The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 31, 1880, Image 1

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The Coast Mail.
The Coast Mail.
MarshAeM, Cixm Co., Or.
Tcrnm, In AtlYiuire.
Ono venr $2 fiO
Six months ... W)
Tliruu months - - - 1 (H)
The Development of our Mine, tho
Improvement of our harbors, nnd rail
road communication with the Interior,
Vol. 2.
:n o. 5.
" I
!! " i "wu "- pimwwj ' i mm trnrnrn tmm n iiiiiii.ihm iHnninywwM iiwimbiiiiiiwi mi wipwiimiilj iuiluli iiLiniijiiitiiLUi-j a
sv x a rw nri JST u -m - a t t
H 1 fl B vk k. I ' H ' . ft a AWLi "m k Js-fa A H L H H
i ,i i aa ln i jzzmmmms- i i i
m jt m l f rnHe w m
'I'hr .tllchlnn lrnlnnulit--Nul-
lernnfim n'atrrCoiirNtu,
An Eiuitcrn paper Hiiys tho Mii'liI
Knu ic(iili) aro beginning ' tliink
(lint Statu in a vast limiting peninsula,
ns Nome of them hiivo lictm asserting
for n long lime. Thoro aro in tlio
State dozens (if lildo lakes without
outlets, niul yet never stagnant, and
apparently fathomless, Species of
Unit ntiil amphibious itnimiilH nru
found in these ponds, which i x i k t on
ly in tho larger liodies of frunli water.
The lUttlo Creek correspondent says
that several yearn ago, on Lake Cog
nno, near lliu former city, some mini
iner rosorters tried several times to
Intild a sort of log causeway across
llui edge between two of thexe ninall
lakes, lint it mink out of night every
time. .St. Mary's Luke is four miles
north of Hnltlu Creek. Its water lev
el in niiieh higher than that of (he
other lakei in the surrounding coun
try, and their exists at present neither
a Mourcc from which it body in deriv
ed nor a stream emanating from it.
Heverul yearn ago an effort wan made
io Hioex it with eelH, ami specimens
wcru procured and deposited in tlie
lake. Homo time after an eel wan
eiliight in the Verona Mill dam, in
the Hat lie Creek river, live mile dis
taut, although none had ever been
placed in that river, mid no coiineo
tion exiutn above ground. The de
scription of thexe eels correspond lo
the identical ones placeil in the lake,
nnd us none of tliene cols, nor any of
their progeny, were ever nfteruatd
neon in the lake, ( lie coiieliuion arriv
ed at in that an underground channel
exists between. The hike which is
about three miles in eireuiuferenee,
has decreased in depth between live
and six feet in as many jc.irs, ihe for
mer water marks being distinctly
The amount of water contained in a
foot in depth, and of the area of the
lake, is simply enormous, and when
taken into consideration with the
hiiimII amount of rain and snow which
goes into it, io iders the evaporation
theory almost absurd. The favorite
theory in the neighborhood is that
(he bottom has fallen out in the deep
est Mirtiou, and that the hike is slow 1
hut surely leaking out, and will even
tually sink to the common water lev
el, or dry up and Ik known only
among lliu traditional history of the
past, mid that although the result
may be delayed, it is believed by many
that soon the now favorite fishing
ground mid pleasure resort will inevi
tably eventually be only a mucky,
slimy, dismal, pestilential valley.
Auto ll MnmlllNK of Co-rift.
A writer in the l'ruirie Farmer gives
the following hints with regard to
the management of cows . In a busi
ness like dairying, where so much de
pends upon tho quantity and quality
of the milk, theowner will iuveriahly
lose money and eventually go to ths
wall unless special care is exercised
in tho selection of tho cows. What
ever the breed, first the interior ones
ami next tho ordinary cows should be
conscieulioiilv weeiletl out ironi vcnr
to year. It makes no didereiico what
the breed may be, these will always
be found, Nit that there is no choice
in breeds; there is, and they must be
selected with a view to what is want
ed, whether butter or cheese. What
ever the breed, none but the best
breedors should be selected to perpet
uate tho race, nnd as fast as develop
ed the best should bo rotalued. There
is also very much in this question of
development. An miimnl that, un
der good care ami attention, will turn
out a superior milker, will, under ad
verse treatment, prove worthless.
