wVmsM 'if Tj-gt-CT- y- - )ny 'f-wrtr yniti r'yj)BPil . 3GSy M The Coast Mail. I WW WWW WWWWIWW WMBPW PitoHi'KrTiNci." Tluit indefnlig iihlo'iioHpcelor, A. II. lllnclif lctitrn- ed last week from n prnujiocliiiK town in tliu inutintiiiiiH near tlio head of Sixes river. Hoth ho mid liirthoi'HO iioro ovidoiu'CH of having lind u linrd (hue. Ho nays ho was Hiiuwcd in a canyon for Urn dnys, lint lliiully nmdo hM way out well loaded with specimens, lie rcportH finding m'Vonil lends, which ho thinks will ereulo u Hlir during tlic coining censon, and tlio Hlnloniunl in lirctly well hacked hy the pmnpluit of lock which ho brought. I'njist Complaint. Our contem porary complains heeiinso the Orriif niun comes Uikmij-Ii from Itoxeburg with the letter iniiil, while no oilier paper intill in carried. Wo understand tlmt (lie load in in such H condition I lint the carrying of paper mail ii iui pnsihlc, hut hy special io(iieit llio Oiftjnnitni is forwitidod. Tlio IU'hIIiii is, whether it Is hettor to have one wiiii ce of news or none nt all, It Ik ii very seiious inconvenience to have one's mail inton opted in thin manner, hut the puhlie nut hotter served tluin if no papers were can led. So Id' he reasonable mid "invuit the coiiino of events " Ni.w Tr.Mi'iuiANCi: l'.vi'int. -We have received the prospectus of the l'wiJ1c Champion, a semi-monthly joiiriud to ho started hy tho Wnhioii Diothors, publisher of tho Stat? Line ltrruUI, in l.itkoview, l.ako county It is to ho devoted to temperance nod ...... ... . . . 1 t'liucaiioii ; unit ikiiii toe miiTciw which has attended tlio p.ipor iiiidor tho management of Uickc gentlemen, wo have no doubt of thuir ability to get up a good pnper. It Ik to com mend January 1st, nud 11.00 per your in the price of subscription. CiuiisiMVH Tiiki:. The citizens of thls'phteo celebrated Christmas ove. with llio usual Ohiislnia trro oxer ciiert at the Academy, which passed oil' very pleasantly. The numhor In attemliiiiee was large, nud tho oecit ion uiih enjoyed hy nil, exeept tho ha lites, Minn of wlmm vvoio ory em jihntie in the ixpiehiu of thoir tlit nppu'Wilof tlio perfoiiuaitce. AsoTHKit (imsr Mn.t.. Mr Von l'cgert in preparinjf to put n grist mill nt hit plneo on tho Curpiillc rivor. He piopixes to Imvo a enhinet shop in I'ouncitioii with the mill, nud under the xiiiiie roof. He huit a ipinutity of lumber on tho ground for building purposes, whieh wns oarried oil by h the bit' freshet, hut tho Ion will not prevent hii e.oing nhond with the project in the spring, Misixo koii Ai'ri.iw.I'rohaldy llioi heniel low hv tho Inlo llood on mih ner, is Win. MeKnight ; liis fnriii wns badly dniiiaged hy tho Ions of fenting.nnd by hoingwnsliedawny in places. Ho had a laro quantity of apples gnlhcrcd mid in his upplo limine, which ho has oiueo heou em ployed in separating fiom tho allu vium hy which thoy were covered. Asu Ti.Mlii:a. The manager of the l'nikershurg mill niouUiut to got out u ipiiinlity of ash timber for tho Sail i'mncinco market. They propimo to p.iy $S 00 pur thousand for tho lojps, Jlellvcrcd nt the mill boom. The Hmpiro City tailor gunrintee.s to give his customers tits. Wi: understand that T. J. Pally hns token chnrgo of the Coos City hotel. Tur.ui: is to bo a hall nt Hmpiro City Now Vciii'm night, whieh will douht Ipss ho largely attended. Ku'KI.H'f's now grist mill nt Myr tle Tolnt is in operation, turning out a good (pinlity of Hour. Tut: Myrtle which has boon undor going icpiiirsforn fow dnys, luinmod her trips on Wednesday, Hack-i.ii'k's steamer, l ho Little Annie bus been laid up for lopalis during tho past ten days, hut sho is probably again running. It llt:ii.M.v has ono of most com plete stocks of general merchandise in the county, in Ids stole in Myrtle Point, of which K Honden is manager. (1:011111: i'i.A.vjuiAS of Xowpoit, who has been attending school nt Itosehurg forsouio time