The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, February 07, 1880, Image 1

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    Tlio Coast Mail.
'JJJzdL. JbLi
The Coast Mail.
Marshtlold, Coos Co., Or.
Alili lilVJB XSST7IDH.
Terms, lit AiIhuht.
Oneyoai $2 50
.Six months .... f,o
TllICO IIIOIltllH - 1 00
The Development of our Mines, tho
Improvement of our harbors, nnd rail
rond communication with tho Interior,
"Vol. 2.
MA.KSI-i:FIliLX), or., battjeday, FEB. 7, 18SO.
oiTiciAii pa ri: it or coos o.
jNo. 6.
I'lm Clone tl'u 'i'cnt TriiKedy,
Tlio Now York Timm thus notices
I ho stops taken by Spain to abolish
Hlavory in Culm:
Tliu niinuuneonieiit on Christinas
thy tlmt n long delayed tiiuuiili of
CliiiHlinnity wim at length to takv
liliico, in tliu destruction of slavery
in tlio Island of Culm, nnut hnvo
Htiui'k niiuiy mind a very ti ipiii i-
n to to this season of "good will." On
tlio 1st of January, 1RS0, it in announ
ced emancipation will begin by order
of tlio Spanish government in tbi'ii'
wealthy colony of Cuba, anil on the
same ilay, 1H!H), it will bo completed
anil the last slave in the Hpnniwh pos
sessions bo flood f : oin li ih shackles.
Ho closes tlio most melancholy anil
disgraceful chapter in tlio annals of
liuiuaii oiinio. It in nioro than four
centuries since a eeitain Portugese
captain landed (in LSI I) at Lagos a
cargo of 2Jt3 black slaves. Tlio slavoiy
of wliito captives anil Mohammedan
prisoners was fast flying out in Eu
topo, but tho iiuitoil discovery of a
now continent needing labor and of a
haihaiDU coast having slaves, awokn
gieod .mil ctiiiiulatcil cruelty, anil
created slavoiy anow. Ono of tho
most benevolent men of any ago ban
ilio bail faini) of introducing shivoiy
into this uontineiit. Hut I. as Casus,
though be did thin to piotcct bis bt
Iuim1 and oppiossod Indian, lived to
ImUrl.v lopont of this great mistake.
Tlnee centuries and a half bae
passed since tlio first slaves were in
troilmed (1521) into tliu l.slaud of Cu
ba Ami it may safely be Miid that of
nil the huiiiau i.iin and hopeless mis
cry which tho hum looks upon year by
ear, none ovor equaled history of
agony and injustice which began with
the .Spain) importations of slavery
into the new woild, and was continued
bv the English slave trade during .'UK)
years With it mockery of their faith,
vthirh skeptics will uecr forget, the
.p.iuixh authorities, during two ecu
tinier, concluded inoiii than ten tna
ties "in tlio n.uiii' of tho most Holy
Trinity ."which authoiizod tho sale of
more than 200,000 human beings, and
received from it a tax of ovor 5j,im),
COrt livrcs
The present generation in England
mill tliu United .States have fortunately
never heard much of tho horrors of
the trade, which Crcat Britain plied
industrioiiKly for two centiirios and a
half. Tho young student turns over
tho writings of 'laiksou and Sbatp
mill Wilhorforco, and is aiiuwcd to see
tho tortures which so steadily, for so
many years, were indicted on mi main
innocent human beings merely for
the sake of money. The captive loin
flout (heir families; (he long rows
chained together beneath low decks,
unable men to sit up, the dead and
ding manacled to tho tiling ; each
iiiormug tho corpses thioun to the
fishes; the homo sickness ending in
insanity of tlu unhappy prisoners ;
those ielt':ieil, even for the moment,
plunged into tho sea as the least of
evils; the wails and groans whicn Muc
in a continual appeal to hc.tven from
tho slave ship on tho "middle pas
wigo" thcMi are tho scenes revealed
to us in tho literatim) of slavery, and
which passed under tho llritish (lag
through mi many dark years. Even
no calm a historian as Ilancroft reck
ons that during lOOyeais boloro tho
Declaration of Independence Groat
Ilritain traiihportcd to tho new woild
l.tXiO.COOof slaves from Allien, and
that, besides thco, 250,000 had been
thrown into the n in tho horriblo
middle passoge. Even after tho abo
lition of tho hIuvo trade (KS07), tho im
portation of slaves continued into tho
Spanish colonics of .South Amoiicau
Htatos, and it is estimated that oven
as late as. 1810, 50,000 negroes were bo
crctly introduced in ono year into
Cuba and Ihail.
