tvtMvW) 4 The Const Mail. BATUHDAY, 1M.I.HITAIIY 18S0. Krpnlilli'nn Nlnl OtiirnI Committee, A intwtiiifc of (he Ilppubllcmi Slate Cttittriil Ooituiilttee will bo held in the City of 3o1biii, on Wediuwlav, Pebruory 18, 18S0, at 2 o'pIopk p. m. A hill attea ilanuo U rwiiBstwI. DaviiI Pnnvt v, Chairman. .Tonni Simon, Sepretnry. Tho inatnburH of wild Coimnitteu for (ho eOVural coimlteR, nro n follows: IMflr.. Milton White IHltiton j; UMpIMwv QlntlainiM IMqiiat Jllp F J Tajlor Columbia ..(icoWMcllrUl Coo ,. OffTmr curry. ...... ,.,,i.. .,.,,, , ,ji niJcy DouglM BO l'.-n flrant.. ., Wrhurch inken...,, , j ChitwtMHl .Toiopihit . Th '" OH . u 1' orm luino....... ,,,. ,T II Mr . ltoir ci . Multnomah n i s mi l'o i t l 1 Tillnmnok .".Dri is l ' Umiitllln Vecant know, had laid In tho snug sum of .J."lon WjSmlgtlf7:o,t00; John A Lowell, known in WltWO. EI. Smith .Jo C3Whi Yamlilll.... .J W Wa j "5 , 'I'lte ItilM lrci.iou. I The opinion of the Supreme Court of Maine, nys tho SpringiM Republi can, niKin the questi ins submitted by Oov. Oat-colon, is not a more Uepubli ran triumph. It is. a triumph of that highest common sene which the law is Miid to embody over the technicality which tho courts to often hold su preme, and which the people hae come to regard tho courts as in bond-, ago to. The court holds in succcs-ive ', cases that tho Governor and Council aro IkhiiuI to take the record of the j will of the people for what it purports to bo, no'tto examine it microscopical ly and if jwjssiblo to nullify iu The opinion draw tho distinction very cloarly between defect. that arc suffi cient lo iuvnllidntc a return and thosw that nro not. The absence of the Town Clerk's signature, for instance, ! is a vital defect, since the verv atteta tion on which tho value of the return depends, i lacking. But it is not a vital defect that the vote of a city is not returned ward by ward ; it is not a vital delect that some votos aro re turnod for " :ttoriiig," when the to tal mimborro returned would not af fect tho result ; it is not a vital defect I that one selectman titfacio w as in law i ineligible to oflice; it i not a vital dofoct that tho Aldermen signing a re u1raureuU1,umuu,ITO.ksI;iti(ijl)llt jnUj ft morUr njn by ami not iim.ijuniy 01 inu vvnoie ooaru. The law in regard to ballots with db- j tinguiblung marks is very clearly laul down, and ix jut as applicable tie may add, in this State. The ballot must be accepted or reject,! by tho oincoroiuicpoii; vo- tor can procure another ballot ; if ac- coptod, it must be counted and does not invalidate the election. The law as to thegonuiucnos of the attesting signnturos is also vrell defined. The Govornorand Council are to presume thorn genuine, unless protests arcom- i ., . . . , ., .1 i panv the return, in which case they would bo obliged to give notice and hoar evidence. The decision in re gard to the ditto mark, is eminently just. The conclusion of the decision referring to the necesit' of regarding those acts of municipal oflicors, as the doinga of average "plain peoplo" re- curs to a principle of law which is too often forgotton. Mr. Lincoln's words arc not often quoted in judicial re ports, but thoy seem to fit in here with fine emphasis. The leturns of the popular will, sny. tho court, are " not to bo strangled by- idle technicalities " This language is unjudicial and inju dicious, if it be intended to character ize tho course of Gov. (Jarcelon, but its application to him