The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 03, 1880, Image 3

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giffffi,-V3ll.g' HJP 'lemn-'f'y' " tJ-W9fttJwFty.
The Coast Mail.
Successful Skarcii.--A fow days
bIiico, City Marshal Rhodes wns given
a search wnrrnnt requiring him to
noarch Iho promises of Mndnmo Scales
for corlnin articles of clothing belong
ing to another pnrty, which, it was
olntmod, sho hnd conconlod in hor
houso. Tho door wns locked nnd tho
proprietor within rofusod to como nnd
onoii it, when Mr. Rhodes forcibly
brought one of his boots against tho
door to remind her ngnln Mint ho was
thoro ; his foot was heavier than ho
supposed, or ho hnd ovor estimated
tho strength of tho door, for a mo
mont Inter ono foot wns in tho honso
nnd tho other outside. Tho door wits
(toon unlocked, and tho goods which
his wnrrnnt cnlled woro found stowed
nwny in a closot.
Rack Auain.Mm. K. M. Lockhnrt
of Empire, returned by tho .lraiirt
Monday, from n visit to her frionds
nnd relatives In Now York, Michigan
nnd Ohio. Sho had boon nbsont from
tho scones and frionds of her enrly
lifo for about thirty years ; and it was
n source of mutunl pleasure for thorn
to moot again ; nnd tho contrast be
tween a trip across tho continent
thirty years ago with an ox team, nnd
nt tho present dny in a palnco car,
affords a foroiblo illustration of tho
inarch of improvement, which can bo
fully appreciated only by one who has
experienced both.
pcoploof Jnckson county who aro in
terested in opening the now road from
Jacksonville to Crescent City aro dis
satisfied becauso tho pooplo of tho lat
ter plnco do not como forwurd with
their share of tho funds, and threaten
to change the route nnd como to tho
coast at Elloushurg. A good idea;
tho people of Curry County will "lend
a hand" in tho enterprise.
llidil Water, A warm rnln sot in
on Thursday, nnd fell incessantly for
nlKjut twenty-four hours, causing tho
streams to riso very rapidly, nnd tho
wntors woro high yesterday. Wo com
mend the wisdom of Hint far-seeing
(.'oilfiller who refused to return to his
homo nftor being driven out by tho
former high water, because ho looked
fornuothorllko it.
ARRIVED. Tho Areata Monday
evening with passengers as followed :
Mrs. E. M. Lockart nnd son, H. W.
llarselton, R. 1). Lohnhcrs, H. Song
stneken, Miss Campbell, Sophie Story,
Mutt Story, Gluts. Brandt nnd Alex.
Accident. 'In tho dnrkness of
Thursday night, Cnpt. Floyd of the
Satellite fell from the wharf nt Empire
City, striking on the guard of hiw
HtCitmornnd fetched up in the bay. He
wns assisted out, but is suffering con
siderably from his bruises.
At Nouwa y. Wo lenrn Hint tho peo
ple of Norwny nnd vicinity cclcbrntcd
Christmas eve by getting up a splon
did prize tree, followed by a dance ; all
the exercise were well arranged and
pnssed off pleasantly.
Dance at South pout. -They had a
party at Southort on New Years cvo
which is said to have been woll attend
ed and a pleasant affair ; tho school
house affording a good placo for tho
" light fantastic " oxereiscs.
Official Vibit. School Superin
tendent Mooroison tho Day, nnd will
remain two weeks, during which time
lie will visit tho schools in this vicinity
which nro in session.
Another Meat! to tho Interior,
In convocation witli parties In
Douglas county a short tlmo slnco, wo
learned that W, B. Clnrk and othors
residing in Coles Vail) nro contem
plating tho Biirvoy of a wngon rond
from tho settlements on Hubbard's
crook in Douglas county to nnvignblo
wators on Coos rivor, enrly In tho com
ing spring. The dislnneo from tho
head of practicable navigation on
Coos rivor to tho improved country on
Hubbard's crook is, In n direct courso
about eighteen or twonty miles ; and
porsons who have oxplorod this routo
say n good wngon rond onn be made
at ft moderate expense, thoro being
no sorious natural obstnclcs to over
come From tho point whcio this rond
would outer tho Coles Valley settle
mont to Oakland nnd Rosoburg is
about equal distanco, both passing
through n rich farming region, whoro
good roads already exist. It is repre
sented Hint vnltinblo agricultural nnd
timber lauds nro found on tho lino of
this projmsed road, which will bo an
Inducement to its construction, and
tho people of tho Valley aro nwnke
to tho ndvnutngcs to accrue to them
from a shorter routo to tho sea.
