the other citizens with their
fainiliuH. occupied a fortress at the
port. John llamhlock, who was then
working at Port Orford, was engaged
to marry Miss Long, (the present Mrs.
llamhlock) whose family resided a
few miles t-oiitli of tho ('oiiuille river.
He lost no liino in starting up the
coast to make sure of the safety of his
friends; he found A. II. Hindi at tho
mouth of Sixes liver, where also lived
Mr Dodge with his family, and to
these he communicated the news of
which he was the hearer. " Uncle
Tommy " Lowe was living on his do
nation claim, now owned hy Geo. Ilen
nett, r2i.. and the family of Mr. Long
some distance further south. All of
these people except Mr. Lowe and
Ohri. Long, hastened to the fort with
Mr. llamhlock, whilo thu two last
named men remained to watch their
slock and premises. They spent tho
day near and about tho farms, while at
night they went away into tho woods
nud concealed themselves ami slept.
At the Three Sisters, south of Port Or
ford, Dan Haywood and Geo. Lount
were engaged in catching ottor and
sea-lions. On tho night of tho out
break, an Indian called " Whiskers"
came to their cabin and told them
inai ii nicy stain there till morning i
they would certainly ho killed ,aud as
proof of his sincerity he laid down
across the cabin doorway and kept
watch there all night. Just at the
break of day he, with tho two white
men, embarked in tho whale boat
with which they were supplied, and
sailed to capo lllanco, and thoneo
went with the othor settlers into tho
fort. Hut for this friendly warning,
these men would almost certainly
have fallen victims to the wavagos
who scoured tho coast in quest of
blood, not forty-eight hours later.
T.'iere were several alarms given
whilo tho settlers were in the fort,
some of which, as might ho expected,
were without good cause. One night,
at Jamison was on guard, a fine
black cow belonging to one of tho cit
izens ventured to cross tho guard-line;
she was hailed by the sentry, and,
failing to "halt and give tho coun
tersign," tho trusty ride of the guard
broke the slilluoss of the night, and
when a force turned out to ascertain
tho ciuse of tho alarm, they found tho
body of the cow. On another occas
ion, a sentinel stationed a liltlo dis
tance down the beach, saw in tho
darkness some object moving stealth
ily along near the edge of tho wator ;
ho hailed it, mid it halted but did not
respond ; ho fired, and saw the object
leap into tho air, fall, anil then retreat
down tho beach, llo went to tho fort
and reported what had transpired ;
soino ridiculed him, thinking ho had
been alarmed at a shadow, hut the
following morning revealed tho truck
of tho prowling savage, and also a
largo knifo which ho had dropped
when the shot of tho sentry struck
him. Tho Indians did not deem it
prudent to athiok the fort either at
Port Orford or Hogue river, and rely
ing on the hopo of roliof from abroad
tho settlers patiently watched and
For thirty-ono weary days (ho peo
ple of Hogue river were thus forteu up
and, to a certain extent, besieged hy
tho Indians. They hoped for deliver
ance, hut when it would como was be
yond rational conjecture. Tho mo
notony of such a life of idleness mid was scarcely possible for
those daring active men to endure,
and many a venture was mudo in
search of even a limited allowance of
that freedom to which they had al
ways heen accustomed, at tho risk of
losing their scalps. Oneday the wel
come sight of mi approaching column
of soldiers gro'ted their vision, and
two onmpuniosof 'regulars" soon came
ton halt near hy. The Indians know
belter than towait for an engagement
with this force, mid hastily retreated
up tho river sonio tenor twelve miles,
whore thoy fmlilicd thoiiuolvou and
waited for an attack. Tho looutiou
Holeotud at their slninjjhold was easily
dufyudud from iiiionumy approaching
by (ho front, but tho rear was almost
beneath tho shadow of a hill or bluff.
Huspccling an attack from tho front,
(hoy failed lo (ako any steps to pro
(eel tho flank and rear of their fortress.