will bo forgotten, and It will go down through successive decisions as a biting lobiike to techni cality in the courts thonneves. In faot the Maine court robukes it solf for its previous celebrated decision that votoi) for tho wime name in full and in initial could not be counted for the sumo person, decision which has novor boon codorsed, so far as wp know, by (bo courts of other States Tho court also paid in n former decis ion : "Jtisto bo ipgretU'tl that vote nro lost by the negligence or ignorance of town olllcoro, but the obvious rom odyisto uhoofco such as know their duty, and knowing it will legally per form it." This languago may bo ap plied without iiiponsifctonpy to such onmxjas that whoio a town clerk neg lects to fign tho return, and in fact was iiMid upon tho ncciuion of a tie oieiou according with the prinoiplos laid down in answer to tho 11th tpios tion. The oU'oct of tho ileciaion ought to lm most wholeomo in breaking down tboidoa, of tho bench no lots than of tho people, that tho lcttor of tho law is iln vital qutiality, that ovoiy olliotnl not ut porformotl jirecisely in tho manner of the law, is iiecoril.v invalid, no matter how it may acl popular lights or innocent thiid pnr tipx.and that jotuinlng boartlh PAist to Maud in tho Unlit and qUmiiiu I fctth ,,1-vious jvsuHs vulbiuuupporl- .1 . .1 ....... vnlueoftho Mnino dppinion, nnd wp believe it will he ippmbnl in the fu ture ai tho enuneiution on hrond ground gf n gioat nnd ju-t principle of ollleinl notion nnd of judicial inter pretation. Hleli .Hon nl Huston. A Huston letter, says: "Thi Ilo ton taxdist contains only syinanips of pcitn, tlrmn, nnd corporations jmy ingcity ttixtunn oor a million tbil lor, with 70 more who pny on from half n million to n million. " The heav iest individual tavpnyor is young Montgomery Soars, who returns vnliiAtion of . W.,000 The not lar gest is Mo-ps William, S9 years old, who lists $2,01,000, on w hieh to spend his remaining days. The' two maiden Wigglcfeworth .itors iwiv on a valua- J tionof $1,100,000; Harvey D Parser, lot the famous hotel in School street, confesses to W.,400; Charles Fran cis Adams to 717 SH), besides what ho may have out in Quiney ; Moos A. Dow, who med to run tho Wavorlv Magainp, and doc yet for aught I lhiropoas well as in America for his connection with tho Lowell Institute, 'pays an individual t on $541,000. a'l a joint ta with another member oHhe family on $223 000 more; llar- vattl college values its Itaton proper- ty alone at $S03,W0 ; honored evmayor of tho citv. in the crockery business, pays on $592,000; Lawyer Sydney Hartlett, whose right to be named as tho bend of our bar fnv w ill dispute, on $5S0,r00 ; Mer chant George C. Richardson, well enough known to business circles in New York, on 5"0,30O. individually , I'vMayorandevCongresinau, Henry ' Pierce, on about $400,000. which of course does not include his estate in the country ; Walter Hastings, who died in October and who left nearly three-quarters of a million to Harvard, returned only $401,000 to the Boston assessors last spring; Uriah A. Hoy dan, the eccentric turbine water-wheel man, who died last summer and loft half a million to bo expended by Prof W- K Rogors and associate trustees in a scientific investigation of the properties of cr.Ioric and the phenom ena relating thereto, figures in the Boston tax-list for only $200,000; while tho just-buried Erastus B. Bigo low, of carpet-loom fame, bail projverty