WrVrrFw P St-H- I ,ir F sS f isa mri i4 The Coast Mail. mm f. VA THE '. .n rt. vfl The Coast Mail. 1'UIItilNKKU KVEUYBATUKDAY MOIININCI hv WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHART, Mnrahnoltl, Grow Co., Or, TItllHn, IN ADVANOK. Oiieyr., MM Hli niiiiilim IN) Xlitco month 1 00 OMrlnl I'npcr oM'oon I'ouiily. Tlio (Jorfcmn t.iiiporor. Tho Emperor WHIInm completed IiIh eight v-wcnnd yi'iir hist March, mill Is still strong enough "'i'O K1 il' i..,i. ll.mtuh hn bus llll interview every ntoriiiiiK with IiIh physician, who dpoidc whether iiih iuiijosiy m in hi k urn, in whether lin ntiint keep to IiIh rooms. Ap ropos of tlic dinner, tin' Hrst "olllcor of llm month" lo tlio Kaiser WUH OUCH u I'Venehinan, mill probably still Ih, Only lifter the war of IH70-71, tlio Emperor. Ill It (It Of plltliotlMlll, lliHIIllHHCll llilll, lllllj advanced it 'IVutoii to tlmt pout, Hut tlio now chief cook, with tlio licst intentions, only succeeded in giving h's "most-all-gracious" liege lonl it norleH of violtmt attacks of indigestion, Ho tho Eiench- 1I11UI Wit reinstated. Tlio Emperor Ih, indeed, mi epicure in every sense of tlio woril -n fact which it en-lulu Exeter Hull meoliug wionicil to lio scarcely iwvni'o of, llin relations toward his august coiiHort mo evidence of how sincerely ho admires mid him Mlldlcd tliolifonf llin fllllHIUM pri'lllKT.MHOI-, Fredetick tho Grout. When young, ho wits renowned for un assiduous and honornblo dototion toward tho woithior SOX, Ono tenet of tho Epicurean philosophy he him not. embraced, for tho Kniscr ih extremely rolfitioiiK. Ho begins every iluy by rending IiIh lllhlo, unit, Hinilo ns ono tuny when ho tliinkn of other fact in Iiih life, it would ho tho groutest of mis takes lo regard him us n crowned Peck sniff. Tito dispatches which we nil rend during tho Irnneo-Ucrmuii wur, uud which priiim'd tho Almighty for tho Prussian victorioH, woro written in u perfectly liouortt uiul believing Hiiirit. uud wero, in truth, edifying instances (if httiuility "JS'im uolii, not unto uh, but i nnlo'l'liv tiniiio givo tho pruiho." lin inanity ih nothing if not incoiiHintuut. "The l'nnco of rniHuiii," uh ho xmih onco Htyled, wuh the roverno of 11 reputa tion for lionpttality. The truth in that ho hud a vert Miiall iilloance, and 1'riiH.statt tniditloiiH hiuc uImuvh been frugal. Tho J'uiperor'M falher, lVedcrick III., licd In tho plainest niuuuer; touch moio iihunly than motl contforlubly-olV Her Inn ih. Indeed, tho old King wuh lather amiiM'd lo mi how liia own MibjeotH "cut him out" Ono day thorn wunuory good diiiuer at tho I'ulaco, and tho King mud, with u Hinilo: "It'x almost goixl enough forul'iivy Councilor." I'rinco WiIIiiiiii'h tnvitutioiiH were dt ended like tho cholern, mid, of courHO, they could not bo declined. A cult of tea and it wiHp of white bread Mill i luxury in I'riiHHiu), with tho thinnest xiHHiblt layer of uiurmaliidn on it, wuh the uliiuxt poHHibility of refrcHhment iuthohnllrt of the liolr presumptive It ended by gen tlemen, uud (Hen litdiet, blipjiing out of the I'tiiicd'h 1kiuk( and going to a neigh boring rcttutirunt for uHiutck, after which thoy would letuiu to tho princely abode. Ono day William "npotted this little iiiiiiiti'iirt; and, in intercepting a lady who wan making her touinorary exit, gravely leminded her that Mio eoiild not go yet, for tho I'rincoHH (tho lmplcxs ngiiMlal witHHtilt in tho rooms. l.mporor William ban impnnod on I'rinco Williuui, which nhow that ho Mmply wautoil money to "do the thing" hiiiiilHomelv Now ho given ohainimgno ' us well us tea at hiri parties, also iiihciiiih ... 7. . . .' I . and HunduicheH pliiH tho bread and mar maladc. l.ndt)i Truth , How Old in Oi.vhh? ThooldoHt upeci men of pmo glass Iwaring anything like a date, Ih a little mounted lion's head, bearing tho nuino of mi Kgyptiati king of tho eleventh ih nasty, in the Slade col lection at the Ilritish Huseiint. That is to Hay, at a period which may bo moder ately placed as more that -tMK) years It. ('., glass was not only made, but made with skill, which hIiowii that the uit wuh nothing now, Tho invention of glu.ing pottery with it llbn of glasss is so old that among tho fiagments which bear iu Hcriptions of tho early Ilgyptiau mon archy aio beads probably of tho llrst dynasty. Of tho latter class tboroaro numinous examples, such us tho bead found nt Thebes, which hits (he naino of Queen llutiiso or Husliep, of tho eighteenth dynasty. Of tho naino period thcro aro vilscs and goblets and many fragments. It cannot bo doubted that Kchliematiii found disks of glass in the excavations ut Myceuio, though Homer does not mention it us it substance known to him. That tho modern art of the glass-blow or was known long befoio is ceit'tin from representations on lio tines on tho walls of it tomb at lloni II as sail, of tho twelfth Kgyptiati dynast vj but a much older picture, which prob ably toproHoutcd the same muntifaottuo, isiiinong tho half-obliterated ncoiios in n chamber of tho tomb of Thy at Hakkaru, mid dates from it time of tho 11 ft li dynasty, it time ho remote that it is not possible, in Hpito of tho assiduous