The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 17, 1880, Image 3

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    The Const; Mail.
HTtM!l)AY, JANMJAIt V 17, 1711.
Naimiow Khc.W'i:.--During the
hi ny gale nflnM week, Oscar I'oler
1.1H1, inn) I'M Engloiuiin woio ciossing
fimii liny City l tlitn plain when
Mhi gnlo uliiiflc them Willi Mich foi co
us In make il impossible In ciiiiliul Hit)
(ml in imy oilier way Muni to keep
H liefoio llm wind. Finding It imno.v
Hilde to iiinku n landing, thev kept tho
limt in position to ildellui waves to advantage, unit woio driven
like mi in row lowiuil llullnnd'H place
on (lie iipptil(o fiiilu of (ho Imy. The
limit mm pnitly lllled with water once
or twice, lull wiih hailed out mid kept
iilliiiit.nariuwly escaping sundty snags
which would have Healed (heir fate
hud (ho hunt touched them. The
parage ncioss the hay wan miiile in a
ery few minutes, and when (ho bou.
fli in'l Hie dilfl on the cunt idioio, the
men spuing out instantly mid Ihehoal
Mini; with three planks ollhor hottoiu.
I'clci nun and KiigtfUiim mo both good
m'iimi mid midline l"l a comhina-
ii. hi uf skill and good luck unod their
liven. 'I'ho people of .Miiinhlielil mix
iiiimly walched Ihehoal (ill il diiap
pi nit d in the sptay, mid much anxie
ty wan lell for the wifely of its occu
p.mtM till (hoy letiiineil in the even
(in Thursday of thin weok (lie ouii
li.irt for furnishing (lie liiitihcr fot
il riln to bit ued in ctmstiiictiug
the ji-tticswn awitrdcil to K. IS. Dean
Co., of (IiIh place. Tho cribs will
he luiill heieaml the woik will proh
alily he earriud on' iiiulcr Mr. Smith,
i lie gi'iitlcmaii now loprcMHiting Col.
inllixpie. TIid contract call for '. J 151)
p r thoiicanil feet for luinhcr,
w hit h include the tow ing of tho cribs
1 the placo where they are to he net
thd Theio will piolmbly bo twenty
n tlniiy men employed on thu eiibs,
iiml wurk will htMiuiiiiiiiiucuil an sunn
ii-ihtt necessary iron can he piocmed.
1 1 Ii.ih l.ieu decided that llio Hand lock
I the('uo river iptiirrie in ton light
f"i the purposoof tilling the eiilit, and
the heavy basalt rock from near the
i .ilvHtif Coo river will housed. The
tract for thin hranch of the wink mil been let; there me cevenil
1-nln, and there ptohnhly would hum
1 leu iiuiio had theio heen any puhlic
iiiiiiiiiiiici'ineiil from mi aiithontiitive
i niircu that bids would be icceived.
SciuiTH lti:vivi:i). Tho Amv is the
hh-Hi mid only peimniieully eMab
lilnd paper in Coos county. The
!: ml died, thu AryutkUnl nutl the
M mi. d ni't feel well, bill the .Wit' iH
In illliy, woll eotuhlihheil mid con
Mint'y uummsing in ciienliilioii.
h it Mtraugo how little is reipiiietl
l'i lilli (lid SpltilS of SUIIIO people.
I In- .V.-iM Inn luum vory much ilo
.re-ti,l fur nomclimo pat, but under
ii- new lelation witli V. A. Luio, now
will dolluod and distinctly understood,
it huifH to prolong iU precarious o
i leiice. Hut beware of tho collapse
when Lute withdiaws hi suppoit ami
cum udcr control.
