iri' r'l'Vl"??1-! rv ' . K'.- K "& THE COAST MAIL. OFPICIAL OHOAN OF COOS CO. MATirWAT, MMMMNnH - IOT. , IH7 Tfc Joint 8ennlonihlj ef Coot and Carry. In a far months tlu preliminary uPBt ward l nclcction of can Jlii i . for l,1 different ofTiccs to be flllod ly election next Juno, will be taken, and thcro nro some question of imporlanco thntBhouM bo Hcttled Lcforu tho Grilling of tho primar ies, If possible, or nt lciist should be bo fully diseuspcd and understood tlmt no dotibt or uncortaintv will exist nts to what notion should be tak en. To this class bolones the ques tion which of tho counties, Coos or Curry, should nominate tho joint KTvuiivur uir mis uiaincu Officers of Cooa County. JiBrBXSnWTATIVKS. I. II. Foster, -.- ig&t, Wm. Tichcnor, - . lS&Vti. E;8-tplo, - - - 1857. Vm. Ticlumor, - - 1S58-U 8. E. Morton, - . - lStiO-'2. Archibald Stevenson, - - lSG2-'-l. I. Hacker, ... IStil-U F. G. Lockhart, ... ISCfi-'S. R. Penilercaat, ... 1SGS-70. F. O. Lockhart, ... 1870-'2. I. Riley, .... ISTii-'-l. J. R Dully mid Harry Blake, 1S7 1'-C R. H. Rosa and E. J. Gould, lSro-'S. J. II. Schrunler and M. Uiluy, ISrS STATK SKXATOUS. Wm. Tichrnor, - - I860-' 64 C. M. lVrshbakor died 1S70 during session, - - 1S0S-70. G. Webstor, - - - tSTi'-TG. A. G. Brown, -' - - i$7( Jl'lMES rKOlUTK. f t FL-ii Chiis. Poarco, Apr. 12. ISM, to Oct. 27, TllR COUntiefl of Cons nml Piirrv Wbeon associated together in a ItSElKSWA1 joint benntorial and Representative A. N. Foley, to Julv 5 1SW, to Julv, 1,'oV) Ulstnct ever Since the ori?.inii.ntir,n ,...,.,,.' of Currv cntintr. nnil flitni, that time the two counties have gen erally alternated with each other in the-nomination of tho joint Repre sentative. But tho joint Senator, when ono was chosen from either of these counties, has alrrava been a resident of Coos county; and Currv county has never had a direct Rep resentative in the State Senate Many of tho thinking men of Curry county, of both political parties, are inclined to loot upon this as hardly just to them. They do not com plain as to the share'they have here tofore had in the jiiut representa tion of the district, but they think tho time has arrived when it would bo just to give one of their citizens r scat in the State Senate. Our sis ter county is not wanting in men of ability to fill the office with credit, and her various and growing indus trial interests entitle her to a better relative standing than she has lie- fore enjoved. If the ioint Senator should be nominated from Curry, of courso the joint Representative will bo chosen from the citizens of Coos. For our own n.irt. wo ennevdo the justice of this claim on the part of uic people ot i tirry county, ami nope -it will meet with no opposition. History of a Solid South. The Democratic party point vrith triumph to the South', where, by 'means of intimidation and violence they liare suppressed thc opposite jpohticnl element, and it 13 by the solid vote of tliat region, supjwrted "by some Northern States that they hojxj to carry the next Presidential election. It has always been an easy matter to solid if y the Southern vote in favor of their own intercuts. They have