re warolioH of many Kgy)tologors, to give it a date in year. MoitTAMrv in India i'iiom Hnaku IIiit.h. Itoudors will bo startled to learn that, according toit return published In January, 1878, no fewor limit till.OOO hu niati beings lost their lives in India dur ing tho previous year by Himko bites, This lamentable siterillco of life is occa sioned not only by tho oobra mid krait, but by other deailly spooles, mid notably by a Hiiako barely it foot long, tho Kclm I'linimlii, known also by tho nmuo of Hop per or Ftiorsn. Tho eil'onts prodneod by Hiinke-bito vary according to tho spooles, Thus, tho bito of tho cobra prodtiees coma mid Hpeedy death, whereas tho poison of others. Htteh nH ltiiBaell'K viper, produces oxooshivo ))aiu,crnvulnlonsaud UHiially (lontli. Tho bito of Kehit carluula causes blood to ooze from the pores of the victim, who, after lingering for it week or moro, huuoiiiiiuh to tho fatul liotsou, Tho nuinbor of harmloss Hiiakes is onorinnusly in uxcosh of tho venomous Hnoulos, olso tho mortality would unques tionably bo greater ovou than it Ih; and it Ih to bo deplored thai more strenuous ineusuroH mo not taken to eradicate, us far its possible, it tiibo of animals so deadly to man. Chamber's Journal, Homo men's inmiusuript in moro difll- cult to sot un than it rusty stove with ton Jougtha of pipe bought ut auction, tno ..tory propnro.1 i.v rimy which us- , ,.nr,,igSiu'ss of country postmasters. Wo signs the credit of tho invention to the ( mv o kw, ft kc,, ..l( on wlJ U8niciouH lh(enic!nns, is so fur true that these ml- ,mmiu MU inloiiening thoiu wo tuko tho MMiturioitsmorchnntsbioughUpeciuieim K,,.utest care. It is no trivial business to others countries from hgypt. Dr. ' t(1 i... ,,1,1,, .ltuiinkiiiiKliiilintnrntnxiiniiM COAST VOL. 1. CuiiONltlCH In the Malls. Novelties mo Hont ovnry day through llto iiiidls. Among tho Intent uud strong cut uilloles received for dollvory lit tlio Now York postofllco urn two live linby itllgutors. Thoy eamo to hand on Mon day morning much to tho wirprlso of tlio olllciuls who opened the packages. "No. 1 1," Huperiiitondent Purdy'H room, Ih tho "Old Curiosity Shop" of tho Postal Do purtiiiout. It Is a Hliigulnr rocoptuolo lor nil tho queer thingM mid irregular stulV constantly being received from ull purtH of tho world lt.V persons ignorant of tho postal laws, mid hy miiny In dollnneo of tho known regulation unto thlrd-oIaHH mutter. "Wo get Homo queer thingH hy mail I can tell you," wild Assistant riuperin toiidciit Juiioh; than fixing hiaoyo on tho reporter, Jio continued, "Now, wluit would you think if I told you wo some- ! tiuiCH get IoiuIh tlnoilgh tho mailH. You 1 laugh; why wo get IoIn of 'em, and, 1 cartridges, doiitonnting powder, torpe- docH, llroworkH, Hky-rockotH, and oven 1 HiiukoH " i "You'vo got thoin lmd, haven't yon?" oliHorved tho reporter. "I mean just what 1 nay," replied Mr. JouoH, with n grim Hinilo. "Let mu tell you. It wim about eight yeurM ago, wo loceived by mail llvo variotiim of live HiiukoH, Vull, wo wroto to WiiHliington fur iiiMtructioiiH at to their diMiioHition, and " "Why didn't you kill them right nwiiy?" iinKciI tlio roportor. "Well, you wo thoy touched um in traiiait, and wo havo no power to duntroy any mull uiuttor litnlor micli clrcutnutaii com. The.to nihiUi.'h really ought to Imvo been killed at tho poHtollIco whero thoy wcro mailed "Well, what instructions did you K'tV" "Wo wero ordered to send thorn on to Washington, uud thoy wero tlnnlly do posited at tho KmitliHoniun Institute. Homo of thorn died hut ono specimen Ih htillaliNo." "Wero they venomous snakes?" "Yom, Hlr; wo learncsl afterward from Washington of their vilainous charnctor. AVhy, ono wuh u good-niwd, well-developed rattlesnake. They came through tlio mails in tin cans, punctured so unto admit tho neceHsary nir. Now, thin alligator in it harmless kind of mail mut ter, compared with vicious copper headrt." Tho alligators just received aro really beautiful sneeiiiiens. They aro about twelve indies long, and haiiilsoinoly narked with yellow ringH from head to tuil. Tho stniugo creuturcH wero initilod in Biuall tint Imixoh, with iM'rfomtioiiH for ait-. Tho dhvctioiiH woro in different handwritings. Ono wuh to Ih ho nt to MrH. Mldcrt, l'latbush uvenue, llrooklyn, and tho other to a student at Vassur College, I'oughkeepsie, N. Y, Tho postolllco authorities permitteil it clerk who lives near l'latbush aveiiuo to de liver by lutnd the alligator addressed to Mi. hldort; tho other is peacefully on joving himsi'lf in tho comfortable quar ters assigned linn in tlio postolllco. it is it question whether his ittligntorship will over reach tho lair liiimls ol tlio -. .1 yahHui-nui(ient. "What shall wo do with it? Oh, make a let of it." said Mr. Jones. Tho reporter laughed at the idea. "Now, let mo toll you," continued the otllcur, "wo onco had a cut Hont through tho mails. That's a fact. Wo took it out of tho Img, fed it, nod brought it up in tho otllee; and that cat was tho mother of it noblo nice of postolllco cnt." Ill tho department Hiipervised by Messra I'ttrdy uiul Jones, tho stupid mis takes of