When the first calf in produced, tho
heifer should ho handled carefully ;
tdio should bo milked clean, and every
means used, by good feeding nnd
warm stabling, lo produce as uniform
mid largo a flow of milk ns possible,
Tho calf should not bo allowed to
Mick ; it should bo raised by hand, but
on the cows milk, just us drawn. Tho
cow should be trained to give her
milk freely, (loot! euro anil good feed
ing will bring her milk to tlow freely,
if she have it in her. If not, discard
her at once.
Tho education of a heifer to give
her milk freely consists solely in gen
tle handling nnd in milking so that
the cow may feel reliel in the opera
tion, Holding up of the milk, mid
kicking and running about are ahvuvH
tho result of improper or Iniital
(Ion. Joseph Lane, Col. W. II, Kf
linger, Judgo K, 0, niadshawmul two
other pioiuiiieut Dcinorntx have pro
pared mi address lo the Demoeiuey
relative to their duty in tho coming
wiuitkn huh tiik coaht maiu
r OrcgoH'M Noutlirrn ,'ont.
Tlir Kngn Hlmr Indian War Kuril. r
r til. Ueli.l Family.
The night mid morning that wit
nessed the events narrated in our last
Feb. 22-Ua, lTi(J wore distinguished
by n tragedy, the details of which will
illustrate, the treachery and cruelty of
the Indian character, mid furnish ono
of the saddest chapters in tho history
of that bloody season.
.Some seven or eight miles north of
Itogue river, a (icrmaii, named (Seize!,
hail located his donation claim on tho
prairie, mid with his family had es
tablished n home, where, in tho natur
al order of events, n few ycani would
have found him surrounded with that
comfortable nOlucucc which in the re
ward of honest and well-directed in
dustry. The family consisted of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Oeiicl, three bright boyn,
aged rcsiteetlvely nine, soven, and five
years, Mary, a comely girl of thirteen,
mid an infant daughter. An Indian
had been working for Mr. Oeizel a
short time before, and that afternoon
he went out, as was supposed, to hunt
for some stiay hogs; he did not re
turn at evening, hut the circumstance
caused the family no uneasiness and
they retired as usual. About mid
night, a rap was heard at the door. A
call at this unseasonable hour, at a
lime when reMrln from only across
the line of mountains were rife
with Indian murders, was calculated
to awaken apprehensions in tho cool
est, and the summons was an
swered with caution. The voice of
the Indian who had left the hoiuc
that day was recognized, mid an the
door was opened, threo stalvrnrt In
dians entered unbidden. The hearts
of the anxious husband and mother
sunk, as they looked upon their sleep
ing treasures and then Umiii the dusky
intruders, whose very presence was a
shadow of evil ; but before their fears
could assuni'i a definite form or sug
gest a hope of escape, n murderous
ansa ult was made upon Mr (leiel by
the Indians, vihu were armed with
knives. The luave wife Hew to the as
sistance of her husband, and recieveil
a wound which nearly severed one of
her lingers, but n conllict so unequal
could not hist, and Mr. (icizel fell an
easy victim to his iisKailnnK The
mother and daughter were taken out
of the house mid tied, while tho In
dians returned to complete their
bloody mission. The boys were one
after another killed by tho incarnate
fiends, and when the work of death
win done, the house was set on lire
Who shall tell the anguish of that
mother, as with weary and reluctant
steps she was driven away by her ca
tors? One hour before, she wan a
w ife, the conscious idol mid centre of
a happy household ; now a widow mid
a captive, lighted by the tlamos of her
dwelling, as they consumed the bod
ies of those who weie dc.tror to her
than life. Death would then have
been welcome, for the present was the
blackness of despair, mid the future
pointed only to a captivity worse than
Tho settlers who assembled in the
fort that morning, Hiipixiscd that all
the (icizel family were killed, but a
short time afterward they learned
from u squaw that (tho female portion
of the family were nlivn, and wcro held
as prisoners at tho Too toot na ranch,
on Itoguo river. On hearing thin, a
squaw who wan a prisoner in the fort,
was sent out to propose mi exchange.
