JE&j&KJZj The Coast Mail. rinu.iNiiKi) EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, nv WEBSTER, HACKER & 10CKHART, Mnrshllolil, Cats Co., Or. Term, In Ail inn re. One year - $2 M Hlx inoiilliN - 1 M Threo month - - -MX) OFFICIAL PAPKR OF (HMS 10. A Nul 'itm. Oih of the Hiuldeat ehpter to to found in (ho history of tho Uto storm of tho Dth, in tlio following taken from the Htr. Hut a short tlmo ngn Mr. Henry llockntt, with IiIk wifo mid child, nr rived in Oregon from Inwn, and pur chnaed n piece of milnnul Und near thofnrmof Ex-Mnyor Newbury, ON HPUIN0VIL1.K MOUNTAIN8. Ho built i oomfortnblo littlo cabin mid took Iiih family thither, having lmilt it in tho timher on ncc.oiuU of being convenient to wnter. Not fenr inK the lull pine which encircled hia home, he began tho work of clearing n piece of level hind which una cover ed witli brush, ulioiit n iunrter of n mile from tho houao. At noontime Ilia wife would enrry hin lunch to him, taking the littlo child with her. On Friday, the wind begun to mono through the tree ulioiit noon, the sky grcwihuk, and clouda awopt hy,boiid iK the trill pines like waving plumes. Kncli iiiinuto it increased in fierce lies until the whole uir seemed to liowl nnd ronr nnd the forest Inched together in fury. The poor hnlf-ernr.eil womiiii wnacertniu horhiiHlmiid would come home, nnd wailed, ench mo incut scenting mi nge. Ahout 1 o'clock die liecnmo desperate, niul diking her hnho to hcrbronst, who went forth into the tcmpcHt. She hnd gone not more Until n dozen yaida when, with n trc inendoua crnah, tin uprooted tree fell neroa the house, crushing it to the ground. In ita descent the monnrch of the foroat torn tho liniha from the adjoining trcca, hurling tlicin to the ground like hail. One of tho lilnba struck the baby Irom her arms nnd ilntdicd it to denth nt her very feet. WITH A KIIHIKK" Thnt rooe nlaivo the howling lornit do nnd ronr of fulling timher, alio lore the liiuh from oil' the mangled body of her dntling nnd screaming na if her heart would rend asunder, ran down the mountniu aide with the speed of the wind in the direction of where her husband had heen working. She leaped the fallen tree in her path way like n deer, until, na alio aprniig over one, n heart. rending iiioiiu fell upon her ear. She turned and look cd only for a accond, nnd then, with a low, tremulous wail, sank to the ground heaido her dead hnhe and al most dying husband. When the storm hroke in ita fury, he had started for home in grout haste, paying no at tention to the surrounding danger, nnd was PINIONED TO Till: IIAKTII lly n falling tree. In thia condition they were found hy our iuformnnt, Jnmea Ford, a neighlair, who wna coming to ace how Ihcy hnd fared, it being now 2 :!M) o'clock when ho cmno upon tiieiu. lly auperhuninii efforts ho relcnaed Mr. Ileckett, whoso leg wna hrokeii mid arm dialocnlcd and crushed, nnd after making them na coinfortnhlo na possible, nnd partially reviving tho Kor woinnn, he linstcn- cd homo for na.siatnneo, unit carried them gently to n friendly aheltcr, whero kind heart, worda mid deeda, oon mndu them na comfortable na possible. A phyaicinn nttciulcd the huabiind nnd wife, while nn iinderlit ker prepared tho little one for ita hint resting place. lVhlto AfYlriuiM. Major I'into, the rortugueie ox )ilorer who haa juat crossed Africa, from Uenguelln south-westward to Natal, deacrilie nracoof whiUf men found hy him near the headquarter of (he Zambezi. He nny : I one day noticed that ono of tho carriers wna a white man. Ho belonged to a race unknown up to (ho proaont day. A grout riimiy while H'oplo exist in Hoiilh Africa. Their niuno ia Onsso quero, they nrowliitcr thnn tho Cnu caaintiH nnd in plnco of linirliiivo their hernia covered with tuflu of ery short wool, Their cheek-bone nro promt "'nt, their eyes like Ihoao f Chineao. The men nro extremely rohual. When Uioy discharge an arrow nt ail olo pliant llus shaft ia completely buried in tho animal' body. They live on "OntMlUld l, ,.,() ,,( l jM 0,y wliou theso Niipplicu fail them Hint Ihey hold nny relation with the neighboring rnco, tho Ambiiehia, from whom they obtain food in exchange or ivory. Tho Oasseduoro aro an entirely noinadio nice, nud never deep two nighlH in the sniuoonciiinp "ii'iit, They are the only people in Africa Hint do not cook the'r f aid in pot. In Town tho hocnud wifo of a mini who. wiih about to bo liiinged vnMip plicnting for hia life while ho wnabeg K'K to ace the picture of hin first wifo, COAS 1 Vol. 2. WlttTTEN KOH Till! CHART MAJt.. HISTORICALJKETCHES r Orctfon'M Hon llici'il I'ohmI. NtlMIIEIt IV. A. Mtfhl of p!rmir. mul n Mrnln( of lliirrnr On the night of tho 22d of Fohiu nry, 185(5, the reaidenta at the nioulli of ltoguc i i vim-and vicinity. Illled with Hint patriotic aentlincnt which every where inapirca true American hearts, naaomblcd lo celebrate, in auitnhle fea tivilioa.tho Annivorsnryof tho birth of the "Father of Ilia (!ounlry." 