Ir .-.. " .... ... V" w35t.tAj T j "9 'i' ""WppOTVTih ' fTT1' "'" WrWW -ifwgr '44IUHRlHi'3flWsBI e THE COAST MAIL. SXi'iTroav, - nioY.jH,WU. ItKOKIXHA HllOOTIKa. LnHl BrtttlP- lny OYcnlnu ivhoul I) o'clock, H. H. Ilnl loy, o( tlio llliiuoo Hotel In thin pluco rnllatl dipt. Jtin. Mitgeo, of tlio litrorl, out of Demi it QVtmtoru, uuil hi a fow hioiiiuiiIm tli too i!lol hIioIh wero hnnnl in quick hiicoomIoii, nflor which Mnj;eo walked coolly 1U'k Into the ritoie. On holiiK uikcil about thu HhoottiiKi Murcc Hitld Hulloy hud Iiuuii HhoolliiKiit him. Thu (iuIh, ho fur iih wo have licoii uhtu to learn tlii.Mii, nru m followH! Mngoo wiik owing Hulloy n Hum of money, nnd Hulloy called on him for payment, which was rcfiiH oil. HotwordM followed, and Mhkimi wlcd Hallcy hy the wliiokurft, when the latter drew hit pinto) and (lied three hIioIh. Magco wait unhurt, hut one of thu hIioIh look ulTccl In Hulloy' left hand, inlllctiiiK an ugly IU'nIi wound. Thlrt transaction evlneostit rcckleKneitn in thu urn) of firearms that eunnot hu too ntronnly condeiun oil, and hoth of thu Kuntlumen eon curnod may he thankful that Ihciu are no moro Hurlotm couxctjucnccri to record, Not a Toon Cou.vtiiv. Wo oecu nionally hear koiuc uurennonahlc and ilUcoiitonlci! nouI complaluiiiK that thin Coos liny country ih "dead, dull timcn, money nearcu," Ac. Now it HtrikcH uk fordlily that a community nolArgurtlian Jhi that can mipporl three newitaperH and hU Aleumhoalu, cannot he very poor. We have Uicko institutions hero, and all of them up parently doing a "rushing IjiihIiicm." Look out koii AIktkohh. Accord ing to the prediction of 1'rofcHnor Tiee, thu iiHtronomer, thu night of next 'J'liuntdny thu llltli iiiHtant, will hu re mnrkahlu for thu iiuwl hrilliaut din playof Hhooling turn ver won niiict1 the yearjlb.'l.'t. In that year thu mo teoric diitplay wan no grrat us to eauo it geuurul alurm among the lew Intel igeut people, iimny nuppoiiug thu end of thu world was near at hand. rAHtiKNOKii Liht. Tlio following named piiNengein leaet)li the lien 1( utiich KiiU today, John J. Miller nnd wife, 0, J'. Hurgei', (I. A. rnnnlcy, W. II. Taggurt, K. II. Uumste-id, W. E. Dodge, II. U. (Jules, (J. 1). Martin, Chan. .Miller, A. II. Judd, Cham. Men dell, John llauschild, John A. Mur ray, Win Itees, A. Oronmti, J. C. Hot nlliek, I, ui (Iroto and two Chinamen- Installation Thu following olll foru were installed hy Wni.Tcmplu, Lodge Deputy, of I. 0. (J.T. Jodg3. at this place, Thursday evening, Oct. 80; K. A. Anderson, W.C.T. Mrs. Dtinhar, W. V. T. ; J. 0. Hiill.W. B. ; J. Cora, W. P. 8.; James Uill.W.M.; Kullur, W.(J.; Miss McNamaia, W. I. 0. j It. Dunbar, W. 0. 0.. (loot) Caiiou. The schooner Mhxo mi this trip from the Coquillo to Han Francisco, takes a cargo of wheat in the hold,; WH) linrrrls of Kslmou, 1!X) hides and other nroduce. About 7K) parrels of salmon are awaiting ship incut, thr Moat" bring unablu to take nil atone trip. This speaks well for theOoiuille. Mouk lNTKituonAToiiiiw. Mr. Lino ii out in his paper Kith a few more "interrogatories" concerning the Warwick claim. The Mill, has an Mwered all these questions fully and correctly in a former issue, anil does not choose to go over it again. Kkbumkd Woiik. The North Uend mill rosumed work last Monday, after having la-en shut down for a week or morn to place the now boilers which Aero brought