The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 10, 1880, Image 1

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The Coast Mail.
MnrnlitlrM, Coos Co., Or.
Term, lu Adrnnrc.
Ono year f2 ft)
Hlx mouth - i r0
Threo months - . 1 (XI
Tim 'mnioMtoH f I.cnilvlltc.
Loadvillo, Colorado, Is a mining
(own that has grown in two years to
tlio proportions of u city. It exhibit
the usual characteristics of hih1 com
munities nothing more. Rev. Dr.
Lorlmcr,of Chicago, visited the place,
mid says of U;
Lctnlvlllo in iv child witli tho wrin
kles of ago nn1 iloprnvlty on it Inow.
It In nt onro hi'iuity niul depravity,
Iii'iiltli and disease. It in tlio mini to
till of tlio vices of our civilization,
niul epitome of evils, un unabridged
edition of corruptions. Thu heat of
u furnace glow thuro; u darkened
sky prevails there, through wliou
lowering clouds tho stiirof redemption
faintly gleams, when men make
gold the point of departure, they are
apt fo niuko .Satan thu point of aril
val. Thin seems to ho verified in thu
average hinnanity that visits saloons,
gambling houses, and variety shows
of this strange community. It is a
singular coiiihination of thu rowdy,
tlio Anih, tlio wharf-rat, the hummer,
the cut-throat reckless, shameless,
mnl sometimes desperate. If they
lmvc no reveienec and hut little self
respect, they huvo no fear; fear ncl"
titer fortho visible or invisible. In the
piesenco of tlio Jchovii'i thov would
chew their tohacco as they do In the
Vol. 3.
JSo. 2.
Of OrfKonS Noiithcrn oiii.
Th Hrronrt TrnifMly of Bn'dln Hoek
Th fill of Inillnn Knot.
For sonio linio prior to tlio Indian
outhreak in 1855, which opened what
is known ns tho Indian warof 1855-tl,
one of the most determined conflicts
between the whites mid savages which
has occurred on the coast, there lived
on Rogno river near its mouth an In
dian named "Knos." Ho was a na
tive of Canada, was educated in
French and English, niul was n Catho
lic in religion, always parrying a
prayer hook of that Church printed
in French. His superior iutcllicciicc
placed him on terms of intimacy and
confidence witli tho whites ; and when
mo Jittiiuns oi me interior look up
arms in 1855, a volunteer company
was formed at tho mouth of Rogue
river for the protection of tho settle
ments, of which company Knos ho
enmoamemher. Early in tho winter
of 18550, no ono suspecting Knos of
entertaining sympathy for tho hoi
tiles, ho hecamo a guide for Enoch
Huntly and John Clavengor on a jour
ney up Rogue river to the Hig .Mead
ows. 'Ilio parly left their friends in
Hlipriu" Riley having incurred con
sidcrahlo expense lioyond tho nmount
of his legal fees in bringing tho pris
oner from tho place of his arrest, a
lihoral subscription was niadohy tho
citizens to rolniburso him; and the
development of tho years that have
passed since tlio event, havo only sor
ved to conllrm tho judgment thus si
lently pronounced niul summarily
executed. That justice which is tar
dy and uncertain when administered
under the forms of law is sometimes
swift and suru at the hands of tho
source of all civil power tho people.
luesenee of men, and go lolling up M expectation f returning after a
ItlMilrc'1 4.VI-iir.
A physician's lifo has never been
suffered to ho cast among beds of ros
es, but if, to ordinary fatigue and caro,
oxposuro to tho bullets of dissatisfied
patients, it is to ho added, its natural
drawbacks will he materially greater.