Should tho Coos Day Wngon Road,
now involved in litigation, fall into
hands that refuse to Incur tho cxponso
of repairing and putting it in a pass
able condition for wngous, it is mor
ally certain thai a road will bo open
ed on tho Coos river routo; and onco
constructed, tho latter will havo so
great an advantago in distance as well
as grndo, that it will bo likely to ac
comodate n Inrgo proivortlon of tho
travel between Coos river nnd tho in
terior. This road is ono which nntur
nlly forms a part of tho system of
rtmds which will bo ultimately requir
ed to accommodate tho residents of
Coos County, And it will bo hailed ns
a step in tho direction of develop
ment and progress.
Lively times tro reported In Idaho
and Montana Territories.
A mix for tho abolition of slavery
in Cuba has nnwod tho Spanish Senate.
Tho stoamcr Little Annie is making
her regular trips again.
The mill at Parkcrslmrg will start
ngniu in nbout a week.
Dr. D. L. Steele and family have
gono to the Day on a visit.
Tho Christians (Cnmbcllitcs) and
Dnptists aro going to build a church
on tho Elliot Addition thin coming
During tho lato cold simp, the thor
momotcr stood as low as 18"; tho
coldest weather ovor experienced
here so says tho " oldest inhabitant."
T. G. Owen, Esq , of Marshficld,
nnd Judge Nosier of this plnco, luivo
been Inking depositions of witnesses
in tho caso of Coos county vs. A. J.
Rev. Paul A. Smith, of tho Uni
vernal is t fnlth, closed on Sunday oven
ing, a courso of very instructive ser
mons. Ho wns rownrded by tho ac
cession of six new members to tho
Uuivcrsalist Church at this placo.
Tho following officers were elected in
'tlm Uuivcrsalist Church on Sunday
evening for the ensuing year : David
Drow, Moderator; John II. Nosier,
Clerk; Dr. Lciiovo, Deacon; Mrs
J. II. Noslor, Deaconess. City, Dec. 30, 1870.
Dukak Down. Lusc'a mill at Em
pire City, broke her shaft, knocked
her cylinder head out, and broke
down generally yesterday morning.
Mr. Staupk is ongagod in fitting up
tho room in tho first floor, north end
of tho Acndomy building, for n por
tion of tho juvcnilo department. Ar
rangement aro also made to have
that room properly warmed and niado
cnmfortablo for tho pupils who aro
taken thoro for recitation.
W. C. Events, who was selling fruit
dryers in this county a yevr or two
ngo, has boon arrested in Douglas
county, charged with obtaining mon
ey from Hans Weaver, of Myrtle
creek, under falso protenco. His ex
amination wns to tnko placo on tho
127th ult.
W. M. Adams, from l'lacor county,
California, who has located a claim
on Ton Mile, has returned from Cali
fornia, nnd is prepared to go to work
in earnest in improving.his claim nnd
opening n road so that it will bo ac
cessible Collvkh's fruit dryer that has been
in operation for a fow weeks post, has
suspended for the season. Tho dryer
has dono much loss tho past season
Than any previous year sinco it was
CouktyCoukt will bo in session
noxt week, tho commissioners being
in nttondonco for County business on
nnd after Wednesday, Thoro is a
light civil docket, but u largo amoun
of County business.
"i)u. I). L. Steele, of Coqulllo City
is stopping for a fow days at tho Cen
tral Hotel in this plnco. Forsoim do
siring to liavo first-class dental work
performed should not fail to give him
a call boforo ho returned to thu rivor.
