The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 08, 1879, Image 1

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The Coast Mail.
The Coast Mail.
; V K U V B A TU H I) A Y M 0 It N I N tl
Msrsliflehl, 0oo Co., Or.
Ti:ilHW. IN All VAN OK.
ono y-r ia bo
MU month I )
I'lircn nionllm 1(0
Tho Interests of Southern Ore
gon Always Foremost.
The Development of our Mlora, the Im
provement of our llnrlmrn. and Hal I roict Com
munication with the Interior, Hpeclaltle.
Olllrlnl 1'nprr MonN Cniinly,
NO. 45.
"No trnmpH hero," said I, mid shut llm
door in his face, I (lid. Tim wind blow
tut, Unit I could hardly 1 it, mill the
pea r trees moid moaning mid K ounitiK ,lH
if (hoy snlVcied in the storm. "Nn
' trumps hoio; I'm u lono woiiiuu, uml lui
Infmi.l of Vm."
I 'I'lu'ii tlm iiiiiii I liiulii I seen yet, for
film (link. wont uwu.y from the door.
X'llUllip, cllllllip, cllllllip, CUIII0 till) IIIIIII
buck again, ami knocked nil Hid door,
knocked not hull an Ininl im lui did bo-
fiuo mid I opened it. hot and uiiirrv.
'J'ltiM (linn I saw his fiu-o ii imluulioHt of
Snfueo, willi yellow iirowii huir, oioppod
clone, nun kk'iii Mini ink onto eyes, uml no
pin ium iianii iiguiusi inu uoor, uml bold
ILv near is tlm no.l house, niii'iiiii?"
;ni(i in'
I'hieo miles or more," mid I.
Vint tluit in not u tin fin?"
No." xuiil I "no drinks to I mi .-nt
1 is Miss Mitten's, mid hIio'm iin
i mi t ugniiist tramps ns I mn."
I ilon t want to ill ink, Hiiid tlm man
tlionuh I do want fnoil. Von m-i'iln't
l afraid to lei mo in iim'mn; l'n been
wounded, mid mn not ublo to walk far.
ami my clothes mo thin mid its bitter
i-olil I'vo been trviiiK to net to in v par
ents nt Orccnhiiuk. where 1 can icst till
I'm bettor, and all my money was stolen
from mo thioo daynuo. 'Von needn't
lie afraid, let ;( lie just before the tire,
and only givo me a crust, the stalest
ri-UNl, to keep inn from starving, and tho
Lord will bless you for it."
lie then looked at me with his wild
; een in u way that would have imide mo
. do it, if it hadn't been I'd seen ho much
nf these impostors. The war wiim just
out, and every bogor that came along
naiil he win a soliliortruicliim home, ami
had heen wounded mid rolilied. One
! that I had been fool enough to help
Llnnncd awuv. of xiolil h Im Hum, .lit
jrmnl then or I wiim ut tho gnriol window
- shouhleiod his crutches and timiiped
it with the strongest.
No iloiilit your pocket is full of
Ijiioiiev " mini I, "mid yon only want a
icnaticu m run unit minder inc. Co way
mn von
DritKilIa that'H mv niece wiim hakim;
takes in tlm kitchen, .hint then slut
inine to the door mid motioned with her
iliniltli to inc. "Do let him htav. Auntie:"
iml if 1 had not better wiise I mltrhl.
but I knew hotter than u chick of -teen.
(io wav with von." savs I. louder
tlm 1 1 hefoie "I wont lime this iiiiv
longer "
And he gave u kind of urium. mid took
llns Imml from tlm latch, and then went
Hump, champ, through tlm froen snow
gum, uml I thought him gone, when
there ho was once moio, liuidly with a
,nocK at mi, a mint touch like a child s.
And when 1 opened the door again he
fciuiie ijuito in, mid stood leaning on his
ciiiin, pale us a ghot, his eyes bigger
than ovur.
" ell. of all the imoudciicel" wvi.l 1
lie looked at me and then said:
"Madam, I huo a mother at Giecn-
1 ink I want to live to tieo her; I xlmll
not if I try to ko any faither to-nii:lit."
' They all want to neo their mothers,"
mid just then it came into my mind that
J hoped my Hon Charlie, who' had been a
Kid soldier, an officer he had come to be,
liiind ,ll, wanted to we Ium, mid would
'I hue been wounded, as you can
hce, Nilil lie
"Don't K HhowinK im) vnur hiirla,"
nald I, "they buy 'em, ho tliev told me,
to go a begging with now. 1 read the
papers, 1 lull ye, and I'm principled, and
Mi'.t our clergvman, again' giving any-
thing unless itV through some well or-
fganred six'ietv. Tramps are my abom-
filiation And as to Keeping you all
blight, you can't expect that of decent
Ifolks go'"
DriiHilla cunio to the door and Haul:
'Let him May, auntv," with her lips
; again, but I took no notice.
j .So he wont, mid this limn ho did not
I come back, and I Hat down by the tiro
i and hinelt the baking cakon and the up-
ides Mewing, anil the tea drawing on the
Kitchen htoie, mid 1 ought to hae been
ii ry comfortable, but 1 wasn't. Home-
; thing hccmcd lugging ut my heart all the
1 gave the tint a poke, mid lit another
caudle to cheer injHclf up, aiul went to
u woik PaHkct to get tho hock 1 hail
been knitting for my Charlie, and us .'
wuit to get it 1 wiw something lying on
(In Iloor. I picked it up. It was an old
t ib.icco pouch, over so much like tlm
! one I gain Charlie, with fringe around
It and wiitten on it in ink, "From (!, F,
to It II ," and inside was a bit of tobac
co ami a rumpled old letter; mid when I
spread it I saw on the top, "My dear
Mill '
I knew the beggar must have dropped
it and my hcuit gave ono big thump, us
thoui'li it had been turned into u hum
mer I'd Imps tho Htory wiim truo, and ho hud
a mother. I Mhiiered all over, mid tho
Hie and candles mid nice comfortable
Hindis might uh well not have been ut nil.
