The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, December 20, 1879, Image 3

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CiiuIbtmab Tnun. Thursdny even
ing Innl, n mooting wns hold. in the
ncndoiny to mnko arrangements for
linviiiK ftChilntiinis turn In Marnhllold
on Christmas eve. Mr. Goo. Davis
wnsenllcd lotlio aliulr, tlio meeting
culled to onlcr, uml tlio following
I'oininiUlocs worn Appointed: On
Ariiingomonts: J. W, Bennett, J. T.
McCormnc, 0. Chrlsloiinen, H. head,
Mrs. Tower, Mrs. Owen, Mr. llalntoiii
Minn. Davis, Mrs. Tn ppor, Minn Cull lo
ritnuu", Mrs. Mniiioi', mid Mr.-. Mer
chant mid (hiughtois. On Finance :
Minn Annie Webber, Mlns E. SlnuM',
Minn Delnuncy mid Minn Maggie
NelCnlght, On Tito: A. B. Ander
ton. On Decoration : F. Lang, Geo.
Dais, Goo. Hotnor, Potent Lung, MinH
Maggie Osborne, Mih. Cox nnd Mlns
Annlo Webber. Treasurers: Mm,
0. W Tower mid Mrs. T. 0. Owen.
ThcalFairistobu a public one- uny
person being ullowed to put on an
inuny presents nn thoy choose; tlio
more tlio hotter. Tho Committee on
Decoration will have tlio building
tuMeftilly decorated, etc., and there
will dnuhtlonn he it Santn Chum rigged
nit In the usual stylo for the amuse
menl of the ehildren. No person w ill
he allowed to have more than ono
wagon to earryaway their giiln. The
ltoxt mooting will ho held on Mon
day evening, when the committer
will meet and report, and all aro re
quested to attend and insist in mak
ing the arrangement complete. The
"llnaiielealcominitteo" will pay nin
it to our citizens to day, for the
purpose of ascertaining how mueh
OlirlMnuin tree thoy want "in theirs."
Hn have on pocket hooks ready.
M itiiimo.viai.. Last Thursday eve. the residence of .1. M.Siglin,
Kfip.of this place, Minn Es Telle Sher
man was mairied to Mr. Ohirt. ltobin
son. Thoairair was u private one, only
nfew intimate friends being present, in
thopreienceof whom thohuppv hride
lakes, "to haeand to hold until death
do part," the man of hercholeo. Vain
indeed, would ho our effort to dcer'Sie
ihcbrido'n appearance hut nullleo jf
tunny, ihe wa lovely hoymid donerip
tioii, Tho pantry o mk Iris done his
dutj well, for the printer can testify
ii! to the quality of theeako and wine
which found itn way to the ollice table.
Hour congratulations to the happy
jmir will turn, "in the estimation of a
hair," the scale of life in their favor,
iieeept our best wishes, and that in
their journey through life, their path
way he ntrewn with rone taut the
thorn. Wo will ''diciini on" tho
eake, and ntaynurd-eiinmbc of rosy
faced and euily-headed little imp",
uml all eNe that will tend to their hap-imic-otimdlct
tho sunshine into their
lieartn, They leme, uccoinp.uilod hj
Mrn Siglin.for the. Golden Onto city,
vhcre they will "nee tho elephant"
uml return home.
Tub Noiii.k lli:i Mas. From time
immemorial, in fact, no fur lemoto
'-that th memorv of man runuath
not to the contrary," the "nnhlo red
man" Iiiih enjoyed an nstoiiMiing
miiouut of culloginiical litoraturo net
ting forth in ntrong light his many
gonl qtmlitlox, remark.iblo Halts, etc.,
lint no one would for a moment sup
pose that tho uhjeet looking wretch
who peddle ehiinn through thostrcots
of Kmpire City for 'io per huckot, wan
once ft nohle navngo; neithor would
it be reasonable to suppose that that
dilapidated looking hut near the wa
ter nudge in the colobuited wigwam
of history, or that tho uncouth look
ing "ennimst'ok" in tho handnoino
lurch-tree canoe of fiction The poor
abused Indian woman whom we nuw
ut Kniplro City lust Sunday, her nono
hiokeu and hor fuco dinllgured bo
yond recognition hy bruises, and bo
smeared with hlood,wus tho "dusky
maiden of the forent," and tho hritto
that did it, wan tlie"nohlo red man"
under the oxhiliratlng iiitlueneo of (ho
'lire water." Anil thU in tho effect of
civilization 1
Lnmuitv.- -Tho literary Society
mot at unual hour in the Academy
hiillding Inst Weduonday evening.