thoughtless citizens who patron ize tho iiostolllco art rectified mid tho woik culls for peculiar skill and a largo amount of patience. Sometimes the receipt of these st range creatures through tho mails lei wis to a very humorous cor respondence between Now York and Washington. It is not generally known where tho irregular stuff comos from, an the stumps on this kind of mail mutter is what is culled "killed" nt the loceiviug olllcos, "How is it such queer things nro 8cnt out?" queried tho reporter. "simply tlirougli tlio stupidity or -oiass of stuff which silly people slip into tlio mails, inu neotlioy gottlioireiiuneos, without a thought of the nuisance uud trouble they cause tho employes." "Docs Mrs. Khlcrt know wlto sent her tho alligator?" "I think not," said Mr. Jones, "8ho tins an idea that a friend traveling in Ninth Carolina forwarded it as it nieinen (o of tho trip." "Kiqulrc." A Young man vh "t money didn't hold out us long as tho Btuu fair dropped in to tho telegraph otllco uud sent it dis patch to his father in mi interior town to forward him cash to reaelt homo with. When tho rcoeiving olerlc vw that tho dispatch read, "To John Blank, Esq.," lie suggested that a snvingcouldbo made by orusing tho"EHq." "Well, inobbo you think so, but I don't replied tho sonder. "Whon I am homo I call him 'dud' all day long, but when it domes down to black and whito you'vo got to 'Esquiro' him right up to the nitios, or walk homo by tho dirt road, Don't you dure lonvo that off not with the roads its muddy nu they aro now!" In about an hour tho following answor was received, 'I'n Joint untitle, Kiwi., forwnrdt you 110 ami you cult Imvo wore if you whui It. John Ulakk, Kq. "Didn't I toll yo?" chuckled tho young nian oh ho rend it. "DiuVh common enough whon wo'ro all lionio and rushed to get tho fall wheat in, but tho minute his back gets rostod mid a stranger conies along ho weighs moro to tlio ton than liny 'Esq on Iorh, I toll yo, you don't know n man till yo'vohood corn with liintl" Fa Press "Hell eloBod for ropairu," la tho titlo of a locturo bv I'rofossor Jamioson. of Cin- olnuuti, Batau, wo bcliovo, is building J hits chimneys hfghor bo as to reouro n hotter draft for his funmoon. MAHSIIFIELD, Forly.'iilno Years Aro. Just forty-nlno yenrHngo that is, Hot) tombor 15, 18.'W. tlio first passenger rail road in England, the Liverpool mid Man chester Hallway, was opened with great poreinony. A year boforo a prlzo of XiWH) hud been offered for tho host locoinotivo engine, which had been won by George HtephensotrH Ilockel, tition which wero HubHccpiently modolled tlio old gnwishop nor engines of tho lialtinioro and Ohio Jtuilroad, their ajqiearmipo boing H'ig geHtivo of the name. Eight locoinotivo engines had been completed mid placed upon tho lino, and ull had been tested with entire HiinpesH. To cvtry englno was attached four passenger carriages, each containing twenty pontonH. The first engino, tho Northumbrian, drew the most distinguislied guest tho Duko of Wellington, Sir llobert Peel, and other members of the Ministry. It had one lino of tho double track to itself. Tho other locomotives, with their carriages, follow ed ouch other on the other lino, Tho pro cession started from Liverpool at 11a. m., with Hugs, music, lino weather, and great enthusiasm. Seventeen miles from Liverpool, thoy stopped to lako in water, and, in order to offord tho Duko of Wellington nn opportunity of seeing the procession, the seven locomotives wero ordered to puss slowly by tho Nor thumbnail, standing on its truck. Sev eral gentlemen hud alighted while the locouiotiw'H woro taking in water, mid ono of them, Mr, IIuHkisson, Member of Parliament for Lierpool, and an earnest supporter of the railway cause, catching sight of the Duko of Wellington, between whom uiul himself had been home politi cal coolness, ran eagerly across tho track to shake him by the hand. At that mo ment tho order was given for tho seven engines to move forward. Mr. iluskis Hon tvus bewildered. Tho rocket, which wits tho lending engine, struck him while ho wuh still in doubt where to lice. Tho wheels went over his leg and thigh, and ho expired thitt evening. The accident cast a deep gloom over the day's festivity. The trip wuh concluded, that people waiting along tho lino might not Ih; dis appointed, but ull rejoicing uud gnyoty were ut an end. Tho next day tho railroad wus opened for pttHsengcr trulllc, and carried 140 per sons from Liverpool to Manchester in two hours. The original calculations of of the construction had been based on probable returns from heavy merchan dise trallle coal, cotton and iron. They had formed no high expectation of any grout emolument from transporting pus sengeis. Put tho railroad was hardly ojH'ned before un average of 1200 per sons dully wcro willing to trust it with their live. In n few yours it was found that tho enormous trallle wuh too heavy for the origiuul mils, and it becaino noc osKury to relay the rond ut considerable expense. lint though September 15, 18M, is tho greatest day in railroad annuls, being that on which tho world's Urst railroad wuh opened completo, our own Mnryland railroad preceded tho Liverpool A. Man chester in utility. Tho first soil of tho Baltimore A Ohio Hiulroad wns broken for its introduction July 4, 1828, and by tho next your eight enrs, assisted by one locomotive engine, and carrying passen gers and trulllc lietwoon Pultimoro, tho Heluy Hoiiho, and Ellicott's Mills.