1 was cold uml wrelcheik
And oer and over uguin hud I to nny
to myself what 1 hud heard our pastor
wiy mo often: "Never give iinytliiug to
niaiice beggars, my dear friends; ulwuya
bestow your alms on worthy iieiHonH,
through well-organized HoeieticM," before
I wiiihl get a bit of comfort. And what
an old fool I was to ory, 1 thought, whtm
I found my eheekn wet.
Hut I did not cry long, for, iim I Hat
there, dash and orash ami jinglo mi no a
weigh over tho road, ami it Htoppod ut
our gate, mid I heard my (Jharllo'H voii'n
'rying, "Halloa, niothorl" And out J
wont to tho door, ami hud him in my
aims my greut, tall, liundHoino, brown
Mii. And thorn ho win in IiIh uniform
Willi hit) protty Hliouldor Htrnjm, uml uh
hearty uh if ho hud never been through
nny hardHhipH. Ho hud to lenvo mo to
J'lit tlio horso up, uud then I had by tho
" my own hoii. And Druslllu, who hud
boon up HtniiH and hud boon crying- -w'iy,
I wonder? ciiino down in ft lluttor
- lor they worn lileo brother and uibtor--mid
ho ItiHsod her uml nlm IcIbhoiV him,
nd then nwuy hIih went to wot tho tulilo,
mid tho nlco hot things nmokcd on u
cloth im whito iw hiiowj uml how OJmrllo
onjoyod thorn I Hut onoo. In tho midht
Of ull, I felt a frichtened foolincr ooino
over mo, uml I Know I timiod pale, for I
Drtisillu wiiil, "Wliut Ih tho mullor, Aunt
I Hiiitl nothing; hut It whm thin, kind o'
llko tho glumt of ft ntop, Roing chump,
(ilinmti, over tho fror'ii miiow; kind o'
llko tho ghost rtf u voice Haying, "Iit mu
Ho on tlm Iloor, uml givo mo nny kind of
n erusl ;" kind o' llko hoiuo ono tlmt had u
inotlier, down on tho wintry roud uml
freezing ami starving lo dealh. TIiIh Ih
what it was, Hut J put it away uud
thought only of Charlie.
Wo drew up logetlmr by the llm when
tho ten muh done, uud ho told things
about tho war I'd never heurd beforo
how the Hohlierrt Hiitrerod, and what
weary murchea ami Hhort rntioiiH thev
HomolimcN hud. Ami then ho told mu
how ho hud been set upon by tho foe and
badly wounded; and how, at tint risk of
hJM own life, a fellow wildicr had wived
nun, ami carried mm, uguiing ins patn
back to the camp.
"I'd never wen you but for liiiu,"wiyn
inyChailie. And if there's a man on
eaith I love, its Hob Hadawav-the dear
est best fellow? We've shared each oth
er's rations and drank from the mimo
canteen many ami many times, and if I
had a brother I eouldu t think more of
"Why didn't you bring him home to
seoyour mother, Charlie?" said 1. "Whv.
I'd love him too, and anything I could
do for him, for the man who saved my
Iio.v'm life, couldn't be enough. Heud for
him, Charlie."
Hut Charlie shook his head and cov
ered his face with his hands,
"Mother," wiid he, "I don't know
whether Hob Hadaway is alive or dead
to-day. While I was still in the rank.i ho '
was taken prisoner; and military prisons
me poor plaeos to live in, mother. I'd
give my right hand to be able to do him
auvk'ood. but I can llnd no truce of him. '
And he has a mother, too, and hIio is so j
fond of him! .She lives ut Greoiibunk
Poor old huly. My dear, good, noble
llob, the preserver of my life!"
And I saw Charlie was nearly crying.
Not to let uh wo tho k-unt, he got up
and went to tho mantelpiece. 1 didii t
look around until I heard a crv-
"Great heavens! What is it?"1'
And 1 turned, and Charlie had the to
bacco pouch tho mini had dropped, in his
"Where did this come from!" Maid he.
"1 feel as though 1 hud seen a ghost. I
gave this to Hob Huduwuv the day he
saved me. We soldiers hud not much to
gie, you know, and hfi vowed never to
pint with it while he lived. How did it
come hero, mother?"
And I fell back in my chair, white uud
cold, and Hiiid I:
"A wandering trump left it here.
Never vour Hob, my dear; never your
Hob. lie must have Won an itupo'stor.
J wouldn't huve turned nwur a x'rsoii
really in want. Oh, no, no; H'm another
pouch, child, or he iitolo it. A tall fel
low, with blue oyns, ami yollow-brown
hair; wounded, ho said, ami going to his
mother at Greenbank. Not your Hob."
Ami Charlie stood staring at me with
clenched bunds; uml said he:
"It was mv ltobl it was my dear old
Hob, wounded uud starving1 My dear
old Hob who saved my life, and vou
have driven him out such a night as tliis,
mother! My mother, to use Hob ho!"
"Condemn me, Charlie," said I
I. ...... I It IM... ... - !t
Godwill. 'll.rn, tines he came back
fl.r.i.i llliinu li.t AHUitil .mil f.ip n ..riluT mi. I
a place to lie, uml I drove him away--I
I ami lies lying in tlio roa.t now.