something to hope for by securing control of the country, and with an eye single to this lenefit .they resort to euch measures as seem adapted to carry this point, making the end justify the means. The South lias lwen" olid before, .and Gen. Avoodford in his 2ew York speech thus briefly tells wha. it means iSOii, " " lstjfi 1S450, " " 1S70 1S70, u " 1S71 1S74, " " CLERKS. S.b. Maun, July lSo, to July,lStV2 vuioerv riau, " S. S. Mann, ' D. J. Lowe, " J. II. Nosier, ' COUNTY N. C. Boatman, .... Apr. 3, 1S34, to July 1st, 1S55 I). L. Lonnt, .... July 1st, ISoS, to Hoc. Stb, lSo3 F. G. Lockhart, .... Dec. 8th. ISoS, to July 5, ISoS Wm. Romanes, - - July 5th, 1SSS, to Jan. 2d,lS60 Geo. T. Sullivan, .... Jan. 2d, 1S60, t- July 1SG0 J. S. Macnamara, ... July 5th. ISCO, to July, 1S62 D. Morso, Jr., ..... July, 1S62, to July, lStk W. II. Jackson, .... July, 1SCS, to July, 1S7S Alex. Stauir, - July, lS7S,"to fcllKIUFKS. J. II. Foster. Apr. lo, 1S51, to Juneo, ISol G. II. llaskoll. - - June o, ISo-t, to Dec. 1,1SoO W. II. Jackson, - Dec. 1, ISoG, to Apr. 5, 1So7 John A. Chick, - - Apr. 5, 1S57, to Dec. 7, 1So7 J. S. Macnamara, - Dec. 7, ISo", to July 3,USoS J. C. McKav, - - ' July, 1S53, to Dec. 1, ISoS J. S. Macnamara, .... Dec. 1, 1S5S, to July 2, 1SG0 Stephon Davis, .... July 2, 3SC0, to July 2, 1SG1 Jos. Burgess, (corcner,) - - Acted till Aug. 5. 1SG1 Wm. S. Drydon, - .... Aug. 5, 3SG1, to June, 1SG3 1. 1 lacker, ..... July G, 1SG3, to July, 1SC4 A. J. Moodv, - - - . - July, 1SG4, to July, 1S70 C. A. Hanscom, - - -" July, 1S70, to Julv, 1S72 G. W. Slcenor, - - - " - July, 1S72, to Apr. 24, 1S73 T. G. Owen, Apr. 24, lS73,to July, 1S74 Jos. Ferrr, - ... July, 1S74, to Apr. 9, 1S75 JavTuttle, - - - A pr. 9. 1S75, to Jnlr, 1876 TA. G.Aiken, - - - Julv, 187G Defaulter TUEAStniERS. Jf. C. Boatman, Apr. '54, to July 1, '5o .T .,. Ci:.l C.iil. ini down that ordinance that gave the I 2'J V&FXh?? at West and Northwest forever V,o ' -'--'-" gre; 6, h Cuiinjnglintn, J. Malcolm, J. Aiken. ?." Cnthcnrt, Julv, 1874, to July, 1875 Wm. Hall, July, 1870 to- (SlIMiRAI, INB'.AVS. Tim Dayton, Oregon, Hour mills liavobecn destroyed bv lire. Kstb mated loss above insurance $14,000. Chas. L. Peterson, a real estate agent, was shot and killed near tlio San Francisco mint, llo is supposed to have been murdered at tho instiga tion ol a nncngeful woman. Tiik grand jury have found a true lull of assault with intent to murder against Charles De Young, of tho Chronicle, based on his assault upon Rev. 1. S. Kalloeh. t A BnoTHER ami sister wore married in St. Louis not long sinre. A few days afterwards tliey were arrested and put under lands', and in default wore committed to the county jail. Cakdixai Massing has atitborized a general subscription amoug Catho lic temperance organiiutiomi of Great Britain for the relief of popular distress in South and West Ireland. Hon. Zachariah Chandler, U. S. Senator from Michigan, was found dead in his bed at tho Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, on tho morning of Nov. 1. Deceased was GG years of age. In Holtatiul, in tho Vilder district of Besanibia, the wells used by a Ger man