'Hio hotel kept hy Warwick anil Unburn waa a acene of life ami pleaaure ; the minora of the beach hnd laid naide (heir implement of labor, donned their holiday coatumea.nnd with their wivca and sweetheart had met (he atoekrniaera nnd the inemherHof their houaehiddaiii a aocial dance. Though the occasion wna not diatiuguiahed hy thnt elegnnco of atylo whiidi wealth nnd lelineinent lent to aimilnr nasem- lilagea which met in more favored lo calities that night, true womnnly bi'iiuty anil virtue were there, nnd manhood na honorable nnd brave na ever won the amilca of the fair. OnnacioiiR of nn impending out break by theaavagea, tho men had ta ken their trusty rillcH with them to the party, and ao keen waM the aene if surrounding danger, that on the slightest noise outside, they aci.ed their weapon nnd only laid them aside after being satisfied thnt the time for action hnd not yet arrived There wna present nn Indian apectn- tor, wnlching with more th.111 ordinn ry interest every movement of the set Hera, nnd he being no Icaa closely oh served by them. Shortly after mid night another Indian eaino and after nn interview the twodepnrted, making an excuse thnt one of the pappoosea wna aiek. It wna afterward ascer tained thnt the spectator was a spy. nud seeing thai the pettier were fully armed nnd on Hie alert, the work of death which wna intended to no com menced at mid-night, by the Indians a-aemblcd near, wa postponed till morning. The dance passed oil with out alarm, nnd toward dnvlight those present dispersed for their homes. Among othera, Mr. ltiley, who hnd been nt tho party, nnd having taken hia young wife and child to their home heatnrted nboutdnylight up the river lo servo a subpoena on n witness for n suit then pending before Ksi. Hoth Ilhike, Justice of the Pence. As they nenreil tho place known na the Too lootnn Itnnch, a short distance up tho river, the report of tire anno and the yells of tho exulting anvnges, aa they piogreased in the work of death, hurat upon hia cars. Tho Indians had attacked tho volunteer atntioned there, nud their superior number na aiircd then) nn easy conquest, llehns- .tily turned the bow of hi boat down stream and pulled rapidly homeward, expecting, when he turned tho bend in tho river, tube grealed hy the eight of (ho burning houses uf (ho settlers below. Ho wna Illled with forebod ing a to the aafcty of liia wife nnd child. Hut the stroke hnd not yet fal len: there wa yet room for hope. The alarm was quietly given, hut rap idly ciiciilntcd, and in a short time nil who u few hour before were whiiling in the "di..y mazes of the dunce" were hurrying in terror to Hook nhcllcr in tho fort, which hnd before been pre pared on the north aide of the river. Thoy reached Hie fort in safely, and took measure to plnco tho atruetiiro on a fooling of defense. Many of tho minor hurriedly bur ied their iimnlgum and the supply of duiekailver, which (hey had on hand, nndnbiindoned ovorythiufjof Ions vnl uo. Soinoof these men never return ed lo their claim, being killed during Iheaeigolo whiidi the fort was aub jectcd, and anpplica there buried have oeeiudouiilly been found by miners on the bench. It should he (torn in mind Hint in those day it required about eighty pound of quicksilver lo prop erly change a machine for bench min ing, and Hiipplie of tlii eluiracter were expensive. It i probable Hint gold diiHl wiih there buried hy min er who never lived to uncovorit, nnd like tho fabulous deposit of Captain Kiild, it remains to this day undiscov ered. Whou Wnrwfok and Ooburn left tlvoir hotel to enter tho foil Ihey were compelled lo leave a quantity of pica and other delicacies, the remains of the festival of the previous night. Knowing (lint the greedy savage would anon ho feasting upon theio provision, Ihey removed tho crust of the pies and seasoned them will) ulriohuine. The Indian enmo and ea gerly dovouied tlit"8kookum Mnek a