bore valued at $251,000, betides tho great estate out at Clinton whore the niills arc." IIott Mate IViioMh iireImlo. In making slate pencils, broken ctoim ii1 rkrviitii1ul intft aviiill ti.trt t ' , , . ... , . - , 'ThJ u hlto ; mU am, mns int) a lolt5s raachinc. such a, k , in flouring mills, where it b, I the fin0i almogt impalpabic i floUf t,mt re,ul(, bch)R tak(Jn to a I m:x: ...I,, whore a small onantitv of ! .n ,, 4- , -- steatite Hour, similarly manufactured, j is added, together with other materi al, the whole being made into a stiff dough. This dough is knooded thoroughly by passing it seve-al times between iron rollers. 1 hence it is convoved toa tl,le, where it is made into "chargers," or hort cylinders, fouror live incl s thick, and contain ing eight or tv !ve pounds each Fop of these are f'.ied in a strong iron chamber or t. rt," with a changea ble nozzle, o as to rogulate tho size of the pencil, and sub-octet! to tromon ! diiritis livdraulic nrosure under which , th(J eomno.ition pushed through tin (, in the shape of along cord, and pa-s over asp p:ng tablo slit at right angles with the cords to give pawage to a knife which cute them in to lengths. They are then laid on boards to dry, and tfter a few hours cd'to sh..(.:s of conugated are romov zinc, the corrugation serving to pre vent tho pencils from warping during the process of baking, to which they are nert subjected m a kiln, into w hieh superheated steam is introduced in pipes, the temperature being regulat ed according to the acquirements of the article exposed to its influence From the kiln the articles go the furn ishing and packing room, whee the ends are thrust fora second undorran idly revolving emery wheels and with drawn neatly and smootly pointed. TJipy are then packed in pastboard bo, eneh containing ono hundred pencils, nnd there boxed are in turn packed for shipment in wooden boxes containing one hundred each, or ten thousand penc.U iu a shipping box. Nearly all the work is done by boys, and the cot therefrom is light, Io..;br Wri'dJ "1'Ji SpIiooiut. Tho Croscont CMyJtecord eav h : The schooner, J. CJ. Wall left San F mn cieco on tho 20th of December, and up to going to prews nothing ban boon hoard from her at tin place. Foam, ofooun-o, aro e-tiiurtauied as to lior 1 oi I pt'kud Six of tho ludy toachorH in the pub lic bohools of I'urtland aro to bo mar rloil uoxt week. It i bottoming ojii-domic. - i-i. (ini)iiciiiii not to give envoi to' tho popular will The, it.t moral of ' fort on public opinion. i tho ' .. ..ii .:!. , n ct, i 1.11.1 ... ii.r.v.,.'.ii mm nl tliiitv illlvs lliilli - r - v !i iMinrti a iiiimuorui rmiuiiKoio. M.i3. m.- ..... ....--, .-..... ,. oiuu Iurgrave'.iter and family aro nup-, .-- -"yWHk ot KYM, " - . l....iALtfillfl rtlltl If 1 Illlll 1IJ. Ii to be among tho pawongers. n,l lot l.fiec.2;.T SJS.tilt 1 1 west ami GENERAL NEWS. Snow is about 8 feet deep on the Mimmit of tho Blue Mountains N notions at o still migrating to Texas in great number. Paper biioksnro now being mode in Wisconsin. TniMiK are 150 students in the dif ferent departments of Pacific Univori- y- l.v Mendocino county, California, last year there weresivty-one murders and but one execution. JANi'AitYSfth was .ctnidcfor the delivery of commentaries on tho death of Senator Chandler. Tub load mines near Phnmixville Chester county, Pa., nro again to be put in operation after having boon idle for twelve years. Thf, Frankstown iron mill at