Wo supposo thero are few physicians
in good practiqo who do not leavo a
train of uuctired patients behind
them, many of whom will ascribe
thcr maladies to tlio physician's lack of
skill. Tho county hospital must bo an
especially fertile field for practice
with unsatisfactory results. Man) of
tlio wrecks of humanity gathered
there are incurable, and others are of
a temperament ami character of mind
which defy Mieecsful treatment. It
IlIOUKAIMIICAVi HKI2TCIIEH ui iiir.i.iise nimey lounge Hhort absence, but Huntly and Clnv-I ""'"" l,,,u """ ""cun-n uospmii pa
nt the i ntranco to l'erdition. They onj.,.r W(ro tll.Ver aflerwards seen til'"1 "my roS,r'' "'isuccessful treat
continually suggest inetonipysohosis liVc they were inhumanly murder- "l0l,t '1 ,1,,'Hl'j",, t'",",u for killing, "
by which nil tho villainies, rascalities ,.,i . Ii.,, ,llnn, r,t Mm llllnm physician who has hud a year or two
niul ruflinuiHins luio hecouio incur
nate in their reprobate carcases.
The drinking places, gambling hells,
concert and dance houses are more
iiunietoiis in I.eadville, its sice being
considered, than anywheie else on
this planet. CoiiM'qucntly there isi
fill ttl.iimw.rt flf p.wt rtilit t .....I 11 ...II...... Ij
... it... I , . i men had been met and overpowerei
ed sensuality mid an uiunux.xlcd i, ,. . . . , , . .' . ,.
coarseness unsurpassed, possibly,
m'iicc Sodom.
So excess! to and unblushing is the one of the wretched crea
tures, who glory in shame parades
herself on die streets in open day as
n kind of Lady Gndivn, and the news
niper that recorded the outrage sim
ply said: "Halttu attracted consid
erable attention, but she won the hot
(l-M)." No arrests. Two other fe
males, one of them named Mine.
Francis, are to eng.igo In a squaie,
rough iiiid-tumhht limit, according
to the rules of the prino ring, for $."00
ii fide I udced,thu degradation hem of
womanhood is fearful. A rough-looking
man, as his eyes rested on one of
this ini-erablo race of sinners, whis
peicd to his companion ; "Alice ain't
long for this world; she'll go when
the dowers go, in the early fall."
And what father, what philanthro
pist is there who would not rather in
mercy see all tho fallen ones who wear
the form of that womanhood ho has
honored in mothers, wives and daugh
ters droop before the flowers, and per
ish long before tho inevitable winter
of despair and misery overtook them.
Old Arc
Some two years ago a physcinu in
tSeeretiuy KvorU' favoiito village of
Windsor, Vermont, was called out to
visit a patient living Homo miles nut
of the village. Ho drove out, and as
lie was hitching his hnrso tho door
opened and a young woman with a
child in her arms caiuo out. They
greoted oach other, and sho said : You
nro the doctor come to see grandmoth
er. She's pretty sick. You'll find
her in there." Ho went In and found n
woman about forty, who said, "Oh, you
tiro the doctor. You will find grand
mother in that way." In tho room
to which ho was directed he found
nn aged, white-haired lady lying on
the bed, with her face tho other way.
She was quite deaf, and did not not ice
his approach until ho sat down and
began to feel her pulse. Sho turned
and said: "Oh. you aro tho doctor.
I'm not nick. It is grandmother you
want to see. You will find hor' in
that loom." Sointollio next room
ho pawed, mid at last was in tho pres
ence of his patient, whoso daughter,
grunil-ihiughter, great-grand-daugji-ter
ami grent-great-grnud-duughtor ho
m.hi uiuyiiiiiuruii, no louiiii Jior so
Jcduced by disease and old ago (she
wail 07) that ho saw no uhuuco of hor
living inoro than a week. Ho told tho
family to, hut at (lirir request loft
medicines nod directions; souio throe
weeks after ho was driving by and saw
n old hdy picking up chips, lie
pulled up his horse, intending to ask
when his his patient had died, when
sho lookod up und said, "Oh, you are
tho doctor who came to soo ma whou
iwassoslck." HhoU still living, as
"chipper" an old lady of )'J an you
will often bio.