muce," but tho quantity of poison taken into their Hlomncltu wauBOflrent MARSI-IIUSL'-D, Hint it caused immcilitta vomiting, and thus avoided ita (((.'ildly effect. The aeigo of the fort and tho mas sacre of part of lt occupant will form tho subject of itifothcr sketch. Mit!!y -il I x 'd f " I have a warndit for" your nrreat," said a Colorado olllcer to a man late ly arrived from Utah. "For what 1" " Von hnvo Iwoil running away with your aunt." "My aunt? Why, alio' my wife!" " Hut wasn't abcyour aunt beforo alio hecnnio your wJfo? You see wo don't tolerate this kind of going on in Colorado!" " I suppose you never woro in Utah?" remarked the Viniiig man after he had completed hi survey of the detective. " No." " Well, na you don't iinderland tho relations of aunt and nephew in thnt territory, I suppose I ought to explain it to you and Hum, pcrlmpi, you may understand your duty plainer." ' My father married my mother." " I suppose ao." "Then ho married her siatcr," con tinued the stranger, not heeding the interruption. "Then ho mnrricd the sister of hi brother-in-law; then the daughter of hi uncle, who wna n cousin to hi two first wive; then ho mnrricd her aister, who wa n widow of one of hi first wive' husband; then he married her daughter, nnd a ami of his wifo nnuried my sister, who waa also the widow of one of the other wives' son. I auppnso you are following me!" interjected tho nnrra lor. "Marry your nunl, or your grand mother, either, or Isitli of them!" " And you won't nrreat me?" "No; you might bo your own father." I.iiIioi- '1'i'oii11-h lu tln .leu. The following dispatches relate to the condition of the. laboring classes in England and Ireland : London. Jan. S. A great land agita tion meeting was held yesterday at Uiveralown, on tho border of Sligo, Ireland. Ten thousand of the peas antry vere present. At a meeting to day of the Dublin Mansion House Committee, for the relief of distressed in Ireland, it was announced that the fund now amount lo 2800. It wa resolved lo send a telegram to the Mayor of Melbourne, and the Mayor of principnl towns in Ireland mid Scot laud.nnd a number of cities and town in America, making nn urgent appeal for help. DtniMN, .Inn. 7 The Irish rent ag ination haa entered upon a new phase and hns extended from rural to urban loenlitie. Tho movement is to agitato for tho remission or re duction of rents on the part of tho poor, and housholders and tenant in Dublin and other Inrgo towns. London, Jan. 8 A large meeting of unemployed workiiigmeu of London we held nt Islington to-day. A reso lution was carried, urging thonuthor itiea to provide them with temporary employment. How Will Von lYvt? Kcv. Pluto Johnson, (colored) put the following to his congregation : How'll you feel, white man, when yo' fin' yo'self 'inongst a big crowd of onary folk way up in do family cir ;le, while some poor darkey, who did your cho'e like nn honest man, i 'ducted hy do hebbenly ushers to nn orchestra seat, right down cliw to do music? An' how'll you feel, bruddor, when doso angels say to you, "Tain't uo matter what color you ho, your naino'a hen culled J an wo'm d'rected lo how you a sent on do platform?" Yerolobhiek face 'II shine liko the moon, an' you'll feel liko alrikin out will a dubblo ahulllo right on do gol den pavement. 'Member nil oh you, dat it ain't do pocket hook, nor ifu col or, hut do shape- oh do soul, wot gibs you a right to a front seat up van dor." Tin; statue of Hen, Thomas, recent ly unveiled nt Washington stand 15 feel high from the base to head of ri der, nud 15 feel in length fromuoso to tail of hoise. Tho weight of the horse and rider ia5,:i(K) pounds, and of the Imsoi.V.'tX) Kiiind. Tho cost of the alnluo was $10,000, which will ho paid hy the Army of tho Cumberland, and the granite pedeslid upon which it will real was furnished by tho United Stales Government nt a ciwt of .fi'O.tHK). A former U, S. Sonntur, now a va grant and drunkard, work in the chain gang on the streets of I.end-ville, 'JJ jnL JJ OR., SATUEDAY, Jo,n. 24, 18SO. Kltnl IIoiimIoii' Iiiel. .Simpson county, though' peaceful enough in these latter days, wna in it earlier history the scene ( f roiicount. cr Unit linvo pnsaed into history. Within its borders, or adjacent there to, tho hot-blooded Tunifcsaccnnn were wont to settle their affair of honor, ami tho crack of flic duellist's pistol not (infrequently resounded in it qdiet forest. Near Adairvillo, in the