Pitts burgh, Pa , which has been idle for a year or more, resumed work on full tinio a few days since. In nngland portable gas is now sold and delivered everywhere. Country residences receive it from the city in copper cylinders. It is predicted that tho coming crop w ill bo tho largest ev er produced in California but it is too early to inako such an estimate safely. A schoolmaster at Johnson, Iowa has been fined for whipping a girl pu pil because sho corrected his mispro nunciation of a word. A ronno.v of tho 'evv York Democ racy nre trying to force Sovmour to nmicnnt tf. ,...i., 1.!.. ,n..... tr. !...,, o.,l ! as a candidate for the Presidency. A coxtohtionist was performing in a New Haven variety show when the police made a raid Ho leaped over an officer and from a window twenty five feet to the ground, finally escaping. A ntLi. has been introduced in Con gress providing for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Treaty of Peace and tho recognition oLAmorican Independence by an cx hibrtion of arts, manufactures and products of the mines The bill pro vides that the exhibition is to take place in New York City in ISSo. An Ill-staukf.d ExTEnrmsK. Some time since it was announced that a Democratic paper to bo called tho Lake County Examiner was to bo started at Linkville. It appears that the material was purchased and while it wa being hauled over Sugar Loaf hill it became detached from the load and rolled over tho blutr into Goo-e Lake. It will probably never be reoovcred Whether another ofiico will bo purchased, we have not leari. td. GRAND a . rf n m 1 "t A ft-C I I r XU.a4 UCX dUC UdU. . AT REICHERT'S HALL IN Empire City, ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 13,'80 Under the Management of the Ladlo or Empire. RKCEPTIOX COM.MITTK1-:. Henry Feng'tacken, It. J. Cu-an, John Flanagan. FL00I1 MANAGERS. G Owen.J. G Cook, XY. II. W'otscl, Chris. Drvdcn, ltobt Simpson, J. V Dennett. Tickets Ladies, ? 50 G"nts, Masked or l'nma-k,d. 1 00 Lunch will be Seried In the Hall by the Ladies. PRIZESJJFFERED, For tho best difctrui&e. - - $2 uO For the haiid&onfeet costume, 1 oO For the ugliest costume, 1 00 THE STEAMEH JUNO Will leave Marshfield in the evening and return after the Dall. xoTin: or final pdoop. LVXO Ol'FICB AT ( 1) ........, r, Tom B 1RRfl I ' ITATU1B IJ Ifl.'UVItV CIVEX J that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intontion to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty d ijs from the date of this notice, viz: James McNatightou, Hornestond Application No !:i'S), for ' - i. of SW'K. SW'M of feWJi, .' . 0. T2!, S H VI V and SEKofPBK. c 1. 'f-'JSU 18 V Hiid iiatreH tho following as lu wit nesses, v i. ; Win. Kohin, of Myrt o Point, Coos county, and Daniel Stlo rihens.of Norway, Coos county, Or. e 8 Wm.F Dknjamin, Jtegistcr. N0TICK YOU PPDL1UATI0.V. Lami Owwr., I KnuKiii'iio, Or.. Jan. ii'.i, 1880 . TVTOTICE Iri IIKKKIIY OIVL.N V tlmt the following named m;UIoi ban filed notiro of his intention to . . jf , HH.II)0,t of bin and M-ciiro Imai entry tuuruui nimiei. the following iih hi witnos.eB, viz : DenniH Cuniiifr, of Curry county Orogon, and John Kitlnigh, of Guny county. Oregon, 5 'i. V. Uiunoajuk, Uogittor. BAY VIEW BREWERY, nA-IRSIIIErilEDLID, OGKfcT. Win. IteicliertjProprieto r Keeps constantly on lmml, ami oilers for siilo a supciior aiticlo of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, p. vm up r u, my u Mi in svi run) wmrnn: choicest