The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, February 21, 1880, Image 1

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    The Coast Mail.
AX1Z1 Xixvia xmmxjxam.
Marhllol(I, Coo Co., Or.
Term, In Advance.
Onoyeai 4- of)
Six month - 1 M
Three months - - - 1 00
The Development of ourMine., tho
Improvement of our harbors, nnd rail
road communication with the Interior,
3So. a.
official pa Pint of coos eo.
Tho Ooasfc Mail.
Slitte Orrynii.
Secretary nf Slate,
Supt. Public School,
W. W. Tluiver
It. P. Karli'iut
10. 1 lurch
J. L. Powell
t.M Jmlicinl District.
Judge, .1. I1'. Wntsnn
District Attorney, H. Il.llii7.iinl
CVim Comity.
Count v .lodge, .1. II. Nosier
r......iMi.,....n., jf;,,j!' iv:::::
A. (I. Aiken
I). Morse, lr
Assessor, .lolin Lane
School Snporlnlundonl, .1 h Moo.o
( dinner, l.O.MacUov
.1(111 1) LailO
Curry County.
Coitntv Jmluo. Dolo Woodruff
School Supt.,
A. 11. Mooiy
Walter Suit. ,11
A. M.Gillopic
M. 11 (iilit.u
Tims. Cunningham ,
1JI I'liviiKiinri' lis a Soclnl Cinx
A late article which appeared in theK.
,11711111111 contained the following sen
Hlhle view :
We know ninny of tho heat, tho very
hot people, the mot gifted, and uinsl
cultivated, the best horn, and tho host
hrcd, who are now exiles from michtl
life because they cannot alford income
into competition with the wealthy in
Hum race of jewel and clothing thin
vulvar contest of display of chops' 0011-l.-iiU
and trndcsmcu'rt bauble. Wo
know of jottiig ladies, just a lovely a
jmiili, licanly, e.lucntion, good man
ner and accomplihiuent can make
ihem, ciilitled hy their social poid
timis to enter society, denying" thorn-
in lcs an in.lulgetic.i of their natural ' iUi though every man felt tho pros
tui.s hecause they cannot honestly Lneoof danger, 110110 realized tho ter
mal their more wealthy associate, ' rii,( neamo of death. Ileury Hon
mid hccaiiHO Miey are loo proud to up- J Jninl wa placed a a sentinel at an el
pear in harne not gilded and nilver I ovated point near hy, and all was go
i'atcl with inonognuu ami cre-t j jK ,m Wcll ; when Kiiddonly, as by a
xt. imped by fashionable society. We ,0li fmi,i h'-aven, the stillne-ts was
think, and all gentlemen, think, tint ! luoken and Henry Iloiiland fell, rid
1. oung girl looks pretlier in it lawn, , ,n with hullot. Tho Indian roo
in iiHimple uhilecamhrie, with pouch-' from atnhuslioii every baud, ami the
down and a I.IuhIi, hair natural, than :(ouiu of tho ontiro pirty appeared to
one in train and llounco, with hair ; lmealed. Thoonlv liojtn for lifo was
chemically dyed anil f.ico painted in ' (0 ,u found in instantaneous llight ; a
'ienchcometii. Hut women .In portion of tho party ran for the fort by
for women, not for men, and there is n dillerent route than that by which
only one way of reforming this abuse.! they came, and eight of them reached
mid that i imtriko on tho part of all j tho fort in cafety; tho remaining
pretty and sensible girle against this
unreasonable iMioial tyrannv. Let
them not decline to attend parties, hut
rally in force with plain, cheap and
mmple dree.s, and with their other
charm give hattlo to tho rich ones, ar
mor clad in clothe of expensive ma
terial and fashionable made. All thu
gentlemen will be on the side of the
nungand pretty ones, and wo will
liio thoM' old maids, wives and
dowager to the wall. K.xponaivo en
tertainment and costly dressing arc
an evil in San l-'raueibco society.