At tho residence of tho brides par
ents on tho Cobuillu rivor, Dec. 24th,
1879., Capt. Win. Hammorburg and
Miss Alica 1. Lowe. Doth of Coos
The parly given at Empire City on
Now Year's night, notwithstanding
tho inclemency of tho woathor, was
largely attended and was altogether a
pleasant affair.
The question of tho proprioty of en
acting a "no fence law" in Washing
ton terry tory is being agitated to somo
Wm. G. Webster has purchased of
Charles A. Lindgren tho houso nnd
lot near tho Neics ofllco, occupied by
Mr. Cox.
The first instnlmout of back paper
mail arrived last Sunday, since which
wo havo had another dearth of news
papers. Superintendent Moore has a supply
of blank reports for tcaohcrs and dis
trict clerks which can bo hud upon
The literary exercises which have
boon suspended during the holidays,
will probnbly bo rovlvod now that tho
festivities aro ovor.
Oiiah Forslund has tho premium
cat; ho went into thoy liny ono dny
Inst wcok, and caught and brought
ashoro n wild duck,
J. R. Cleaves, tho jeweler, has lato.
ly rccoivod nn assortment of now jew
elery, and ho offers spcoial induce
ments to purchasers.
"Dun" Crake of Rosoburg enmo
through to tho Day on Thursday. Ho
says tho road in tho canyon is not yet
passable for a horso.
Tin: Clotty brothers, of Empire City,
went down tho buy on Thursday with
n lighter containing sixty tons of coal
from Newport and Eustport.
W. R. McKkksik of Gardner wns
lately married to Miss Alico Fullorton
of Cnnyonvillo.
Tho Areata was ready to nail Thurs
day, but wm dolulnod by tho heavy
weather prevailing.
D, C. Ireland, Esq., editor of tho
A$torian,hnn bcon elected nmyor of
Ice frozo In Ban Francisco on tho
23d, strong enough to bear a person's'
The DcmoornticStato Central Com
mlttco nro called to meet at Salem on
tho 8th inetnnt.
Carrie, oldost daughter of F.A
Smith, of Salem, died a fow days sinco
of consumption.
Joe Lynch has gono, or is going
to Portland to work at tailoring for
Fishcl A Roberts.
J. J. Comhtock proposes to build n
largo clovnlor and wnrchouso nt Roso
burg in tho Spring.
Dr. Burkell hss returned from
California, nnd will practice his pro
fession in Rosoburg.
O. N. Denny of this Stnto has beon
nominated Consul General at Shang
hai, vico Dnilcy, recalled.
Mnstor Herbert Locklmrt returned
on tho Areata, from Sun Frnncisco,
whero ho hnd been on n visit.
McCrary, ox-Sccrctary of War,
has been appointed ono of tho Jus
tices of tho Supremo Court.
Tin: dispatches from northern Min
nesota report tho lomporaturo 50
below zero in tho lato cold snap.
Adam Day, n pensioner of the war
of 1812, and a. pioneer of tho Umpqua,
died in Iloseburg on tho 20th, aged 84
Alexander Ramsey, of Minnesota
has beon nominated for tho position
of Secretary of Wnr in the stead of
Two pork packing firms at Oregon
City nro doing a larger business than
usual this full, and paying good prices
for hogs.
The only boii of Col. Samuel Colt,
of revolver fame, recently attained
his majority and with it tho possession
of 2,000,000.
A petition asking Congressional
aid for tho improvement of tho Yam
hill river is being circulated in Yam
hill county.
The nstouishing success of Edison's
electric light invention hns caused
stock in gas companies to fall to a
very low figure.
It is said that Den Rtitlcr spent
1000 for postage stumps during his
late unsuccessful contest for tho ofllco
of Governor of MnssachusotU.
J. M. Noler was tho Republican
caudidato for Auditor in Spokane
country. W. T., at an election which
took place a short time since.
An amendment to tho conrtitutiou
has been introduced in tho House, de
claring that polygamy shall not exist
within tho limit of tho United States.