Oh! if I hud known!"
And Charlie caught up his hat.
"I'll timl him it ho is alive," said he.
"Ob! Hob, my dear friend!"
And then I never saw the girl in such
a taking. Down went Drusilla on her
knees as if she was saying her prayers,
and says she:
"Thank God I dared to do it! "
And says she again to me:
"Oh! aunt, I've been trembling with
fright, not knowing what you'd say to
inc. I took him in the kitchen way. I
couldn't we him go faint and hungry
and wounded, uml I put him in the spare
chamber over the parlor, and I'vo been
frightened all tho while."
"Lord bless you, Drusilla!" onid
"Amen," wild I.
And she, getting bolder, went on:
"And I took him up some hot Hhort
cuke uud upple-HUHH ami tea," said she,
"and 1 took him a caudle, and a hot
brick for his feet, ami 1 told him to eat
uud go to bed in the best chamber, Aunt
Fairfax, with the white counterpane uml
ull, ami I locked him in and put the key
in my pocket, and told him that ho
should have one night's rent, uml that no
one should turn him out unless they
walked over my dend hody."
Ami Drusilla said it like an actress in
u tragedy, and went oil' into hyntorioH the
moment tho wordH were out of hor
mouth. 8ho'd been expecting to bo half
murdered, you know, and Uie girl wan
but sixteen, and always before minded
me uh if I was her mother.
Never wiih there nu old Hinnnr ho hnppy
uh 1 was that night, ho thankful to tlm
good Lord; nml it would have ilono your
lieurt good if you hud gono to hco tho
two meet in tho morning Churlio nml
Iuh friend Hob, Ami Churlio had n
mother who wni not poor either uml
helped Hob into business. And ho got
well over IiIh wouiuIh, at last, and grew
an hnmlHomo uh a picture, uml to-day
week he is going to marry Drusilhi.
"I'll givo you anything I huve," wiid
1, "uml I won't rofiiHO yon even Dru
Hilla," when ho usked mo, telling mo Unit
ho loved her since hIio wiih ho kind to
him on the night I'vo (old you of.
Ami Charlie is to stand up with him,
and 1 mn to givo Drusilla awny, and
HoIi'h histor from Greenbank U to bo
bridesmaid, ami I have u guesn that
some day Charlie will bring hoi- homo to
ino in DriiHillu'H place,
I don't drive boggura from tho door
iiowiih IjiHod, and no doubt I'm often
impoHod upon, but thin in what I uny:
"Hotter bo imposod upon alwayH than to
do uruol to ono who ueoda hoi)," Ami
I'vo read my Hible bettor of into, and I
know who BiiyH, "Kvon h yo hnvo clono
it unto tho least of Uioho yo huvo done it
unto mo."
Thorn ia pleiiHiiro in contemplating
good; there in a grontor pleasure in ro
coiving good; but tho groatost pleasure
is in doing good, whtoh oomprohomU
tho rest.
French nml Merman Armlm.
Thren yearn ago tho Germany military
party eomplulned of tho concentration
of I'rench troops on tho eastern frontier,
and endeavored lo nhow that Franco muh
bent ontho immediate recovery of Alsace
Lorraine. The controversy on UiIh Hub
jeet, after having assumed a very alarm
ing character, fortunately mibsiileil, Ger
muny contenting herself with adding U
tho Hctiurity of her newly ncijuirctl jirov
iuces. In theso circumstances it is not
I HiirpriMing that the French nre following
tlio present military ojierutioim on the
lthiue with great inlorest. According to
tho rrif)li'tit FmncitlHii, tho Kith Ger-
I man Army Corps, lying in Alsaeo-Lor-
I raiuo, iscompoHcd of ll battalions of in
fantry. 4S wjuadroiH of cavalry, eight
I hatteneH of mounted artillery, hovoii
batteries of foot artillery, one battalion
of pioneers, mid one battalion of mili
tary train. The other uriny corps urn
composed of !25 battalions o infantry,
1 '!." MijuailioiiH of cavalry, II batteries of
i mounted artillery, three batteries of
horse artillery, two batteries of foot m
' tillery, one battalion of pioneers ami ono
battalion of military tram. Jn infantry
I and cavalry the Fifteenth is fur stronger
I than the othe army corps, mid it is said
I that its strength in lleld artillery will
, shortly be rained. Alluding to the cav
alry, thecoriespondent of the llrjnlilitr
I FiiiuciiiKe, writing from Strasbourg,
says: in the event ol a moiiilijition, the
cavalry division of the Fifteenth Aimy
, Corps'would furnish a regiment to each of
thedivisiousof that army corps and would
. become nil independent division six regi
! inunts strong. To sum up, tho Alsace
Lorraine Army Corps contains three or
, four regiments of cavalry more than tho
majority of tho army corps in Germany.