Tho 1st of January, 1880, was the
close of this gioat tragedy the great
est, all things coiibideicd, in human
lustily. Most of tho actOiK in it, and
tho participants in tho ciime, have
been judged at that grand tribunal of
history whero thorn is no onor in the
judgment, no cormption in tho judge,
no p.ndoii to tho ciimiual. .Spain ami
I'oitugal hao becoino u bywoid and
mockery for their fall and degenera
tion ; tho .Spanish jolonics have been
cinsed by tho trade (ho nourished,
and will doubtless never recover. The
Tinted .States have paid in a million
of lives and liiuidieds of millions of
property for thoir tdiaio in tho fruits
of (lit tialllo. (iieat Ilritain alouo
lias not yet received her sonloncoiit
lliis uni'iilng tribunal.
wiimpy ion tiii: coast mail,
OP Oregon' Noiilliei-u 'oiin(,
Din Mtmm rctlm l'rl unit (In. Mm.
Tho 111 tin band of volunteers who
wcio surprised on tho morning of tho
2!ld of robruary, at their ennip a few
miles nbovo Ellonsbiirg, consisted of
ton or nion. Tho Indians
came upon thoin une.xpeclcilly, and
tho surprise witR complete, and tliu
victory of tho savages speedy and
overwhelming. Tho men had risen
caily and were at hi cak fast, when sud
denly a volley of Millets was thrown
among them, and tho Indians fell up
on them with shouts and yells calcu
lated to appall tho stoutest hearts.
Charles Foster, now residing at Hig
Meadows, on Hoguo liver, was in tho
act of drinking his oolfoo when a bul
let fiom tliu rillo of ono of tho aail
ants struck tho cup from his hand.
Theeitien sohlieis uiado a desperate
losistnnoo; but tho struggle was of
short duration, and when it ended, tho
lifeless bodies of Several of thoir num
ber were stretched upon the Held,
w hilo others, wounded, were tlceiug
through tho neighboring forests for
safety. Among tho dead wore, "I'm"
MeCulloch, whose body was cut into
small pieces, and R. E. Tullis, whoso
house not far distant wni burnt to the
ground. Charles Foster was more
fortunate, and made his escape to the
woods, piofering even the chance of
death from exposure and starvation,
to the terrible fate which be know wit
the alternative. Ho pushed his way
northward through tho finest, keeping
well back from tho coast, and muiic
days afterward arrived at l'oit Oiford,
bringing the first news that had been
received from ltogno river sinco the
for tho (list timu after they entered
tho foil, undressed in tho usual man
ner to retire. Thoro was a lady in tho
fort, named Irwin ; old, yet full of tho
llro of youth, fjliu always insisted
on piolecting hor brothor-in-law, Mr.
White; and on thin occasion, when
tho alarm was sounded and all rashed
frantically for tho nanow passago
which led to tho post of duty and
danger.sho was among tliotn ,m dinha
bilk, lleing less active than others,
she stumbled and fell in tho passago.
It was a ti mo when etiquette and toi
let wero at ruinous discount, and the
crowd of half naked men passed over
hor prostrato form. .Sho soon, how-
ever, rosu and proceeded to 'tho front,"
but tho gallantry of those men, so
lately merged in oxcitemont, reasser
ted its sway, and sho was sent back
among those of her own box.
JloYcrHii, i .llormoii.
'I'll ut CIcYcliuud CSIrl.
A Chicago innn was engaged to n
Cleveland girl, when she suddenly
tool; a notion to break it oil". She
sent for him, and he found her in the
parlor with all his prosonti bundled
up, ready for removal. Sho told him :
" I bavo consulted my heart seriously
and discovered what I often suspect
ed (hat wo are not fitted to make
each other happy. It is better that
wo should part our engagement is
at an end." Ho felt bad. but bo look
ed piovokingly cool, and finally ex
claimed : "Hurrah! You're ' the
bulliest girl I know of. I feel as
though tho whole 1'almer House had
been lifted nil" my niaiily bosom."
