The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 29, 1879, Image 1

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The Coast Mail.
The Coast Mail.
The Interests of Southern Or4ff : r,
Onejrntr MM
Mix inontl ! ffl
Tliroo montti iw
Con Always Foromost.
' '7.
VOL. 1.
The Development or nor mart, the lm
provementof our Harborn, nua tUliroxU Com
munloatlon with the Interior, Bpeelsltlei.
Ollleinl I'nitrr r Vooa (Iniuily.
NO. 48.
French Hotels.
Hovornl of tho Fronoh nowHpuporH
lmvo taken up tho mibject of hotel ox
tortioiiH. Ifolol charged irni indeed
reuehlng, or rather the.V huvo nlroudy
renchod u rldloiiloiin pitoh. Still tho
public in to blnino Our father lined to
travel in dtago eoaeh ordillgeneo ami jiut
up uf an Inn or auborge. What the
cheer, what tho welcome unit wintt tlio
comfort of tlio old fiiHlilonod inn wiw Iiiih
been wild ami Hung ovor mid over itgnln.
Nov, however, tliiugn huvo changed,
The modern man dellno.s it compoloiioy,
in hiH own mind, uh tho having it littlo
iiioio than hlw neighbor. Ho tho poller
in to day called it concierge, the cobbler
irt a Mi on nianiifaetiiier, tho inim huvo Ixi
eoine hotels and tho liiukeepom or mi-
htrghtH huvo been triiiiNformed into
hotel koeiiern or heteliem, Tho Kuro
pean hotel ix a palace an fur an tho dining
loom ih coiioeriicd, ami it barrack an far
iii tho fllfcpiiig loonm go. Tho dining
loom in covered with gold and eryntnlj
coitl puintingrt adorn tho wiiIIn, marble
MtatucH udorn Jho nichoi: and pliiHli-elud
M'nautH niovo nolHoleHily or noiily, uh
tho 0.110 may bo, behind the viimor'it
elialr, Tho bed loom is a bare, cold-
looking place, hiiiiiII, uiicomfot table,
with it clock thai doe not go and a chim
ney that does not draw. On tho other
hand it Ih provided with an oleetrio bell
nml a copy of the rule and regulation
of the hotel in it gold fimuo. To tlie-'o
legulutioiiH von munt conform under
liin of oximliiioii. The modern traveler
nxiMt for the benellt of the hotelH, mid
not vice reffii, n should bo tho cane.
Tho traveler in the victim of an organized
corporation of indiiMlrlalH, who agree
among thouiftclvcH and form MyndicatoH
to exploit him. The imiH or hotolit uro
no longer kept and hencd by tho people
of the country ; tho tdownrtK and wnitors
who attend upon you ntTroiivilloduiiiig
tho Miiumcr will attend you at Monte
Carlo during the winter; tho charged will
bo exactly the miinii in lioth placet, and
in both pliicCH you will bo obliged to pay
for ciitidloN that you huvo never burned
nml for attendance that you have never
recoiled, to nay nothing of foo I that you
have never eaten mid omnihuct thut you
have never even heard of In Nor
mandy you will lind it ImpoHMblo in the
grand hoteln to have eider, and in Bur
gundy you will Hud no Burgundy wine,
in the one plneo the hotel keeper will
force you to drink champagne, and
nt tho other Hordeaux, and you will
drink it and pav for it mid try to
iiuv lor it mill trv to tier-
MUiuHi yourself Hint you uro happy. on
would likewise imy ton or twelve francs
for n long mill mcdincio table d'hotcl
dinner soivoil up in great stylo, with
massive silverware anil abundance of
flower on tlio table. Tho fish will Im
colli nml the meat flabby, but you will
oat it mill pay for it, although nt homo
you would grumble if yotir fish wore not
hot, nml you inner had miy opurgnos or
center piece with which to decorate
your huiitbhi iHmnl. Tho fact is thnt
you uro paying not no iiinoh for your
dinner, or your pnltiy Ixsl-ioom, or for
tho inililloioiit iittoudiiitei', hi for tho
architectural beauties of tho palatial
hold, Mm slatuosj mul tho gilding mid
p tinting of its dining-room. Therein
people, I suppose, who luio arrived nt
tho melancholy state of having mom
iiionov than thoy ncoil or inorn vanity
than drains, who need to dwell in paln
tial hotels ami to iliuo ill gilded millions,
but thou in absolutely no reason why
tho price of these so-called Grand Ho
tIs should bo extended to ull IioIoIh that
think proper to imituto tho Oranil Hotel
system merely nt its Mtpoiilehil aspects,
'fhe inajoiity of people want hotels nt
twelo fntiu'N a day, instead of twenty
Ihe or thirty f ration, and tho public,
aided by tho press, ban only to demand
tlicHu pi icon, anil hotels mid iium will
spring up to moot tho want. Tin miuio
rciiiaiks apply to many of tho restaurants
of Paris, wnoro tho charges nro becoming
both ridiculous anil arbitrary. Ono way
of repressing tin- ovil would bo to oblige
ull restaurateurs to mail; tho price of
each ilmh on tho oarto. Then at least tho
victim would rush knowingly to bin fnto.
America has had not u little to do with
tho demoralization of tho European
hotel keeper The millionaires of tho
Now World huvo conio over to Paris, to
Vionuit, to Itomo, to Naples, nt hirst for
luxury anil craving after tho rolliioiitonW
of tin old civilization. Thoy hud un
liuiitod (loutldotico in tho power of
money, and ho, money in hand, thoy
naked for tho biggest pearls thut worn
over soon, tho biggest mountains, tho
biggest picturo galleries, tho biggest
Hingers, tho biggest ohurehox, and tho
biggest ntago plays; mid, )orhupK, of nil
tho big thing thut were given them,
that which most completely cauio up to,
mid een surpassed their idea of bigness,
was tho hotel bill. The 1'itrMmi.
v j. : i. -
Ow m'iihiiii1 of Tin: Roman I'antiiiion.