I. ami Maim; Coni:, The late.tloiin
himiuht down the little lir lieo on the
.mil hill below Ninth Demi, which
ban been know n ever xineo Mill eoiin
tiy wiih cettlctlns the "bono Tree." Il
Htoud at (ho angle in the channel and
hat been a prominent Innil-inaik to navigation. The plneo wheio
it, stood hIioiiIiI ho iniuked hy 501110
other iiioiiumout nt an early day, as
a guide to navigators of tho buy.
l)iMlhSi:t).-TheCoipiille City loud
tax cate, which had become, by leaton
ni-i mutilated cott.t, a of eoiiHiiler
nble iniiortaiice to tho (ax payers of
(be county, iih well as to the panics,
was ilihiuUHcd (his week by (lintriet
Atturiiey iia.anl. It had heen trans
fined hy coiihoiU of parties, lo Justice
fM'iigMm-kiiii'ri Court nt Kmpiio City,
mid w as disiuisi-od for wnnt of jurindio
lion. Mr. Iliuard'scoum) in (his ease
will bo universally approved. The motion for tho rc
movel of S. 8. Mann fiom tho position
of ndminihtiator of the pnrtnorHhip
("Into of Flanagan it Mann, wnsovor'
lulled by Judge Nosier, after 11 some
what piotiacted dii-ctititiiim of the ton
limoiiy, tliero appearing 110 gioiimls
for objection to the manner in which
the business has been conducted.
fMlloui, Iloufi: l)i:.Moi.iKiu:ti. Tim
Kchool house on Cuiiiiiugliiim eieek
vas demolisliud in the late htorm, two
tries falling iioinss mid crushing it lo
the ground. Koituuntoly no t-chool
was being kept in the hoiuu nt the
St jin'kh IIiiat. J. ICIIsworlh hns
made nrniugi.inoiits to make the trip
fiom .Sumner lo. .Mmshliold with a
boat on days whuii (ho Jlcilhn does
not 1 tin. Ho enrritw (might nnd ins-t-engeiH
and takes pains to accom
nioda'e the public gmiuritlly.
Till. Hchooiier iMunt May, anived in
pxrt ThuiKiliiy, Inning ef( Kiifi Kran-ii-ni
on llio Nt. Hip icpuiW no
hciny wind on tho pjiMigc, It ap
peals (hut thiiyiiln of liu Ullidid ijut
exlenil farSoiilll.
W. II. Nonui .t Oo, mo putting
their pilo,i!rivor jn Qior w bjuiiiotw.
NTOIMI I'l'ltflN.
The wlnil storm of lnHt week wan,
without iloulil, llio heaviest over ox
piMionccil in Com county. Fiom all
Ini Ih wo liavi) accounts of its ravages.
some of wliloli hid mentioned liulow:
(ienrgo M. Dyer was on IiIh way
fiom Itiimlolpli lo llio liny hy llio trail,
anil linil rcnulicil llio edge of llio
green timber on 'Cellar Hill" when
llio Htorm eaiiio; ho says it kept liim
very ttotivo dodging tho fulHtiK trees,
ami IiIh escape linliiirmoil under (lie
clicunistaiiccs is n subject of congral
'I'lio llerthu came down Catching
Slough Sunday, and foiinil llm rlinn
iiel lilocked in several plaecH liy fallen
(iocs, wliieli linvo lieenonly partly ro-
niDved ; more work will ho rcipiired
an the tides fall oir.
A number of trees fell oeross the
Isthmus TraiiHit Railway .demolishing
the t oiul in kiiiiio jiIiicch, and obstruct
ing it in other. Woik linn been go
ing on during tho weok removing ob
structions ami lepairiug Hid rond.
A dwelling Iioiiho in Empire Cily
Jielongiug to I.iiho nnil occupied hy
Mr. I'oek, the tailor, wiih moved Hiiver-
al feet; (he alarm of tho family may
he imagined.
Scowh and diifl wood were carried
into the front ntreut of ICmpirn in
ipinnlitiert Htilllcient to obttruel travel
with wagoiiH.
I.iimbor wnn blown from I.uic'm
wharf and n largo nuniherof logs ho
loiigiug to tho hiiiiio party wore adrift.
The tot it I Iohh on(imiitftI hy I.uso in
put n( .K,(XK).
The old Htoro lioiuc of I). MorhC,
jr., wiih blown down.
SomeL'OO feet of Wliltnoy'n wharf
of I'mipiro wiih cariied away, tho
npilen leiuaining.
Cammaii'H warehoiiHi) hat nettled
at one corner, and would icipviru
about one iiuiio glint lo ilcmoliHli it.