The prograinino wan a largo ono and
well noleetod, excellently executed,
mid highly entertaining. Considorn
hle excitement was manifested during
tho tho dehate, and noveral speaker
were cal hid to tho rostrum. Tho
question, 'Itr.soi.vKii, That thonalo of
intoxicating liqiiornnhoiild he prohib
Stcd hy law," wan deoidod in the nlllr
juative. Ono of tho speakers' on tho
alllrmntivo produced nt.itinticn to nhow
that there wan over 1 140,000 worth of
"the critter" eoiinumcd iiiiutially on
Cons lluy wo huvo not soon him
drunk niueo, mid suppose tho state
ment to hoeoneet.
Our neighbor tho New, apjiarently
eiiteilainn eryhotllo feeling towardn
tho Mail, an it lonen no opportunity
of hitting un u whuok, evon upon tho
nllghtent jirotouno, Itn editor hun
niado a tiinity out of the editoilal
Htall'of tho Maii, and his iiioauing
iiiunt apiiearnomowhat vagtio to those
who tiro unacquainted with the rollg
miti heliuf of naid editor, hut know ing
uk wo do, hU utter devotion to the
Catholic fuith, it becomes plain. So
--"l"uv on, MeDnil'; ttndd d Iwlte
v ' " 'ii Hiu'tj hold! enough '
Oi;it PKIX13 NTOttV,
AWn Well That limit. W'll,"
Tim Now Vctir dnnvotli niuli. nnd
wo winli to prt'Heiit to our roiidern
mnnetliing nice In tlio way of ti Now
Yeitr Htory. Wo lntvo not hjiiico in
tlio Mail for nn extended yam. but
if coino Hkillful pen will hut fill in
this hare nkotcli with rich rhetoric
nnd vivid IIiihIioh of iniiiglnittion,
tho writer would not only ho con
ferring it urcit fnvor on mankind in
general, lint would ho entitled to
ono yours' MtliHoriptlon to tiie Mail
on tho payment of $2 50, Wo
woti'd entitle our Htory Hiiggcntivoly.
ho iih to crealii aw intieli oxoitcineiit
on the Blurt an poHHihle, In cane
nothing further on in tho Htory
fthotild he found to the point.
Tlio find chapter could ho nicely
introduced with a pretty picture of
a eosey nine eouugo oeeunieu ny a
newly married couple. Tho anol
of peace dwellotli therein, and they
reioice in liaviiiir been able to sub
scribe for tho Coast Mail, which
thoy receive regularly once a week.
In reading tbia iutoiuHting sheet, tho
husband falls asleep and droaniH; bo
dreams that since ho was married,
misfortune lias everywhere followed
his footsteps, and wnero ever be lias
invested bis moans, tlio enterprise
proves a failure: the bunk in which
be bad deposited bis snug stun of
money wiiien no iiiiu saved up tor
tho rainy day, fails, and lie is left
destitute. By the villainy of a fei
low clerk hi the establishment
where lie hud been employed, the
suspicion of a crime is cast upon
lu'm, and he is llirown into ptison.
The wife who has sworn to lovo and
protect him, wilfully deetts him in
lps extremity, and files an applica
tion in Justfco Hull's couit for a di
vorce; and the tat sizzles in the
lire generally. (I hue tho filler in
should portray a prison scene
glooniv, uiuk dungeon; man sitting
near door in sail mood. etc. Strong
language should be used in order to
arouse svmpntbv.)