past, at rived on the Hay last Monday evening. Tin: cargo of tho )nnrtn, taken fiom I'llenshurg .some two weeks since, was valued at over .t.'IO.OOO; it consisted mainly of canned salmon. S II. Haxaiid, Khq., who has been attending an oMia session of Ciiouit Court In Itosehurg, returned hy way of Iho Coox Hay Wagon Iloail on Mon day. That "oldest inhabitant" says this week has witnessed tlio coldest weather ever known 011 Coo Hay; the tlieimonioterlssaid tolinvomnik ed sixteen degices. Tin: cooper establishment nt the mouth of tho Coquillo rivor is niniiu facluniiig a largo numhor of salmon bauds for tho spring inn. Tin: light snow full which oceured on Monday gnve tho Coos Hay ur chins, young nud old, a lino opportun ity to enjoy the luxury of a gamo of hiiow ball, and tho ouuiimoii whs well impuned. rat... mr..i - .. sv (ho propocd Improvenieiit of thin haihor, to mako the pieliiuinnry ar rangements for tho work. No Ih ho curing all avnilahlo information an to tho facilities for gelling tho rock icquiicd, nud iMsolleilingpiopo-itioni for (piniryiiig and delivering tlio Cooh livur rock in the oilbs iih ttioy nto icady for sinking. Ah announced some timo Hinre In thin paper, tho II rut or experimental wall in to ho built of oilliH filled with iouk ; these cribs mo to ho constructed of Htrong, heavy linihom, the si of eaeli ciib being LTtafH) feot. They will ho finished nud londy for placing, nud will then ho towed to tho point designated, whoie they will bo immediately filled will stone. It is thouglit liint tho wall thus cunstiuclcd will ho siiilleiently durable to deinniislralo tho practica hility of tho plan for a perniiinen impioveuiont of tho channel. Al" though tho wonthor In tho Winter in unstiltod toeairyiug on thiHhuiineM, tho HoiiHoii will ho fur enough nil vnneeil to hiiug hotter wonthor before tho woil; will ho fairly inaugurated. Wo have r.u abiding faith in tho boa Ill to ho derived fiom thiH imp) ove moot, and wilt hail tho commence ment of the woilv audio inauguration of n" now urn "of pioxpority in Coos Hay. I1mi lttiuiloIilj JTSlllfM. Mr. Wood, accompanied by two scientific gentleman from San Fran cinco, is engaged in introducing in t Its. lni,1. it t iwi nl lluiwtiiliili ii fimr i ij,i .'iiv "'" '" process of working tlio black Hand, by which it is claimed all tho gold will bo caved. Tho cxporiiuentH TIhih far have not demonstrated tlio HiieccfHof the plan, owing to some minor' tlillletilties, which it in thought will be readily overcome Wo hope to hear that the invention ih a Hucceso, us if tlio gold can la1 Vavcd, tiiedo mines will prove a for tune to their owners and will add greatly to the business of that por tion of our countv, D.ivo Waofon loft loi t Oifoid a few ilnyn nince, nccoiupnnied hy Mr. Jun kins, for tho Sixes mines. Or it regular rain is nt hand nsain, nud tlio frost and uow have entirely dixiipppnrod. AC'iiKrcncorrotpnuddiitHnyH Judge M. H. (ircgoiy, one of tho pioncoMof Curry county, is veiy ill, nnd it is fear ho will not n'oover. Iviisyox's vnrioty stoio lin boon thronged with customers making pur- I'll ii 4fii ftkr liriliilin- tti it.iml ii ii ft ii i. ( lir. j. H. Staiikkv says that in a rosidencc 011 the 1'ncillo Const of thtity-ono year, ho has novor seen it so cold as on last Wednesday morning. Mil. Ci.uaviw hns n "lino nssorlmonl of jewelry, adapted for holiday pres ent, which ho is otlering at the low il prions at whieh such goodo can ho sold. S. S. n.wi.v returned from tho llan dolph iniiios Inst Tiiosday ; ho inports the wnter froxen up nnd woik tempo rarily suspended. Chris. Lihiniiiiiiu, of Myrtle Point, was on tho Hay n short time since, and contracted to furnish the dealers on tho Hay with a quantity of Hour from his mill 011 tho Coquillo. Kmi'iiii: Citv. wdioie thoy novor do anything hy halves, hnd n lino Christ inns Tiee, generously hiden with valuable gifts; but