up some time sinco. CoNriiDKiiAM.K li nine's cannery at Kllensburg, has this fall put up oer Ji.OOO cases of canned salmon, making over 120,000 1 lb, cans. Thu amount put up during the spring run was over 8,000 cases. Coi.. Joiik Lank commenced a pri vate school at Sumner, last Monday, with a prospect of a good attendance. Own devil has been reading about the recent hurricane in Kpaiu, and wishes to know if ho is any relation to Tubal Cain I Such innocence. Oimi neighbor, F. Mark, of thu fur niture store, has recovered from his latoillnesA and is prepared to sell or manufacture goods in his lino equal to nny in tlifl Statu. Nkxt February will contain fivo Hundays, being leap-yoiir, has twenty nine days and thu 1st and "IHli fall on Hunday. It Is said that it will be for ty years beforo this circuiustanco will transpire again. Cox's salmon fishery at the mouth of the Ooijuille, him this fall packed KX) barrel of salmon. Other parties on thu river have also packed .'100, making an aggregate of about 1,000 barrels. La hT Saturday the atenmer Hatha broke her rudder and lost it overborn il coining down Catching Hlough. Hhu was promptly fitted out with a now ono by Mr. Doubnur on hor arri val horc. Mit. Lubk'h papor at Einplro City wishes to know which of thu publish t'M of thu Mail is thu "responsible oribblor." Wo would stato that each inembor of the firm la personally re sponsible for all that appears in the culuuiiiHof thin paper, and jieihous having business with tlio olllco -will generally find onu of thu proprietors iiu The DoHii-Ceail t'oiinlry, To the tmvelor down thu coast, tlio country docs not present a very invit ing appearance, especially that por tion through which lies the trail" from Marshfluld to Randolph. Though the distance In but 25 miles, It is a full day'nridc, while a great portion of the route extends through n forest so dense that thu rays of the sun have never penetrated Into its dismal vales and mountain gorges to dry up (ho ever-slandlng pools of water which convert the trail into an almost im passable aw.unpi and afler running the gauntlet of hidden snugs, fallen trees and overhanging brush, it is with a feeling of relief and nn out-of- Ihe-wlldcrnoF sigh, that wo emerge from thu hIIoiiI gUmm of tho foreut and draw rein on the summit of the hill overlooking the valley through which tho Coipiillo river (lows, ami upon whoso olear boom is reflected thu towering mountains, down whoso brown sidos thu deepening shadows aro already creeping. All along the rivor everything ap pears to hu in a flourishing condition, as the Inhabitants aru of an energetic turn, and slider no opportunity of im piovemeut to escape them. Tho schooner Mote is lying in tho rivor receiving her cargo, and tho Little An nie and othtir steamers aro busily en gaged In transporting wheal and va rious produce to hor, Shu is uuablo to take all the ready freight this trip, so it will be obliged to await her return. Thr vulmou fishery has proved quite a successful industry on the river, and is now about to closo for the senso'h, having given employment to a num ber of laboiorii and yielded several barrels of aalmon. Wheat raising is also assuming greater magnitude, and as facilities for marketing become hot ter, othor industries also increase rap idly. In order to have an outlet, and to place themselves upon a footing