A fresh tomato leaf is a sovereign
t-'uro for n ooo stiiijf,
liver. Their skeletons wero long af
terwards discovered by tho side of tho
remains of their canip-firo where, it
is supposed, they wore murdered by
Knos, when aleep.
Knos returned to tho white settle
ments, representing Unit the white
by the hoitilcs, who had killed his
companions. Although his guilt was
then suspected, there being no evi
dence against him, he Was allowed to
purchase mor powder and go again
up the river." A few weeks later, all
the Indians of that vicinity were on
theuarpnlh: the bloody massacre of
thedof February wnu enacted, and
for n coniidcrable time all the surviv
ing net tiers of that region wero forted
up mid hesciged hy hostile savages.
During this season of earnago and
terror it wa known that Knos. was co
operating with thohoMiles, and when'
the war closed he was taken with oth
er Indians by the military to a reser
vation at Fort Vancouver. A warrant
for his arrest for the crime of murder
was isued by a magistrate at Fort Or
ford, and .M. Hiley, Sheiifl', proceeded
to Vancouver to nmko his arrest. The
military authorities readily gave him
up, whoreupon he was placed on Ixmrd
a steamer to he transported in irons to
tlio ncenoof his crimes, and to face
the friends of his victims. Conscious
of hit treachery and guilt, and know
ing tho determined character of hi
accusers, ho realised that his doom
win sealed, and ga'vo up all hope. On
tho passage ho heuued for a clean
shirt, that ho might present a more
respectable appearance in tlio drama
in which lie well know ho booh was to
bo a prominent actor. Tho desired
garment was purchased and given
him, niul it is said ho actually remov
ed tbo soiled raiment, and put on tlio
now article, while securely handcuff
ed, by drawing them both thiough
his lion bracelets. Arriving at Port
Oi ford, ho was arraigned heforo tho
magistrate for examination, when it
was ascertained that the prosecution
was without n syllable of testimony to
support tho charge of murder. No ono
had seen him commit tho orimo, and
the circumstances pointing to his
guilt, although leaving no doubt in
tho minds of tlio public, wero insuffi
cient to rebut the presumption of in
nocence kindly thrown around ovon
tho most friondless prisoner. Ho was
accordingly ordored discharged, and,
being taken Mr. JUloy to a neighbor
ing blacksmith's shop, bin irons wero
iinrivotnl and taken off, and ho was
told that ho was free. Hut whllo then)
steps wero in progress, another tribu
nal in which tlio technicalities of law
havo no force, had sat upon tho caso
of Mr, Knos, and ho hud boon con
demned lioyond the hope of appeal or
reprieve. Tlio sontence of death had
been passed by the pcoplo, and the
hour of his execution was at hand.
As ho passed out of tho blacksmith's
hop, ho passod between two linos of
armed men, who osoorted him sllont
Jytowurd Dattlo Rock; tho tldo was
low, and a fow minutes later, for tho
second time In Its history, tho summit
of that mound was thronged with hu
man beings. And as tho sun sank in
tho western waves, it oast upon the
hIioio (he shadow of the lifolossfonuof
tho mhrderur Knos, dangling from tho
limb of a small pint) that grow upon
tho summit of tho ruck,
of experience in that excellent public
iiislitciiDii would not beconsidetcd n
profitable risk by a life Insurance com
pany. Attempts to take life on lriial
provication are alarmingly frequent
An excited individual constitutes
himself or herself judge of his or hor
own wrongs, a'id wiili nppaionlly lit
tle fear of unpleasant consequences,
proceeds upon the woik of murder.
Of course an insane peisou cannot be
held resonsible for his actions, huL so
ciety owes it to its members not to
tempt unhinged intellects to c imo by
its 'niliiro to punish criminals who
cannot plead insanity a an excuse for
tlio defiance of law. Theie can be no
doubt that week and pailially do
ranged persons aro iiillucnced hv tho
events which take place mound ihcm.