1 his special organization is owing to
Htrutegieal considerations, it being
deemed indispensable in the neighbor
hood of our eastern frontier nml the cav
alry division of Luueville to have a large
number of squadrons." It must bo re
membered that the French, in addition
to their nineteen army corps, have half a
dozen independent cavalry divisions,
three of which are iiuartcred at Luue
ville, and the other three at the cam) of
Chalons, which is also not far ftom the
1 frontier. It is interesting to romark that
while the 15th German Army Corps,
' for reasons easily understood, is com
posed of troops drawn from other uriny
1 corns- the 1st, lid, .'Id, fith, 8th, 10th.
l'Jth and 1 1 tit each furnish a regiment of
infantry -the same system holds good in
I France for the Army of Faris, which is
I chielly composed of strong detachments
j drawn from the 2d, Ith ami nth army
corps. It may be added that what is
, called the commandment of Faris con
j hints of an average of 70,000 men. Next
in strength eomes the I Uh nnny corps,
headquarters Lyons, ;i,pi,()00 strong; and
' the tlth in in v corps, headipiurters Chu
i Ions (with detachments from !M iiniiy
)oOrp), IXI.imO rl-oi. 'Xliu let and 7tU
I army corps, with tlieir headquarters ut
Lille and Ilesancon respectively, come
next; and all these troops aie considered
by Field-Marshal Von MoltLo as within
striking distance of the new frontier.
NnwrtT.U'KH Boitnowi'UH. An exchange
i recently published a letter from :i lady
I HuhHcrfber, in which she complained
I bitterly of tho annoyance she exper-
ho , j f niIllltn)l,ly hrrowiuK iet
" . . .. . . .
paper. 1 lie exchange lulled to advise
her on the subject, nml as the matter
is a serious one, we ourselves have
looked into the subject for some method
of relief, ana now think we can oiler
the HiitVeriug lady and all others simi
larly situated, tin adequate means of
Miiccor. Here is our plan: Let the lady
immediately upon icceiving her paper,
carefully cut from it some item it
mukes no mirtieular diU'erenco what it
is -most any item will do, only let it
bo nently uud carefully removed from
the paper. Then the following pro
ceeding will be sure to ensue: In n few
moments tho neighbor'. bov will come
after the paper, lie will take it home,
uml within three minutes he will
emerge from the house he will Hcoot
down street, uml very shortly return
with n folded newspaper of the
Haino date us tho one just borrowed.
By tho time the clipped pnpor bus cir
cled round mnong ull the fcmnlo bor
rowers, the strcot will be lively with
hurrying boy-H, and the revenue of the
newspaper will be materially increased.
Not one woman among them ull would
bo ublo to sleep a wink without know
ing just exactly what that cut-out item
wiih. Tho nexl day the huly will pur
hud the same com so and Himilur results
will follow. In an extremely obstinate
neighborhood these proceedings huve
to be repeated three or four days but
not longer. By this time the lady will
be ublo to read her newspaper in peace,
and the newspaper llnunccs will be tho
gainer in several now subscribers, Tho
rule is infallible, where tho borrowers
aro females, but it can't be vouched
for in the case of men. There isn't
that inherent curiosity to work upon,
you know, and -and but perhaps we
tire getting n little deep. Boston
How Mu. Diu:w Diku. Tho denth of
Daniel Drew, tho famous ilunncior, oc
curred with suprising suddenness. InJ
deed, ho Hciuvoly spoke after assistance
was Hiuumoned. Early in tho evening ho
wiih a well us usual, uud dined with Mr.
I. Lawrence, of the llrni of Lawrence
Brothers, brokers of Broad Htreet, at the
Grand Union Hotel. Tho old gentleman
ate quite heartily, and wuh in his usual
quaint humor. Having returned to tho
residence of his son, No. i Fast Forty
second streot, he talked pleusantly with
Mr. Lnwronoo and othors until about
nino o'clock, when he complained
that he did not feel well, nml
retired to his room, declining to
hnvo nny ono Hit up with him, on tho
ground that tho indisposition would pass
oirnftorhogottobod. A littlo after 10
o'clock ho rose and summoned assist
ance, Baying ho folt a strnngo pain in tho
region of the heart, just siioh as Iuh
mother oxporloneed n few minutes beforo
hor death, Ho hud wwrcoly uttered tho
proooding Bontoneo when his head wink
forward upon his breast, and lie was
onught in tho nrniH of Mr. Ijawraioo.
Thoro wua no further struggle; hciu-coIv
n movomont. Ho expired instantly, it is
thought, of failure of action of tho heart,
indueod, possibly, by un opiloptio uttuek.
llanos ami tho North 1'olc.
London, October Oth, Tho Copenha
gen correspondent of tho J'ull Mall
(Jazclta sayH that tho pretence of Sir
Allen Young, the well-known Arctic ex
plorer at the Danish capital, is connected
with an idea proposed by a scientific;
committee of tho International Meteoro
logical Congress, which met at Hambiirir
a fowdayH ago, for tho purpoAo of pro
moting: expeditions io tiio arctic Boas.
It wiih there siikkcsU'iI that nn nttcmnt be
iitftdo to approach the North Pole trroAn.
ally by menus of a Hories of stations
winch Hliould narrow tho etrdo round
the much coveted spot. Greenland be
longs to Denmark, and it is known thut
the government intends to auk a con
siderable veto towaid defraying the ex
penses of a Danish Arctic expedition, ho
as not to be left too far behind by tho
Hwedes. Humor hays that Hir. 'Allen
Young will be consulted with respect to
the proposed expedition, which, if it is to
bo equipped at all, will start from some
point in Greenland.
As Joiiif hud as the winter of 18iG tho
idea of uurrowini; tho ciiclo around tlio
polo was formulated in the Herald. Tlio
scheme was that several voxels should
bo prepmed adapted for tho service: that
supplies of every" eoncuivnble kind should
Do gallieieil together, lor not a mere
single hibernation in Home ice-locked bay,
mu mr a proinicieu siege in years in mi
ration ! that a Mitllficut number of men
be enlisted for the undertaking, with un
stinted bounties, and that n trusty leader
l.n found to command the forlorn hope
which was always to precede the main
body and murk out of its patliwuy. It
was proposed that this advance guard
should proceed on ships as far north as
practicable ami then a permanent camp
hIkmiIiI be established amid perpetual ice.