with othor localities, they say tho mouth of their river must be improved, for in this improvement lies their only hope of future gruatuos. Wo offered to don our gum boots, take a shovel and go down and help them dig their channel deeper, but it wouldn't do. they wanted it done by the govern nioiit want to have a sci-wall just like the one we'io to have at Coos Well, if nothing hut u wall will do, we suppose you'll have one. Bo weyil do all we can for you hang our banners on thu outer wall and sing out for tho improvement of your river. Crossing thu Coipiillo at Dandou, tho level beach is followed for about ten miles to Ales. Thrift's place, from whence there is a good wagon road to 1'ortOrford, which is much preferable to the beach route on account of the quick-sand. Tho country inland is comparatively level, and along the numerous creeks stretch short strips of rich Uittoni Uurl, some in a high statu of cultivation, with good Mih stantial farm buildings. Tho hill laud is mostly covered with timber, with occasionally an ojieniug from a quarter to a half mile in extent. Ar riving at I'orl Oxford, wetlnd tho Kn ginoore surveying thu ocean-at that point, thu Trlfair just ariived and lauding several tons of freight, und business generally prosperous. The inhabitants are in eMru high spirits alieady in their imaginations they t-eo the harbor of refugo located there, and thu tall, barren rocks and clifl's taking thu appearance of tho spires and magnificent buildings of a great city. Not wishing to dostioy their beautiful aireastles,ordooiningit pru dent "to bean! the lion in his den," we refrained from telling (hem we had heard one of tho Hoard, while asleep, muttering "That every one knew Capo Arago was tho only proper placo for such a work." The rumor to the effect that hu was found sound ing tho wash-bowl and running Im aginary training-walls on a bar of soap, is without foundation. Wo were promptly interviewed by thu "oldest inhabitant," and initiated into the history of thu place and its people. "Being blessed with a reten tive memory," and not often having nn opportunity of relieving it of tho accumulated evonts of years, tho "old" est inhabitant" was in his glory as ho rotated to us tho romantic and excit ing deeds of early days. J I is dim and aged eye lit with a snuldeu flamu, his weak and wnvuring voice giew strong with excitement, as ho told us how they few hail been attacked by the Indians, and how thoy had dragged their only cannon up the Mccp wall of tho elilf and nobly battled for their lives; how they had held thufoit day after day, gaed out over the broad expanse of water in the hope of seeing a sail appear upon tho horizon, and hear down to their assistance. Hut at lust, wearied by lighting and weak from fasting, thoy slipped away in the stillness of night, and left tlio on ragiafaiMUiaflled savages without even a lock of'thelr hair as n bouvouir of their encounter hy tho sea. From l'ort Orford lo Kllunshurg, tho country is very rugged, consisting of a succession of hills with small patch es of tillable land between them; tho hill Hides all'ord good ran go for sheep. At thu slioio, thu cl ill's riso abruptly to thu height of suvural hundred fuut ; at their tops winds thu path along thu very odgo oftjio preolpioo, at tho huso heats the ocean with Million ronr. Tall crags, rugged peaks, deep