colony, havo been poisoned with arsenic. A hundred pen-ons are ill and five have died. The perpetrators of the crime have not yet been dis cos ered. Kg.vkney said that he was glad to hear that the Chinese merchants in tend putting a line of steamers on be tween this country and Cliin.v, as it will teach corporations bow poor in dividuals sutler from competition with coolies. Lv tho California Legislature, which will convene at Sacramento early in January, the Republicans havo a ma jority on joint ballot, of G. Ol these, 4 are in the Senate and 2 in tho House. Of those elected on mixed tickets a majority will vote with the Republi cans. An old man named James Lawson, committed suicide on tho 27th tilt., near Seattle, because a partv named Sw itzer jumped his land claim. The citizens of the neighborhood have no tified Switzer to acato hit claim on that land immediately or take the consequences. Dr. Uriah A. Boyden, inventor of various improvements on the turbine water w heel, and possessed of othr val uable patents, died at Boston a few days since,leaing a fortune of between $1,000,00) and $2,000,000, the greater portion of which he bequeathed to various public institutions in Massa chusetts. A London dispatch of Oct 2St h says : The corvette Conn us and slooj-ui-wurAlbatros, it is understood, will proceed to the China station as soon as they are ready for sea, in uew of the pending rupture between China and Japan, and the friendly attitude of Ru ia towards China. News has been received by tho Cilij ' of I kinj from China, that the Cln- ne-e Merchants Steamship Company de-igu putting on a Hue of steamer to Honolulu, and that they will prob nblr continue the route to this port. The company is very wealthy and un der able management, and has already succeeded to a great extent in crowd ing out foreign steamship lilies on the Chine-e coast. Anot'T midnight on September lGth, jter.ions residing near one of the public scnool-hou-es in ucauwoou, WKW AYKRT11KM1?KTN. io uueny , .urn inuur ..c ...-. . j.. rmnagan.Sept. G, 'o'J, to July 3, 'GO Dakota, were startled bv the loud and Compromise that it might get Ms- II. B. Cammann, July, '60, to July, T,2 1 distinct tolling of the 'school bell in soun for slavery. It was the Solid . Geo. Cammann, July, 'G2, to July, '64 j the tower. Manv ran to the place to South which, when a generation of jJas. T. Jordan, July, '64, to July, 'GG j find everything "dark, and the doors years had fcwept in turn, tore down Henry Wykoff, July, '60", to July, 70 locked, the shutters barred, and no tho Miouri Compromise that it j Gw. Cammann, July, 70, to July, 72 mortal within. The fccne shifts to n ,iw. w..:Um To.iH ir n. -ior.