They were not long koptin suspense;
there was an organizalson of volun
teers formed to co-oporalo with llio
regulars and preparations wore made
for the assault. The regulars com
menced the attack from the front, and
met n (Iderininoil rcsinlunco; but
tho volunlccrH caino upon lliciii
from flic flank and roar, by way of
(lie bluir, with fearful execution.
Tlio Hlrugglc was Hunguinury, hut llio
liuliiinn noon naw that tlicir cause
wiih1io)u(3hh and Riirrondorud. The
whilcH lost but few men in this en
gagement lnil tho dead and wound
ed of llio Indians were more numer
ous. One of tho volunteers was
iniHtdn;; after the figlit,auri was nev
er heard of afterward ; whether he
ran into Hie woods and was lost, or
made his way safely out of the coun
try, is not known, though persons
acquainted with him seem to favor
tne former conclusion. J ins was
the close of the Kogiio river war on
ihe coast.
After the surrender of tho Indians
thoy were taken' to t lie Silelz reser
vation, but a considerable number
of the most guilty were still at large,
and ('apt. Tichcnor was employ ;d lo
gather these renegades and take them
to the reservation. One of these was
identified by Mr. (leizel as belong
ing to the parly who ma-sacred her
family, and ho was summarily hang
ed lo a Irci? near the graves of the
murdered (leizcd's. Some fifteen or
twenty of these Indians, with a large
number of squawa and pnppooses
were got together and started north
from Hogue river. Thoy had reach
ed a point where llio road passed
llio ruins of tho homo of tho (lozols.
I The Indians showed signs of insur-
bonlinalion and one or two had
broken away from tho band, u'hon
Tichcnor called upon the citizens to
assist in keeping them under con
trol. Tho citizens came in numbers,
and aroused to frenzy by the near
presence of those hands were so late
ly dyed in the blood of (heir kindred
and neighbors, they fell upon the
savages and a scene of carnage
followed which 1 shall not attempt
to describe. The squaws and pap
pooscs were taken to the reservation
but the soil of the prairie drank the
blood of the warriors, and their spir
its passed over to the happy "hunt
ing grounds" which their untaught
faith pictures for them beyond the
setting sun.
A 'IVnll)li: I'll lc.
One of tho most sickening affairs,
if, indeed, it is not the most horrible,
which it ever bus been our duty to
chronicle, happened last Saturday on
tho premises of Mr. Solon Kellcy,
about eight miles from lltnitsvile.
There was a hogkilling in progress,
and two colored men, Itohcrt and
Dennis Patrick, brothers, got into a
dispute about each other's share in
the year'n crop. A long kettle filled
with water was near by. The water
in the kettle had been heated lo such
a high degree (hat thoy were waiting
for it to cool a little in order to scald
hogs in it. Tho water was so hot that
they were afritid it would "set" the
hair of tho hogs. This was tho high
temperature of the water when, the
brothers began to quarrel. Dennis,
who was the oldest, told Robert Unit
he would put Inm in the kettle if he
didn't shut up, and Robert, the
preacher brother, told Dennis that if
he put him (Robert) in the water he
(Dennis) would have to go in with
him. Dennis caught Robert and
pressed him hack ward in the direction
of the kettle. Ho pressed him, both
of them having their arms locked
meanwhile, until they both went head
long into the seething water. Their
piteous and awful screams and moans
soon attracted o' hers to the place, who
limdly extricated them from the boil
ing caldron.
They retained tboirsonses when taken
out, and their intenso agonies were
simply beyond description. They at
once complained of their hot clothes,
and when these were taken from their
limbs great (lakes of boiled flest went
with them, leaving their bones expos
ed. Their beards fell out mid their
hafr dropped from their beads. They
had literally been cooked alive! The
sight was such thattho:c who witness
ed it were well-nigh paralyzed with
All pns-dble measures of relief were
tried during tho night, but Robert
died (he next day, and Dennis died on
Monday. lluntsvillc (Ala.) Inde
pendent. IH-coti niliin niton I I lie Slciit
.llincs Ioul 'o!
Mil. Jaooii K'ah.v, who has just re
turned from tho north, informs the
Antodiaii that the schooner Courser is
on the beach, whoro tho underwriters'
agent left hor.notwiUistanding reports
to the contrary.