Then sho wanted to know what
this meant. Ho told hor he had been
trying to muster up courage to break
oll'forsoiuo time, but hadn't because
he " know that husbands at this pe
riod of commercial depression were
hard to got." This made her mud us
attack commenced. Ho was neaily hops. She pointed to his presents
uimieiiuo, Having eaten nounng nut ami demanded hers. Ho said: I'll
Tin: pcnplt of Lisbon obtain their
milk in a decidedly piiniitivo manner
Cowh ii ro diiven from housu to limu-i
In tho morning, and an much milk
j'r,lu as eaoh oustnnmr may ilimiio.
J hi" method insiucs agalimt aditllur-ation.
snail, sniri' of which unpalatablodiet
he still carried in his pocket.
Twelve o'clocic, noon, of that mem
orablo day, found the surviving icsi
dents of tho lower Hogue river, in
their rudely constructed fortress on
the north side of tho liver. The site
of this structure was ho selected tha'.
no object could approach it from any
direction without being brought with
in range nf tho rilles of tho marskinen
within. The fust day or two in the
fort was speet in pel feeling arrange
ments for defence, and making tho
situation as endurable as circumslan
i'i s would peiinit.
One moining, dining the early pnit
of thescige, tho Indian were seen as
sembling in largo number on a small
hill just out of range. The leader was
mounted on a whito horse, and was
seen riding back ami forth making
gesture and talking with gieat em
phasis. This council lasted all day,
while tho women within the foil wero
running bullets ami the men under
aims, impatiently awaiting tho ex
pected attack. Toward evening, the
Indians moved in a body down tho
lull in the direction of tho fort. The
occupants of tho foit waited for theni
to come within musket uinge, hut ap
parently becoming awaro of the great
advantage held by tho whiles, the In
dians halted. A young warrior, called
by (ho settlers "Tootootna Jack," son
of tho chief, becoming impatient of
tho caution observed by his older and
more experienced comrades, rodo out
from tho crowd and dashed past the
fort with his horno at a run, ho lean
ing on the opposite side of his animal ;
as ho passed the fort ho discharged his
rillo, the bullet striking tliu ridgo of
tho houo within, ami scattering
splintors among tho terulied women
and children. A short timoaflorwaid
a daring savage advanced tor tho pur
posoofsctfing tiro to a small building
which tho settlors had commenced to
inovo to tno fort, Tint which was still a
few hundred yanls away. Ashe was
about to set file to tho building, ltiley
saluted him with a volley of buckshot,
causing him to make a hasty rodent,
Ho iiM'ondcd a hill somo distance
away, ami, supposing ho was out of
danger, halted, and went through va
rious gestures evpicssivii of defiance
aiidcoutempt; but he paiddcarly for
histemeiity, for.l.C. ox-
petienccd niaiksman,"diew a bead'1
on him, and at tho c .nick of the lillo
tho Indian fell dead.
send you all of 'cm I can find, but I
guess our cook carried off your Ten
nyson with the marked passages in it
I lent it tobcr and some of your
locks of hair and pressed rose-buds,
ami things I burned when I was clean
ing up my room the other day, and as
for your ring, I don't think Cora will
give it to me." Tho Cleveland girl
wanted to know who Cora was. She
was told : "She's a girl that I'm in
lovo with Ami that I'm going to pro
pose to this very evening, as soon as
you give mo that package of presents
and let mo go. J hope you did'nt for
get to put tho diamond car-rings into
it. I'll give them to her and be .$:200
dollais ahead." Tho Cleveland
maiden gla-ed at him like a as
she enquired if Cora was good look
ing. The bad Chicago man told her
that Cora was prettier, smaller waist
ed, smaller footed and superior in va
liety of other respects to her. The
Cleveland girl now becamo excited.
'Augustus," remaiked solemnly," if
you go to go out of this house before
ono o'clock to-morrow, I'll scream.
And I want you to understand that
your engagement is to hold, ami if
you don't marry mo by tho first day
of November, which will boas soon as
I can get my trousseau ready I'll sue
you for breach of proinUc, laying the
damages at .f.WO.OOO." Tho Chicago
Tribune must have beon correct when
it said you can't get ahead of a Chica
go man, for Cora has no existence
Tln Wonder cr Woiulcro.
