The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 03, 1880, Image 1

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Vol. 3.
' MA.RSHITIElLr, OR., STtTHD A.Y, Jan. 3, I88O.
ISJo. lv
The Coast Mail.
Mnrshfleld, Coos Co., Or.
Terms, lu Advance
One year $'- CO
Hix months 1W)
Throo tnontliB - 1 00
Exr-iur. Citv, Onuuox.
0. U. GOLDEN, M.D.
MAiinnmi.n, Orkuok.
C. W. TOWER, M. I).
MAiisurinu), OitKiios.
W. C. ANGEL, M. I).
Coqulllc City, Oyn.
8. H. IlAZAKI), J. W. nAMIl.TOX
Will practice in tlie various, court
of tho state.
MAKtiiriELti, Our.oos.
Collection Mini other business placed
tu my baud, will rct-chc prompt alien
1I.. vl-:i-tf
w. r. WRIGHT,
V, S. Mineral ami IT. H. Deputy
Conuii.u: Citv, Onx.
Will olli-nd to the buslnessof surveying
in nnv part of lite county.
Perfect iiiftjmof nil surveyed lands, fur
ulshcd ut abort not Ire.
E. U. (1 KIND HOI),
SBKizna OM?v, ouaoow
A share of public patronage in rescct
fully solicited. I :tf
MAUMiiriRi.ii Oiuwox.
ThW Instltutitlou now affords the licst
fmllUli' fur education to lxt found in the
Coast Itvglon of Southern Oregon. The
Academy I graduated into thrvo depart
ments a follows:
The Primary Department
In which Introductory Brunches are
The Junior Jepartment.
Embracing Orthography, Heading,
Writing, Grammar, GeoKrnphy, History,
Physiology, Fumillar Science inul Men
tal uuil Practical Arithmetic.
The Senior DejMtrtment
Embracing Hook-kccpiiiK(inglo anil
double entr)Hotany, Chemistry, I'ollti
i-al Economy, I.atin, Ithetorie, Hlghc
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigo
iioiuctry and surveying.
Instruction In thin brunch Ih given
when desired.
ItoAiin can lw hud for mini f.1 to 4
per week with private families, and for
rttlll loan when several students club to
gether and lxmrd themselves.
Primary Department - - ?
Junior . . .... 7iVI
Keillor . . .... 10,00
J. T. MCCollUAO,
Maixlilleld, Ogn.
1 1 you wantnnennyuhavp,
An good iih barber over guvo,
hint call on mo at my wiIikiii,
From morn 'till uiKlitur by noon;
My razorn' flinrp, acUnoiki't'ii,
My lioi i neat anil towolrt clean ;
And there I think Unit you will ilm!
Knob article to Milt the mind ;
1 trim tholmlrwitli nkill forgonU,
Of coiiro the piico i llfty renta ;
KhniniHMiing, too, 1 do that well,
(livo mu a trial, that will tidl;
Ho help mo gmciou If 1 inako you hoi-
ori . , ..
You nui'd not tiny it ntinrlor of it dollar,
P.H. Hot ami cold Imtlm ready.
' lMbtf
NkctchrM ofoHrHoHthcm C'omt.
Komolliliif,' nioro than n quarter of
a century ban elapsed ninco thu firnt
whito pcttlcmcntH wero cHtablinhcdon
tho Routhcrn count of Oregon. Tho
plouccrN of that day wore not attracted
hither by brood and fertile prairio
land, nor by any temptation to agri
cultural purntiitH, for better lmifln
wore to bo found vacant in other local
ities ; but men were thon, more than
now, in licarch of rapid wealth. They
wanted gold not that bearing the
ntamp of tho mint and tho imprcM of
dovercignty, but thono glittering par-
ttclcn which make the hlcakoat ehor,o
or rudcftt mountain gorge, nioro at
tractive than tho refinements of civl
lixatiou or tlio comforts of home and
the fireside. Tho sands of tho ocean
beach, of what is known as southern
Oregon, were rich in gold ; and the
cvor-sauguiiie miner expected old
Neptuno to replenish theso deposits
from tho fabulous wealth of his lower
depths, as fust as they wero impover
ished by tho hand of man.