Tun pcoploof Eustport indulged in a
danco on New Years ove. Wo regret
that a previous engagement prevented
our accepting an invitation to bo
At n meeting of tho Donrd of Trus
tees lust Wednesday night, liquor
licenses woro grunted to John Dear,
Wm. Rcichcrt, Ed. Hayward, and
John Stora.
Charles Scastrcnm of Ten Mile was
married last week to Annie Jordan.
Tho mnrringo took placo nt Empire
City, and Judgo Dull of this place
Congressman Lay, of. Missouri,
died in Washington on the 8th. He
had been in fccbla health for somo
time. Tho immediato causo of his
death was paralysis.
The Government of Tahiti has
granted a subsidy of 150.000 yearly
fornliuo of steamers botween Papite
and San Frnncisco. Tho lino will bo
started next Spring.
The Grant Reception Committee of
Portland had a surplus of about 600
over thoir expenditures, which they
honorably divided among tho charit
able iustutions of tho city.
L. L. Williams has arrived n
Rosoburg, on return from n protracted
visit to tho Yellowstono country
Ho was warmly welcomed by his
many frionds in Douglas county,
A correspondent says that now n
dnys ovory woman of sooinl position
in XSow York", moUola or paints, or
photographs, or translates, or curves,
or chisols, or rends Sancript or politi
cal economy.
"Blue Jeans" Williams, Govern
or of Indiana, declined to attend tho
grand reunion of tho Army of tho
Tonnosseo, which latoly took placo in
Chicago. Did not wunt to " rouuito '
with that crowd.
The Attorian is informed by the
Hon, J. II. Mitchell that ho recoutly
traveled somo distance with Cnpt, Jus
0 Eades, and that Mr. Endcs promised
him that ho would, at no distant day,
como to Oregon, nnd tako u look at
tho Columbia rivor bar,
A titters Meswlen Profenblc.
Thoro is a noticeable and unusual
haste on tho part of tho various com
mittees in Congress to got tho rcgu
lar appropriation bills of the session
ready for passage It is announced
Hint It is tho result of n conforenco
botwen Speaker Randall nnd his
Democratic associates, nt which it
was concluded that the Democratic
party would ho injured In tho coin
ing cnnvnss by tho prolonged session,
nnd that it is desirable to adjourn by
tho first of May. Thoy seem to hnvo
decided to attempt no tariff or finan
cial legislation nt this session. Tho
reason is, that tho party is not uni
ted nnd cannot unilo on any propo
sition relating to nn important cliango
in the tariff, or tho finances. Tho
great and ruinous mistake which they
mado in tho extra session of Inst sum
mer hns mndo them timid ; nnd, rec
ognizing the fact Hint the present is a
critical poridtl, they wish to avoid as
suming n decided position on theso
great questions. They will denounce
the oxisting Inws and tho party Hint
enacted them, but uro unable to
unite upon nny reformatory measure
in thcpftlniscs. Thoy havo not oven
confidence enough in any of their
theories (o risk the judgement of tho
country upon them, and to avoid tho
effect of possiblo blunders, thoy hasten
to ndjourn.
ftced Rent.
Tildcn is reported ns snying Hint
the Robinson fight was not his fight.
Ho was engaged in private aflairs and
could not manage it. When asked if
ho could carry his own Stale at the
Convention, lie said he undoubtedly
could ; that it wns not a question of
being nominated, but it was a ques
tion of election. Ho thought the
Democratic candidate could be elected
but for himself, he wanted quiet and
rest, and said ho never was a candi
date" While it is undoubtedly true
that ho "needs rest," and that he
ought havo it licnco forward, there is
every reason to believo that ho is ex
cccdingly anxious to become Presi
dent, and that no voice but that of
tho people, either in tho convention
or at tho polls will bo accepted to con
sign him to Hint quiet, which for his
own good ns well as that of the conn
trp, ho should enjoy.
Hnn DoriImko Mralcsrcd.
A Havana dispatch of tho 4th of
December, hit tho following : Advic
ca from San Domingo to tho 20th ult
imo, say tho sicgo of tho city is now
effective, tho revolutionists having
completely surrounded it on land.