ICaily ono inoinlng, as they wero
posting tho usual sentinels, Louis
Doncetto vvont toward tho Mull' to
take his post of duty ; as ho uimred
tho edge of the bind', suddenly a thucn
Indians ioo up hefoiu him and gicot
ed him with such a volley of bullets
that no ono thought it possible for
hiiil to escapo. Hut ho ran to the
but in thisiucesRont shower of leaden
death, and made good his entrance
into (ho fort without u tjuratoh. This
win tliu muni nftur tliu bottlers had,
The petrified child in the family of
J. A. Kinsley, of New Philadelphia,
Ohio, continues to attract general at
tention, and is considered by all
who have seen it to ho tho
greatest wonder of wonder. Tho
hardness has gradually spread
over thoontiro body, some portions be
ing so haul that not tho slightest in
dentation can bo made. Thu easo is
said no he withoul-a parallel in the
history of tho country, and tho singu
lar dit-easo bin; thus far ballled all
medical skill, How tho child can live
in this notified state is thu greatest
mystery. Tho parents aro greatly
grieved ovor its sad allliction, and aro
doing everything in their powor for
its relief. Globe .Miaoonit-
"Is this tho place," sho asked, as sho
vvaiidoicd down on the barren sands,
"wheio a young lady a beautiful
young lady foil in tho water hist sea
son and was rescued by a gallant young
man whom afterwaid inatricd?" lie
looked at her tunefully, estimated her
at a squaio-17, with false teeth, and
said, "Yes, ma'am, hut I don't know
how to hwIiu."
Ityo straw is as valuablo its the
grain in Pennsylvania in tho itiaitu
factum of paper. With the increased
acreage of the soasou iust closed (;i,-
oOO.OiK) bushels) they yield is not
equal to tlio floutauu.
The morning on which Iteginald
Oloverson ws to leave Great Salt
Lake City with a mule-train dawned
Keginald Oloverson was a young
and thrifty Mormon, with an interest
ing family of twenty .votmganil hand
some wives. His unions had never
been blessed with children. Ah often
as once a year he used to go to Omaha
in iVebraska, with a mulo-triiin for
goods ; but although ho had perform
ed tho rather perilous journey many
times in entire safety, bis heart was
strangely sad on thin particular morn
ing, and filled with gloomy forebod
ing. The time for his departure had ar
iived. The high-spirited mules were
at the door, impatiently champing
their bit. The Mormon stood sadly
among his weeping wives.
"Dearest ones," hesaid,"! am sing
ularly pad at heart this morning, but
do not let this depress you. The
journey is a perilous one, but pshaw!
I have always come back heretofore,
and why should I fear? Ilesides, I
know that iwery night, as I lay down
on mo iironii, siaritt prairie, your
bright faces will como tome in my
dreams, and make my slumbers sweet
and gentle. You, Fmily, with your
mild blue eyes; and vou Henrietta
with your black hair; and you, Nellie,
with your hair so brightly, beautiful
ly golden ; and you, Molly, with your
cheeks so downy; and you, Uetsy,
with your wine-red lips far more de
licious, though, than any wine I ever
tasted ; and you, Maria, with your
winsome voice; and you, Susan, with
your with your that istosay.Susan,
with your and the other thirteen of
you, each as good and beautiful, will
come to me in sweet dream, will you
not, dearests?
"Our own," they lovingly chimed,
"we will!"
"And so farewell!" cried Kcginald.
"Come to my arms, my own," he said
that is, as manv of you as can do
so conveniently at once, for I must
away." .
He folded seven of them to his throb
bing breast and drove sadly away.
lint bo had not gone far when the
traces of the oll'-hind mulo became
unhitched. Dismounting, ho essayed
to adjust tho trace ; but ere he had
fairly commenced tho task, the mule,
a singularly fractory animal, snorted
wildly and kicked Ucginald frightful
ly in the stomach. He arose with dif
ficulty and tottored feebly towards his
mother's house, which was near by
falling dead in her yard, with the re
mark, "Dear mothor, I've como home
to die."
"So I see," she said : "whero's tho
Alas! Iteg'uald Oloverson could
give no answer. In vain the heart
stricken mother threw herself 'upon
his inanimate foi in, crying, "Oh, my
son! only say whero the mules is, and
then you may die if you want to!"
In vain! in vain! Iteginald had
passed on.
Tho mules wero never found.
Jtoginald's heart broken mother
took the body homo to her unfortu
nate sou's widows. Hut before hor ar
lival sho discreetly sont a boy to bust
the news gently to the afilictcd wives,
which ho did by informing them in a
hoarse whisper that "their old man
had gono in."
The wives felt very badly indeed.
"Ho was dovoted to me," sobbed
"And to me," said Maria.