Liberal mid ohuioli paporsat Itouionro
engaged in an unlimited discussion of tho
of tlio ownorHhip of tho Pantheon-
whether it belongs to tho ohuroh or to
tho nation. Tho orgniiH of tho Pono
hold, of course, thnt tho building is tho
jnoporty of tho ohuroh, mid novor hav
ing been bikoit front it, any questions
about it n restitution to tho Pope is waul
ing in eoiniiioii hoiiso, 'Tho organs of tho
Ijllieral puity nlllrni Unit tho right rontu
with tho Ktnto on nrifitoorulio mid urehiu
ologieul groinulH, if no other, tho l'un
Union being an niioiont monument. More
moderate Heeular pniioru maiiitniii Unit
nil uneortuiiity us to tlio ownorHhip of tho
building in which lie tho renmiiiH of
Victor Kmuniiol Hhoiibl nt onco bo re
moved. Victor Kmnmfol in not tho ouly
man whowi romuhm lie within thoxo
fitmoiiH whIIh, Itaphuel iiIho in buried
thoro. Homo doubt early In UiIh eontury
wiih rnUod in oortain ihIiiiIh uhothor tuo
dtint of tho artist wim really thoro, nnd
oxiiniiuntion (IIhoIohihI tho fact thnt it lay
jireeiHoly whoro liihtory Jind rocordod
thut it lny near that of Mnrin dl
illbbienn, niooo of Curdliml Hlbblonit, to
whom ho had boon betrothed, Tho Pan
theon in tho bout preserved nnoiont
monument in itomo, it probably owos
ili preservation to it having become, na
cftrly ii8 tho Hovontoonth century, it
Christian ohuroh, juxl uh tlio qilondid
hronxo cquoHtrluu nbitmi of jrurouH
An roll u b on tho hill of tho Capitol owoh
to n boliof longprovalont in tho dark nml
middle ngou, that it ivim a ntatiia of Con
Rtantino tho Orout, tho (lrilt ChriHtinm
Hotillicrn War Kccords.
A reporter of tho Star ono morning
dropped into tho largo building on CI
Htreot, corner of Twentieth, whoro tho
ollleinl record of tho Into war nro boing
compiled. General MnrmiN J. 'Wright,
who in ongugod in collecting tlio rccordH
of tho Confederate gido, wan found in hid
olllce. Ho enld: "Vory mnny of tho
most valuable olllolnl paporn of tlio Con
fodornto army were IohI or dontroycd in
tho general breakup nnd Hiirrendor. Our
purpowi in lo get eoiiies of nil mien
punyrfi, ami iiiiih iiiukq eompinio tlio
ollleinl record of that tddo. Hitch of tho
jiapoiH an wero pretierved were obtained
by tho (lovcrnment. and T wuh iiiinointeil
to procure duiilloutou of Uioho tnat wore
"lint how do you get tliCHO dupli
eabiMV" "1'roin the oflleerii of tho Confedcruto
army. They pronorvod iaporx of ovory
rejiort, every ollleinl aper thoy mint to
Richmond, and many of them kept copies
of every ollleinl letter thoy wroto."
"Do tho ox-Con fodornto ofllcorn give
their flluH up to yon?"
"Oh, yon. Am it general rnlo thoy givo
them to iix, but whoro aifv of them huvo
paper thoy winl. to keep thoy nllow im to
inako eopien io thorn, and wo return ho
u,iiuiiin, iuiiiTiiti uuiviiii a. tr'llllDl4Jll
turned oor to u hiu entire record, con
taining all hiH report, ofUoial letU'rn and
repot Im of hi Hilbordinato, oflleeni. I
have alno nil of (lone nil l'ombcrtou'a
paerH, and thnt giveH uh a emnploto
record of the Vieknburg campnigu n
conducted on tho Con fed era to Hide."
"Did they turn ovor thoir papers en
tirely to tho Govcrnmenty
"Von. Wo jiroKcrve tho pajwr nnd
they are accetutitilo at nil tiuicH to theiwi
gi'iitlenieu, if they hhould wIhIi to hco
them or inuko eopien. Thoy givo thorn
to uh very willingly, n it roliovcH them
of tho trouble and euro of kooping them,
and doe not dejirivo them of tiny iibo
they would wikIi to make of tho pupem.
Wo lake every irocuution ngnimit loss
by lire or otherwise of the imiieni wo get.
Wo have printed eopioH of each ono made,
and eighteen or twenty eopien nro din
tribiited around among M many of tho
department and other Government
buildiiigN, no that in chho of tiro wo aro
certain not to have them all destroyed."
"General, Uiono ni'ordrt nro to Imi pub
linhed bv the Government, nro they
"Yoh, Hirj thnt in whnt wo nro collect
ing them for. The purpomi of the Gov
ernment (h to make uji u complete ollleinl
liintory of both nrmie of tho civil wnr.
Tho lteconl for tho yoar 1WU, of both
mIiIch, will bo ready for publication about
tho time CongreM uioeU. Tho volume
will Im prin toil by tho Government, nn
any other public document, nml Uio
UHtml nuiiilorditribuleil-ojilongUioto-partmeutH
and members of Coiigrosii.
Then tho law providoH that tho work
ihall Imi hterootyped, ami sold to tho
public at thocotttof printing, ho that any
9uo can obtain the work lit comparatively
littlo COHt."
"Will tho record of tho two armie
bo printed hopurutely?"
"Ye; neparutoly, and iu connoeutivo
"Will tho record bo wilted?"
"No, uot at all; simply compiled ho nil
proMont in tho order iu which thoy worn
tanned, tho ollleinl report, lottor,ordor,
etc., of tho war. Tlio compilation i in
chnrgo of Colonel 11. N. Hcott. of tho
Third Artillery, United Stuto army, nnd
it man better iiuulitlcd for tho work could
not lmvo been nelecltl."