Kvcn tho presence of tho tribes of
Indians, nioro or less numerous, to be
found at each inhabitable point along
the coast, and whoso unfriendly pur
poies toward tho pnlc-faeed Intruders
wero morn than suspected, did not d
terthem. They came with wives and
children, mothers and sisters ;amo
to stay, hoping that a few short years
of privation and dangers, would secure
them wealth, society, and comfort.
Willi some few, this hope has been
partially realised ; many have gono to
find its fulnllincnt in tho world be
yond, and some remain, patient,
though disappointed, unsuccessful
yet full of hope for tho future.
The llrst decade of pioneer lifo was
not without its thrilling adventures
and blood-curdling tragedies. Wild
and ferocious beasts have sought
their prey among tho settlers; the
merciless ravages have carved their
victims along tho ocean beach, and
in tho glade; and aguiu, in -turn,
scores of tlio dusky b.irlmriuns have
atoned with their lios for crimes
against tho whites. Few of theso in
cidents Imvo ever been written or
printed; and though oil are engraved
upon thememorv of tlioo who par
ticipated in them, only to bo oflaeed
by death, theso perishiblo tablets are
one by one disappearing from among
us, and iu a few years, should theso
occurrences remain unwritten, the
now living historical facts would be
shrouded in tho doubt and uncertain
ty of tradition. These considerations
shall bo my oxciim) for putting iu
print a few sketches of well authenti
cated facts and incidents of the early
history of tho coast of southorn
tiii: niMT thai:i)V ok iiatiix hock.
Foremost among tho various ob
jects of iutorcst that attract tho at
teutiou of the stumper visiting Pott
Orfonl, is Ilatllo Hock. Tho struc
ture which boaifc this suggestivo
name, is a lock of conglomerate for
mation, rising to tho height of about
fifty feet, and situated immediately
iu front of tho village, and extending
to low water mark iu the harbor. At
high-water it is sui rounded, while at
low-water it is accessible from tlio
shore, and at one point can bo ascend
ed with somodilllcnlti, On the sum
mit of tills rock Is it comparative level
area of a few rods, covered with under
growth and a few stunted pines. Do
foro the luhent of tho whites, tho
inaguilleeut forests of whlto cedar
which covered tho lwiu-h lands ad
joining this harbor, wero tho favorite
liauutsof deer, elk, and other kinds of
game, while tho harbor and coast af
forded various kinds offish in abund
ance, making Port Orfonl a favorite
resort fur tho Indians that inhabited
tho coast. Several villages of theso
people had iniido their homo hero for
centuries, and tlio remains of their
feasts nit shellfish may still bo seen on
overy hand. Tills locality lias been
tho scene of two tiagio incidents, tho
first of which is dcscilbod in this
Iu tho spring of A. I)., 1851, Captain
Win. Tielionor, whoso iiiimo Is inti
mately connected with the history of
tho settlement of Curry county, visit
ed Port Orfonl with it small vessel,
and, being favorably Impressed by
thu hatbor and its surroundings, de
termined to form a settlement there.
Having, as it was supposed, secured
tho good will of tho Indians, who
wero qiiitu numerous, nine intrepid
and experienced fiontiersmon wore
sOntaslioro to secure tho site, while
Tielionor proceeded north, expecting
soon to return with reinforcements
and supplies, The possibility of for
clblo self-defvnco being taken into
uonttldcraftou, in addition to tho arms
by which it pioneer i tilways accom
panied, tho Captain furnished tho col
ony with a ship's carronadc, and witli
powder and sonio lead for slugs.