There are hundreds of pleasant houses
(hat never entertain because thoy can
not rival the more elegant nHuir givon
by millionaires. This has a tendency
to discourage social gatherings of the
morn unpretentious kind. An asso
ciation of tho kind wo suggest would
bring to it nearly all of tho young,
most beautiful, and most accomplished
girls of society ; all tho young marriud
ladies, who, being wives of pour 111011,1
do not desire to impose upon them
burdens of extravagant drosiiig, and
all rich gills who have koiiso enough
to know that youth and beauty are
overmatches in attractiveness to the
display of dross and jewels. From
this class the wive would bo chosen.
The .lieu 11 .11 a 11 of DiiiiImi i-y.
Kvery town has its mean man, and
mi is was no exception to the rule.
K111111 Smuggs our noxt door noighbor
va remarkable for his closeness and
inventive genius. Tho otlu'r day ho
wanted topurohaso a ton of egg coal,
borrowing tho morning paper from iih,
he read it till ho found out whine it
could ho bought for tho leant money.
The only thing that troubled him wa
how to get it into his backyard without
any labor or oxpunso. Tliuru wa a
large alleyway between our houses J
which led to linns' yard, mid when tho
coal arrived ho opened tho door, and
walking up a few foot ho drovo an old
broomstick into tho ground itnd put a
largo bottlo 011 tho top. Ho wa wait
ing in the yard with a shovel in his
hand whuu three i-mall boys caino
along and opened lire on tho bottlo
with (ho piece of coal. In half an
hour the sidewalk was cleared and tho
coal safely Mowed away in the shod,
mill then old Kntis, grinning from ear
to ear, sold llio bottlo Ion junkman,
I fa libit ry J'ttr.
Wji.kii: Collins nay ho ha carnud
$1G'),000 with hi pun.
witirm.v roii tiii: coaht mail.
'I'lio close of our lal nkt'lch left t lie
imperiled settlor of Rogue river se
curely intrenched in tlit'ir rudo foiti
licat ion niul surrounded liy their Mood
thirsty enemy. I n tlim Hitmit uin tint
price of lifo was unremitting vigilance
nnd million; for llio prowling roil
men were prepared to take advan
tage of every opportunity tlnit offered
to roach their intended victim, who
linil lliu.H far evaded their unbuilt.
,jt Lccuino necessary to muiuI out
7X ,t.ll,llimillv , nlllm provisions
... ... ... .
for Hie inmates of tho fort, niul though
every precaution possible was olnorv
cd, these expedition Were tho oct'il-
JP. Hughe ioiiH of ninny hair-breadth escapes,
.1. A.Cooley!llll()f lt) ,Mm,fHOVOmi livos. W. I).
I.. I'. Smith (now'n resident of Coos
river) accompanied hy "Marsh" 1 Inr
iiioti, a successful raid and
brought in noino cattle, narrowly es
caping the savages who lay in amlnish
wherever shelter for concealment
could lie found.
One, morning it was decided to send
a strong puny to a hum belonging to
.la. Hunt, uhoiit half 11 mile distant, j
to bring in a supply of potatoes which
were stored there. .Sixteen men
were detailed for thu expedition, and
"Ned" (u negro) drovo the ox team
thai was to haul in tho provision.
They proceeded on tho hoaeh to a
point where the wagon could go no
further not far from tho barn, anil
eight of the paity wero soul forward
to Hack and bring down the potatoo,
whilo the rest roinaii'od to guard tho
wagon Thorn was an ominous si
lencoin Ihosiirrounillngs.and an tin
iiccoiiiitahlii absonco of Indian signs;
eight were cut oil'. Some, seeing all
hope of escape by llight vanMi, ran
frantically toward the buach, falling
one by 0110 as thoy ran. One, Mip
posed to ho I.owellin Oliver, ran to
tho surf, threw his trusty rillo ahead
of him, and, plunging into the ocean,
quenched the spark of lifo in it wave
rather than fall into the hand of hi
merciless pursuers, M. 11. (iregory,
since County Judge of Curry county,
wa struck by two bullet, one taking
oil' the poiutof hi elbow, and the oth
er hitting him between tho shoulders.