"How long will it take to finish up the
entire work?"
"It will require Hoveml year nioro to
complete the work for all tho yearn of tho
11 1 .
"Haven't von recentlv rctumotl from a
collecting tour in tho Mouth?"
"Yos, ir; I got buck a fow dnyn ugo,
nml I obtained a iitimlior of very valu
able papers. 1 llrt went to see Gonorul
Joseph Wltooler, in Alabama, who com
manded tho cavalry in llragg's nnny. Ho
gavo mo bin entire llle of papers nnd re
port, covering tho time from hi entry
into tho Coufoderato Horvieo until the
close of thn wnr. I next visited Indian
Territory, und gotn ot of paper cover
ing tho military operations of the Con
lederates in wnnt wit called tho District
of Indian Territory. Tho district was
commanded by Generals Albert Pike,
Maxoy (now United State Honator from
Tuxdn), and 1). II. Cooiwr. Thoso
record aro quite important. I nlso got
all the oillcial paper of Lieutenant
General It. H. Ewolt (since dead), who
held an important com maud in tho Con
federate army. I next vUitod Genornl
K. Kirby Hmitli, who comnmndod the
Trunw-MisHiwippi Dopnrtment, nnd got
hi record. During tho wnr his ttopurt
nioiit was for u long timo protty etl'oct
ivoly out olf from Itichmond, nnd tho
record thoro wero ineomnloto a to his
military operations. I found his Hies
verv fneontploto, though. Colouol
ltiolnuond of McMinnvillo.lVnn., prom
ihoiI to send mo tho olllinl IHo of Genornl
Leonidas Polk (Uishop Polk), who wis
killed during tho wnr. Thoso papers
will cover hoiiio very importunt tnilibiry
movomont. 1 huva mnny of tho pnpor
of Genornl lleaurogard, nml ho has
promised mo the remainder ns soon as
hi book, now in pros in Now York.sluill
huvo boon printed, llo hold, us yon
know, vory high oommundH, and his flic
will cover some of tho most important
oiiomtions of tho war. This winter I
shall niuko n trip to Now Orleans, Mobilo
und Memphis, whoro I will got pnpor of
IntoroHt from Kx-Confodornto oftloors
residing nt thoso point. Tho printing
of thoso i equivalent to tho publication
of mi oflloiul history of tho wnr, Tho ro
port of battles from oilloorH on both
Hldos, and othor olllolnl dooumonts, will
thus bo iiroBorvod, nnd thoy will speak
truthfully nnd impartially of tho groat
event of tho war. I had undortnkou, on
my own account, tho collection of Con
federate records, with tho viow of pub
lishing them, whon Congress passod tho
not authorizing thorn to bo compiled. I
hnd procured vory many valuable
pnpors, nnd I imntcd,iatoly turuod thorn
over to tho Adjutant Gonorul of tho
nrmy. Hubaoquontly it was dooidod to
appoint an ovConfodorato offloor to col
loot tho papiirs of Unit sldo, ami tho
position was tendered to mo," (fixA
inyton Star.
Taxing Haolioloro.
Tho General Council of tho Depart
ment of thn lthono in Franco lmvo junt
adopted n resolution calculated to win
thorn world-wido fnmo, though wlvorHo
critic huvo vurioimly chnraotorizod thoir
jirocemling n.i Htupid, ridictiloiiHnnd ox-
irnoruinary, nut wiiilo tin ultra-rmli-cnl
body nro thn Htigtnntized by oppo
nent of tho "undo porunion, tlieir
roHolution is likely to gain for thorn tho
good will of tho lmlicii, and cpeciully of
thoKo lndio of iiinturor ycare who aro
condemned to niuglo blcolncHH through
tho MhorUighfadtiosH, if not Holihihnc,
of bachelorhood. Tho resolution which
ha gamed for tho lthono General Coun
cil thl dlfttinctlou Ih ono adopted on tho
motion of M. Ferrer, nnd in favor of a
Hiibnhtntinl lux on mnturo celibate.
Convincod thnt continence in aliko un
natural nnd impoHHible, that vow of cel
ibacy promote immorality, nnd that n
woman wiio bring up two cniltlrcn ren
der more ncrvico to tho country than all
convent, thoy nro iu favor of deducting
liTi iior cont. from certain oIuhhob of bach
elor, tho product of thl tax on celi
bate to bo irppliod to the relief of indi
gent children. Tho Pari paper nro
disponed to darido the lthono Gonorul
Council. Ono evening journal exclaims:
Tho great citizen who voto Uioho nb-
j mnUfUH uro tho cioct of tho H
, Fmnc;o.. JJul tlt0 M10ll w
nrcuuu until
ho had tho
courniro to voto for tho tux on celibacy
uro uot likely to bo ufleeted bv tho huft
of journalilia ridicule. It may bo
worth while to quote koiiio of tho term
of tho roKolution. "Considering, "ay
the Council, "that celibacy iH contrary to
nature nnd the end of Providence to Imi
born, io bear children and to die boiug
tho law imposed on all who exist
thnt it is bachelors, military men, vnilor,
lnwyers and men of nil conditions who
All ull tho Htatc with corrupt opinion
and ovil moral; that churchmon, Trnp
plntn, mid nil tho no called highor world,
nro irremediably given up to debauchery
nnd toshamo, which i wonto Uiandoath
Uttulrril, The mipport of abandoned chil
dren will bo provided for by deduction
of n quarter of tho pny or ponton of
everj- oinployo or pensioner who is a
bachelor and n resident iu tho depart
ment of tho lthono, from tho most mod
est employe up to tho highest oillcial who
oolong or mi uoiotigcu to tno army,
miigistruey, or any public administration
whntHoevor." If this has not the cited of
imTroa-iing tho financial resources of tho
department, it may bo oxpeeted ti pro
mote matrinioniul desires among the
bachelors of Lyon nnd othor place in
the district. A man who balances Uie
blessings and disadvantages of married
life will Hud a womlerful mako-weightin
tho 25 per cent, of hi pay condoniued
by tho Gonorul Council. Somoouvalior
question tho justice of condemning tho
celibates to support abandoned children
as an tmmorltdil reflection upon tho
otiler, but then Uio Council declares that
celibacy i "contrary to nittnro," nnd that
the children should bo maintained bv tho
bachelor ratuor tunn bv men wlio have ,
to support legitimate families.