After tho vosel passed out of tho
harbor, tho lilllo party sot about tho
construction of a log house Tho In
dians, whoso good will had boon pur
chased by sundry presents, at first
looked curiously on, buts'ion gave un
mistakable signs of dissatisfaction
with tlio proceedings, and before three
days had passed, it became evident
that war was browing. Tho warriors
still gathered round, but .the squaws
and children hud disappeared, and
tho increased number of weapons told
tho experienced Indian fighters thai
they must soon defend themselves, or
dio. A hasty consultation decided
their course ; the tidd waa favorable,
and in a short time their ammunition
and provisions wero placed on tho
summit of tho rock. With that
strength and energy born only of im
minent peril, by tho means of ropes
they also succeeded in pulling up tho
heavy carronadc, and planting it in a
hastily constructed breastwork on the
rock. They loaded the picco with
slugs, and wailed tho movements of
the Indians. Tho ocean was unusu
ally calm, and as night drew near, tlio
Indians from Urnsli and Tea creeks,
catno up in canoes, and active prepar
ations wero made for nn attack, lly
tholiglit of tho rising' moon, the im
perilled band could discern the sava
ges on tho bench, till they seemed n
numerous ao the trcei Ireyond. At a
signal from one of tho chiefs, which
was received with a yell of hppftival, ri
storming party riHlied upon this nat
ural rampart, while a show or of arrows
went up from tho canoes on tho water
side. Tlio brave men calmly wailed
tho approach of their reckless and
bloodthirsty assailants, till the nar
row passage near the summit was
thronged with Indians, when the
match was applied to the caronadc.
A deafening rviKirt woke the echoos
of forest and rock, and as it ramo waft
ed back to the ears of the besieged, it
was mingled with the yells of tho liv
ing, mid groans of tho dyfng savages.
And as the smoko slowly lifted, not n
form could be seen, where a few mo
ments lieforc tho Indians stood in ap
puling numbers. A bolt from tho
hand of "Manito" could not have fill
ed thein with greater consternation.
The dead and dying were loft uncarcd
for, and a hasty toticnt was made to
tho woods. These warriors were ac
customed to the scenes of savngo war
fare, but they know nothing of the
uio of artillery, and their terror can
ho imagined, Tho number of tho
killed h in in tho morning, was eight,
hut thu number of tho wounded will
never bo known.
Very little was sqcn of tho Indians
for some days after this event, but
they were watching till hunger should
force the party from their stronghold,
when it was expected they would fall
oasy victims. Once the cannon was
again discharged at a party of In
dians win had taken rcfugo behind n
pilool drift-wood, sending them again
iu hasto to tho forest. Day followed
day, and no signs of relief came; the
Indians were becoming bold, and am
munition and provisions scarce. Ten
days had passed, whon n voto was tak
en", and it was decided to attempt nn
escape. Kindling their firos as usual,
under the cover of darkness they left
their fort, and succeeded in making
their way northward undiscovered.
They traveled by night, and lay con
coalod by day, till they wero heyohd
tho danger o pursuit," Thoy crossed
Coos Hay and proceeded to tho settle
ments of the iiitorior. Captain Tieli
onor returned by stoamer soon nftc"r
tho oscapo of thu party, and found tho
place desortcd ; and tho fate of the
party was, for sonio timo involved iu
A. II, NteylieBM ob Ji-ant.
A Into Augusta, Georgia, dispatch
says: In answor to recent publica
tions, A. II. Ktophons telegraphs to
this city as follows iu relation to
Grant and tho noxt President : "I
have said, and I now repeat, that tho
South might go furthor and faro
worse than to take him. I have said
that I onteitaiu for him personally, a
very high legard and esteem. I have
said, and now repeat, that I prefer
him toTilden for President. This is
no change of opinion on my part. 1
am a Democrat of tho straightest sect
of tlio JofiorsoiUan school."
Oxubenuty of tlio vlictiio light; is
that it burns as well in a rain storm
us in the finest of weather. Ono of
the largo hotels at Saratoga has Its
grounds lit by elccti icily, and tlio ef
fect of tho light on tho raindrops is
doscrlbed as singularly. Juyiutiful.
This, is n new ploa in favori(-hBli.-ilS
Written for tho Coast Mail.