llo at llrst supposed tho latter to he n
fatal shot, but on examination after
arriviug at the fort, it proved to bo a
spent ball that had penetrated tho
clothing and lodged again-t tho skin,
inflicting no more serious injury than
a bruise. Ilcalouo of the eight who
remained witii the wago 1, reached the
During tho time when tho settlor
were thus besieged, the Indians wore
accustomed to go down to the beach at
tho mouth of thu river, to catch a
small variety of eels that wore to he
found thero in great numbers. The
men in thu fort watched thorn closely,
hoping to got a chance to slay some of
tho murderous tribe. One morning
very early, Inane Warwick, as daring
a follow us over lived, uropt up within
rillo rangoand brought down one or
more of tho Indian. It was a tri
umph! Ho hastened hack to the fort,
and finding ltiloy still in bed, raised
tho blanket under which he was
sleeping and throw upon him tho
reeking scalp of his Indian victim,
with tho remark : " Sou what I hnvu
boon doing whilo you have been sleep
ing." Thus do wosoo 111011 of natural
ly gonorous, huinano and tender feel
ings, sometimes hucomo tinctured
with the barbarism with which thoy
have boon thrown in frequent
Tho people of Fort Orford, having
had no message from their irieiid at
Itoguo rivorsinco tho arrival of Ohas.
Foster with tho now of tho niassucio
of tho volunteers, decided to xoud a
small boat down by tho ocean, tho
dangers of thu treacherous deep being
loss (lroadod than tho barbaio is foe
that infested (ho route hy land. A
paity of eight men win made up to
undertake this purilous voyage, and a
whalo bout was tho host mid only vos
hjII at their command. Thu party
consisted of Itieliurd Say, owner of tho
boat, Sylvtwtur Long, II, Do Formory,
II. (!. (lerow, Capl. Davis, nnd throe
other whose mimes we have boon un
able to learn. They left Port Orford
with tho bleing of anxious friends,
and many ardently expressed hopes
for their safe return. They niado tho
passage of thirty miles without dilli
culty, mid arrived oil' thu mouth of
Koguo river. Tho occupants of tho
fort hailed the appearance of thy boat
as a harbinger of hopo and joy, little
thinking that this now born hope was
so rtoon to be shrouded in a darker
and more turnhlu gloom. Tho little
craft approaches tho surf; tho point
for landing is selected, towiiid which
the prow of the bout is pointed, while
it is driven forward like an arrow by
tho stroke of tho sturdy oarsmen.
Suddenly tho steering oar is unship
ped by h breaker, thu boa I swings
around into Ihe trough of the sea, and
the next breaker that conies combing
over, buries Ilium from sight for a mo
ment and when it had passed, eight
noble men are neon struggling
in the lifo (iienching element. They
combat tho wave for a while, hut one
by one they disappear to rise no more,
till only two remain on the surface.
(Japt. Davis wa an "old salt," nnd
clung to the keel of tho boat with the
energy of despair. Ivach breaker
would knock him loose, hut bo would
immediately renew hi hold, and by
this mean ho was carried near the
shore and rescued. Henry Do For
mory clung to the sail of thu boat for
a while, mid after becoming exhausted
ho wa so wrapped in it that bo was
prevented from sinking; and as bo
thu drifted near the shore, ho was
taken out of thu water hy friends,
more dead than alive. He recovered,
and now does business in San Fran
cisco, hut six of hi companions nro
numborel among the dead of " The
Koguo Kiver War "
llriilal .llin-ilrr liy a .1I1.
A I. noon, Ontario dispatch of tho
Ith instant, give tho following ac
count of a most barbarous murder
committed near that place : A man
limned Donnelly, who has for some
time been suspected of incendiarism
in this region, together with bis fam
ily, was brutally iiMiidered hist night.