Tho only outlet is by sea. President
Guillcrmo had mado a last effort to
dislodge tho rovolulionistson tho 14th,
nttneking Monte Plata, but nfter n
hard fight was routed nnd obliged to
tnko refuge in tho city, with n small
escort ns liisnrmy, disbanded.
President Guillcrmo is momentarily
expected to resign. Tho city cannot
support a long siege, as provisions aro
scarce. 'IJic whole Republic has join
ed in the revolution.
Tlio UnTjr Deportment.
Of tho several departments of the
Government, that of tho Navy appears
to have been managed with the great
est economy during the past year.
Secretary Thompson has rendered his
account for tho last fiscal year, ending
Juno 30, 1870, and returned to the
Treasury Department the sum of 1,-
500,000 as the unexpended balance of
tho npproprintions for tho Navy De
partment. Tho entire appropriations
by Congrcsi was only a little over 13,
000,000, says the Statesman. Such an
occurrence ns nn unexpended nppro-
priatiou has never beforo been heard
of in the history of Hie Government,
and for tho past twenty years, there
has never been n session of Congress
whoro thcro has not been nn applica
tion for money to cover defiencios in
the expenses of the Navy.
Bceclier'a Alleged Blasphemy.
Henry Ward Dccchor,who has been
distinguished for overstepping tho
customs of tho ministerial profession
in the manner of his speech, is charged
by tho World as using the following
language. If ho used this language,
it is probable that it was in connection
with further remarks which would
quniify and explain it", andthc publi
cation of this extract, unaccompanied
by the context, docs him an injustice :
"Who was Jesus?" A peasant, a
mechanic at a period of tho world
when workmen were very low in tho
social scale ; nnd if ono had asked who
was tho Divinity whom you worship,
ho would havo said, Jesus. Of what
country? Nazareth. Who were his
parents? Joseph and Mary, reputed
ly. Who was his mother? Mary,
who just escaped divorce through the
magnanimity of her betrothed. Who
was his father? No one a bastard
Jow. What was his country? Judea.
What did ho do? Worked ns a car
penter in the shop of his putative
father. What became of him? He
was charged with a violation of tho Ro
man laws, tried and convicted and
put to death. A bastard Jewish me
chanic: a malefactor put to death for
violuting the laws of his country! Is
that tho fellow you bring to mo to wor
ship? Now, if you look at things
from tho surface, Jesus was that and
that only ; and Paul, having the high
est training, might easily have thrown
over all the poetic veil of mystery.
Jtnrdcr lu Eaotcrn Oregon.
The CSInnt Motor.
AH inventions promising
menu in the power by which machin
cry is propelled aro mattoru of univer
sal interest. Tho Now York Commer
cial Bulletin says that the engineers of
tho marine underwriters and othors
to whom the knolcdgo of the fact has
come, aro deeply exercised by tho
successes in the application of tho
giant motor obtained from bisulphide
of carbon mixed with petroleum, for
which a patent was taken out by a
Pittsburg firm last April. It promises
to revolutionize machinery motors
The mctor consists in tho transmission
of the above chemical agents from the
chamber of a condenser to tho boiler
of an ordinary non-condensing steam
engino, the boiler being filled with
water heated lo about 200 dcg. pros
sago. As high as 200 pounds per
square incjtfis rapidly developed from
the vaporhus gonernted nnd easily
A Weston dispatch of tho 25th, an
nounces that the Tuesday before, Jas.
II. Turner, editor of tho Eatt Oregon-
tau, killed a slicep herder named
Harry Strobe. Tho circumstances
are as follows: v. L. Black and
Strobo had some words, when Strobe
struck Black in tho fuce, whereupon
Turner took Dlack's place, and a fight
ensued, Turner getting the worst of it.
Turner then went to his room, pro
cured a dirk knife and sought Strobe,
whom ho found in Matlock's saloon.
On seeing him, Turner went up to
him and pushed him aside, when
Strobe asked him what ho meant ;
whearat Turner stabbed him through
tho heart, killing him instuntly. Mr.