An Enomhh Dahiv Hiiow. If tho
cheese did not wcttr tho star nnd stripe
to as great nn extent us it might, tho onto
Ynukoo invention for dairy forms did.
Prom u "eow-milkor jiromoter," n neat
littlo moral nnd mechanical intluoncor on
the reserved lactary obstinacy of an ob
structive Aldornoy, to tho' "lion per
suodor"of a Cochin, theio is everything
dairy-like ut Uiis show that tho land of
tho West enn proudly exhibit. A Mnry
land churn alas, no dairymaid with it!
a Goshen golden pyramid of butter, and
a verbose, uuwihtwunged expositor of
"How wo git it;" n Westchester nnd Buf
falo choose press, with a slab-sided nml
drawling patentee, und nil tho forms of
uairy laniuuK uuioiuiHiciiu aim jirutqwr
onsly nro bore. Cnn it not lw nu event
of tho milkman of the futuro Unit ho sup
plies England with tho "pure?" Milk in
this country is n vile slinm at n fearful
llgure. It l all "skim" with n thick,
creamy price. A man who hit brought
hi mnturcd mind down to milk says tin's
kiugdom produce 31,000,000,000 gullons,
or 110 gallons for tf,700,000 cows per an
num. And this is for dniry purposec.
Ono-oighth is used for rearing calves,
the rest is used in making choose produce
to the extent of 50,000 tons, or, if into
butter, one-half thut touungn. ltoully
two-thirds of tho milk is used for tho tu
bio. pure and simple, if it bo so. Tho
real eheoso product hero is, say, 120,000
tons, nnd butter, 00,000 tons por annum.
It is ueoitless to hay thnt this is no
within one-half of tho supply equal to
tho demand. America sends fioro on an
average M),000 tons of cheese, nnd Cun
ndn, irunco, etc., fully 00,000 tons per
nunum. Tho imported butter hero is
valued at SJW.OOO.COO por nunum. Tho
exported Ilritish eheoso und butter docs
not amount to ono cent In value. Thus
it can Iio soon thnt England pays tho sum
of 889,000,000 por annum for ehoei.0 nnd
butter. Iu thnt "quite tho eheoso" for
John Hull tho Iwofy. Talk about turn
ing England into pusturo laud after that.
I don't know thnt this show presents
anything that would bo n "wrinkle" to
your Amorieun dairy fanner, oithor from
tho horn of a cow of Kerry brood, or n
churn of lluokiugliam structure. I am
told that America can out-bocf, out
eheoso and out-milk all creation! To say
more, who can nnd who would? Modesty
forbids. English Corr. ltnlUmoro Suu.
Pnu.NiNO IUhiuikiuiikh. Till within a
fow years no horUoulturist ha ques
tioned tho propriety of cutting off close
to tho ground tho canes of raspberries
that lmvo produeod a crop of fruit,
AVhilo most advocated romoviug tho
canes as boou oh tho borries wore gath
ered, a fow reoommomled a delay in
pruning till winter or tho following
spring. Thoso who udvoontod late
pruning hold Uiat tho loaves on the cauos
which lmvo produeod fruit aro ufioful iu
tho formation of sap, whioh goes to nour
ish tho roots of tho biiBhes. At present
thoboliof is gonorul among Uio intelli
gent fruit-growors, that tho sooner tho
old ouuos aro out out tho hotter it will bo
for thoso that remain, It is now ac
knowledged that tho vitality of the cauos
is exhausted in producing a crop of
berries, and thut thoir presonoo among
tlio ennoB that nro to bonr fruit Uio fol
lowing year, is a great disadvantage. Tho
old cauos nro likely to crowd the young
ones, and to cause them to grow in lma
"Well, Philonatsaid Undo Job to hid
wlfo, "aro you going to seo lister Hop
kins to-day?f' ,
"I do' know Vhethor 1 will or not.
Sometime I thinkilwill, and then again
I think I won'tt There's a good deal to
do to-day and it looks liko rain."
"1 don't think 'twill rnin," said Unclo
Job. nlnsterins his chin with lather.
'Jinybo it won't, Job, but it looks a
littlo like it -kinder grayish liko. Still,
wo might tako tho umbroll, and muybo
I'd hotter an. Hut I'm most 'fraid Mnrv
Ann can't do all there is to do."
"Hurry and mako up your mind, Phi
lena," called Job after hor, as she slowly
retreated kltehonward, taking down her
back hair a she wont.
"Man- Ann says sho cnn get along
with Holly's help, and I do' know but I'd
go if I thought I shouldn't have comp'ny
this nfternoon, nnd it didn't look so
iloubUomo about rnin" lcisnrclv drag
ging tho comb through hor hair.
"Mother, what dross will yon wear?"
called cut Mary Annr
"Well, I dor kno which IV! better
wear. Which do you think I'd better?"
"Your brown itlpitca, of course."
"I would if I thought it wouldn't rain,
butif it nliQidd rain it would spot it, I'm
'fraid. I reckon I'll wear tho black ono.
It's a littlo faded and bracked, but if it
should rnin it won't hurt it."