His wife was implicated with him in
burning a dwelling bonso and their
examination was Mill pending and
was to have closed to day, but the
morning light displayed a ghastly
spectacle of tho remains of the in
mates of the Donnelly hornet-toad, af
ter having boon horribly backed with
a knife. It appears that about 20 men
wore engaged in tho bloody work. A
boy namod Conner, belonging to tho
village was staying in the houto over
night. When tho attack was made
he crept under a bod without being
discovered. When the murders, wore
committed the house wa fired and
the gang decamped. Tho boy then
emerged from hi hiding place, start
ed for thu village nnd informed the
authorities. The persons murdered
are .lame and Judy Donnelly. Thom
as, the youngest son, and Kridget, a
niece. At about (be same time (mid
night) another party called at the res
idence of Win. Donnelly, tbteo miles
distant from bis father' house and
awoke him. Hi nrotbor John being
in the house, rose mid wont to the
door, when two shots from a revolver
wero tired, killing him.
Tin: frequent lack of tact in np
preaching world's people exhibited by
church Christians anxious to save
lost sinners is well illustrated by this
instance front a down Itoston way. A
pastor urged upon bis prayer meeting
auditors that they attempt some work
for the Lord during tho week, and
make it the subject of a report at the
next meeting. The seed fell into good
ground. On tho next Friday ovoninp-,
the first brother called upon wa ready
with hi report, which ran on this
wise: "llrethren, when our pastor
exhorted iih to do something, I resolv
ed that I would talk with some uncon
verted person about religion. I begun
hy inviting a man to come to meeting.
"Why should 1 go to meeting?" said
ho; and I told him lie might learn
something worth knowing. "What
should 1 learn?" he asked ; and I told
him that ho would learn Hint ho was
a sinner, "lint bow do you know that
I am a sinner?" said ho ; and I told
bint that (he lliblo said so. "Hut 1
don't believe the Hiblo!" was hi an
swer. Then wo disputed about it ;
and brethren, I got so mud that 1
could have kicked hint!"
(.i:n MrDowm.i., tho division com
mander, baa sent tho commanding of
ficer at Camp Harney, an ollloial teln
grnpliio dispatch not logo to any nioio
expense to tho government than was
actually nocorisary, as tho post would
bo abandoned next summer,
Sunday I,aVH.
An exchange thu close an argu
ment against tho repeal of the Sun
day laws which have existed in the
Now Kugland States from tho colon
ial day : At all events the people of
New Kngland have livod under these
law without serious inconvenience
for a good many year, and it may be
lirly claimed that the .Sabbath of . loK "R- , '.,u tmtcil Stntos Cn
ew, the one day's rest in leb Cnshing, William Lloyd Gamon,
.von. as a conversation of force, a William Allen, Congressmen Julian
smooth spot in I he wear and tear of ""rir.uge.uusiavo ocu.ocner, aC r,
the week's work, has done a great c- C,iruV, John A. Dix, Hon. Zuchn
(Ieal toward preserving the energy ril11' Chandler, Kiehanl Sebell nnd
and vitality of her people. An eliorl Congressman Lay were the most note,
has been and will bo made to repeal i"Manccs, wbilu abroad Field Marshal
these laws; mi effort based on the I Theodore Von Itoom, Ccrman minis-
claim that the State has no right to
enforce any religious observance; an
elfbrl which has it origin in an im-
mi I'm lit noiinbilioii Hut it. is lint, lit
allnccessarv to defend tho Sunilny
law on the ground of the sacred char-
actor of the day. On purely secular
ground and in view of the advantage
which has accrued to the State from
their maintenance they may be de
fended and upheld ; an advantage
which no careful mid thoughtful ob
server will deny. Leaving sentiment,
and religion entirely out of the ques
tion such legislation as will enforce
one day of rest in seven for every
man, rich and poor alike, may be
boldly advocated on tin bare ground
of public policy,
HV ax a Iti-iui'dy lor 'l'j'
plioitl IVvcr.