At intervals from this camp to the ojKjn
Atlantic other camps wero to bo made on
shore, if that wore possiblo, uud if not,
vessels of supply were to bo stationed
and a constant communication kept up
between the innermost explorers and the
outer world. The foiemost camp should,
as rapidly as possible, bo made a grand
depot for men and supplies and employ
ed as tho base for northward advances.
From its shelter theie should Iwu con
stant pushing forward, and tho establish
ment of a cordon of depots us far north
as should 1m imliHPc iiHible to the sup
port ami safety of the vanguard, who are
to bo always on the move ahead, fast or
slow, as they can, and whose ranks aro
to be supplied right along with fresh
men to replace the broken down and
Kvot.ihii HioiiLiru. The loose habits
of tho English aristocracy nre beginning
to excite the animadversions of tho
I'ress. The London correspondent of
the Liverpool Mrrcurv says the uir is full
of rumors of coming scandals. Lust
-",.. .....t.-" '-tzL -ILrj-v--", ... -" "
G.ti.umi li'tflfl i. wtunflr a 111., jitin ' hnhii I
wiiu nn innnnv itviifi. .&.. lue.. rn. mnwi-r
were circles in which extravagance and
luxury rushed to extremes never beforo
....... -.w. ., ...., j. "
known. Some balls cost sums of money
which would have made the aristocracy
of Faris in the reign of Louis XVI, stare.
The correspondent adds: "Along with
tlii- remarkable development went much
freedom of manners, nml tho result is
that ono hears of the highest iiersonnges
implicated in one story; of a professional
beauty, a countess who married for posi
tion, uncertain whether her title is her
own; of separations that Kcemod a short
time ago the most unlikely; and of such
iiusuttlemeut of trust and confidence as
mnkes one fear for what ie called society.
These stories, one may hopo, will never
be told ut Westminister, and in one case
I believe it 1ms been sin pressed; in an
other the M'paratien of the husband and
wife will keep them clear of the law
courts. But the facts are none tho less
distressing, and it is time that we had a
reformation of manners in what are
called the highest eiteles,"
' -
Ur to Thicks. A hiimped-shouldered
old man, followed by a dog which seemed
to have fasted for a year past, entered n
Woodward uvenuo butcher shop tho
other day, uud the man made somo in
quiries nbout tho priee of smoked hums.
The butcher saw the dog, of course, and
whoever saw a butcher who didn't want
to know all about a dog? "Is that a
good coon itogV" asked tho butcher, iu
he patted the shy canine on tho head.
"Oh, no he's a trick dog," answered
the owner. "Is, eh? What tricks can
he do?" "Oh, a dozen or two. Ho has
one very peculiar trick, though. Would
you like to see him do it?" "I would
that. What is it?" The man directed
the butcher to put a pound of nice beef
steak on a sheet of clean brown pnpor
and place the whole on tho doorstop. Ho
then said to his dog, which had watched
matters very keenly: "Now, Cato, I am
about to cull upon you to perform n trick.
You hnvo never gone b.ielc oii mo yet,
uud 1 hnvo perfect confidence in you
now. Cato, do you see that meat?"
Cuto saw it. He walked over to it,
seized it in his mouth, uud us ho went up
the street it wus hnrd to tell dog from
dust. "Hum: yes'" muttered tho
butcher; "do you call that a trick?" "I
do," conlldentl'y replied tho man. "Well,
it's a blasted "mean one!" "Just so-
just so," said the num. '"You couldn't
expect sueli n looking dog us thut to bo
around phiyiug tricks on n guitur or n
), eoul.l voitf i ii seo you inter
rtl.t4 4l.i lt.ttiik
Detroit Free Press.
Hllll. II lllV) l.ailin.
Gobhu'ino Pomckmkn.- Is not n
policeman n municipal sentry on guard
to wuteh property and protect citizens
from thieves and highwiiyinoii V Is it
not n gross breueh of discipline for mili
tary sentries to talk while on duty ? Aro
not their eyes nml earn for watchfulness j
ami vigilance una miming oiso t ill
walking tho streets it is the oxeep.
Hon to llnd tho policeman patrolling his
beat day or night. It is tho rulo to llnd
him gossiping with his cronies or flirting
with sorvant girls over men raiiinga.
During tho past summer a score of
houses untenanted by their occupants
have been broken into, robbed, ami in
them thieves have resided nml enronsod
for days together. Ia not quito as much
vigihinco roiiuired of our munieipnl sen
tries ns of military ? And nro they not
constantly beforo hundreds of crafty, sly
guorrillns ami bushwhackers? Should
tliey gossip by tho hour in tho street?
IJiikatii. Leaves of parsley cat'ii with
vinegar will prevent the disagreeable
consequence of eating onions.
Cuocouatk roil Cakk. The whites of
threo eggs, one and one-half cuds of su
gar, three tablespoon fills of grntod choc
olate, ono tauiespoonfiil vanilla.
Chili. Sauck. Twclvo large, ripo to
matoes, four lino pippins, two largo
onions, two tnblospoonfulls of salt, two
of sugar, one of cinnamon, threo cups of
eider vinegar. Chop ull fhio and boil an
hour. Dottle for use.
Ciiuam Fib ( Ono-half pound
butter, four eggs, sugnr.salt nml nutmeg
to your task), and two tahlespoonfiils of
arrowroot. Wet with cold milk; pour
on it n quart of boiling milk, and stir
tho wholo together. To be baked in n
deep dish.