can yon's every whoro meet the eyo, nnd nil contribute to make tho scono pic turcoqito in tho extreme. At the fool n sloop hill, lives an ec centricity in tho person of nn old uinn, bowed down with age, whoso tattered garments and primitive abode stamp him an a victim of tho most abject poverty. Ho keeps a Journal, in which ho recoids nil important events and Ihenamcsof all putfsorsby. If ho should over riso to n position of nflluonco, we doubt If ho would bo will ing lo part with his tnttored raiment, ami cling to it as to an old filond. The traveler u hundred years hence, will doubtlosfl find him, if ho ain't dead, living thoro still. At ICIIcnsburg everything is very lively; tho fishing season ia about closed und money is plenty. Tho Duncan still lies on tho beach where she was stranded, notwithstanding tho fact that the interior papers have removed hor to Coos Hay, Croscont City and oilier ports along tho coast. Capt. Carroll Is at prcout engaged in building a dam across the mouth of Hoguo river for the purpose of turn ing the channel alongside the Duncan and Heating her oil-. J f tho dam holds, tlio attempt will probably bo success ful. IIu is also engaged in moving tlio scow schooner h'nthcr C'vbos, which went nshoro a short distance below the Duncan, across the spit to tho river, Into which, after a few necessary repairs have been completed, sho will ho launched. She was sold at auction nnd purchnsod hy Capt. Carroll for 1,000. Her injuries aro very light. JIunie's cannery, now about closed, presents quite n business liko appear ance ; canned salmon, slacked in pyr amids throughout the buildings, the cans neatly labeled nnd ready for box ing. All that prevents tho visitor from leaving with tho conviction that such nn establishment is a benefit to n comminuty, is tho fact that China men, instead of white men, aro em ployed throughout its different de partments. Tho County Court houso, of which we have heard so much, is being nice ly fitted up, and the Court will doubt less find no difficulty i'1 dispensing justieu within ita walls. ' -) JIVUTLKVOIXTITKJIS. Hon. It. Herman is shipping by the Moc about eighty tons of grain. Two threshers in this valley have threshed JKJ.HK) bushels of grain. The Mots brought a largo amount of meiehaudise, and is now loading mainly with grain, hides and salmon- Sixteen Chinamen left tho mines last week, but they contemplate re tuiningin thospring. A number of people who left this valley for Northern nnd Kastorn Ore gon a year ago, have returned. They now appreciate the advantages of this region better tliau ever beforo. Till: wheat crop of tho Coquillo val ley this year is euliniuted at 25,000 bushels last year it was about 18,000. Tin: first mooting of tho Empire Literary Society, was held last Thurs day evening, and was a complete suo cess. Marshtlebl, look to your laurels. Ku'ciitlve l'ardons. (Jovoriior Thayer has adopted tho following very sensible t.ystom of rules relating to petitions for the pardon of eoiivicta : SrA'ri: or OiiKGON, Exi:ci:tivk Omen, 1, 1CT0. Thu application for executive inter ference under the power to grantcoiu mutations and pardons having be come so frequent and embarrassing, I deem it neees-ary to establish the following ns rules of practice in such proceedings: First All applications for commu tations or pardons, must be in writing, and