Kvery escape of n murderer th-ough
IJil technicalities, has a tendency
to incite disordered, but not really
iricsponsiblo minds, to a simMar de
fiance of law. Tho lov and uncer
tain action of law, in cases wheie the
accused has money or friends, has
shorn the statuto of half its Icr-ors.
Whon predictions arecooly made that
a clearly established crime will not be
punished, tho way to murder is made
eay. I'ublic opinion which tolerates.
a loosoand easy administration of law
is partially responsible for theso un
provoked attacks of lifo and reputation.
HuwhtMO on
A mot it.
Tlio llurlinjjlon llawkryn draws tho
following conclusions as to what
would havo been Arnold's fato if ho
had been a hundred years later: "Ho
lived a century too early, this man of
hateful and accursed memory. Had
ho lived a hundred years latter ho
might havo committed treason most
hateful, ho might havo foresworn him
self in national council, and drawn
his sword against the country that
taught him how to uso it; ho might
have pi mulcted tho national treasury,
robbed tho government of arsenals
and stolon its navy yard, faught for
years against tho Hag Unit waved over
his birth, and thou n tainted name?
A traitor's doom? An accused mem
ory? A haunted, desolato life? Oh
no, Lord lore you, simple minded pa
triot, nothing of tho sort. Ho would
coino back and bo electod to Congresi
ho would bo a Senator, ho would run
tho governmont, ho would talk more
" ""' vuii-hiuiuoh no ni-l,imiMip and fatigue; whohavenoth
luiiiliivu hi iicHirny, man mo mon who : tll w,. if ,.,. ,.OIinll0r tboin. ,,,,,1
"O " W " -.- W..-J . ., ......
Tho very name of this prlnco has
become proverbial, and tho expression
"as rich as Croesus," has become fa
miliar to all, but very few know who
anil what Croesus was. Ho was the
last king of tho Lydians,ono of the
threo nations which sprung from the
destruction of tho first Assvrian em
pire. Tho wealth of this prince, to
judgo of it only by tho prcsmits ho
made to tho temple of Delphi, must
have been excessively great. Wo may
partly account for tho vast treasures
of this prince, from certain mines ho
had, and also from the little river I'ac
tolus, the sand of which was gold.
What is very cxtraordinory, this af
fiuenco did not enervate or soften the
couraco of Cropstis. Ho thought it
unworthy of a princo fo spend his
time in idleness and pleasure, and was
perpetually in arms ; enlarged his do
minions by conquering sll the contig
uous provinces, and also' made war
against the Greeks. Although ho
was immensely rich, and so great a
warrior, yot his chief delight was in
literature and tho sciences. His court
was the residence of tho famous seven
Wise Men of Greece.
Solon, one of the mo"l celchrnted of
wise men, left Athens on u traveling
ton'-, and dining his journey visited
the court of Cnesns. He was received
in a manner suited to one of so great a
reputation. Tho king appeared in
all his regul magnificence; his appar
el was covered with gold, diamonds,
and all kinds of precious stones. Sol
on looked on unmoved, and tho king
was annoyed, for he expected that
ho would betray astonishment and
I admiration at tho sight of so much
wealth. Solon's coldness and indifler
enco lo.'t no favorable impression on
in King, nun no iicp.irteu wun a
not too high appreciation! of Crresus,
looking upon all this outward pomp
a an indication ofalitPo mind, which
knows not in what true greatness and
dignity consist,
CneMis, if we judge of him by the
eha-actcr ho bears in history, was a
very good and worthy princo. He
had a great deal of good nature, atfa.
bility oud humanity. Jlis palace was
a leecptaelo for men of wit and learn
ing, which shows that he himself was
a person of learning. His weakness
was, l-iyiugtoo great tress upon rieh
04 and magnificence, thought him
self great and happy in proportion to
his poe-sions, mistook regal pomp
and splendor for true and solid great
ness, mid fed his vanity with tho ex
cessive submissions of thoso that stood
in a kind of adoration before him.