Turner has hretoforo borne a good
character, and Strobe has been'known
as ahard caso.
Mrh. McCook, mothor of tho " fight,
fng McOooks," died recently at her
homo in Now Lisbon, 0. She wm
tho mother of one Major-Ocnoral,
two Drigadior-Gcncrsls and Captains,
etc., to tho number of six or seven all
The leading Democratic citizens
of Richmond county, Virginia, peti
tioned Judgo Jones to include with
in tho jury list, such colored citizens
of tho county ns iho court shall think
qualified to servo ns jurors. Judge
Jones granted tho order.
The Benton County Blade learns
that on Saturday, November 29th,
William Lawless, formerly of Albany,
wns accidentally killed near Newport.
in falling n tree, a limb struck him on
the head rendering him senseless.
His son and an other man assisted
him homo, where ho died in a few
Miss Yocum, a school teacher of
Kittitat valley, has taken up a land
claim, fenced it, built a house upon
it, and this year raised G12 bushels of
grain, besides attending to her duties
as a teacher. She has abundantly
demonstrated her ability to support a
husband, and may be expected lo pro
pose to somo ono next year.
A late Boston dispatch says of tho.
late election in which qualified female
suffrage wns allowed : A novel feature
of the election is the presence of
women at the polls, where they were
courteously treated. A majority
of the women registered have
voted. The polling places were never
so quiet and Oiddriy as to-day.
The destruction of tho dams of
nearly all the princial rivers in" Hun
gary and Transylvania and terrible in
undations arc again filling the public
msnd with anxiety. But for the in
tense cold, ranging from 15 to 20 de
grees, Rcaumar, G rosso Vardein and
several villages around tho city would
have shnred the fate of Szegedin.
Letter List. Letters remaining
in the Post Office at Marshfield, Coos
comity, Oregon : Robert G. Bicker- "
ton, Captain Kuslct, (2), Johan Kan
ken, Mrs. C. A. Waters, E. B. Willis,
Gottleib Merserli, J. A. Polbcrt,
A. L. Wilson, A. Wilson. Held for
postage, Rev. R. C. Loesch.
A. Nasburq, P. M. .
A special dispatch to tho Tribune
from El Paso states that tho Apaches
under Chief Ju, numboring a htm
dron, engaged in n light with Mexi
cans in Chihuahua on tho Mi. Ju
lost 60 killed uud wounded.
Two Hundred MIIcm or Rnll
way In 1880.
It is officially announced in Now
York, says a Into dispatch, that the
Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.
havo purchased steel rails, locomo-
motives and equipments for 200 miles
of standard gauge railroad, to bo con
structed in Eustorn Oregon nnd Wash
ington Territory during tho year
18S0. Fiftcon hundred tons of rails
nro now on board the ship Orient,
soon to sail from Cardiff for Portland,
Ono hundred miles will bo built from
Tho Dalles up tho Columbia river to
connect with tho existing Wnlln Wnllu
railroad ; 50 miles moro will bo an ex
tension of the latter to Snnko rivor,
mid tho romninder will connect Texas
Ferry, on Snako river, with tho heart
of Fulouso country,
A Sentimental Flame. -Tho Char
lotto N. C, Obterrer tells of a citizen
of that county, who, having married
in 184.1. lighted a firo nn hia linird..
Stone as soon ns ho carried his hririn
1 In liid nmv lininn n iwl lino 1a . I Kwn
.W ...U ..Ul, MVUIb, IH.W 4IWI RVjJl n uui If
ing ever since. Tho citizen being
questioned about tho matter, says that
through all these 3G years has never
been allowed to go out, In reply to
a question, ho said that in summer
weather, when it was necessary for
comfort's sake to keep tho firo burning
very low, ho had to get up frequently
at night to roplenish it slightly, but
that he counted this as nothing when
ho contemplated that firo going out.
no nau eviuenuy lormea lor it a
strong attachment, and yet ono would
not tako him for a sentimental man.