Nkw Ki:TTLr.s. To remove iron tasto
from now kettles, boil n handful of hay
in them, and repeat the process if neces
sary. Hay water is a great swpetoner of
tin, wooden and iron ware. In Irish
dairies everything used for milk is scald
ed with hay water.
Cm' Ftrppi.vo. Threo eggs, their
weight in Hour, butter and sugar; whip
the eggs well separately, and the butter
to a cream, then stir in the Hour gently,
and mix all together. Bake in twenty
minutes in small pudding cups. Thev
may lie Jluvored with bitter almond o'r
lemon-peel. Servo with wine sauce.
Hominy Mrm.vH. -Take two cups of
very line hominy boiled and cold; beat
it smooth and stir in three cups of sour
milk, half a cup of melted mutter, two
tnblespoonfuls of salt and two table
spoonfuls of white sugar; then add three
eggs, well beaten, one teaspoonful of
soda dissolved in hot water, and one
large cup of Hour; bake quickly.
Potato Cakrh. Tnke potatoes mash
ed ones are best, but boiled ones can lie
mashed immediately after dinner, lie
fore getting cold; add about an eqnal
amount of Hour and a small piece of but
ter or lard: rub thoroughly together, roll
out and cut as for biscuit -not too quick
and bake in a ratherquick oven. When
done to a light brown, cut open, butter
and eat warm.
Bi,ACKiii:itnY Coniiiu.. - Take the
ripest blackberries, mash them, put
them in a linen bag and squeeze out the
jtiico. To every quart of juice allow one
pound of beaten loaf sugar. Put the
sugar into a large porcelain kettle and
pour the juice on. When it is all melted,
set it on tho lire and boil to a thin jelly.
When cold add a quart of brandv to
every quart of juice and bottle. Fit to
use at once.
Simpli: Tnr.iTMi'vr for S. rA-rit a.
The Brussels Meiluul Journal gives, on
tho authority of Dr. Kbrard, of,
this method of curinj' sciatica and
neuralgia pains. Heat a Hntiron suf-
Llicienuv 1101 ID VUllOl-izo vinniriir mti in
n . . . .
a woolen clotn moistened with linrnnr.
. - . .. - . -''--n i ..... ...
apply as warm as can bo home to the
painful spot, two or threo tim.-s a day.
As a rule, the pain disappear within
twenty-four hours, and recovery is
Mock OvoTnns. Take one-half dozen
of good-sized ears of corn; put them in
cold water, and when it begins to boil set
it on tho back of the range, nml let It
simmer for one-half hour; then put the
corn in cool water, wipe the ears w ith a
dry towel ami grate them; then put them
through a hair sieve to rid them of tho
shells of the corn; have two eggs well
beaten, two tablespoonf uls of cream, two
of grated cracker., one tablespoonfnl of
salt, one-fourth teaspoouful of pepjiers
beat this all well together; have a lump
of good butter about the size of half an
egg; put in a frying pan: when hot put
the corn mixture in, in tnblespoonfuls,
allowing space that they do not run to
gether; when they are a 'nice brown turn
them over nnd fry the other side; it re
quires about live minutes to cook them;
this will make about two dozen oysters;
servo them hot
lUisi.Mi ltvi: With Coitv. Although
tho practico of bowing rye among com
for the purpose of affording winter pas
tnrugohas increased during tho last few
ycni-s, it is by no means us general as it
should bo. One half bushel of rye
sowed at this season of the year to m
aero of land on which n crop of corn is
growing, will produce n very large
amount of feed of tho most excellent
quality. It may bo covered with n har
row or cultivator will destroy many weeds
that would otherwiso mature to seed. If
stock have tho run of tho Held for tho
purposo of eating up tho com stalks,
they will find a very desirable chango of
food in tho green rye. If tho season is
favorable for its growth, tho rye will bo
of groat value to turn under in tho spring
for manure. Doing of decent urowth. it
will decay almost ns quickly ns stable
manure utter it is turned, under oy tho
On Mondnv laht the ltiuht Bov. Abbot
Martin, Dishop of Dakota, left Helena
for n visit over tlio bonier to Sitting
Bull's camp, Tho Bishop goes nt tho
request nml by the authority of tho
United States, to nscortnin the views of
tho noted chief in nn answer to n request
of tho Government for his return upon
American soil. At Fort Denton ho will
lo joined by Colonol Mnolood und other
oilleors of the Mounted Police, who will
neconipnny the Bishop to the Sweet
Grass Hills, where tho conference is to
tako plneo. Should Sittiug Bull necept
tho terms of tho United States Govern
ment, it is thought thut ho nnd his fol
lowers will return to thoir reservation
immediately, or at least within thirty
days. Tho conditions imposed by tho
Government, wo lielieve, are that Sitting
Bull's btiiul before returning to tho
United States nro to bo disarmed and to
givo up thoir horses, except what may bo
uooded for agricultural purposes. An
other condition is that they nro to remain
porinnnontly on their resorvntion nnd
never to leave it without permission of
tho Government. Bishop Miutin ex
presses tho opinion that Bitting Bull
himself will not submit to these terms,
but that tho majority of his followers
will bo glad to out loose from their old
chief and accept the situation. Montana
A oriekoter wants to know if Howell's
farewell is a leg-bye
This is tho fenson of tho year in which
the farmer who hns a bearing npplo
orchard can easily have new cider on his
table, nnd inuy experiment with keeping
n few barrels of pure sweet cider through
tho winter. It used to bo said that cider
made in Oregon could not be kept for
any length of time, but this Iioh often
ls-en disproved by our liest cider-makers.