"Yes," said Emily, ho thought con
siderably of you, but not so much as
ho did of mo."
"I say ho did."
"And I say ho didn't."
'He did."
"Ho didn't."
"Don't look at mo with your squint
'Don't shako your ted head at mo!"
"Sisters," said tho black-haired Hen
rietta, "cease this unseemly wrang
ling. I, as Kegiuald's first wife, shall
st row tlowors on his grave!"
"Xo, you won't," said Susan ; "I, as
his last nifo, shall strew (lowers on
his grave It is my business to stiow
"You shan't; so theio!,' said lien
rietta, "You bet I will!" said Susan, with a
tear-sufi'iised cheek.
Well, as for mo," said tho practi
cul Hetsy, "I ain't on thostiow much,
hut I shall i ido at tho head of the fun.
oral procession 1"
"2io if 1'vo ovor boon introduced to
mydolf, you won't," said tho golden
haired Nelly; "that's my position.
You hot your bonnet-strings It is."
"Children," said liegiuald's mothor,
"you muatde somo oiying, you know,
on the Jay of tho funeral j and how
ninny pocket bankcrchers will it tnko
logo round? Hetsy, you and Nelly
ought to make ono do between you."
"I'll tear her eyes out if she perpe
trates a sob on my hankcrcher, said
"Dear daughter-in-law," said llcgi
nald's mother, "how unseemly is tliia
anger! Mules is five hundred dollars
a span, and every identical mule my
poor boy had has been gobbled up by
the red men. I know when my Ucgi
nald staggered into the door-yard that
ho was on the die; but if I'd only
thuiik to ask him about them mules
ere his gentle spirit took light, it
would have been four thousand dol
lars in our pockets, and no mistake.
Excuse these real tears, but you've
never felt n parent's feelin's."
"It's an oversight," sobbed Maria.
"Don't blame us."
The funeral pascd off in a pleasant
manner, nothing occurring to mar the
harmony of the occasion. By a hap
py thought of Keginald's mother the
wives walked to the grave twenty in
abreast, which rendered that part of
the ceremony thoroughly impartial.
Tlio l'ulitct'M mid nankins' Ci(ir
A 'IVrrllili; Homlngc.
That night the twenty wives, with
heavy hearts, sought their twenty re
spective couches. But no Iteginald
occupied tho-c respective couc'bes
Keginald would never more linger all
night in blissful rcpoe on thoc twenty
respective couches Reginald's head
would nevermore prc3 the twenty
respective pillows of those twenty re
spective couches never, nevermore!
In another house, not many leagues
from the house of mourning, a gray
haired woman was weeping passion
ad'ly. 'He died," she cried "lie died
without signifying in any respect,
where them mules went to!"
Two years arc supposed to have
A manly Mormon, one evening, as
the sun was preparing to set among a
select company of gold and crimson
clouds in the western hotizon al
though, for that matter, the sun has a
right to "set" where it wants to, and
so, I may add, has a hen a manly
Mormon, I ay, tapped gently at the
door of the mansion of the late Regi
nald Glovcrson.
The door was opened by Mrs. Susan
'Is this the house of the widow Glov-cr-on?"
the Mormon asked.
"It is', said Susan.
"And how many is there of she?"
inquired the Mormon.
'There is about twenty of her, in
cluding me,' courteously rcturnd the
f.tif Susan,
'Can I see her?'
'You can.'
'Madam,' he softly said, addressing
tho twenty disconsolate widows, 'I
have seen part of you before. And al
though I have already twenty-five
wives, whom I respect and tenderly
caro for, I can truly sav that Inover
felt love's holy thrill till I saw thee!
He mine be mine 1' he enthusiastical
ly cried, 'and wo will show the world
a striking illustration of the beauty
and truth of tho noblo lines, only a
good deal moio so
Twenty-ono souls vv ith a single though,
Twenty-one hearts that beat as one.
They wero united, they were.
Gentle reader, does not the moral
of this ronmnco show that docs it
not, in fact, show that however many
there may be of a young widow wo
man, or rather docs it not show that
whatovcr number of persons one wo
man may consist of well never mind
what it shows.