edge of Iogan county, (Inn. Jack son fought JJiokorsoii for tho honor of tho woman ho loved, and stood like a strttifo after beiiigstriiek hy hisantng oniat's shot. It Was on this occnaion that ho proved hi iron will by telling hi second that "hnd he been shot through tho heart ho would hnvo lived long enough to kill hi titling ouial." Six mile south of Franklin, on" the farm of II. J. Duncan, two hundred yards from tho Tennessee line, wa fought a duel which created wide spread excitement throughout the Union, owing to the reputation of the principal. In 1820 Gen. Sam Hous ton was a member of Congress from tho Nashville district, in Tennessee, nnd sending home for distribution among hi constituents a number of public documents, ho clnimMl that Curry, the pistmastor at Nashville, had suppressed and failed to deliver them.nnd denounced him ns a scound rel Curry sent him a challenge by Ooneml White. Houston refused to receive the niesage, a he stated, ''from uch a contemptible touree," throw ing ilon the ground and stamping on it. General White said ho was not surprised, as no one expected Hous ton to fight. To thi Houston retort ed, "Do yon try me." Of course a challenge followed from While, wlfieh Houston promptlv accented. The term and conditions were : "Fifteen feet distance: holster pislols; time, sunrise." Tho place chosen ns stated, was in Simpson county. On tho 2rtd day of September, 1S2i, tho parties met at the designated point with their seconds. The fact thnt a duel wns to be fought hnd gono abroad, nud a number of persons had secreted thcin selves near the field to witness the affair, a fact unknown to either prin cipals or seconds. After the first shots had been exchanged and White hnd fnllon to tho ground tho people rush ed to the spot. Houston seeing llioin and fearing an arrest, started toward tho Stale lino with a view of crossing and escaping. General White called to him, "General, you hnvo killed me." Houston then faced tho crowd with pistol still in hand, and inquiring if there were any officers of the law among thcin, nnd being nnswercd in the negative, he ndvnnoed to the side of his Into antagonist and kneeling by him took his hand, saying"! am very sorry for you; but you know it was forced upon me." Gen. White replied, "I know it, and forgive you," White hnd been shot through just above the hips, anil the surgeons to cleanse tho wound of blood took ono of those old fashioned silk neckerchiefs nnd passed it through tho wound. Gen. White recovered from his fearful wound, ns much to tho joy of Houston ns to himself. During the week proceeding the duel General Hous'o i remained at the house of San ford Duncan, near the field, practicing meanwhile with pis tols. At his temporary homo were two belligerent young dogs, named for their pugnacious disposition, An drew Jackson and Thomas II, Hen ton. These were continually fighting, Houston's political sentiments lead ing him to espouse the cause of tho Jackson pup, who, very much to his delight, was a constant winner in the frays. Tho hour for arising ami pre paring for the duel on the arrival of tho daywas .'1:10 A. i. Just before tho hour. '"Gen Jackson" barked be neath the window of his admirer' room, awakening him. Houston aroso without disturbing his attending friends, and began tho task of mould ing bullet with which to light (Ion. White. As tho first bullet fell from tho mould, iv game cook which ho ad mired scarcely less than ho did tho dog, crowc d a loud, clear note. Uo is Ion, witli thai element of superstition which finds a place iu nearly every mind, accepted Iho early greeting of his friends ns happy omens, nnd mnik ing the bullet on ono side for tho dog, nnd the other for tho chicken, made up hi mind that his pistol should bo loaded with it, ami Hint ho would first tiro that particular hall at General White. IW afterward said that he wa not upertilious, but theso Iwo oircuuiktancos madohim feel assured of success," Ihu disapproving hi own words. Tho bullet was mod and White fell at the first fire, as stilted. After Iho duel llouvton selected ns n coat-of arms' athukciu'oilv nuddog MAIL. nnd ninny Were the comments made hy .those utlfnmiliar with the facts in nfter years, when, ns President of Tcxn and Senator in Congress, he sported so strange a crest. These facts arc authentic, having been re lated by Gen. Houston to Sanford Duncan, Jr., late ol Louisville, while the two were en route