no land onu boast a meaner man (linn ho who presented his wife with only some yarn to knit him a pair of stockings with. A TtntM of free school to nil scholar resident in this dishiot. will ho taught in tho Academy building, com mencing January oth. Students re siding outside the distict will bo ad mitted upon application to the princi pal, at customary rates for tho school. Lnst Wednesday ovening tho Mail olllco w.is presoutcd with two elegant nnd delieious cakes by our noighhor Mrs. Tieglo. Tho amiable donor will please accept tho thanks of all con nected with the olllco for this emi nently appropriato token of her good will. Tin: citbons of each of our neigh boiiug villages of Knipiio City, Now port, and Knslport observed Cluist ninsovo. by assembling nnd distribut ing fiom tho conventional Cluistmns trees such gifts as woie suggested by paiontal and social iiU'ectiou. A pleasant occasion is repotted to have boon enjoyed at each of those places, Tin: funeral of little Mary Hill, which took place last Snhbnth, wns at tendon hy a largo concourse of people, The disease which had bcou preying upon her vitality for more than n year past, long since left her fiionds without hope for her icoowiry, and ovon hor own young hciut had learn ed by familim Hy with tho near np pionoh of ihmth to regard tho final hour with comparative indiU'oronco, if not witli a hopo of plcnsnnt lollef from pniu and allliction. On her duatlt bed, she requested the "Sweet l)y nnd Hy " to bo sung at hor funeral, Mhich wns acooidhigpj done i"' luirirr r(lT('lll('Illf Mr. W, b. Smith linn anivrd on tho liny, iih tho toroMiiitnllo of tho l'. S. Ihiginceis who hnochnrgoof m Vovt Ori'ovil Itclllrt, (tai A yoilng man iiniued Widliy in ear rylng llio lr. H, Mull from lliln jilnco to UerninitHvillo hy way of (ho HIxcm river. Ho Iiiih a haul lotilo, hut in cipinl (o (ho cinorgoiioy. Tho mail xorvieo fiom llnndon lo Port Orfoid, wiih thrown up hy Mr. Scott, who wiih employed hy tho luin hiih contractor Homo timo hIiicc, nud postinnxtor Wnlcott cinplovcd Louin Kniipp to perforin tho nervico. (loo Forty nowdood tho liding. A. 1), Wnlcott, the oiilcrprifling meiohitnl of thin place Iiiih n Hplcndld iiRHOitmeiit of loyH and nolionn which are being Kohl nt very reiiHonnhlo priecM. Tun Coos May Koai. Wo arc in formed that Clouuli it Co., contract orn for carrying tho mail between lloxohiirg and thin place, mo working very Ipird lo got the load in n condi tion that a pack- hnieo can ho taken through. Tho mail now Iiiih to ho cm i led about twelve miles on tho Imclc of a man, nud in places it in huioly possible, for a man to get through. An effort wnH made to open tho old trail over the mountain, hut that has been given up an imprncticnhlo, nnd workmen nre now engaged in trying lo lopair tlio road through the can yon. Tho gentlemen in chnrgo of this rou to lime douo nil Hint could he done to fulfill tho contract. Let any mnn who is dirtpscd to find fault go and take n look nt tho situation, and wo will liunr no more of it. Loxo ngon ngo, in tinicH ho remote Hint hintorydoen not fix tho epoch, a dreadful war wn wnged holween tlio king of Corn wnll and the king of Scot land. Scottish valor prevailed, nnd tho king of Cornwall wns defeated. Tho Scoltinh nionnieh, elated by mic cex, i-ent for his I'riino Minister, Lord Aloxnndor. '.Wool, Sandy," nnid he, ''in llicro ne'er a king wo ennnn con- pier tho noo?" "Alio it plenne your "W. i k.,.i mu ..c kisih,u.. uiH nn t'Hiiiiik i iiitiiiinii. mni whnur is he, SnndyT" Lord Alexand er reverently looking up, snid : "The King o' Heoven." The Scottish king did not understand, hut wns unwilling to exhibit nny igtioninco. "Justgnng yor ways, Sandy, nnd tell the King 0' Heoven togive up his dominions, or I'll come mysol' nud ding him oot of them, nnd mind, Sandy, yo do not como back till us ontil yo ha' done oor hidden." Lord