Dr. Cnilbissn. of the French navv.
I ...,i.i,i
sav : "Coffee has Ki von us unhoped-
for satisfaction ; after having dispens
oil it, we find to our great surprise
that its action is as prompt as it is de
isive. Xo sooner have our patients
laken a few table spoonfuls of it than
their features became relaxed and
thoy come to their senses. The. next
day the improvement is such that we
aro tempted to look upon cotfee as a
spccilic against typhoid fever. LTn.lcr
its inllucncc the stupor was dispelled,
and the patient roused from the state
of somnolency in which ho has been
sineetheinutsion of the disease. Soon
all the functions take their natural
course, and he enters upon convales
cence." Dr. Guillase gives to an adult two
to thico tablespoonfu'.s of strong
black coffee every two hours, alternat
ed with one or two tuaspoonfuls of
claret or Hurgundy wine. A little lem
onade or citrate of magnesia should
bo taken daily, and, after a whilo, qui
nine. From the fact that malaise and
cerebral symptoms appear first, the
doctor regards typhoidi fever as a ner
veous disease, and the coffee act
ing on thu nerves is peculiarly
indicated in tho early stages he
fore local complications arise.
ll llasn'l licit Iccllcl Vet,'
"I say 'tis so."
"I say '(isn't."
They walked into a hotel
street thus talking.
"We've made a wager," said one of
them to the proprietor of the hotel,
"and we can't settle it just now. Let
us have a couple of bottles of wine."
"Certainly,' said the boss, "mako it
"Willing to wait till wo decide tho
bet ain't you?"
"Oh, certainly. Anything you want.
Havo tho house if you want it."
"We will fix it up as soon as wc can
decide it."
'"Don't mako your mind uneasy
about that, I'm satisfied."
Tho wine was produced and squan
dered, "What is tho hot?" asked the land
lord after tho wine had disappeared.
"Well, Jack hero, bet that when
Trinity Church steple fell it would
fall in Hrondway and I bet that it
would topple over into the graveyard
and break sixteen or seventeen tomb
stones, As soon a we find out who
wins wo will coino round and pay for
the wine.
Two brothers named Chnrlcs nnd
Thomas Denton had a conflict with
deadly weapons a few dayssincoat tho
Dalles, There was a quarrel between
thorn, having its origin in iv dispute
between them eoncorning the owner
ship of a lino fenco dividing their
proporty. Charles tired two shots at
his brother and tho two bullets perfor
ated the coat of Thomas, whoso escape
from being killed or wounded is re
markable. Churles was arrested and
had u preliminary examination
boforo Justice of tho Peace, Michel
and at tho conclusion ho was hold in
.f50U bail to await the action of tho
grand jury. Tho Denton brothers nro
wcll known ami aro very respectably
Ileal li Itccora Tor I?U.
An exchange give tho following
list of distinguished personages who
died in the past year:
In tho ranks of royalty Prince Louis
Napoleon Honapurte, Ameer Shore
Ali and the Countess Montijo were the
only deceases. Of statesmen and per
sons of political prominence the list is
terofwnr; Jacob Steainpli, the cele
brnte.l Swiss politician ; Dr. Isaac Utttt.
M. P. ; llaron Von Gcrolt, privy conn"
collorto the emperor of Oermnny ; Sir
J "wlnnd Hill. Herr Von lltilow, the
German diplomat, and the Duke of
Portland, must be added to the long
roll of deceased notabilities. The fol
lowing prominent authors died during
the year just past : George S. Hilliard
Richard Henry Dana, William Hew
itt, Klihu Uurritt nnd Uernhard Col la,
the eminent German geologist. In
the army nnd navy the number of
names is fewer, comprising, in our own
I country, Mr.j. Gen. T. W. Sherman,
Maj. Gen. Jetrerson C. Davis, Lieut.