to Washington City during Houston's term as Sonn tor. liotvliny Green Tntclligcnccr. Front CIiuimIIci-'n I.tiat Niceeli. Hon. Zneh. Chnndlcr delivered the speech of which the following is nn extract, on tho evening of October 31, and on tho following morning was found dead. Wo commend it, not only a the last public utterance of a man distinguished for his ability and public services, but nlsona just ex position of the character nnd claims of the Democracy of to-day: "Hut my friends, there is nnother question which is of vital importance to every man, womnn, nnd child in America everyone and that is the question of the enormous rebel claims presented against your government. I hold in my hands a list of the claims now beforo the two houses of Congress for cotton, for the destruc tion of properly, for quarter-master's stoics for every conceivable injury that war can inflict. Even my old friend Logan has gotten up more chums than you can shako a stick nt for the fenco rail that his boys burn ed up. I have chums beforo me amounting to two thousand millions of dollars against this government. 2,000,000,000, 1 repeat, and the only thing to-duy the Semite nnd IkiUi being under control of these Southern rebels the only protection, the only barrier between the Trens- ury of tho United States and those rebel claims, is the Presidential veto. Hut these claims nro not all. There aro claims innumerable which they dare not present. You may go through the South, and in every State in tho South, sonic.herc bidden away you will find claims for every slave that was liberated. On the files of Senate and House you will find de mands of untold millions of dollars for the improvement of streams, that do not exist whero you would have to pump the water to get up a stream at nil. Hut perhaps you may say I am over stating this idea of claims, and for fear you will say so and t hink so, I will read you n petition which is now circulating through the South, and which hns already been largely circu lated through the South ; nnd receiv ed thousands and tens of thousands of signatures. This petition demanded the passage of a law by which nil citizens might bo paid for all tho property destroyed iu tho late war between the States "in bonds bearing 3 per cent, per annum, maturing in tho next 100 voars." 'This means," continued the orator, "That you shall do for the South pre cisely as you do for your own soldiers ; but I have not reached the meat in tho coconnut." "And wo also peti tion," the document continues," that all soldiers, or other legal representa tives of both armies bo paid in bonds or public lands for lost time, lost limbs and lost lives, while engaged in tho late- unfortunate civil contest." That soldier bo paid for their los' time while fighting to overthrow your governmont. Ah! my fellow citizens, thoy nro iu sober, serious, downright earnest. Thoy have cap lured both houses of Congress, and ns I stnted a while ago, the only possible barrier to their pretensions is tho Presidential veto. Tliorc is not a man beforo mo but has a personnl and di rect interest in seeing that tho rebels do not capture tho last of tho machin ery of the govorninont. Theso rebol States nro solid; they aro solid for repudiating your debt, they aro solid for paying those rebel claims; thoy have repudiated their individual debt through tho bank ruptcy law ; thoy hnvo repudiated theirStato debts by scaling, and then refusing to pay interest Jin their scal ing. Thoy hnvo repudiated their cit ies and towns and villages ; do you thing thoy nro more anxious to pay tho debt contracted for their subjuga tion than they aro to pay their own honest debts? I toll you, no. Thoy mean repudiation, and thoy don't mean that your debt shall bo any more available than their own, and when' you trust them you will bo mak ing a mistake, nnd 1 don't holiovo you will ever do it again. My follow citi zens, wo have a matter undor consid eration to-night more important than nil tho financial questions Hint can bo picsontcd In you, and that is, whether pr not wo aro a nation. Our fathers met in convention and framed a coi (dilution, hut they found some difil culty in agreeing upon the details of MO. :. that constitution, and for a time it cd on earth since God made the enrthv was a mutter of considerable doubt I and, in my humble judgrncnt,will nor whether any agreement could bo or bo witnessed again. Mfstnkc? wore, reached. Acrimonious