Alexander retired much perplexed, hut met a priest and, renssuicd. emtio buck ami presented himself. "Wool, rinndy," said the king, "line you seen tho Kingo' Heov en, nnd what says he to oor hhulcu ?" "An' it please your Majesty, I hae no seen tho King himself, hut I hnvo soon ane o' his accredited ministers." "Wcol, nnd what says he!" "Ho says vcr Majesty may e'en lino his kingdom for tho nsking o' it." "Was ho sno ecovil?" snys tho king, warmed to magnanimity. "Just gnng yor wnys luck, Sandy, nnd toll the Kingo' lfce- on that for his ceevility tho de'il a Scotchman shnll over set foot in his kingdom." John P. Topper, 0110 of tho mechan ics who accompanied dipt. Pnrker on his trip to attempt tho launch of the City of Dublin, arrived at homo on Thursday. He isjust from The Hallos and icports the upper Columbia cloned with ice. I I .1 HI I..I.H. 111! I 1 Ctr.M'.It.tl. .M'AVS. IHsinnrck, Dakota liml n oO.OOO firo on the lSlb instant. Thi:kk will bo quite a lush for tlio Soagitgold mines in the spring. As effort is being ntndo lo establish n lnw department in the State Uni versity. Thoio nre 00,000 neros of land in California planted to vineyards, esti mated to contain -I.'.OOO.OOO vines. Congress will take action on tho question of Chinese immigration at mi early day in tlio present session. Mas. (IcVKitxon SivHAai'i: has au thorized her attornoy to commence suit for divorce. JoMifii JIkkii of Itosehurg was late ly fined 1100 dollars hy Judge Heady, for cutting timber on government land. Gen. Lnim celebrated hid 78th birthday on tlio Mth instant nt his homo in Itosehurg, Si:.vroH Siuitox's pay for tho ex tra session during which ho wns not in Washington, is to bo withhold. "Served him light." It is represented that Gonernl Grant has manifested 11 willingness to accept tho position of tho presi dency of tho II ieimuiguu ennui en terprise. Sknatoh Sutkii has introduced bill to modify tho Iiiwh relating to tho duty on tin, This net if passed .will hiivo 011 tho cans used for tho Salmon fisheries in this Stato .$10, (XX) porycar. Tho river and harbor Appropria tion bill is being prepared by a sub committee; it will bo based upon tho estimates of tho AVnr Depart ment, and will call for (10,000 for Coos liny, HOITII AMHHICAft tVAII. The Chilean forces have lately achieved another victory over tho Peruvians! mid thoir allien, tho de tails of which aro given by a laic dispatch, as follows I An allied force of Peruvians nnd HoIiviaiiK, 11,000 strong, mnrohing nor'.hwaids from Noiin to effect it junction with a reinforcement of TiOOO men under coiiiiiiniitl 01 tlio rresi dcutof Itolivln, nttneked, 011 thotilsl of November, llio Chilonn advanced corps of 0000 men who occupied an intrenched position nt Dolores near Agitn Santn. Tho Chilean heavy can non decimated tho ranks of the al lies,who4e cavalry charged Unco times upon the guns nud attempted to carry them of!', but were unsuccessful. In the evening the rear of tho Chilean forco came up and decided the day. The allied forces were driven back nud their camp wns taken, in which thirteen cannon wore found. Many wounded officers, Including the Uoliv inn Uenornl Villcgns, were taken pris oner, nnd another of the nllicd (Jen ornls was killed. Tho Chilean loss wns heavy. .1101t.110MN.11 i.n ;o;ics:h. The qticslion of the right of the Mormon dolcgnto, Cannon, to hold his scat in Congress, rceieving nt tontion in the House of Iteproscnta tives. A dispntch of the 10th inst., says : Lnst night, in a conversation with a Trilniiie correspondent lcspcct ini nnti-polyirniiiy laws and bills on that subject introduced in the House yesterday by Willcts, Delegate Cannon of Utah snid ho does not believe thnt thoso lnws can ever bo inudo effective. He declares that the desire to disfranchise Mormons is bom of tho hopo oniong tho impecu nious of the territory liint they will ho able to control the