--n-tinww American. The (lay Monarch. Being shy, reserved, and occiihtoined to stand much upon his dignity, e.xcopt to the very few friends who possosRod his ponlldonce, I'rinco of Wnlos Charles had never come prominently Vforo tho nation. Tho grasp of his mind was limited, he hud ninny prejudices and fow ideas, the How of thoughts was slow and labored, and he was by iinture reticent uud reserved. Conscious tlmt his gifts did not tend to shed a lustre upon his father's court, ho hud held himself aloof from its more boisterous festivities, and from the homage of the vnlgnr. The loquncity, the iendaiitry, tho Minify of his coarse, self asserting sire jarred upon tho sensitiveness of the young Princo, which caused him to withdraw from tho nociety of those who by their servile (lat teries, had wormed themselves iuto tho intimacies of the throne. The Beloct and limited, fow, however, who had been afforded the opportunities of judging tho character of Charles woro strongly im proHsed in his favor. Ho was not it ready talker, lint when he spoke ho showed tliot ho was able to bring to bear upon tlio subject under discussion, if not much origiuul thought, nt least much reading. IIo had a keen appreciation of tho line arts, mid in his travels on tho continent had struck those who surrounded him by tho depth and judgment of tho criticisms ho passed upon the different paintings that mot his view. In mi ago of much license ho had worn tho white (lower of n blumoloss life mid hud been sneered at by tho wits of Versailles as leing as virgin ns his sword. Ho far as externals went, nature had been most kind to him. His face was expressivo, and tho features marked by that purity and ronnement which tiro termed uristoorutie; his ilguro was graceful j his manners, though some what liaugnty, woro eminently oonrtiy and winning. Ah it was said of his un happy descendont, tho Young Protendur, on his llrst entrance intoEdinburg, so it could bo said of Charles, ho "not only lookod like it King but like a gentleman. Tim OuTiucit OavaiiWY. 7t Is reported that a giotesquo genius soino yours ago conceived tho idea of importing and and utilizing ostriches for tho United Btiitos cavalry, instead of horses, and notuully imported eighteen of those long legged birds. These laid numerous eggs in tho sands of Now Mexico, and the Hook of ostriches now numbers 117 stalwart members, It is added that Colonel Hatch, of tho Ninth regiment of cavalry, is about to mount ono of his ooiiipanios on ostriches. "Thoy nro Htroug, dooilo, float as a liorso, will llvo for dayB without tating or drinking, and nood httlo or no grooming." Tho Buvanuali, Ooorgiu Kem states how mosquitooH nro utilized in tho man agement of cuttlo in Florida in causing tlio cattle to cluster together uiul thus nave hordoiB. It says that undor tho in iluonoo of thoBO posts tlio cuttlo othorwiso wild and hard to manage "booomo dooilp and easy to nmnago,1' Novel but un profitable, I OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1879. Injuries to tho Brain. Tho lndinnnpolis journal gives n report of it lecture upon tho bruin recently delivered by Dr. V. 11. Fletcher in tlmt city, in which ho mentioned tho following inBtnnccu of recovery of persoim nfior sovcro in jury to tho brain . '- Onco, about ten yours nyo, I wns on South MissiHsippi utrcot, this city, and was called upon to attotid to the injuries of nn Irish boy, upon tvhoso head u piece of Htono had fallen. A largo rent was made in tho skull, through which tho bruin-muttcr was rapidly oozing. I took out nearly n tiiblcspooiiftil of it, uud removed a picco of th" Hlone nod Hovcrnl frag inotits of tho hone. Tho lad recov ered in n fow weeks, bus sinco gone thioiigh our public, schools with credit, and is ruthc brighter than the avcrago lad. At anothor timo a littlo girl fell from tlio third story window of a block situated at tho corner of Maryland and Illinois streets. Jlcr skull was completely llattcncd, and tho brain very much compressed. The skull was pressed hack into proper shape, and the gill rccovoiol. One very romarkablo in cidout occurred muiijV years ugo.in this Stale A tiittn, while attending to a blast in a coal mine, ignited tho chargo by a spark .'from it crowbar before ho was ready,. and tho bar was thrown through his hands. One end of il struck under his chin, and; passing clear through tlio brain, pro. truded Ihiough tho top of the skull. Tho bar wub removed and tho man lived twelve years iij pcifcct health, mentally and" physically. A similar caso which happened in the Eastern States is men Honed in many recently written physiologies. Last year an explosion occurred lit the Eagle Ma chine Works in thiscit. Apiece of sliver ontcrod the head of a gentle man, entering the brain to tho depth of 2J inches. Tho wood was cvent uully removed, and with it some hrain-mnttcr. 