Shu faithfully performed Jier misaion,
and a day or two afterward the Indians
came in night in largo numbers, bear
ing a llag of truce. Charley Ilrown,
now" residing at Crescent City, was
sent out of the fort to negotiate tho ex
change; the Iuiliannngreed that if the
vvhitoH would surrender tho squaws
which they hold, mid give them a cer
tain number of blankets and n certain
number of coins, they would return
Mrs. (leizel nnd her daughters. The
price was made up by subscription,
and tho next day Mrs, Q. mid the babe
were brought to tho fnrf, and the day
following, Mary, tho girl, wiu also sur
rendered, Tho remains of tho murdered flci
zels, were afterwards collected mid
buried whom tho house had stood, and
u marble monument, with appropriate
iiiseiiptiou, now marks the place of
thoirrest. The infant daughter, who
was tho unconscious witness of her
mother's suH'erlng, is now u graceful
woman; mid the mother and elder
daughter mo estoeiued inombuis of so
ciety, but the horrors of that dreadful
night are indelibly graven in their
ineinoiy, only to boeUaeed when they
shall bo culled to a reunion with (ho
lost ones "on tho othdrside."
NiitllrK MUyvrurd A I our.
When Mr. John Wiso wan lost in
his baloon, called ''Tho Pathfinder, n
month or two ago, the ncwspnpcin
printed many accounts of trips made
in the air, noma by brave men and
some by foolish ones. A lady who
liven in the town of Centralin, in the
State of Illinois, naid nothing until
all tho rent wcro through talking.
Then, one day recently, nho told tho
editor of the St. Louis Republican to
look up tho copy of that paper that
wan printed on tho Slstduy of Septem
ber, 1868. The editor looked nnd
found an account of how two children
made a trip in a balloon all by them
selves. Cn that day an ncronaunt named
H rooks filled his air ship with gan on
tho farm of a Mr. Harvey, who lived
near Ccntrulia. Ho expected to sail
up in tho afternoon. About noon
lime Mr. Harvey put his two child
ren in tho banket of tho balloon junt
to plcaao them, and not thinking for
a moment of any danger. Tho bal
loon wan tied to a tree by ropen. All
at once a gust of wind broke tho ropes
mid the balloon shot up into the nir
with nobody but two children in the
basket. Mr. Ilarvoy was wild with
grief and nhouted aloud: "Thcy'cr
lost I" All tho neighbors ran to the
spot only to see the ballon drifting oft"
to the north and more than a mile
One of tho children wan a girl, Nel
lie, eight yearn old, the other wan her
little brother Wiilio four yenru old.
Holli cried when they found them
selves leaving the ground and going
on a very, very ntrangH journey in
deed. Nellie looked over the edge of
tho basket and saw her father wring
ing his hands away nclow. Soon the
people looked to her smaller than
b.ibien and tho houses like toy houses.
She and Willie were going up all the
"I expect wc arc going to heaven
Wiilio," said Nellie.
Willie thouget it was very cold in
heaven then, for the higher they went
tho colder it grew. Nellie wrapped
Willie in her apron and held his head
in her lap until he cried himself lo
sleep. Then Nellie folded her hands
and waited. Sho said, "I think we
must bo near tho gate now.
She meant the gate of heaven that
she had heard about in Sunday School
Hut Nellie fell aalecp too. When she
awoke she found some starngc man
was lifting her from tho basket. The
strange man wan a farmer in north
ern Illinois, who had seen the
balloon drifting low down across his
field. The rope was draging nnd eo
he caught it and landed tho children
safely The balloon had floated all
night. Nollic nnd Willie's father soon
learned that they had been found and
took thotii home two days afterward.
Nellie is now a woman the very nanio
one who (old the Republican to look
back in his files for the story.
C'im-k for fnper.
A great diversity presents itself in
the various useful purposes to which
paper, or papier macho has been
npplied of late years. Resides orna
mental articles, clothing, bedding,
stamps, Itoxcs, barrels, picture frames,
furniture, stovepipes, chimney potni
bricks, partition walls, carriage and
car wheels and boats, it would seem
an if the inventive ingenuity of manu
facturers has succeeded in adapting
this single substance to some now use
every day. The last remarkable ap
plication papier macho is tho manu
facture of a revolving dome for the
astronomical oborvatory of Trof.