Tho apples grown on our mountains or
foothills make cider which will keep as
keep as
long as any in the world. With proper
care in the manufacture, and choosing
tho variety of apple u good quality of
cider can bo made in all parts of the
Ah for varieties, it must be remember
ed that our range of climates is so great
that the kind of apple which a good cider
maker would choose in one section, might
bo rejected in an adjoining county. The
Baldwin, wherever it grows well and is
fieo from black specks nn tho skin, is
ono of the best of cider apples. Along
the foothills and on the mountain farms
we can mention no better apple, though
tho Smith's Cider nnd Winesap nre of
find quality. Most persona nppear to
prefer a cider made from a red apple. A
rather hard apple, of good and sprightlv
flavor, is to be chosen.
Good cider can only be made by the
upc of clean and bound fruit, such ns
would bo taken to market, though it need
not be quite as large. Fruit when gath
ered from the tree is dusty, nnd if it has
been lying in piles on the ground or in
boxes, it is apt not only to lie dusty, but
also sticky from the few which have de
cayed. AVe have seen apples which were
too much soiled and bruised to be taken
comfortably into the hands, and yet were
ground up into cider. In one memonble
case we know of, a drove of hogs hail,
for several weeks, been in tho orchard,
rooting over and trampling tho piles of
small apples, when it was concluded to
make a few barrels of cider, and the
apples were used for that purpose, with
out 1eing wiped or washed, some went in
tho press being partly decayed. The
Hrst rulo for the manufacture of good
cider must therefore be to Uioroughly as
sort and cleanse tho apples. Let a boy
v ipo tho apples w ith a dry cloth before
they aro ground up.
The old method of using straw in pack
ing the cider-press, is giving place to the
use of hair-cloth or gunny. A sievo of
hair-cloth (not wire), should be placed
over a bucket set beneath the edga of the
press, so that the small bits of apple will
not be left behind. Let the new cider
stand a day in an open vessel and the
pomace will rise to the top, when the
cider must lo drawn off through a small
spigot placed n couple of inches from the
bottom, anil put into clean sweet barrels.
As soon as white bubbles rise to the top,
ruck it oil' again, and this process should
bo repeated three or four times. Then
till the barrel up with cider of the same
character, odd a tumblerful of warm
aweet oil and Iwng it ill! tight. Half a
puunii oi gjiicose, or somewnat lis ol
white sugar, may be added at this stage
of tho progress.
The usual way of preparing clean bar
rels for the reception of eider has been to
burn rags dipped in sulphur inside of
the barrel, covering the bunghole so as
to retain the vapors, and then putting
half a pound of mustard seed tied in
muslin, together with a quarter of a
pound of dissolved isinglass, into the
barrel before it is tilled up with cider.
This has been found to keep cider in good
condition for a long time.
Professional cider-makers in
the Eastern States now use calcium sul
phite (sulphite of lime) instead of mus
tard, and the sulphur apor. They add
from one-eighth to one-fourth of an ounce
of the sulphite to each gallon of eider,
and this presorves its sweetness perfectly,
but the proportions mentioned must not
bo exceeded. After the cider has stood
several days it may be drawn oh" and
bottled. Sulphite of lime costs nbout
fifty cents ier pound. It is a different
article from sulphate of lime, nnd the
two must not be confused. When sweet
cilor is bottled u little cinnamon or
sassafras bark and a drachm of bioarbou
nto of sodu may bo added. This mukes
cider effervesce, but euro must bo taken
not to use too much of the bicarbonate of
Got any Nails? He was just full
enough not to know n grindstone from a
ribbon block, and ho came sailing nlong
Fourth street, tacking from Bido to side,
like n ship going against the wind. He
struck a dry goods store at bust and stum
bled in, and a pretty girl clork came to
wait on him. "Hie," ho said, "you got
any nails?" Tho girl was a littlo bit
seared, but she told him no; that was a
dry goods btoro and they didn't keop
linils in stock. Then ho went out nud
started ahead again, but took a creel to
himsolf and turned and got into tho same
btoro again. ' "nie," ho said, "yon got
any nails?" This timo tho girl was a lit
tlo provoked. "No," she said; a hard
ware btoro is tho plneo to get nails; wo
don't keep them. Out ho wont again
nnd started off ns before, but got turned
uguiiPand came back to tho same place
the third timo. "Hie," ho said, "you
got any nails?" Now tho girl was mad
and snapped out, "No, we ain't got nny
nails; you're drunk and you want to stay
awny from here." "Hie," ho answered,
"you ain't got nny nails?" "No, wo
haven't." "Well (hie), if you ain't got
no uails, how tho dtico do you scratch
your head?" Tho policeman took him off
beforo her answor was sent to his conun
drum. I Cincinnati Saturday Night.
Yehy Unsafe. "You wero in tho war.
then.Captain MoKilleii?" "0 yes, ma'am,
yes ma'am, Fought nil through it." "Ia
thoro not, alio usked hesitafiugly, "a
great doal of danger in a battle?" "Well,
yes,-- tlio captain replied rellectively.
around, you know, and such handling of
llreamiB, na is almost snro to occur
during a batUo, makes it.vory unsafe."
ansa ijoiupop Biitiuiiorcd, and tlien re
sumed: "Aro. not somo people severoly
injured nt times?" "Yes," tho captain
said, "They nre. I onco hod n friend
who was hurt so badly that ho couldn't
lonvo his room for several days." And
then alio said alio thought thoro ought to
bo a law against them, and ho said ho
believed tho Legislature of Iown contem
plated passing somo such law in its
next session. And she said sho was so
Never till man feels the fires of indi
viduality will he write his namo among
tho living forces. f Dr. Peddie.