F.utu:Y presented to Congress a
memorial of the Legislature of Cali
fornia for hotter protection of the com
mercial interests ot tho Pacific Coast
by tho completion of tho United
States iron clad Monadanock.
As- exchango suyu : Millions of
smelt are dying from sonio unknown
cause in tho Columbia mid tloaliug
ashore. In the vicinity of Pillar Rock
the bank is lined with these little ll'sh
for sonio distance, and hundreds of vo
racious sea gulls aro constantly devour
ing thom.
Tiikv were talking about tho
approaching theatrical season. She,
innocently "I boliovo Mary Ander
son has a new play, "Lovo?" Ho, tak
ing unworthy advantage of thouueer.
tain construction of tho sentence
"I think sbo has, dear." Then she
saw it and screamed.
A iiaimioau extension is projected
to run from Guaymas-, on tho Gulf of
California, to, tho Southern ontension
of tho Atchison, Topoka and Santa
Fo railroad. Tho first III) miles of tho
road will ho constructed at once, be
ginning at Guaymas.
Tin: duelings of Marlborough, writ
ing lo the lord mayor of Loudon ac
knowledging tho receipt of X'2,000
says that the committee in order to
guard against a famine in Ireland
next year have purchased . 10,000
worth of potutoud for distrubutioii
Martin A. IIkavv, a nalivo of Now
York, aged 15, committed suicide at
the Gilliard Dotal Sacramento hy
closing tho windows and stuffing
a hankorohiof in the keyhole of the
doer to his room mid tinning on thu
gas. llo loft a note showing death to
bo tho result of doliboruto intent, but
assigning no cause,
A correspondent of the Intelligencer,
signing himself " Cariboo," speaks in
the following way of tho new mines:
' My idea regarding the Skagit mines
is that it is a scheme calculated to
defraud tho people in general, and
more especially those of California.
People arc blinded by glowing ac
counts of the mines, and yet, when
we come to examine the facts, wo find
that those who are the owners of these
rich claims come down here '"dead
broke" and ask for provisions, etc.,
for a half share. Does it stand to
reason that when a man comes from
Skagit and tells us that he can trace
the gold in his claim like following
the links of a lady's necklace, and
then be out of money? Why is it
that iiioro interest is not taken in the
work of making a good trail? Surely
it is of great importance to Seattle, as
thero is evory prospect of miners
coming this way. It is also a strange
fact that no capitalists hero or in
Victoria have taken hold, which alone
is sufficient to prove tho absurdity of
this fine talk from Skagit. These re
marks are not calculated to depreciate
the value of the mines, but to lot tho
people know that wo ara not. "all
green." " Well," thoy say, " we have
seen specimens from Ruby and Can
yon creeks " Yes, so have I. Thoy
aro very fine ones, too, but tbov have
been carried in the vest pocket so
long that the match and tobacco
stains have not entirely disappeared."
A NlroiiK Iti!CiiiiiiiRiiilnlIoii.
Mark Twain recently introduced
General Ilawley to an Klmira, New
York, audience, and said :
" He is a member of my church at
Hartford and the aulhor of " JJcauliful
Snow." yiny be he will deny that.
Hut I am only hero to give him a
character from his last place. As a
pure citizen, I respect him ; as a per
sonal friend of years, I have the warm
est regard for him ; as a neighbor,
whose vegetable garden joins mine,
why, why I watch him. That's
nothing ; wo all do that with any
any neighbor. Gen. Ilawley keeps
bis promises not only in private but
public. lie is an editor who believes
what he writes in bis own paper. As
the author of " Uoautiful Snow " he
has added a new pang to winter. He
is a broad soulrd, generous, noble, lib
eral, alive to his moral and religious
responsibility. Whenever the contri
bution box was passed I novcr knew
him to take out a cent. He is a
squ.ue, true, honest man in politics,
and I must say he occupies a mighty
lonesome position. He has never
shirked a duty or backed down from
any position taken in public life. He
has been right every time and stood
there. As Governor, Congressman,
as a soldier, as the head of the Cen
tennial Commission, which increased
our trade in every port and pushed
American production into all the
known world, he has conferred honor
and credit upon the United States.