Kxi'l.ANAToitV In the lnsl i?sue of
the Aryu appeared the following an
nouncement :
The Coht Mam. will ho furnished
to till HiibiicriberH to tho Ariuiihir the
balance of the vearfiom the time they
siiIim-rihed. Tiiote who have not paid
nt will settle with the proprietors of
the Mail. We make this nrrange
incut in order lo satisfy an far iih pos
sible those who have favored us with
(Heir pntromige, ami nope il may
prove mutually Hiilisfaetory.
At Mr Wagstair's suggestion, wo
made the arrangement above men
tioned. Hut Mr I. use is owner of the
Arijui, and knowing that he could in
no iiiaiiner control the Mail, be
promptly vetoed the nrrangement
made by Wngslair, mid made a con
tract witli (he Clio llmj AVirn. Hence,
the AVira, and not tho Mail, will he
furnished the subtcrihers of tho Aryua.
School Dkcisios. The School di
rectors of this iliMrict have decided
Hint pupils who are lepoited in other
districts and attend school hero, are
lihlo to pay the rates of tuition pte
scribed foroultitlo scholars. Mr. Mc
Cormiie, (enidicr,is autlioii.i'd to 10I
lent those funds.
W. K. Moom: sprninetl his ankle
lust Tuesday.
The Mourner LUtle Annie lias resum
ed her regular (rips on (ho river.
W. !:. Itnckliu", of (bo Coiptillo was
on (ho Hay tliiiingtho ently jiorlion of
the week.
Mr. Callorty, of Kastport wns laken
HUildenly ill on Ttiestlny.nml has been
in a oiiticnl condition since.
Ik you want n paper (hat will not
Hiihpend when W. A. I.uso withdraws
his smile, subscribe for tho Mail.
Coos county is out illcd to flvo.nnd
Cm ry county to two delegates to the
Democratic Stato Convention.
Till: roof was blown oil' the barn of
Mr. Collier near Coipilllo City in (lift
Into gale.
The nuineious friends of Mrs. Lock
bait gave her a surprise lust Tuesday
evening, ami the "sound of revelry"
was hoard (ill a late hour.
A. LoiutKi: is repairing his mill and
it will ho ready for work in two or three
weeks, MeColgnn is repairing tho
mucliiiiery and boilers.
Tin: family of J. 11. Hunch 0 Coos
river nro about to move into (own (o
enjoy tho educational privileges af
forded hero. They will occupy the
ltaine house.
.School Superintendent Mnoro
visited iSuinner last Tuesday evening
mid nttended tho Litenuy Soioty(
giving tlio young people an npproprt
ateaildioss. Tut: fences on K. M, Hridgo's placo
on Cotw River have been socomplolo-
ly destroyod by the combined notion
of the wind nnd wnlor during this win
ter, Hint ho wnyH he "will have to
Tun question of thu propiiety of
nhuliidiiiig capital punishment in (he
Stato was kol for discussion FViiluy
evening hy tho Sumner debating
eluh; Anderson Wright for tho nf
Mi unit ivo mid J, Kll.i'ortli for llio
Tin: fallen limber has been lomov
ed from tho trail between hero and
Umpire tho now trail wo nro in
formed that no eflort will ho made to
open Iliy old one. If this ho true,
Mime pains should bo taken nt nnoo to
eminent llio sheets of (Ids (own with
tho now ioiu,
Co m
ISegiin Wednesday, Jnn. 7th, 1880.
Hon. J. II. Nohliui, Judge,
John Ki:nyon, Commissioner.
IIOAI) matti:iih.
A. T. Llllio, HUjiorvisor tlis
trictNo. Mj report accepted,
Allowed for services, 21 00
A. I. Nosier, Hiirporvisor dis
trict No. US; report accepted.
Allowed for services, 21 00
Darius Cant, supervisor ills
triel No. 17 J report ucccpteil.
Allowed for services, 21 (X)
Chris lloyorly, supervis.dis.
trict'No. WJi rcjiort accei(eil.
Allowed for services, 10 00
W. I', Hormann, sujiv. tlis
trlol No 15: report accepted.
Allowed for services, 21 00
(Initio tt Uink, for lumber, 8 .'III
II. llermmin, for spikes, 1 10
W. I'. Fox, supervisor dis
trict No, 4: icport accepted.