Frostily "no jtopular uprising of
modern times has brought before the
world so many characters distinguish
ed for marked and original personal
qualities, as the French Hcvolution ;
and, crrtalnly, no name in tho an
nals of hat bloody epoch stands forth
iit 'greater prominence than that of
UeAva-i born in, tho cityiot-Arrnsj
ln175SrAli(Wiedrh tho- gnilotlnc 3n
Paris at the early ago of thirty six
years. Tlio son of nn advocatc,andthe
eldest o"f four children, he was left in
orphanage nt an early period by tho
death of his mother, and tho deser
tion of a heartless father. The little
that is known of his childhood and
youth, supports his character for stu
diousuess and good conduct, and his
exemplary standing when at the
school at Arras, secured to him such
a degree of favor with the bishop that
ho wos sent to the collego Louis dc
Grand at at Paris, where lie remained
for cicht While at this insti
tution Ins habits of cloo application
to study gained him much destina
tion, and at tho close of his collegiate
term he entered upon the study of
law. After completing his profess
ional course, he returned to his nativo
city and entered tipou tho practice of
his profession, in which ho soon rose
to distinction. And it is ret-
that his first important cause was iu
defense bf rt charge of impiety caus
ed by tho introduction of Dr. Frank
lin's lightning-rods, iu 1783. Of
humblo birth, and of independent
mind, it is not surprising that his
sympathies w'ero with the humble
classes ns against tho pretentions and
encroachments of an overbearing ar
ristocracy; and amid the period of in
creasing popularity ho was chosen a
member of tho Criminal Court of
Arras. It was while in the discharge
of the duties uf this position that he
was called upon to pronounce the
sentence of death upon a condemn
ed prisoner. Tho circumstances so
wrought upon his mind that ho re
signed his office, and became an ad
vocate of the alolilion of capital pun
ishment, In 1789, he was choncu a
deputy of tho third estate for Artois,
iu which position ho was favored with
increased opportunities for strength
ening his hold opon tho affections of
tho common people. Ho had no in
come besides the eigntecn franca per
day, which wasjiis pay as a deputy,
and with a portion of this he sup
ported a sister who was dependent
upon him. Ho occupied an unfur
nished apartment, and his only coat
was noticed for its soiled and thread
bear appearance. He said that "in
general there is nothing so good nor
sojpt as tho people when not irrita
ted by tho excesses of despotism."
Ho was an ardent advocate of the
equal rights of tho blacks in tho col
onies ; and said in discussion on tho
subject: "Let tho colonics perish
rather than a principle." After the
deaUi of Miraboau, noman in France
wjelijed such power jts Hobcspirro.
Ofitho mobs, riots and massacres of
tho early part of the French Revolu
tion, ho was always an wlvocato; and
generally a leader f but iu all thoue
fnoxcusabld excesses ho claimed to bo
pursuing the public good, nnd exter
minating only the enemies' Of tho lib
cities of the people; and when a revo
lutionary tribunal was established to
try,tho jmpriiics of tho jMJoploho was
proposeuCio proido ovcr'lt. Ho de
clined for the reason that it was not
jui.tfor him to try Jhot-o whom he had
already -denounced and condemned.
The frightful massacre In tho prjsons
on tho 2d and d day of September,
of which Dantoii was tho moving
spirit,- wore denounced by Robes
pierre, and it must Iks admitted that
he was loss bloodthirsty and nioro rea
sonable than many of his coadjutors.
At ono time, shocked by tho wanton
butchery of innoevnt men by whom
ho was surrounded, ho propositi n
commlttco of justices to enquire into
ancsts, and to guard against tho
sacrifice of innocent persons, but in
tho end ho was defeatod. Had ho
been endowed with the boldness and
ambition of Napoleon, he would havo
made himself Dictator of of Franco ;
but ho was wanting in personal cour
age, and said of himself -'I was not
made to itile, I was mitdo to combat
tho enemies of tho people." Probiu
bly tho most indefensible, act of his
lifo, was that of countenanoint; tho
death of Dantoii, who had boon his
associate nnd friend, and tho words of
tho distinguished Jacobin scented
prophetio when ho exclaimed at the
place of execution: "Robespierre
will follow I drag him after mo."
RobcBpicrro favored tho condemna
tion of tho King, and tho establish
ment of the revolutionary tribunal
clothed with supreme executive pow
er ; but ho cannot justly be held res
ponsible for all of tho excesses of that
body. In the attempt to make him
self moro perfectly master of Franco
by ridding the Conventions of his en
emies, he failed and became suspected
even by his former friends; and for
the last six weeks of his life, ho was
without power or control, and in jus
tification of his former conduct, he
asks that if in that period "faction
had been less audacious or tho coun
try happier." When his death was
decreed by the Convention, his friends
proposed n rescue, but he said, " the
death of ono man Is less hurtful to
the republic thsn tho example of re
volt against tho National Convention."