-e, jr., jui, -, iu jui, t: tne uvennnu lioiei, wnerc urs. oiar.i .o to minht cire slavcrv. it was tnav ona cown which", when Ix-aten in a Presiden tial contest, rushed into war in te spring of 1SG1. Do you ask tho meaning of the Solid South? I read that meaning in the ridges of cverv battle field from Gettysburg to tlie Gulf. Do you ask the mean ing of the Solid South? I read that -meaning in every eoiaierK crutcii that rattles on your pavement. Do you ask tho meaning of a Solid South? I read that meaning in ev- ing in the annual coming of the tax gather. I road that meaning in the million lives sacrificed in the awful maelstrom of the war. I read that meaning in the South devastated, in that land that is blasted, in homes that aro desolate, in ali the horrors of war; and because that is the Sol id South of history, I plead with the patriots North and South that h KniiUi shall never ai:ain be per mitted to be solid iu our politics if by that solidity it is to rule anu to desolate." Death of General Booker. John Flanagan, Julv, 7G, to July, ' D. Mor.'' Jr., July, 78, to Defaulter. COL'XTY COMMISSIONERS. J. C. Tolman, Apr. 3, '54, to July 3, '54 V. W. Coffin, " " " " " "'o-J A. B Overbeck, " " " " " " " W. H. Harris, July 3, '5-1, to June 9, '50 Jas. S. Gamble, Sept. 4, 74, served one session and contested. S. B. Blake, July '5-3, to June 9, TA I Warren Fuller, July, '55, to Juno 0, '50 m. Coolev, June a, o, to July o, oi F. B. Wliite. June 9, '50, to July 6, '53 en' empty sleeve pinned up against i J. J. Hill, June 9, '56, to July G, '59 a soldier's broast. I read that mean-; A. C. Bogew, July 0, '57, to " 111U3. CIIULSUIJ, UO D. J. Lowe, July, '02, to July, '64 W. P. Buhhnell, " " " " John Hodfcon, W. H. Harris, J.M.Davis, It. W. Nosier, D. L. Bogue, T. B. Willard, C. S. Hilborn, W. H. Harris, B. F. Row, Wm. Morras, G. A. Brown, Wm. Turpin, John Konyon, 11. C. Dement, school stJPEnr:rrEXDENT8. F. G. Lockhart, Oct 10, '54, to July 1, '57 G. II. Hodgkins, July 1, '57, to Sort. G, 59. E. Cunningham, Sept fi, '59, to July, 'CO C. Hermann, July, '00, to Jan. 3, '03 Win. T. Perry, Jan. 3. 'G3, to July 3, 'C5 II. Hermann, elected June, '61, and failed to qualify. . Anson Itogers, Jan. 3, '05 to July, 08 J. II. Schruider, July, '08, to July, 72 I. Hacker, July, 1872, to July, 184 J. II. fichroider, July 74, to July, 70 John S. Cocke, July, 70, to July, 78 J. F. Moore, July, 78 to B. Helms, the teacher at the school hou-e in question, lay dying. Per sons by the bedside aver that they heard her mutter, "ring the bell," jiift at midnight. She died before morning. One by one the heroes of the Rebel lion ure passing away. Late dis Satches announce the death of Gen. oscph E. Hooker at Garden City, L. L, Oct. .list. lie was born at Hadloy, Mass.', Nov. 13, 1814. At tho ago of 19 ho was sent to est !; u-linm ha trrniluatpd ill 1837. Florida was the scene of his first active wrvieo, where he took part in tho Seminole war. Serving in the war with Mexico, he was brevettcd for gallantry in several actions, and in 1851 was sent to California, but resigned in 1853 and engaged m farming in that State., On the breaking out of tho war in 1801, he was appointed n Brigadier General, and in March, 18C2, was assigned to tho command of a division in tho third corps of tho army of tho Poto mac. Promoted to tho rank of Ma jor General of volunteers and con tinuing in command of a division, was engaged in thohattloa of Mimas m antf Chanlillv, anil was scyeroly wounded nt tlie battle of Antxctam. Wft propent nt Fredericksburg und nnrticipatod in many other impor UntbatUes, und wn conwdored a good