Allowed for services, 21 00
O. A. Peterson, superv. dis
trict No, 12: report accepted.
Allowed for services, 21 00
J. A. Schrocder, supv. dis
trict No. 10: report accepted.
Allowed for services, 20 00
Louis Ucllor, suprv. dis
trict No. 27: report accepted.
Allowed for services, 18 00
Geo. M. Uyor, suprv. dis
trict No. 3: retiort accented.
Allowed for services, 2100
Kugoiio O'Councll, for spikes, H 08
Joseph Ferry, suprv. dis
trict No. 20: rciKirt accepted.
Juo. Michclhrink, supv. dis
trict No. 0: report accepted.
Allowed for services. 30 00
Abram Cullip, supv. dis
trsct No. 2: report accepted.
Allowed for services, 20 00
J. M. Hright, supervisor dis
trict No. 21 : report accepted.
Allowed for services, 24 00
W S. Hall, supervisor dis
trict No. 23: report accepted.
Allowed for services, 15 00
A. I), lloone, supervisor dis
trict No. 5: report accepted.
Allowed for seJviccs, 20 00
L. L. Harmon, snporv. dN
trict No. 18: report accepted.
Allowed forfiorvieos, 12 00
Ole IScnson, supervisor dis
trict No. 25: report accepted.
Allowed for sorvices, 30 00
Clias. KckholT.suporvis. dis
trict No. 1 : report insulli
cient, rejected.
J no. Hainblock, supervisor
district No. 10: report iusulli
eient, rejected.
IT. Schrocder anil Noah Tripp, ap
pointed to assess daiungcs canned by
propoted roatl between Ward's place
and Coquillo City, reported. Consid
eration of report continued (o next
District No. 5 divided, and new dis
trict created designated No. 28.
District No.l, divided, and new dis
trict created designated No. 20.
The following named persons were
appointed load supervisors for the
ensuing year, to-wit :
I J A Lennan
I'roecodlHK of County
nilMnlonnr'N Court.
1 G A Hrown 15
2 O Grant 1(5
3 W H Wiilbev 17
4 G W. Stevenson 18
5 Jas ISilieu 10
(5 Levi Gant 20
7 Thos Hookard 21
8 IS IS Teters 22
0 (J D Hobson 23
10 Jno Weekly 21
11 Win ISowrou 25
12 C Hevorlo 2(5
13 J C Haynes 28
14 ThoslSrown 29
C W Dickmau
O Italston
A I) ISoono
A IS Camp
J no Lamoiit
W A (iilmore
H Hancock
F(l Lockluirt
C Daniclsou
C A Peterson
0 Huntington
I' Drain
Ordered tho tho Sheriff bo nllowed
credits for taxes remitted, to-wit:
1877, 131 72 I 1878, 371 (55
Ordered that tho Shorifi" pay to
clerk of school disUicl No. 33, delin
quent taxes collected. 103 1M
A l Snraguo, Empire City, G months.
Win lteichert, " " ( months.
IS D Jones, Southport, (5 months.
1'itujyers ami Inmie:
C W Tower, M D, medical
services rendered to Josias
I'Mmmouils, insane, and Cad
man, pauper,
John Hubbard, cofHn for
$ 35 00
10 00
1 00
4 50
07 CO
805 84
Sam Small, pauper.