Gen. Kichard Taylor, Henr Admiral
Sylvanus Gordon, Gen. James W.
Shields, and Maj. Gen. Joseph W.
Across tho water Suleiman Tasha
and Maj. Cavagnari are the most
! prominent persons
mong other
vbo died dnr-
, , . ., . .
lw'8licd l-"" who die, 1 dim
. ling 1879 may be mentioned Henry
Goodyear, the rubber manufacturer;
John Illnir Scribner, head of the wcll
k,low" l'iR liou-.e; Madame
"orson Honnpartc, Judge Asa Pack-
cr' lhe wealthiest man of Ponn ;
two Goolet brothers, the well known
Xew York millionaire!) ; Uaron Lionel
Hothschild, the head of the famous
banking house ; Daniel Drew, the old
time Kingof Erie; Mrs.Charles Dick
ets, wife of the novelist; Henry Lin
derinan, director of the mint at Phihi. ;
William M. Hunt, the famous Iioston
artist, and Recorder Hackett, the up
right New York judge.
A Smart Monr.v Colh-ctor.
The Hartford correspondent of the
Springfield Jlepublienn says: "That
was a prctly bright thought of one of
tho Hattersons. who, when employed
some year since as a lad in an otliee in
X'ew York, was sent to present a bill to
a shaky concern, with orders to collect
it at all hazards. After much urging
the head of the debtor house gave him
a check for100'the amount of the bill.
Hurrying to tho bank at which it was
payable, the lad presented the check
only to bo told, "Not enough funds to
meet it." "How much is the account?
short?" was the boy's quick retort.
'Seven dollars," said the teller. It
lacked but a minute or two of three
o'clock, and the teller was about to
close, the door on the boy when the
latter suddenly pulled seven dollars
out of his pocket, nnd pushing it over
with a deposit check said : "Put that
to the credit of it Co.," the par
ties who had given the check. The
teller did so, when the lad at once
presented tho cheek for $100, and
drawing the full amount thereof, went
back to his employers in triumph,
but, as he puts it, ' it Co., who
failed the very next day, wero hop
ping mad when they found they had
no funds in their bank."
A Had IlHtnke.
There is an old story about an Irish
man who stoped over night in a crowd
ed inn, and was compelled to occupy
the same bed with a negro. He asked to
bo called early, and before going to
sleep indulged in unfavorable com
ments upon the complexion of his
bed-follow. Tho latter, dctermineu to
bo revenged for tho affront, during
the night obtained a bottle of ink and
blackened tho visage of the slumber
ing Colt.
When ho was called in the morn
ing tho Irishman dunned his clothes
and proceeded to comb his hair at tho
mirror. Discovering tho ebony hue
of bis face, ho gave a look of horror,
and exclaimed, "Do jabors tho black,
guard have waked up tho nagur in
stead of me." And ho hurried down
stairs and proceeded to pummel the
waiter who had made the mistake.
That was a scrupulous young lady
in lloston who refused to moot her
lover Justus his name was at homo
because sho heard her mothcrsay that
"Justice should be meted out."
Miis Nancy ?u tii, admitted to tho
bar at Keokuk, wa.s banqueted by her
bretbern in the law. Feed nt tho very
JrrancMw of Alnnka
Wc take the following extract from
an nrtielc published in the Anliquur
tan :
Alaska is an Knglish corruption of
AI-ak-Mink of tho natives, meaning
"thu great land." It is indeed 11 great
I land, covering over "90,107 square
I mile. It is the great island region of
the United States, rivaling in number
and size thu great archipelagoes of
j Southern Pacific. These islands cov
er 11 total area of 31,000 sqtinre miles.
Stretching along the Akutin Islands
for 1,500 miles nrc sixty-one vnleanoes
ten of which arc active. Thu rnngnifl.
cent Shishaldin, nearly 0,000 feet
above the waves that break on either
base, Akution, Makushin and others
.arc belching out fire and smoke.
j This is the great glacier region.