general. " '04, " " '00 a a a a tt " 'GO, " " 'CS " 'G8, ' " '6S ir 03 ii ii 70 " .'G8, " " 70 " '70 " " 72 ,i ,-0't ii ii 74 73 ,, ii 74 .i 74( it ii 76 ,i 74 ii i 7G u 76f ii ii 73 ,B, if ASSKcSORS. II. G. Tcrnald Jno. B. Dully, Win. Bajilev, E, Cuiiiiinghain, C. If. Hodckliis, W. H. I'ackwood, Samuel K. Hmith, A. J. Moody, John A. Harry, E.D. Rewell, F. G. Lockhart, Wm. T. Perry, O. W. Fleopcr, W. F. Hill. Jas. O. Ehlnn, Itaulelgh Isaacs, Alox, Btauir, Fndoriokchilter, John Lane, BUBVEVOIlO 1SJ4 lfi.55 1850 18.17 18.18 1859 1800-'0l i8-'03 1851-'05 18C0 mn 18C8-'C9 1870-71-72 1872-73 1774 1875 187C-70-,77-78 1878 1670 ;'Asoune & hirst, Fkont Strekt, M.viisiiFini.n, Oon. 1W GOODS BY EVERY STEAM X ur; keep" constantly on hand in our large and commodious (store, a well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, connitding of tho best staple and fancy IDIEir GOODS, of all kindi, the choicest 0R00EB1ES A S V A LAItGE bTOCK OH CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS and OIL CLOTHING, SLIPPERS and OILCLOTH CROCKERY and GLASS WARE. HARDWARE and TOOLS, Cigars and Tofta . IMIYi'N, OII.M. iiuit lat."VIMIIKS, und I.KIIOHN, I'l.'-AVA 15K arid CUTLERY, WOOD find WILWSV'VAMi,and Scli.ool IBoo3s:s statiThery, jrtiiwwniriwO' oood, Our oxtensivoBhowcaBca aro filled ivifih tho finest MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. N. U. All Kootls pnrohnwd at our Store will 1 dolhorod free ot charge m nt on tne route i"v at any I fteanler iioint o lyrtle. vl-l-tf '0fc: :s .. rxaiEj Seftleiueiit -AND EARLY SETTLERS -oy- COOS BAY! This interesting and amusing work will be ready for delivery in about two weeks. Tho concluding Chapter will contain a list of all the officers of Coos county from its organization to the present. Many new, novel and E.1TERTAC1MO. SnRATKJKEM Not heretofore mentioned Trill be incorporated in the Book. riuoH, at obihts. Orders addressed to tlie Coast, Mail oflico will be placed on file and promptly filled when the work is out. Advertisements Will b inserted at Ae following rateB : One Page, - - - 10 Half-Page, ... (J 50 O.VK-Timm Paob, - - 5 80 O.n'e-Fouutii Page, - - A 50 PROFESSIONAL CA1WS. Bnainoss cards, half-rneaimre, one and a half inches, - - sfi 50. M Empire House, Kmimkk City. millS llOPSlTllAS BEEN BE J. opened throughout. GOOD BEDS AND GOOD BOARD. Xo VIllXUSKtVOKS iinplo(Ml' TERMS blBKUAb. P. E." WINCH KSTKK, Pmprletor. :.s ctAitncut f-icios'. t.v rnosT w tiik ckstw.m. iioinu Marahlleld, Oku. It ou want nn oiny have, As good ns barber ever jtve, .lust call on me at my wdoou, Fniin morn 'till night or busy noon j My raaorVhluirp, my eoiwor.keon, Jlv shop is neat and towel clean ; And thero I think that you will find Kiudi article to suit tho mind ; 1 trim thohuirwUh nkill for gents, Of course the price i fitly cents; Shampooing, too, I do that well, Give mo a trial, that will tell ; So help mo giaciouit if I make you boi ler, You need not pa a quarter of a dollar. " J.W.Cox.l'iopr. 1S. Hot and cold baths alwaxn leady. l-istfl Hi- EAN & UO E. It. DEAN, 1). W1L1.00X A XI) 0. II. MERCHANT. Wh HATH AtWAVt O.V KASHA TtlLk Abjortment Of ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, in il.i, f'niuilv Court for Good county. Orowoiii In Probate. In the mnttur or tlio ostntooi a. J', hammer, deeeiiKi'd. Whiiiii:h, An onlor Jm boon duly iniideliv tbeboei.ntltU'd Coin!, dlred I lhe'undenl'iiMl.diiitnUtttitorof tin; wliilo of A. P. I Jiromer. decenWHl, to noil be teal eMato beloi.KlnK to imli twtHtu irnlti hot l InWiM-k I, In tho lowuof Siiiniior, InCooxctHinty, Oregon, to wt lufv the debtn ofrndd entatej tlierefnre, ,!,,. N heivby uhni. Ilw. In Pp uiieo of wM orilei. I w I. ol M UN. day, tiik arm may tu- orunhii. 187D, between the bonroMo rloel( A. M. and I uYlwk p. M. of Hld day, At the foiuthoiiio tloor In KtoplioUty, Hut wild real ostaie lorwoem ih " ' to the IdghvHt bidder for eah. S. H. SiiKHiuMin, AdmlnUlratorof wild iwliito. Paled ."uiituinbf r lt, I8"W- Xotlcf of 1'lniil Proor. V. S. I.khu Omen. Ilo?Km'ito,Of.,Ofl. Ul.tMTD. V Notice In bnroby lven (but tho fob lowing niiined wltlor hn riled notice ot hi intention to make HuhI proof hi Hiipport of liiit claim, and rtcu re fi lial ontrv thereof at the expiration of tliirtv davi from tho date ol thin no ti.p.i": Oeorgo I. Merriiuijn. lloniestead Application No. 2ftM, for the eiwt half of noith-wet ipiarter south-went quniterof north-went quar tor. and lot ono. cectiou twenty one, towimbip tbirt-ix tmitli range four teen west ; and uaiiu" tho following an bin ltni-KeH, MX- Oenigo S . Miller, of i:iU it-lurtr. Oreg-m, and S. 1). M rriiniin of Kllen burg. Oregon '' W. F Ul.N'JVMIN, Keginll-r. 1IU8INESS 0 A It I) 8. T.O. MACKEY.M.I), PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Emi'IUH Cirv.'Oui'on.v, 0. II. (0lif)EN, M,l). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON MHfliirit:i.u, Oiiiainy, . . . . 0. W.TOWEK.M. I), PHYSICIAN&SURGEON, M Mmiiriui ii, Oiiiioov, MERCHANDISE, STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE, HiTJVLlBTTlxl MANt'FACTL'ItEl) TO OHDEK And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. and at tlio LOWEST L 1 V I S fi PRICES. JloscbuTft cir Coos liny STAG E-L I N E, J. CS..Ormi A fo., 2riiiirUrx. WINTER ARRjHGSriJEHT, Slaycs will lenve Cons VI tit every d.iy (Sunday e.xeeptid) nt 7 30 a. m, J'ASSlLYGliltS wishing to go to Koscburx or any other part of the interior will make connection with the kuo b going to Coo- City on any uf the bay teamin, i.i:avi;io coo e nv tiik .mk n.w. - B5TTJIIS JZ FOlTTfO TO lUt TIIK CHEA I'KSr, HHSTand QUIUKKST OF AUj r.UCTJSti. Making clo-o conneilion with the cari and overlnnil Ptnt;'f at Itoaeburg. All biiriuem entrusted to our care will be attended to with promptness and heeuritv. FARE TO RO'SEBURSREDUCED TO S6 L'ach passengt r ullo u rd .'Ml tt of buggar V. Sr'HEITEK.AKt. Telegraph ollice, Empire Citv. l-2-tf ' THE PIONEER MARKETS, MAU8iimu & Empiiik City. H. P. W1I1TKKV, ruoi'iMHTOi:. A good fctipply of IJEEF, i'OKK, MUTTON, and all laud of SALT MEATS ano VEGETABLES constantly on hand. Also a good utock of cvarto o jbxitsj n . T7 m" eMiPs SUPPLIED AT SHOUT NOTICE Iv-ltf NOTICE 0FFINAL PROOF. U.S (.AMI Ol KICK, Ho(u:iii'Hi. Or.. Sept. -". IS"A NOTICE 16 IIKUEIIY til YEN i that the follow iiiK huiiuhI ottler