II K ISuck, conveying body
of deceased pauper,
LMunroe, medicines furn
ished Edmund, insane,
D L Stcolo, M. I)., county
physician, for . salary,
J P MesBcr, kcoping paupers
Witnesses before Grand Jury, Septan
ber, 1870:
J Stcinburg $5 00
Mrs " 5 00
M Marlin 7 20
Win Udor 520
IS IS Jones 220
PMaitin 720
I) L Watson 720
TO Mackey $220
II Ploeger 220
(JCammauu 220
GCanuivann 2 20
Wll Peonies 1040
0 A Johnson 450
Mrs Minnio
Johnson 4 00
Witnesses before. Circuit Court, Septem
ber (crm, 1879 1
Clui.sStClair.f2 20
MrsStClair 220
J Campbell 2 20
I) L Watson 2 20
WH Keating 2 20
Mr Keating 220
MrsPUlrieh 220
Jurors Circuit Court, September, 1879:
JOlIaynos .fll 20
X Urquliart 15 00
AT Li llio 1(5 00
ThosAshton 15 00
EO'Counell 1000
ACudip 1200
PWDonnely 18(50
W A Luso 4 20
SSMivnn 000
J ISonobrako 10 80
JUltliuch 1440
lSCSchull 1300
APoterson 10 00
Win Morras 14 (K)
J Pendleton 1500
James Wall 11(50
8 II uncock 1500
PLvdon 0 00
JuoGordom 18 00
CIiiih Olive 15 (K)
M Lovar 11 00
J 8 Weekly 10(H)
Jas Green. 1000
On the body 0 Jntnrt Orcr.n :
T C Manckey, coroner 15 00
J W Iloiinett, special couslahlo 11 25
YMLowo $200
Illrtl Vowel 1 1 GO
H Hancock 120
K D Oorhnm 1 20
L Itandlcmaii 1 20
S Oilman 120
W ISarr
H Clements
W llowland
D L Stele,
On body 0 Gee Sam
Juror n.
Wm Saunders 120
Jos Herbert 350
W E Moore 3 50
WHNoblo 3 50
CCnmpbell 350
TO MackcyCH25
Scngslackcn 1200
AG Aiken 1015
Jno Noble 120
K 8 HcuIcb 1 20
Jno Flanagan 170
Ior comn.
Pat Callau 1 20
F Greenlaw COO
J O Cook 1 20
For blankets.
I) Morse, J r 325
J IJ Gilbert 1201
Stole vi Chinaman, Marshfield precinct.
L M Noble, special contsable $4 45
Slate r W F. Moore and Fduard (Sunn
before Recorder of ilanhfield
W Drugaii 1 20
Chns Hiidloy 120
I II Atkinson 120
Ed Haywood 170
Pro. Atty.
G Webster 500
A G Hrown $18 55
Hlthodes 18 50
J L Smith 120
WAWerden 120
State vt If7 A Lute and Fd Moore be
fore Recorder of Manhjield:
Jos Herbert 1 70
J W Hirst 1 70
S 8 ISnilcy 1 70
Mrs T G Owen 1 70
iVo. Ally.
J W Hamilton 5 00
AG Ilrown $1055
II Rhodes 835
W Drugan 1 70
James Hill 1 70
Stale vs S S Bailey Empire precinct.
H F Chilson 350
CH Merchant 3 50
CW Tower 3 50
T C Mackey 1 70
Pros. Atty.
J W Ham i I ton 500
Sengstacken$15 15
M Tower 1170
C Winchester 35Qi
Stele vs Geo Nichols and Geo Jordan
Empire precinct, tiengstacken J I':
Chns P Zigler 1 00
E 8 Scales 1 00
J J Jackson 1 00
WO Phillips 100
J F Adams 1 00
John Lennan 1 00
M Tower 13 85
A Miller 12 00
Jus Jordan l&O
Prosecuting Atty. J W Hamilton 500
Concluded next issue.
American Hyinpnfliy
for Ire-
On (ho 3d instant Charles Stewart
Parnell, the Irish agitator, arrived in
New York City. A grand public wel
come was given him at Madison
Square Garden, at which aboot 8,000
people were present. He gave a
graphic description of tho condition
of tho laboring classes in Ireland,
stating that want, destitution, and
suH'ering, nro on the increase, and ap
pealed to (he American people for
sympathy. Subscriptions, amount
ing to over $2,500, were made for the
Irish cause, and resolutions were adop
ted pledging sympathy for the dis
tressed Irishmen!, It was further re
solved that money for the purchaso of
food, fuel and raiment for llio nfllicted
poor are needed at oncer mid that be
yond and beside this primary call,
funds are needed to strengthen the
hands of the Irish Land League in
their struggle against landlord mo
nopoly, and that thcrcforo wo suggest
to tho generous public that while re
membering tho pressing claims now
presented for relief, there is an obliga
tion to aid in tho prevention of the re
currence of such claims, and this hit
ter can only bo effected by that read
justment of the land tenure of Ire
land, contemplated by tho Irish
Defiant Mormonm
The reckless bigotry of Mormonism
iswell illustrated by (ho proceedings
of quarterly conference of (ho Salt
Lake stake of the Mormon Church
which was held in Salt Lake City on
the 4th. Among the speakers were
Apottlcs John Taylor and Joe. F.