Greono of tho Polytechnic Instituto at
Troy. This domo has an internal
diamoter of 29 feet, and if constructed
in the usual manner, would weigh flvo
or six tons and require powerful and
complicated machinery to manipulate
it, besides also requiring foundations
ol considerable depth for its support ;
whereas tho total weight of tho pa
per dome will not exceed a ton and
three-quarters, and mounted on piv
ots working in iron groves, is capable
of being revolved in any direction
without tho nssistonco of any inn
ohinoor apparatus of any kind. Tho
paper is put upon a light framing of
wood, and is, by means of a special
preparation, rendered fully iih hard
nnd even more rigid than wood.
Tiik flovernor of North Carolina
will call a special meeting of the Leg
islature of that State to act upon mi
oiler on tho part of ciipaliats to buy
tho Western North Carolina rnilioad
from the Stale nt $800,000, binding tho
new company to extend the road to
Duektown, Tenn., on or boforo 1882.
Tin: South raised 12,000,000 pounds
more of tobacco the present season
than ovoy boforo,
IJzponMlvn linro JtlrctlnfC"
A French correspondent nays a cu
riotls nfuiir ban junt come before the
Court d'ansizen nt Versailles, nn affair
vraiment and romanncqtic. During
many weeks the newspapers of Paris
gave information of repeated fires in
the commune of Auvcrn. They were
evidently tho work of incendiaries,
and the police were net diligently to
work lo find the criminals. Their
search resulted finally in the nrrest of
a young girl of sixteen, Clcmencc
Mossier, a sewing girl of Auvcrn.
The motive which led her to this
wanton destruction of property is one
that every one will recognize nn a par
ticularly inflammable ono love. It
scenia that this girl of sixteen was
madly in lovo with a youth of her own
ago named Albert Romnru, a laborer
in a neighboring village. Tho girl's
paronU had forbidden her to sec her
lover, and the two had great difficulty
in managing a clandestine correspon
dence. It won thin obstruction to the
course of love, that gave the girl an
extraordinary idea of setting fire to
farm houses and haystacks. The
alarm was given, bells rang, neigh
born ran to the scene. Albert Romaru
ran too, met the young girl in the
timing and fled away with her to n
neighboring forest, where they passed
a few hours together, while the fire
worked its ravages. Six times in six
weeks there were niystcricus confla
grations in Auvcrn. Six times in six
wccks mo lovers lieu io inc nine
woods, and the farmers of the com
muiio paid for lighting their love
making a sum of 30,000 francs. Rut
finally, one fine night, just as Clom-
ence was thrusting lighted matches
into the haystack of one of the neigh
bors, a strong hand was laid upon her
shoulder, and she wan lead away a
prisoner. She confessed all immedi
ately, mid has been sentenced to ten
years hard labor.
Journalism and Authorship.
During the last thirty years New
York journalism has absorbed much
of our best talent, and well it might,
for it demands the best. No severer
lest can be applied to a writer than
that of his ability to furnish leading
articles regularly. More than one who
has succeeded easily as a book-wright
or essayist has found his equipment
and powci of composition inadequate
to tho off-hand production of compact,
polished, well informed leaders, Mich
as are needed for the editorial pages of
our great newspapers. Journalism is
annrt; but under our system it brings
little beyond his weekly stipend is
sure, and that means a great deal for
ono who lives by his pen. Newspapers
thus far have supplied the readiest
market to a writer, and the magazines
next to them. In a chapter upon Hood,
London's journalist poet, I have claim
ed that the task of daily writing for the
press, while a good staff, is a poor
clutch : it defuses the heat of author
ship, checks idealism, retards the des
truction of master-pieces. Resides, it
brings an author into attention with
members of the craft who possibly
know him so familiarly as to under
rate him. He is subjected to local
jealousies, to tho over-praiso of the
newspaper which bofriends him, and
sometimes to tho unjust or ungener
ous treatment of rival sheets. All
this may be thought peculiar to New.
York, and one which wohall outgrow.