He was arrested nnd tried in the sum
mary manner which disgraced that
epoch, and in the evening of July 28,
179-1, was executed by the guillotine.
Nagraclty of Doge.
Tho possibility of teaching dogs to
perform various feats is well known.
At an exhibition in London, amongst
their histrionic performances was the
representation of a siege. The scene
consisted of fortress with three ranges
of ramparts, while in the distance be
hind appeared the buildings and steep
les of a town. Tho ramparts were
guardnd by soldiers in uniform, each
armed with a musket or sword of an
appropriate size. All these wercvlogs
and their duty was to defend me walls
from an attacking party, also dogs,
whoso movements now commenced
the operations of the siege. A recon
noitring party now advanced, and the
chief, habited as an officer of rank,
with great circumspection surveyed
the fortification. But his movements
and the consultation with his troops,
was observed By a sentinel on tho
ramparts, and the party was fired up
on, and this seemed to bo a signal to
call every man to his post.
Tho troopi advanced to the cscal
ade, with tho necessary aparatus for
scaling tho walls and stoiming the
fortifications. The drums boat to
arms, and tho fearful bustlo of war
faro ojicncd in earnest. Smoke pour
ed out in volleys from shot-holes ; tho
bchicging forces pushed forward iu
masses, regardless of the fire, and
amid much confusion and scrambling,
sc&linglnddors were raised against the
walls. Then wos the grand tug of
war. The leaders who first ascended
were opposed with great gallantry by
the defenders. Tho chief of the as
sailants did wonders; he was seen
now here, now there, animating his
men, and was twice hurled with lad
ders and followers, from tho second
gradation of ramparts; bat ho was
invulnerable, and seemed to receive
an accession of courage on every fresh
repulse. The scene become of an ex
citing nature. The rattle of the min
aturc cannon, the roll of the drums,
tho sound of trumpets, tho heroism of
tho actors on both sides, imparted an
idea of reality that for a moment
made the spectator forget that he was
looking on a performance of dogs.
Not n bark was heard in the struggle.
After numerous hairbredth escapes,
the chief sumiounted the third lino of
fortifications, followed by his troops;
tho enemy's htaudard was hurled
down, and tho victor's flag hoisted in
its place; tho ramparts wero manned
by tho conquerors ; tho smoko cleared
away and tho battle was won.
I.aad by
A company has leen formed in
Ghiscow, Scotland, says an exchango,
to operate in tho forest lands of Ore
gon and Washington Territory, for the
purposo of utilixing a process of clear
ing forests by steam, introduced into
Scotland u few years since. This
method is as follows: A traction en
gino of twolvohorso power is stationed
some distance from tho wood, and a
wiro chain is fastened to tho tree.
Steam Is then put on, and tho trco is
pulled forcibly out by tho roots. Up
wards of WO hundred trees per day of
ten hours con bo pulled out by this
proces-s. Tho company will com
mence operations with fifty engines,
which aro now being manufactured
for them, to bo located and worked in
different scctlous of tho country, and
it is calculated, in tho courso of a few
years, tho wholo Northwest of tho
United States will bo cloarcd and
opened up for settlement. We would
speak for about itvo uf theso engines
for Coos county. Wo Imvo tho soil
that will justify clearing, if it can bo
found in tho world.
Sviuciiun: or tho M.jl,
V;nJHHt UlMcrimlnatloa;
The following is from the pen of
Madge Morris, as published in tho ,,
San Jose Mercury: When two hu- .'
man beings, ruled by the same myslc
rioug nature, have yielded to tempta-'
tion and fallen, what i this monster-'
of social distinction that excuses the
sin of one a3 folly or indiscretion,--whilo
it makes that of tho other a
crime, which .a lifetime cannot re-
tricve? It is a strange justice ithat-;
condones tho fnult of one whilo jt-
condemns the other even to dcajh.
that gives to ono, when dead, fpnerot
rites and Christian lj,a'JlPlljf,Jiw
other tho Morgtic and a dishonored
grave, simply pecauso one is a Mrortg
man and the other a weak woman.