Solon saw liis weaknoss, and gavo
him good advice, but with tho kind of
men which Cnesushad about him, ho
could not bear that noblo and goner
ous ."recdom in tho philosopher, upon
which ho ought to havo set infinite
valiio ; as he would havo done had he
understood tho worth of a friend, who,
attaching himself to the poison, and
not to Ihofoituno of a prince, has tho
coiimgoto tell him bitter truths.
Cuesus' son, whom ho lovod fondly,
having boon killed in a boar hunt, his
father was greatly distressed, and two
years were spent in mourning. But
tho growing reputation of Cyrus, a
rising young Persian king, roused him
agoin. Ho thought it behooved him
to put n stop to tlio power of tho Por
siaus, which was daily increasing,
After consulting tho oraolos, which
gavo a favorable answer, he determ
ined to niako waragainst the Persians,
and with this end in view, entered in
to an ulliauco witli tho Athenians.
A certain wise Lydian, at this timo,
gavo Cnvsus good advice, and said
"Why do you think of turning your
arms against such a pcoplo as thoPor
sians, who being born in a wild, rugged
country, aro inuied to every kind of
cr afterward took him with him in all
his expeditions, cither out of esteem
for him, or to have tho benefit of his
counsel, or out of policy, and to bo
more secure of his person.
IVIutt Urology Toll IT.
It is from tho "Medals of Creation"
the fossil remains of plants and ani
mals scattered throughout tho rocky
strata of tho globe that wo aro en
abled to read that wonderful portion
of our earth's history which reaches
back even into chaos itself, my
riads of ages beforo the creation of
man. These arc the electrotype oj
nature faithful records, which there
is no conflicting testimony to invali
date, and wtiich no criticism can gain
say. It is believed by most geologi tsthat
the earth was at one timo a niolton
mass, surrrouiidcd by an atmosphere
filled with dense gases and vapors ;
and that, as the outer portions cooled
forming tho rocks and tho dryland,
tho vapors, condensing and falling in
showers, formed springs, rivers, and
the waters of tho ocean. This is the
geological theory of tho gradual call
ing of order out of chaos, after tho
great work of creation had heen com
pleted. It h maintained that this view of
the early condition of our globe, and
of the successive changes that subse
quently occurred in it during thous
ands and perhaps millions of years
prior to the creation of man, docs not
at all conflict with the scriptural ac
count of the creation. The scriptural
account, as paraphrased by a modern
coninic liato", would road thus: "In
tho beijinvhuj God created the heavens
rind the earth. And the earth was
ilcsolalc. Afterward, .the Spirit of
God moved upon -tho face of the wat
ers;" thus allowing the possibility of
oven millions of years between tho
first act of creative power and the six
days work of arranging tho universe.
Different opinions long prevailed
among tlio learned with regard to the
nature, the extent of time, and the
date of the six days work of creation,
for -ho Uiblo gives us no explanation
on theso points; but by most of tho
learned of tho present day, and by all
eminent geologists, the "six days" arc
understood to bo indefinint periods
of time, as it is said that, with tho Al
mighty, "a thousand years aro to bo
reckoned but as ono day." It seems
reasonable to suppose that they may
havo been prophetio periods looking
into tho past, and seen in vision by
inspired historian. "The Creation"
bus been choon as a themo for august
description by the poet Milton, and
it likowiso forms tho subject of
Haydn's grandest oratorio.
The Coast Mail.
The Development of our Mines, tho
Improvement of onr harbors, and rail
rad communication with tho Interior,
The Curat fTfilnnt, nerlNcd nnd
Im proved.
saved it, ho would write books and
defy public opinion, and tho only
thing to show him that God hated
him would bo his blighted eye. If
Uonediot Arnold evor looks around
this plauot and seo how Jefferson
Davis Is getting along, It must niako
him feol that ho is a martyr mid a
deeply injured num.