Smith. In closing his remarks at the
afternoon sc-sion, John Taylor, in al
luding to polygamy, said that it was
ordained of God; that tho United
States could not stop it. No nation
on earth could stop it. All thu na
tions on earth could not stamp it out.
Ho said ho dolled tho United States,
and called upon (ho 5,000 assomWed
saints (o sustain him in Ins (reason by
raising their right hand. All hands
wont up, oven women raised tho hands
of infants in their laps. Apostle
Smith followed in a similar address,
couched in tho sumo treasonable lan
guage. An immense body of coal has been
discovered on tho lino of tho North
em Pacific Railroad at a distance of
about 130 miles from llismarck. The
grade of (ho road cuts through a bed
of coal fourteen feet thick. Kvidenco
of the existence of this coal over a
wide area are in sight. Where tho
grade outs (ho vein tho coal can do
loaded' on the cars from each side at
nominal cost.
A Dunu.v dispatch of the 5th, says :
A vory boiIous atrair occurred on
Friday between the constabulary and
Galway peasants, during which tho
polioo tired upon tho people, but no
body was hurt.. Galway county is in
a very disturbed condition, Two
hundred extra policomen have been
drafted there.
SiuiscitiHi: for the Mail. O-Ly
f 2 50 per annum.
dloviTiininil ('oiiti-iiclfl for Nr--1cch
iiikI .flutfi-lttl on Coo
There litis heen considerable coin,
incut in this community upon tlio
unusual manner in which contractu
are being let for tervics and mate
rial for the construction of the jet
ties required in tho improvement of
this harbor. There arc several re
sponsible parties in this county who
were pesirous of nutting in bids for
work and material, and who were
waiting for some authorized an
nouncement that the Department
was ready to receive proposals. Mr.
W. L. Smith arrived here n few
weeks ago as the representative of
Col. Gillispieof the engineers; there
was no announcement mado that
such a person was here, except by
private and unauthorized parties,
and many persons with good rea
son doubted his authoaity to re
ceive proposals. No proposals were
publicly solicited ; no bids were
advertised for ; no information was
publicly given that any contracts
were to be let. Hut Mr. Smith saw
a few private individuals, and in a
short time it was announced that
all the contracts have been let to
Mr. Luse. Just what stage this ir
regular business has reached we are
not informed ; and if the business
is to be carried through in this man
ner it matters very little.
"Wo submit that this manner of
doing business is contrary to law,
and is calculated to brand the whole
thing as "job".
The Revised Statutes of the
United States, by which this busi
ness should be regulated, provides :
Sec. 3709. All purchases and
contracts for supplies or services, in
any of the Departments of the Gov
ernment, except for personal servi
ces, shall be made by advertising a
sufficient time previously for pro
posals respecting the same, when
the public exigencies do not require
the immediate delivery of the arti
cles, or performance of the service
When immediate delivery or per
formance is required by the public
exigency, the articles or service re
quired may be procured by open
purchase or contract, at the places
and in the manner in which such
articles are usually bought and sold,
or such services engaged, between
individuals. .
Sec. 3710. Whenever proposals
for supplies have been solicited,
the parties responding to such
solicitation shall be duly no
tified of the time and place of open
ing tho bids, and be permitted to bo
present either in person or hy at
torney, and a iccord of each bid
shall then and there be made.
The people of Coos county want
their harbors improved ; they want
honest and clllcicnt work done. And
All thinking men will denounce a
courso on the part of those control
ing this business which looks like
disbursing the appropriation for the
benefit of individuals. The law
above quoted directly applies to this
class of Government work, and it
cannot be claimed that the "public
exigencies" require such immediate
action as prevents proper and reas
onable announcements and solicita-
ion for proposals. Wo must say
that the complaints which we have
heard, are well founded; but we
hope the mode of doing business
may yet be so modified as to bear
the semblance of honesty, and to
inspire confidence in tho benefit of
the work.
Crop Failure In i:iilniul.