Tin: 1'i.or thick i:.vs.
Shortly lie hroukx jail and makes
good his escape lo paits unknown,
wbeie, under an assumed name, be
endeavors lo make an honest living,
hut can hardly earn enough to keep
body mid sold together. In this
manner be Jives on a year, and fi
nally returns to bis former home,
and miotics with Ids old compan
ions; but so changed is lie that
thoy recognize him not. He dete,
mines on suicide, and with the de
torniination toproeti-e a death deal
ing instrument, bo wanders into
O'Conuel's hardwaie store, where he
asks to scp one of their largest carv
ing knives; it is handed to him,
and just as he is about to plunge it
up to the I tilt in his heart, bis eye
falls on a copv of the CoAtrr Mail
lying on tho counter, ami picking it
up, learns that tho real criminal is
dead, and on dying confessed that
ue was uie rem ciiiuinai, ami mm
our hero was innocent. (We leave
the elleet of this intelligence lo bo
depicted by tho (illci in, trusting to
his good tnsto to iniike it lively.)
Ho unnniniotiHly eomes to the con
clusion font he' has no no d of a
curving knife, and with footsteps
of joy, he leaves theslmp. In going
up the sheet, a fi'uuid a lawyer
meets him, iecognies him, andt ir
forms him that ho lias fallen heir to
u large amount of money by the
deatlt of a h'im'V, or ft cousin, or an
aunt. (Wu also leave this Blight
distinction of relatives to tho till
er in.)
CHAri'KIl J' I.
Thus lie is again happy ; fortune
smiles upon him her broadest giin,
the wife of his bosom after a year's
separation returns to him, and in
a low weeks pre&outa him with a
handsonio pmr of twins. Hero lie
awakes and finds 'tis nothing but
a dream. We leave it to tho fillor-in
to decide whothur bo sbaM awake
and fnll out of tho window into tlio
mud Hat or meet with some other
direful catastronhe: but at any rate
be must bo restored to tho bosom of
bis family in as good or bottet con
dition as ho was spiii cd awry by
the dream.
Matiiimoniai.. hunt Sunday our
friend Mr. Dennis McColgan was
marriod to .Miss Maggie Molvcnnia,
both of Marnhliold. Mac has been
among un for some time, and wo are
norry to lose him, for he was an excel
lent woikmau at his trade; but now
ho in no inoiol Its Mno's wife now.
Tho couple weio norenuded at the
hotel, and they start buninens with
the bent wishes of all and tho print
ers included.
Passkmikk List. The Areata ar
livedon Tiiday fiom San Francisco,
bringing tho following named pan-on-gem
: J. .1. Karl, wife and oii ; Frank
Covney; hane Waro; BlUohoth Cam
ion; F. llazilitino and wife; X. C.
I.arnon ; Voter Nelson ; A. 13. Wagtail";
Albert Murnh ; Mm. Dyer; Mrs. Gar
HanarjOriiul'elhainjretorl'oos: W.
N, Adams ; CI en. Adams and La Sing.
' Ot'itTiiANKh Wo wore ohligod to
reduce the size of tho Mail four col
umns this wcok, on account of not ho
lug able to proouio paper of sunioiont
size. Hut wo mo very thankful to
Messrs. Blglin & Uoiinott, of the Newt,
for many favors and tho paper, which
thoy wero kind enough to sell us,
CiuttsTMAii.--Murshllold, as usual,
will eolebruto Christmas in good stylo.
Thoio is to bo u grand ball in tho eve
ning, at Norman's hull, which is til
i duly being appropriately lilted up
for th oroukiun, ud other nuuuiu
iiij, Kuiuii ' will be intiudiieed.