Much trouhlo can often bo saved
hy marking tools with tlioir ownors
names, which can oiuily bo dono in
tho following mannor i Coat tho tool
with nthinlayorof wax or hard tal
low by first warming tho steel mid rub
bing on tho wax warm until it flows,
mid thou let it cool. When luml
mark tho niimo through tho wax with
it graver, and apply weak nitrio acid ;
after a fow moments wash off tho add
mid wlpo with a soft rag, when tholot
tors will lie
ovorytlung to gain if tlioy conquer
you." Hut Ciwsusllad taken his res
olution, mid commenced tho war that
ended so disastrously to him.
After several battlo, Cnesus was at
last defeated and taken prisoner by
Cyuis,aud all his immense- riches and
treasures fell into tho hands of tho
conqueror. This inisfoituno brought
Cnvsus to his senses and ho acknowl
edged his error in making wnr against
ono who was greatly his superior,
Cyrus, touched with compassion at
the misfortune of tho king, who was
fallen in a moment from so great an
elevation, and admiring his equanim
ity undor such ft rovorso of fortune,
treated him with a great deal of clem
anoy and kindness, suffciing him to
enjoy both tlio tltlo mid authority of
king, but not having tho power to do
olaro war. Orsus afterward led a
found etched into tho happy mid contented life, exempt
i from nil caro ami disquiet. Cytua ov-
Dyedln the Wool":
Tho Portland "Bee" replies to some
vile assailant, and among other things
sa vs :
e havo a record which vou know
proves your insinuation false. Though
in lS7Gw-o could not bo hired to pub
lish your vilo stories concerning a
Democratic candidate without posi
tive and swotn proof, which you could
not produce. ,Tho "Bee" was tho firt
paper in O.egon to raiso tho Republi
can banner, and It has ever since been
constant to that party, And should
adversity ariso or timo provo that the
pcoplo will not support a Republican
paper upon thoprinciplo of tho great
est good to tho greatest number, un
bought by subsidies, uncontrolled by
ring influence, abovo ofllce seeking,
below arroganeo, among tho people.for
tho people, then, if tho "Bee" goes
down, its last effort will hold tho flag
of tho Republican party alovo its
buiial placo. Wo were not hunted
with dogs, shot at, robbed, stripped of
our clothes, thrown into iv pen to rot
by the Democratic party for nothing
Wo loved tho Republican party on
mud for drink, corn cobs for food, tho
sky for a blanket and sand for ft bed,
whilo tho ringster you recognizo was
fleeing from "tho draft."
u'ruutN Anhoi'1iiIm.
Gon. Grant, during his recent tour,
has been received by tho following
named princes and potentates; Queen
Victoria of England, King Leopold
of Belgium, tho Khedive of Egypt,
tho Sultan of Turkoy, King Humbort
of Italy, Popo Leo X1IL, President
MnoMnhon of Franco, tho King of
Holland, Emporor William nt Ger
many, Princo Bismark, King Oscar of
Sweden, tho Emporor Alexander of
Russia, tho Emporor Francos Joseph
of Austria, King Alfonso of Spain,
President Grovy of Franco, M, Gam-
betta, Vicoroy Lyttonof India, King
Thebaw of llurimih, Princo Kung of
China, tho Emperor of Shun, tho
Mikudonf Japan.
St'iirioituiu for
f!? 50 per annum,
tho Mam. Only
A correspondent of the Chicago Inter-Ocean,
writing from Sonora, Ohio,
gives currency to tho following story,
which wo give to our readers for what
it is worth. Not leing personally ac
quainted with the writer wo do not
vouch for his veracity :
"Yesterday your correspondent vis
ited one of the most remarkable re
mains of other years which has ever
been unearthed and discovered in this
State. It has been found near Gcr
mantown, a village a few miles south
of here. The following are are the
facts as ascertained hy us of Mr. Lewis
Transcr, on whose farm it was first
noticed : A few weeks ago a gentle
man from Richmond, Ind., passing hy
Mr. Traner's residence, drank from
a spring by the roadside Being an
old coal miner, any indication of such
minerals would be discovered by him,
and he observed to a bystander that
there was surely coal in those hills.