Reports from the Mark Lane ex
press represent the last grain crop of
England as being the pootest known
in many years. They say : Of 420 dis
tricts from which returns haro been
collected, not one produced a wheat
or pea crop of over average. Only
seven represent a barley crop, and on
ly six a bean crop as over average,
Oats is tho only crop that is through
ly had. An examination of ten years'
tables will show that wo havo had the
worst oat crop and as bad a bean crop,
hut for wheat, barley and peas, there
has been no year in tho ten and we
might go further back nearly so un
fruitful. Even with respect to oats
and beans, if weight and quality bo
taken into account, no year in ten
has given such bad results. As to-
whoat, the disastrous failure of tho
crop is most strikingly shown by thw
fact (hat only four out of 429 returns
leprosont it as up to average Tho
remarks of our correspondents as to
the condition of grain and pulso are
as disheartening as tho accounts of
tho yield.
Tin: now Suproiuo Court of Cali
fornia, Chief Justico It. F. Morrison
presiding, organized on tho 5th and
drew for tonus of otllco, with tho fol
lowing result : E. W. MoKinsloy, elev
en years ; J. D. Thornton, cloven years j
M. II. Myriok, seven years j S. IS. Ma
Kco, seven years; E. M. Rose, three
years ; J. It. Sharpstoin, tlueo years.
4'rlmrM ana t'lixtiuKlrw.
Cf.RutmxK, Tex., Jan. 7. In a small
neiglidorhooil, two miles from here, a
man named Ev'alis, wlioliiiil been In
tho hnbit of beating his wife, was shot
nnd killed by her brother, James Ilif
lie, who escaped.
Coi.(!MniA,Tcx., Jaq. 7. It is now
ascertained that tho old fciryman,
Vincent Turner,, who kept a ferry on
the IJrnzos river, and who disappear
11! some time since, was foully mur
dered by three or four other negroes,
who killed him for the few dollars he
had. One of the murderers gave hirn
fself away by pnsing some of the mon
ey. 'I ho feeling against the assassins
is strong.
Ci.akkbvim.k, Tex. Jan., 7. Ilob
ert Whitaker, a well-known citizen,
while riding was mot in the road by
two men who fired on him. He re
turned the fire with a doublo barrel
shot gun. Five shots were fired, and
the dead body of Whitaker was found
in the woods with tho back part of
his head literally shot oil. When
found the clothes on the corpse were
on fire.
Newai:k, X. J. Jan., 5. A fearful
explosion took placo this morning in
the converting room of the Celluloid
manufacturing Company, by which
three men were instantly killed and
two others so badly burned that they
cannot survive. The workmen were
in their accustomed places, when,
from an unknown cause, the gas of
the celluloid, which is a highly in
flammable mnterial, suddenly exploit
ed, destroying a onostorj' brick build
ing with all its contents.
Xkw Yoiik, Jan. 5. The Turner ho
tel was partially destroyed hyfiro this
morning. When the flames were ex
tinguished, William Gicb, aged 20
years. Louis Schmidt, aged 39 years,
Henry Gchwciter, aged 25 years, Tcr
esl FrnliBrd. aged 25 yearswere found
dead on the top floor. A man named
Wcnkle and his wife were badly
burned. A young woman named An
nie Bauer jumped from the fourth
floor and sustained inturnal injuries.
Damage, $12,000.
A n'Li. for the equalization of sol"
dicrs bounties is before Congress.
Miss Floiiexck C. Adair has been
appointed clerk in the Salem post of
fice. J. S. Mnggs, of Seattle, has been ap
pointed keeper of tho light house just
erected at Point-no-Point.
The Southern members of Congress
favor a reduction of the tax on spirits.
it will probalqy be reduced.
Wm. M. Evans, of the law firm of
Evans it Ball of Portland, died in that
city on the Gth instant. He was a
lawyer of good standing and a man
who had many friends.
A mm, has been agreed upon by
Congressional Committee for a reor
ganization of the army on a basis of
25,000 enlisted men, as recommended
by Sherman.
The Now York Legislature organ
ized on the Gth, instant. The Senate
chose John W. Vrooman, Republican,
Clerk. The House elected Gon.