I From Uutc Inlet to Unimak Paw
nearly every deep gulch has its gla
cier, somn of wluc'i are vastly greater
and grander than any glacier of the
Alps. The American student need
no longer go abroad to study gla
cier action. In one of the gulches of
Mount Fairweathcr is a glacier that
extends fifty miles to the sea, where it
breaks of a perpendicular ice wall 300
feet high and eight miles broad.
Thirty-five miles above Wrangle, on
the Stickine River, between two
mountains 300 feet high, is an im
mense glacier forty miles long and at
the base four to five miles across, and
variously estimated at from 500 to
1,000 feet deep.
The principal fur bearing animals
of Alaska nrc the fox, martin, mink
beaver, otter, linx, black bear and
wolverine. There are also the coarser
furs of reindeer, mountain sheep, goat
wolf, musk rat nnd ermine. The ex
tent of the range and the quality of
the fur in that extensive northern
region is conductive to a very valu
able fur trade, in addition to which
arc the fur eenl fisheries, that since
1871 have yielded to the Government
an income of 11,891,030. Besides
the fisheries and funs are the valuable
deposits of coal, copper, sulphur, jc
troleum, and amber, with gold and
silver. The gold and silver so far
have been found only in limited
It is the great lumber region of t he
country. The forest of yellow cedar
hemlock and balsam fir will supply
the world when the valuable timber
of Pugct Sound is exhausted.
It has the great mountain peak of the
country St. Elias. 19,500 feet high:
and the great river of tho world the
Yukon, one of the largest rivers of the
The Yukon district, bordering on
the Arctic Ocean, is remarkable for
one thing. From three to four feet
below the surface there is a subsoil of
frozen earth from six to eight feet
deep. This phenomenon is ascribed
to the want of drainage, together with
a covering of moss that shields- the
ground from tho hot suns of the Arc
tie summer, and yet, notwithstanding
this subsoil, during the summer
months there is a luxurnnt growth of
vegetation. The great distinguishing
feature of this district is the wonder
ful Yukon river, 2,000 miles long,
navigable for steamers for 1500 miles.
In some places on the Lower Yukon
one bank is invisible from the other
A thousand miles above its mouth I
it is, in places, twenty miles wnie, in
cluding the intervening island. It is
one of the great rivers of tho world,
and upon it upper waters, within the
Arctic Cirele, is Fort Yukon, t a post
of the Hudson Hay Company. At
this far distant post, where tidings
from the outside world only reachea
onco a year, is a Scotch missionary.
The llritish Church looks well after
its own people.
On its banks live thousands who
know neither it3 outlet or its source
and yet recognizing its greatness,
proudly call themselves the "Men of
Tho principal settlement is St. Paul
on Kodiak Island. Hut for political 1
purposes, Sitka was inndo tho capital
of tho Russian colonies in America,'
.Mill ilB Dlll-ll II. . l-UJHVU ll JJIUII14-
nenco that has made its namo as fa
miliar as that of Alaska itself. It has
the largest foreign population and tho
best houses in the Territory,
Capo Princo of Wabs and tho Is
land of Alton aro theextremo western
points of bind in tho United States
intholongitudo of 167 dog. 59 min. 12
see. as far west from Portland or San
Francisco as tho extremo eastern
point of Maine is east.