Hut tho same phenomena uro visible
in the matured nowspapcrlifo of tho
capitals of England and Franco, and
must bo holdd as part of a journalist's
warfare and surroundings. Edmund
C. Stedoinan in Seribner's for Decem
ber. Silk Worm Tor France.
Tho Now York H'orW Bays : There
is something strango in tho way tho
wealth of far oil China and Japan
sweeps across our Continent on its
way to the countries of Europe? To
inorrw ft Bteamship sails from this
port which will bear across tho ocean
to Franco about $850,000 worth of silk
worms' eggs, which has been brought
from Japan. They were shipped
across tho Pacific from Yokohama
and from San Francisco wcro brought
to Now York in six freight ems, reach
ing hero Friday night, It is strange
that nearly a million dollars worth of
eggs of the silk woim should tiavorso
the American Continent to till an or
der bent from Franco to Japan. Of
eoiibo inuoh fieighl now leaches En
lope fioui China and .Japan by our
overland route, but its passing
tluoiigh our laud has not become to
common a thing that such n ship
ment as that wo mention is no won
der. What stiaugo tesulls modern
commerce is pioducingl
HniniuM Youno's estate finally sim
mers down to $75,000, which is lobe
divided among seven heirs.
An Old KUrry.
One winter's evening a mother nnd
four little children, in a sleigh, wcro
passing through ono of tho dense for
cstn of Russia. They have been visit
inga neighbor, and arc returning
home. As night comes on the howl-
ling of wolves in tho distant is heard
bv tho littlo party. The horses are
urged forward at their highest speed.
Soon the whole pack of the pursuers
gaunt, hungry nnd ferocious, linve
overtaken the fugitives, and are about
to leap into the sleigh. The mother
seizes her youngest child and throws
it out into the miilBt of the howling
beasts. To kill and devour tho help
less innocent delays the wolves a few
moments, and the remainder of the
company hurry on. Again the
wolves surround them, nnd another
child is thus sacrificed. Another and
another is treated in the same way
until the mother alone reached her
home. It issaid that when she 'rolat-
ted to her husband the story of her
escape he seized an ax and split her
head open, asserting that it mother
who would save her own life nt so
great a sacrifice was not fit to live.
Important TcIcRrnpli Project.
A rime' Washington special pre
sents details of a telegraph scheme in
troduced in the Senate recently in the
form of a petition for tho incorpora
tion of a. company by James A. Scrym
ser,of Cuba cable notoriety, nnd Will
iani G. Hamilton. It is surmised that
the Western Union Telegraph Co., is
backing the scheme. It proposes es
tablishing a submarine cable from
Texas by the shores of Mexico, across
Tehauntcpcc. for which privileges has
been granted by the Governments in
terested ; and to extend this line by
way of San Salvador", Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Panama and Equador to Peru,
where connection can bo had with es
tablished lines to Chili, Ruenos Ayroe
and Rrazil. The petitioners suggest
that the completion of the railway
across the Isthmus of Tehauntcpcc
and proposed ship canal will open a
direct trade between China, India,
Australia and Japan, by way of the
Gulf of Mexico, nnd that this trade
will be greatly benefitted by rapid tel
egraph communication. They ask
tho Government to survey the route
to the cable and to grant them a sub
sidy in the form of a contract for bend
ing Government messages,
Vouiir Jjiy Gould.
The following annecdote is told of
the great railroad king as having oc
curred in his early carreer :
" He had a knack for trading, was
very sharp as a cattle dealer, and one
time he got a lesson that lasted him
for life. A farmer had a herd of cattle
and Jay went to look at it. In the
midst of the bartering a woman ap
peared who had a talk with the farm
er now and then, he heard her im
ploring him not to sell her cow, ''I
shall die, if you do," sho cried.
"What's the matter with that wom
an?" asked Gould, in his usual cool
way. "Oh, nothing; she's afraid I'm
going to sell her favorite cow, old
Pailful." Gould thought he had
found a prizo, and demanded that the
cow bo brought out, nnd insisted
when ho saw her that she must go
with tho lot. Tho cattle wero driven
home, and Jay's father sent him to
see what kind of a milker old Pailful
was. Jay had hardly seated himself
before tho cow kicked him, pail and
stool skyhigh, tore around the pas
thre, leaped tho fence and started for
home. Jay never bought anything
from that day to this that a woman
wanted to keep."