Across the river Euphrates was a
huge bridge, at the two ends of which
wore two immense palaces, which had
a communication with each other by
a vault, built under tho channel of
of the river, at the time ol its being
dry. The old palace which stood on
the east side of the river, was thirty
furlongs (or three miles and three
quarters) in compass; the new pal
ace, which stood on tho west side of
the river, opposite to tho other, was
sixty furlongs (or seven miles and a
half) in compass. It was surrounded
with throe walls, one within another,
with considerable space between
them. These walls, as also those of
the other palace, were embelishcd
with an infinite variety of sculptures
representing all kinds of animals, to
the life Amongst the rest was a cur
ious hunting-piece, in which Semir
ainis on horseback was thiowing her
javelin at a leopard, and her husband
Ninus piercing a lion.
In this last palace, were the hang.
ing gardens, so celebrated among the
Greeks. They contained a square of
400 on every side, and were carried up
in the manner of several large terra
ces, one above another, till the height
equalled that of the walls of the city.
Tho ascent was from tarrace, by stairs
ten feet wide. Tho whole pile was
sustained by vast arches, raised upon
other arches, one above another, and
was strengthened by a wall, surround
ing it on every side, of twenty-two
feet in thickness. On the top of the
arches were first laid large ilat stones
sixteen feet long, and four broad ;
over thce was a layer of reeds, mixed
with a great quanityofbitumen.upon
which were two rows of bricks, close
ly cemented together with plaster.
The whole was covered with thick
sheets of lead, upon which lay the
mould of the garden. And all this
floorago was contrived to keep tho
moisture of the mould from running
away through the arches. The earth
laid hcrcou was so deep, that tho great
est trees might take root in it; and
with such the terraces were covered,
as well as with other plants and flow
ers that were proper to adorn a pleasure-garden.
In tho upper terrace
thoro was an engine, or kind of pump,
by which water was drawn up out of
the river, and horn thence the whole
garden was watered. In the spaces
between tho several arches, upon
which this whole structure rested,
wero largo and magnificent apart
ments, that were very light, and had
tho advantage of a beautiful prospect.
Amytis, the wife of Nebuchadnezzar
having been pred in Media (for she
was tlio (laughter of Astyagcs, the
king of that country), had been much
delighted with the mountains nnd
woody parts of that country. And
as she dosired to have something like
it in Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, to
gratify her, caused this prodigious ed
ifice to bo erected. Diodorus gives
much the some account of the matter
but without naming tho persons.
John B. Goticli tells tho following
story: I knew a man who was start
led with a face peering out at him
from the wall ; he went up to it nnd
wiped it out and utood back again,
and still it was there; he went up to
itngain nnd wiped it out; nnd stood
back it was there yet. His very hair
seemed to stand with horror as ho
went up to it, and with a terrible blow
of his fist struck the wall and left it
marked with blood. He stood back
again it was there ; he went and beat,
and beat till he had broken the bones
in his hand, with beating out that
which was palpable to him; nnd yet
ho was conscious, and the conscious
ness thrilled through his frame with
horror, that it was but a phantom of
his imagination. Let a man sufler
that six days and six nights ; let a phy
sician sit by his side and tell him,
'Now, sir, if you drink again, you will
suffer it again." "But, doctor, I will
never drink again ,'doctor, the thought
is too terrible ; I shall never suffer it,
I will never take drink again." And
once more healthy blood comes into
that man's veins, and in the emphatic
language of the Scripture, he "seeks it
yet again," and again he is brought
down, and again he endures it all, and
again the physician sits by his side.
"You remember that which I told
you?" "Yes." "If you drink you will
have it again ; and do not send for me,
for you will die." ' Doctor.I will never
touch it ngain." And yet he rises
from his couch in agouy.seoks it again,
and again ho is brought down, and
his shrieking spirit flies in disgust in
to eternity from the body so fearfully,
and wonderfully made by God. He
knew all the way long it must bo so.
Such is the terrible slavery of intent
pe ranee.
A u Appeal lor Keller.
ltcflccllon In Westminister
S:dlMon'N Light.
A lato dispatch says: Tho atten
tion of Edison having been called to
tho doubts of somo Parisian critics,
concerning tho stability of tho catbon
horso shoo, and claim that it eventu
ally wasts away by decomposition,
said : "A complete answer to that is
the actual rotiilt. I can stnto that
tho oldest lamp in my laboratory, af
ter burning 50a hours, had its olectri-
eal resistance measured, and there
was not a difference of one-tenth of
an ohm from tho time- when it was
originally put in tho circuit. The
surface of this carbon which burned
503 hours, is as bright to-day as it was
tho day whon first put in, whoreas ox
idization makes caibou black." Edi
son says hohas not sold a share of his
Tin: Judgo of a court in Maino re
cently sentenced a culprit to twonty
livo years in Stato prison. Tho fact
was communicated to tho prisoner's
mother, who was struck with tho
maguitudo ot tho sentence. "What
did thoy do that for?" sho exclaimed,
"Twonty-fivo years! Why ho won't
bo contented thoro tliroo weeksl"
Suiiscmuufoi'thu M.vil.