And it is a stranger sadder truth that
'tis woman's influence which mctcu
out this strange injustice to woman. "
Mother, if you must look with scorn
and cohtempt upon the woman whof -,
through her love for some man, haa
gono down to destruction, do not
smilingly acknowledge her paramour
a worthy suitor for your own unsullied
daughter. Maiden, if you must
snceringly raise your white hand and
push back into the depths of pollution'
the woman who seeks to reinstate' '
herself in the path of roctitutc, do not
permit the man who keeps half a doz-"
en mistresses to clasp his arm aroundt
your waist to the soft measure of tho
" Beautiful Blue Danube." If the ban .
of society forbids that you say to the,
penitent, sin-sick sisVer," Go and sin
!no more ;" if you must consign hettd
tho life of infamy which inevitably
follows ths deaf ear which you turn
upon her appeal, then do it; but-Tu
God's name do not turn around an'
throw open the doors of your homes,
and welcomo to the sanctity of yourf
family altars tho young man ft ho' ,en-
ticcd her to ruin. 'j
A CoBlract.' -
A and B. are two men with a capi
tal of o000 each. A goes to thc,vil-.
lagc, rents a house, and lends lya
money at 10 per cent. B buys, a
farm, stocks it, and moves upon it
with his family. A manages, 'by
working at one thing and another, to
earn enough to pay his rent and
clothe his family. His insurance,
grocery bill and taxes come out of tho
interest on his money. B uses all tho
milk, butter, eggs, vegetables,- frujt,
etc., that his family require all be-,
ing raised on tho farm. The surpl,ua
sales pay his grocery bills and clotho
his family. Ho sells .fHXXMvorth of
grain and stock. After paying-Jills
hired help, taxes, repairs. insufanco
and other bills, he had 400 dollars
left as the result of his years' labor.
Which of tho two men have made tho
most money? We believe thc'TanncT
has ; and yet, with just such n'-show-ing,
many of them aro dissatisfied,
and envy A, who li e3 in tO)vn, nnel
who has hard work to keep up his
stylo of living on the proceeds of liii
labor, and the $300 interest that he
annually receives. -"iT
Tllotiumcnt to Andre.
Mr. Cyrus W. Field hasdediciHed-a.
memorial stono to tho memory of
Andre. It markes the place of hicx
ecutiou and burial. It was uncovered
at noon October -, as nearly as possi
ble at tho same hour that Andre was
hanged. But few persons were pres
ent, and not a word was spokch oy any
one. Tho remains of Andre rcposo
with tho illustrious dead at Westmin
ister Ablicy. They were exhumed and
carried to England in 1S21 by -tho
Duke of York, who was sent over by
tho British government for that4pur
pose. E.vkth Eatehs. Many Indians cat
clay, partly to still hunger, partly to.
create iuward comfort nnd partly to
season their fowl. In many regions
of Africa clay or loam is devoured,
simply as an articleof food, as Mungo
Park htales. Iu Tripoli tho women
eat an ash-gray earth culled niaulun,
as Hnuwolt Informs us. .In tho timo
of famino tho most various substances
aro eaten. During the thiity yeart
war, fossil dust was consumed in Pom
crania, Dessau and other places.
Travelors in thu polar regions havo
often cooked and oaten tho soles of
their shoes. In Java, China, Slant
and Bengal clay is generally eaten ;
even cssels of chtynro (joten. Clay
as an ortioloof food, is told in tho
markets of China, Bengal and so 6Ji,
EhtonberKi who about ton years ago
wrote on tho earth-catingof tho Clli
nese, found infusoria in tho kinds of
clay sold in tho tho. Chinese markets
Ax exchange says ; An Iow;& wonv
un gavohor husband morphlno to cure
him of chewing tobacco. ' "Icured
J Win. lintiho V doing her own'faIl
allowing,' " v-' "'" "i"J
t-".l .5V.k
4-' 'if
V ' i
to j-u. i1L rf-- -
.-41 V "V
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