Fort Wrangle, a village of 100 hous
es, is on thu northwestern coast of
Wrangle Island, at tho mouth of tho
Stiekino river. Owing to the exten
sive gold mines at Cafsa'r, on tho
Stiekino river, it has become thochiof
businoss center of Alaska. Tho Cas
sairminos are employ ing this onsm
about 2,000 men. which creates consid
erable trade. For this trade Wrangle
is at the end of ocean and commene
ment of river navigation. Tho coaft
of Wrangle and the mouth of Stiekino
river was first visited hy the American
ship Atahulpa, of Uoston, in 1802,
three years before Lewis and Clarke
descended the Columbia. Tho per
manent population is nboutlOOwhitcH
and Russians, nnd 500 Indians. Re
sides there is a large winter, popula
tion of miners, and a floating Indian
population of 500 to 700 more, come
times being from 2,000 to 3,000 In
dians in the plncc. It i on the great
highway of the Indians to and from
the mines, also to their hunting and
The native rnccs in Alaska number
about 25,000 ; Russians, 300 or 400;
Americans and other?, 500. The In
dians can bo divided into three great
classes : The Innuit of Yukon district ;
the Aleutian nnd the Tuscan of the
Sitkan dstrict. And these again arn
divided into trfbes, settlements nnd
familci?. These are largely in a con
dition of degraded superstition and li
able to all the horrible cruelties of
heathenism. The old, sick and use
less are put to death with various
cruelties and disgusting rites.
The Indians are again subdivided
into various familcs, each of which
have their family lodge. The badge
are the whale, the porpoise, tho eagle
the coon, the wolf nnd the frog.
These crests extend through different
tribes, and their members have a clos
er relation. For instance, members
of the tame, tribe may marry, but not
members" of the same badge. Thus, a
wolf may not marry into wolf family,
but may into that of the whale.
Queer Tnlo of Africa.
The Comtc dc Semmelle, who has
rccentlvscturned from the banks of
the Niger, whither he was sent when
Marshal jfcMahon was President of
the French Republic, has just pub
lished a few more chapters of his
startling narrative. The Count says
that on reaching Lokodga he offered
the Sultan of that place sotne cot
ton goods whereon his Majesty
shouted, "I am the great Sultan,
and not a dog ! I don't want your
present?, give me gin and rum !"
Tho Count thought he was going to
be assassinated, but he forced his in
terpreter to say he was not English
but French ; that he had never be
fore been received by such a dog ;
that he feared neither fire nor poi
son, etc. This language' having sob
ered the Sultan, the Count gave him
a bottle of gin, which produced an
other fit of delirium tremens. The
Count adds that the Sultan is com
pletely "rtbruli," and that he has no
authority over his subjects, who have
imposed upon him a Parliament
with which he gets drunk from morn
ing till evening.
Geu. Chamberlain.
GEK.CHAMBErtLAix i9 a man of such
interest that tho public will not readi
ly forget him, although he has retired
to the presidency of his college, tho
state of Maine no longer bcig in any
exigency to require the services of her
general of militia. Gen. Chamberlain
is a native of Bangor and 51 years of
age. His education was at a military
academy and the Bangor theological
seminary, whence ho went as professor
to Bowdoin in 1S55. In 1862 he was
appointed lieutenant-colonel of tho
20th Maine regiment; in 18G3 became
colonel ; in 1SG4 bricadier general for
gallantry at Petersburg, where ho was
severely wounded. He was in 24
pitched battles during tho war and was
six times wounded, rivaling tho ser
vices and scars of our Gen. Bartlett.
Commanding tho 1st division, 5th
corps, as major-general, he led the ad
vanco at Appomattox and received
Lee's surrender. After tho war he re
newed his professorship of modem
languages at Bowdoin, and was elected
presidont of the college in 1871, after
having been four years governor of
The grave of Thomas Lincoln, fa
ther of tho martyred President, is in a
country chureh-yard near Mat toon, Ill
marked only by a small heap of bowl
dors. When Abraham Lincoln was
on his way to Washington to tako his
scat as Presidont, ho stopped at
Charleston, paid hii father's grave a
visit, and, it is said, left $50 for a head
stone, but his instructions were not
carried out, and tho money went
whoro the woodbine twinoth.
SwnzKitt.ANO is this winter almost
one mountain of snow ; trains, steam
boats and telegraphs havo been ift, ft,
chronic-xtttto of interruption,