offices and dis burse the taxes of Utah if n scheme of disfranchisement is carried out. Cannon denies that he hns tecontly boon inariied to a fifth wife. He also says Hint it would be. contrary to nil precedent for the House of itepro sentntives to take any notion toward expelling him. Jf he has olfended ngainst tho law he is died hy the law, nnd not by Congress. riSSI IMCOPAftATIO.. Some idea of the work being per formed by tho United .States Tish Commission innyvbe gathered froln tho fact that, a short time siuee, a car went East from California, con taining 0,450,000 salmon eggs. Of these, 11,000.300, were taken off at Chicago and reshipped lo Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, .Minnesota, Ohio, iscousin and Canada. J he ma jority of the remainder of the eggs 5,150,000 were sent on to Wash ington "and thcro reshipped to the Southern Slates. Three hundred thousand were taken to Newark, N. J., repacked ' in refrigerator boxes and shipped to Germany, France and Holland. A Scotch Hkuo. The Abbe Iteynal wns tho first to give publicity to the following remarkable instance of Highland ingenuity nnd courage. Tho hero of it was a sergeant of Mont gomery's Highland Regiment, nnd his name Allan Mnephorson. Hoing taken prisoner by the Indians, he was doomed to witness the miornble spectacle of several of his comrads tortuicd to death. Peeing them pre paring to continence thosamo opera tions upon himself, ho made signs that ho had something to communi cate. An intorpietcr was brought. Miiophorson told them that provided his life was spared for a few minutes, ho would coinmuierttc the secret or an extraordinary medicine, which, if applied to the -kin, would cause it to roi-t tho strongest blow of a toma hawk or a Mvoid, and that if thoy would allow him to go to tho woods with a gunul, to collect the plnnU piopcr for this medicine, ho would prepare it, nnd allow tho experiment to ho tried on his own neck hy the strongest nnd most expert wnrrior among them. This story easily gain ed upon tho superstitious credulity of the Indians, and tho request of Hid Highlnndor was immediately com plied with. Hoing sent into tho woods, ho soon letuined with such liorbi as ho choo to pick up. Having boiled theso horbs, he rubbed his neok with thoir juices nnd, laying his head on a log of wood, desired the .trongo.t mnn among tlioni tostrikont his neck with his tomahawk, when ho would find that ho could not mnko thosinnll est impression, An Indian, leveling n blow with all his might, cut with such foice that tho head How off to a distance of several yards. Tho Indi ans wore fixed with amazement at thoir credulity, and tho address wiih which the prisoner had escaped tho lingering death piepared for him; hut instead of being enraged at this csonpo of their victim, they wero so pleased with his ingenuity that thoy refrained from inflicting futhor cruel ties on the remainder of tho prison ers, Tur.ui: ore oiiio men who aro busy in idleness and mnko tho leisuro of pcaco not only moio troublesome, but ovon 111010 wicked than tho husi. ncss of war. "On," snid thonfllicted wife, weep ing over his body, "ho said ho would tnko off his flnnnels anyway, nnd, poor mnn, ho little thought how soon ho would go to that place whoro llnnnols aie never needed." "Wjiat is wisdom?" asked a touch er, of a olnss of smnll girls. A hriglit nycd little creature arose and ntistt'or ed : "Information of tho brain." "8VMIMTIII7.K with mo!" oxclnimcd aniorchnnt who hnd fulled. "Jlogrol my embarrassment 1 You'd bettor sympathize with my creditors nnd mourn over their enilmrrns-mciit." ."ilAVnyou given electricity a trial for you complaint, madam?" asked the minister, ns he took tea with the old lady. "Klcctrieity!" snid she. "Well yes, I reckon it has. I wns struck by lighting last summer and hove out of the window, hut it didn't seem to do mo nt) sort of