'i'ho gentleman recov ered ami is engaged in business in this city to-day. .Numbors of other case J equal in point of importatico and interest to those I Imvo related havo occurred and nro on record. 1 could mention many more if timo permitted. -' - Tho fact that tho brain may sus tain such injuries without producing death may bo explained on tho fol lowing theory: In a health condi tion tho brain matter completely tills tlio skull, uiul the introduction of n foreign object, however small, creates a pressure which issuflicicntuuid stiro to cutiso death, unless :i correspond ing quantity of bono or brain matter escape by the apcrturo caused by tho ontrunce of ho foreign matter. A bullet outers the biain and nn amount of brain matter equal in si.o must be permitted to escape, or tho prcssuro is greater than can he withstood. In each of the cases cited sii'jli was tho case. Even when such an amount of matter escapes death may ensue, but it docs not necessarily follow. In upoploxy a blood vessel in tho brain is ruptured, and no aperture existing in tho sktill, there is no means of exit for tho blood thus freed. Tho pulsa tion of the heart continues to iorco blood iuto tho brain, and doath re sults from prohsuio on tho brain. .. . A Lb .UKTk. Tho girl who amputates hor boil is she who cuts a swell. Tho Chicago Inter-Ocean advises Konr noy to hire a balloon. Mr. Krupp culls the big gun "Love," because love levels all ranks. "Pin ungaged for this sot," wiid the lieu to tho rooster us sho went clucking away. John Pnssoll Young is to bo dined by Washington journalists on his return to that city. If the wool of a bheop will pay the ex pense of cure and keeping, is not the car cass increase clear gum? Lightning killed l!J hhecp grouped around a burn in Ohio, mid loft two tramps intact who wero iusido on tho hay. "A hair on tho bend is xvortli it dozon in tho hush," says nn exchange. Hut then it doesn't attract near so muoh atten tion. Milk contains only one mtrogenized constituent, known us casein; besides this, its chief ingredients aro butter and sugar of milk. In tho English eheeso factory manage nicnt the value of tho whey for feeding to young htoro pigs is estimated at 15 per cow annually. When John Monigrip's wifo asks for a dollar or two for current demands, ho smilos sweetly us ho says, "True, lovo, darling, seoka no ohnngo." Tho two largest holders of United shitos registered bonds aro Mr. W. II, Vanderbilt, of this city, mid Mr. J. O, Flood, of Sun Fiituciseo, each of whom has 85,C00,(K10, faittphio. What is peculiar in tho lifo of a man consists not in his obodioneo, but hut opposition to tho instinota; in ono direction or anothor ho strives to live a supernatural lifo, "Woman is a delusion, madumo," ex claimed a rusty old bauholor to a witty young lady. "And man is always hug ging some dolusion or othor," was tho quick retort. A big U030 may indicate a liberal heart to soino, but to others it is a token that thoro was matoriai Jon alter nature got tho man's feet in shnpoand she put in on tho nose to snvo it. MAIL. Crlynnyo. After two or thrco exciting chnscs from tho inilitiuy kraal, after passing Zulus whom wo disarmed and qura tioncd, we determined to striko to ward Erilorijnnetii, so as directly to intercept the lino by which tho King must pnss. Another twenty miles followed, chiefly of pretty open hush with long grass between, tlmt kept on Bwcoping in n continual swaying stream over our stirrups and boots on cither side as wo panned along tho nnrrow track, only formed by tho tread of Kaflirs, up and down slopes, sometimes sovero, sometimes moder ate. We m rived by the nightfall on Sunday at a mountain kraal, whore wo again bivouacked, getting some sour milk mid bakinc some sour cakes ol Indian corn, hero called I "mealies." Of course our thrco days' supplies would have been qui to ex hausted bud we not procured all the food for our horses, and meat and mealies for our men, with sometimes sweet potatoes and a fow pumpkins to give variety to the moiil. fVifiVo i..i. , wi.ir.li !u ,..., ;,.,.,i f-mnnnuii'il Miinn mn-i-fibU' to tbirat v ' cotnpou u, tauie ugitc.iUlj to thirst , is a souls. Sourness is the prevailing quality in ull these compounds, but is by no means an unpleasant sour ncsa. However, on our way to the kraal we intercepted otic of the wo men, who confessed that the King's girls were, she undert.ood, endeavor ing to cross by one of the passes of the mountain chain wo had reached, and that theie wero but thrco passes in all through it. Wo therefore re solved early next morning (Monday) to move along the ridge. We havo to-day intercepted in succession, first, two attendant girls at a neigh boring kraal, then, as wc pushed on to this, at the third pass along the ridge, wo look a man in company with a boy, carrying a big bundle. He declared himself at first to bo a servant ol Usobebo, who has been in an underhand negotiation witli us, but, on the boy s btiudlo being broken open, it proved to contain a very 1 it proved to contain hunusoiuo Jlenry express rule, winch ' tho King was known