liax tiled notion of Iiih intention to make final puxtf in nupprt of hi t latin, and nerure final entry thereof at tho expiration of thirty day from the date of thin notice, u: Mitebel )eol, preemption declaratory Ule inentNo. tttiTo. for the K of NW'h ec. t7. T 'JS, S It lit went, and nanuHt lln'fnlliiwiiiKH hmvitnc'MoM, ix! J. E lledgiM. f Coo county, Or., and N. Thrush, of Coo county, Or. Wm. F. 1Ikxjmin, ' Keuutrr. NOTICE OF F1HAL PROOF, U.srnai Stt Lanh Okwck,) NOTICE IS IIKKEUY til YEN J-' that the following named wilier Iimh (UimI noticH (d bi intention to make llnal pnMil in nuppoit of hi elaim.Htid ecu re final entry thereof at tbr e.ipirftiiini of thirty iiay from the latf ol this notice, wi : 'rlioinnn VkhIoii pre-emption deelaratoryMate mrut No. iiM, lor the ht Ntw. 1 A '. and SUj of aN'KS nectioii I, T. 81 ri. It. If) est. Hint naiiitu the following bin nituewFA, i.x : Jamas 1'. IturHH'll of Curry county, and luiiTuruar of Coon county, Ofgon. WM. F. IlUN-JOIlX, ll-Sw itegisier. W. 0. ANOKIi, Al. I). PHYSICIAN akii SUIIG5E0N, CwiiiUIr City, 0Un. H. II. II UAItll, J. V. 1 1 a M 1 1 rox, 1IAZAKI) v HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Will pmrtice in tho various courln of thoMitto. Ol I'll'!. AT IIMI'IIIK rlfY, Ot(S, CT. H. SIGMILIIfcT. " ATMMihU'OrXSELIM.lTLlW MMtslinEI.D.tmEtitiN. 0. WKMSTEIt, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M MIKIII'IKI i, Outl.MS ""h'ENRY SENQSTACKENp XOTAIH IMIlLRWCO.WnAArER, llJlt'lHf; CITY, 0(1X. Collwl'i'HH and .(hrr I'liMtirM jl(x lii ins ImmU, will riM-chc prmil ttn. llou." $i W. I. WH 1(51 IT, IT, S. Mineral and t '. S. J.;)iiij Com'it.i.K Citv, f).N, ' O ' Will ntU'iid tu the ltoUin Auf Mmctiiiir In auy vrt i( Urn itmaiy. I'erwet iimjmof all Mine) oil latali.fur. nifheilnt h)i rt notlcu. 1!. (i. U It! MII'.OP, ATORNKT uc I'uUSStlLuH AT Lff, iinki.ji-xBx! oi-i'Viioititaow : A han of iub!ic patnnm;:i' i riiMi-t hilly noli ciUil. I -K-'lf Notice of Pinal Proof. U. S. EANuOrrsrit. . ) Uoi;iuuo, Or., Soiit. 20, 187U.? MOTIOK Id IIKUKIIY OIVKN I J that tho bdlowiug namwl witter ua lilftl notice of hm intention to niNkr lln.d proof in Htip;Hrt of hi claim, ami rwttr flu.d eutrv thereof at the expiration vl tliirU day from the date of thU notice, 'viz: J. E Ifcdiicri, liKincntciul implication No '-Wl.for the SK-i ec. 8.T 2H, S It 18 went, ami named the fotJuniug a bin witiiutooo, vix: Natlwn Thriwli, flf Cow county, Or., and M. Devol, of Coo county, Or. Wm. I'. Ilr.vjAxi.v, fl-t) IttBitHr. C0OS BAY CURNITHRE STORE jivcry &Foed SlaMe, MARSHFIELD, OG'H, NOHLE IJItOS., Proprietors Wo havo lately built a find-class Stable on Pine Mreet,Mid luff: liorhtih to hire nt all houru. Jiauling done at short notice. ECeNQMll 0O0KINO 011 HEATING New Excelsior Oil Stove. J tut tile Tiling for Mjjllt IIo'Mckcrillig. It will Jln.ll, Rout, trut link l.lhr linn 01 "I WgudHloit. H.ud lur tlrcul.n. AUKMHWANTKO. COLEMAN GAB APPARATUS AND OIL CO.. It ItiKCT Mr, t'UIClqO, I. Tin Orct Cure for Iiy.r!, IuiIIkmIIoii, lilllaui IlwUclia, I.l,r Comi.ltliit, Imi.f l,a Ak'U., lMliillly,iil llumi'taliit ifHI"iuu:lil l.ll.ri h.ln on Hi livrl JIkoliuI Vi1ucl I. of