"Como, eomo, Phileua," cried Job,
"hurry up!
i X. i
I'm going out to harness
"I am hurrvitiK as fast ni lean." twist
ing up hor hair. "Mhry Ann, you may
tako down my browh dress, whilo I
cliMLjo my shoes; though, como to think
on't, maybe I'd beltorivoar these, for if
it should rain I'd hate to got tho other
wot. Still, these don't look hardly suit
able to iear with the brown dress. Per
haps I'd better wear the black one. You
may tako down tho black one, Mary Ann.
Thcso shoes are too sluibby to wear with
the brown ono. Maybe Ird better tako
them off. Como and sco what you Uiink
of them, Mury Ann."
"Change them quickly, mother, and
put on tho brown dros. " Pother's hitch
ing tho maro to tho buggy now."
"Is he? Well, I'll tako nnolhor look to
see if I think it likely to rain, and if I
think it ain't why I'll wear Uio brown
ono. It don t look as much liko it ns it
did, but thou you can't tell much about
H uiis time of year. Hut I guess I'll
risk it, and tho brown ono. Gotmo
u pair of stockings, Mary Ann."
"Where nro they, nioUier?"
"In tho bureau drawer, I guess. Look
thore first."
"Which ono? Theyarp not in tho first
"Well, thon look in all of thorn, and if
thoy ain't there, look initho basket under
tho bod." 'g
"Hero thoy aro undo"rjtheJ)urefln.Jb.ut.
UioroVboles in'tlfem."
"Is thore ? Well, I mount to havo
them mended Saturday, but I didn't get
to it."
"Philona! Philena !" called Job.
"Yes, I'm ulmost ready. Mury Ann,
tako n needle and darn up tho holes iu
my stockings, will you ? No, you needn't
cither. Tho buttons ure half of 'em off
my boots I meant to have sowed 'em on
yesterday, but IJorgot it. I'll wear thoso
I've got on, for X shouldn't be surprised
if it did rain."
"Hero's yonr dress, nioUier; do put it
on. Pother won't wait much longer."
"Oh, I can't wear tho brown dress with
these shoes; bring tho black ono; it's
good enough for such a day ns Uiis, for
I'll hot anything 'twill rain."
"Philena Manor Mathows I f voice from
soiuojrhcrc outside 1 ain't agoing to
wait for yon nioro'n four hours longer."
"I'll bo there in a minute, Job. Mary
Ann, look in the closet for the umbroll.
Good lordy I them's hardly a hook an'
eie on this dress, but 1 guess lean pin it
up so Iwill do. I ought to havo put
somo on, but I didn't get Umo. Mary
Ann, do hurry 'round and get mo a pin
or two."
"I can't find tho umbrella" iu smoth
ered accent from tho closet.
"Can't you ? Well, run out and ask
your futltor if ho won't go to tho barn
nml look for it, 1 let Goorgo Washing
ton tako it to play circus wiUi I don t
suppposo I ought to, but ho cried for it,
so 1 let him havo it."
"Pnthor, Father 1" who hnd nioro to
onduro than his mimcsnko did in his
Uiilicul time "mother wants you to go
to tho barn and look for tho umbrella."
"Dam tho old umbrella, Twont ruin
in a week" clambering to tho ground.
"Tell your mothor if sho uin't ready
timo Iget buck I won't wait nnothcr"
but Mnry Ami hnd gone
"I do declaro, Mary Ann, I'm a good
mind not to go now. I know it will rnin
and I shall como back sopping wot, nnd
shall get Biieh n cold."
"I can't find tho umbroll ; 'taint thoro,"
said Job. "Come along I You don't want
"Job MaUiows 1 I'm uot going to stir
one stop without it. It will rain catsond
"I'm going."
"No, you ain't. Tio my bonuot quick,
Murv Ann. Thoro goes tho string. Novor
mind I'll hold it on. Tlio wind don't
blow muoli. There's n pin on your wnist.
give it to mo, quickl"
"iVif-i;-w-i Aro you ovor a-coining ?
I'll bo dog-goned if I'll wait much
longor I "
"Just a minute, Job. Oh, bore's tho
umbrella, rigiit muter mo soi
coming now, quiok's I find my
All right. Hero I bo, Jo Mar
he's gone 1" Western Jtural.
umbrella, right under tho sofa. I'm
ary Ann l
Tho wifo of Senator Edmunds will
remain in Carlsbad during tho coming
Sir Garnet Wolseley is to receive the
doooration of tho Grand Cross of Uie
Ordor of tho Hath.
United Slates Minister Foster is mak
ing a tour of Moxioo, nml is meeting
wiUi marked attention.
Senator Hill has abandoned the hope
of rooonolliug the Democratic factions iu
New York and gone home.
Governor Simpsou, of South Carolina,
and Ilolliday, of Virginia, who havo
beon visitlngPhUadolplua, havo vcturaed
The "Homing Instinct" In H;coni.
One of tho most striking power
possessed by nnimnls i thnt of finding
their way homo from a grent distance;
nnd ovor n road with which they nro nt-
Coxed to bo umtcmininted. It has long
oen a question whothor wo are to nttri
bute Uiono romnrkablo performances to a
purely intuitive perception by tho ani
mal of the direction and the practicable
route to his home, or whether thoy nro
tho result of n conscious study of the
situation, nnd a definite carrying out of
woll-judgod plans.