to havo pos ng was known to havo pos sessed, and various other mutton, which could hardly havo belonged to any 0110 else. Finally, the man, alarmed by some disclosures made by tlio head of the kraal whero tho man had slept, confessed that ho was tho King's personal attendant, who had only lcti him t'.ic jnevious day. Then came in a troop of girls and an attendant carrving all the personal belongings of tho King, his medicine, consisting of queer little bits of sticks strung togother with hair, various knives, razors, etc., and a most curi ous collection of miscellaneous trash. Colonel Dogachcr's silk pockothand kerchief was among thoin. The girls all bpliovcd that tho King had been taken. When, thereforo, tho following duy, a man came wiio had, in fact been sent by Lord Gilford, though Major Marter had no means ot know . . -. . . ... .. that ado toditv:! think Vou had better taki this road." Major Mar ter asked no questious but followed him. About tho samo times Major -Marter opened Lord Gifford's letter to Captain Maurice. As this noto novcr reached iw destination, and was destroyed, there is nnturally soino dispute as to its wording, but thcro can bo 110 doubt that it contain ed tho woids which Major Marter appeara altcrward to havo forgotten. "Tho king is in the kraal at tho bot tom of tho hill, and I am watching him." In any caso, Major Marter followed his guido to a kraal where two now guides woro provided for him, who lod him towards tho edgo of a sharp descent, and when nbout fifty yards from it, pointed to a bush on tho verge, as a point for him to muko for. On creopiug there on hands and knees, ho saw before him a kraal, having on ono side com pletely open ground; facing tho oth er side 11 sharp descont, covered with ...... w. - J j -j - tho loresl, reaching down to within a couple of hundred yards of tho kraal. Tlio 250 yards boing open ground, ho decidod at onco that tho only sure method was to attempt getting down the forest-clad clitV. lie nitido his natives strip of their European clothes, to appenr as like Zulus as possible, and lot them move down tho opon Bide. Happily, after groat difllculties, ho suceeedod in getting lih men down, two horses being lost in tho attempt. His two troops galloped round on opposite fides of tho kraal; tho natives up poured at tlio samo momout on tho opon aido, and in n fow minutes Ma jor Martor was nt tlio king's hut, and requested him to como out. Tho king was brought hero on Suuday, diroctly aftor morning sor vice. Ho loft in tho ufiornoon for Piotcrmtiritsburg, in an anibulauco wagon, acoQinpuuiod by four attend ants inside with him. and two oth ers. Ho wns dressodln a tablecloth of rod-nnd green pattorn, purcluiaablo in Oxford stroot for porlmps 7s. lid, IIo has a singularly dignified and statoly nir, stands about five foot olovon inches, but looks shorter, from tho immonso eizo of his limbs, muoh wufltod ns thoy havo boon by J his long chase, In which wo woro al- ing it, and whon, alter taluing lor h0 took up a bundlo of fodder, and creep an hour about nothing, this man said ing up, struck both of them at ono blow, at last: "The wind is blowing from (Thoro was something of a disappointment NO. 40. most bafllcd, though close upon him. It is impossible to oxairerato tho im portance of his capture. Tho extent to which the Zulu HX'stom has been ,iti! it . recreated by his personal character, and has dennndo, nnnn if. i. n tl.inr, hard to mako realizablo in many words. Con. London Times. I'oiltlon Affetti Sleep. An English Physician, Dr. .T.Mortimer Granville, in Iiih tccently-pnblishpd -work tipon sleep, says: "A constrained or uncomfortable po sition will often prevent ropoo. Lying flat on the back, with the limbs rclexed, would 8ecmto secure tho greatest nmotint of rest for the muscular system. This is tho position assumed in tho most ex hausting diseases, and it is generally hailed as a token of revival when a patient voluntarily turns on the side; but there are peveraf disadvantages in the Hiipino posture which impair or om- barrass sleep. Thus, in -w eakly htetes of tno lieart una moou-vcsscls. and in cer tain morbid conditions of tho brain, tho j blood seems to gravitate to tho back of tho head, and to produce troublesome dreams. In persons xt ho habitual 'y, in 1 their giat or work, stoop, there is prob- i ably homo distress consequent on straightening the muiic. Those xtlio havo contracted chests, especially per Bons w,1 liavc ,m1 P'curisy ami retain 11.ii.,..;ons of ti.G lM (lo ' t .., .v0i I adhesions of the lungs, do not sleep At ell 41 n the hack. cary all xvho aro inclined tosnoro do so while in '.hat position, lc eaUHO the soft palate and uvula hang on the tongue, and that organ fulls buck so us to partially close the top of tho wind pipe. It is better, therefore, to lie on tho fdde, and, in tho presence of special chcHt discuses, rendering it debirable to lie on the weak aide so as to leave the healthy lung frco to expand, it is we'll to choose the right side, because xvheu the body is thus placed food gravitates more I easily out of the stomach into tho intes- I tines, and tho weight