When I look upon the tombs of the
great, every emotion of envy dies in
mo ; when I read the epitaphs of the
beautiful, every inordinate desire
goes out ; when I meet with tho giief
of parents upon a tombstone, my
heart melts with compassion ; when
I seo the tomb of tho parents them
selves, I consider tho vanity of griev
ing for those whom wo must quickly
follow. When I seo kings lying by
tho side of thoso who deposed them;
when I consider rival wits placed side
by side, or the holy men that divided
tho world with their contests and dis
putes, I reflect with sorrow and as
tonishment on tho little competitions,
factions, and debates of mankind.
When I read tho several dates of tho
tombs, of some that died yesterday,
and somo six hundred years ago, I
consider that groat day when wo shall
all bo contemporaries and mako our
appearance together AiidUon.
Lieut. Earl, in attempting to pass
between Caup Ilownid and Lowiston
recently, became bowildeicd in tho
bliudiugsiiow storm on Mason prairie,
Ho was out threodays and nights, and
was found by a party who was sent in
scaich of him in a helpless condition.
His feet and hands woro badly fiozou,
llo was taken by ambulance to fort
Tin: first rail.vay built in Japan is a
narrow guago, eighteen inilos long,
iud is said to have cost no Jws than
250,000 por milo. Tho bunorintonv
dont received tho hamUomo stipend
of $8,000 per month,
Paiixel and Dillon the Irish agitators
have prepared the following appeal to
the people of Canada: Tho extreme
urgency of the distress in Ireland has.
induced us to appeal to the people of
Canada. Famine is already upon tho
people of the west of Ireland. Thous
ands are at this moment starving, and
up to this time the British Govern
ment has taken no steps to save tho
people from this awful fate. We aj
peal to the people of the dominion to
assist us in saving the lives of the peas
antry until wo shall have succeeded
in arousing the Government to asenso
of its duty. Necessity is pressing.
Even if the Government were to move
nt once, which they show no sign of
doing, tho machinery employed by
them is so cumbersome that no reliel
could reach the people forabout six
weeks. In the interval thousands
must perish. Let relief committees
be formed in every city and town in
the dominion and all subscriptions be
forwarded immediately to the credit of
the Irish famine relief fund in the Na
tional Bank of Montreal.
The Ikish Home Rules. Mr. Ed
mund Dcase, M. P., lias published tho
following letter: "I was elected to
form a part of the "Irish Parliament
party," under tho leadership of the
lamented Mr. Butt, I have been fruo
to tho leadership of Mr. Shaw. 1 have
ever acted with the "Irish party," and
will so continue to act. As to the fu
ture, I protest against tho assump
It is ation there cannot be found a
Queen's County man to represent us.
it is a downright insult to our coun
try to be thus spoken of. Have wo fal
len so low that nothing less than tho
Presbyterian pulpit of Belfast can
produce a candidate fit for this great
county? Or aro wo to go into tho
"highways and byways," into tho
"lanes and alleys" to look for mem
bers? Can it bo that tho time has
como when Grattan's prediction is to
bo fulfilled?
Objections to prob?to of the lato
Frank Leslio will were filydon tho 20
th, by his two sons, Alfred and Henry.
Henry, who calls himself Frank Les
lio, Jr., avers that tho making of tho
will was caused by fraud rui! circum
vention and uiiduo influenco practiced
against decedent by tho person named,
as executrix in the will, whose maiden,
namo was Marion Floronco Follen,
othorwiso known as Mrs Squires;
otherwise known as Mra Frank Leslio;
that such person was not, at tho death
of Frutik. Leslio, uor at any time tha
wifo of Frank Lolio, that at tho time,
ho executed tho will, if ho didoxeeuto,
it, ho was insane ami incompetent.
Six thousand carrior pigeons aro
now mainnincd in thu various fart i lit
cations in Franco nt tho public vx
' 'i
MirrnonibT ministers aro not allow-
ed to preach to tho soldiers (if thu
Imquv-'Ii anyt