He is an American of Americans.
Would we had more such men! So
broad, so bountiful in bis chrracter
that he never turned a tramp empty
handed from his door, butalways gave
him a letter of introduction to me.
His public trusts have been many,
but never in the slightest did ho
prove unfaithful. Pure, honest, in
corruptible, that is Joe Ilawley. Such
a man in politics is like bottle of
perfumery in a glue factory it may
modify the stench if it docs not de
stroy it. And now, in speaking thus
highly of the speaker of the evening,
I have not said any more of him than
I would of myself. Ladies and gen
tlemen this is General Hawlev."
Iiicrr-liii;r EC dies.
I.ntkm.kotuai. Pcoim.k. Physical
beauty rarely associates, itself with
great incut il ability; but still there
have been many notable exceptions.
Miss Lander was rather pretty and
feminine in the face, hut Miss Sedg.
wick, Miss Parque, Miss Leslie and
the late Anna Maria and Jane Porter
on the contrary. One of the Misses
Porter had a forehead as high as that
of an intellectual man. We never
knew of any very talented man who
was admired for his personal beauty.
Pope was very homely; Dr. Johnson
was no bettor; Miruboau was the ug
liest man in Franco, and yet ho was
the greatest favorite with tho ladies.
Women more frequently prize men
for their sterling qtuliiiosof the mind
than men do women. Dr. Johnson
cuo.oa woman who uau scarcely an call the health roll each niornine: for
idea above an oyster. lie thought her the purpose of ascertaining if any pu-
As the work of preparing the great
Egyptian obelisk for its passage across
the ocean progresses, some interesting
relics of ancient civilization have
been disentombed. Lieut. Gorringc,
who has charge of the work, says :
" Immediately under the pedestal
of the obolisk mid in the cast angle
formed by the steps, I found a block
of hewn syenite forty inches in the
cube, representing a perfect Masonic
alter. Undor this and immediately
below, 1 found a white marble slab,
representing tho apron, extending
across the foundation, of polished sye
nite granite 102 inches long and 51
inches broad and '2o6 inches thick
Tho tipper half was hewn down into
a perfect square at tho same level and
touching the short section of the
square; and in the west angle in the
foundation, 1 found another block of
syonito granite remarkably regular in
form, tho surface of which represents
rough ashlar steps, and the foundation
of which was composed of white gran
ite Resides these four pieces, I found
other less noticeable and important,
but equally significant emblems."
VjumiiiR!. Dissolut? ficrcruor
The conduct of the Governor of Wy
oming has thoroughly aroused the
indignation of tho good citizens of
that Territory ,and now comes a Chey
enino dispatch which says: A big
sensation was created hero to-day.
Late last night a largo party of mon
hauled a heavy cannon in front of
Gov. Hovt's residence and stationed
it at the gate, pointing outward, an
American tlag was displayed thereon,
'also two placards reading, "Tho Gov.
must be respected regardless of color."
Hundreds of citizens visited tho scene
which was one of excitement, lloyt
became exceedingly unpopular be
cause of an alleged liason with a mu
latto girl hero. The press demands
his removal almost without excoption.
lloyt is also making himself unpopu
lar by his methods of working to so
euro tho Congressional nomination.
Ox account of tho provalonco of
scarlet fovoV among children In Salem,
the Hoard of diroctors havo ordered
tho teachers of tho public schools to
'flic Ant or I'ainily.',
The Rochester, New York Demo
crat has the following about the
wealthy decendants of John Jacob
Astor: It is an old saying "that the
Astorshave an idiot in every genera
tion." John Jacob's first son was in
this condition, and was kept in a pri
vatoassylum. lie lived to be an old
man, survived his father twenty years,
and at his death the body was placed
in the family vault, and tho private
asylum was transferred to other pur
poses. William's son Henry Astor, is
not much better than the first idiot,
and as William learned the unfortu
nate condition of the boy, he placed
him on the farm at Rhinebcck, where
beseemed safe from all temptiUion.