But this firo is to him a constant re
minder of tho day when ho first
brought home his brido. Around it
his children have grown up into man
hood and womanhood, and their chil
dren have gazed into its light. It was
tho last light that fell upon tho eyes of
his wife, and ho hopes Unit it will bo
tho lust that will fall upon his. View
ed thus, his sentiments in tho matter
can be understood, and so strong is
this sentiment that with the old man
it amounts almost to a passion.
In Marshfield, January 1st, 1880.
Charles, infant son of J. T. and Hattio
McCormac, aged 3 weeks and 3 days.
Sweet flower, transplanted to a clime
Where never comes the blight of time.
Portland papers please copy.
The Wjhtei-aw Sold, -A San
Francisco paper says : Tho steamor
Whitelaw, recently reported as sold
to Mexico, has bocn in fact purchased
by Costa Rica morchnnts, nnd will
run botweon Punta Arona nnd Pana
ma in connection with tho Costa Rica
, The Toronto Mail nnnouncos tho
development of a gold mine, in the
Chandiero region, about six miles
south of Quebec. Considerable excite
ment prevails ; nuggets, in years past,
neon brought in from this region by
lumbermen, but tho washing of
earth for dust, latoly has been very
successful, Tho tract in which is this
discovorey, has lately fallen into
American hands, who wcro tho par
ties making tho discovory. Ameri
cans hnvo also lately purchased tho
ininos nt Modoe, which created a stir,
somo timo sinco.
Land Office, )
Rosebcro, Or., Dec. 19, 1879. J
that the following named settler
has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his -claim,
and secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from
of date this notice, viz: John E.
Hare, Preemption declaratory state
ment No. 3CG5, for the NE of SE.
section 20, W of SW, section 21
and NWtf of NW section 28,T30,
Sit 14 W, and names the following as
his witnesses, viz : John Langlois of
Curry county, and Frank Lancrlois
of Curry county, Oregon.
wit. F. Benjamin,
52 Register.
Land Officf, )
Roseduko, Or., Dec. 9, 1879.J
I that the following named settler
has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his
claim, and secure final entry thereof
at tho expiration of thirty days from
tho date of this notice, viz : Daniel
G. Otto, Homestead application No.
2411, for the lots 1, 2 and 5, SW of
SE, section 15, T41, S R 13 W, and
namo.s the following as his witnesses,
viz : D. B. Cooley. of Currv countv.
and James Cooley, of Curry county,
Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin,
32 Register.
Land Oefice,
RoSEni'ito, Or., Dec. 17, 1879. f
that the following named settler
has file I notico of his intention to
make final proof in support of his
claim and secure final entry thereof
at tho expiration of thirty dayB from
dato of this notice, viz : John Mor
ris, homestead application No. 2429,
for the S of NEi, nnd V of SEK
Sec. 80, T23 S R 12 West ; and names
tho following as his witnesses, viz:
Samuel Belieu, of Coos county, and
John Rodabaugh, of Coos county. -
52 Wm. F. Benqamin, Register.
There will not bo any further tos
timony taken by the Senato Com
mittco on privileges and olections in
in the SpnfTord Kollog investigation
beforo tho holiday recess. No nddi
tionnl witnessos havo bcon subpenicd,
and sovornl members of tho Commit
too aro of tho opinion that none will
bo askod for. Tho roport will bo sub
mitted probnbly in January.
Notice of Fteal Proof.
Land Office,
RosEiiuua.Or., Dec. 27th,1879.j
that tho following named settler
has filed notice of his-intetioBte
maku final proof in support of his
claim, and secure final entry thoreof
nt the expiration of thirty days from
tho dato of this notico, viz: John
Morris, Homestead Application No.
2423, for tho S) of NEK and WU of
SEi. section 30 T28 S R 12 W.. and
names tho following as his witnesses,
vfz : Samuel Belieu of Coos county,
and John Rodabaugh, of Coos county,
Wm. F. Benjamin,
fl Register.
$S to 999 per day at homo. Samples
worto 5 free. Address Stinson & Co.
Portland, Maine.
$M a week inyour own town. Toniv -and
5 free. AdurossII, HallettiJc Co,
Portland, Maine.
" 'f &r
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