good." "A crown will not cure the head ache, nor a golden slipper the gout." Very true ; but a ci owned head when it nehos doesn't hnvo to keep right on devising way and menus lo procure bread and butter, nor does a gold-shod foot whon in twinge; have to suppoit tho weight of a toiling Ipdy. Evmtv once in a while wo hear of n California woman killing a bonr. This is all right. Hut wo challenge the world to ransack the pages of his tory and show us whore a woman has over got away with a mouse. Tin: follow who stole Duvhn's horse in Ton Milo nud wns arrested hy Con stable Noblo nonrHity City, sometime since, was sentenced by Judge Watson to six years in the Penitentiary. PIED. In Marshfiold, December 10, 1S79, of consumption, Mary I., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill, aged 12 years. .Hurl ii; Imelllfjoiice. Arri veil. Siww.vy, Dec. 21, 1870. La (ilornde, Moore days from S. V. AVnoxBSOAY, lh-c. 24, 1S70. TCmtntl ClIiT. ilnvu from S. P. Sparrow, days n m S. F. 1 H12JAV. Dec. 2, 1R70. . at. .ill,-, uilillll , ,u 11 lull .. 4. Jennie Stella, day from S. I. NOTICE OF PINAL I'l'OOF. La xn Oitich, ) RosEiiam, Or., Dec. 19, 1S79. j TOTICE IS IIEHEHY GIVEN innt 1110 lonowing named settlor ins lileu notice of Ins intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and secure fijwl ontry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from of date this notice, viz: John E. Hare, Preemption declarators state ment No. SCM, for the NE'.-j of SEJjf, section 20, wi, f SWJ4, section 21 and NWt, of NWLj section 2S,TaO, Sit 1 1 W, and names tho following as his witnesses, viz: John Langlon of Curry county, and Frank Langlois of Curry county, Oregon. V'.vr. F. Bexjamlv, ")2 itegistcr. NOTICE 0FFIHAL PROOF. Lvxd OrFirr, ) llosr.nuitr., Or., l)nc. 9, 1879.J rTICE IS 1IEUEBY GIVEN that tho following named sottlor filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and seenio final entrv thereof nt the expiration of thirty days from tho date of this notice, iz: " Daniel G. Otto, Homestead application No. 2111, for the lots 1, 2 and 5,,SW4' of SEf , section 15, T 11, S It 13 W, and names the following as his witnesses, ..: . . iv 11 "..!.. .r -....... ,........ lift. I'- ". - V.Wtl-J. , Wl V.U44J UW11JIL, and James Coolev, of Currv countv. 1 Oregon. m. F. Btuiixuis, :2 Kegister. rVotloo ti li-.o!iilI:i. rTJCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the firm heretofore doing business in M' shtlcld under the name of Simpson Boss it Holland, hns been dissolved by mutual consent, by the rotiiemont from the firm, of 15 F. Boss. The business will bo contin ued at tho old stand hy Simpson it Holhind, and by whom'all accounts of the old firm will be settled. Perrons knowing themselves indebted to the Into firm, will pleaso call and settle their accounts without delav. Dec. 1, 1S79. W. It. Simps-ox, B. F. Boss. 19-4v D. Hou.vM). NOTICE 0FFINAL PROOF, U.S. Lvxd Orriri:, ) BosimtiKu, Or.. Oot. 1, 1S70 S KT0T1CE IS HEREBY CilVEN ' that the following named sottlor has filed notice of his intention to mako final proof in support of his olaim, and secuie final entry thereof nt the cxpiiation of thiity -lays after publication of tlii notice, ir : Oeo. l.Mcrriman, lloinotoid application No. 2703, for the E'j of NW, SVi4 of NW'i, and lot 1, see. 21. T J!0, S B 14 west, and names the following as his witnestos, i Cieo. W. Miller, of Ellonsburg, Oiogoiuand S. I). Morri man, of Ellennhuig, OiegrTm Wit. F. Bkxhmix, 47-ovv Bet;Uter. Notice of Final Proof.