Probably tho most prominent example
of this wonborful power is tho case of
Homing pigoons. 'Aiieso pigeons ore very
strong of wing, and their intelligence is
cultivated to a high degree; for thoir
peculiar "gift" has been niml no of
sinco "timo whereof tho memory of man
runnoth not to tho contrary." Tlio
principle of heredity, therefore, now
acts with much force; ndvorthclcss, each
young bird must bo subjected to wjverc
training in order to fit it for thoso
ardnous temptations which annually
tako place among first-rate birds. As
itoon it tho flcdKlintr is fairly strontr on
its wings, it te tekon n few miles from
tho cote and released. It rises into tho
air, looks about it and starts straight
away for home. There is no myBtery
about this at nt ull when it ha attained
the height of it few vnrd tho bird can
seek it cote, and full of that strong love
of homo which is so characteristic of iU
wild ancestors, tho blue-rocks, it hastens
back to the society of its mates. Tho
next day tho trinl-distanco is doubled,
tho third day is still further increased,
nntil in a fow weeks it will return from
a distance of seventy miles, which is all
that a bird-of-the yoar is "fit" t3 do; and
two years old, will icturn from 200
miles, long distances being loft to nioro
mature birds. But all this training
must bo in a continuous direction; if
tho first lesson was toward tho cast, nb
sequent lessons must nlso be; nor can the
added distance each timo exceed a certain
limit, for then, after this way and thut,
and failing to recognize any landmark,
tho bird will simply como back to where
it was thrown up. Moreover, it must
always bo clear weather. Homing
pigeons will make no attempt to start in
u fog, or if they do get away, a hundred
chances to ono they will be lost. Nor do
thoy travel at night, but sottlo down at
dusk nnd renew their journey in tho
morning. When snow disguise the
landseapo, also, many pigeons go astray.
Nono of these circumstances seri
ously humers tho semi-annual migra
tions of swallows or geese. Thoy journoy
at night as well as by dar, straight ovor
voat bodies of water and llat deserts, truo
to tho north or bouth. Homing pigeons
fly northward or south ward, east or wrest,
equally well, and it is evident Uieir
coarao-iH-qURletWml;r ly observation.
Watch ono tossed. On strong pinions it
mouuts straight up into tho air a hun
dred feet. Thou it begins to wecp
around in great ciiclos.rising higher and
higher, until if the locality i hcventy
fivo or a hundred miles loyonil where it
has ever been before it will go almost
out of sight. Then suddenly you will
seo it strike off upon a straight course,
and that course is homeward. But tako
the sumo bird thero a second time and
none of Uieso asrial ovoluUous will occur
its timo is too pressing, it homesick
ness too interne for that; instantly it
will turn its face toward its owner's dove
cote. &'eribncrj'orXocctba
Freaks or Foirri'.vi:. Great freak of
fortuuo seldom striko thrice in the same
placo. Last spring Farmer Harpor, of
Midway, Kentucky, exhibited, with par
donable pride, to ono of our correspond
ents, two bay stallions filled with fire of
Flying Childers. Thoro," baid ho, "aro
tho only two horses in Uiis world from
ono stable thut have run a mile iu 1:10,
and Uiat fellow (pointing to Ten Hroock)
did it inside o .1:10." The other horse
was Ijongfcllow. Successively, within a
short period of timo, Uioy had been tlio
phenomenal wonders that drew applause
from the qunrtcrstrctch. At the Into
mceUng in Louisvillo, tho great Ameri
can stallion stake for three-year-olds,
ono mile and thrco quarters, was run.
Twolvo raeors, from fifty-ono nomina
Uous miulo by prominent breeders of the
Southwest, facod tho judges. Among
the tried ones wero Buoktie, Aureolas,
nnd Good Night. Tho keon critics of
Uio turf placed thoir faith nud monoy on
liucktio and Aureolas for tho first and
second places. Farmer Harper had two
sons of Longfollow in tho string, Irish
King and .Tils Johnson. Fow saw thoir
"pints," ns tho old farmer calls tho run
ning qualities of hi colts; and nono
accorded thorn a place in tho nice. A
tremendous struggle ensued, nnd there
wns groat consternation on tho quarter
stretch whon Irish King bounded under
Uio wire iu tho astonishing timo of
8K)5l4, oqual to tho best on record, with
Jils Johnson second. Noithor Huektio
nor Aureolas captured a plaeo. Tho
farmer had struck a triple of viotories,
ciUier ono of which tlio careful rich
breeders would havo given a king's ran
som to havo won. Mr. Harpor is known
as n careless, easy, old man, paying no
attention to thooretical oxperimoiits. Ho
allows his farm boys to rule his match
less horses ovor fields of stumps after the
cows, and along dusty roads to tho coun
try store and postoUioo, Ho follows a
slack system of training. Still tho fioklo
goddess porches high on his colors of
orange und red, It is ono of tho marvels
of horso brooding. Tho Louisvillo ruco
has a strango sequel. It seems that,
although Mr. Harper entered both colts
in his own uamo, ho had given Irish
King, whon a yearling, to his colored
trainer. Tho trainer claimod tho stakes,
but Mr. Hnrnor refused to surrender.
saying that Jils Johnson had been pulled
uronior to nllow irisit iving to wiu. 'Alio
trainer has taken this novel case into
court, and turfmen look for the result
wiUi exceeding interest,
Tho Archduchess Christine will be
married in silver cloth, embroidered with
sparkling white jot- Included in Jior
trousseau is a costume of embo3sod vel
vet and uiwboovorod satin, trimmed with
fringe of small pearls nnd silver luoo,
Patrick: Anil Biddy, darliut,. they've
boou tolling mo there's too many of us in
tho wurrulu. Now Biddy, if you nu' me
got the prasto to mako ua two wan, troth,
won't there be wan tk lew?"
Selfishness will cat into our spiritual
joy liko canker.
There is no place so secret whoro thero
aro no temptations.
No wise man over wished to be
younger. Jonathan Swift,
. Tho timo to save monoy is whon every
body else is spending it.
Experience is a torch lighted in the
embers of our own delusions.
To-morrow is tho day on which lazy
folks work and fools reform.
In temptations and afiliction man is
proved how much ho hath profited.
It is out of life's darkest clouds that
some of life's sweetest consolations
The Utes object to bein civilized, and
the white men on the border object to be
ing Utelized. Boston Courier.