He was so confident of the truth of
his assertion that he obtained permis
sion of the owner to investigate it, and
set to work on the following Monday.
He searched all week with pick and
shovel without finding any further
truce of the mineral, but on Saturday
evening his tools struck upon what
was once a thick chimney, popular
many years ago with our pioneers, but
now evidently petrified. This discov
ery so aroused his curiosity that he
procured the assistance of several
neighbors, and they continued the
excavation all night, and on Sunday,
when a large crowd collected at tho
spot, and the work was so vigorously
pushed that before night, there stood
before the astonished multitude a
complete log house, 12 by 14 feet, now
solid rock. The house is in perfect
condition, with slab roof and "chink
ed" walls. Its bight is about 12 feet,
and it is a mass of white rock. Every
stick in the chimney, every log, every
piece of bark on thereof, and every
hickory withe binding the logs togeth
er at the door, are perfect stone,but as
distinguishable as tfiev wero origin
ally. Wo entered the house through
a low door, which is tho only nparturo
in the walls except tho fire-place com
municating with the chimney.
The light from these enabled us to
see in one corner ot mo only room a
rude bed, also perfectly petrified,
formed in tho usual manner of the
pioneers by plac'tig poles in holes in
tho logs and supporting them with
upright jwsls. It was covered with
clapboards, and further with skins and
polis. On this rude couch is the skcl
tou of n man about six feet in length
and entirely petrified. Behind the
open door is tho sitting skeleton of a
dog, evidently his last faithful com
paniou; and over this entrance, sup
ported by pegs, is a rusty rifle barrel,
of the old fashion flint lock pattern,
the stock having rotted and fallen to
the floor. There nro a few other ar
ticles in the room, all petrified, and
which we wero unablo to identity.
The skeleton lies on its back, but wo
could find no further resemblance to
the hitman frame, althouh the petri
fication is very complote.
This wonder is daily attracting
large bodies of pcoplo from remote
places, and scientists are busy inves
tigating it and furnishing theories as
to its singular jiosition and formation.
Mr. Grauser has been offered $20,000
for tho house by Dr. W. A. Manning
and othor gentlemen of Minmisburg,
Montgomory county, but has refused
it. Ho will probably roceive n much
larger sum for it from some scientific
Tho house appears to be on tta ori
ginal foundation, and the query aria
cs how did it get hero, and how did
it become petrified here between two
largo hills, and at least thirty foot un
der ground?
It is not our provinco to furnish
theories concerning this singular
formation of man mid nature, but we
hope that this may so interest sonio of
your well known scientists that tlioy
may throw sonio additional light on
it. For furthor reference address Mr.
Louis Grauser, or M r, W. It. Morse,
Gonnmitown ; or Mr. Chas. Blossom,
editor "Bulletin" Maimlsburg. In the
future we may again refer to this im
portant discovery.
A joint resolution lias heen intro
duced in Congress pioposing un
amendment to tho Constitution, pro
viding that after tho 4th of'Mareh,
18S5, tho President and Vice-Presi
dent shall hold ofllco for six years,
and shall bo inelhgiblo for inoro than,
ono term consecutively, and tho menu
hers of Congress shall bo elected for
threo years.