notice of the intention to proout the same must bo published hy thu ap plicant in some newspaper of general circulation in the couiitv in which tho oll'onee was committed, for the periott oi two weeks, if in a weekly newspaper, and for tho period of six days if in a daily newspaper; such notice to be in all cases published in n dully newspaper If there be one in such county, and diall also notify the proper district attorney, as required by law, beforo any such application will buenleitaiued. Second Tho first Moiiduv of each month is hereby li.ed as the regular lime for hearing applications for com mutations and pardons, at which time all parties interested in ucndini: cases will have an opportunity to be heard for or against such application. Thiid All communications in ref eience to granting u commutation or pardon miiot he in writing, and no jicisonal solicitation or importunity in relation thereto will bo porinitleil except at the regular hearing of t)io cases ns heiuiii provided. Thoi-o rules aro not, however, in tended to npplj to eases whoro con victs have served out the great or por tion of their terms and a remission of the remainder or some portion there of is solicited on account of good be liavior or other special cause. W. W.TUAYEU, (lovornor of Oregon. A Coi'iiicii came in from tho front UawJins, Wy. T. with dis patches and mail. All is ipiiet at Mor rill's camp. On tho UDtli an Indian caiiio to Morrill's cninp to havo a pence talk. He was informed that Morritt hud mo authority to make peace, lie then gravely told tho gen eral that if lie would give up his arms, nil ammunition, hoocs anil mules, ho would bo allowed to lenvo with IiIb men. Aftur thu Indian loft the camp numorous siguni urus weio unserved In thu neighborhood of the oamp, Two coiupitiilcd of Infantry will up j.iiiUuiJ.jjiw.iu!iJuwtwrywjweriijJMii.M".)je,A-i,ii:)wgt-t'-'.'V..-JU stationed at Knako river to piotcct stores and furnish escorts for wagon trriiiswilh supplies forMcrritf, Am explosion of firodamp occurred in the Delaware and Hudson mines nt Mill Creek, ra. on Nov, 2nd. Ocorgo Wassie, Daniel Hupp and J. Kinney have been lakon out dead. Two men yet in tho mino wore believed to ho killed. Tho men wore nil (lend when found nnd their bodies were fearfully mangled. The remains were hoiste'd to tho surfneo nnildst the weeping ami Inmentntions of tho friends and rela tives of the unfortunate men. It can not bo definitely ascortainnl how tho oatastiopho occurred. It is (bought, however, that n llamo fnom one of thu minor s lamps came in contact with the gns. Commiwloner Williamson, of tho U. h. General Lniid Ofilco, hag buun visiting the local odious in California IJirKiNiiHs has boon resumed in the city of Memphis. BBvrmjanauamnmaxxGXsxzTrrrr U U f -Mli KJI zDjraop. At Randolph, Coos couiitv, October Mill, 1H7'J, I lurry Stone, aged I7 years. E, A. Anderson, LIVERY AMD FEED STABLE, MAUSIIFJiaD, OH. ITAT'LINO DONB AT SHOUT NO- i 1 lice anil at very rcaonabIe ratof). COAI. AND WOOO CONSTANTLY ON HANI). Lind Olllco, Itosciicao, Or., Out. 31, 1870. rTICK IS HEItKIfY GIVEN that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make dual pioof in support of his claim, and securu final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days frpm the date of this notice, viz : A. H. Scott, pre-emption declaratory state ment