DiTKS.--Thls Is the sennon of the
year when tho adventurous Nimrod
sebcth hlHshootlng Iron and sullirth
forth in quest of tlio feathered bipeds
of the mind hills; ho leturnoth ut
night nufllcoth it to say that tho bi
ped in still monarch of nil ho survey
Nmv Ykah. Wo undorclaud that
Empire is lo have a "way up" danco
to usher In tho new year. If such bo
the case, it will undoubtedly bo an
eiiteitniuing dlfuir, nn our sinter town
him always enjoyed a reputation for
getting up Hitch things in style,
Mahkiiu). Charles Richardson, on
gineor of tho Satellite, wan married to
Minn Ford, of Empire City, hint week.
Thin matrimonial epidemic will have
to bontoppeil in some manner.
CiuttSTMAb in coming!
W. II. Xoiili: loft for Itonoblirg on
Wedncndny last.
Tin: Newt nays the academy's vent
illation in very poorly ventillatcd.
Tin: schooner now building ut this
place in ncuiing completion.
Tiik mutiinionial epidemic is still
raging in thin community.
A. !;. Waostai'I', Esq., returned
from San Francisco on tho Areata.
No paper mail Iiiih been received
from Hoioburg for nearly two weeks.
A social party wan given at Empire
hint Saturday evening, by the MNtos
Lockhmt, and wan an enjoyable nHair.
Tin: steamer Duncan got out of
Kogtio rvcr on the 1 Ith hint., dischar
ged her freight at loi tOi ford uml re.
turned to Sun Fruncisco.
Policr Court hiisincnn has been
rushing thin week Miidamo Scales
has monopolized hor usual share of
tho proceeding.
Of it renders will pardon tho scarci
ty of editorial this wcok, us tho editor
in absent, and hi being u lawyer, the
rush of clients into the sanctum ban
somewhat dintuibedourcditorialmed
itatioim. Tin: storm which has been raging
for noveral weeks pant, has an lust sub
sided, hut the historical cat still pours
orth bin noul in nightly praise to the
silent night" from bin secure porch,
on tlio buck yard fenco.
Tin: Coon Hay Wagon Itond is in a
fcmfiil condition. It in thought that
theio wasaclond burnt over the can
yon, an in that locality tho in
completely torn to pieces, and for a
distance of about ten miles it is im
possible lo get over with a homo
At tho Literary thoothor night, at
gentleman expressed the opinion that
he looked upon this world as a piece of
dry broad, and woman ns tho jam. We
would romuik that there in somo very
)-o- -that in to s.iy, there is some excel
lent jam in and about Marshlleld.
Tiik Empire Literary had at their
lafit meeting the quoation for debate to
thecd'eef'that woman hannioro influ
ence on man than money." We have
not yet lo.irued whiuh our Empire
friends profo" a twonty-five-cent
piece, or ono of those "capiiwating
Jlore N.impullij.
A dispatch from St. Louis nays ; ;
A mass meeting to consider tho con
dition of Ireland nnd doviso menus to
oxtond aid to the MiUeiing peasantry
of thnt country, wu nn iinnioiiM) af
fair and attended by citizens of till
nationalities. The Iriih turned out
in great numbers and ovoral of their
civic societies were present in regalia
and with mimic and banners. Peter
L. Foy presided, assisted by about 800
vice presidents selected fiom among
the most prominent influential citi
zens of the city, without respect to
ereod or nationality. Tho npeakors
wore President Foy, Col. Don Morrl
non. Ex-Lieut. Ciov. Charles P. John
son, Fathor O'lteilly, Jooph Pulsfer,
Col. A. A. Slaybaek, Win. L. Daicy
J. II. MaoAdain and Samuel Erskine,
The political condition of Ireland was
ignored by the speakers generally,
special attention being paid to the
sufleiing and want of the people and
the hardships arising from tho laud
lawn and exactions of mbitiiry land
lords. ltcHilutions wero submitted
mid unanimously adopted, declining
that the citizens ol St. Louis extended
to the suflering people of Ireland
their heartfelt sympathy and commis
eration, deploring tho evils which
nfllet them, but mo'e still tho c.uues
which make these evils possible mid; holdiugthiitnll legitimate
government should bo of tho people,
by tho people, for tho peoplo and de
precating and denouncing the viola
tion of ovory principle of law which
makes tho government of Ireland a
government of Englishmen, by En
glishmen, for Englishmen ; declaring
that the first duty of a government in
the protection of life, liberty and
property, and grieving that many in
stances of Efiglish rulo, in Ireland
seem to bo a system of extirpation
oppression mid lobbory, holding as a
fundamental pi iuoinlo and as popu
lar rights, that tho land of every na
tion belongs to tho people. Tho oth
er resolutions are very strong in their
expulsion of hostility to tlio land in
vogue in Ireland, mid in sympathy
with the tenants.