- U. S LvsnOmcB, ) Bosi:iii'ito,Or., Nov. -lth,lh7n.V TM-OTICK IS IIEBEBV tJIVEM --' that the following named settlei has tiled notieo of hn intention to mahe liual inoof in support of his claim, ami seouie linal entrv thereof at the expiration of thiity days fiom tho dato of this notice, viz: Pre emption declaratory statement, No. ;t3i.M. of Miehud Dully , fortlioSW of NWM.sco 7. T tlii, S B H wost, SE.f of NEt-. and lots U and J) see. 12, TU2. S B 10 woc-t, mid names the following nshiswitiio&eos.vU: Pnlilok Hughes of Cum- Co, Or., and Edwaul Wil son, of Ourry Co . Or Wm. F. Us.numi.n fit Bejiler. KOTICK roil PUIIML'ATIO.V. Land Onnci:, BosnnfHOi Or, Doe. 17, lfl7 s"'J. IVKN IVTOriCK IS HBBEBY OP IV Hint the follow ing named settler YiM filed notice of Iih intention to make final pmof in support of his claim and secure finnl entry theeof nt tho exiiration of thirty days from dale of thin notice, viz : John Mou lds, homontcad application No. 212', for the S'i of NE'f ,nnd W-i of flEj Sec. 0. T28 S B 12 West; nnd mimes tho following ns his witnesses, vizi Samuel Holiett, of Coos county, and John Rodabnugli, of Coos county. o2 Wm. F. 1'i.s'oimix, Begister. iimju-gir.njjugJu.jtgoarjp-,u.iMB.aniHiii w .$ ftao pcrdiiy at home. Rninples nrt" !i free. Address Hti-ison it Co. l'ortlsnd, Maine. fWiiix week in vour own (own. Tentw ami $3 frpe. Ailifrvsif II. II vu.ktt A Co. I'urtland, Elaine. ST'J a week. $12 a day at home ensi Iv iiiinle. CVtly outfit free. Addionx 'fai k ft Co, AiiiiHtii, Maine. IX niOXT 01' THE CRXTItAI. HOTKr,. Mnrnhllcld, Ogn. If you want ancasysbnve, As' good as barber ever gave, lust call oil me at my saloon, From morn 'till night or Imisv noon ; My razor' sharp, my scissors, keen, My shop if neat and towel cluan ; Ami there I think that you will find Ens-li article to suit the mind ; I trim tlii' hair with skill for gents, Of course the price i lift y eenls ; Shsmfiooi'.ig, loo, I do that well, Give me a trial, that will tell ; So help me gracious if I mako you hol ler, You need not pava quarter of a dollar. J. W.Cox.I'ropr. P. S. Hot nnd cold baths always ready. 11-lStfl IE V) Sewing MaeMnes, JFST BFCriVED BYSTAMEB! ixie: sai.i: AT REDUCED BATES, BY IlENRY (i I'LOEGEB, D. Mor-e s Empire City. OGKHMTHOTEL, 1 Jfiv. Ii. JF. Lnchhurt J'fopfictrcus Empip.i: City.Oox. acmyaocrx'AUJiNiiii .ttf Livery & Feed Stable, MARSMRELD, 0G5N, NOBLE BROS., Pioprietors AVe have lately built a firt-class Stable on Fine street, and have Horses to hire at all hours. Hauling done nt dtort notice. i"av..iMfj"i ,iie COOS ZB.A.TT ji vRKsiirini.D, oncoox, V.'. It. .i-,o.n .t D.IIoLI.wn Proprietors. MEATS and proviKions of all kinds sold al t ic lowest liviii); rates nnd niZLrrEIilil) at any point desired ron VESSELS. LOCOING CAMFS AND FAMILIES, ALWAYSJEADY, ESB-Wo keep nothing but thebest-tT nud iuuie .-.itif.iction. lv-l-tf VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Meil-J of Eoscr. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect -work, An Distinguish"!; Fcatur-t cf the ceUbnicJ Giant Farm and Moose Fans, :se cy A. P. DICKEY, Rnclno, Wis. Kovv laving rtapy late improvements they are fullf riual to cvciy dttnanU . tl.-.nie all kinds of Grain, Teas, Ikats, f-a.tur Hns, Corn arU Email SreJ ITiey erads W'heit rrfe:iK b wceliand'infr Sep wate Oats from W htat, s.tey and K j e They has a vtry perfect arranjements f'r cltarini; Timothy, Clover, FUx eed, Orchard Grass, and all other Small Seeds llu-, ChsB eifct', ami combine every qualifcetioa Kimred to do the Wt woik in the shortest time. I s, Warehouse, wc'l rs Tsret VtHs, are brcely too. itructed. Unit) U ua tc r "' Tt e ntea to acccra. mod. to the dcrnjm', end j,ivu"i n capacity of from 5 to j jo busLcls or UiHtr, j-c rdios la s -a .( tnilL I hey are shipped, b atd Ut occai transportation, and "stt up" ir "In icLe.1 Jiwn" fjr farwaidtng talaid, as roquts.iJ. c d i i all cases pst free on board Cars or Steamer Ordn ftlled sane day ts cched, . Milts shlppcil "Lnecleil dwn" co for lalf th! (rilit cbaM4 r vshcit fiwaricd stt tip." OUcv trarl s awl Clrtulcrt wpp)it on aprKratton. rrtfa will U quoted An and cu libttal teims. Cone fcnOencc taltcttcd. ATw Si,4V? lf irliKviltflil mmmmmmr '4 - '!vr. 1 ti f . - V - ,-4 M tl 1 T fi Kv.