William's mislakc was in not muring
him up in a private asylum as had
been done with the first idiot. Jlcnrv
imagined himself a preacher, and
would occasionally entertain the
kitchen circle with a sermon, clad for
the occasion in a night-shirt. If any
one smiled during the service, he
might expect a blow from the indig
nant preacher. Henry became the
companion of the farm bands,through
whose medium he cot acquainted
with an inferior fumily, where a mat
rimonial trap was soon successfully
sprung. William was thunderstruck
by the news that his irnlJccile son was
not only married, but was living at
bis wife's home. Henry Astor, while
preaching in the kitchen, awoke the
merriment of a young girl, whereup
on ho picked up a wash basin and
dclt her a severe blow. This was fol
lowed by other violence, and the re
sult was that the girl's parents sued
him for assault and battery, laying
the damages at .$20,000. The Astors
were seriously perplexed by this dilfi
culty, but concluded to defend the
case. A heavy verdict, however, was
rendered against the would-be preach
er, whose relatives placed him under
sufficient restraint to prevent any re.
currenco of the trouble. The family
which captured him is said to bo sat
isfactorily pensioned, and Henry is
now the object of bis brothers' care.
They are his guardians, and the pres
ent sale of the Astor house is merely
to settle the estate and place his share
in a separate shape.
Ion Waxle Vital Kncrgry.
Value. oOIhiircI AVurzcl ItectN.
the loveltiest creature in existence, if
wo may judge by tho inscription loft
on hor lomh.
Mi'i.TXoM.vii county greatly exceeds
any othor county in tho State in tax
valuation, rutmning over ton and a
half millions. Tillamook county re
turned tho luiilt, i&i.aos,
pils have the fever in their families,
and in all cases whoro tho disease Is
reported tho children of such fami
lies shall bo excluded from the school
until all danger is passed.
It in stated that Judge .lucybs is a
oaudidato for Delogato to Congress
ajtain from Washington Territory.
The most vigorous persons do not
have too much vitality. People gen
erally inherit a lack, or at least find
that much vital energy has been per
manently lest in their childhood and
youth through the ignorance or care
lessness of their parents. Often it is
impaired by wrong indulgence in ear
ly manhood. Tho endeavor with all
persons should be to husband what is it much or little. Therefore:
1. Don't do anything in a hurry.
-. Don't work too many hours a day
whether it be farm-work or shop-work,
study-work or house-work.
3. Don't abridge sleep. Get the
full eight hours of it, and, that, too, in
a well ventilated and sun-purified
I. Don't eat what is indigestible,
nor too much of anything, and let
good cheer rule tho hour.
o. Don't fret at-youraolf or any body
else; nor indulge in the blues, nor
burst into fits of passion.
0. Don't be too much elated with
good luck, or disheartened by bud.
l'ositively be self-controlled, calm
and bravo. Let your brain havo all
tho rest it needs. Treat yourstomaeh
right. Keep a good conscience, and
have a cheerful trust in God for all
things and forbotb worlds.
Tho Great Traveler.
Occasionally you will meet a young
man who gets on the train soinowhore
in Ohio, and when some follow passon-
gor asks him how far ho is going, he
says "Omaha!" in the tone of a break
man calling a station, and then looks
up and down the car to obsorvo the
amazement and awe of tho other pas
sengers, and you will notice that he
looks a littlo disappointed because
they don't tako ofi' their hats and ask
to shako hands with him. Hut
by and hy, when be loarns from casual
remarks dropped carelessly now and
then that tho man behind him is
going to San Francisco and the one
in front of him is going to Japan, and
tho old fellow on the othor side of the
aislo is just roturning from St. Peters
burg, tho young man drops his voice
to a husky whisper, shrinks down into
his duster so that no one can soo him.
and tell tho next man who asksabout
it that ho Is only going out here a lit
tlo wuvs.