iiimads ok WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS JtKAXCH S.M.C O.NAT P.MP1KP. CITY. LOCKHART HOTEL V'vi" Kh. V iv , lli iiiV(osnii;:M: -J3 T s STAGC sM&& UNC. i . i 1 1 . II i o . I'nn I'lvlio - WINTER AF.RANGCMENT, S '' II I ' Vll HI . I I' I t ( (IOS ( ll I THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL FIM) THIS TO 1IK CHEAPEST. HEsTand Ql'lCKEsr OF ALL HOCTES ROSEBURG OR ANY PART OF THE INTERIOR. pi.OsE rn' i HON M M"K V ip i . id ovoil mi! si.i- An .i. " (ci i nl to our rw 'I Mi a.ipntlcil J w' U p'onijiiiio I ki i.-cti uy. at : . e p edit so 'rov., f o f-c w'CuUiveiMji' c of r NciurrrKu.Agt To1p-mi olllco, inipiro tit v. O-S S HA Ubuico ll .(. Lirfchflohl, Or IS ?i iciii'ii:i.i Drug Store BR C K OOLDPX, Pitoi-n. OppoHltr,-u- .Store. II A V K C 0 N S T A X T I, Y 0X11 A X I) all onrs OF ZDZETTO-S HEMIOAL winks ton Mi:irivvL ppui'osL, 33 1T3n - fit i T7 Ji' if s , Tnvssias, TOIIiM'X'.A.IXTI- cxixis, iimi''uani:iiY, stationjoiiy ,vnrx scxrooxjxsooacs, w.o c noit e CIGARS anoTOBACCO, and evi rythmg usuallv 1 m mi a M1.DK. M. Il"lhSS(UV. J'rcKcriptioiiM i arcfitlly Com- jiomiflfd. .vl-:Mf E. A Anderson, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, MVKSIIPILLI), OK TfAPLING DONK AT SHOUT NO- J U we nnuni vt ry n..i"omiic m COAI. AM) WOOD CONSTANTLY OK HAM) NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Lano Ofhct, Rosnnfito, Or., Jan. 1 1th, lfS0 TVTOTIOK IS IIKKKDV GIVPN that tho following nanipd htttlor ha filed notice of hii intention to make final proof in support of bin tlaiiii.add fcpuro final entry thereof at the expiration of'thiity d.iya from the date of this notice, viz- John CrciBwell Homohtoad application No. '2V.i-2, for tho N of SP.K and lots -1 and Sfcce 15, and lotH 1 and 2, fee. 22, TH 10, SUU west, and nairiPH tho fol lowing as nm wiiuuwioi; u in. ivuk, ofCuny county, Or, and Gtorgo B. IlarriM, of Curry unty,Or. . low 1 W)i P. Ui.NJAMiv, Uegintor. AD3IIMSTIIAT0Il'S S0TICK. In Iho matter of tho adiniiiiKtiation of the OKtalo of N, M. Lowe, det'cimwl, ATOTICi: IS IIKKKHY Uli.s i that tho mi that the .. nilomlguuil baa bcpt. ap- ..(...! ,!..,. tulriitnroi tbo OUtalO of ' M Low, (lucmtepd. All pordoiiH inving chiiturf against aid putato aio heiebv notified to prcnont the amo to Adapted for dairjing or geiioial farm mo a't my ieideiico on Isthmus ing. Good young Diehard Ono of Slough, in Coo8 county, Oiegon. w ith the best faririM in Coo county The proper vouchor within Mx months fiom this dato. . L. N. Low, Admiiiioliator Dated tbU 21th tiny of Jn 180. COOS B.A."X" HAKKDST. I I'll! I O O - O H I " tot i '0 o.i in i VP.SvKI, l.dt.c M c ALWAYS V,l ADV. ' "' -' -o- B-JT-Wp ' nin i -int ,lio'e .a! a ki i u c , aci'Ou. ;n I ,'" ', " " " inii.tri:i;i:i . ! s-crxzSiS rftMMfi i ! llniii'tiiltotipbuMm'turvpyhif5 ELGFNE Q'CONNELL '"""'"'"'""''"""'j' i.uuuiL U UUhllLLL. lVrl.itinapKotHlUiirvp.VPtl liiniN, lur nrvivn in niHlmf at sluirt nntlcp. 3.1 ai I'm m oi'i'Vi oa i luc-oiv I i ,1 -ii , ii untitle li.ithill.lup isicHlieit Hardware.Tools, llliploilKMllS. niiuo run tro nioTni r nun l uUNo, KlrLcb, Hlol ULu AHL) , AMMUNIT.OH. X-iJ&.AE3?f3 (Sc CO WOOD it II i.O WAItP, ritcam,Wat( r Pijm- and Pittni),', dran itu and Platul Whips. vtwri (i ii i:i t of UN. COPPER & SHEE. IRONWARE. .Kill 4D:i4 P -k i rn wirn l i l-j '. '. fill " i !' op. Alout a nl lit .ii" i k u ill hlioi t Pii i c THE PIONEER MARKETS. .M.vit-iti l ( i i I v " n II. P. Willi SKY. Pi i:,ttoR. A