No. ,'WIH, for tho KELf o'f SW, sec. 121, N34 of NWf nnd NW,' of N KH, fccc. i-'.Vr. ;), S. It It west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Joseph Curies, of Coos county, and Win. Hoiilaud.of .Curry Co ,Or. f 1" Wm. F. Hr.NJAMi.v, Register. CMbcasounrcucicacuUBaMjBi NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF, Land Office, Hoskiiiuo, Or.,, i)7n. TATOTICE IS IIEltKHV GIVEN I that tho following named settler lias hicu notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at tlio expiration of thirty days from tho date of this notice, viz: "Joseph Curios, pre-emption declaratory state ment No. MID, for (he Nij, of HWVf, SWt4 of SW.and'NW!., of SEH, tec. 11, T. 30. S U U W.and names the following as his wituc-tes, viz: A. H. Scott, of Coos county, and Wil liam Itoiilaud, of Coos county. 15 Wm F. 1)knja.min, Register. SlJniFFSSALET "" NOTICK 13 IIKUEHY GIVEN, that, by virtue of au execution is sued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of C-rogon, for the county of Coos, on tho 17th day of October, a p. Ih79, in favor of Win. Id. llilli.ird, plaintitr, and against John Noriuan, (leleudaut, for the sum of Five Hundred and Thirty-seven anil 11-100 dollars, together with interest and accruing cost, I have levied ukiii and will sell at Public Auction, to tho highest cash bidder, on Saturday, the 20th day of N'ov., 1870, Hetween the hours of 0 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock p. in., at the Courthouse door in said county nnd Stato, all the right, title ami mtorcst which tho said John Norman had, on the 9th day of September, 1871), or at any time thereafter in and to the follow ing described real propoity, to-vvit: Northeast quarter of section thiity iv (510) in township twenty-five (25) .-outh of range thirteen (lit) west of the Willamette Meridian, situated in Coos county, Oregon ; also nil that certain piece or parcel of tide land situated in the town of Marshfield, Coos county, Oregon, and bounded on the north by the lot on which is titu ated the store of K. O'Connoll ; on the east by the channel of Coos Hay; on the south by the lot on which "is situated the maiket of II. P. AVhit ney, and on the west by Front sheet as designated on the pint of muM town on tile in the ollico of tho Jteeorder thereof. A. G. AIK'EN, Sherilf of Coos Co. Oiegon, Hy II W. M.-Ivrosu, Deputy. Empire City, ur , uet. L'y, itiK EUGENE O'OONNELL DKALKK IN Stoves & Ranges. Luteal' Improved Hardware, Tools, -AVIl- Implements. GUHS, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION. LA.C3?S &c OILS, WOOD A WI1.I.OWWAUK, Stenm.Wator Pipe nnd Fittings, Gran ite and Via ted Waies. ."Jin mi uiclurcr of TIN, COPPER & SHEETinONWARE, .ion won re EXKOUTlill WITH DlglMTQII, CC2rKXTUAS for Stove, Flow, Mowora and Kenpora fiiruitdwl . dt bhuit notice. NEW MS STOil 9 MAllSl'IRLl), Oil, NXT 1)0011 TO MAIL orPICIt. LOUIS MUXJUm, J'i'oprlolnv. FULL 8T0aiC OF Brnga & Medicines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. it i: s 'V si u a a : s ti c n x s: s I'roBcrlpftoitR Carefully Cninponnilcd WKM TO KIWT. A SMALL FARM fUTTATED ON l (he bank of the Coquillo River, conlainniK 28 aercH RICH DOTTOM LAND, With Iloiwe nnd Orchard. Can be Rented at a Reasonable Rntc. For pailieulnrs apply to IlKXIIV yr.WOHTACKEK, Empire City, Oregon. so nun of fjlval proof. Land