ABSORPTION. Ko Iimg.. No Ductor Ullli. U,..I,i..,IumIjm it..!! .VU IUI , ll.U'.lh U.tV lug Ui Aloi.ljon Cui uij Hi rxblutluo It U (aiuIuk Iu tli k1uc bf iawll dr,. Uriii.U II'H. t. JTcrcr ml Aki IUI I, 09. Tanla IWIt, , and lnratiU Hell, 61, TIim IUIU lll t tout to uy fUrtM ffM of iMug n re. lt uf lw mcli, lit xu tut InUat't Doll. AGENTS ift!ileI in ercrjr county In tU United fillci. AdJrcu, MEDICA'niU IJELT CO. 232 Illlnoli St., Chicago. msmmtmmmm 111. FISUEO'S 1 Medicated IRFITS W b h B P 9 CoSiTNn.Y O.V HNI) Mattrene ,v IJctlntctiilx, C'iairn Loiuiifi.i, Vvllm ,V Vrailten, IMCTCHES, Kia.Mi:, MUl'LDlNlJS, TAMI.EH, Ml.MCOItb iVc. i'tiKutluif-rixiiii t'urtUtui's Made to Ordir. COFFIXH ninde at nlmrti-Hl not leu. SEVHWJ MACHINES Attachmlnm, Nkkii.i: &v. V. MAKIC, ItIH I'KOHKIKrOlt. ammsmmmiamumtimim J ii y xi a m e. a o , ha .y 8l'f('IM0U TO THOMAS J)AWS0X TfAVINO LisASKfTrilK DAWSON J J hliiukHiuith lioj, in Muwhtiohl, I am prupared to do UISNISKAh JIIiACKSil ITHiNCl and SHIPWOBK. effiA living Hlmro of imtrouatro Ih Holioitud. l-f-tf rnmmriiniiTm..ra- . llli.i-ii F. CI. TOBSTEJl, IlflAI.KIt l.V G. nnnr.Q s,. skcoes. l -.. .. JUAItHliriHU), tJJl. THAVK LATELY HETCHNEI) from Kan FranciHco with a com plete Block of every thing in my l0 loady made hootn ami whow, nle. DE8T MATERIAL ONLY USED. MAiiuivynin.D 11 UfOIUKI.I, tlHl-ii. 1( Till Inntitu'iii'n m.v air -d tbc Kt facilities fur itiucHti 'tt ' Iu- ( ''! in tlie Cixvil Ki'tiu of HoUtlirrn I n x u The Acndciny i xrWuMted Into three ilpjrt tuenU a follow ! The Primary Department Iu which Inlru.luiior Lrambcrt are. taught, 'Vh if alitor Deimrtint'itt. EmbrftciiiK OrthoKrnt'hv. Heluii., WrithiK,, li. tj,.:. I imirv, I'hjxioS.y, I'wiDiltitr H nn. mid Men. tal mid I'rtuthttl Aritlniii tu Tlie Senior Department I'lobrurinjt iouK-kf j .ii inci'- uinl douhto ntry)itotiui)'. ('Im"ui tr , rnhti wd Irftinomy, Latin, lilm. -i I Hici Arithmt'tic, Alecbm, ticn-n i-), 'Iriu notiK'tr)' and niifwvitH'. JtiSIV InirtnicCun In thlit Wuiuh i given when ikvitvd. UoAMiirati U had fur Ir. in 4:1 to (I r rflc vrith prh.4! fiui!i, and tor till 1mm hen e oral Ktti!nt-. ;l. l. gutlierauil board thmmli-A. VtCltMS. I'riiosrr IVjwrUnwit - - -$,tt Junior . . .... jja ftkir . . .... i,u .I.T. Mi(Vt, l'utiupiil. vi-3-lf. T's-znn LOGKKART HOTEl, Mrn.K.M,,'Jiart ProprUlrifr Lmi'H.i. (it 0,n ITBAL Mil L ON Corner of "A"hiu1 I'ront Street, MAKSIIFIKM),0flX. Jlnv nu lcnid uml HacmI up tho ulmvo li'i im, ii feel mtrruiitcd in prunilhhiK 1 l mix mill, iukU'immI IkmIk to the triiM-l-in 11111I local (.iii-loiu. CALL AND SEE US- T. (I. OWKN. .1I.VU.32a'Bi:i.l nit. 0. II. OOLDEN, I'noi'it. Oyiundte Xatbitvu'H Store, II A V K C 0 X T ANT L V 0 N II A N AM, HOItTH OK XD351TJC3-S Wll- (plf ll.M.H lOlt MEDICINAL rCHl'OSEH, 13 "V lil-t'P 13 J'JI'fU, 'XMtX7MJUEll, ejxi'orc ct j'i. x'oxi,ma'(AJi'rr- KtWA.'VXoxtMx.t.Tr jvr noiiooxiiioouH, also ciioinn ' CIGARS and TOBACCO, and ovorythliiK usimlly kept In MlilUCAl, DHCKNHAHY, J'raicrlidlouH (.arefally Com- iwamlcdi vMMf ,..'-L'rr "1J, f.rfi-'tL.' .v. .'. jr . ar,,: wa,.-j vjiLiUi i."ifl ' wm mzm&a liwIuiWlilirWWllgitW ySt'Wr"'1''' 'g1'1""; ''"""""I" H..K - if y