gnuil "upplv 'if Afir-r-r.v KJfmjUL CWVPI) di:i:p. ( (.noes, pouk, i:tc yrTT me, i:ic and all kind of sALTMEATSamVEGETABLES constantly on band. Also i gl(d KtOI k of GllOOl'IJ i IJJM. V K . SKI, S LOGGING CAMPS SUPPLIED AT SlIullT MiTH E It 'if NEW DRUGSTORE, MAES! I LLP, Oil M.XT DOOH TO M Ml Ol III r LOU IH MUX HOE, JU-opiUluv. PULL STOCK OK T j, r .. . J)lS 4.V ill C(1 1 CI 11 CS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND ItliST IMAXJiS ' CIO A IIS fitf"PrPMt riptloitH Carefully f'oin poiilided by Competent Phic'iau FARM FOR SALE ! I TJA ACItPS OK CllOICP MND I I III lit till) JllOllth of lllllIK ll . hikIi, npai Noith Hi nil and .Mauli fluid Good house and out building ilaro, witliMtoek and implement!!, wilf uukold very pionp ,Por luilhor imitioiilura npplvnt the uftfutf of the CofHf ii ail. ft tf II l S 1 N V, M S (' It 1) S TC MACKIJY.M I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I'Mi'iui: CnY,'Oiii:i(iv. C. II (10LDKN, M.I). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON1 M Mtsmti ii), Oiii'.iion ('. W.TOWKU,M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON M MiNiiririu, dm iios. V. C. AX(!HI.. M. 1). PHYSICIAN and SURGEON '(( at it, on a. S 11 lluutl), .1 II VMIUOV ll'..) iv IIAM1I.TON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will piactne in the vauoiiH (niitl of tlic lale t) I k I Ai I M ii lit c n, t)u. or. nyn. sig- lthst. A1I0RNEY .v COUNSELLOR AT LAW. M KIIPIPI,i nltl'.iiON. (i. WKMSTKH, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M II1IU II I l, ()ll i, ON HCNRY SENGSTACKEN, IIRI IMIIIHWrilWEHM'EII, i hi'iim: tin, o.. Co"r i mi", iiiu' mlivr liilnliii'CH plncpil I.) 'v ii ids, i ' rcci'lvo niumpl otti'ii 'ut. vl-JMf W. P. WUIGIIT, ('. i). Mill' I'lll llltlt lT. S. Ih'jUlll) S V l V 13 YOU, C'oiji c O Ot N-. ')" I i ., I .Cit MAltNlIJi'IlllltO Mvilillll i i ll.H.UN "" "iiuihui..h mm ntinniH tin- n.i fi iIum f..r iu.iti..n t-.u- f.m.i m n.. Tliix Intitiitittiii iim iiIIupIh tin- In ( - r ' ? Tim Prliiuirjf Ih'tn'irtuii'iit In which liitnxlm tnr) liranrlipt arp j tju(ht, . j Tlm.luntor l )iitrtini)t. I Pinlirmiiu iitli"i,li , Krtiilinn, Writiim, (iramiiiiir, Gpurnphy, llinlor.v , l'tijniol(i , rainlliiir Sciruro und Men tal unit Pnalunl Aritliinctip. 'I In' Sviilnr Di'ikii tntciit Piiibracini; lliMik-ki't-iiiiiKfMiigtp and doiihli' ptitrv HoI.iiin, t'lu-niintry, I'nliti ml lAtiiuuiij . Luliii, Hlit'tiitip, IIIkIii" Aritiiiiit'tti', AUiiuii, luiiinctrj,, lriKn noiiictry and nrv ,v iiitf. Ml 'SIC. Instruction in this brain h is ivpii wlii'ii dt'Hinil. Ho Mtn ran 1n had fur fnut '.i to $1 jmt wei-k with private familn-H, and fur (.1 M Ip when hpmtoI Hlinh'iitM club ) Ui'.iuT nnd Imnrd tliPiiiM'lvt'M. TEEMS. Primary Dopartment - - - 5,iWl Junior . . .... 7(r,ti Senior . . .... jo go J. T. McCi1i.ip, I'Hnclpal. vt-.1-lf. H7-J a wi i k $li! a diiv at homo pahl l innili' Cillv ut lit fni-. AiMr-mi 'f ki r ii Ci AiiuiiHtii, Maine Eanal to Any. Excelled ty None. - " 'X'JIIC Taylor & Parley CABINET ORGAN. .tlanufacturotl ut Worcrairr, !. lu. ivriivrurtiTf! i .,, .i... n.u i r ..... i I In Ihcic liuinimciili, Jl.rl they Cbiitim many E80EHTIAL IMPROVKMCNT8 t'JT T'.VVS Iu oilier Ordain. AlmlriKto proUuoiworlwhloh ahnll hs Durnhlo. wo will not annrlflnn tlu.t M.lilr.K I; not neon, and et I vltnl to n narfeot . Orunn. In oritur to rnnkn n mnri. innn. I xtsrlor. We nre mil ciuUed loj rneiit i Sljllsli nml Approprluto Caicu u rn le foiin. In ike