debate took place in that convention, and finally a spirit of com promise pfcvniled, and the constitution wns adopted by tho convention and submitted to the peo ple of these United States not to the Stntes, but to the people of the United States. All the people of the United States adopted the constitution thnt was framed by the fathers, and for many long years the whole people of the United States believed that they had a government. Wo continued in that belief until under President Jack son Sou tli Carolina threatened to raise tho standard of revolt. That was in tho days of Calhoun. Old General Jackson took his pipe out of his mouth, when told that South Car olina was on the warpath, and said : 'If South Carolina commits tho first act of treason to this government, hy the Eternal, I will hnng John C. Cal houn." Every man in America, in cluding Gnihoun, knew that ho would do it, and the first overt act of treason wns not committed against the gov ernment. On the -1th day of March, 18.17, treason again raised its head on the floor of Congress, and John Went worth turning toward him was there to hear it. They said then, "Do this or wc will destroy your gorcrnment." One of them was talking to brave old Hen Wade in this strain, when he straightened himself up and said, 'Don't delay it on my account." Preparations were made to carry out this treason. Jefferson Davis stepped out of the Cabinet of Franklin Pierce as Secretary of War, into tho Senate of the United States, and became Chairman of tho Committee on Mili- ry Affairs. Your arms were shipped to Southern States where they bad lo be used to to ovEiminort' voun govi.t.nmkxt. Your ammunition followed your arms and after that, thouth an innc ccnt looking clause in a general ap propriation bill, which read thus, "That the Sccietary of the Treasury may sell such arms as he deems it for the interest of the Government to dis pose of," your arsenals all over the United States were opened, your arms sold for a song and shipped in the very boxes they lay in to the South to be used in overthrowing your giv ernincnt. Your navy was scattered wherever tho wind blows and suf ficient water was found to float your ships, where they could not be used to defend your government. Careful preparation was made for the overthrow of your government, and when Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office as President of the United States you had no army, no navy, no money, no credit, no ammunition, nothing to protect tho 'national life, and yet, with all these discourage ments staring us in the face, the Re publican party undertook to save your country. We raised your credit, wo created navies, raised armies, fought battles, and carried on the war to a successful issue, and finally, when tho rebels surrendered at Appo mattox they surrendered to tho Gov ernment. They admitted their her esy to the arbitrament of arms, and had been defeated, and they surren dered to the Government of the Uni ted States of America. They made no claims against this Government for they had none. Iu tho very ordinnnco of secession which they had signed, thoy pledged their lives, t heir fortunes, their saci el honor TOTIIlfOVEKTIIKOW OK THIS OOVB15S- MKNT. And when they failed to overthrow this Government thoy lost all that thoy had pledged. Thoy asked as a boon from tho United States that their misornblo lives might bo spared to thcin. We have given their lives, told them to take their horses and go homo nnd obey tho laws, and raise crop. They had forfo'tod all their property ; every dollar was pledged hy thejr sign nianuol. Wo gavo them back their properly. Wo found them without tho rights of citizenship; Ihey forfeit ed their rights', and wo restored tho rights of citizenship. Wo took thorn toour bosoms as brethren, believing that thoy ltnd repented of their sins: Wo killed for them tho fatted calf and invited them lo the feast, and thoy gravely informed us that thoy had always disliked that animal, and wore not thankful for tho invitation. Hy tho law of war, by tho lawsof nations, thoy woro bound to pay ovory dollar of tlwdebt contracted fov their subjuga tion. Hut wo KOltOAVU TIIKM THAT IUUJT, And to-day you nro being taxed hom ily to pay the interest on the debt Hint thoy (lion ought to have poid. Such magnanimity as exhibited by thi na tion to theso rebels wa- never wit new The Coas! Mail. DEVOTKDTO. . Ai,ii Xjx-van xamxT'saa. THE