of the liver docs I not compress the upper portion of the intestines. A glance at the plate of the I viscreal anatomv will show how this must be. Many persons are deaf in one ear, and prefer to lie on that particular ' sider but, if possible, the right side 1 should be chosen, and the bodv rolled n littlo forward, so that any saliva which may be secreted shall run easily out of tho' month, if not unconsciously swal lowed. Again, sleeping with theenns thrown over the head is to lie depreciated; but this position is often assumed during sleep, because cirenhujon is then free in the extremities and tho head and neck and the muscles of tho chest are drawn up and fixed by the shoulders, and thus tho expansion of the thorax is easy. The chief objections to this position are that it creates a tendehcy to cramp andTold , in tlio anus, and sometimes seems to i cause headaches during sleep and I dreams. These small matters often make I or mar comfort in sleeping." Tight Wl h its. Several days ago we published an arti cle from tho Dardanello Arkamian, giv ing an account of a bulldog attacking and almost tetirirg a couple of children to pieces. Such a course from a bnlldog is not surprising, but the following, given us by Mr. George Harrison, of Poinsett county, is something aside from the usual line of animal ferocity: Several mornings ago a boy abont 13 years old, a nephew of Mr. Harrison's, I an intimate of his family, xrent out to 1 tho barn to feed his horses. When he entered tho loft, he discovered two largo outs lvintr on the straw nsleen. Bov like. -j o --- . ,, I " 1110 resuu. lno cnis, uisicao 01 uu ning away, sprang at the boy with a fury that startled him. Having nothing with which to defend himself, the boy tumbled around, xvhile tho cats squalled, clawed and bit him unmercifully. The Imjv's cries did not bring assistance, and, of course, realizing tho fact that it might prove fatal to delay desperate efforts, the boy sprang toward tho ladder leaning against the rafters, and ascendod to the roof of the house. Tho cats followed him, and, despite his efforts to keep them away, bit and clawed him frightfully. Realizing his ladder folly, ho jumped down on tho hay. The eats followed him. By this timo he xvas Ideeding very freely, nnd his coat xvas almost torn into threads. Seizing one of tho cats by the hind legs, he attempted to beat it to death agaiust tho wall, but tho animal turued around and began tear ing his arm. Shaking the felino off, ho ran to tho ladder leading down. 'J. ho an minis followed him. Just as he reached tho ladder, he discovered a moukey wrench lying on the floor. Seizing it ho turnod. dealt tho foremost cat a blow bo n i ixuxit in tween tho eyes, and before it could re covor mashed its head. The other ani mal xvas not rendered less ferocious by the death of its companion, but fought with fury. With a heavy blow tho hoy stietched out the remaining felino and bent out its brains. Catching them by tho tails, ho marched to tho house to givo a .. I.!- l.li1n IVl.nn l.A 0,1. an nccouui 01 u imvm.-. nw . """""; - ', 1 ,i i. tered tho houso, ragged, and bleeding from utmost ovory men 01 n uy , Imlilincr two lnrco cats bv tho toils, tho astonishment of the unolo and terror of tho aunt woro xvhat you might call boundless. The boy has boon confined to his bed sinco tho encounter, and his physicians say that his recovery is doubt ful. Utile Hock (Ark.) Gaietl. SnLiiiso Convicts in Aaiuma. A lot of prisoners sentenced to hard labor in Alabama xvero knocked down to tho highest bidder at the following figures: Martha Jackson, a negro xvouutu, wont off at 3 10 per month; Emma Parker, a negro xvoman, 82 05; an old negro mau, William Moulton 81 20; Sarah Moulton, his xvif o,81; Sam Molono, n negro man, went for 88; Sam xvas a "likely fellow," and tho bidding xvas quite lively. Jim arahaui, a negro uoy, urpugni. eu ou; John Fleming, a nogro men, was kuook od off at 80 60; Junius O.iiorne, a xvhite man brought only twenty-tlvo cents a month, xvhile another whito man by tho name of Mann, xventfor tho small sum of five cents. A number of negroes xvoro among tlio bidders, and ono said ho never oxpociou w xivo 10 oo mu j whon a nogro would bo worth morq than 11 white intuit DKVOTED TO ALL LIVE ISSUES. Tho Interests of Southern Oro gon Always Foremost. The Development of our Minn, tlio Imp-overact) t of oar Harbors, and IUIIro-ICora-muntoailon with the Interior, Hpcclsltlei. ;. ' v., ' .'