Such is the constitution of things that
unwillingness to goodness may ripen
into eternal voluntary opposition to it.
Julius Muller.
The Interior says, "A man who can
not bo recognized by those aronnd him
as one of the elect may bo quito sure
that he is not recognized by him who
The young lady whoso lover wrote hor
that ho was doing duty on the tented
field, afterwards ascertained that instead
of fighting Indians, he drove n team for
a circus.
The one unsatisfactory thing a1ont
heaven to some women will bo when they
get into tlieir angel clothes, they can t
jaw the dressmaker about the fit, and say
she kept all the scraps.
That was a pretty compliment paid by
a memlier of the Chinese embassy tho
other night to a young lady. Gazing
down at her really pretty shoes, the Ori
ental remarked: "I love your English
large feets."
The dresses of unbleached India mus
lin, costing about SI a yard, worn by tho
ladies at tDfc summer resorts, ajo the
prettiest of the year. Several lailies.thero
have appeared in unbleached muslin,
costing but six cents a yard.
An honest man with scarce a shilling
in his purse, but with a clear quiet con
science, is richer than a millionaire
whose conscience Jias been sacrificed to
inonev making. Itev. J. P. Chown,
D. D.
The Methodist Bishop Peck is credited
with saying recently: "There is some
reason to beliove that the old fashioned
camp-meeting will be crucified between
two 'improvements', railroads and recre
ations." I sleep most sweetly when I havo trav
eled in the cold; frost and cold are
friends to the seed, though they arc ene
mies to the flower. Adversity is indeed
contrary to glory, but it befriendeth
grace. Richard Baxter.
As often, in the intervals of business,
our thoughts fly off to our homesand tho
loved ones there, so our thoughts, do
sircs, and aspirations should over be go
mg up in pravcr to heaven. This it is
to be praying always, tin's is the truo
spirit of communion with GodJ
Miserable I may have been made by
such events as we usually call misfortune;
but I have lived long enongh to see tliat
some of the most afllictive of theso wero
the means of preserving mo from far
greater evils. I see wisdom and good
ness and mercv guarding and guiding
me, and overruling, for my good things
which most broke my heart when thoy
came upon me, and which seemed at tho
moment to cut off all hopo altogether.
James Montgomery.
X 1'cw.iiN s Wit The cholera, which
has made such havoc dnrihg- Hi ut
twelve mouths, both among the Anglo
Indian troops and their opponents, is an
object of superstitions terror throughout
the whole East. Many of the wilder
triles lMjliero it to le a malignant spirit
attaching itself to tho steps of some man
marked by fate for that purpose, who
carries destruction wherever he goes,
while ho himself is unhurt. This
strange fancy which probably arises
from the fact that tho pestilence has
more than once crossed Western Asia at
a slow and measured rate, as if really
attending the daily march of its supposed
bearer has naturally proved fatal to
many a foreign traveler, in whom popu
lar superstition had seen tho bringer of
the curse. On one occasion, however,
the ready wit of a Russian explorer turn
ed this peril to an actual safeguard. On
reaching the first village beyond the
Persian border, the inhabitants of which
were notorious as brigands, ho boldly
avowed himself as bringer of the cholera.
"See," he cried, holding up a small flaak,
"the cholera spirit is in this flask, and
shall remain there so long as yon treat
mo well; but let one of you offend me in
any way, and I will let ft looso to sweep
you all from the faco of the earth." Tho
terrified Persians fully believing his as
sertion, tried to avert tho threatened
dangor by studied courtesy, providing
him with everything he required, and
uetunlly sending several of their number
with liim ns nu escort, whoso extrava
gant stories spread tho terror of his name
so effectually that he was treated with
the greatest respect so long as ho remain
ed in the country. Ex.
The Society Yotoo Man. Scene:
Tho billiard-room of a fashionable club
house. At S) o'clock enter Augustus,
who removes his summer ulster nnd dis
closes n dress suit. One of the Players
Hullo! Gus is rigged out underfull
sail and all tho candles lighted. What
is it, old fellow? Augustus Oh, I have
been to make my party call on Miss
Banker. She wasn't at home, so I left
my pasteboard and came around hero.
Thirteen young men drop their cues,
soiee their lints, remark "that's the
racket for me," nnd slide off to Beacon
street. At 11 o'clock Miss Banker gets
homo, finds fouiTecn cards and says:
"How funny that all tho boys should
huvo called this oveuing." At tho same
hour Augustus recoives threo "smiles"
and ten cigars, the grateful offerings of
thirteen young men who havo mado
tlieir party c,all without the trouble of
dressing "or tho cxpouso of a hack,
Tho nwo of soul-consciousness break
ing into occnsionnl lurid heats through
tho chasms of our conventionalities has
struck mo, in my own self-observntiop,
as n mystery of nature, very grand in it
self, and ia quito a distinct mystery from
conscience. Conscience has to do with
notion (every thought being spiritual
action), nml not with abstract existence.
Thero aro moments when wo nro startled
nt the footsteps of our own boing more
than nt tho thunders of God. Eliza
beth Bnrrett Browning,
Niue-tentha of tho qunrrels of this lifo
would bo averted if wo would never tAke
tho doubt against chnrity. Novor oxpoct
nil insult. Men who go about lookiug
for men to kick them are seldom disap
pointed. Men who accept only the best
interpretation of every act are sure to
havo always tho best acta to interpret.
i vWttl. w