Tho Winnomucea Si'rcr Sfaro
mourns thnt the way iiuiu bIuiII vote
can no longer he determined bv the
ill Ullv In I iki K I'llI'la Hi nii I llvi
!o stiff home .M Deium il.
Tftn I'.HKlIfth 1m AfkhHHlMlHft.
Gaucl, Dec. 10. Ocnenil MncPhor
son occupied Saikh lCotul Kust in
timo to prevent the junction of tho
Kolilnluns with n force from Oluignee.
Tho Kohlntnns, who occupied a igni
tion near Kolni, were nttucted nnd dis
lodged, leuving several stand of arms.
Tho lonn wnn n few men nightly wound
ed. General linker wnn to :novo by
wrtyof C'hni Aninb to tnkotlicm in tho
rcur, while flon. Mnnr,y, with a force
of homo artillery, two squadron of tho
Otlilnncers, nml ono squadron of the
MthHongnl lancers, wan to join (leu.
MucPliernon by wnyof Churden valley
for a combined movement with the
object of (hiving tho enemy south on
Gen. linker's command. Gen. Mnnny
encountered Mnhmoud Jan's force
numbering 10,000 sepoys mid tribe
men, and his cnvnlry made n brilliant
charge, but without apparent effect on
tho vast body of the enemy. The
country in most difficult, being cut by
numerous watercourses. Four guns,
in retiring, wero upset, spiked and
abandoned, but wero subcipicntly re
covered. The enemy made for Cnbul
gorge, but were checked there by n de
tachment of the 7i-M Highlanders from
Shepur cantonment. Tho enemy
then turned towards linker's com
mand, and now occitpv the heights
south of Data Hinnar. They arc ad
mirably led, mid two or three thousand
of them aioarmcd witli Snydor rifles.
Thoy lont heavily by tho cavalry
charge and nrt'Ilory lire, hut never
wiiveicd. Our loss is believed to be 18
killed, including two lieutenants, nnd
25 wounded, including one colonel.
Gen. MacPherson is now attacking
the enemy. Guides have arrived from
Loiitlabeud, and (Sen linker is coming
from Maidau.
Notiiino is more common than
energy in money-making, quite inde
pendent of any higher object than its
accumulation. A man who devotes
himself to this pursuit, body and soul,
can scarcely fail to become rich
Very little brains will do: spend less
tbnn you earn ; add guinea to guinea ;
scrape and save ; and tho pile of gold
will gradually riee. Ontcrwald, the
Purisiun banker, began life a poor
man. Ho was accustomed every even
in to drink a pink of beer for supper
at a tavern which ho visited, during
which he collected and pocketed all
the corks that he could iay his hands
on. In eight years he hnd collected
as many corks as sold for eight
louis-d'ors With that sum he laid
the foundations of his fortune gain
ed mostly by stock-jobbing; leaving at
his death some three million of francs.
John Foster huscitcd a stiiking illus
tration of what this kind of determin
ation will do in money making. A
young man who run through his pa
trinioney, spending it in profligacy,
wasnt length reduced to Uucr want
mid deqiair. Ho rushed out of his
bouse intending to put nn end to his
life, and stopped on arriving at an cmi
itenco overlooking what wero onco
his estates' Ho sat down, ruminated
for u time, and ioo with the determ
ination that ho would recover them
Ho returned to the Mrects, saw a load
of coals which had been shot out of a
a enrt on to tho pavement before n
a house, offered to carry thorn in, nnd
was employed. Ho thus earned n few
ponce, requested some meat nnd drink
ns a gratuity, which was given him,
and the pennies wcrelaid by. Pursuing
this menial labor, ho earned and sav
ed more pennies; accumulated suf
ficient to enable him to purchase oino
cattle, tho value of which ho under
stood, and these ho sold to advantage.