A. Froioa "Mull Currier.
The Mammoth City (Cal.) Herald,
has tho following: '-Tho pony rider,
Billy Haines, familiarly known as
"Clevorly," was badly frozon on his
last trip from Bodio to this The
particulars, as given us by William
Blackmore, tho mail contractor, are
as follows: Haines loft King's ranch
as usual on Friday last, with about
eighty pounds mail matter. Being
caught in tho storm, he pi eased fur
ward until, when within about the
miles of Dcmlninn's Station, his ani
mal gave out. Ho then built a fire
and camped for two days and nights,
when, being unable to get any nioro
wood, he niudo n despoiato dibit to
reach Deadinnn's. As soon ns tho
storm abated parties stalled out in
search of him. Ho waf found within
a half mile, in a pitiable condition,
llis feet and legs wcio fiozcn neaily
to tho knees, and his hands mid anus
to the elbows. Ho was floundering
about, almost seiiMdoss, having given
up hope define help airivud, Ho was
taken tn the station."
Words of Wisdom.
The path of moderation is the nnfest
to trend.
It's poor foolishness to run down
your enemies.
The mother's heart is the child's
Make yourself necessary and your
success is certain.
Hide the faults of others and make
known their virtues.
Reason is the test of ridicule not
ridicule the test of truth.
When reason is against man, a man
will be against reason.
Our actions arc our ovv n ; the conse
quences belong to heaven.
The festival which bears the great
est fruit is the festival of duty.
Our nets make or mar us ; we arc
the children of our own deeds.
Oft expectation fails, and most oft
where most it promises.
Age that Icsons the enjoyment of
life increases our desire of living.
Watch your own speech and notice
how it is guided by your less conscious
Dost thou love life? Then do not
squander time for that is what life is
made of.
Commend a fool for his wit or a
knave for his honesty, and they will
receive you into their bosom.
Think twice before you believe every
evil story you hear, and think twenty
times before you repeat it, especially if
it is about a woman. Say to yourself,
"This may not do true, or it may be
exaggerated," unless you have proof
of the veracity of your informant.
Persons sometimes tell folsehoods;
they often make mistakes, and they
sometimes "hear wrong."
A Solnr Engine.
But even a greater revolution than
that which I'rof. Ayrton suggested
ma- be wrought by the invention
upon which Capt. Erricsson has
been engaged, with scarcely n day's
respite, for fifteen years past the
solar engine. If erected near the
seaboard, where water is to be had,
the now engine will, lie claims, gen
erate steam, and where water is not
procurable atmospheric air may be
made the medium for transmitting
the solar energy to the motor. In
recent experiments under a clear
sun, the engine worked witli perfect
uniformity at a velocity of two hun
dred revolutions per minute, and
consumed only a part of the steam
To obtain some idea of the future
possibilities of the engine says an
exchange, it should be borne in
mind that there is a rainless region
extending from the northwest coast
of Africa to Mongolia, 9,000 miles
in length, and nearly 1,000 miles
wide. Estimating a widtii of one
mile only to be employed, not less
than 22.300,000 solur engines, each
of 100-horse power, could lie kept in
constant operation nine hours a day,
but utilizing that heat which is now
wasted on the comparatively small
areas of land extending along some
of the water fronts of some of the
sunburt regions of the earth.
A lilrehsIiiC'nse.
The sympathetic kindness of an
editor is well illustrated by the fol
lowing from the Carson Tribune :
Just as good a young wife as ever
lived approached us this morning
with tears in her dark eyes and in
quired. "How much does a divorce
suit cost?'' Our answer was, it de
pends, my dear, on whether your at
torney is old nnd married, or young
and good looking. Hut what is
troubling you? lias the young fel
low been and done and gono ofl'with
another female woman already?