George II. Sharpc, Republican,
Mr. N. Ford-raised a gloria mundi
apple at the Diamond fruit farm on
the Walla Walla river weighing 46
ounces and measuring 10 inches in
circumference. This is said to be the
largest apple ever raised in thisorany
other country. The largest apple at
the Centennial weighed 42" ounces.
Mrs. Annie Dean of Willow
Springs, Josaphene county, was en
gaged in opening a can of fruit that
had been placed on the stove to (haw,
when the lid suddenly (low off and
tho boiling liquid was ejected into
her face, scalding her quite badly.
Tho fortunate circumstance that Mrs.
Dean wore spectacles at the time
alono saved her eyesight from des
truction, An exchange says:
The Iowa creameries aro pitying
$1 10 por 100 pounds for milk. An
ordinary good cow should yield thirty
pounds por day through tho winter,
and choice ones with the best caro at
least forty pounds. This would he
$2 21 perweek for the first and $3 CS
fortho latter class cow. This from No
vember 1st to May 1st is from $80 to
$ 100 per cow for six mouths. And yet
many farmers do not know what to do
through tho winter.
The Storm lu Portland.
Tho storm which struck hero aboil
9 o'clock on the 9th, reached Portland
about 12 M., and made havoc among
their unsubstantial structures.
Tho ISrenior beer hall was blown
down, burying six men in the ruinsr
four of whom wero killed.
The glass in tho Masonic Tomplo
was smashed.
Tho Biuiv of tho Presbyterian
church fell, smashing Sam. Smith's
A hotel was blown down.
Tho roof of Now Market Theater
was blown off.
Tho now Ifuptist Church in East
Portland was demolished.
A sash and door factory in East
Portland was loveled to tho ground,
and other wrecks of less importance
too numerous to mention.
1 q Ijmic
Tho Democratic State Central Coin
mitiec met at Salem on the 8th and
appointed tho 7th of day April
for the Democratic Stato Conven
tion, and March 27th for the holding
of County Conventions; tho prima
ries to be held March 20th. Tho
place designated for this Convention
is Albany.
Tin: deck load of the "Emma Utter"
has been transferred to tho Schooner
"C. II. Merchant;" it is probablo that
an cHorl will be made to raise tho
former when the season ol good
weather and low tides arrives.
Land Office at )
JlOKKIIUKU, uic, Jan. o, it
I that the following named s
has filed notice of his intcntii
RosEnuno, Ok., Jan. 8, 1880. (
tcntinn to
make final proof in support of his
claim, and secure final entry thereof
at tho expiration of thirty dajs from
tho date of this notice, viz : James
McNaugbton, Homestead Application
No. 2320, for the EJ4 of SW, RWif
of SWK. Sec. 0, T2J, S R 12 W antt
SEJ of SEi, Sec. 1, T29 S R 13 W
and names the following as his wit
nesses, v iz ; Wm. Rohm, of Myrtle
Point, Coos county, and DaniclSto
phens, of Norway, Coos county, Or.
3 Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
Land Oekice, )
RosEnuRO, Or., Dec. 17, 1879. s
that tho foilowintc named settler
ins filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his
claim andsccure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from
date of this notice, viz: John Mor
ris, homestead application No. 2429,
for the SK of NEJ. and V)4 of SE
Sec. 30, T2S S R 12 West ; and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Samuel Belieu, of Coos county, and
John Rodabaugh, of Coos county.
52 Wm. F. Bexoami.v, Register.
Sewing Machines,
D. Morse's Empire City.
W. R. Simpson a D. Holland
and provisions nf all kinds
soltl at tho lowest
living rates
I)ELTVEHBD at any point desired
SaTWc keep nothing but thelost-g-S
and insure satisfaction.
Drug Store.
DR. C. B. GOLDEN, Pnorn.
Opposite Xtisbui'g'H Store.
oxins, acaanarTraxauxw,
and everything usually kept in a
J'i'c.icvijttloits Larefulljj Com"
S'JL' CD JrChliy
Constantly on hand
Mattvvsse it) liedntemls,
Chairs V J.otiuuei),
CrtbH 0 Cradles,
Cumulus-room Xnritilitre
Made to Order,
COFFJXS mado at shortest notice.
Attachments, Needles &c.
lvltf PiioiuytToiu.