Ho proceeded bv degrees to under
take larger transactions, until at
length ho became rich. Tho result
was that he more than recovered his
possessions, and died an inveterate
niisor When ho was buried, mere
earth wont to earth. With a. nobler
spirit, the Mime determination might
hao enabled Mich a man to boa bene
factor to othcis as well as to himself.
Hut tho life nnd its end in this ense
wore nliko sordid.
DrlrnrilT Vlro.
Nbw YoitK,I)cc, 11. At ft meeting
of thoUunioii League Club to-night,
Col. Kusli C. Hawkins offered a reso
lution enacting that no more Demo
crnts should he elected members of tho
club, nnd in supporting it, said thnt
the South wan again mnnifcntlng men
acing nymptomn, and it wns necessary
for the club to tnkc soma action.
Hiciimoxi), Vn. Dec. 11. The gen
ernl lUHcmbly to-day elected two of tho
remaining three stale officers. The
rcndjustcishcld a, caucus to night, and
the mime of George C. Phillips, who
had been nominated nn their condi-
date for Hnilroad Commissioner, was
A ItHrfto r.lrctro'MnKHrt.
The Scientific A uierlran snys : Mr
Chnrlcn Helix, of Iiidimiapolis, hid.,
sends us a description of a large elec
tro-mngncl, mndo by him for Profcnnor
Zolim, of the Unlvcrnity of Notre
Dame. The length of the corcn in ;t()
inches, diameter 1 inches. Heads, of
rubber, one-half inch thick, 0 inches
in diameter. The yoke in il( inehes
tliich, O'j inches wide, and 18 inches
long, with three inch slots to admit of
moving the cores. The liolts which
connect tho cores with the yoke uru
Vi inelien in diameter. Tim cores
dropped and thatof Copt. Asa Itocern. are wound with eight layers of No. l
Jr., of Petersburg, substituted, dipt, cotton-covered copper wire, the wire
Itoccrs is at present business tnniiif
Ahtorii, Dec. 12. The harkentino
Webftiat, from San Francisco, linn ar
rived nnd reports thnt on December
'd, oil Columbia river bar, in a rotiini
sen, Chief Officer Mntt Sweeny fell
from the foreynrd to the deck nnd
wns killed. A heavy bar detained the
vessel outside nine days, compelling
Cnpt. Lewis to commit Sweeny's re
mnins to the deep on tho oth instant.
Sweeny wns a native of Ireland, nged
30 years.
Boston, Dec. 11. There is the best
being wound double, and the alter
nate layers being provided with ter
minals, which are connected with a
plugswitch on the baseboard, so that
the electric current may he sent
through the coils in vuriou ways.
The magnet in provided with two nets
of pole extensions fordiumugnetie ex
periments, one set being conical, the
other flat. The armature in lo inches
long, .'! inches thick, nnd 4 incbts
Different effects may be produced
in this magnet by connecting this
authority for the statement that thejeoiis with the battery in diU'erentwuys
DitAUKoitn, Pa., Dec. 12. A fire
broke out last evening at well No, 4,
belonging to 11. 0. Emri&on in Red
Rock. The well had boon cleaned
preparatory to torpedoing and wns
left open. Superintendent Mason, of
tho Emerson leaso, passed hy with n
luntcin and the gas ignited and sot
fire to tho rigging. Tho well mndo n
flow, and tho burning oil ran down
tho hill to n 230 barrel tank which
caught tiro. Tho ilro communicated
with n 2oOO barrel tank which was
soon in a hlazo, and burned steadily
until 5 o'clock this morning. Rivers
of oil flowed down the valley nnd
through tho main street of Red Rock,
burning nil tho business mid privnto
houses in tho town. Thrco hundred
families tiro homeless mid there is
gicnt siifl'oring. The scono at tho vil
lage, nfter tho firo had consumed hU
there was to feed on, was simply ap
palling, A denso black cloud hung
over all tho surrouding country, nnd
nothing but blackoncd beams nnd still
smoking ruins showed n Bight of what
hud boon not long before u thriving
village, Relief commissions have
boon formed to render aid, at Galmor
Dorilek and llradlord and aid is being
sent liberally uml fast.