"No worse than that. I'm so dis
tressed and humiliated 1 scarce
know bow to answes you. I I I
went to tbe auction yesterday, and
and I bid four dollars on a cradle,
nnd it was knocked down to me:
and when Tasked for the money to
pay for it, he he told me to sh
8b shut up and not bo a fool. I
nin't"got no baby yet, Mister, but -no
ono knows what may come to pass,
and oh, it would bo so handy to
have that cradle!" Wo wont and
licked that brute and took away tho
cradle, giving a promipsory note
Tiikuk aro IlO.lXH) persons serving
sentences in tho Stato prisons of the
United Status, and yet no man can
Mop into n hole through the nidowalk
without complaining that this is no
ooimtiy for law and justice.
rcmnle 8miiffjIor.
Hnrriet Thorn pon, a female detec
tive in the employ of the Canadian
customs department at Windsor, has
been telling a Detroit reporter some
thing of her official experience. Poino
of the fcninlc smugglers arc very nice.
The youngest ones will cry and some
times faint, but all are compelled to
tell what they paid for their good.
They can keep the goods by paying
us what they originally coat. We np"
praise them ourselves if they give false
prices. Sometimes the Detroit firms
make out bills of lower aluc, or fur
nish the parties with billheads which
they fill up to suit themselve. Thuso
wc estimate at our own figures, and re
lease the parties on payment." "What
class of goods do the smugglers give
the largest preference lo?" "White
and gray cottons, heavy-colored dril
lings, fancy-knitted goods and that
class. The duty on such is about 25
tat cent. The goods are bulky and
hard to handle ; that is why they aro
so easily detected. The women pin
whole pieces of cotton about them,
sometimes folded in their shawls or
disposed nbout their skirts, and it
makes their movement very awkward.
I brought one young lady in here the
other day who wore a very large bus
tle composed entirely of American
Why tiold C'linngCM Color.
It is well known that the hitman
body contains humors and acids
similar in action to and having a
like tendency toward baser metals
as nitric and sulphuric acids have,
namely, to tarnish or disolve them,
varying in quantity to different per
sons. Of this theory we have aband
ant proof in the effects which the
wearing or jcwelery produces on
different persons. Thousands were'
continually without any ill effect
the cheaper class of jewelry with
brass ear wires, while if others wear
the same articles for a few days
they would be troubled with 'sore
ears; or, in other words, the aciil.-i
contained in the system would so
act on the brass as to produce ill ef
fects. Instances have occurred in
which articles of jewelry of any grade
below eighteen caret have been tarn
ished in a few days merely from the
above named cause. True, these
instances arc not very frequent;
nevertheless it is ns well to know
them. Every case is not the fault
of the goods not wearing well, as it
is generally called, but the result of
the partiular constitution by which
they are worn.
What not to Kill.
The French 3Iiniter of Finance has
done a good deal in causing a placard
to bo posted, which it would bo wise
for citizens of all countries to have be
fore their eyes. It tells farniers.sporu-
men boys and others, what creatures
not to kill, as follows:
Hodglibg Lives mostly on mice,
small rodents, slugs and grubs aid
nials hurtful to agriculture. Don't kill
tho hedghog.
Toad Farm assistant ; lie destroys
twenty to thirty insects per hour.
Don't kill tho toad.
Molt Is constantly destroying
grubs, larva?, palmer-worms and in
sects injurious to agriculture. No
trace of vegetation is ever found in its
stomach. Don't kill tho mole.
Birds Each department loses sev
eral millions annually through insoots
Birds arc tho only enemies able to con.
tend against them vigorously. They
aro the great catarpillar killers and ag
ricultural assistant. Children' don't
disturb their nests.
Higher lMucatloa of GlrlM.-
There aro now fifty girls among
tho students at Cornell University,
and thirteen of them are Freshmen.
Michignn Unviersity has 134 wom
en student, and the President tayt
of the experiment of eduenting tho
sexes together : " After our nino
year's experience in co-education,
wo havo become so accustomed to
seo women take up any kind of Uni
versity work, cairy it on succest!.''ul
ly, graduatu in good health, ciium
no embarrassment in tho adnunis
tration of tho institution, and awak
en no special solicitude in the mindd
of their friends or tholr toaohor,
that many of tho theoretical discus,
sions of co-education by those who
luivo had no opportunity to cxaiu
ino it carefully, read btruugoly to us
horo on tho ground,"
Subsokhie for the Maii. $2 50 par