Many farmers neglect the possibili
ties of mangel wurzel beets for cuttle
feed in California. Nothing which
we can grow on this coast is more sat
isfactory for this purpose. Tho yield
is en'ormotis, from twenty-five to forty
tons per acre being realized with fair
cultivation. Any good corn or wheat
land is profitably employed in raising
beets. A field which is intended for
beets may and should be heavily ma
nured, as this will largely incrcaso the
immediate yield, and its good cfiocls
will continue to be felt for several suc
cessive crops.
Land in which mangel wurzcls aro
to bo planted needs a thorough pre
paration. Plow in narrow lands, and
with a single plow, following with a
harrow and roller. The seed is sown
with a drilling-machine, and six
pounds will be required for an acre.
Make the rows from 25 to 80inchc3
apart on good soil, and rather closer
where the land is poor. Arrange the
seed-cups of the drill so as to deposit
the seed from four to six inches apart
in tho rows. Unless the weather is
very damp, the furrows made by the
seed-drill should be rolled. If after
sowing a heavy rain packs ho surface
of the soil so hard that it appears dif
ficult for tho young plants to force
their way through the crust, pass a
light harrow with sloping teeth over
the rows. This is also an advantage
as regards the early weeds, and the
use of a harrow to kill weeds between
the rows, while yet small, is unques
tionable. When the young plants arc
safely past the danger of their early
existence, they must be thinned out so
as to stand ten or twelve inches apart.
This is to be done with a sharp, nar
row bladed lioe.
The after treatment of mangel wur
zcls is simple in the extreme. Culti
vate occasionally with a horse hoe, or
chisel cultivator. In the autumn
they may be dug, and piled under cov
er, to keep for winter feed. A furrow
run alongside of a row will enable one
to pull up the most of the beets on its
line Then the next row may be at
tacked, and this process may be con
tinued across the field.
For use as cattle feed it is best always
to cut up the mangel wurzels. Some
farmers Uirow them in the corral just
as they come from the field, with soil
still clinging to the roots, and let the
cattle eat what they can, and trample
and waste the rest. If a crop is worth
raising, it is worth taking care of after
wards. The only way we can recom
mend is to wash the beets clean, and
cut them up by means of a short
hatchet on a block of wood, or with a
semicircular knifo of steel rigged to
the end of a box, and working like an
old-fashioned hay knife Then havo
clean, and iron-bound feed-boxes for
the stock.
T!ic laiiaiun Canal.
Miss. Judith Mrroumx, a sprightly
old woman in Ohio county, Kontuoky,
110 groat grandchildren, and
10 groatgioat'graiuuhildruu.
A late Panama dispatch says good
work has been done in surveys for the
canal, in which much and valuablo
assistance has been rendered to tho
commission by American Engineers
Colonel Totten and Gen. Wright.
The plans, which havo been carefully
revised rearranged according to addi
tional iiformation obtained in tho
survey sinco the work commenced,
will reflect American engineering
skill and practical ideas as much as
European plans and methods. Tho
commission holds daily sessions, and
the discussion of plans, ote, is fre
quently prolonged and animated.
Much harmony and good feeling is
manifested, and although several na
tionalities aro represented in the com
mission, no sectional jealousies or
general rivalries are exhibited. M.
DoLesseps appoars to bo much grat
iiled at tho change apparent in pub
lic opinion in the United States sinco
ho has been on American soil, and be
lieves that when his stutcmontof his
work and project shall bo made in
full, tho Nicarague and all other ca
nal schemes will he abandoned.
Theri: is a colony of Christian Ka
firs in Mihdleburg, in tho Transvaal,
tho work of twenty year's labor by u
Lutheran missionary. A handsome
brick church, built by Kafir hands,
affords accommodation for 1500 wor
sbipors.and rows of brick-built work
shops re-sound with tho noise of indus
trial pursuits. Wagons, furniture, and
wood and iron work aro turned out in
abundance Sohools havo boon pro-,
vided for tho ehildron, and tho mis
sion owns 550,000 uoroa of good lamb
onco prairie wildornoss, but now divi"
ded into small farms, and worked- iim
dor the supervision of the missionaries,
Wiiii.k prohibiting tho eala of
spirituous liquors in hor proqinot-s.
Ashland also provider og(iiiSt allow
ing anyone a litjomo fur a billiard sa