Office, Rojujbcro, Or., Nov. 8, 1870. TVTOTICE IS HEREI5Y GIVEN that the following named pettier hai tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and fecurc final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty (fays from tho dato of this notice, viz : Tho.". II. Green, homestead application No. 2.105, for the SWj.C, nee. 15, T 27, S R 1.1 W, and naino-4 the following as his winesK's, viz John Lamont, of Coos county, and Titus Willard, of Coos county, Ogn. 15 Wm. F. Rexjamin, Itcgistcr. COOS IB-A--Z- SIAMKET, MARKgUFIELD, OHEUO.V, R. F. Rosa, W. R. Smeiox Jt I). IIoLwxn Proprietors. im: sTa. t s und provimons of all kiml.s hold at Uie lower! living rates and niiLrVEItlSn at any ioint desired TO It VESSELS, LOGGING CAMPS AND FAMILIES, ALWAYSJH&DY. KJ-We keep nothing but thcbestAB9 and insiiic witit-faetion. lv-1-tf V. S. Lakd Okficb. Rowburg, Ojrn. Oct. Ifl, 1S70 NT3'3 its hereby gtven that the following named settler has filed notice or his intention to make Anal proof in sunnort of hi claim, und se cure final oiitrv thereof at the expira tion of thirty days (umi trie date ot this notice, vix : " Davis L. Moore, de claratory statement No. 8117, for the N' of SK4' mc. ,N. and Ntg of SWA ec. !, T 5, S It 11 W, and names tho following as his witnesses, viz: A. II. Moore, of Kllensburg. Or., and J. W. Caioy, of Elleusburg, Or. Ill Wm. F. B.KXJAM1N-, Register. HIGHEST HONORS" Centennial World's Fair, 1876! SB0NIN8ER OEMS Rosocvosa caixmcCTLT i.s ran BEST INSTRUMENTS. TbctrramrirttlratxnVieDeelarfccgcUeilb; lit Juilco lu tuolr lteion, from whloli Via follow leg If au extract: "Ths D. OIIOMVCSn OllOAS OO.'S exhibit as tho lint Iiutruiuenti at prlos raJrlnj tticu ponlblo to a Ursa clt ot purohtr, mtIbc b cvmblsttloa ot needs ud Belli, proJiiolou uorel till ploulnj cCTocte, conttlolce rjtny fiidrobls UnproTecioat, will lonRr In ilry cc imp cllratto, let lltbtj lo get oat of prfltr, fJl tha bcudabelnirtatdii thr-plr,rnttoffibcr eo It U ImroulUU fos tbrra to fltber fhrloi. awoll or tpHt." T1IH ONLY (UlUAU iWAtUlEI) VlllH IIAM. TliU Uoflil rnfl ArarJ vrno rt&ntsd tfter tha taoit mora cciarttUicn cf tua lt maiora, bifbr ocoot tin iiicut coiupntont JurU over aucub.'eX Vtv Btjkt tnaprtfM Jatt tnuJ. whlsh no in doordcco wltli our rale.Oai liUST Oll OAK for tli lent uioLoy. ?, arc pnptrM to appoint t torr ctn Agauta. rioitntta CatalOjruc ciil'.cd, poaUpall, ca rppUdaUou (a 0, SHQNiHGER ORGAN CO.. 01 to lt3 CIlCSTn-GT STDHST, . X1. XDovln., MAitwinur.u.Ou.v, wiiiii ro uvtsj xcisvx) ra OK gTJST03Sin work in u thorutiKh manner and tuu only the BEST RSrShoji on Front atreut.opjxMltotho I'jyuui Simla -7-i WM-riuiJimi w fnTr liVj JB sk l. T&.&J&fBZ7.irT:iZJlD, OGrlT. Wm. Kef cBscrt,PpopiiettoF Itceps Ptiiwlunily en liniKl,.' nl olTerefor ciilc a superi'ir ai title of LAGER BEER, ALE ANO PARTES, WIIOLKSALKajtb RFTAIL. my n.tu is sviPhiei) wmtTuu cuowkst maxd ov W!NS, liquors, and cigasv i?AJUH 8ALOO t KKriUK CITV i a few IK BBAWLEB0RO, VT. Otir noT7 Organ, eipreeely designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, ctc.s is provliifj a ca-m:E2Ja.'3ci sucasiss. Bo snro to gemi for fall dcHcriptivo Catalogue heforo purcliasiag any other. IHE LfiRBEST IRIS (OF THE IB) i USE BLOBL lllnstratctl Catalogue sent free. victorious! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Oraad Ksl tC Haacr. Economy, Durability aad Itspiciity combined witli perfect vrork, Art Dutiafushing Feature of Ac ctlcbrted Giant Farm aui Ym)m M, HAM ft A. P. DIOEEY, Raclna, Wis. , N'ow la in buut la:: urproTtmthti. they w fully ,.1 c .im rnna&l . t 't-.M' I- s 1 ktcll of G-Uft. 1 Peu, IImuij. Oistur lleac, Ccm ard Small frcd. Tlicr c.radc WbeAl pfitrty bj untobnidfot. Sp arate Oal from Vhtst, tf.rv tod Rye TSf renr pefo.t amngcnicits f r eleanH Tiwo-Jiy, Cbrnr, Flax Sed. On-hrrd Orris, ar all athcr Small Sem Tlwy Cb-S irr', and c-anUw evcr' qaUr3ioa rcaxd tj Co tta bet wcrfc k: the ihcrteit tunc flii "-Hr' si - ms JV T' &if-3--:HM ',&KX.tK-. V ttSeb-Stfri! wS5 tiijSl Warahoaw, wei! ' r-- tVSfi, rt brKe'y " naiKled, Wth Li-i'c r. .-Jirs rw ri--ei to accept modatelhe dr -iji.', it I ( iui r a cz?.c'.tr ?"' !J to soo buScla per hwar, tccrrcct ts jc w wia. 11ey ar Uiipped, b aaed f er IraMporbon, and "aet up" or "Vr-xk-it d- mi" far feiieiuf island, u reqt.cioJi ard ii a'J c rt & oa burd Can or Stcaaor. Ordera Sled iaro if aa Keened. j , ' . Mllla '.'.JppeJ "IraccWd im" lor ItaKtlw Ircigl.t ch-recd as when &Mrardd "aet lip." Oo. gratKoiidCirriaruii!icdnarlio. Wcti trill he quoted h-ji ixA u liberal ttrrca. Carrei pcodesc rot.atcd. THE LIC-HT-EUmiHa HP W PHHl Tha BEST, LATS8T IWPKOVBD, and moat THOROUGHLY rowslnicUad aEWINaMACHINeeTorierjtel. Ml tho wearing jui n iuo u;ailo of Uj BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED and aro ADJUSTABLE, IMtMttiO .IVTOMATIO TiltrHOVi It hu tho i-t.KOJ.7Sr JlOAiUA; It lm Uw EaeiostThraadod Shuttle. Tho IIODBIKS are "WOUITD wlihoul flUNNUm or UIJTHJUiiUStfQ Uw IXAOlilUU. It Jju a HUT.V-BVTXTXa USKPLEi 31 liaa n I)f Ar. fur nieuUtjiiythit luwtu of attwii, WITHOUT TlSmNtll U lM ft 1-VHUtl Bl'AOi: trader Uw tttm; H la NOItkr4Sa3, nnd ) iboi o ikIhu of iiX.OltIAE:0rfthau all oibur uiaeblnu rouibiiwxt. 7A(inta vml la locuallUea Whoro nvo aro not iprenta. Jolmso.n, Claris & Co.' SO UNION SQUAfiE, f,.Ya ss&aM&siSi'- ' .- -4J v M k' k3? J1U!i"-.'iwJ (, Ji" f VWM f SGffii& .J'H,V?ftl xi jgFmdsts s5eB "",'' t'1" !jl t5fmv.j3st l v MiiEgJW yKjg "S.I)fcf 'fflS? J X f-M .vJSKsuOSssi 'tTti it- i n '3 mmfk WU T W"flC i Mtflis?. teMtyfc THIE Taylor & Farley CABINET 0R6AN. ls.zzizfaztu;c(l nt VorccJttr, dace HZ TXstSinaBSiZ of iny w'ue rcs7 te found in the iastru":ert8, 9 t th-y ouuis zsaDj r:i ro.: --. . r OtST. Almlnjc to prcti':co wcrh which ciiall b DurarM, m vl'lrct itat-iifloa tlmt which lo not avEon, and it !s tital to n prfot Orsan, in order to i.iaico r. s t&ncy cstortor. W'e ic kU csal.tcd t? rrescat as SItu!i sud A:)jro.riate Cases u can be lounil in the tuf rvet, urLh a fir'-.1) which la t$aiM Ij -ui'. A3 RBQAKD3 TOME, Ti!'! TOiiCWlNO Award will WM l Msm of Honor .. i ciitviD t-t tire CICTESBUL r IHISmOH CCUU!SS:CHE?J: 'ri'i-rRrt';'3'r'.r' :l,Etsoj. riniTTaai SSaUiUf W tvii., n,:a 1 is ftva Uii Curnl tditlUJbcluuuciiVxjc.tfertkfcrfcUotM." Da net fad to iJ-s pppUcatbi c-ii Before rurchun; dsitfuct free, ca appiiutuu to ih: Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WOSCSSXEK. 3SASS. THE OBGAH GO: Merklsn, Conn. U. i. JL ST i. - "CMWren's Elow Pedals,"! Adjastad or renfia od Instantly. in yen led and Exclusively used ijy tills Company, The most popular Organs of the day! , UHRIVALLEO 111 QUALITY. "Tito VUcos & Whlt OrRan Saatx'uctoy" is tkji XUBSV and CHEAPEST Yi Es? si 61 Slip WILOOX&WIIITE