.". ' 1 Uncle Andrew's Itomance. Uncle Andrew sot leaning Ida olbowrt j on tho wb, .....Hir, hU head on Mil ., m ' ' i,ui., . band. Traces of fresh tears wcro upon, ' , . , , , , . n i . I ,,la chwk" nnd lua wero ! tho ivory miniature which lay bofom 1 him, depicting, as I saw by the glimps 1 which I caught of it, a bright, girlish faoo of surpassing beauty. I had no thought of intruding upon i Undo Andrew's private griefs when t entered his room without warning. In I deed, I never suspected that ho had any griefs, he was so cheerful and pleasant, and so free from the crustiness commonly set dtiwn as the distinguishing trnits ol old bachelors. I xvas about to beat a hasty retreat, xv hen Uncle Andrew stopped me. "Don't go, Charlie," ho said, "I feel as though it would do mo good to to tain a hit just now." "Is that tho likeness of a relativo?" I asked, pointing to tho miniature, which seemed to be the subject of hi I thought. "No," ho answered; "but I will tell you the story if yon care to hear it. X think it would bo a relief to tell somo ono this evening." I drew up a chair in front of Unchi Andrew, who thus proceeded: "You may form some conception of how beautiful Alice Bond was from tho picture you see there, though tho reality wns far beyond tho power of any artist to reproduce. "Sho wa5 u delicate and tender flower. A hereditary tendency to lieart disease her mother liud diod suddenly from that cause gave her friends much anxiety in her earlier years, but tho doctors gavu encouragement that she xvould outgrow it iu time, and Mr Bond went ou making money its usual, with an eye to leaving his daughter, soino day, the richest heir ess in the land. "I was a happy youth that day when I told Alice that I loved her and had dono so ever since I knew the meaning of tho word, and she leaned her darling head, on my shoulder and whispered back tho precious answor that satisfied my heart" longings. "We both knew Alice's father too xrcll to hope for his present sanction to our union. This xvas our plan: I would gi to the land of gold, then newly dis covered, win a fortune, and then return and claim the hand of the rich man's daughter when he would have no right; to scorn my suit an that of a mercenary adventurer. "For two long years I toiled in that xvild, far-off country, as a man only can toil when he has some cherished end in view. I xvas among the fortunate ones, and at tho end of tho period named had amassed a sum beyond my most sanguino hopes. Tlio ttmo had corao -whcs-1-aecii wait no longer. Tho days of servitude were over, and I might now claim thi prize. "With what impatience I made the) weary journey homeward. Not a lino had passed between Alice and myself. I& xvas a condition, of onr compact that xr.1 should hold no communication till thj i time came that we might ask Alice's) father for his approval. Tho self-im-' posed restriction had been faithfully observed. I did not even xvrite to tell Alice of my good success. I xrished tu be bearer of the good news in person. "At Inst I set foot in my nativo town. My first greeting I resolved should como from Alice. I rather ran than walked ti her house. "Tell Misa Bond a gentleman xvishe3 to see her, I said, excitedly, to a servant who answ ered my hasty ring. I " 'I fear you cannot see her tcrday,' ' was tho response. "Why not?" 1 asked impatiently. " 'Do you not know sho is to be mar ried this morning?' returned tho scr vant. "Married 1" I said, gasping for breath. "Married! to whom ?" 1 " To Mr. Ellis Wythe." "Ellis Wythe ! the villain 1 Ho had pretended to bo my friend, and was tha only confidente of my lovo for Alice. I "Not well knowing what I did, I stap , gered past tho servant and xras soon 111 ; tho midst of the gay company, to whom I Mr. Bond, stiff and stately as usual, was j doing the honors with an air of great I satisfaction. "Tho bridegroom and his attendants stood in a little group by themselves. A I clergyman was in xvaiting to do his office. They seemed to be only xvaiting for tlio bride. I I advanced and confronted Ellis 1 Wythe. Heaven knows what I xvonld j havo said or dono, for I xvas in no rear , sonablo niood. But at that instant a , I nfronch the house. Alarm bvev- .s...1 ilirv nnnttianiiniia nf titP miAftr4. K general rush for the stair- i ii 11 xvav, and I xvas homo along xviui um otliers. Through tho open door, of aa apartment xvo saw tho bridesmaid, who had gone to summon tho bride, kneeling beside a prostrate form in white. It was that of Alico iu her xvoddiug robes, Tlie strain upon the worn, troubled heart had been too grejjt. Sho was dead. It xvas not till aiiorwarua iiuis 4. learneu uio mu peniuv u mw iuuw, . Ue haa ,)retenUe(i to receive intelligence, . . .. 1 ii. 1-.11 11.1.. t nil.,. TOrl.ii 1 tl xtQnv a correspondent ,of my marnagp- and permanent settlement in California. Stung by my apparent faithlessness, Alien had yielded to her father's com mand nnd eonsontod to marry a man sfca did not love. But tho poor, crushed heart rebelled at last and broke." Poor Unelo Audrowl and that x tho reason he had always remained ft baohelor. Domestic Thvnwkii Stoiimb. Not many lovers, I suppose, havo found tht thoir xtoddod life answered quite - dream of thoir courtship noi quite; mine don't Yet xvho xvould onter a cowr plaint with heuven bocause May does Re quite match with October? If y perienco can bo of auy uso, I thikj thunder storm so it xvas not to do i chiefmay clear the atmosphore the roof about as xvell as it doos otM And so sure am I of its blessing, tfc xvheu I hear people say that thoy lUMf livod.togothor five and twenty years, mm never had the loast difference, I wonajsf wonder if they havo not had grettd-f nt iilfTAraneo. It is a lesson we hY- m , leara, too, through our wMest and B4 pannm purvix,-"o-w- iv-vy 'il ! HI M