"What havo you to remark about my
singing?" asked an irate vocalist. "Noth
ing," Tepliod n spectator; "it is not re
markable." Albany Journal: It turns out that
Gcnoral Joe Hawley wrote "Beautiful
Snow." For Mark Twain himself has
said it. Tho exposure has oast a gloom
over the entire State of Connecticut. It
is understood that tho Hartford C'ourant
will ask Mr. Hawley to resign.
"Olij" said the afllctod wife, woeping
over his remains, "no said ho would tako
off the flannels anyway, and tho poor
man, ho littlo thought how soon ho would
go to tho placo whero flannels are novor
Bridget; (to caller): "Will ye kapo
still a iniDit while I look at ye?" "No,
misses liaint to home. She told mo if a
woman come with a wart on the end of
red nose to say she want to home, and
Uiere's no mistaking that wart."
A Lebanon paper says a rooster i that
placo daily lays an egg. This is some
thing for tho hens to crow over, but tho
rooster ought to bo ashamed of himself.
Ho might advocate tho rights of the
femalo sex without usurping them.
Mr Edward Compton, tho loading man
in Miss Neilson's company, is a son of
ono of tho old English school of come
dians. It is to bo hoped ho is an im
provement on tho gifted Barnes who sup
ported the fair Adelaide on the occasion
of tier Western tour.
The Mooiusii Tiu-pot. There is a
good deal of coffee imbibed by tho lower
classes of citizens, in small coffee-houses
not frequented by the elite of Moorish
society. sUmonds aro occasionally
roasted and ground with tho berries, and
tho mixture is sometimes scented wiUi
rose-water. In tho towns, too, the water-
soller s boll seems to tinkle incessantly!
os wim goscsKin waier-nag ue porunmi
lates tho dusty streets in quest of thirsty
customers. Milk, especially sour milk,
is the pet "quencher" of tho country
folk. But green tea is, if not Uio
national, certainly the favorite beverage
of the higher classes, who to a man pre
fer tho perilous sti,iiilntion of Hjcon to
the gcntlo exhilaration of Pekoe, Conga
or Souchong. Most well-to-do natives
toke tea both before and after tho last
Uireo meals of tho day; so the reader will
bo prepared to boliore Uiat the consump
tion of green tea in Morocco is larger in
proportion to Uio number of its popula
tionsay 7,000,000 than in any oUier
country. Tho tea equipage usually con
sists of a bright brass tray, olaboratelj
chased, whereon aro placed tiny glass,
tiny glass tumblers nnd a small mttal
loar-bliaiMHl tea-pot, in which is put half
a handful of Hyson, with sufficient loaf
sugar and boiling water to moke a thin
syrup, often flavored, in lieu of cream,
with marjoram flowers, orange blossoms,
citron leaves and blooms, wormwood, or
ambergris. To seo a Moor calmly sip n
dozen or more tumblerfuls of tho" scald
ing nnd sickly-sweet infusion nt oco sit
ting, is a sight calculated to inspiro tho
European spectator wiUi u profound
admiartiou of Uio ndamanUne uaturo of
nativo nerves and gullets. (Tinsley's
A Woman Who Refused Amnestt.
Somo of tho "advanced" French journals
havo lately given proof of thoir innate
capacity for hero-worship by extolling
to tho skies Uio civic virtues and moral
excellences of a female luminary of tho
Commune hitherto unknown to famo.
This lady has recontly been amnestied
by tho President of tho Republic, but
from her lofty nature the puling senti
ment of gratitudo is conspicuous by its
absence, if wo may judge her character
by n lotter sho has addressed to that
august functionary upon tho subject of
her pardon. Condemned in 1871 to
transportation to a fortifiod placo, Louiso
Miohel was imprisoned for two years in
Auborive, nnd was theuco convoyed to
Numca. There sho founded a school, iu
which she taught her own peculiar theo
ries, physical and ethical, to tho children
of hor fellow-convicts. An interesting
feature in hor curriculum of study was a
brand-now catechism, in which she ex
ercised her pupils daily. It commenced
us follows; "Who created you ? Nature."
When Uio commutation of her sentence
was announced to hor, sho commented
upon that not of grace in these romarka
blo torms: "I havo ereoted iu my heart
a Paris and a Franco after my owu taste.
Bnt as this France of mine does not as
yot exist, I prefer to remain hero among
the savages. My hour is not yot como.
I am proud, and do not ohooso to inour
the reproach of moral weakness in the
enduronco of my axilo, I know that
Paris takes it deep interest iu me. and
that the Government would bo delighted
could it discover tho least hloniUh in inv
character." A martyr to her convictions,
Louiso Michel, offered freedom nnd re
turn to tho real Franco which, perhaps
fortunately for Europe, differs so widoly
from tho Franco created, by Iter fervid
imaginaUou, chooso to remain in a penal
colony nnd to iuculeate her peculiar doa
trine upon tho risiug generation of
Numeans. On tho -whole, we opino that
our vivacious noighbors may reasonably
congratulate themselves upon her selec
tion of Nuraoa as a place of residence,
nnd upon tho oirourastanoo that thoir na
tivo country does not como up to liar
notion of what Franco ought to bo hi or
dor that ita moral condiUon should
Justify her iu returning to its shore,
London Telegraph, Octolior 4th.
The Simple i Tuoiel.