M Jim IIIUI I ! UlC M H $- 'nl p r
papers in negotiation between the
cuiei puructt uuvu uccn nignuii unu
the St. Louis fe San Francisco road
lias virtually passed into the hands of
Atchinsnn, Tojickii & Santa Fo Com
pany. A conference between the rcp
rencutativen of the St. Louis &. San
Francisco Railroad nnd those of the
Atchison, Topoka fc Santa Fc wns
held in the private office in this city
hint week. The joint offices nre to in
siio$2o,000,000 bonds, half to bo taken
by each concern. This amount will
be used toley to build the road from
tho termination of the Atchinson,
Topeka fc Santa Fo Railroad the Pa
cific. It is said $12,500,000 bonds have
already been oubneribed for in Boston.
Baltimoke, Dec. 12. Abraham An
nottn, ft West Indian, and Francis
Adams, n Manihininn, (sailors), were
arrested this afternoon by a deputy
U. S. marshal. The warrants were
issued by the U. 8. Commissioner, on
the charge of murder on the high seas
and of destroying the schooner 21. E.
Henderson, of Philadelphia, bound to
Baltimore from Bull river. The ves
sel went ashore Nov. 20th, near Kit
ty Hawk, nnd went to pieces. An
nctla and Adams nnd another sailor,
not yet arrested, were the only ones
who escaped from tho wreck, and as
soon as they reached the shore, start
ed oft' without waiting for nid. The
bodies of uone of the officers have
been found, which led to the theory
thet the had been probably foully
dealt with by Adams, Annctta, and
the other survivor, who then beached
tlio vessel in order to conceal their
New Orleans, Dec. 12. -A bill in
equity was filed to-day in tho U. S.
Circuit Court, on behalf of Mm. J2d
ward Peckbam of Louisiana, Stephen
Percy Ellis, of'Brooklyn, Now York,
Mortimer Dahlgrcn, of St, Louis, sis
ters and brothers of the late Mrs.
Sarah Ann Dorsey, against Jefferson
Davis. The object of tho bill is to
have declared null nnd void the will
of Mrs. Dorscv, of Jan. 4. 1879, by
which the whole of her estnto was be
queathed to Davis. Plaintiffs allege
that they are tho legal heirs of the
testatrix. Tho grounds of annulment
of the will nro stated that previous to
and at the time of writing and signing
of the will, Mrs. Dorsoy was not of
sound, disposing mind, being under
the undue influence of tho defendant;
that tho motive nnd object of induc
ing nnd controlling tho testatrix to
make the bequeath itself, were, under
the Inw, illcgul, null and void.
Ocixcy. III., Dec. 10. Quito n
number of weddings took place re
cently, ono of which has created a
stir, especially in Jewish circles, the
fair bride haling eloped witli ft man
not of tho fuith. The facts arc that
young Mr. Linnville, tho son of Judge
Linuville, banker ut Edinn, Mo., enp
turcd tho heart of Miss Bertie Snyder,
the beautiful, accomplished and viva
cious daughter of a very prominent
Hebrew of Lagrange, Mo. Bertie lov
ed, and told her parents a year that
sho should marry Linnville. They at
once sent her away to visit friends at
Carrollion, hoping that she might re
lent, ns they were bitterly opposed to
her marrying a Christian. At any
rate, no other objection has been
made against Linnville. Absence
evidently did not help tho matter, for
yesterday the parties met here, w;cre
married, and liavo gone to Edina,
where tho young man is in business.