INTKHKSTS OF POIJTH KBN OKKfJON ALWAYS FOUEMOST. The Development of ourMines, Ifio Improvement of our harbors, nnd rail road communication with the Interior, specialities. no doubt, made, errors were commit ted, and I take my full share for tho mistakes nnd nil tho errors, for I was there and voted for every proposi tion. But in my humble judgment my fellow citizens, tho gieatest mil take, the greatest error that we com mitted was in not hanging enough of these rebels to make treason forever odious. Wo expended $2,000,000,000 and ."00,000 precious lives to establish the fact thnt we were a nation. And this in violation of the law, for tW law expressly says that where a race or a class arc disfranchised they. SHALL NOT HE REPRESENTED Upon the floor of the House of Rep resentatives. This is not only a viyl.i tion of law, but an outrage upon nit the loyal men of these United States, It ought not lobe: it must not be, and it shall not be. Twelve members of tho Senate and that is more than their whole ma jority occupy their seals upon that floor by fraud and voilence ; and I nni saying no more to you people of Chi cago than I have said to those rebel generals thereon the floor of Congress. With majorities thfis obtained by fraud ami violence in both houses both the Senate and the House they dare todictnti terms to the loyal men of these United States. With major ities thus obtained, they dnre to nr raign the loyal men of the nation. And now, my fellow-citizens, sonic body has committed a crime ; either those men who rose in rebellion against the government committed the greatest crime known to human law, or our brave soldiers who fought to save this government were murder er. One of these two propositwns you must accept. Is there man on the face of the earth who dares to gel i.p and say that our brave soldiers who have bared their bosoms to the bul lets of the rebels were not good pa triots, deserving well of the country? And now, after twenty years after an absence from thcScnateof fouryearr, after twenty years I go back ami take my old sent in the Senate, what do I find? I might close my eyes and leave my cars open to the discussions that are going on daily when that Senate is in session, and believe that I had ta ken a Rip Yan Winkle sleep of twen ty years. The same protensiom arc rung hi my ears from day to day. THE MEN HAVE CHANGED, The measures not nt nil. Twenty years ago they said, "Do this, or we will shoot your Government to death." Now, after twcjity years, I go back and find these paroled rebels who havo never been released from their pa roles of honor to obey the law, saying "Do this, obey our wills, or we will starve your Government to death." Now, if I am to die I would rather bo shot to death with musketry than to bo starved to death. They are mor tally afraid of bayonets at tho polls. Wo offered them a law forbidding any man to go within two miles of the polling places with arms of nny des cription, and they promptly voted it down, for they wanted their Kuklux there. They were afraid, not of Ku klux at tho polls, but tho soldiers at tho polls. Now, in all the Southern States there is less than ono soldier to il county, and of course about two thirds of a musket. Indianapolis, Jan. C. John M. Carr, a prominent citizen of Rushville, Indi ana, committed suicide tins morning. lie waded into a millraco of a-depth of three fool, and then shot himself with a revolver in the right temple. When a man is young, ho spondo much time in parting his hair in thir middle. When hoisold and bald, ho1 wastes much moiotimo iu trying to make the ends of his sparse locks meet on the polished crown abovo. PnusoNS who wearied flannel un derclothing should pull down ther blind beforo retiring. A red glare iiv tho window has often called out tho entire Fire Department. "Is ho ri-h?" asked tho tourist, "Yes," replied tho sexton, "1 guoss ho is pretty wealthy, at least ho never puts more than ton cents into tho plate Su:rJay morning." Alexander S iephens has boon se lected to make tho address of welcome when that obelisk of our is lauded becnuso ho is the only man who was ulivo when tho obelisk waa born. An exchange says; Olio million salmon eggs woro frozon at Clacka mas lintohory during tho Into cold snap. Evory effort wns nindo to save thcin, hut without avail. Tins experience of using onmola iu tho arid wasts of Arizona anil Lower California has mot with biU Utile success.