Tho engineering enterprise of the pres
ent ago is so grat that thero is nothing
extraordinary iu tho fact that oveu before
the St. Gotbnrd tunnel is completed it i
contemplated commencing n third gigan
tic tunnel through tho Simplon. A com
pany for tho construction of this tunnel
and tho railway in connection wiUi it wao
formed in 1874, and it has already laid
down tho line from Lausanne through
tho valley of tho Rhone to Breig, at the
foot of tho Simplon. Tho French minis
ters, together with M. Oambetta and
also President Grovy, aro Tory anxious
Uiat this colossal undertaking should be
proceeded with without delay, and it fs.
affirmed that tho French GoTrcrmsssii in
tends to apply to the chambers for a
grant of 48,000,000 francs lor this pur
pose. It is assorted that tho Itahau
Government is disposed to undertake
the construction of a lino from Isill, at
tho foot of tho Simplon, which will bring
tho tunnel into connection with the
Italian railway. This line, it is estimated,
will cost some 28,000,000 francs. Con
cerning tho tunnel itself tho following
details aro taken from tho records of the
posts and telegraphs. Though the
Simplon will be longer than either the
Mont Cenis or the St. Gotbnrd tunnel, it
is thought Uiat the construction will not
bo more difficult. Tho entrance to the
St. Gothard tunnel is situated at an alti
tude of 1152 metres above tho level of the
sep, and the Mont .Cenis tunnel at 1500'
moires. Tlio entrance to the Simple)
tinnel will be situated comparatively
low, and the railway leading to it from
Lausanne is quite straight, with an in
cline in no case greater than one in 100,
On the northern slope, howover, Uie in
cline will be greater 13 in 1000. In con
sequence of the low position, of Uie tun
tel the work will not be subject to such
constant interruption by the snow as Las
been Uie case with the Mont Cenis and
St. Gothard tnnnels. The Rhono on the
Swiss and tho Rivera on the Itab'an side
will furnish tho necessary water power
for the boring, and, thanks to the warmth
of the climate of tho canton of Wallis, it
will not be necessary to suspend opera
tions oven in the most rigorous season.
The tunnel will be oven longer than tho
St. Gothard, as Uiis latter is but 15 kilo
meters in length, whereaa tho Simplos.
will be 17 kilometers long. Geologists
are of tho oninion that the stone of the
Simplon is less hard than that of either
Mont Cenis or St. Gothard, and it is cal
culated that the boring can be proceeded
wiUi at tho rate of from nine to ten
meters per day, so Uiat the tunnel will
probably be completed in six,or at meat,
seven years from the date of its an
nouncement. The estimated cost of the
enterprise is 80 000,000 franca 74,00,. .
000 francs for thoinoneliteri:JBrig;
4,000000'francs por kilometer. Tat m
tunate may be considered a little mga m
comparison with the St.Gothard Tunnel,
which is being constructed for 2,000,000 .
francs per kilometer; butl,000,000 francs
will oo expenueu on me completion o
tho tunnel, and 5,000,000 on tho building
of a largo international station at Brieg.
Only a small portion of 80,000,000 franes
which will be necessary to carry out this
enterprise will bo raised by publio bsd
scription that is ts Bay, only 13,500,000
ironcs. alio remaining uo,oou,ww.irWM
will "be granted to the company as fol
lowg; Tho Swiss Government will sub
scribo 3,500,000 francs; tlio Canton of
Waadt, 5,000,000 francs; the Canton of
Wallis, 1,000,000; tho Cantons of Berne,
Freiburg and Geneva, 2,000,000 francs; -;he
Swiss Western Railway Company,
5,000,000 francs, and France 48,000,000
Love-Sick Maidens Determined te
Die. Many months ago, in that pari; of
the city of Bordeaux which ia known, as
tho Quartier do la Comedio a scene waa
enacted, which, U it had been aUowed to
take its course, would havo warranted,
Uio change of tho name of Uie district
mto Uiat of tragedy. Two young sisters,
dressed in white garments, were discov
ered half asphyxiated in a room, froa
the middio of which a brazier sent for&
the deadly fumes of burning charcoal.
The windows wero immediately opened,
and after two or throe daya care ia fhe
hospital the girls recovered. Thoy had
beeu crossed in love, it appeared, Mad
deeming life uot worth keeping, they did
thoir best to abandon it quietly and
painlessly. So closed tho first act of. the
drama. Ono day, by Uio sido of an
avenue of poplar trees leading to the
residence of a genUeman of Bordeaux
wero found the bodies of two young
women. Blood was trickling from their
corpses, and lay in a pool around them.
Two revolvers wero close to thoir Land,
and tho pooplo who quickly collected
around tuo spot recognized in tho dead
before Uiem tho sisters who had previ
ously attempted to commit suicide, a
mentioned above. A letter addressed by
ono of them to a local paper throws a
faint light on tho history-of these poor
maidens. "We shall die," bo ran the
lotter, "close to his abode," Uio tBaa
of tho owner of the nvenuo of poplar
was horo mentioned "to relieve ui,
his family and his friends of the trouble
of repeating what thsy hive said
namely, that I had played a fearful
comedy in order to become his brido."
A TiiRKE-Yiun Old Bov Drinks Cast
bouo Acid and Dies. A distressing case
of accidental poisoniug by swallowing
carbolio aoid, the vicUm boing the threes
year old son of W. H. Hoisler, Cashier
of tho Seventh Nntional Bank, was re
ported to tho Corouer yesterday. During
uio summer, wimu xux. jjuibiui b immuj
were away, carbolio acid in various ves
sels was distributed througl?4ho house to.
prevent the ravages of moths in the ear-. '
pots, furniture covorings and winter gwty
monts. The cupful whioh Uie child ph
took of was under n sofa in the purler,
and had boon overlooked by the family
on their return from the country. 0
Saturday the little fellow crept under Uw
aofa and drank some of the burning aei
He sprang out and fell into eonvntefcm
and tho sickening odor of the disiafee
ant tojd tho story. Physioiaw w m
for, who administered aidoe, wtf
without nvall. and the child died. Ott
Sunday niorulng. -Phitadnlfiki f Tinm,
Oct. SWA. ,
The best naturod awn will got a tri
wad, whon Ida wife telk h that
made 'ulatew for Uie boy" nt fit b'
last winter's enr-muffs,
.- ;