nuittcl, will, a fiuldi wlntli Ii tit i;:ii:il by any, A B RBQAROO TONS, Tin roiLowHin Award with Medal Diploma or Uouor was GKA'iirn ny this CENTENNIAL EXIIIDIT10N COMMISSIONERS! "S ,l.U."i rWh ""ro'lMa m4 "(rr.l otillti lo ilitUaliil JrplUndi fer thi urpiiei lilit,il " Do not fail la make application ami EXAMINE THEBE INBTIlUMENTfl Ilcfsre I'uiclii.lnc Catiloeuci free, en appllctiun to ll.e Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WOUGESTLU. MASS. ?t."t lo tf 0 ,( r day at boinp. hamjilon woillififllp. .ildlCMM Kiimion Co. Purtlait'l, Muiiu .JMPiJ'THHr3BPWwJ NASBURG & HIRST. 1't Srui.iT, M vihiii ii u)( o,, "'iiooiwiTvl'.yr.uYHTijAM. ii 1 1 1 MTU cuiimiiiuij on liana in our nugo nun eiimiiiud oua utore. a well NfliTtpil Mock of '" GENERAL MERCHANDISE. conm.Hing of n,0 bent ii Mll fimv of nil kinds, the clmiicHt GROCERIES PROVISIONS. A : i:ui;sik k ot (M,OTlll(i, HATS nml caps, HOOTS anil KllorW. UritllKltS nn.lOII, CLOTH IN(h SI.IPI'KIIS mid OILCLOTH CHOCK Kit Y iiiul (il.AS.S WAKK. IIAHDWAIIK itiil TOOLS, Cigars mid Tobacco. I'liluls, (UN ami ViiiiiIsIics, (liolcc Wines ami Liquors, Tlimuro mill .Viiiiiiiinltldiu CI VV'.'P. II7JO) ,i,i, iim ;;. nmf Scla.ool IBooIzej Wl) QTATiriMCDV 'unixIvcv oooU, VNIJ l(OHllll.V Out I'MpiiMvuHhonpiiNps arc IHIpiI WIhIi (III' lillPHt MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. I'lllCKS TO SI IT THK Tl.MKS. N II All gnoiN iiiipiiiicd ut our Stun- will lin iIi'Iivi'mmI free ot plmrKO at unv point on tho roulp of tho Ueitiuer Myitlp l-l-tf '-.n 11 ititi:umcoi. IN fltOVt Of Till. n.NTIUI. IIOTIII- MarHlillil,,()Kii If you want niipaiyflhave, Am good an biitbcr pvci guvp, Just call on dip ut iiivkiiIooii, Prom iiinrn 'till niglit or buny noon ; Mv iaois(liarp, my NciMorK Lpimi, My ilHipi" ticiit and towcU pIpiiii ; And tberc 1 think that v on ill llud Pach article to Kill! tlip tiiinil ; I trim tlu'luui uitliHkill for gpnti, Of miiritp the pricp ix llftj pj'iitt , Shaniiooiiij'. too. I do tlmt ucll, (iivp me n trial, (but will tell , So hi lp hip Krai iniiM if I iniiki' vol i liul- Iri. Ymi in cd nut pin a ipiurtpr of a dollur J V 'o, Pruiir ' ' i"" . vi-a fva H,' (oos IIAV MFURMTURE - w " - '-' """ STORE7 ( iiNMVMI V ON ) Mufti't ixri P Itiihtruilt, Clutiv. ! l.ituniiis, Crthi ,P Cm, Hi m, I'trruu s 1 1: mi 4, vpu i.dixgh, I' Mil I s, MIUHOIts A, (in, ii I liiu-riMiiii 1' ii r ii It ii rr MiuIp to OrdtT COI'I'I S iiuiiIp at uliorti ut notici'. SEWING MACHINES An v inn Nit, Nl hum Ac. P M K!C, lvltf I'mipittirorr. New Market. K()h A T1M.MI.UM..V Would atiiioinipp to llm public that their now imiiket OPPO.SITPTIIP.CPNTItAI. 1I0TPL H .NOW OI'I.NMi ANDTIICYAItPPKPPAItP.DtoKPl.I. AI I, KIMlH III' ItP.KP I'OKK A MCATSnf AI.LKINUH PnOVISIONTTND VEGETABLES VESSELS inul 1.00(1 L0 CAMPS SI PPUPI) :7P NIK I s DOWN TO 'I IIP IIPIUM nil Korb NEW HOME Sewing Machines, JPST UIX'PIVPI) MYSTAMKK! ton hw.i: AT REDUCED RATES, BV IIPNUYG PLOPGKU, D .MoiM'HlhiiplipC'ity W .. WlCKKTISIl, 1)1 VI.l It IV EBoots, Shoes Ami I.i'iillipr I'liulliiK1' .M vitHimi'Mf, Oil. iiiavi: lti-:ly uptphnicd J fiom f-an Kiaiii'iHco with a rom plplp Mtoi I, of i mtv thing In my Hue ii id) iiuiiIp ImhiIh and hIiocm, etc. BST MATERIAL NLY USED. FARM FOR SALE, Ml W.L I'iIIM KITPATPDON (lit blink of tbo Coipnllo Hiver 'oiiliiliiing '2H iipiih RICH BOTTOM LAND, Willi limine, iiiul Oichaid. Can In lb iilcil ntn KeitHOiiuhlollatP. Pur puilipulniH apiily (o IlllMtV WllXOHTACICIlN-, Kinplrw City, Otugoii.