Kaksas has now a school popula
tion of 300,000 ; tho jicreaso since last
year is 10,,
Sonio idea of the greatness of Baby
lon, of ancient fame, can be obtained
from tlio following sketch which wo
take from Rollins history. It wan
erected by Scmiramis, ft princess of
mean extraction, who came to tho
throno of Assyria by killing NinuSi
her husband. She thought to Immor
talize her name and cover tlio mean
ncss of her birth, and surpass nil
her prcdcccsors in magnificence;
to this end she undertook tho
building of the mighty Babylon, in
which work she employed 2,000,000
men. What jieriod of time was re
quired in its construction, history does
not say, but Scmiramis reigned 42
years, and was engaged in various en
terprises, at one time leading into In
dia an army of over 4,000,000 men, so
the construction of Babylon could not
havo taken many years :
"Babylon stood on. i largo plain, in
a very rich soil. Tho walls were in
every way prodigious. They were 87
feet in thickness, in height 3o0, and
in compass, GO miles. These trails
were drawn around the city in tho
form of an exact square, each side of
which was 15 miles in length, and all
built of large bricks cemented togctk-
cr with bitumen, a glutinous slime
arising out of the soil of that country-,
which binds much stronger and firmer
than mortar, and soon grows muclr
harder than the bricks or stones which
it cements together.
"These walls were surrounded on
tho outside by a vast ditch, full of wa
ter, and lined with bricks on both
sides. The earth that was dug out of
it, made the bricks wherewith tho
walls were built; and from tho vast
height and bredth of the walls, may
be inferred the greatness of the ditch
"In cverj- side of this great square
were 25 gates, 100 in all, which were
made of solid brass. Between every
two of these gates were threo towers,
and four more at tho four corners ot
this great square, and three between
each of these corners and the next
gate on eithor side ; evoryone of these
towers being ten feot higher than tho.
"From the 25 gates in each side of"
this great square went 25 streets, in
straight lines to tho gates, which wero
direotly over against them, in
the opposite side ; so that the whole
number of streets were 50, each 15.
miles long, whereof 25 went one way
and 25 the other, directly crossing
each other at right angles.
sides these, there wero also four half
streets, which had houses only on. ono
side, and the wall on tho other;-these
went round the four sides of tho city
next tho walls, and wero each of them
200 feet broad ; the rest were about
150. By these streets thus crossing-
each other, tho whole city was thua
cut into 070 squares, each of-which
was four furlongs and a half on evory
side, that is, two- miles and a quarter
In circumference. Round these-
squares, on every side toward tho
street, stood tho houses Cwhich were
not contiguous, but had" void spaces
between them.) all built threo or four
stories high, and beautified with oM
manner of ornaments towards the
streots. Tlio space within, in tho
middle- of eaeh square, was likewise-
nil void ground, employed for yards,
gardens, and other such uses ; so that
Babylon was greater in appearance
than reality, near one-half the-oity be
ing taken up in garden and othor
cultivated lauds."
Besides the walls, there wero other
works which rondored Babylon so fa
mous, among which may bo mention
ed tho quays and bridgo. ; tho loket
banks, and canals, tnado for tho drain
ing of tho river; tho palaces, the
hanging-gardens, and tho teuiplo of
Bolus ; works of such surprising niajj
nificeueo, as is scarce to bo compre
bended, and of which we shall here
after speak. This great city was al
most entirely destroyed by Cyrus, ami
afterwards becamo totally oxlluot.
At a Ipgnl investigation tit a liquor
seunro, tho judgo asked mi unwilling
witnoss: "What was in tho barrel
that you had?" Tho reply was; ,
"Well, your honor, it was marked s
"whiskey" on one end of the barrel
and "Pat Duffy" on tho other ond, siT
that I can't say whether it was whis-.
koy or Pat Duffy was in tho barrel,
being as I am on oath."
over tho high handed nipftsurcsot tho
Democracy in counting in tho fusion
candidates. Evidences of (Im. fraud
committed by tho Governor ud coun
cil accumulate, and iryuiy leading:
Republicans insist that these frauds .
shall hs exposed anil, tli$ right ahftU
prevail. Business gives way tq ca "jj
citcmeut uvorywliorc so, says t,lJ.f
dispatch, ' " ,
Svq?ciuiiE(urt!io Mau
? -3Bfflrli
, ' , -"3
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