It is estimated that the magnet, with
proper battery .power, will lift thrco
tons. The weight of the magnet and
attachments is R00 pounds.
."VolW-C Of IMMNOltttloH.
that the firm heretofore doing
iiiKiiii'Ms in ..Ainrniiiieiii miner inu
name of Simpson, Ross it Holland,
lias leen din-'olvcd by iniitiial consent,
by the retirement from the linn, of B.
F. Ross. The business will be contin
ued at the old stand by Simp-on it
Holland, mid by whom all accounts
of the old firm will be settled. Persons
knowing themselves indebted to the
late firm, will plcae call and settle
their accounts without delay.
Dec. 1, 1S7D. W. R. Simpscv,
B. F. Ross,
40-4w D. Hollaxd.
U. S. Laxii Office, )
RoKiicno, Or.. Oct. IK, 1879.S
-L that the following named settler
has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his
claim, and secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days after
publication of this notice, viz : Geo.
I. Mcrriman, Homestead application
No. 270:i, for the E- of NWf, SWKT
of NW4, and lo. 1, see. 21. T ."U, S It
14 wet. and names the following an
his witnesses, viz : Geo. W. Miller, of
Ellennburg, Oregon, and S. D. Mcrri
man, of P31Icnsburg, Oregon.
Wm. F. Benjamin,
47-ow Register.
oticc of Final Proof. 4
U. S. Land Office,
RosEiitiuo,Or.,Nov. 4th, 1879.)
that the following named settler
has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his
claim, and secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from
the date of this notice, viz: Pre
emption declaratory statement, No.
3.V24, of Michicl Dully, for the SW'iX of
NV.i,sec 7. T 32, S II 14 wot.SEJi
of NE V, nnd lots 2 nnd 3 sec. 12, T 32,
S R 10 west, nnd names the following
as his witnesses, viz : Patrick Hughes
of Curry Co,. Or. and Edward Wil
son, of Curry Co., Or.
Wm. F. Benjamin,
4G Registtw
A FiiiAUt:i.riiiA Democrat goes for
Mr. Speaker Jtandall without gloves.
Ho charges Randall with being more
responsible for tho last extra session
of Congress than Thurnianorany one
of tho Confederate Brigadiers not
excepting Jo Blackburn, who wanted
to bo spenkoi and that Randall caus
ed tho appropiintion bills to fail be
cause he aspired to bo re-olccted to fill
tho chair. Tho writer contends that
tho extra session "raised the dovil
with tho Democratic party," aim that
Randall's hellish ambition made tho
session necessary.
Oni: of Bloggins' intimate friends
porsuuded him, lust mouth, to net
with tho committeo for soliciting
aid for tho suflering poor, With this
charitable end in view, ho eallcd at
tho house of Widow Slasher, out in
the 23d Ward, Knocking repeatedly
at the door, without resiKiiibo, he
turned the kilobaud walked boldly in,
junt ns tho widow camodown tho front
stairs. Mistaking tlio bonovolent
Bloggins for nn Imprudent book
podlar, sho thumped him over tho
tiead with the ironing boaul, which
she happened to have in her hand,
nnd tumbled him neck and heels
down the steps bofore ho could re
inonstrnte. Bloggins enmo down
town noxtdnynnd reported thnt hod
got the widow siuiti, mid was hist km'm
ImVingfor his pefbUHum liiemi. t"
ttuin it ovei to him personally.
B. F. Ross, W. R. Sun-Mix D. Hou..wr
im: :e jL t s
and provisions of ull kinds
sold at t ie lowest
living rates
DKLIVKliEn at any point desind
jfjy-We keep nothing but tliobcst-T
mid insure satisfaction,
E. A. Anderson,
CSoml aar II I re
IluroiNAKy- A nil
lo C Vx yy Vy lluiir h .
tice and at very reasonable rates.
in a thorough manner uipl use
only the
j,yMl ojii, Fund Sirtet,oppuii the
i'wiiu r Aim lot. v j : 1 1
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